Feline-felting view of the time impertion is surrounded by numerous beliefs and mystical speculation. Cats even attribute the ability to see the other world and its inhabitants. Today, not all the features of feline vision are investigated by scientists. But some information about how cats see, have already been received and confirmed by experts.

Features of feline vision

The cat's body differs sharply from the human structure and the ability of the perception of space. They have big, round eyes with a convex lens. The viewing angle of space is 270 degrees.

A feature of cats is stereoscopic vision. Each of their eyes gets its own image of the subject, which then folds the brain into one three-dimensional picture. As a result, the predator receives accurate information about the location of production and a distance to it.

Everything that the left eye sees, goes into the right side of the brain and, on the contrary, the right eye transmits a picture to the left half

The genetic memory of the predator makes animals react to moving items. Fixed for them practically do not represent interest. Watching the moving object, the animal begins to actively move the headward down: so the cat changes the viewing angle and focuses on extraction. This natural ability helps a predator to a millimeter to count the distance to the victim, so the cat's jump is so accurate.

A special sensitivity of the eye of the cat is directly related to the structure of the pupil. It is located vertically and has increased elasticity. With bright light, it narrows, limiting the rue to the retina. The lack of lighting causes a strong expansion of the pupil, which contributes to the penetration of more light.

Feline eye sensitivity exceeds human 6-8 times. The reason for this is a special layer behind the Network "Tpetum". It is a shell of vessels, externally similar to a pearl.

How many colors differ cats

Until recently, it existed that the colors of the cats do not distinguish. It was assumed that all items for them looked gray, similar to shades with mice. The main argument of this was that the color vision of the cat is simply nothing, because they hunt at night.

Recent studies of scientists have denied this statement. It is proved that cats do not distinguish only some shades: orange, brown, red, green. Their eyes are available blue, purple, gray, yellow colors. Such perception is based on increased quantity in the eye of molds that decipher blue and green colors. Cabs, sensitive to shades of red, in the eyes of these animals is practically no. Therefore, red cats are not available.

Mostly the world from the point of view of the cat, looks bluish-gray, as purple and yellow colors they catch worse.

Bright pictures before the eyes of the cat is not, but her world is not at all gray

How far can see

The maximum distance on which the cat clearly sees objects - 60 meters, but the image of such a distance for it looks like a solid stain. Vision range is limited to a distance of 20 meters. This feature of scientists explain the fact that a predator is hunting from an ambush, and there is no need to distinguish distant items.

At too close the distance of the cat also do not perceive what before the eyes. The subject caused to the muzzle is closer than 50 cm, the animal recognizes the touch bodies. This feature should be borne in mind during a game with a homemade pet.

The most clearly home predators see items located at a distance from 75 cm to 6 m. Such a magnitude is necessary for them to calculate the height and the length of the jerking.

As they see in the dark

The opinion that cats are oriented in the pitch darkness - myth. An animal sees with minimal light. Cat is enough 10% of the lighting, which is necessary to man. People with such illumination can not see anything. But this animal is a predator, so his eyes are equipped with additional receptors that have increased sensitivity to light. Tipetum on the back of the retina twice, like a mirror, reflects the light, so the cat's eyes are shined in the dark. In fact, the eyes will not shine, but reflect the rays that have fallen in them.

Cats look at us with multicolored eyes. The colors look like yellow amber, blue sea, blue sky, green grass or bright gold

A good orientation in the dark space space is explained by the fact that the vision is not the only organ with which cats perceive the world. The secret of the animal in particularly sensitive bodies of the touch - Vibribis.

Vibrisians (mustache) are peculiar sensors sending information about the surrounding items to the cat's brain.

What is the connection with the other world

Cats are often watching not visible to human items. They suddenly jump around, begin to wear around the room, sneaking them. Pupils of the animal at such moments are expanded, the wool is raised. Such behavior makes believe that the cat sees the otherworldly world and its inhabitants. His look is available that the person is not able to see.

When the animal looks into the void or, turning his head, inspects the empty wall, there are no reasons for excitement. This is explained by the fact that even the most quiet sounds that are alarming are available to cat rumors. They are not from the otherworldly world, but, quite possible, from under the plinth. Approval of grandmothers, which at such moments the home predator communicates with the houses, also from the field of hemi-pipples.

