Intimate plastic surgery is a surgical intervention performed to correct the genital organs. Defects in the structure, shape, and functionality of the female genital organs can significantly worsen the quality of life of patients and lead to inferiority complexes. What is meant by intimate plastic surgery, what types it comes in and what problems it solves – you will learn about this from our article.

What is intimate plastic surgery for women?

Genital plastic surgery can be performed both for medical reasons and at the request of the patient. Such interventions can be aimed at changing the appearance (hymenoplasty, labiaplasty, removing excess pubic fat, changing the shape of the clitoris) or restoring lost functionality (surgical defloration, recovery measures after injuries, difficult childbirth, surgical procedures, eliminating stretch marks and tears in the area crotch).

Also, plastic surgery of the intimate area can be performed as a procedure to prevent relapses of bacterial vaginitis and vaginosis. In this case, the diameter of the vulva ring is reduced, which greatly reduces the risk of infection of the genital organs.

Contraindications to female intimate plastic surgery

Like any operation, vaginal plastic surgery has certain contraindications:

  • period of pregnancy and lactation;
  • acute inflammatory processes;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • mental disorders;
  • bleeding disorder;
  • chronic diseases of the cardiovascular and endocrine systems;
  • oncological diseases and neoplasms.

Types of intimate plastic surgery

There are several types of plastic surgery on the female genital organs.

Intimate contouring

It is the most minimally invasive method of rejuvenating and improving the appearance of the female intimate area. Contour plastic surgery of intimate areas is performed by injection and involves the introduction of hyaluronic acid into areas requiring correction. Safe and easy filler injection is ensured thanks to special blunt-pointed needles.

Hyaluronic acid is a natural substance found in the connective tissue fibers of the human body. It saturates fabrics with moisture, ensures their elasticity and firmness.

The advantages of the technique include immediate effectiveness (appears immediately after the procedure), a short rehabilitation period (from 3 to 5 days), and a long-lasting result (up to 1-1.5 years). Options for contour plastic surgery of the female genital organs:

  • . Involves correction of the size and shape of the labia.
  • Rejuvenation of the intimate area. Full or partial return of tissue elasticity and volume.
  • . The head of the organ and the clitoral pocket are enlarged.
  • , emphasizing or increasing its volume. Minimizing excessive mobility of the urethra due to enuresis (urinary incontinence) or due to its reduced volume. The technique is also used to enable vaginal orgasm.

In this case, intimate plastic surgery is performed to correct defects of the external female genitalia, often for aesthetic reasons (for example, asymmetry or hypertrophy of the labia). The duration of medical work in this case is 40-50 minutes. Tissue can be excised in a V-shape (flaps) or linearly. The shape and size are recreated in such a way that the large lips hide the small ones. At the end of the work, self-absorbable sutures are used. The recovery period lasts 4-5 days, the final results become noticeable after about 30 days.

Their insufficient or too large size can provoke the development of inflammation and gynecological pathologies. Before the event begins, local anesthesia of the surgical area is performed.

The operation can be carried out using a conservative method (excision of excess skin with a scalpel and their removal), with a rehabilitation period of up to 30-40 days. This will take about 60 minutes. Another option is laser plastic surgery of the labia (the laser beam does not leave scars and does not require sutures, while ensuring instant coagulation of vascular structures and no bleeding), with a short recovery period. After 1.5-2 weeks, the patient can resume sexual activity. The whole process will take about 40 minutes.

Surgeries on the clitoris

The need to correct the appearance and size of the clitoris, as well as the lack of clitoral orgasm, is one of the most common reasons why patients decide that they need plastic surgery of the intimate area. In this case, the surgeon can use both local anesthesia and general anesthesia. The operation takes on average about 60 minutes.

During corrective measures, severe bleeding is possible due to the rich blood supply to the clitoral area. At the end of the work, the doctor applies self-absorbing sutures. The rehabilitation period can take up to 15-20 days. Clitoral plastic surgery is often performed in combination with vaginal and labia plastic surgery, and hymenoplasty (hymen restoration).

Corrects vaginal and perineal deformities that appear after childbirth, with congenital or age-related gaping of the genital gap.

