• Eating an apple a day are less likely to develop Alzheimer's disease. Substances contained in apples, in particular quercetin, can inhibit the development of cancer cells. In addition, quercetin has an anti-inflammatory effect and reduces the damage of so-called free radicals. Apples also contain vitamins and microelements that boost immunity and improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system.
  • Those who care about their heart should eat more fish instead of meat. Three “fish” lunches per week or 30 grams of fish per day reduce the risk of heart attack by 50%. This happens due to the content of Omega-3 fatty acids in fish, which have a beneficial effect on cell membranes. Indeed, statistics show that the Japanese and Eskimos, who regularly eat fish, are much less likely to suffer from cardiovascular diseases than people whose diet is poor in fish products.
  • Garlic indispensable in the treatment of colds. In addition, its consumption reduces the risk of stomach and intestinal cancer and improves digestion. One of the important properties of garlic is that it protects against the risk of vascular diseases, and the substances contained in it clean blood vessels well and prevent them from clogging.
  • It turns out that to supply the body with vitamin C, you don’t have to make an effort to eat sour lemons: in strawberry contains more of this vitamin. This is not the only good thing about strawberries - their high iron content improves the body's immunity. Some dyes and essential oils that this berry is rich in can inhibit the formation of special enzymes that provoke the development of cancer.
  • Contained in carrots Beta-carotene neutralizes free radicals that destroy gene structure and cause cancer. In addition, it has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin and vision. However, it must be remembered that beta-carotene is better soluble in fat, so you must add butter or sour cream to carrot salad.
  • Spicy chili pepper improves metabolism, thereby promoting weight loss. Capsacin, which causes the spicy taste of peppers, promotes the production of gastric juice and prevents the proliferation of harmful bacteria in the stomach and intestines.
  • Sweet pepper also useful. It contains not only vitamin C, but also the coloring substance luteolin. Even in small doses, luteolin inhibits the development of cancer, protects against cardiovascular diseases and age-related problems.
  • Bananas- the most satisfying and carbohydrate-rich fruit. Bananas also contain various ballast substances that prevent the rapid entry of sugar into the blood. And the amount of magnesium contained in one banana is one sixth of the body’s daily requirement.
  • Miraculous properties green tea due to the content of catechin. This bioactive substance prevents the development of atherosclerosis and protects against prostate cancer. And green tea is very good for weight loss, but to burn fat you need to drink at least four cups of this drink daily. Black tea does not contain catechin, as it is destroyed during its production.
  • Soybeans contains a lot of lecithin and B vitamins, which enhance thinking abilities and strengthen the nervous system. Soy is also known as an irreplaceable source of protein that can replace animal proteins. Although soy is an unusual product for Europeans, recent research confirms its usefulness. This is especially true for soybean sprouts.
  • Milk It’s not for nothing that they are considered staple foods. It contains valuable proteins, easily digestible fats and healthy sugar lactose. Milk is rich in calcium. Scientists have found that calcium reserves accumulated from youth help to avoid osteoporosis in old age. Calcium is also necessary for the functioning of the nervous system.

Foods with a high protein content, coffee, nuts - what other foods can extend life and what factors influence its duration, Gazeta.Ru looked into.

Dutch researchers from the University of Groningen found that consuming plenty of protein in old age protects against heart failure and reduces the risk of premature death. They spoke about this at the World Congress on Acute Heart Failure, held in Vienna.


The study participants included 2,281 older people from 11 European countries. Their average age was 68 years. After almost two years, among those who consumed low amounts of protein (less than 40 grams per day), 31% of participants had died. For those who consumed more than 70 grams of protein daily, the risk of death dropped to 18%.

After taking into account factors such as age and kidney function, the risk of death increased by 46% with low protein intake.

According to the researchers, the protein is essential for the regeneration of heart muscles. As you age, your body uses protein less efficiently, so eating foods high in protein can help improve the situation.

Selenium and nuts

Products rich in selenium also turned out to be very useful - Chinese scientists recently spoke about the benefits of this substance.

In the human body, selenium interacts with vitamins, enzymes and biological membranes, participates in the regulation of metabolism, in the metabolism of fats, proteins and carbohydrates, as well as in redox processes. Selenium is part of muscle tissue proteins and myocardial proteins. Selenium also promotes the formation of triiodothyronine (thyroid hormones).