For centuries, cats, due to the peculiarities of their vision in the dark, turned into a source of terrible stories

But the connection of the cat with an unknown man the world still exists. If domestic loves begins to behave restlessly, without visible reasons, it is advisable to sanctify the dwelling. Esoterics argue that the cat, noticing the body on its territory, is trying to protect the owner from him. First, the animal freezes, trying to evaluate the intentions of the "aliens". If the cat seems that the unborn guest is dangerous for the owner, she tries to displace him with its own energy. When the danger is too strong and the cat does not manage to cope with her, she can even leave the house. There are often cases when cats return as unexpectedly, as they left. So the pet takes out of the dwelling an unclean power, and getting rid of it outside the walls of the house, returns.

Scientists in such behavior of cats do not see anything mystical and argue that any behavior of the cat is explained by its increased sensitivity to sounds and smells.

But the evidence refutation of the ability of cats see the inhabitants of the otherworldly world is not represented, so in the supernatural strength of the cat can still be trusted.

How to see our world of cats

To see our world through the eyes of the cat, you need to look at the blur, blurring photo. Nature has provided the ability of predators to see the moving mining well, not paying attention to small details. Cat's eyes do not give a complete presentation of the picture of the world, so their eyesight complement other senses.

Cats are seen immediately with eyes, nose and vibrations - sensitive organs located on the muzzle and tail. They are much more important to touch the subject and sniff it, than just see.

Will the image in the TV and their reflection in the mirror

The opinions of scientists about the perception of images on the TV screen were divided. Some argue that animals see the flicker and movement of objects. In confirmation of this, many owners indicate that their pets love to watch animals on the screen, and after switching the channel, they immediately lose interest in the TV.

Cats love not only watch TV, but also sleep on it

Others are confident that television shows in the eyes of animals look like a static picture. These facts are explained by the fact that cat eyes perceive images at a speed of 40 frames per second. At the same time, the TV is configured to perceive a person, that is, 24 frames. For the animal to see the movement on the screen, the frame should be updated 50 times per second.

In the mirror, the cat sees itself normally, but begins to hiss and press the ears. This behavior testifies to fright. An image without smell and auditory vibrations is incomprehensible and causes fear.

How cats see a person

Pet people see what they are. They adequately evaluate growth, recognize movement and voice. But the clear picture of animals are seen only at a distance from 0.5 to 5 meters. At a distance of 7-10 meters, the pet sees only the silhouette and recognize the owner can be smelling and voting.

There is an opinion that, besides the physical body of a person, cats can see his biofield. This ability can be explained by various attitudes towards someone else's people. To one animal comes without fear, gives herself to stroke and even goes on his hands. Some strangers do not let me at all. An animal evaluates man aura and accurately determines who can represent danger to him.

The ability to see Aura is reflected in the skill of the cat to determine the sick place on the owner's body. The pet pulls the negative energy of the owner, thereby having a beneficial effect on his health. If the cat living in the house constantly sick, and no treatment helps him, the owners should think about their own health.

By how the home predator looks at a person, you can understand how he is at the moment the mood and guess his desire:

  • title and tranquility is expressed by squeezed eyes and narrowed pupils;
  • imagon is reflected in widely opened eyes and maximum expanded pupils;
  • when the pet intends to raise a delicacy from the owner, the look becomes close, straight into the eyes of a person;
  • if the animal, without taking off, looks at a person, periodically slowly covering his eyes, it expresses his love.

Problems with vision: how to notice them

Different cat disorders suffer quite often. The owner must be alert if the animal hides his eyes from bright light or often rubbed the muzzle with his paws. Signs of inflammation - Frequent blinking pet, Petno in the corners of the eyes, blurry, tumor. Any of these signs - the reason to immediately consult with the veterinarian.

At the early age of the kittens, the mustache is much longer than the brethren. So nature compensates for the lack of visual perception of the world

Some eye diseases can cause the full blindness of the pet. To notice problems with vision in cats to take action on time, difficult, since they are able to navigate in space even with complete blindness. On the above problems with the vision, which should be checked, say signs:

  • an animal does not jump on the favorite places, located on top or when jumping lashes, falls;
  • when you move around the house it rins up on the challenge or new furniture, objects facing in unusual places;
  • pupils pet do not narrow with bright light; ceases to react to favorite toys;
  • when the pet looks at the owner, his look does not focus on it.

All these signs speak of a worsening of the cat or the offensive of her blindness.

