A feature of the 12-day diet is the alternation of twelve. Every day is dedicated to eating one type of food. Such a diet will require a lot of perseverance and endurance, because you will have to significantly limit your daily diet. But the main advantage of this diet will be the rapid loss of a significant amount of excess weight. In 12 days you can lose up to 10 kg.

First day - kefir

Throughout the day you should drink 1 liter of kefir with a fat content of no more than 2.5%. Meals can be divided into 3 times. At the same time, during the day you are allowed to drink no more than 2 cups of tea, but without sugar. Another recommendation would be to consume 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil, which will saturate the body with the elements it needs. It is best to use olive or flaxseed oil.

Second day - fruity

A day more rich in vitamins and healthy ingredients. The fruit day diet is 6 oranges, herbal tea and a spoonful of butter.

Third day - cottage cheese

You are allowed to consume no more than 750 grams of low-fat cottage cheese per day. Add tea and butter to your meals.

Day four - vegetable day

Tenth day - vegetable

We cook cabbage, parsley, 2 cucumbers and celery, and also drink herbal tea.

Eleventh day - cottage cheese

We repeat the menu of the third day.

Twelfth day - fruity

One kilogram of fresh plums and 0.5 kilograms of pitted prunes, tea and vegetable oil.

Diet 12 days, reviews

The 12 day diet is very effective. Thanks to low calorie and eating only one type of food increases processes in the body, which leads to excess weight loss in a matter of days.

Repeating this technique is possible only after a break of 3–4 months. Also an important condition when using this method of losing weight is the amount of still water you drink; it should be at least 1.5–2 liters per day.

After the first 2 days, positive results will already be visible, it will take about two kilograms. After completing the course, the weight stays the same for a long time.

But it is worth remembering that any diet that greatly limits food intake may cause side effects. For example, a rash on the face, dizziness, weakness, nausea, but these are isolated cases.

Favorite diet for 12 days

For 12 days it is widely used by celebrities, it is called. It is also designed for 12 days, but has differences in the composition of products per day.

Favorite diet, menu

1, 2, 3 days - kefir

Kefir can be consumed these days in any quantity. The main thing is that it is non-greasy.

4, 5, 6 days - apple

Eat as many apples as your heart desires these days.

7, 8, 9 days - chicken

Any amount of boiled, stewed chicken without skin is allowed.

10, 11, 12 days - wine

Also in the daily diet of this diet it is allowed to include herbal teas without sugar, 1 cup of coffee per day and you should definitely drink plenty of water.

Diet 12 days, results

The favorite diet is quite strict, but it allows you to lose up to 14 kilograms, which is what makes it so popular among the stars.

Favorite diet 12 days, reviews

The diet is difficult to tolerate, but it gives a good effect, which does not leave those losing weight indifferent.

Contraindications to this weight loss method are various chronic diseases. If you have any, you should choose a more gentle diet.

This course allows you to forget about the problem of excess weight and stop looking for the answer to the question “how to lose weight,” because you already have a favorite diet.

The twelve-day diet is best tolerated in the autumn-winter period. In fact, it consists of 12 hard fasting days. It is not recommended to use this diet for people who have health problems. You can lose 8-10 kg of excess weight if you strictly adhere to the menu.

Twelve-day diet - the menu is as follows (after 18:00 - eating is not recommended):

1 day (kefir)

1 liter of kefir (2.5% fat)

herbal tea

Day 2 (fruit)

4-6 oranges
1 tbsp. l. sunflower oil
herbal tea

Day 3 (curd)

1 tbsp. l. sunflower oil
herbal tea

Day 4 (vegetable)

1 can of squash caviar
herbal tea

Day 5 (chocolate)

1 chocolate bar (100 g)
herbal tea

Day 6 (apple)

1-1.5 kg apples without peel
1 tbsp. l. sunflower oil
herbal tea

Day 7 (cheese)

300 g hard cheese
herbal tea

Day 8 (vegetable)