The main purpose of this operation is to reduce the size of the vagina, strengthen its walls, etc.

It is necessary for excessive density and thickness of the hymen, fear of discomfort and injury that the patient may receive during the first sexual intercourse. Many women over 25 years of age undergo the procedure for medical reasons. The presence of a hymen (hymen) in women over 30 years of age can lead to a number of complications, so surgical defloration in this case is necessary if it is not possible to carry it out naturally. All work is performed under local anesthesia and will take about 30 minutes. Resumption of sexual activity is possible after 1-1.5 weeks.

Liposuction of the pubis

Excess fat tissue in the pubic area is removed by liposuction. It is usually carried out after a woman has lost weight. A special solution is injected into the surgical area to cause liquefaction of adipocytes (fat cells). Next, the doctor makes 2 incisions 2 millimeters long, where cannulas are placed to remove the liquefied fat and used solution. At the end, stitches are applied. All events last no more than 30-40 minutes. If excess skin appears after the procedure, it will have to be removed.

Laser intimate plastic surgery as an alternative to classical

Currently, conservative methods of performing surgeries on intimate organs are being actively replaced by laser correction methods. A directed laser beam promotes tissue rejuvenation, correction of defects of the clitoris, labia and vagina, elimination of vaginal atrophy and enuresis caused by stress. After exposure to the laser, there is a maximum increase in muscle tone and a pronounced strengthening of the perineal muscles.

Advantages of laser technique

Using a laser to correct the genital organs has a number of advantages over using a scalpel:

  • the possibility of performing the operation on an outpatient basis;
  • accelerated healing of postoperative wounds;
  • no bleeding due to the coagulation properties of the laser beam.


Laser plastic surgery of the intimate area (labiaplasty) is carried out in stages:

  1. Introduction of an anesthetic composition into the area of ​​planned surgical work. Anesthesia lasts 24 hours to relieve pain during the operation and on the first day after its completion.
  2. Injection of a solution to prevent the possibility of bleeding.
  3. Applying a cooling agent to nearby tissues to protect them.
  4. Excision of excess tissue using a laser beam. To reduce the size, a V-shaped excision is used, and linear excision is used to correct the shape (the natural folds of the labia disappear).
  5. Recreation of the necessary parameters of the labia using medical clamps. Often lipofilling or liposuction is performed simultaneously to correct their volume.
  6. Upon completion of the work, the doctor applies an anesthetic to the corrected area and applies a special bandage.

Removal of hyperpigmentation on the labia is performed under local anesthesia. After this, the patient remains in a lying position for up to 40 minutes until the composition is absorbed into the papillary dermal layer. After this, the surface layer of the skin is burned using a directed laser beam. This procedure leaves virtually no stitches behind.

How is recovery after intimate plastic surgery in women?

In most cases, the operation is performed 7 days before menstruation or 5-6 days after it, unless the doctor gives other instructions. Complications occur only in rare cases, since the genitals are characterized by increased blood supply and rapid metabolism.

In the first few days after perineal surgery, bed rest is necessary. Over the next month, it is recommended to avoid sexual contact, active sports training, bathing, and visiting the bathhouse and sauna. After visiting the toilet, it is necessary to perform hygienic washings, first with a solution of chlorhexidine, miramistin or furatsilin, then with recutane or potassium permanganate.

After surgical defloration, it is enough to abstain from sexual activity for about 7 days. The rehabilitation period for laser operations will not take more than 15 days, but sexual contacts should be resumed as late as possible, but not earlier than after 30 days.

Post-operative care

  • Refusal to consume heavy foods after intimate plastic surgery in women (can cause constipation, excessive gas formation). Increased intra-abdominal pressure is fraught with complications.
  • Refusal of horizontal sitting in the first 7 days, squatting in the first 2 weeks. Ideally, it is better to resume sitting in this way after 2 months.
  • After labiaplasty and clitoral correction, wearing tight underwear is prohibited for up to 60 days; after removing pubic fat, it is necessary to use tightening pads.

The prescription of anesthetic, antibiotic and anti-inflammatory drugs is made by the doctor on an individual basis.