Selenium is also necessary for the normal functioning of the immune system. It is involved in mechanisms to counteract viral infections, including HIV. In addition, it promotes the absorption of iodine in the body.

Researchers analyzed a number of studies on selenium and found that its lack in the body contributes to earlier deterioration of cognitive functions, early aging and premature death.

Selenium enters the body with food of both plant and animal origin. A lot of selenium is found in cereals (oatmeal and buckwheat, wheat bran), olive oil, vegetables (garlic, tomatoes), nuts (especially Brazil), porcini mushrooms and champignons, fish and seafood (squid, shrimp, oysters), beef kidneys and liver, sea salt, chicken eggs.


And the Mediterranean diet, popular in recent years, as it turned out,

reduces the risk of developing depression in old age - those participants in an Italian study who consumed more olive oil and fruit were less likely to suffer from depressive symptoms.

In addition, the Mediterranean diet reduces the risk of developing estrogen-independent breast cancers, which account for nearly half of all breast cancers and have the worst survival rates, by a third.

The Mediterranean diet is rich in olive oil, fish, fruits, nuts, vegetables and grains and low in red meat, sweets and refined grains such as white rice or white bread.


Scientists have repeatedly spoken about the benefits of coffee. Its moderate consumption can prolong life - studies show that the higher the coffee consumption, the lower the risk of dying from any disease. Coffee drinkers also have healthier livers.

“We found that drinking more coffee was associated with better liver function and immune response,” explained Dr. Mark Gunter, lead author of the study.

Researchers from the University of South Carolina found similar results. According to their study, drinking coffee is associated with a reduced risk of death from heart disease, cancer, stroke, diabetes and kidney disease in all races.

People who drink at least a cup of coffee a day have a 12% lower risk of dying prematurely than those who don't drink coffee at all. Three cups of coffee a day reduces the risk by 18%.

However, the reduction in mortality risk did not depend on whether participants drank regular or decaffeinated coffee. So this effect does not appear to be related to caffeine.

However, it is worth keeping in mind that life expectancy is influenced by many factors other than nutrition. For example, low life expectancy may be genetically determined - some genes are responsible for the extent to which stress and depressed mood affect life expectancy. Experiments on animals have shown that the use of antidepressants can smooth out their effects.


Excessive masculinity also interferes with longevity. “Real men” avoid visiting doctors and taking care of their health.

“Those respondents who scored high on the masculinity scale when answering the questionnaire delayed visiting a doctor or chose a male doctor, but did not openly tell him about their symptoms. Men are embarrassed and do not want to show their weakness to doctors,” the researchers said.

However, women who consider themselves restrained, brave and self-confident also sin by not taking enough care of their health. So traditional ideas about masculinity only reduce the prospects for a long healthy life.

But higher education, on the contrary, can extend a man's life by an average of eight years, and a woman's by four. This pattern is largely explained by the fact that people with higher education are less likely to use tobacco and alcohol, scientists explain.

In addition, the brains of centenarians have a greater number of spindle neurons.

Fusiform neurons are large brain cells that allow information to be transmitted quickly throughout the brain. Animals with large brains have them - many cetaceans, elephants, hominids. In humans they were discovered only recently.

Hominids have fusiform neurons in only two parts of the brain - the anterior cingulate cortex and part of the orbitofrontal cortex, the frontoinsular cortex, which are responsible, among other things, for decision making and emotional reactions. In humans, these neurons are also found in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, which also plays a role in emotion regulation and self-control.

It is assumed that spindle neurons emerged as a means of transmitting information in the large brain, necessary for the development of social behavior. Changes in these neurons are associated with diseases characterized by withdrawal from social contact, impaired thinking and speech, and distortion of reality. Fusiform neuron lesions have been suggested to be associated with schizophrenia and Alzheimer's disease.

Your health and longevity are directly related to what you eat. Here are 18 foods packed with antioxidants, vitamins and minerals that can help you live longer and avoid cancer and other diseases. Eat them more often!

Steven Lilley/Flickr.com

Broccoli reduces the risk of stomach ulcers and even cancer E. Edelson. Broccoli May Ward Off Serious Stomach Ailments.. A 10-year study of 47,909 people published by the Harvard School of Public Health (USA) showed a direct relationship between the consumption of cruciferous vegetables and the development of bladder cancer.