Vegetable salad
1 liter of tomato juice
1 tbsp. l. sunflower oil
herbal tea

Day 9 (meat)

400 g boiled beef
1 tbsp. l. sunflower oil
herbal tea

Day 10 (vegetable)

Salad with cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage with parsley, dill, celery, sunflower oil and a little salt
herbal tea

Day 11 (curd)

2-3 packs of low-fat cottage cheese (250-300 g)
1 tbsp. l. sunflower oil
herbal tea

Day 12 (fruit)

1 kg. fresh plums (or 500 g prunes)
1 tbsp. l. sunflower oil
herbal tea

Many of us, looking in the mirror, feel dissatisfied with our figure. It often happens that there are 2-3 weeks left before a holiday or vacation trip, and you don’t look like a queen at all. How to quickly lose weight and still stay energetic and healthy? The authors of the 12-day diet promise exactly this result.

Do you need to lose weight?

Before you take care of your figure, it wouldn’t hurt to stand in front of the mirror and figure out how much you need it. Success in achieving any goal largely depends on the incentive. What benefits will there be from losing weight and will there be any at all? Ordinary statistics will help solve this issue.

  • Slender people have fewer problems with the opposite sex. And it's not because they are prettier or better looking. It’s just that a slender person behaves more confidently in society. Those around you feel this and are drawn to a stronger personality.
  • It is easier for a slim person to find a job. It is not difficult to guess who the employer will give preference to: a beautifully built man and woman, or an obese person who cannot catch his breath and is sweating from excitement.
  • Being slim leaves you with a choice to visit many places. Overweight people sometimes feel awkward in the pool or on the beach. A chair in a cinema or a seat in a transport may be too small for a fat person. Difficulties arise even with the choice of clothes.

The main thing, undoubtedly, is the spiritual beauty of a person, but if you can make your figure at least a little more beautiful and thereby make your life easier, then why not try?

What are the methods and diets for losing weight?

There are many ways to lose weight and they are varied. This could be training in the gym, turpentine baths, wrapping with film. Some limit themselves to replacing a large plate with a small one, stop eating dinner or douse themselves with cold water. It is difficult to argue about the effectiveness of all these methods: each has its supporters and opponents. I would like to focus on diets.

The hundreds of diets developed today can be confusing for anyone. Which one should you choose, since they seem so different? In fact, all types of diets can be divided into three main groups:

limiting the amount of food (low-calorie);

restriction of food intake;

restriction of diet (mono-diet).

Diets based on the first principle imply a reduction in the number of calories consumed by reducing either the total amount of food or its individual components (carbohydrates, fats). It happens that the low calorie content of such diets is achieved by reducing portions or refusing dinner. With a constant lack of calories, the body will be forced to burn fat. However, within a couple of weeks he will adapt to the new conditions and change his metabolism. Your body will simply cut down on energy expenditure on vigor, good mood, beautiful hair, sexuality and performance. And if you are not yet involved in sports, then instead of fat, muscles will be burned. Therefore, a low-calorie diet cannot be followed for more than two weeks. Among other things, constantly counting calories and weighing foods can drive the most patient crazy.

Diets associated with dietary changes require strict adherence to meal schedules or other conditions. This could be split meals 5-6 times a day, late breakfast at a certain time, or, for example, eating 300 g of food every 2 hours.

The basic rule of the third type of diet is a radical limitation of the composition of the diet. These are the so-called mono-diets or “clean” diets. Their principle is to eat one product for a certain time. Acceleration of the process is achieved due to the properties of some products to stimulate the intestines, remove fluid from the body or their choleretic effect. Like all others, mono-diets have their advantages and disadvantages. I would like to give an example of one of them, which is quite effective, if you believe the reviews.

Balanced 12-day diet for weight loss

This mono-diet cannot be called too fast. In terms of duration, it is most likely average. Essentially, these are 12 fasting days, on each of which you are allowed to eat a certain amount of only one product. The products are specially selected so that you feel as little discomfort and hunger as possible. The quantity indicated in the menu must be divided into several doses.

