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Alcoholism in the family is always a tragedy. And for women it’s doubly woeful. After all, a woman is a mother by nature and is called upon to take care of the family hearth. If a wife drinks, this threatens the breakdown of the family, and it is very difficult for loved ones all the time. Unfortunately, according to statistics, more and more representatives of the fair sex are drawn into alcohol addiction, regardless of their social status. How to help a loved one, are there effective ways against female alcoholism? Why did this problem arise? What should the husband do in this case? There are answers to these questions.

When to start sounding the alarm

Unlike men, ladies go into the stage of deep drinking much more quickly. If the husband manages to see the first signs of addiction and take action, then there is a much greater chance of “pulling the dying woman” out of this swamp. Sometimes loved ones do not notice the seriousness of what is happening. It usually starts with get-togethers with girlfriends and friends, then the frequency of such meetings gradually increases, and soon, she no longer needs company, she drinks alone and every day. And the husband realizes that his wife is an alcoholic even when she is seriously ill. But you can’t call it anything other than a disease. How not to miss this line?

Signs that the wife drinks and is already dependent:

  • The woman becomes irritable, even aggressive.
  • Stops spending time on family and household chores.
  • She becomes sloppy and doesn’t take care of herself.
  • Swelling appears on the face, dark circles under the eyes.
  • May be absent from home for a long time.
  • Starts to have a hangover in the morning.
  • May drink alone at home.

If you notice several of these signs, it’s time to sound the alarm and take action. But before you answer the question of how to force your wife to stop drinking, how to cure her, find out what not to do. What mistakes should you not make to help a loved one in such trouble?

What not to do

  • Don't blame your spouse; most likely, she is aware of her problem, but is unable to stop herself.
  • Do not threaten forced treatment. According to statistics, it is mainly those who voluntarily go to the clinic who are completely freed from alcohol addiction.
  • Don't try to protect her from alcohol by depriving her of money or the opportunity to go out. This will only lead to worse results. Nothing stops those who are highly dependent; they will find a way to do their job in any situation.
  • Don’t give up, there is always a chance to fix everything and help a person get out of trouble.

How to be

To know how to stop your wife from drinking, you need to understand why she started doing it. These things don't happen in a vacuum. The reasons may be on the surface or deeply hidden, and the husband’s task is to try to find them. Here it is important to have patience and not neglect attempts to have an open conversation with your betrothed. Find out what really bothers her, what wounds, worries, grievances or fears she hides behind a glass.

Contrary to the belief that it is mainly poor, dysfunctional families who start “using”, this is far from the case. Rich and successful people and those who seem to have a strong, friendly family often become drunkards. The insides of the human soul can be very different from the way of life he created, so the reason must be sought precisely in the psychological aspect.

Causes of female alcoholism

An alcoholic wife may in fact simply be a severely traumatized person whose psyche could not withstand stress, a negative situation, or emotional pain. Among the most common causes of this disease are the following:

  • Previously suffered loss (death of a child, less often a relative).
  • Unfulfillment in the work sphere, loss of oneself as a specialist, a sought-after employee.
  • Mental loneliness (there is no emotional and spiritual intimacy between spouses, so the wife drinks).
  • Frequent quarrels in the family, the woman feels pressure and humiliation.
  • Boredom (usually happens in families where the husband earns well and insists that his “half” stay at home).
  • Lack of understanding and mutual support in the family.
  • Excessive stress (a difficult job or a large family where everything rests on fragile shoulders).
  • Weak character, susceptibility to influence (here friends or company can drag you into drinking alcohol).
  • Severe sudden stress (I found out about my husband’s infidelity, lost my job, etc.).
  • Feeling of hopelessness, doom, lack of self-confidence.
  • Predisposition to depression, tendency to dramatize everything.
  • Heredity.
  • Alcoholism of someone close to you.

Treatment options

Undoubtedly, the husband should talk with his wife and try to find out the reasons why she became addicted to the glass. To know how to get your wife to stop drinking, you need to find out what positive experiences alcohol gives her. What is drowned out by alcohol vapors. Doing this on your own can be difficult. A person can repress some traumas into the unconscious and with consciousness he will no longer perceive them as a problem. Therefore, some cannot accurately articulate what makes them do such things. Here the best solution is to consult a psychologist.