Pros and cons of intimate plastic surgery

Gynecologists still do not give an exact answer to the question of whether plastic surgery of the female genital organs is needed to eliminate imperfections or only when health problems arise. Not all doctors are sure that it is worth taking the risks of surgery to achieve the ideal appearance and shape of the intimate organs.

  • Successful correction of irregular shapes, sizes, colors and outlines of the genital organs and surrounding tissues. Surgery can lead to certain consequences. If it is necessary for a woman’s happy and fulfilling life, it makes sense to fulfill it.
  • The ability to eliminate pathologies such as uterine prolapse, vaginal prolapse, prevention of the development of inflammation and the difficulty of removing menstrual flow due to excessive density and thickness of the hymen. In this case, the work of a surgeon will be a salvation for a woman.
  • Correction of congenital abnormal structure of gynecological organs. Surgery is the only option in this case. It allows you to eliminate an excessively large clitoral fold and make the labia majora smaller.

In some cases, surgery is also performed to get rid of postpartum defects.

  • It is impossible to exclude and completely prevent the development of complications and negative consequences (long-term swelling, postoperative bleeding, decreased tissue sensitivity in the area of ​​sutures, the occurrence of keloid scars and adhesions, an allergic reaction to pain relief and other drugs used during the recovery period).
  • The high cost makes the procedure accessible only to a small number of women.
  • The emergence of a need for additional aesthetic improvement of the genital organs after achieving the first results, even to the detriment of one’s health.

To understand whether a particular patient really needs gynecological surgery, consultation with doctors such as a gynecologist, psychologist, and urologist is required. They may refer you to other doctors if your medical history is ambiguous. If the need for such an intervention is identified, or the woman insists on performing it, she is first sent for a full medical examination.

Prices for intimate plastic surgery


Price, thousand rubles

Contour plastic

Clitoral plastic surgery

Liposuction of the pubis

In the modern world, along with the active development of technology, the attitude towards many medical problems has changed significantly.

With the increase in life expectancy and quality of life, medicine began to solve not only purely medical problems, but also aesthetic ones, which directly depend on them. Aesthetic gynecology and cosmetology have received especially active development in recent years.

In young people, a physiological congenital change in the structure of the external genitalia causes physical and aesthetic discomfort, prevents them from playing sports, leading an active sex life, and forms complexes and psychological trauma.

At an older age, due to age-related and hormonal changes, the external and internal genital organs of women and men also undergo physiological changes. Aesthetic defects appear.

At the same time, any aesthetic problem is based on purely medical reasons: in young people, changes in the structure and pigmentation of the external genitalia are most often associated with hormonal imbalances and metabolic processes. With age, this is accompanied by trophic disorders and the risk of developing cancer.

Therefore, in the modern world, the main task of plastic surgeons, gynecologists, endocrinologists and cosmetologists is to improve both the external condition of intimate organs and to get rid of certain pathologies and diseases. Rejuvenation of the genital organs entails the normalization of the physiological and psychological health of patients. The appearance of intimate areas affects the perception of oneself; this fact undoubtedly improves the quality of sexual life.

In modern medicine, many methods of intimate plastic surgery are used. There are both exclusively surgical and non-surgical interventions.

Most often they resort to changing the shape and structure of the labia minora and majora, vagina and clitoris.

In what cases is it better to resort to one method or another, and which one is better to choose?

All technologies and techniques can be divided into three main groups:

  1. Surgical plastic surgery of the external genitalia.
  2. Laser non-surgical rejuvenation.
  3. Intimate injection filling.

Let's look at some popular methods of intimate plastic surgery.

Labiaplasty or labiaplasty

It should be noted right away that this method is operational. It is performed both surgically and laser. It is impossible to say for sure which of them has more advantages; each has its own disadvantages and advantages.

  • Laser - precise cutting, sterility, rapid healing of wounds.
  • Surgical operation - minimizing consequences, achieving maximum results without visible traces of surgical intervention.

Indications for labiaplasty are changes such as: loss of symmetry of the labia, sagging and sagging skin, as well as excessive length of the labia minora (protrusion outward).

