A personal diary is a silent friend for a girl who will listen and understand all her experiences and joys. In the 19th century, each young lady had her own notebook for personal notes, making it with her own hands and decorating it with pearls, feathers or rags. So let's get started making our diary as soon as possible!

How to make a personal diary with your own hands

It has become a fashionable trend to write personal notes in a notebook diary, try making it with your own hands - it will turn out interesting and unusual. Stock up on a large amount of different paper - multi-colored, office, for scrapbooking, as well as a folder with rings, pieces of bright felt, thick decorative paper, cardboard, a hole punch and instant glue.

  • Punch the sheets with a hole punch and arrange them in random order in a folder.
  • Making the cover - select 2 sheets of cardboard, they should be 1.5-2 cm larger than the base.
  • Cut out the felt, adding a 1 cm allowance along each edge. Then lay the material on the cardboard and glue the edges under.
  • To make a beautiful edging, you need to sew felt on the front side of the cardboard using a sewing machine.
  • To hide the internal seams, cover the endpaper with decorative paper and glue on a pocket in which you can store memorable little things. You can take a sample of the pocket in the photos provided.
  • You can decorate the cover with rhinestones, sequins, buttons, and so on. Be sure to manually stitch the puncture sites.
  • You can decorate the edges of the sheets in the diary with curly scissors, glue various clippings from magazines and newspapers, or attach various tapes.

2) How to make a personal diary with your own hands like Violetta’s

The originality of the heroine's diary lies in the iridescent purple color scheme, fashionable floral patterns and unusual cover design. We offer you 2 methods on how to make a personal diary:

  • The first method is to copy the front template below and print it. Cut out the sample and glue it with stationery glue to the front side of a notebook selected by size. Separately, cut out and glue an openwork flower made of felt or thin cardboard.
  • The second method is to cut out a cover template from purple cardboard and draw the lines of the floral design with a pencil. Then color the drawing with gouache or colored pens with glitter. To decorate your diary, use the interesting tips below.
  • If you paint on purple cardboard with white gouache, you will get a pink color, like in the original.
  • To ensure that the flower lock firmly locks your secrets, glue a magnet or a button with a clasp to its back side.
  • Transparent nail polish will help you make the lock shiny.
  • It is better to choose a notebook with a thick cardboard base, so as not to use an additional layer of cardboard.
  • For a long service life of the finished diary, laminate the cover or use “hot” film, which is attached to the front side with an iron.

How to make a personal diary with your own hands from a shared notebook

To turn an ordinary notebook into a luxurious personal diary, you will need a little time and imagination.

  • Choose a notebook of any size; for long-term use, opt for a notebook with 96 sheets.
  • Take care of the external and internal design of the diary - sign the diary, draw pictures and aphorisms on the pages, color the background of the white sheets with multi-colored pencils.
  • To protect your personal notes, buy a small padlock. Keep the key in a secret place.
  • For convenience, make a bookmark, so you will always find the page you stopped on. We bring to your attention the transformation of an ordinary notebook into a personal diary using pens and pencils.

Any girl at least once in her life began to keep her personal diary. Out of interest, the need for communication, self-expression. Be that as it may, not everyone can keep a personal diary all the time. In addition, it is not always possible to buy a really beautiful and pleasant notebook for a diary. What if you make it yourself?

Don't know where to start? Then we will tell you how to make a personal diary with your own hands. In addition, we will try to figure out how and why to keep a diary and make it interesting.

What is a personal diary?

Let's first talk about what a personal diary is. Essentially, it is a notebook or notepad where a person writes down his feelings, sensations, and memories. They trust their secrets, joys and sorrows to a personal diary, tell it about their plans, pour out their souls.

For some, a personal diary is the best friend to whom they trust everything, for others it is a notebook in which they describe every day of their life, for others it is a collection of the best memories.

In any case, this is a notebook in which a person writes down his thoughts and actions, whatever they may be.

Why keep a personal diary?

So, we briefly touched on the question of what the essence of a personal diary is. Now let’s pay a little attention to the question: “Why lead it?” Then we’ll talk about how to make a personal diary yourself. Agree, a handmade notebook is much nicer than a purchased one.

