People who know how to dance attract attention at first sight. They have a special gait, posture, a confident smile, they are charismatic and charming. How to learn to dance if you didn't dance as a child?

But not all dancers have a dance school behind them; many started at home. Home training is one of the most affordable and easiest ways to learn to dance.

How to dance in a club and at a disco: video lesson

For many, dancing is, first of all, a club and a disco. To impress your friends on the dance floor, you don’t have to visit a dance studio; you can successfully practice at home.

A harmonious dance is not one in which all movements and connections are performed consistently and correctly. Harmony is achieved when the dancer hears the music, feels it with his whole body and completely surrenders to the movement. Training is also important, because this is how you learn to move beautifully, learn new dance elements, which can be useful at a disco or in a club.

How they dance now: modern trends and styles

Nowadays there are many trends, some of them are a mix of several styles, some grew out of authentic street dances, some were born under the influence of a certain musical movement.

The most famous modern dances, elements of which can be used in clubs and discotheques:

Hip-hop. One of the first street dances, which is part of an entire culture. Hip-hop uses acrobatic techniques, jumps, various turns, dynamic movements of all limbs, the body and even the head.

R'n'B. All popular singers of our time dance to the rhythm of R’n’B. All the dance sequences that can be seen in the videos of Madonna, Rihanna and Beyoncé are most likely R’n’B. The plasticity and seductiveness of the movements of this dance can compete with fashionable Vogue.

Vogue. A dance that surpasses R’n’B in popularity. Clear, coordinated, sexy movements make it look like a fashion show.

Break dancing. A style with its own history. It welcomes complex tricks, but some elements of this direction can be safely used on the dance floor in a club.

How to learn to dance hip hop

If you don’t have the opportunity to go to a dance studio, but have a strong desire to learn how to move well, then you can do this at home using lessons on the Internet.

Before you begin learning the fundamental movements, make sure you are wearing comfortable clothes and your muscles are warm and ready for training.

The main thing in hip-hop is the right music, so turn on your favorite rap artists and move to the rhythm of their music.

How to learn to breakdance

For guys, the best dance to completely impress all the girls at the disco is break dancing.

This is a dance that requires good physical preparation. It is divided into lower and upper breaks. The first involves the legs and body, the second involves the body, head and arms.

You should start with the simplest movements and ligaments and gradually move on to more complex elements.

How to dance in a club as a girl

To look confident and beautiful on the dance floor, girls need to master a few simple club dance moves, such as R’n’B, voguing and go-go. Lessons in these areas can be found on the Internet.

The main thing is to feel the rhythm and not be shy, otherwise the dance will turn out lifeless and boring.

Several video lessons on club dancing will help you become more confident and teach your body to move without constraint.

How to dance for a guy in a club

Guys should learn plasticity, which many lack due to internal tightness. You need to learn to listen to music more than to think about the opinions of people around you and just enjoy what you do.

Knowing several combinations and connections will help you feel more confident.

The main thing in club dancing is self-confidence and freedom of movement. It is important to remember that if you try too hard, you are unlikely to be able to impress everyone around you with your skills. A much prettier person is someone who enjoys their dance, even if the dance looks a little unprofessional.

Do you know that absolutely anyone can learn to dance club dances: regardless of gender and age, regardless of body type and dance experience? Step by step, element by element, by attending classes at our Trinity Dance school, you will feel that you can safely come to a disco or nightclub and in a few minutes become, if not the king of the hall, then certainly look decent!

Look at most of the dance floors of modern discos - almost only girls dance. It is unlikely that the ability to dance beautifully came to them from childhood by itself, they just practiced more often. It’s more difficult for guys to start dancing at the sound of music, say, somewhere on the street - guys feel somehow awkward, but girls are never afraid of such things. So isn't it time to dispel the myth that "men don't dance"? After all, in fact, most women like men who move beautifully.

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Come to our club dance lessons in Moscow!

We don't care who you are or what you are like. At our club dance lessons in Moscow, we will simply turn on the music and start moving together. Don't know where to put your hands? How to step your feet in a dance so that it looks beautiful? With experienced trainers, nothing is impossible: next time you will dance at the club too!

Some information. Club dancing, what is called Club Dance in English, is not even a specific clear style, it is more of a mixture of a wide variety of dance styles. Club dance can be hip-hop, RnB, and even Go-go and many other styles. They are all determined by one goal - to learn to dance beautifully and easily improvise to virtually any music of any style! Club dancing is what is danced in nightclubs, at some discos and just at parties. The movements are selected in accordance with the music that is playing, sometimes embodying the flight of fantasy and sensations of the dancer. Today, a variety of dances for clubs are becoming increasingly popular as a subject of study in dance schools.

“Club Dances” is the author’s program of Svetlana Litvinova on the TV channel “LIVE!” Helps to update the repertoire of dance moves for disco regulars and to learn how to dance even for those who have never tried. A must watch for anyone who wants to become a dance floor star.

How to learn to dance club dances?