The operation is an intervention, usually lasting 40 – 60 minutes. The doctor makes markings, depending on the need for correction of certain zones, incisions are made linearly or V-shaped along the marked lines. Within 1-2 days the patient returns to a full life. Over the course of 7-10 days, swelling and some pain are possible, which do not require special treatment and go away on their own. In total, the rehabilitation period is no more than 3-4 weeks. During this time, heavy physical activity, sports, sexual intercourse, and prolonged stays in the bathroom should be avoided. The success of the operation can be finally judged after 2-3 months.

Surgical vaginal plastic surgery

Indications are changes in the structure of the vagina associated with both traumatic injuries during childbirth and age-related changes, leading to prolapse of the pelvic organs and the appearance of associated complications (chronic pelvic pain of unknown etiology, stress urinary incontinence, chronic vaginitis, or, conversely, vaginal dryness).

Correction of the anterior, posterior or all walls of the vagina is carried out according to indications. The operation is also performed using both laser and surgical methods. The duration of the operation is from 45 minutes to 1.5 hours, depending on the volume. After surgery, bed rest is required for 7-10 days. The complete rehabilitation period is 3-4 weeks.

The advantage of surgical correction of the vagina is a reliable long-term result, even with severe forms of prolapse. But it also has certain possible side effects (decreased sensitivity, discomfort during sexual activity, pain in the area of ​​postoperative sutures).

An alternative to surgical techniques is laser non-surgical rejuvenation.

It is performed with modern CO2 lasers with a unique wavelength, which allows laser correction of changes without surgical incisions.

There is internal (vaginal) and external laser rejuvenation (vaginal opening, labia, perineum and anus).

The procedure is carried out under local anesthesia with a special cream using special attachments. The duration of the procedure is 20 – 40 minutes depending on the volume.

After the procedure, there may be minor discomfort and swelling for 1-2 days. Full rehabilitation in a week. The course consists of three procedures in the interval of 30 – 45 days.

Using intimate laser rejuvenation, the following results are achieved:

  • muscle activity resumes, flabbiness and atrophy disappear;
  • the appearance of intimate organs improves;
  • getting rid of scars, scars, narrowing of the vagina;
  • sensitivity is restored, the quality of sexual life improves;
  • the metabolic process is restored, natural collagen is produced;
  • discomfort and dryness are eliminated.
  • hyperpigmentation is eliminated

Intimate filling

Intimate filling is a method of injection contouring in the area of ​​the female and male genital organs. Using this procedure, defects, age-related disorders, deformations, loss of shape and volume of the labia are eliminated.

To fill the intimate area, preparations based on hyaluronic acid are mainly used, but one’s own fat (lipofilling) or biogel can also be used. The effect of this method lasts up to 12 months.

The advantages of this method include:

  • painlessness;
  • long lasting result;
  • instant effect
  • lack of rehabilitation period

The procedure does not require complex special preparation. But it is worth noting that it is necessary to remove hair in the bikini area in advance. The duration of filling is approximately 20 minutes to an hour. It is performed under local anesthesia.

For several days after the procedure, swelling and discomfort may be observed, which disappear over time without medical intervention. It should be noted that sexual relations, prolonged exposure to water, and physical exercise are contraindicated.

Intimate filling is an effective method of contouring the intimate area. Helps achieve results:

  • restoration of volume and shape of the labia;
  • reduction of dryness;
  • increasing the “G” point;
  • increase in the size of the clitoris;
  • increase in the size of the male genital organ;
  • control over the ejaculation process;
  • improving the quality of sexual life of partners, increasing libido, etc.

There are a number of general contraindications to the appointment of an intimate plastic procedure:

  • period of pregnancy and lactation;
  • presence of oncological diseases;
  • infectious and chronic diseases;
  • disorders of blood clotting processes;
  • bleeding from the genitals of unknown etiology;
  • damage to the skin in the intimate area;
  • patient age under 18 years;
  • allergic reactions;
  • the presence of genital herpes in the acute stage.

In the end, we note that no matter which plastic surgery method you prefer, you should definitely seek advice from an experienced specialist. The doctor will prescribe the necessary studies and select the most suitable method for you, taking into account all the pros and cons.

The Medicine and Beauty Clinic on Paveletskaya is equipped with an operating unit with modern equipment, as well as a day hospital with the ability to carry out procedures under both local and general anesthesia.