A meta-analysis looking at the results of 87 studies found that broccoli and other cruciferous vegetables do reduce the risk of cancer. Just 10 grams of vegetables a day can increase your chances of never getting cancer.

Another study SuperFoodsRx. Broccoli And Cancer Prevention Is Not A Myth. showed that just two servings of cruciferous vegetables a day reduce the risk of cancer by 50%.

Why is broccoli so effective in preventing cancer? This cabbage contains sulforaphane and indole - substances with anti-cancer activity.

Ján Sokoly/Flickr.com

Like several other types of fish (mackerel, sardine, tuna), salmon contains omega-3 fatty acids. Regular consumption of these types of fish reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases and prevents the occurrence of inflammatory processes.


By drinking one daily, you reduce the risk of blood clots. It also helps you feel younger and maintain high energy levels.

Tatyana A./Flickr.com

Strawberries, blueberries, raspberries - all these berries are rich in antioxidants, which protect the body from the oxidative effects of free radicals and help avoid age-related diseases.

In 2012, scientists at Harvard University (USA) found that just one serving of blueberries and two servings of strawberries per week helped prevent cognitive decline associated with aging.

David Pursehouse/Flickr.com

Centenarian from Pennsylvania, 107-year-old Nancy Fisher believes that she lived so long because of her love of garlic. Perhaps she's right.

Research National Cancer Institute. Garlic And Cancer Prevention. found that phytochemicals in garlic prevent the formation of carcinogens. Additionally, people who consume garlic more frequently have a reduced risk of colon cancer. S. N. Ngo, D. B. Williams, L. Cobiac, R. J. Head. Does Garlic Reduce Risk Of Colorectal Cancer?.


The monounsaturated fats in olive oil support heart and brain health and protect against cancer.

In addition, olive oil is good for the skin. Lisa Drayer, a nutritionist and author of The Beauty Diet: Looking Great Has Never Been So Delicious, says women who consume olive oil have smoother, healthier skin.

7. Chinese collard greens (bok choy)

Laurel F/Flickr.com

Study S. J. Nechuta. Eating Cruciferous Vegetables May Improve Breast Cancer Survival. Vanderbilt University (USA) found that breast cancer survivors who ate vegetables, especially turnips, cabbage and bok choy, had a reduced risk of recurrence.

PRORain Rabbit/Flickr.com

Avocado reduces the amount of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, which carries total cholesterol into the body's tissues. “Bad” cholesterol provokes the appearance of plaques on the walls of blood vessels and increases the risk of developing atherosclerosis and heart disease.

At the same time, avocados increase the amount of “good” cholesterol, which carries total cholesterol from the brain, heart and other organs to the liver, where it is processed into bile.


Pink tomatoes are the best source of carotenoids, in particular lycopene, an antioxidant that protects the body from cancer, cardiovascular, inflammatory and eye diseases.

Flora Girl/Flickr.com

Beans contain 21% protein, 77% complex carbohydrates, and a lot of fiber and nutrients. Beans are an essential part of the Blue Zone diet, the places with the highest numbers of centenarians.


Study J. Cade. Breast Cancer: Cereal Fiber May Affect Estrogen Regulation., which followed more than 40,000 older women, found that eating whole grains 4-7 times a week reduced the risk of death from cancer and cardiovascular disease by 31%.


A small amount of red wine reduces stress, which has a good effect on the whole body. People in the Blue Zone drink on average one to three glasses of wine per day.

Sarah R/Flickr.com

Green leafy vegetables are a treasure trove of nutrients. Famous for its longevity, more than 75 types of leafy vegetables grow.

Leafy vegetables are rich in fiber, folic acid, vitamin C, potassium and magnesium. They also include phytochemicals such as lutein, beta-cryptoxanthin, zeaxanthin, and beta-carotene.

The carotenoids lutein and zeaxanthin are concentrated in the lens of the eye and the macular region of the retina, protecting against cataracts and age-related degenerative processes of the retina - the main causes of blindness in old age.

In addition, green leafy vegetables are rich in antioxidants, which protect the body from cancer.