What to do if the cat has become bad to see

Unfortunately, the vision of the pet can be restored, but this is not a reason to abandon the sick animal. The owner should organize the living space so that the animal felt comfortable. The pet will be able to live fully, if you do the following:

  • do not change the location of bowls with food and water; Do not produce an animal to the street unattended, to take a walk on a leash;
  • in the new premises, to deal with the cat to the location of the items, not frightening and allowing the path itself;
  • do not clutch the way with boxes, scattered toys and other objects.

Video: Why cats glow eyes in the dark

How do cats cats? This question is interesting to many inquisitive people. Let's try to reveal this little mystery. Cats lead a nightlife, so they are well developed rumor, smelling and vision. Cats are focused not only by sight, but also with the help of their magnificent mustache, which are the conname authorities. At close range, they are their "eyes". If the animal loses his eyesight, other senses compensate for this loss.

How do cats see the world? Is it true that in 3D?

The eyes of our pets are close to each other and are directed forward. Thus, the left and right eyes sector overlap, and the cat sees the same thing with both eyes, and at the same time (rodents, by the way, are seen two separate images). Due to this, it can easily determine the size and shape of the object, as well as the distance to it. Note that the viewing angle of the purr - 200 degrees. Thanks to this opportunity, it can accurately determine the location of its production.

How do cats in the horizontal plane?

When the purr is going to jump, she shakes her head up and down. Have you noticed such a phenomenon? So the cat changes the angle of view. It can very accurately determine the distance from one object to another. Experts have proven that the cat reacts better to move horizontally, and then the mouse also runs in this way. Playing with his pet, be sure to consider this fact.

How do cats near?

The hosts of many cats were noticed: if you put your pet food right under the nose, then she begins to study it with the help of touches and mustache. Everything happens because at a distance less than 50 cm cat sees badly. For this reason, playing with your favorite, keep your toy away.

How do cats see the world? Is it true that in gray tones?

The organs of vision in such animals are arranged in the same way as in humans. But there is one important difference - pigments that are in Kolzkok (photo seventors). The person has three types of their kind, for this reason we have three-color eyesight, and there are two of them in cats, therefore their vision is a daily double-color. In addition, they poorly distinguish tones.

How do cats see in the dark?

In complete darkness, cats can not see. Their vision is configured on the twilight hunt when mice get out of the holes. To see well, cats must be ten times less than the world than people. And with good lighting, they see worse, poorly distinguish the details. For the vision of cats at twilight, tipetum is answered (this is a special education, vascular layer of the eye shell). His person has no. It is thanks to tipetuum the eyes of cats in the dark "burn", since the light reflects from its greenish-yellow surface. For the same reason, the light from the colums and wands is reflected twice. This contributes to improved vision at twilight time. It is because of this cat that the bright light does not like. Nature provides that, with bright lighting, the torments are narrowing to a very narrow slot. Note that during the hunt, the cats can simultaneously observe several mink mice, they instantly react to barely catchy movements, and the distance to the object can reach 900 meters.

Everyone knows that cats have sharp eyesight. Predators It is necessary to hunt, the victim - to hide on time. What do we mean by saying "excellent vision"? We mean the ability to distinguish the slightest shades of the color spectrum, clearly see objects near and away. Is it possible to apply these visual abilities to animals, in particular, in cats? Or home purr see the world not at all so clear and bright, and maybe they think he is black and white? Today we will tell you the interesting facts about how they see cats, as well as how dogs see, and how many animal vision differs from our.

Known the fact that cats see six times better than a person. As a cat is a predator who prefers to hunt at night, Nature took care of the perfection of her "night vision instrument." An animal easily focuses a sharp look at any distance and can see all the smallest details of a small mouse in deep twilight in a thick grass. But contrary to popular belief, the cat does not distinguish between objects in the pitch darkness. Her eyes need some source of light, at least a hint of him. Finding on the retina, the light spot is repeatedly duplicated, lighting everything around.

If you close in an absolutely dark room of a person and a cat, an animal, although it will not see anything around him, will still move more confidently. She has an assistant and conductor - sensitive vibryssas (mustache). Mastering them and touching them, the cat receives information about the surrounding space.

The pupil of cats is not at all as we, people. It is located vertically and has a wonderful ability to turn from a narrow slit to huge circles, filling the entire iris. Nature was well taken care of the protection of the retina of a fluffy predator: with bright lighting, pupils are fully narrowed so that the rays do not damage their fine structure. In the dark, pupils turn into black circles, absorbing the slightest source of light.