The interesting thing is that by keeping a diary, you can later analyze your behavior in a given situation, identify your shortcomings and try to correct them.

And if you are in a bad mood and you have no one to speak out to, tell about your fears, then there is nothing better than writing it down on paper.

What can you write in a diary?

Before we talk about how you can make a personal diary, let’s find out one more interesting point. So you've decided that you're going to lead it. But the problem is, you haven’t yet decided what exactly you will write in it. It seems like you don’t want to describe every day of your life, but it’s also interesting to have a special notebook for notes. So what else can you write in your diary?

Of course, you don't have to take notes every day. From time to time, when you are in the appropriate mood, you can write in it your impressions of meeting with friends, going to the cinema or going on an excursion, or expressing your indignation at the action of this or that person.

The second option is to write down your dreams there. Then you can take them apart and analyze them, if you are interested in this science.

The next option is to write down your poems or, if you don’t know how to write yourself, the works you like. At the same time, you can comment on them, telling what exactly it was about them that caught your attention.

And the last idea is to paste various things into your diary that remind you of this or that event in your life, and make a small inscription that would explain to you what exactly this or that item means.

What types of personal diaries are there?

What kind of personal diaries are there? What are they even made of? First of all, a personal diary can be easily purchased at any stationery store. Such a diary will have colorful pages, markings, even a clasp so that a stranger will not get into it and read your innermost thoughts.

The second option is to take a regular notebook and keep notes in it. Of course, such a diary will be much simpler, and it will not look very aesthetically pleasing. Although, you can color its pages, paste beautiful photographs, postcards and pictures.

The third option is to make a diary with your own hands, which is much more interesting and better. After all, this way you can show your individuality and sense of taste, and at the same time the fact that you know how to create unique and beautiful things with your own hands.

There is also the option of installing a special program on your mobile phone or tablet. This will allow you to take notes directly on your mobile device. But, you must admit, such a diary has no personality or soul. Therefore, we will focus specifically on the diary, which is kept by hand.

We make a diary with our own hands. Main components of a diary

So, you decided that it is best to make a diary with your own hands. But where to start and what materials do you need to purchase?

So, the diary itself consists of three main parts - a cover, inner sheets and a clasp or lock for it (optional).

Therefore, in order to create a diary, you need to purchase paper, cardboard, ribbon (or a special fastener, lock). You may also need some fabric.

Step one. Diary cover

The diary cover is made of cardboard and fabric or paper. We will analyze the design using fabric.

First, you should cut out two covers from cardboard, preferably so that their edges are a centimeter larger than the main sheets of your diary.

Then we take the fabric and cut out pieces from it that are also a couple of centimeters larger than the covers. It is advisable to lightly treat the edges of the fabric with glue so that they do not fray. Then you should fold the fabric and glue it to the cardboard. Pieces of fabric sticking out from the inside can be cut off.

When the glue dries, it is advisable to cover the cardboard with fabric so that it holds more firmly.

Then you can decorate the cover using postcards, herbarium, beads and much more. For those who are interested in how to make a personal diary, we offer photos of finished covers:

Step two. Diary pages

The filling of the diary, that is, the sheets, can also be made independently. To do this, you need to find a stack of sheets of paper - this can be ready-made cut A5 paper. This is the simplest option as it does not require additional effort. The sheets can be printed with margins and backgrounds using a color laser printer.

You can also take colored paper and cut sheets of the same size. For those who do not know how to beautifully make a personal diary, we note that some craftswomen even use blank postcards to create pages. It's up to you to decide which sheets are best for your journal.

When you have a stack of sheets that you are going to use as a filling for a notebook, then you should make a hole in it using a hole punch or using an awl (depending on what exactly you are going to use to sew the sheets and cover together).

Step three. Closing the diary

Method one. When assembling the cover, sew a loop onto each of the cover halves. Then buy a small padlock and lock your diary with it.

Method two. Just tie the diary with ribbons sewn to the cover. Of course, this won’t save you from curious people, but it will give your notebook a special charm. That's all, now you know almost everything about how to make a personal diary with your own hands. All that remains is to write a few words about how to collect all the parts of the diary.