Gloria Garcia/Flickr.com

Green tea reduces the risk of heart disease and certain types of cancer. Residents of Ikaria brew herbs - rosemary, wild wormwood and dandelion. All of these herbs are known for their anti-inflammatory effects.

Kelly Sikkema/Flickr.com

Yes, your morning dose of caffeine can make you live longer. A 2008 Harvard University study found that women who drank three cups of coffee a day were 18% less likely to die from the disease compared to those who didn't drink the brew.

And if a woman drinks five cups of coffee a day, the risk of death decreases by 26%. However, the principle “more is better” does not apply here. After six cups of coffee, the risk of death compared to non-coffee drinkers drops to 17%.

This is confirmed by another study conducted at the National Institutes of Health (USA) in 2012. The researchers controlled for various factors - smoking, alcohol, eating red meat - and found that coffee drinkers of both sexes lived longer.

Tim Sackton/Flickr.com

A study by Harvard University (USA), conducted in 1999 with the participation of 8,000 men, proved the effect of dark chocolate on life expectancy. It turned out that participants who consumed dark chocolate three times a month lived a year longer than those who did not.

Fred F/Flickr.com

Nuts contain a lot of fats, proteins, fiber, vitamins and minerals. This is perhaps the healthiest food for quick snacks on the run.

Kim Manley Ort/Flickr.com

This brightly colored vegetable helps support brain health and protects against cancer due to its high antioxidant content.

Red cabbage helps you not only live longer, but also look better. A large amount of vitamin A helps maintain healthy and elastic skin, accelerates cell renewal and protects from the sun.

Scientists around the world are working to study the mechanism of aging and find ways to prolong life. It has been established that life expectancy is influenced not only by genetic predisposition, but also by lifestyle, that is, by many small factors, such as physical activity, sleep, nutrition, which we have the power and even the obligation to control.

We present a list of food products that protect against inflammatory processes, brittle bones and cancer, that is, allowing you to prolong human life.

So, if you want to live a long and healthy life, apart from developing good habits and getting enough exercise, you should also watch your diet.

Fruits and vegetables.

If other types of products - meat, fish, milk, cereals - provide the body with the necessary calories, fats and minerals, then vegetables and, first of all, fruits are biochemical elements that protect and extend the life of cells.

Moreover, they should be multi-colored, American researchers note.

In particular, vegetables help normalize metabolism, lose weight, and eating three servings a day reduces the risk of heart attack by 42%.

British scientists have found that, for example, increasing the daily diet by just 50 grams of fresh vegetables and fruits reduces the risk of cancer by 20%.

Apples, grapes.

They contain quercin, which prevents the harmful effects of free radicals on the body, has an anti-inflammatory effect, inhibits the development of cancer cells, and prevents the development of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases. Fruit peels are the richest in antioxidants.

Grapes stimulate brain function and improve performance. Apples cleanse and nourish, promote hematopoiesis, increase immunity, improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system and gastrointestinal tract, and maintain a constant blood sugar level.

Apple peel contains riboflavin, a powerful antioxidant that protects against skin cancer.

In addition, apples contain a lot of fiber, which makes you feel full for several hours.

Apples contain pectin and special fibers that prevent the deposition of cholesterol in blood vessels and help bind and remove excess cholesterol formed in the liver. Pectin is able to bind harmful substances entering the body, including lead and arsenic, and remove them from the body, thereby reducing the likelihood of developing colon cancer.


They contain such a wide range of vitamins and microelements that it is advisable to use them not so much for nutrition as for medical purposes.

Tomatoes contain lycopene, a powerful weapon against disease. Lycopene helps normalize cholesterol metabolism, activates the digestion process, normalizes appetite, suppresses pathogenic intestinal microflora, prevents the development of atherosclerosis, breast cancer, prostate cancer, gastrointestinal tract and cardiovascular diseases, has a positive effect on hormones that regulate the metabolism of fats and sugar, helps reduce weight, contains normal acid-base balance, which reduces the risk of rapid wear of internal organs. It has antibacterial and antifungal properties, strengthens the walls of blood vessels and capillaries, has a beneficial effect on facial skin, nourishes and rejuvenates, especially dry, wrinkled and pigmented skin. It is a prophylactic against various disorders.