The clinic also has several types of latest generation lasers for both surgical laser correction and non-surgical intimate rejuvenation (latest generation device CANDELA CORE INTIMA, made in the USA; X-DOT, made by DEKA, Italy).

The clinic works only with certified injection drugs for intimate filling, permitted in the Russian Federation.

The clinic employs gynecologists, cosmetologists, plastic surgeons, endocrinologists with more than 15 years of experience, candidates of medical sciences, and doctors of the highest category.

By making an appointment with a specialist at the Medicine and Beauty Center on Paveletskaya, you will receive a consultation on labiaplasty, intimate rejuvenation, taking into account all the details of the upcoming procedure. Today, intimate plastic surgery services are quite in demand in Moscow.

You can sign up by phone in Moscow: 84993720562 and 84993433307.

Intimate plastic surgery is a type of plastic surgery that has become very popular in recent years. Correction of the genital organs allows you to get rid of congenital or acquired defects and increase the sexual attractiveness of partners.

Women's intimate plastic surgery

The most common procedures are: vaginal tightening and rejuvenation, virginity restoration, vaginoplasty. Using modern techniques and high-precision equipment, plastic surgeons excise scars, increase the sensitivity of the clitoris and reduce the labia.
One of the popular procedures is hymenoplasty (virginity restoration). The operation is performed under local or general anesthesia (at the patient’s discretion) and lasts from 40 minutes to 1 hour. Thanks to the use of absorbable suture material, a repeat visit to the doctor is not required.
When correcting the size of the vagina, the plastic surgeon removes postpartum scars and incisions, and performs suturing of submucosal tissues. A common problem after childbirth is pubic enlargement. An experienced specialist makes several light punctures through which he suctions out the fat accumulated in the subcutaneous tissue.
Labiaplasty is a fairly simple procedure that can be performed under local anesthesia and does not require hospitalization. All manipulations to remove excess tissue and correct shape are carried out using self-absorbing sutures.

Male intimate plastic surgery

Plastic surgery allows you to correct any congenital or acquired dysfunction of the reproductive system in men: premature ejaculation, lack of potency, anatomically incorrect shape of the penis, etc. For erectile dysfunction, Moscow clinics offer radical penile replacement. The technique involves installing a silicone prosthesis under the cavernous surfaces of the penis.
The length of manhood is determined by genetic predisposition and developmental characteristics. The growth of the penis can also be affected by severe illnesses and injuries in childhood. In order to increase the length of the penis, plastic surgeons insert a suspensory ligament between the periosteum of the pubic symphysis and the Beech's fascia. This operation allows you to mobilize the hidden part of the penis, adding a few desired centimeters.
Another popular procedure is the sewing of special clitoral balls into the penis for better satisfaction of the sexual partner. This minimally invasive procedure is performed under local anesthesia, takes 30-40 minutes and does not require long-term rehabilitation.

Where in Moscow can you get intimate plastic surgery?

In the database of the Zoon information portal you will find the coordinates of specialized intimate surgery centers, public aesthetic surgery clinics and intimate plastic departments in private medical institutions. The Zoon website also presents profiles of experienced surgeons, doctors of science and professors from famous clinics. To choose the right doctor and clinic, you can read the ratings of specialists, patient reviews and the cost of a particular surgical correction.

The intimate side of life is called that because it is not customary to discuss it with anyone. Thousands of women suffer from complexes caused by the unaesthetic appearance of their genitals or their incorrect size. The inability to talk to someone about this problem only aggravates the experiences of a woman, who may generally withdraw into herself, considering herself unworthy to start a family and lead a full sex life.

Fortunately, modern aesthetic surgery, which has long ceased to be available exclusively to movie stars and show business representatives, deals with congenital and acquired problems relating to the structure of the genitals. Today, any woman who comes to a plastic surgery clinic can either change the size and shape of her labia majora and minora, or make the entrance to the vagina somewhat narrower or widen it.

Surgery to restore virginity is popular among young representatives of the fairer sex, and women over 40 have already appreciated the effectiveness of laser vaginal rejuvenation.

Plastic surgery of intimate places is aimed at improving the quality of sexual life of both partners, and also helps the woman feel more attractive. Those who have undergone intimate plastic surgery, after surgery leave rave reviews on relevant online forums for women.