Step four. Product assembly

When you have the cover and sheets ready, you need to carefully put them together and fold them. Next we sew the product.

In order to hold everything together, tapes, threads, iron rings, and springs are suitable. It is advisable to immediately decide which assembly method you will choose.

If you sew sheets together with thread, we advise you to choose a thick thread and make holes in the sheets of paper and cover using an awl.

When tying the sheets together using ribbons, make several holes with a hole punch. The same goes for springs and iron rings.

Try to keep all the sheets lying flat, make neat, small holes, and you will have a great notebook for personal notes.

So, now you know how to make a personal diary. The instructions we have provided should help you with this.

Now you have a personal diary made by you. Of course, it’s up to you to decide how to manage it and what exactly to write down in it. But still we will risk giving some advice.

1. Write down only necessary and useful things. Do not pay attention to unimportant details, do not pour water for the sake of recording volume.

3. When starting a new recording, get rid of strangers, pour yourself a cup of tea, turn on your favorite music, relax and start recording.

4. Hide your diary from prying eyes and do not say that you are keeping it. It’s not a fact that parents or friends won’t want to read exactly what you think about them and about your life in general.

Making the diary more interesting

Let's also talk about how to make a personal diary more interesting? How to diversify it? There are a lot of ways, but we will look at only a few of them.

Try to highlight thematic pages in your diary, for example: my dreams, my plans for the summer, my successes, etc.

Paste into your diary various photographs, cinema tickets after visiting a movie you liked, and any other small things that will remind you of a particular event.

If you know how to draw at least a little, then you should decorate the pages of your diary with drawings, even if they are not entirely professional. Remember that sometimes even the clumsiest drawing can bring a smile and a rush of nostalgia.


This thing is quite interesting and useful, although not everyone can do it. Some people don’t have enough time, some don’t have patience, and some simply don’t like to trust their thoughts to anyone.

We talked about what a personal diary is and what its benefits are, found out how to make a personal diary with your own hands, and also said a few words about how best to keep it. We hope you found this article useful and interesting.

I briefly touched on the topic of its design. Now I would like to offer my personal experience of creating a diary with my own hands. But in the beginning... BONUS.

Dear guests! Especially for you, we have placed on the website a large archive of the most interesting and rare materials for designing your personal diaries (PD). All drawings and pictures are divided into the most popular topics and all site visitors can download the archives without problems.

Of course, this is all a matter of taste. Some people like to keep notes in thick diaries, others in general notebooks. But lately we increasingly want to create something with our own hands. Because any handmade work carries a special charge, which makes you feel warm and cozy. If you decide to keep a personal diary, it means that a special occasion has come and for this you can try to make a real one. But this work is quite labor-intensive and, perhaps, someone will consider such a thing not very suitable for their diary. Then you can try to do something different, special and unusual. In such a notebook, it will be pleasant and good for each of us to keep our own diary. You can also arrange special ones in it.

So, today we will make such a cozy notebook (I have A5 format):

At the first stage (if we don’t touch on the cover and decorations for now), we will need a lot of different paper:

Of course, it all depends on how you want your personal diary to look. If in a vintage style, then you can pick up office paper in the stationery department, magazine clippings, etc. in brown and beige tones. I made my personal diary colorful and cheerful so that positivity would come from it. Therefore, I came in handy with multi-colored and white office paper, cardboard, scrapbooking paper, as well as checkered paper of different colors (sold for notebooks with removable blocks), envelopes (then it’s convenient to put various memos in them, etc. You can also use pages from fashion magazines that have become unnecessary (photos, movie tickets, or a favorite aphorism written on a white sheet of paper and glued to a “magazine” sheet, etc.) will look nice on such sheets.

So, we cut the paper, and we don’t make all the pages the same, let some be smaller than the overall size - it’s more interesting. For this notebook, by the way, various scraps of paper may be useful, if you have any in your house (for example, leftovers from children's creativity). If you have curly scissors or an edge puncher, process some sheets. Then we make holes with a hole punch. We ended up with this nice little pile of paper:

The next step was to lay out the multi-colored leaves in random order so that they alternated in color.