The most effective way to cure a person from drunkenness is to combine medication and psychotherapy. If the wife of an alcoholic does not admit the problem and refuses to go to the clinic, first try to just be around more often. Chat, show concern. Offer to see a psychologist, motivating her that the doctor will help resolve problems between you (they undoubtedly exist; people don’t drink when the relationship is ideal). Knowing that the husband is also trying to correct mistakes, the wife will most likely agree to a visit to a specialist.

A psychologist can quickly and efficiently lead the unfortunate person to drug treatment. As a result of these two therapies, a person can be cured within 2-3 months. In addition, the psychotherapist will help not only solve the addict’s problem, but also find within himself the incentive not to resort to this method of “escaping reality” anymore. Having worked through internal traumas, you can forever get rid of cravings for alcohol and drugs.

Self help

If, nevertheless, the alcoholic wife flatly refuses to visit doctors, even a psychologist, then it is useless to force her there, the result will be minimal and the woman will soon relapse again.

In this case, try the following:

  • Give your wife a nice dinner and don’t forbid her to drink a little. Have a heart-to-heart talk, try to get her to reveal her pain to you and voice her experiences. Under the influence of alcohol, she can tell more than she can say when sober. Listen carefully and try to understand. Perhaps by giving her what she is missing, you can greatly help your spouse.
  • Spend time with your family, be together more often, walk in parks, theaters, wherever, most importantly, together. But it’s better to avoid cafes and restaurants in such a situation. Don't skimp on entertainment. Organize a romantic vacation trip or invite your partner on a date and make a pleasant surprise.
  • If you have children, remind your spouse more often that she is needed as a mother and that only with her attention and care can they grow up happy.
  • Try to “slip” her some useful literature. Not about how to get rid of alcoholism, but how to find yourself. There are many useful positive psychology manuals on this subject that can help you independently work through your problems and traumas and begin to look at the world differently.
  • Try to protect your spouse from communicating with those with whom she drinks.
  • Prove to your wife that you are not ashamed of her illness and support her in everything, especially in treatment.

It is important to understand that representatives of beauty themselves are very vulnerable and sensitive, although today it is fashionable to hide these natural qualities under the steel mask of “iron ladies”. What may seem trivial to a man can be a real shock to a woman. With the help of the “green serpent” a person always makes up for something that he cannot receive. More precisely, it drowns out the pain felt from the lack of something in this life. There are no other reasons.

Even genetic disposition acts completely differently here - it does not form a direct craving for alcohol, but precisely this way of solving problems. That is, if a girl grew up in a family where the mother drank, say, out of loneliness, because the husband was at work all the time, then, having found herself in the same situation, the daughter will also start drinking, because this is precisely the behavior she adopted from her mother. And the most effective thing that can be done to treat a drinking wife is to understand her, help her understand herself and find a solution together.

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    Of course it’s okay to do what you want, as long as you don’t really bother anyone

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    I ask him, who are you?

    he said that it was some kind of kaiminsh. asked what I was doing. I say, I take out the trash quietly at three in the morning, I don’t bother anyone. well, he went upstairs, dropping something about carogs tev rock... I locked the door, took out the trash and went to bed.

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If a drunk wife is constantly cheating, no man will like this situation. Adultery is always a very big blow to the other half of the marriage. Often, because of this situation, people leave their family, but there are other options. In this article we will learn why a wife cheats and how her husband should react to it.

Is weakness not a vice?

Sometimes a man doesn’t want to hear any excuses and simply leaves his wife if there has been cheating. But this is what those people do who have never truly loved, since every person can make mistakes, and if you love, then you must forgive even betrayals. This article will tell you how to survive an adulterous husband.

As a rule, adultery means physical contact of the other half with a strange man. But it is worth knowing that betrayal does not appear so easily; it is a consequence of some mental disorder. Of course, there are other reasons why the wife decided to “go left.” This primarily concerns her immoral behavior; if a woman likes to drink, then naturally you need to understand that a drunk woman is ready for a relationship with anyone.

Unfortunately, this is the essence of a woman and nothing can be done about it, of course, there are other situations that led a girl to such behavior, for example, a man may not satisfy her sexually or a wife decided to take revenge on her husband for what he also once I did that to her. In general, this is a very sensitive topic and there are a lot of options that led a woman to such an act, we will try to understand them.