Indications for intimate plastic surgery and who should not have it done

Not every representative of the fair sex is completely satisfied with the shape and structural features of her genitals. Almost any problem related to the appearance and size of the female genital organs can be solved by an experienced plastic surgeon. Such operations do not belong to the category of vital surgical interventions, but intimate plastic surgery performed by a competent doctor can significantly improve the quality of the intimate life of a woman and her partner.

Indications for intimate plastic surgery:

    • the size and/or shape of the labia majora does not suit the woman;
    • too large - protruding beyond the labia minora;
    • age-related or post-traumatic changes in a woman’s external genitalia;
    • insufficient volume in the area of ​​the woman’s external genitalia;
    • postpartum vaginal stretching, preventing normal sexual activity;
    • excessive narrowing of the vaginal opening caused by ruptures during childbirth;
    • the presence of excess skin tissue in the clitoral hood area.

Like any other type of surgery, aesthetic female intimate plastic surgery has a number of contraindications. They relate to both the woman’s health status and her age and psychological state, as well as lifestyle.

Contraindications to aesthetic surgery in such a field of plastic surgery as intimate plastic surgery:

      • the patient’s age is under 16 years (there are exceptions, for example, post-traumatic surgery);
      • oncological and infectious diseases;
      • pathologies associated with disruption of normal blood clotting;
      • inflammatory processes in the area of ​​intervention;
      • sexually transmitted diseases;
      • diabetes mellitus;
      • mental illness;
      • menstruation;
      • smoking - reluctance to give up this bad habit at least temporarily can lead to tissue necrosis.

How is plastic surgery of intimate areas performed?

One of the most common types of intimate plastic surgery in clinics in Moscow and St. Petersburg is the correction of too small and/or wrinkled labia majora. It is performed using the patient’s own fat cells or hyaluronic acid (optionally, biopolymer gel), which are injected under the skin in the appropriate area. This allows you to increase the volume and elasticity of the labia majora to the desired level and maintain the result for several years. Over time, the lips gradually become smaller in volume, and then the operation can be repeated.

The opposite of this operation is to reduce the size of the labia majora, for which conventional liposuction is used, that is, the removal of locally located excess adipose tissue. If a woman is unhappy with the large size of her labia minora, then during the operation the surgeon excises excess skin and forms aesthetically perfect labia minora of an ideal size. Excess tissue from the clitoral hood is removed in the same way. The discrepancy between the sizes of the major and minor lips can be resolved either by enlarging one pair of them, or by reducing the other.

A considerable percentage of operations related to intimate plastic surgery involve changing the size of the vagina after childbirth, and reviews from patients after such interventions are the most positive. The decision about the need for such an operation should be made together with a plastic surgeon no earlier than a year after giving birth.

Scar tissue removal

One of the common problems is a narrowing of the vaginal opening, which occurs as a result of perineal ruptures during childbirth and prevents normal sexual activity due to the pain that a woman experiences when trying to penetrate. The reason for this is the formation of inelastic connective tissue at the sites of ruptures, the tension of which causes pain. During surgery, scar tissue is removed and normal vaginal patency is restored.

Reducing vaginal size

Reducing the size of the vagina, which has stretched during the passage of the fetus through the birth canal, surgically allows a woman to return the ability to enjoy sex. This occurs due to the excision of excess wall tissue and the installation of special biomaterials in a certain way, which are replaced by their own connective tissue for no more than a year and a half. In the future, the added volume remains unchanged if the woman does not plan another natural birth. For those who are determined to have more children, another type of vaginal reduction surgery is used.

Surgical defloration and hymenoplasty

The first involves excision of either an overly strong hymen, which could not be destroyed naturally, or a hymen devoid of a natural opening, which does not allow menstrual flow to pass out and thereby provokes various pathologies. The second is done either as a surprise to a permanent partner, or for religious or ethical reasons. During hymenoplasty, either the petals of the torn hymen are sewn together, or the mucous membrane at the entrance to the vagina - in this case, the mucous membrane can be sewn together more than once, that is, a woman can lose her virginity more than once.