Contains many minerals, as well as beta-carotene, a substance that is converted into vitamin A in the human body. Beta-carotene neutralizes free radicals that destroy the gene structure and provoke cancer, and reduces the risk. Necessary for normal vision, maintains skin and mucous membranes in good condition. Normalizes the functioning of the liver, cardiovascular system, kidneys, stomach, mineral metabolism. However, it must be remembered that beta-carotene is better soluble in fat, so you must add butter or sour cream to carrot salad.

The beta-carotene and vitamin C contained in peppers help prevent the formation of cancer cells and have a healing effect on cancer patients. Red pepper treats digestive disorders and ulcers. Green peppers are rich in p-coumaric and chlorogenic acids, which bind and remove nitroxides, potential carcinogens, from the body. Red pepper, like tomatoes, contains lycopene and the coloring substance luteolin, which prevent the development of cancer, cardiovascular diseases and age-related problems.

Fiber-rich cruciferous vegetables - cabbage, kohlrabi, watercress, horseradish, radish, turnip, rutabaga, mustard seed - remove toxins and carcinogens from the body; contain sulforaphane and other antioxidants that help protect healthy cells from free radical damage, thereby preventing possible cancer. In addition, they have long been recognized as rich sources of vitamin C and calcium.

Eating berries is good for your brain, bones and muscles. They not only help prolong life, thanks to the antioxidants they contain, protect the body from damage by free radicals, but also significantly improve its quality. And the anthocyanins present in them are especially useful for the full functioning of the brain and muscles.

In addition, the coloring pigments contained in berries are one of the most powerful agents that slow down the aging process.

Black currants promote rapid cell renewal and restoration, and also prevent the formation of excess weight. Dissolves kidney stones, helps relieve depression and chronic fatigue. This is an excellent tonic, restorative and even antiviral!

If you eat blueberries often, you can prevent the development of many infections and even cancer. This same berry will keep your eyes youthful. Contains anthocyanin (a natural dye) that improves brain function.

Cranberries contain melanin and organic acids and are one of the products for the skin. Research shows that potassium-rich cranberries may help lower bad cholesterol levels, and regularly eating these tart berries may help reduce your overall risk of heart disease by as much as 40%.

Pomegranate contains many phytochemicals that protect the lining of the arteries from inflammation and damage. Pomegranate juice stimulates the formation of nitric oxide in the body, which dilates blood vessels and improves blood movement in the vessels.

5 medium strawberries contain as much vitamin C as one orange. Rich in folic acid and potassium, which is vital for the heart muscle.

Scientists have discovered that strawberries contain certain chemicals that can reduce inflammation in the body and reverse damage caused by oxidation, and also increase libido in both men and women. All this delays aging, helps delay memory loss and the onset of movement disorders. Normalizes metabolism, the production of thyroid hormones, and can become an alternative to diuretics.

Onions and garlic prevent exposure to ionizing radiation and are recommended for people working with office equipment. Garlic is one of the best anti-cancer foods due to the large amount of organic selenium compounds it contains, which can prevent the appearance of malignant tumors. 345 French women with the first stage of breast cancer systematically consumed fresh garlic and foods rich in fiber, as a result, the disease did not develop.

Garlic exhibits the same powerful antibacterial properties as penicillin, but without side effects, according to American experts. In addition, it removes heavy metals (lead, mercury, cadmium), is able to reduce the load on the heart, thanks to its ability to lower blood pressure by promoting more active blood flow, improves blood clotting, and it is also able to reduce the level of bad cholesterol and increase the level of good cholesterol. Fresh garlic reduces total cholesterol levels by 7–9%. Strengthens immune function.

Contains special volatile substances - phytoncides, which are destructive to many pathogenic and putrefactive bacteria, the causative agents of many extremely dangerous diseases (plague, cholera, tuberculosis, diphtheria).

Garlic must be consumed in a special way: the cloves, squeezed through a garlic press or finely chopped, must first lie down for 15 minutes. As a result of the interaction of garlic with air, allicin is produced - an excellent cancer fighter.

A fresh bunch of parsley will help effectively get rid of the unpleasant garlic smell. To do this, after garlic, you need to chew it longer, but not eat it right away.

Contains a huge amount of vitamins that can protect the body from diseases.