Have you ever seen a cat in the dark when the light falls on her muzzle? The eyes become like searchlights, they burn with some unearthly fire, like the eyes of the Baskerville dog, which is perfectly seen in the photo taken at night. In fact, cats will not shine, they only reflect the color falling on them. What makes turning eyes into the spotlight? On the rear wall of the cat's eye there is a so-called mirror - a layer of cells (tipetum). It intercepts the falling light and returns it back to the retina.

"50 shades of grey"

Yes, the name of a fashionable film was submitted to the subtitle, but the article is about cats! So, the eyes of a cute creation are able to distinguish, of course, not 50, but 25 shades of gray. It is necessary in order to be able to clearly think about the sacrifice at twilight: its size and color. The photo below shows the night city: from above - what the person sees, from the bottom - the cat. It turns out that only a small part of the picture is available for our eyes, while home purr can consider even small details.

Faded world, but wide

Contrary to the philistine theory, the world around the cat appears not in gray or black and white. They completely distinguish colors, however, not as bright as people. In the human eye there are color photoreceptor, called columns, it is they who provide us with a sharp day vision and a rich color spectrum. In the eyes of cats instead of colums - receptors responsible for the night vision, the so-called sticks. They give the ability to see at dusk. The ratio of sticks to the columns in all living beings is different and depends on the priority. People are more important to see the day and distinguish many shades of the spectrum. Cats It is important to be able to see at night, but it doesn't matter what the color of the rose is ash-pink or purple-red.

What colors are available in cats? These are shades within 450-454 Nm, as well as 550-561 Nm, which corresponds to a blue-purple and yellow-green spectra.

How does the dog's vision arranged?

If you are interested in how dogs see, they have a similarity with cats in relation to the ratio of colums to the sticks. They have the latter more, and this means that the people of a person distinguish the colors badly, but they see in twilight better than us. The dog's eye can perceive medium and short color waves, that is, cold colors (blue, green, purple), but does not see long waves (orange, yellow and red).

Some more interesting facts

In order to find out how the cats around the world see, scientists conducted an experiment. In the cat's brain, the electrodes that were tied up with 177 neurons were gone. When data from the electrodes were obtained, they were taken to the computer and people saw the world through the eyes of Murki. It turns out that general plans in front of a cat appear very vague, but the faces of people, the outlines of other animals, as well as the slightest movement it sees very clearly. This is clearly shown in the photo.

Now look at the next photo. It presents two pictures: the top - the visible "picture of the world" by man, the bottom - respectively, by the cat. Pay attention to the ends of the photo. On the upper side you see the black stripes. It ends with human peripheral vision (approximately 180 °), blur over the edges shows that the affordable coverage of the picture has deteriorated in the edges. And the bottom photo shows the peripheral vision of cats - more than 200 °.

Cats most clearly distinguish objects at a distance of no more than 6 meters, and a person is 30-35 meters. In addition, the cat is not able to see the subject under the nose. She finds him in the smell.

But the cats can follow the rapidly moving objects without losing sight of, for example, flashing a sunny bunny. A person does not have time to keep track of fast flashes. However, people are 10 times better to see slowly moving objects, and the cat is not in a state to be planned to hold attention on one subject, without being distracted by others.

We hope, reading the article, you learned a little more about the general pets - cute quotes, these wayward, incomprehensible and very difficult creatures.

Summing up the story, we recall the main facts:

  1. In the pitch darkness, Murlyki do not see anything like a person.
  2. The beauty of the world they contemplate in faded shades of a cold color spectrum.
  3. They clearly see only faces and moving items.
  4. The region of peripheral vision is wider than our.
  5. They do not see 6 meters under their nose.
  6. They distinguish more shades of gray.
  7. They see perfectly in dense twilight, if there is at least a little scattered light.

True, homemade dumplings their wonderful adaptation - night vision - need mainly in order to find a bowl with food in the dark in the kitchen. If you have a fluffy friend at home, watch him, because the eyes of a beloved creature can tell a lot.

Lived next to people. In ancient Egypt, they were deified, believing that they see the souls of the dead and were conductors in the other world. In Europe, in the Middle Ages, black cats were destroyed massively. This animal has always been next to a person, never leaving him indifferent.

Cochetic eyes deserve special attention. Their unusual pupil and the magnitude of the eyes themselves spawned a lot of kinds of mystical nature. Let's try to figure out what is so noteworthy the vision of the oldest satellite of a person.