Photos before and after intimate plastic surgery

Looking at the photos given in this section, you can get an idea of ​​how intimate contouring for women can radically change the appearance of the genitals.

How is the postoperative period going?

Within approximately 7-9 days, swelling and pain in the operated area completely disappear. In order for tissue regeneration after surgery to occur more quickly, it is not recommended to take a sitting position for a week after surgery. For at least several weeks after plastic surgery, the following are strictly prohibited: lifting weights, physical work, sports - especially cycling and horse riding - and anything that can cause the body to overheat. You should also not resume sexual activity without the permission of your doctor. If vaginal plastic surgery has taken place, then throughout the entire rehabilitation period you need to monitor the regularity of bowel movements and in no case allow constipation to occur. The final assessment of the result of the operation will be possible 1-3 months after it is performed.

Almost all plastic surgeries aimed at the aesthetic attractiveness of a woman’s genital organs, increasing their sensitivity and neutralizing age-related or traumatic changes are performed using self-absorbable suture material. This eliminates the need to remove stitches some time after surgery.

One of the common misconceptions is that intimate plastic surgery can reduce sensitivity in the operated area. In fact, all the experience of plastic surgeons specializing in this type of operation is aimed precisely at increasing a woman’s sensitivity, so that the intimate side of life brings her as much pleasure as possible.

Promotions from "Omorphia"

The uniqueness of each of the promotions lies in the fact that the winner gets the opportunity to undergo free plastic surgery, the usual cost of which can exceed hundreds of thousands of rubles. This is done so that as many people as possible can appreciate what modern aesthetic surgery is capable of. In order to take part in the promotion you are interested in, just register an account, fill out an application and be active on the site, increasing your rating.

Defects, aesthetic imperfections, functional pathologies of the genital organs can have a significant impact on a woman’s life. Her sex life, the ability to give birth to a child, and psychological comfort depend on how they look and function. The Reproductive Health Center “For Birth” provides intimate plastic surgery services, the price of which is quite reasonable. Experienced specialists will perform the necessary correction of the intimate area using effective modern methods.

Take the first step - make an appointment with a doctor!

Make an appointment with a doctor

Intimate plastic surgery: what is it?

This term is commonly used to refer to medical correction of the intimate area, which is performed using surgical and conservative methods. This is a whole range of procedures and manipulations with which you can change the appearance and improve the functionality of the genital organs. They allow you to solve various goals, for example:

  • eliminate birth defects and anomalies;
  • increase the size of the genital organs, improve their appearance, to give a woman the opportunity to get rid of complexes and increase self-esteem;
  • improve the quality of sexual life, increase sensitivity and get rid of anorgasmia;
  • perform intimate rejuvenation - eliminate sagging, sagging, pigmentation and other age-related phenomena;
  • restore functions lost as a result of injuries, difficult childbirth, or unprofessional operations.

Intimate plastic surgery can also be done in order to minimize the likelihood of relapses of bacterial vaginitis and vaginosis.

Intimate plastic surgery

Main types of intimate gynecology

As mentioned above, intimate plastic surgery represents a whole complex of effects. The most popular of them are:

  • hymenoplasty - restoration of the hymen, which is performed for various reasons of an ethical or religious nature, after accidental surgical defloration, etc.;
  • labiaplasty or intimate plastic surgery of the labia - includes enlargement or reduction of the labia, changing their shape, eliminating various defects;
  • correction of the vagina - narrowing of the entrance, reduction of the vagina for medical reasons;
  • intimate plastic surgery of the clitoris - usually performed to increase its sensitivity during sexual intercourse;
  • increasing the G-spot increases its availability for stimulation and increases its sensitivity.

Also, many women seek to undergo intimate plastic surgery after childbirth. The fact is that often the genitals after childbirth undergo changes that are not for the better and need correction. They do not look as aesthetically pleasing as before, and their sensitivity also decreases. Experienced specialists, using modern equipment and advanced methods of intimate gynecology, successfully solve these problems.

There are many methods that are used at the For Birth Center, and not all of them involve major surgery. For example, intimate contouring is a minimally invasive method of correcting the intimate area. When using it, special fillers (fillers) are used, in particular, preparations based on hyaluronic acid, which make it possible to change the appearance of the genital organs and improve their functionality.

