Few people suspect how much there is holidays dedicated to a particular event, person or animal. Some of them are serious, others are religious, and some are very entertaining and even a little funny. One of these unusual days calendar is the holiday Grandmothers' Day, which is celebrated relatively recently, but is already beginning to win fans around the globe. It should not be confused with the International Day of Grandmothers and Elderly People, since not every elderly person has grandchildren and bears the proud status of “grandfather” or “grandmother”. We can safely say that few people have any idea about its existence, which prompted the idea to develop and popularize this topic.

Russians began celebrating this day on the initiative of the Dutch Flower Bureau only in 2009, and it immediately acquired the name Grandparents' Day. Its celebration falls on the last Sunday in October, and the date is different each year. People who organize and popularize Grandmothers' Day in Russia, I advise the grandchildren and relatives of older people to please them with flower arrangements or potted plants. This wonderful custom takes its roots from the traditions of Europe and is filled deep meaning, because “green friends” have always been a symbol of life and prosperity. Of course, you can also please your grandparents with a postcard or souvenir self-made, read a poem or simply pay a courtesy visit.

When is Grandmothers' Day celebrated in Italy?

The first Sunday in October 2005 was marked by the celebration of Grandmothers' Day in sunny Italy. This date, due to happy circumstances, coincided with the celebration of the Catholic day of all guardian angels, which for Italians are their ancestors. According to the then ruler of France, it is the grandparents who act as a kind of “casket”, preserving centuries-old traditions and helping the new generation find their way in life.

Grandmothers' Day in France

Spring in France is significant not only for the celebration, but also for the celebration of Grandmothers' Day, which falls on the first Sunday of this month. And even though many women see their grandchildren regularly or even act as their nannies, this does not stop them from looking forward to the celebrations. This is facilitated by extensive entertainment programs in cafes and park areas, the availability of free excursions for grandmothers and grandchildren, discounts in clothing stores, and so on. National Grandmothers Day in France is a great occasion to get the whole family together for festive table or go on a picnic.

When is Grandmother's Day in Ukraine?

Ukrainians support the celebration world day grandmothers without much enthusiasm, which is due more to the inattention of the government or social movements to this date than to a lack of respect for the ancestors. However For several years, Ukrainians have been trying to gradually introduce this date into the list of official celebrations. For example, in Vinnitsa this day is celebrated with multiple master classes for elderly people and their grandchildren, concerts of city groups and art exhibitions. Grandparents are given the opportunity to show their talents on the city stage, and participants are not at all limited by age.

Regardless of whether this holiday is recognized as official in your country, try to please your grandparents not only once a year, but as often as possible. After all, they don’t need it at all expensive gifts, you don’t have to think too long, just pay an extra visit, call, give a small souvenir, or just spend a day off together.

October 28, 2019 V Russian Federation One of the most wonderful and very sincere holidays will be celebrated - the Day of Grandmothers and Grandfathers of Russia, our relatives and loved ones, without whose participation often no childhood can be considered complete, the most vivid and memorable. The date of this holiday does not change from year to year.

Why is this so? It’s just that our grandparents are for many young people a moral guide in the stormy sea of ​​their future (especially family) life, and their rich life experience helps not only not to go astray, but also to survive many adversities with dignity.

It’s interesting that in Poland, grandparents are celebrated for two days: the first, January 21, dedicated exclusively to grandmothers, but grandfathers become “heroes of the day” January 22. At this time, grandchildren present them with a wide variety of gifts and flowers, and Polish grandmothers (like, indeed, all grandmothers in the world) heartily treat their most beloved relatives with sweet pies.

In Russia, Grandparents' Day began to be celebrated in 2009, on the initiative of the Dutch Flower Bureau. The initiative was gladly taken up by Russian flower gardeners. This is where the holiday offering to Russian grandparents, which has since become traditional, came from - potted houseplant, symbolizing the long-term life cycle of a family, from its roots to the very last young shoots.

By the way, the date of celebration is October 28– was also not chosen by chance, because it completely coincides with the date of the ancient Slavic holiday of honoring the family, and this is also very symbolic.