Parsley, among other vitamins and microelements, contains 5 times more vitamin C than lemon. It has rejuvenating properties necessary for oxygen metabolism and maintaining normal function of the brain, adrenal and thyroid glands. The microelements of parsley juice help strengthen blood vessels, especially capillaries and arteries.

Dill effectively regulates the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, lowers blood pressure and has a beneficial effect on cardiac activity. Due to its beneficial properties, dill can relieve the symptoms of cystitis and kidney diseases. Dill has diuretic and choleretic properties, and is also used as a means of enhancing milk secretion in nursing mothers. Dill also instantly relieves headaches and helps cope with insomnia.

Sorrel stimulates the secretion of gastrointestinal juice and intestinal motility (this is important for preserving youth). However, in large quantities, oxalic acid is harmful, especially for older people.

Spinach and lettuce prevent cancer. The potassium and folic acid found in spinach help lower blood pressure, and according to recent research, one serving of spinach a day can help reduce the risk of heart disease by 11%.

Eggs and fish, especially sea fish, are rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, which help you lose weight and fight obesity, and also prevent cholesterol deposits on the walls of blood vessels, thereby reducing the likelihood of arrhythmia. They help maintain sharp thinking and prevent degradation.

Seafood slows down aging, normalizes heartbeat and blood clotting, regulates blood sugar and activates brain function.

Those who care about their heart should eat more fish instead of meat. Three “fish” lunches a week or 30 grams of fish a day reduce the risk of a heart attack by 50%. This happens due to the content of Omega-3 fatty acids in fish, which have a beneficial effect on cell membranes. Indeed, statistics show that the Japanese and Eskimos, who regularly eat fish, are much less likely to suffer from cardiovascular diseases than people whose diet is poor in fish products.

Previously, scientists said that two servings of oily fish a week in old age can extend life by more than two years.

Most Omega-3 acids are found in: canned cod liver, sprat and Atlantic herring.

Researchers from different countries point out that olive oil contains many vitamins such as A, D, K, F, which help reduce the risk of cancer and heart disease. Contains monounsaturated fatty acids that promote better absorption of carotenoids: lycopene from tomatoes, beta-carotene from oranges and lutein from leafy vegetables. Moreover, olive oil contains a large amount of polyphenols that can fight aging.

Cold pressed extra virgin olive oil is considered the best.

Nuts, in terms of nutritional value, the presence of proteins, vitamins and other useful elements, have no equal among many products. They contain very healthy, unsaturated fats, including Omega-3 fatty acids, which have the same effect as fish oil and olive oil. Moreover, nuts are rich in minerals and antioxidants.

Walnuts contain 50 times more vitamins than citrus fruits and 8 times more than currants. Regular consumption of 3 nuts a day will prevent senile dementia, and 30 g 2-3 times a week will reduce the likelihood of a heart attack by 47%.

They are one of the main sources of calcium, B vitamins, and protein. By the way, doctors believe that calcium contained in dairy products is absorbed best.
Fermented milk products are especially useful. Scientists have proven that they are natural antiseptics: the beneficial bacteria they contain prevent the proliferation of putrefactive and pathogenic bacteria. Consumption of fermented milk products reduces the risk of developing cancer; they help strengthen the immune system and normalize digestion.

Studies have shown that people who eat yogurt daily live longer than those whose diets do not include it, all thanks to its high calcium content, which can delay osteoporosis. In addition, yogurt contains beneficial bacteria that resist gastrointestinal diseases that contribute to the aging of the body.

It will be helpful for women to know that regular consumption of yogurt reduces the risk of developing vaginal yeast diseases. It improves the functioning of the immune system and effectively fights cancer.

The most expensive and most valuable for the body are “live” yoghurts, since they contain “live” bacteria; they have a shelf life of about 3 days. Less expensive and slightly less healthy yoghurts have a shelf life of 2-4 weeks. They also contain a “live” stick and are also very useful.

Whole grain flour is a natural source of strength and energy, a godsend for people who want to eat healthy, care about their health, watch their figure and just want to get a supply of vitamins. This is the prevention of obesity and diabetes.

Fiber, which is found in whole grains (whole grain bread, brown rice, oatmeal and buckwheat), helps improve the functioning of the digestive system. Strengthens intestinal motility, improves bile secretion, reduces appetite, has cleansing properties, maintains normal intestinal flora, and facilitates bowel movements.