If incendiary parties and dance battles seem something wonderful to you, but out of reach, feel free to start training under the guidance of Svetlana Litvinova. Regular classes will help you overcome shyness, master a couple of dozen dance routines and learn to improvise.

In the “Club Dances” program, Svetlana mixes the most fashionable dance styles. “After watching a few of our classes, you will learn about what is happening on modern dance floors and how different dance styles differ from each other,” says Litvinova.

All you need for club dancing is a good mood and a desire to dance. No special clothing is required, and any dance hits are perfect as musical accompaniment.

Although there is still one condition: Svetlana Litvinova recommends working out not in sneakers, but in high-heeled shoes. “You can start training in any comfortable shoes,” says Svetlana, “but if you don’t get used to performing all the movements in high heels at home, then you will look pale on the dance floor.”

If you are young and energetic, love parties, Moscow nightlife and music, then you should definitely learn to dance well. This will attract attention, and most importantly, keep your figure in shape. Such ladies should definitely attend club dance lessons for beginners, especially since the first lesson is free. Here you can understand whether you want to study this dance direction further, or try yourself in something else. All this began more than twenty years ago, but today there are clear differences from the last century - there is a dance school, Club Dance, where experienced choreographers teach, trained by Russian and foreign dance teachers.

Despite the fact that club dancing for girls is quite difficult to master, under the strict guidance of professionals, everyone will succeed quite easily and quickly. Even if previously young people had a poor sense of the rhythm and did not fall into it, after studying at school, each of the representatives of the fair half of humanity will be a star of the dance floor. The main thing here is desire and aspiration, and teachers will provide everything else. You need to start, as with everything else in life, small - sign up for club dance courses in our studio and learn the simple basics. As soon as you manage to remember and reproduce simple movements and feel the rhythm, the choreographer will move you to a more complex level of training.

Interweaving styles

This type of dance combines several directions at once. This includes Electro, R&B, Funk, Hip-Hop, House and pop music. Every dancer, being in the center of intense movement, will always be at his best if he masters this culture. Of course, you can try to master club dances at home. Training and videos on the Internet will give a certain understanding of how everything happens and looks, but a professional choreographer will show you how to start correctly, especially for those who are just starting to learn intense movements without preparation. To avoid injury, you can only watch at home, but it’s better to try in the gym, under the strict guidance of a teacher.


This is perhaps the most important thing for a dancer. If you understand club dancing for girls and come up with your own style, they will start to notice it everywhere, not only in the club and on the dance floor. The usual Club Dance is quite energetic, but the movements can also be smooth, with waves, filled with sexual energy. There are some changes for guys, but there are also a lot of similarities. Come to us and see everything with your own eyes. Feel the energy, lively and expressive club dances for adults will help you reveal yourself and give you confidence.

  • Club dancing for men - show yourself to everyone

    Most men and young people do not like to dance. They are embarrassed by this, afraid of seeming ridiculous and inept to others, but these are just prejudices. If your body feels the beat of the music and tries to move at least somehow smoothly or sharply to it, you should find yourself in it. Explore all styles and trends, stop at one specific one and pulsate to the beat of the notes on stage or on the dance floor. Today, studios offer many variations of dances for beginners, and one of them is club dances for guys. Beginner opponents will appreciate this style, as it is suitable for those who want to shine in a club or among friends at a party. Not just sitting at a table or standing somewhere on the side, but having a blast, impressing the girls and attracting their attention.

    In general, if we consider this dance direction, it can be noted that the movements are taken from some individual styles. But it is very important to combine them correctly when performing club dances for guys, smoothly moving through the movements of your body, like strings on a guitar. This is exactly what GO Dance teaches at the dance school, be sure to come to us and find yourself among the many directions, showing your individuality and uniqueness in your movements. Doing anything at home is quite dangerous, since all physical exercises are difficult for an unprepared body, and there should be enough space for extensive maneuvers.

    Always in good shape

    It is absolutely not necessary to plan any performances, competitions or public club dances for men; you can simply come to our hall and fill your emptiness with music and movements. Maintain a fit and cheerful attitude in life. And the first club dance lesson for men is free. This is done so that the newcomer gets acquainted with this culture, imbued with it, evaluates his abilities and feelings that he needs and needs it. The school has been operating for a long time and covers all dance styles, so choosing something for yourself will be easy.

    To quickly master and learn club dancing, you need to be in good physical shape. If a man does not play sports, he will have to make some efforts at the very beginning so that the muscles gain tone and elasticity. And for those who already lead a healthy lifestyle and are constantly on the move, it won’t be difficult to master this area quickly. In just a couple of months you can show off your success, go out on the dance floor and dance club dances with everyone. It will just look different. Those who seriously study certain areas always stand out from the crowd with their movements and emotional coloring. There is no need to be ashamed of this, as many people do. Through individual dance, a person shows his “I”, his character and life position.

