Origami tiger is one of the most popular paper origami. If you don't know how to make an origami tiger, then on this page you will find everything you need to assemble this simple paper figurine.

In the first photo you can see what you will get if you follow the assembly diagram below. The second photo of the origami tiger was taken by one of our site users. He made his paper tiger into a heart. It turned out to be a very funny paper animal. If you have photos of origami you have collected, send them to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view it.

Assembly diagram

Below is a diagram of the assembly of an origami tiger from the famous Japanese origami master Fumiaki Shingu. If you strictly follow the instructions, then assembling the origami tiger will not take much time, and the result will be the same as in the picture. After doing what is described in the diagram several times, you will understand how to make an origami tiger quickly and without looking at the diagram.

Video master class

Assembling an origami tiger may seem like a daunting task for beginners. Therefore, we advise you to enter the query “origami tiger video” on the largest video hosting site on the Internet, YouTube. There you will find a lot different videos about tiger origami, which clearly shows the steps to assemble a tiger. We hope that after watching the video of the assembly master class, you will have no more questions about how to make an origami tiger.

After watching this video lesson, you can learn how to assemble a more complex paper tiger:

And this video will teach you how to assemble several other origami tigers:


The symbolic meaning of an animal such as a tiger varies greatly depending on culture. For many, the tiger is a symbol of good power that can resist evil. In here, for example, in Ancient China They believed that the tiger is a symbol of darkness, and all the power of this animal is aimed exclusively at destruction.

This time we will learn how to make paper modules. What we will get is not a formidable predator, but a quite cute animal that will decorate the interior of your home or become a wonderful gift.

A very small and funny tiger cub made from modules is available for assembly by beginners. The method of creation is somewhat similar to and. The most difficult task is to alternate colors correctly so that the tiger has a white chest and black flats on its back.

To work you will need:

  • 175 red modules;
  • 87 pieces of white shade;
  • 60 black triangles;
  • colored paper for ears, paws, eyes and nose;
  • glue.

For modules, take rectangles measuring 4x6 cm. See how to do it.

First, it is better to collect the required number of parts, and then start assembling, so that nothing distracts and you can correctly repeat the drawing.

Origami tiger: assembly instructions

Start from the base. How to assemble it is described in detail. It will require 25 white modules (they will not be visible after assembly). Place 8 red parts on the long ends with pockets, then 7 white and 10 red ones. We got the first row. Glue it for strength. The white base modules went inside.

  • 2nd row - 4 black, 1 red, 3 black, 8 white, 3 black, 1 red, 3 black, 2 red.
  • 3rd row - 8 r., 7 b., 10 r.
  • 4th row - 2 hours, 1 p., 5 hours, 6 b., 5 hours, 1 p., 4 hours.
  • 5th row - 8 r., 7 b., 10 r.
  • 6th row - 2 p., 2 p., 1 p., 1 p., 1 p., 2 p., 6 b., 2 p., 1 p., 1 p., 1 p., 2 p. , 1 p., 2 h.
  • 7th row - 9 r., 5 b., 11 r.
  • 8th row - 2 h., 3 r., 3 h., 8 r., 3 h., 3 r., 3 h.
  • 9th row - 9 r., 5 b., 11 r.
  • The 10th row consists of 5 p., 1 p., 1 p., 1 p., 1 p., 6 p., 1 p., 1 p., 1 p., 1 p., 4 p., 2 r.
  • The 11th row includes 9 p., 5 p., 11 p.
  • Row 12 is the final one. It consists of 25 red triangles.

Tiger in modular technology origami almost ready. He doesn't look much like a cute little animal until he has ears, paws, eyes and a nose. Make parts from colored paper and glue them to the body of a feline.

Please note that the ears can not be glued, but inserted into the holes of the modules of the top row. The same goes for the paws.

The use of glue is not a prerequisite for assembly. Of course, you will need to fix their eyes and better glue the base modules for strength. Otherwise, the figure is quite durable and suitable for children's games, if it is securely secured.

In this model, external design plays a big role, so spend the right amount of time on designing the face. You will definitely succeed. Ask questions about the assembly in the comments. Subscribe to new articles so you don't miss anything interesting.

Tiger: craft from modules

Origami is the art of folding all kinds of paper figures. We will try to make an origami tiger from modules with our own hands. So let's get started.

Module diagram

Take a sheet (for printing and copying) of A4 format, divide it into 8 parts and fold the module according to the diagram:

How to make an origami tiger

We will need modules:

  • 997 pcs. (orange);
  • 271 pcs. (yellow);
  • 89 pcs. (black).

Scheme of origami tiger from modules

We make the craft according to the diagram in rows. The first and second consist of 6 yellow ones.

Third: double the quantity, you should get 12 yellow modules. In the fourth and fifth rows we add 4 modules each. Next, increase the row by one module and add color, you should get 8 orange + 13 yellow. Next 4 rows add 1 yellow piece. We form the face of our beast. We squeeze the craft so that it is strong. We insert the modules with the short side. In the eleventh row, we increase the number of components of each color by 1. Twelfth: 10 yellow + 20 primary color. Further rows will be more difficult to assemble, so it is important to avoid mistakes. Thirteenth: 10 yellow + 4 orange + 1 black + 11 orange. Fourteenth: add 1 orange element after 10 yellow ones. We carefully add modules. Fifteenth: 10 yellow + 3 orange + 1 black + 13 orange + 1 black + 4 orange. Sixteenth: 10 yellow + 1 orange + 1 black + 20 orange + 2 black. Next are three rows of 32 orange + 2 black. The twentieth, twenty-second and twenty-third are 34 orange. Twenty-one: 9 black + 25 orange modules.

We reduce the number of modules to 23. We finish the last row: 21 orange + 2 black. The head is ready for the origami tiger. Next we prepare the paws.

Scheme for making tiger paws

First and second: 9 modules of primary color each.
Third, fourth and sixth rows of paws: replace 1 piece of the main color with a black module. Fifth: 1 black + 3 orange + 1 black + 4 orange. Seventh: 2 orange + 1 black + 2 orange. Eighth: 4 pieces of the main color. Do more 3 paws in the same way.

Let's get to the body

Based on the color of the tiger, we can assume that the main color will be orange, black for the stripes, and yellow for the belly. First and second: 30 modules of primary color each. Third: replace the first 5 parts with black ones. In the fourth row, we reduce the number of parts of one color and increase the other by 1. Fifth: 5 of each color + 16 main ones. We begin to insert the next row of modules from right to left. Sixth: 6 yellow + 25 orange. In the seventh row, we increase the number of parts of one color and decrease the other by 1. We fasten all the modules together more tightly. Eighth: 8 yellow + 13 main + 5 black + 3 main. Ninth: 7 yellow + 10 main + 5 black + 11 main. Reducing the number of modules. Tenth: 8 yellow + 23 orange. Next 2 rows we reduce the number of parts of each color by 1. The body is ready! Origami tiger from modules is almost ready! Let's be patient!

Scheme for preparing tail from modules

So all we have to do is make the tail! First and second: 8 black each. Third and fourth: 8 orange each. Fifth and sixth: 8 black each. Seventh: 3 black + 4 orange. Next, we alternate 3 rows of colors, in the first we leave 7 parts, in the second - 5, in the last - 4. We connect all parts of the tiger’s body with the body. We make ears, eyes and antennae from colored paper, our craft is ready! Making an origami tiger from modules is not at all difficult, the main thing is to be patient, and everything will work out!