You need to drink as much as possible, at least 2 liters per day. This amount of liquid will allow you to quickly remove toxins from the body and speed up your metabolism. It is better if it is pure water or herbal tea. Rosehip decoction will be no less useful. If you cannot completely give up salt and sugar, then try to at least reduce their consumption.

The 12-day diet has received positive reviews from many people, and if you follow all the rules strictly, you can lose 7-10 kilograms in just 2 weeks.

Diet menu 12 days

First day. Kefir. During the day you are allowed to drink 1 liter of low-fat kefir (2.5%). Divide into 3-4 doses. It is better to drink a tablespoon of refined sunflower or olive oil on an empty stomach, but if this is difficult, you can mix it with kefir. You need to drink 2-3 cups of mint or chamomile tea per day; you don’t have to limit the amount of water.

Second day. Fruit. During this day you need to eat from 4 to 6 oranges. At the same time, do not forget about tea and oil.

Third day. Curd. Low-fat cottage cheese (300-500 g) must be divided throughout the day. You can dilute it a little with kefir without adding sugar. Plus a tablespoon of butter and tea.

Fourth day. Vegetable. This will be a 0.7-1 liter jar of squash caviar. Add butter to one of the servings, and between meals - the same green tea.

Fifth day. Chocolate. Don’t forget to drink the oil on an empty stomach, and during the day you can eat 100 grams. chocolate with a cocoa content of at least 70%. This day may seem the most pleasant, but many say that it is the most difficult. Drink herbal tea.

Sixth day.
Apple. 1 tablespoon of butter and 1.5 kg of apples, peeled. It is healthier if you take green apples. Wash it down with tea or rosehip decoction.

Seventh day. Cheesy. We replenish calcium reserves. About 300 gr. Divide the hard cheese into 4 doses, wash it down with herbal tea and don’t forget about a spoonful of butter.

Eighth day. Vegetable. During the day, you eat a bowl of salad from chopped fresh vegetables, seasoned with the same spoon of vegetable oil. A liter of tomato juice, if possible without preservatives, is also divided into 4 times. Wash everything down with herbal tea.

Ninth day. Meat. Amino acids your body needs. Boil 400 gr. beef for the whole day. You can add a bunch of greenery to it. Butter and tea, as in previous days.

Tenth day. Vegetable. This time the daily diet includes 300 grams. tomato and cucumber salad. parsley and any cabbage, seasoned with a spoon of butter and tea.

Eleventh day.
Curd. Everything is the same as on the third day, only the amount of cottage cheese this time should not exceed 300 grams.

Twelfth day. Fruits. You can eat 4-6 oranges, as on the second day, but 1 kg of plums or 500 grams will be much healthier. prunes This will help cleanse your intestines. Drink tea, clean water and oil as usual.

As you can see from the menu, all products are available and cooking is simple.

What is important to know

This 12-day diet is more of a tough diet. Experts, to be honest, criticize it, but reviews from people who lose weight this way are always positive. The diet definitely gives the desired results, but there are some contraindications that are important to consider:

  • this method of losing weight is not suitable for people with poor health, because the diet will still weaken your body for some time;
  • contraindicated for people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract or stomach ulcers;
  • During the diet, it is necessary to limit physical activity and stress loads on the body.

Advice for those who will have a hard time

Despite the fact that Diet 12 is as balanced as possible, not everyone will find it easy to resist eating something extra. Here are some tips to help you resist and not give in to temptation.

  1. Do not taste food while cooking. This will only irritate your appetite and worsen your mood.
  2. Put on a swimsuit and look at yourself in the mirror often. The results of the diet will be noticeable within a few days. This will give you a good incentive to finish what you started.
  3. Get on the scale every day. Your weight loss will be a pleasant surprise every day.
  4. Take cool baths and contrast showers. This is good for the skin and will help tighten and firm it.