  • Professional club dance lessons for all ages

    Every modern person often has wandering thoughts about what to do with himself and what new things to study in order to diversify his life and paint it with brighter colors. What about the benefits? Hobbies and interests should not only bring pleasure, but also strengthen the body and keep all muscles in good shape. And if you choose among aggressive sports, training in the gym, club dancing is best suited for all of the above reasons. For beginners there is a gentle program with simple movements, for more advanced ones there are serious sets of exercises that will help you become a dancer with a capital D in just a couple of months.

    The energy of dance movements is so high that it gives both physical and emotional pleasure to the performer. And mastering any direction related to dancing is easy and fun. Especially if everything happens within the walls of an educational institution. Here you can meet many like-minded people of different ages, professions and configurations. Everyone looks at each other, tries to imitate, to make some movements better, so a club dance school will help you achieve the desired result faster than if everything happens at home, alone. You can sign up for your first free trial lesson by phone and our professional choreographers will help you decide on the direction you like.

    Development of little ones

    For some reason, adults have developed such stereotypes that only teenagers and older people can dance to club music. But young creatures perfectly master even such complex areas as hip-hop, R&B, break dancing, modern dance and many other complex areas, so club dancing for children will be an excellent help for development. During the lessons, teachers show how to practice correctly, helping to develop plasticity, a sense of rhythm and tact. Before starting to study complex movements, the muscles are warmed up and warmed up, which helps to avoid injuries and sprains. Studying and mastering something at home will be boring and uninteresting, but in a team, looking at each other, everything will definitely work out.

    For every amateur and professional, we have collected the best and coolest choreographers who can easily help you master any style, bring it to perfection and apply it in life, and perhaps start making money from it. It is from an early age that you should start dancing club dances in order to find an ideal figure, form a strong muscle frame and be confident in yourself everywhere and always, in any non-standard situation. Once you start working out in a group, shyness and tightness, nervous tension and uncertainty go away. Such children are in demand in society, they are more sociable and find it easier to get along with peers and older people. Remember this when choosing a club or section for your child. Come with the whole family, club dances in the city of Moscow can be danced by everyone, from young to old. Even if no one visits nightclubs and has no intention of doing so, modern club dancing will help reveal the hidden capabilities and talents of any dancer.


    Basics of club dancing for adults and children. The lesson program is designed taking into account new trends and basic classics. During the classes you will get acquainted with such styles as R"n"b, Hip-Hop, Street Jazz and other modern dance styles. Attention is paid not only to new movements, but also to basic movements. The class program also includes general physical training and stretching, which is important for maintaining good physical shape.

    Lady's Style. Feminine mix of modern styles. Classes are designed to develop femininity in movements and plasticity. These classes are for girls and women of any age who want to reveal their attractiveness, learn to move harmoniously and artistically to modern music and feel confident on the dance floor.


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    Alex Yarashov
    DANCE MIX , sign up - 5 spots left out of 8
    Modern dance styles (hip-hop, jazz-funk, vogue, etc.) For beginners from scratch! Wednesdays from 18:00 to 20:00 (two hours) Maria Kosheleva
    Lady style / female plastic surgery + stretching , sign up - 1 spot left out of 8
    m. Novoslobodskaya, Tikhvinskaya st., 9A
    CLASSES FOR BEGINNERS FROM ZERO! Everything you need for feminine movement on the dance floor and in life is a comprehensive lesson for beginners. Basics of dancing to modern music + flexibility and stretching exercises.
    CLUB DANCING Mon.TueWed.Thurs.Fri.Sat.Sun.
    18:00 19:00 19:00
    Maria Kosheleva
    LADY STYLE / WOMEN'S PLASTIC + Stretching , sign up - 6 spots left out of 8
    m. Novoslobodskaya, st. Tikhvinskaya, 9A
    Intensive course of classes January 6, 8, two-hour lesson! For any level of training! Basics of dancing to modern music. We learn to move femininely, hear rhythms, coordinate the body.
    CLUB DANCING Mon.TueWed.Thurs.Fri.Sat.Sun.
    13:00 13:00
    Tamara Nefedova
    Lady style / female plastic , sign up - 2 spots out of 8 left
    Combines elements of sensual Latin, seductive strip music and lyrical contemporary music. Everything that develops female sexuality, grace and plasticity to the maximum extent. Lady Style helps not only to reveal your femininity, but also to achieve correct posture, a beautiful gait and a toned body. Karina Sultanova
    DANCE MIX , sign up - 3 spots out of 8 left
    m.University, Prospekt Vernadskogo, 15
    Recruitment for a new group! At Dance Mix lessons you will be able to get acquainted with such styles as: Hip-Hop, Jazz-Funk and other modern trends. Learn to dance to any music! A group for all ages and all skill levels!
    CLUB DANCING Mon.TueWed.Thurs.Fri.Sat.Sun.
    10:00 10:00 18:00 18:00

    During classes you will learn basic elements that are repeated in different club styles, get acquainted with modern dance styles, develop femininity of movements and plasticity, begin to feel your body more confidently and hear rhythms! Having completed the basic course of modern club dancing, you will be able to confidently join any active group of our school and/or use the acquired skills yourself, dancing in clubs and discos.