Features of feline eye

We rarely pay attention to the fact that cats are very large relative to their size of the eye. Through them, they look at the world with an angle of view of about 270 °. Man is not under power.

Their pupil reacts to the slightest change in the light stream, changing the shape from a round to a narrow elongated slit. As you know, the cat is a predator, nature did not accidentally endorse the animal like vision.

It is believed that the fluffy predator sees well in the dark. In fact, the cat sees well with minimal lighting. She grabs 10% of the illumination from the one that is considered the norm for a person. With this light, we can hardly consider something.

Important!In complete darkness, the animal does not see anything, just like a person.

Some people may argue that the animal walks at home at home, oriented normally. But the fact is that vision is not the only body of a cat's sense that helps him perceive the surrounding reality. Mustache, or Vibrisa - Super-sensitive sensors helping the animal to receive information and navigate in space.

The main reasons why cats see in the dark better people:

  • cats are enough 10% of the illumination from the one that is necessary for a person;
  • an animal is in an eye six times more than a person, kolodkki, responsible for shades;
  • eye shape in the form of an ellipse, a cornea of \u200b\u200blarge size, a special layer on the wall of the eyeball, reflective light. These factors favors night vision, thanks to them at night, the cat's eyes are glowing;
  • the reflecting surface of the eyeball can change the wavelength of the photon, which the animal sees normally. This is the reason that the home predator distinguishes the objects on the background of the starry sky.

Cats are poorly seen in the distance, especially in daylight.

Important!Objects that are located right in front of them, cats see bad, due to the limblessness. They may feel laid next to food, but to find it, they will need some time.

Shades of colors distinguished by a cat and what the difference from human

Previously, there was an opinion that the cat does not tend to distinguish between colors, but she sees everything only in the gray color scheme. The main argument of such an approval was that the animal hunts at night, and the color vision to him for nothing.

Modern science has proven the fallacy of this theory. Cats normally see many colors, although, of course, not as good as a person. Their vision is different from our, and the only color that they do not distinguish - red.

Conducted by photoreceptors that are on the retina of the eye. A person has chopsticks and columns filled with a color pigment. They can be red, yellow and blue. All other color gamuts can be obtained by mixing these colors.
In the columns of our pets there is no red pigment. Imagine the complete absence around all sorts of shades of red, and you understand how our world see.

But it will be a very approximate representation, as the cat has six times large than a person, the number of receptors that determine various shades.

Will cats are seen paranormal world

It is considered magic animals. Esoterics believe that, thanks to their aura, it is a keeper not only a person, but also his family. An animal is not just wakes the house from the penetration of other entities. In the event that they have already settled in the house, the cat is expelled.

Remember the vintage custom: when moving to a new dwelling, the first to launch a cat there. It is believed that when discovering in the house of unclean strength, the cat is expelled with its biofield. If this is not possible for an animal, then it takes the evil spirits, leading to the threat from the apartment.
Psychics and all sorts of mediums believe that the animal is able to drive a ghost or soul of the deceased from the house, so it is impossible to have a cat during a spiritual session during a spiritual session.

Egypt, Japan, Thailand, Burma is an incomplete list of countries where cats honor and attribute magic abilities to them. Many of us have seen how home Murlyka Tikhonechko rests, sticking his eyes.

Suddenly, no with this with this, the animal jumps into an aggressive rack, begins to hiss, its wool becomes end. There is a feeling that it sees something that is not given to us.

In fact, scientists explain this features of the animal. As already mentioned, the cat sees perfectly at a distance of seven meters, but also the animal is not very good in front of him.
But Vibrisians add a huge amount of information. Therefore, in the event of a lack of visual picture, the mustache complements the "information file" entering the animal's brain.

The result of such a mixed supply of information may be an incomprehensible to the reaction of the animal. Imagine that you have an afternoon Siesta, light dormant, a good mood, and a clear visual image arises in the brain - your child smokes on a change.

Moreover, you have no doubt about the veracity of the information. Your reaction is likely to look like a sudden flash of rage near the cat.

Did you know?The cat is not able to chew large pieces of food. The reason for this is the inability to move the jaw from the side to the side, only up-down.

What to believe - scientific justifications, or the fact that cats see the otherworldly world, to solve you.