Bonuses you will receive

Once you lose weight, you will definitely feel better. Shortness of breath will disappear, blood pressure will decrease, and the load on the spine and joints will decrease. It will become easier for you to move and walk, play with children and work in the country.

Self-esteem will increase. You were able to lose weight and did it despite all the ridicule and jokes of your comrades, who, undoubtedly, will respect you even more. Finally, the reflection in the mirror will delight you, not upset you.

As a reward for your persistence and patience, you will receive an attractive figure and appearance. You will have the opportunity to dress fashionably and wear things that you could never dream of before.

Swimming pools, gyms, saunas and beaches - you can now visit all these places without hesitation. Your complexes will be a thing of the past and you will be able to continue to maintain your figure through exercise and swimming.

You can only enjoy recreational activities such as hiking, skiing and cycling. Active pastime and many other interesting activities will tire you much less than before.

Family and sexual relationships will change for the better. We can say with confidence that the man he loves will look at you with completely different eyes and it is quite possible that he will see the girl of his dreams with iron willpower and strong character.

Whether or not you dare to take this step into a new life is up to you. A good figure solves some problems, but you need to approach weight loss wisely. Therefore, stand in front of the mirror, objectively assess your health and make the right decision.

The essence of the twelve-day diet is that it consists of 12 fasting days, but the products are selected in such a way that you will not be tormented by hunger throughout the entire diet.

  • After following the diet, you can get rid of 10 to 12 kilograms.
  • The 12-day diet is intended for healthy people who do not have health problems, so it is best to start following the diet in the autumn-winter period.
  • When following a diet, you must adhere to some rules: you cannot eat after 6 pm and you need to drink up to 2 liters of water per day, and you also need to give up salt and sugar.
  • It is not recommended to follow the diet for those with gastrointestinal diseases or ulcers.

Twelve-day diet: quite varied, so by following the diet, you will not just get rid of extra pounds, but every day will pass with joy, since the diet has quite a wide variety of dishes and products, so it will be much easier, how .

Twelve-day diet menu

  • First day: , per day you need to drink a liter of kefir with 2.5% fat content, which can be divided into 3 times. During the day, you are allowed to drink herbal tea from mint or chamomile, but no more than two cups, you must also drink a tablespoon of refined sunflower oil.
  • Second day: The diet will be fruity, since per day you need to eat 4-6 medium oranges along with herbal tea and a tablespoon of sunflower oil.
  • Third day: will be curd, so per day you need to eat 2-3 packs of low-fat cottage cheese (each 250 grams), but the cottage cheese must be natural without all kinds of dyes and additives. In addition to cottage cheese, you continue to drink tea and sunflower oil.
  • Fourth day: will be vegetable, so a day you need to eat a liter jar of zucchini caviar, herbal tea and a tablespoon of sunflower oil.
  • Fifth day: will be the most delicious, since on this day you will eat your favorite delicacy, chocolate. Over the course of the whole day, you can eat 100 grams of dark chocolate (70 percent or higher) and drink herbal tea.
  • Sixth day: will be apple, since the basis of your diet will consist of apples, you need to eat 1.5 kilograms of peeled green apples. And as usual, we drink herbal tea and sunflower oil in the same quantity.
  • Seventh day: The diet will be cheesy; throughout the day you will enjoy the taste of “Adyghe” cheese (300 grams) and drink herbal tea.
  • Eighth day: will consist entirely of fresh vegetables; per day you need to drink a liter of natural tomato juice and a salad containing only green vegetables. And again herbal tea and sunflower oil.
  • Ninth day: fish, since on this day the main dishes will consist of fish. You can eat 400 grams of lean fish, herbal tea and sunflower oil.
  • Tenth day: The diet will be vegetable, but unlike the two previous days, on this day you will eat a salad of two cucumbers and two tomatoes with parsley, celery and cabbage, with the addition of salt and sunflower oil, and herbal tea.
  • Eleventh day: diet is exactly the same as third day.
  • Twelfth day: the diet will consist entirely of fruits. This time you need to eat a kilogram of fresh plums and half a kilogram of prunes, but without seeds, and again herbal tea and sunflower oil.