The main block is almost ready; then all that remains is to decorate it inside. Let's take a look at the cover for now.

Option 1. You don’t have to complicate the task, but simply use colored cardboard for the cover, decorating the top arbitrarily and to your liking: with a picture, ribbon, etc.

Option 2 is more difficult. But not by much. To create a felt cover, we will need pieces of felt (I took different colors), cardboard, thick paper for endpapers and Moment-Crystal glue.

We cut out two covers from cardboard of a suitable size (1-1.5 cm larger than the main block). We cut out the felt with an allowance of 1 cm on each side. Then we grease the edges of the felt with Moment-Crystal glue and, tucking them, glue them to the cardboard. In this case, we leave the corners sticking up. After we make sure that the corners are well glued, we will simply cut them off:

When the glue dries, sew it on a sewing machine. This will serve as both a finishing stitch and a more reliable fastening of the felt (especially in the corners). Then we make holes with a hole punch.

We take thick paper for the backing, cut it to the desired size, and make holes with a hole punch. If you want to make pockets on the endpapers (which is very convenient for all kinds of pieces of paper), then now we sew the pocket on a sewing machine (although, in principle, you can glue it). In my notebook, the pockets are made of thick film, which is used for binding and is sold at a stationery store.

The pockets are sewn on, which means you can glue the endpapers to the covers. That's it, the notebook cover is ready.

Now you can decorate the cover to your liking: with pictures, buttons, ribbons, beads, flowers, etc. Since I don’t have a grommet installer, I simply trimmed the holes from the hole punch by hand. In combination with the finishing stitch it looks quite nice:

Thus, I ended up with this cover for my personal diary:

Now we need to fasten our notebook. How? This can be waxed cord, split rings, or thin elastic that is sold at a fabric store. I tried all the options and was satisfied with a thin elastic band, on which I hung a small bell - for a special charm:

So, our notebook-personal diary is ready. You can decorate the sheets inside not immediately, but later, as you fill it out. What did I decorate with? Basically, these are paper tapes of different designs (they can be replaced with strips of multi-colored paper), flowers, felt buttons.

I made the first page of my personal diary from thick film (the same as the pockets on the endpapers) so that I could write down some urgent and important information that would not be useful later. The marker can then be easily removed by wiping with an alcohol-containing product.

As you can see, it’s a very simple process and you’ve got a cozy notebook ready for your thoughts, reflections, favorite poems and photographs. In the process of filling it out, you can use wonderful special cards that will greatly decorate your personal diary and help you express your thoughts and feelings even more clearly. For example, like this:


And now a bonus for everyone who read to the end of the article. Let's watch this very useful and interesting video until the end.

How to make a personal diary with your own hands!


Greetings everyone! This is the second part of a series of articles about ideas for personal diaries. This release contains the following content:

Let us also recall what is in other issues on this topic:

  • — design options for the first page, 50 ideas for thematic pages and how to make a diary password yourself!
  • — ready-made versions of notepads with a combination lock
  • Pictures for LD - a large selection of drawings for your diary

Ideas for a personal diary and HOW to design a personal diary

Pictures for a personal diary

No diary is complete without pictures and drawings! Here are some interesting options for designing LD pages with pictures:

A well-drawn girl on a page about winter:

Several drawings - girl, Eiffel Tower, cake

Still unpainted drawings for a personal diary:

Here is another video about drawing in LD:

Ideas: drawings by cells for a personal diary

Checkered drawings are a great way to use the clear geometry of checkered notebooks and notebooks! Drawing by cells is very convenient and easy, here are a couple of examples of such drawings:


Ideas for a personal diary - pictures: Green man on the page

If you are interested in such drawings, here is a whole selection of drawings by cells for example, there you will definitely find something what can you draw in your personal diary?:

How to create a personal diary? Here are some good ideas:

Stickers and decals

Video about what stickers and stickers there are:

Magazine clippings

Another super option how to keep a personal diary beautifully are clippings from glossy magazines. They look very beautiful on the pages of LD! Take a look at these examples:

Ideas for a personal diary: photo scrapbooks (Halloween pumpkins)

How to decorate a personal diary: inscriptions

It is very important to make beautiful headings and inscriptions on pages:

Personal diary - interior design: text decoration

There are quite a lot of options for pleasant and beautiful text design, here are some examples:

The background is painted over with a pencil

Highlighting text with colored markers:

Personal diary - design text :

The text is written in separate columns with different colored pens:

Personal diary - how to design a LD using patterns, edgings, ornaments

The following patterns look very nice on the pages:

Wide pattern option:

Video on how to draw patterns:

What you can do in your personal diary - envelopes, secret pockets and tricks:

Each diary should have a small envelope for the “secret”, gifts and other things.