It also helps reduce the level of bad cholesterol in the blood, the excess of which increases the likelihood of atherosclerosis and increased blood pressure, and thus reduces the risk of developing various diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Whole grain products contain B vitamins, which are necessary for the functioning of the nervous system and brain, speed up metabolism, are good for skin and hair, and increase vitality and a positive attitude.

Whole grain bread can be confidently called a product of youth, because it also supplies cells with copper. Thanks to this, the joints remain mobile and the muscle tissue does not lose elasticity.

The polyphenols that tea contains prolong the youth of cells and restore the immune system.

The miraculous properties of green tea are due to the content of catechin. This bioactive substance helps restore dying skin cells, prevents the development of atherosclerosis, protects against prostate cancer, and reduces the threat of developing cancer of the digestive system by 20%. Scientists note that to prevent this disease, it is enough to drink one cup a day.

The Japanese believe that green tea prolongs life and heals the heart.

Green tea activates the central nervous system, increases concentration, and reduces nervousness. Green tea catechins increase metabolism, ensuring stable weight.

Black tea does not contain catechin, as it is destroyed during its production.

Some experiments suggest that chocolate may reduce the risk of heart disease. Thus, researchers at the Potsdam Institute of Dietetics found that 6 g of dark chocolate per day reduces the risk of heart attack and stroke by 39%. This is due to the content of cocoa, which can maintain healthy blood vessels, prevent diabetes, kidney disease and Alzheimer's disease.

Eating dark chocolate containing flavonoids helps prevent inflammatory processes, which have antioxidant properties and help prevent the formation of blood clots. Dark chocolate helps lower blood pressure and reduces the risk of diabetes.

It also contains phenylethylamine, which is a mood-lifter, according to the California Academy of Sciences.

Dark chocolate is made from cocoa liquor, sugar and cocoa butter. The higher the percentage of cocoa, the more beneficial it is. The healthiest chocolate is the so-called “extra dark” chocolate; the cocoa content in such chocolate can reach up to 90%.

Pure cocoa dilates arteries, reduces the risk of blood clots, helps cope with stress, and is rich in magnesium and substances that prevent aging.

Red wine, which is one of the components of the Mediterranean diet, attracts more attention from scientists. According to the results of a number of studies, regular consumption of 150 ml of dry red wine can prevent the occurrence of heart disease, diabetes, Alzheimer's disease, helps maintain muscle tone, slows down the aging process of cells in the human body, regulates blood sugar, reduces the risk of blood clots and development dementia.

Red wine contains polyphenols, flavonoids and tannins, which make the drink able to rejuvenate the body and remove free radicals. The antioxidant capacity of red wine is 20 times higher than that of vitamin E. No other alcoholic drink can boast a similar effect.

However, in no case should you abuse strong alcohol, this will have a detrimental effect on the liver and can lead to obesity and cancer, not to mention the sad consequences of drunken behavior.

  • To get the effect of the listed products, do not forget to include them in your daily menu.
  • But, as in everything, a golden mean is also needed here, since even the most useful thing, if abused, quickly turns into harmful.
  • You can’t rely only on rejuvenating products. The diet should be rich and varied. Vitamins, minerals, and fatty acids will help preserve youth.

There is a certain pattern between diet and life expectancy of people: some foods are believed to increase life expectancy.

Nutritionist Mariyat Mukhina said that we are primarily talking about products containing antioxidants - substances that resist free radicals that destroy DNA and contribute to cell death.

Green tea contains many antioxidants, which is also a diuretic and a catalyst for metabolic processes.

Next come dates and sea buckthorn: dates contain 23 amino acids, including tryptophan, which stabilizes the psyche and improves mood, and sea buckthorn contains a large amount of vitamin A, which slows down aging and is involved in the body’s immune processes.

Next come blueberries, which contain anthocyanins with antitumor activity, and tomatoes, which, thanks to the antioxidant lycopene, help cope with overeating and protect against weight gain.

The nutritionist also classified fermented milk as products that prolong life - they contain beneficial amino acids, vitamins and calcium.

Note that excess antioxidants in the diet are also not particularly beneficial: it was recently described where large amounts of antioxidants in the diet damaged a man's kidneys.

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