Can see far and how much

Cat's vision gives her the opportunity to see items well to seven meters. If the object is next, the image quality drops. The further, the more blurring picture appears before the animal.
But they can notice the object and in a semi-kilometer distance. But at distances up to 1 meter, the vision of cats can not help.

In such cases, fluffy predators are helped with smelling and hearing. Do not forget that the enormous amount of information is entered by the animal through Vibrisians. Perhaps, in addition to those known to us, the cats possess somehow somehow, we are unknown.

What cats see in the mirror and on the TV

Often people laugh at the sight of how the cat is thrown on the mirror. Hissing, and the arched spin spin - your pet is ready for the attack. The fact is that the animal in reflection sees himself, without understanding that.

Cat, seeing some animal, expects additional information, first of all, from the mustache. But neither smell, nor tactile sensations that complement the picture of what is happening in the brain does not come.

As a result, there is a similarity that the person is called cognitive dissonance - conflict, inconsistency of the information received and established ideas.
As for the TV, the science adheres to the opinion that besides flickering on the monitor, the animal sees anything else. Sometimes movement on the screen enters them into a state of a certain stupor.

But many are known how cats love transmission about animals. They may be interested in watching birds, cats and other animals. After the end of the transfer, they usually leave the room. There is still no reasonable explanation for this.

How does a cat sees a man

Cats see their owners as they really are. Only the range of colors differs for the reasons that were mentioned above. If a person is far away, the animal sees the blurred silhouette. If very close, right in front of the nose, the outlines are also lost. In this case, the mustache and the smell of the owner help.

Did you know?Amur tiger is the biggest wild cat in the world. It grows up to 3.7 meters long, while achieving more than 3 centners weight.

Of the foregoing, it can be concluded that the world of such homemade purr usual for us is still secret for seven seals.

Even with all the modern achievements of science in the field of zoology and physiology, much in life is incomprehensible to us. This generates a mass of speculations and attempts to all sort of explanations of a mystical nature.

Did you know? The cat's body is more than twenty bones more than in human. The reason that the animal can crawl everywhere where his head crashes -lack in the body of the clavicle.

With dogs, everything is much easier, they are entirely devoted to a person, they are ready to protect him even at the cost of their own life.

Cats are often distinguished by independence and some infernality, they seem to understand that they are subject to much more than we, people. Maybe it is in this that the cause of their attractiveness and charm lies.

It is said that cats vision is just super. However, this is not quite so, because their eyes have some drawbacks compared to human organs. It will also be interesting to deal with where the myths come from that cats are able to see the "Outdoor World".

In general, the structure of the eye is similar to the human. Recall that the eye consists of three shells: proteins (sclera), vascular and internal (retina). The top layer on the outside forms the cornea is the first light-timing barrier. The second shell is vascular - in front forms the iris and pupil, the first is a muscular ring, and the second is just a hole with it.

Immediately behind the iris lies lens - mineral vitreous education. Inside the eye is filled with transparent thick liquid. The inner layer is presented primarily by the retina - a free-sensitive shell consisting of cells that are called wands (perceive movement) and columns (responsible for color). Behind the eye is suitable nerve with vessels.

In cats, like people, vision binocular, that is, the eyes are located ahead that the pet can estimate the distance to the subject. The location of the object is determined by the difference in the position of the image on the retina of the left and right eye. Such a property of vision is very necessary for predators to estimate the distance to the victim.

Now you can go to the features of the structure of the eye:

  1. Cats have a cornea much more than a person. This animal takes almost the entire surface of the visible part of the eye, while people take only 30-50% (depending on the eye cut). In addition, cat cornea is very convex. Thanks to this structure, the cat's eye captures not 180, but 200 degrees.
  2. The cat perceives the spectrum of light differently. It is not different red and blue shades, worse feels yellow, because of what the picture in colors is becoming more scanty. However, in general, the image in the spectrum is completely distinguishable and quite similar.
  3. The pupil has another form - elongated, grain. The person in the time he is round. Thanks to such a structure, the pupil can be dried and limit the flow of light is stronger. It is necessary for cats due to the fact that their eyes are more sensitive to illumination.
  4. The rear shell of the inside of the eye has another layer - tipetum. This is a glossy layer, reflecting a portion of the rays on the retina, which would otherwise be simply scattered or absorbed by the rear tissues. Therefore, the cat's eyes are more sensitive to the light.
  5. A person on the back of the inside of the eye has a blind spot - an area where there are no photosensitive cells (there is a nerve). There is no such zone in cats, there is a special disk at the entrance of the nerve, in which the columns are located.
  6. Cat sticks 25 times more, because of what it is capable of seeing in the dark, since these cells are responsible for sensitivity to light.