Pocket example:

Here is a diagram of how to make a pocket:

Here's a video on how to make a pocket envelope for a personal diary:

Ideas for a personal diary: DAILY and how to keep a personal diary

Sometimes the question arises - what can you write in a personal diary? In addition to various thematic pages, do not forget about the practically main purpose of the diary - a diary!

How to conduct it? Very simple!

For your diary, be sure to allocate a small part of the notebook - but not less than 30 pages (one for each day). It’s best to plan the diary for several months, then you will need to leave about 100 pages. Then write the date and day of the week on each page.

What to write in your diary? Usually the daily schedule is written there - this could be, for example, lessons at school, important events of this day, various reminders, and, of course, thoughts. At the end of the day, just sit down and take stock of everything that happened, write down what and who you liked most and what you didn’t like. This is very important - you don’t need to keep your emotions to yourself!

  • Personal diary - ideas: write in your diary To do list - a list of things that need to be done in a day.

Here are examples of a diary with a to do list of other authors:

And diary, video:

Ideas for a personal diary: How to make a personal diary and what you need for it

How to make a personal diary?

Option 1: Buy a special diary. But this path has a big drawback - usually such diaries are either very childish, or vice versa - very serious and businesslike

Varian: 2 Using a thick notebook for LD is a very good and inexpensive option!

Ideas for a personal diary - what is needed to keep it?

Here's the full list:

  • Notebook (this can be a thick notebook, a special notepad or a diary)
  • Pens - regular blue and colored - gel, oil
  • Pencils - regular for drawing and colored
  • Felt pens are good colored ones
  • Markers - thick felt-tip pens for highlighting text
  • Scissors - for cutting out scraps, forming homemade envelopes
  • Clippings - for this you also need to have magazines, but I think everyone has them
  • Stickers - for highlighting important information, notes
  • Stickers are a very beautiful decoration
  • Glue (for gluing cut-outs and other elements)
  • Ruler (for drawing straight lines where needed)
  • Sheets of white and colored paper(for making envelopes, pockets and other cool things
  • Bookmarks (very useful thing)

There are so many beautiful diaries you can find now! And regular ones, checkered ones and the famous Bullet journal to the point. Yes, even from an ordinary notebook you can make a cool personal diary. But what to fill the pages with? That's the question. There are a lot of options to fill out, but today we will focus on a mood diary that can be kept every month.
The essence of the idea is simple - daily note what mood you were in today. Was it the best day of your life, was it a sad day, a day of reflection, a day of unbridled fun, and so on. And you can design such a mood diary in a very beautiful and original way.
In this news we have collected for you several ideas that may be useful to you. In the future, you can use both these ideas and come up with your own way of keeping a mood diary in a diary.

1. Photo cards

Draw ropes (lines) on a sheet of paper with empty photo cards attached to them according to the number of days in the month, number them. At the top or bottom of the sheet, write the name of the month and mark the colors that indicate your mood. For example, as in the Puzzle, “blue” is sadness, “yellow” is happiness... and so on. You can use absolutely any colors or patterns for designations.

Draw a donut with sprinkles on it according to the number of days in the month. Number each jelly bean, give yourself a hint in the form of a color scheme of moods and paint over the sprinkles day after day.

3. Candy machine

Draw a candy machine like in the picture. In it, draw the required number of round candies according to the number of days in the month, number them. Color each of the candies depending on your current mood and your color scheme.

4. Mermaid scales

Well, you already understand what needs to be done. These are all variations of the same idea - how to design a color mood diary in an original way.

This design option is suitable for summer