A girl in the status of “wife” is very often subject to the desire to change her sexual partner, and whether she was drunk or not does not play a big role here. There is such a thing as adultery - in simple words it is a cheater. More recently, adultery has attracted the public attention of psychologists; they have tried to study what type of women fits this concept.

  1. Children,
  2. Family,
  3. Beloved man,
  4. Home,
  5. Reputation,
  6. Position in society.

What could push a girl to do such an act?

I would like to say that a happy family life can be achieved if a married couple solves all problems together. Never hide good or bad events in your life from your significant other. Solve all issues together, try to listen to each other and listen to the desires of your other half. Give surprises and gifts to your beloved more often, this is the key to her heart. Every woman likes attention from her beloved man and “marital ties” should not interfere with this at all. If she has become your legal wife, this does not mean that she does not want romance and everything else, always remember this and often pamper your beloved with beautiful gifts and compliments, and then she will never look the other way.

Attention, TODAY only!

No matter how sad it sounds, but sometimes wives themselves, by their unfaithful behavior, provoke and support their husband’s drunkenness, and create all the conditions for the development of alcoholism.

They are lenient towards their husband's drunkenness

In our country, women are quite are lenient about their husband's drunkenness, and perhaps that is why Russia is at the forefront of the incidence and spread of alcoholism. Excessive patience and passivity play a far from positive role in the fight against alcoholism. After all wives actually put up with their husband’s alcoholism and turn a blind eye to his regular drinking. When the husband returns home drunk, the wife confines herself to only a minor lecture, which is needed more for appearance. Women blame their spouse for constant drunkenness, but continue to live with him, as if this is in the order of things.

They endure beatings and forgive insults

Women who do not have influence over their husband and do not enjoy his respect often behave in quite contradictory ways. They make scandals, suffer beatings, drunken antics, insults from her husband, but every time they forgive him for his insults, “forget about everything,” which only contributes to increased drunkenness. Alcoholic husbands feel impunity and permissiveness, and continue to abuse alcohol as if nothing had happened. Such wives argue only when their husband comes home drunk, but remain silent if he drinks at home. You can often hear from them: “ When my husband is sober, he is good!“Haven’t you asked yourself the question: “How often is he sober?”

The husband is deprived of the right to vote in the family

Today it is a very common phenomenon in families where the husband is an alcoholic, when The wife plays the main role in the family. According to her beliefs, she is the one who makes the best decisions, which means she holds the cards. She earns money, she decides how to spend it, how to raise children correctly, etc. things. The husband often has no say in family matters at all.. And such a position of the wife can in its own way contribute to the husband’s further drunkenness, which may supported by his low self-esteem and lack of self-respect. Let your husband know that he is still worth something in life, that you value him and expect help and support from him.

Start drinking with her husband

Some wives decide this and make a terrible mistake: “If I drink with your husband, he will get less, and the more I drink, the less my husband will drink, which means the less he will get drunk!” Or they suggest to the husband: “Come on, instead of drunken gatherings in the gateway on benches with alcoholic friends, you will It's polite to have a drink with me at home, at the table, with a good snack!” The wife sacrifices her health, drinks this crap, forcing herself through force. And this does not change the situation in any way, the husband still drinks as he drank, but only now he also drinks at home with his wife, who also became addicted to alcohol and turned into his drinking companion. Dear women, don’t make mistakes, remember that a husband should feel good at home, in the family, not because he can drink there!

They hide their husband's drunkenness

Wives often support their husband's drunkenness by saying hide the fact of drunkenness from neighbors, friends, acquaintances, work colleagues. They themselves they call at work, they say that the husband is very sick and cannot come, and meanwhile he sleeps off drunk at home. They hide drunkenness from neighbors, acquaintances, keep husband at home so that, “God forbid,” he doesn’t catch someone’s eye when he’s drunk. Sami buy and bring home alcohol so that the spouse does not drink somewhere “on the side.” Justify drunkenness, and every time find reasons and excuses. By their actions, women create a curtain of well-being in the family, behind which they carefully hide the alcoholism of their chosen one. And in the meantime, without encountering any resistance, reproaches and reproaches from the people around him, he grows and develops, as if in a greenhouse environment, drawing your husband further and further.