After you complete the 12-day diet, in order to continue to maintain your weight, you must eat moderately for some time. To maintain weight, it is best to drink a glass of kefir with crackers or black bread for dinner.

  • When following a diet, it is recommended to perform physical exercises, which you will have to do daily, either just walking or going to the pool.
  • If you are happy with your result and you liked the 12-day minus 12 kilogram diet, then you can repeat it, but not earlier than after two months.

Losing weight in 12 days is the sweet dream of many women. Among many diets, this one stands out for its simple approach. Some of the results of the 12-day diet make you believe in its effectiveness. You can lose up to 8 kg.

Rules of the 12 day diet.

  • Each day's menu consists of one type of product.
  • You can only eat what is indicated in the diet.
  • You need to drink enough liquid. This improves metabolism and helps remove accumulated toxins.
  • You should not eat after 18-19 hours.

Approximate 12 day diet menu

Day 1: kefir on the menu.

Buy 1 liter of kefir (2.5% fat). Drink 1 glass every 3-4 hours. Add a tablespoon of vegetable oil to the last glass (preferably olive oil). You can drink the oil separately. This will help your body cleanse itself and prepare for weight loss. During breaks, you can drink green tea without sugar.

Day 2: Fruits on the menu.

Stock up on oranges. 4-6 fruits are what you need. Also spread them out throughout the day. In the evening, drink a spoonful of vegetable oil. Optional herbal tea. Don't forget to drink water.

Day 3: curd.

You will need 700-900 g of low-fat cottage cheese. You can mix 2 packs (250 g each) of cottage cheese and 2 cups of kefir. But the sugar will have to be put aside. Distribute throughout the day. In the evening - another spoonful of vegetable oil. Water and herbal tea - in between meals.

Day 4: vegetables.

Prepare a vegetable stew (eggplant, celery, tomatoes, zucchini, carrots). You can eat fresh vegetables or a salad made from them. The amount of oil is no more than 1 spoon. Fresh vegetables can be sprinkled with lemon juice to use less salt. The total amount of food per day is no more than 700 g of cooked vegetables or 1 kg of fresh ones. Fill your body with vitamins and don’t forget about water and tea.

Day 5: Chocolate on the menu.

It looks delicious, but don't be fooled. For the whole day, only 1 bar (100 g) of dark chocolate. Green or herbal tea will help.

Day 6: eat apples.

For the day – 1.5 g of apples and tea.

Day 7: cheese.

It's time to add calcium again. Buy 300 g of hard cheese. Divide this amount over 4 meals and eat with green tea.

Day 8: vegetables again.

Prepare 1 liter of tomato juice. We drink it in several doses. For lunch we prepare a bowl of vegetable salad. Oil – no more than 1 tablespoon. Water and tea are a must.

Day 9: meat.

Add essential amino acids. Boil 400 g of lean beef. This is for the whole day. You can add a small bunch of greens to the meat. During breaks - tea.

Day 10: vegetable.

Make a salad from cucumber, kale or Chinese cabbage, tomato, herbs (dill, parsley and other herbs), a spoonful of vegetable oil. We eat 200-300 g 3-4 times a day. Drink water and herbal tea.

Day 11 we spend again on cottage cheese.

Only this time – only 300 g.

Day 12: fruits.

But not just any kind, namely plums. They cleanse. Fresh – 1 kg, prunes – 500 kg. It is better to soak the latter overnight. Herbal tea and water remain.


The 12-day diet is quite categorical. You should not use it if you have chronic diseases or problems with the gastrointestinal tract. But even if you feel excellent, it is better to practice under the supervision of a doctor.

Repeat no more than after 6 months!