How do grandparents celebrate their day abroad? It turns out that this wonderful holiday is very popular in more than thirty countries around the world, where it is celebrated on the most different times, and in spring, and autumn, and winter. And this, note, despite the presence in the international holiday calendar also a special Senior Citizens' Day! This is the worldwide authority and recognition of our dear grandmothers and grandfathers (and love for them, of course)!

For example, in France, grandmothers are honored annually on the first Sunday in March (in 2019 this will happen on March 3) virtually at the national level. On this day, they (and their grandchildren, but only in the company of grandmothers) are given free seats on tourist buses for joint excursions and trips.

And in stores for ladies wearing honorary title grandmothers, there are huge discounts in special sections (after all, any grandmother is, first of all, a charming Frenchwoman, despite her age and hobbies). Very often this day ends for many French grandmothers with a visit to a restaurant, because local restaurateurs are happy to prepare a special holiday menu for them.

On the first Sunday of September (in 2019 - September 1) Grandparents' Day is celebrated in Canada and the USA. It is customary for Canadians and Americans to celebrate this holiday with their families outdoors (usually with a barbecue), and in absolutely any weather.

In Italy, since 2005, grandparents celebrate their day on the first Sunday of October (in 2019 - October 6). This day for Catholics has always been associated with honoring guardian angels, so Italian President Carlo Ciampi, who initiated the unification of these holidays, immediately received the honorary title of “the first grandfather of Italy” at the age of 84.

Do you have grandparents? Be sure to give them this holiday! After all, their love for you is limitless and, of course, is not limited to just one day. Please remember this more often!

Natalia Novikova

October 28 is celebrated world grandparents day. There is probably not a single person who was not grateful to his grandparents. It is very important that children do not forget their grandparents, knew their roots. This day we decided with our children to remember grandparents.

At first, some of the guys talked about their grandparents, told them their names, where they work and where they live.

Then they came to visit us grandfather Matvey and grandmother Matryona,

the guys remembered the Russians with great interest folk tales, in which the main characters Grandma and Grandpa.

They remembered familiar fairy tales: Gingerbread Man, Ryaba Chicken, Turnip, Little Thumb.

Grandfather Matvey wanted to give grandmother Matryona scarf, but it turned out to be white, so the guys and I decided to help grandfather and decorate the scarf for Matryona's grandmothers.

With the help of finger paints and our fingers, the guys decorated their scarves. Some simply decorated with polka dots, while others got creative and tried to depict flowers.

Of course, all the guys were delighted, because they were able to independently make a gift that they liked Grandma Matryona.

For helping us grandfather Matvey, he gave us apples, which the guys ate with great pleasure during the second breakfast. The guys with delight and pride in the evening took the handkerchiefs for their grandmothers. This is how fun and relaxed we remembered our loved ones grandparents. Low bow to all GRANDPARENTS.

Publications on the topic:

The birthday of grandparents is a great opportunity to say again kind words gratitude and appreciation to our older generation.

Hello, dear colleagues! I want to tell you about how the guys and I had a conversation about the Day of the Elderly and what gifts were given.

Consultation “The role of grandparents in raising grandchildren” Consultation: The role of grandparents in raising grandchildren. Goals: To introduce the older generation to games for the development of small children.

Grandparents' Day

Grandparents' Day Grandparents' Day (concert, dedicated to the day elderly person) Goals and objectives: to instill in children love and respect for the older generation.

A journey into the past. Games of our grandparents. Goal: Formation of positive motivation for the development of dynamic activity in children. Creating conditions conducive to the consolidation of friendships.

Holiday script for Grandparents' Day. Presenter 1: Good evening, dear grandparents! We are glad to see you all as our guests, cheerful, smiling, healthy! Presenter 2: A.

Photo: Alexander Raths/Rusmediabank.ru

For me, the word grandfather is one of the most cherished and brightest in the world. For me personally, it evokes a wave of the warmest feelings and vivid memories. And I kindly envy the Poles who widely celebrate Grandfather’s Day on January 22.

The snow is falling quietly and on the clean white snow there are many traces of grandchildren rushing to visit their grandfathers.

In Poland, people are seriously preparing for this in advance. wonderful holiday, carefully choose gifts, not necessarily expensive, but certainly ones that your loved one will like

On this day, grandchildren come to visit their grandfathers with flowers. On this day, it is not only possible, but also necessary to give men flowers! And grandfathers, in turn, give sweets to their grandchildren, even if these grandchildren already have children themselves and maybe their own grandchildren.