Our advantages

Why is it worth having intimate plastic surgery at the “For Birth” center? There are many reasons for this:

  • extensive experience and highly qualified specialists;
  • availability of necessary tools, materials and equipment;
  • application of effective modern methods.

We guarantee careful attention to every woman who contacts us. The staff of the “For Birth” center will listen carefully to your wishes, perform an examination and offer the best way to solve your problems. We provide intimate plastic surgery services for different purposes: both to improve the appearance of the genital organs, increase their attractiveness, and to restore their functionality.

Prices for intimate plastic surgery

Many women are interested in how much perineal plastic surgery costs. The basic cost of services is indicated on this page of our website, but the final price must be clarified with a specialist. In the reproductive health center “For Birth”, intimate gynecology services are provided at affordable prices.


Patient reviews

We contacted your clinic after long-term treatment for infertility. It was a huge blow for my husband to find out that he was the reason that I couldn’t get pregnant. But the doctors at your center performed a miracle! They restored the husband’s faith in himself and, through the Ixi procedure, conception still occurred. Heartfelt thank you for our newborn son!

I would like to express my deep gratitude to Irina Gennadievna Torganova. If it weren’t for her, I would hardly have decided on this procedure. I just trusted the doctor, and she told me what to do and how to do it. Sometimes it even seemed like you were left with no choice. But that's not true. Irina Gennadievna simply did not give either time or reason for doubt. I had IVF in September 2016. Despite the fact that I was already 40 years old at that time, and the man was 56, everything worked out on the first try and in a fresh protocol. The pregnancy was very easy. My Treasure has already grown up (we are 1 year and 7 months old) and weighs 17.5 kg and 89 cm. We will grow a little more and will definitely come to thank all the clinic staff. Thanks to all the staff of the clinic and good luck to those who are now on the path to their happiness or still doubt whether to undergo the procedure.

We would like to express our deep gratitude to the entire team of the clinic For Birth. After an unsuccessful IVF attempt at another clinic, we decided to go to this clinic under compulsory medical insurance. Unfortunately the first attempt was unsuccessful. But we didn’t give up, we still had cryoshkas. Thanks to Irina Gennadievna Torganova, the cryo protocol was successful. In March 2018, we welcomed a wonderful son and daughter. You are doing a miracle! And give the happiness of being parents! God bless you!!!

You know, I can confidently say that Zarozhdeniye employs first-class specialists who value and love their work and care about their patients. I had the chance to meet this clinic in 2017. Before, I couldn’t even think that something like this was possible. I’m not a small girl, I’ve turned 30, I’ve heard about eco, but I haven’t gone into details. But 30 years crept up unnoticed, and my husband and I have been living for 5 years. We were also overtaken by a conversation about children. After talking, we realized that we were both ready for procreation. Apparently, at that time fate laughed very loudly, because at the hospital they told me something like “uh, no, my dear, you won’t be able to have children anymore.” I am a positive person by nature and not at all an alarmist. Therefore, having thought about this phrase sensibly, I went directly to the Origin, it so happened that it turned out to be the closest at that time, and I just needed a paid clinic. It was there that they told me everything in detail about the eco procedure, about the additions and varieties. The next day I already dragged my husband there. He listened to everything and agreed. Our doctor: Mazur Sergey Ivanovich. Very cool, gives his best to work. I am so glad that after all the torment we found a way out and are now waiting for the birth of our baby.

Origin in Moscow is the best clinic that came my way. Let me start with the fact that in my struggle for the opportunity to have children, I was in more than one medical center and in more than one clinic. I went through all possible and impossible procedures and studies. I was treated with traditional medicine, in Russia and abroad, I even went to holy places and kissed the relics. The effect is zero. At first, my ex-husband actively supported me in everything, and then he left me and went to live with a colleague who was pregnant by him. I decided not to give up, but to keep trying. Finally, it was time for IVF. The first attempt in one very famous center in Moscow is a flyby. The second attempt is there - a flight. The third attempt, on the advice of a friend in Ivanovo, was a success, and the fourth in Zazrozhdenie was a success. Finally, I sighed calmly, I will have children!