It is because of the repeated reflection of the light inside the cat's eyes, the pupils are glowing in the dark when the lamp rays are hulling on them. In this case, the reflected fire changes its shade with different positions of the source. Flower change strongly depends on tipetum pigmentation.

How many colors are distinguished

Back in the middle of the 20th century it was believed that cats had vision black and white, but now the color perception of cats is not only proven, but even a detailed spectrum is clearly installed. Cats do not distinguish between blue and red, worse - orange, brown. But normally perceive purple, blue and yellow.

This gradation is associated with a different amount of kolk cells - cells that are responsible for the perception of a certain color. For each shade corresponds to a separate cell group. In cats, the percentage of each class of colums is different than that of a person, which is different, and sensitivity to the components of the solar spectrum differs.

How far see

Cats have terrible myopia. In fact, they normally and clearly can distinguish objects only at a distance of 20 meters. When removing an object by 60 meters and more for cats, it becomes so vague that they cannot distinguish its outlines at all. Maximum clarity is achieved when removing a thing from 75 centimeters to 6 meters is the distance of a feline jump.

Why so, because the cats are predators, then the acuteness of vision is the most important factor? The fact is that they hunt mostly on small animals that are found in the forest quite often. In addition, the range of their hunt is a high grass in the field and undergrowth. And there it is not necessary to look at a large distance, as the space is cluttered with foliage and trees.

Unlike them, a person hunted on large animals, which are found very rarely and dwells mainly on open spaces. To find them, it was necessary to clearly distinguish tracks, blood stains and at the same time to look at decent distances. Because of this, a person has a strong vision clarity on large distances and a good perception of the entire spectrum of light.

As they see in the dark

Of course, no animals see in complete darkness, since for the perception of colors requires some amount of light. Cats distinguish objects with minimal lighting. Pets are 10 times less than the world than a person, so the fact that for us is a pitch darkness, for cats - twilight.

The sensitivity of cats towards the light is due to the presence of a reflective film inside the eye, because of which the rays are not dissipated, but are completely assembled on the retina. Because of this, for the normal perception of the world around the world, the cat is 10 times less intense source. Due to the reflected light of feline eyes glow in the dark.

Tapettum and iris pigmentation is controlled by one genome, so that the blue-eyed cats (no matter what color wool) this shell does not discard the light back, which is why their vision is much weaker than that of the other representatives of the feline animal family. In general, their eyesight is comparable to human perception, except that they see a little better in the dark due to the large number of columns (but non-imminent).

"Otherworld World"

Rumors that cats can see another world are warmed by several factors:

1. Pets distinguish ultrasound fluctuations. The range ranges from 45 Hz to 64,000 Hz, while mice communicate at a frequency of 20-50 kHz. So when the cat stared at the corner of the room or the wall, then, most likely, it is not in ghosts, but in cockroaches, mice or just a cracked partition.

2. Cats are not able to perceive ultraviolet or infrared light, since both types of radiation are cleaned with a lens and cornea. But they have vibrics - thin mustache, which are responsible for tactile sensations. Including for the perception of heat. It is thanks to them that they can find the streams of hot and cold air.

3. No "AUR" does not see the cat, but, like a person, it is able to distinguish between the inner state of the individual according to non-verbal signs: facial expressions, intonations, body movements. Such a skill is developing in all animals that communicate with people long enough.

The speed of perception in cats above. It is enough for a person to make images on the TV with a speed of 24 frames per second. Cat needs 40-50 pictures per second so that the flicker turns into a full video. Not all TVs have such a shift rate of the frame.

In the mirror, the cat sees himself and realizes that there is some animal there. True, it is not able to understand that it is its display. Also many pets scares their own reflection, as they think that in front of them the animal that does not smell, does not publish sounds. This can be compared with the way that a person sees a ghost.

Persons of people Cat perceives yellow, as it does not distinguish orange and red shades. It is normal to distinguish your nose, lips, hair and eyes Animal can at a distance of up to 5 meters. When removal from 5 to 10 meters, the features of the face are gradually blurred, and then elements of clothing. At a distance of more than 10 meters, the cat distinguishes only a silhouette of a person, and the owner can learn only in voice and smell.