I’m sorry that we don’t have such a tradition, although it turns out that there is Grandfather’s Day in Russia! True, it is combined with Grandmother’s Day, and it is supposed to be celebrated on last sunday October.

I would like to be especially happy for the generations who have grandfathers! Those who were born earlier had their grandfathers taken away by the war. My own grandfather also died. And my husband replaced him sister my grandfather.

Before the revolution, he served in the tsarist army and was an educated man, read a lot and was also kind and wise. I learned a lot from him and owe him a lot. I remember the days when we went to my grandfather were the happiest in my life. I still sometimes dream about how my grandfather and I sit on the roof of their house and pick ripe bird cherry trees from the branches.

Unfortunately, my grandfather passed away when I was still a teenager. And this was the first and very difficult loss in my life.

I really like modern, still quite young grandfathers who walk with their grandchildren, do interesting things, take them fishing, take them on hikes and much more. And, despite some skepticism of some grandmothers and mothers towards grandfathers, in fact, a grandfather can take care of his grandchildren no worse than a grandmother.

The advantage of a grandfather's upbringing is that he does not coddle or bully with excessive care, that is, he allows the child to breathe freely, take initiative and develop. And even if the grandfather does not live in the same apartment with his grandchildren, then the parents who support normal relationship with the older generation, they can always give their grandson or granddaughter to the grandfather for the weekend to be alone, go on a visit or to the theater.

Many grandfathers can look after a sick child while the parents are at work. They make excellent nurses who will not only give medicine on time, feed and drink, but also entertain interesting stories from their life or reading a book.

And some grandfathers are able to captivate not only their own grandchildren, but also their friends and girlfriends.

As a child, I had a friend whose grandfather organized a puppet theater. We gathered at a friend’s house, made dolls ourselves under the guidance of her grandfather, sewed costumes, came up with scenery, and then ourselves acted out mini-performances, which attracted not only small children, but also our own parents.

I am sure that children in whose lives grandfather occupies an important place grow up to be happier and more mature people.

And it’s not for nothing that they say that grandchildren are loved more than children. Grandfather already has experience in raising children, and he will not repeat the mistakes that he made in his youth. Often such a strong spiritual connection arises between grandfather and grandchildren that they understand each other perfectly and even without words.

Wise grandfathers, like no one else, are able to unobtrusively broaden a child’s horizons, teach him to understand himself, and not come into conflict with the inner and outer world. Grandfather will willingly share with his grandchildren the everyday and spiritual experience that he has managed to accumulate during his life.

Grandfather is retired, this is just a treasure! While parents often lack time and patience, grandfathers have plenty of both. At the same time, grandfather is most often still full of physical strength, energy and enthusiasm. And at the same time, he was born when there were no computers, but there were outdoor games and sports. This is exactly what he will instill in computer boys and girls. And in return they will make their grandfather an advanced Internet user.

And maybe, already having children of their own, the grandchildren will remember long walks with grandfather in the forest or in the park, where grandfather taught them to distinguish a maple from an ash tree, and the voice of a nightingale from the trills of an oriole.

Returning mentally to my own childhood, I remember how my grandfather taught me to love every blade of grass and leaf, to understand animals and communicate with them. He also taught me how to greet sunrises, see off sunsets, and look at the stars.

These are precisely those invaluable skills that modern city residents lack so much and impoverish their inner world.

And boys also learn masculinity from their grandfather, and girls acquire the invaluable ability to understand, respect and appreciate men, trust them, love them.

So whatever one may say, a person simply needs a grandfather, like a sip clean water. Therefore, both children and adults do not forget to visit their grandfathers not only on holidays, but also on weekdays, call them more often.

If they are already old, then every call, every kind word will cheer them up and prolong their life.

You can congratulate grandfathers on the holiday on January 22 and on the last Sunday of October. The main thing is that they know that they are loved and needed. And this needs to be done when the grandfathers are still alive, so as not to be tormented later by remorse for not loving, not telling, not giving.

So, it’s better not to delay, buy your grandfather a gift, something tasty that he loves, and go visit. And when he opens the door, tell him - happy holiday, beloved grandfather! And let Grandfather’s holiday become our good tradition.