Men who have worked for at least 25 years and women who have worked for at least 20 years as civil aviation flight personnel, and when leaving flight work for health reasons - men who have worked for at least 20 years and women who have worked for at least 15 years in the specified composition civil aviation.

clause 14 clause 1 article 30 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation dated December 28, 2013 No. 400-FZ “On Insurance Pensions”.

For men upon reaching the age of 55 years and women upon reaching the age of 50 years, if they have worked in direct control of civil aviation flights for at least 12 years 6 months and at least 10 years, respectively, and have an insurance record of at least 25 and 20 years, respectively .

clause 15 clause 1 article 30 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation dated December 28, 2013 No. 400-FZ “On Insurance Pensions”.

Men upon reaching the age of 55 years and women upon reaching the age of 50 years, if they have worked in engineering and technical personnel in direct maintenance of civil aviation aircraft for at least 20 and 15 years, respectively, and have insurance experience in civil aviation for at least 25 and 15 years, respectively. 20 years old.




In accordance with Article 83 of the RSFSR Law “On state pensions in the RSFSR" the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR decides:

ConsultantPlus: note.

Approve the attached:
List of positions of aviation flight personnel and List of positions of aviation engineering and technical personnel, work in which gives the right to a pension for long service according to the rules of Article 79 of the RSFSR Law “On State Pensions in the RSFSR”;
Rules for calculating periods of service for assigning pensions to aviation workers, flight personnel, engineering and technical personnel, as well as air traffic control services.

Council of Ministers of the RSFSR

The list of positions for aviation flight personnel is used when early appointment old-age labor pension in accordance with Article 30 of the Federal Law of December 28, 2013 N 400-FZ “On Insurance Pensions”, in the manner established by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 16, 2014 N 665.


ConsultantPlus: note.
Law of the Russian Federation of November 20, 1990 N 340-1 “On state pensions in Russian Federation»lost force on January 1, 2002 due to the adoption of Federal Law dated December 17, 2001 N 173-FZ.

1. Crew members of aircraft and other aircraft.
2. Flight and instructor staff.
3. Command and flight personnel: managers (their deputies), inspectors and other specialists in flight service (flight work) of ministries, departments, departments, associations, enterprises, institutions, organizations and their structural divisions, having a valid flight certificate and participating in flights as part of the crew of an aircraft or other aircraft.
4. Paratroopers of all types, rescuers, as well as paratroopers - firefighters of all types, air fire service instructors, heads of parachute (parachute rescue, search and rescue) units, employees of freelance and regular parachute landing groups performing parachute jumps or descents (ascents) ) on special launching (lifting) devices from helicopters hovering at a height of at least 10 meters.

The list of positions of aviation engineering and technical staff is used for the early assignment of old-age pensions in accordance with Article 30 of the Federal Law of December 28, 2013 N 400-FZ “On Insurance Pensions”, in the manner established by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 16, 2014 N 665.


ConsultantPlus: note.
Law of the Russian Federation dated November 20, 1990 N 340-1 “On state pensions in the Russian Federation” became invalid on January 1, 2002 due to the adoption of Federal Law dated December 17, 2001 N 173-FZ.

1. Aviation technicians (mechanics, mechanics) of all types.
2. Masters of all titles.
3. Engineers of all types.
4. Heads of workshops, shifts, sections, services, groups for the maintenance of aircraft and other aircraft.
The right to a long-service pension is granted to the employees listed in the List who are directly employed full-time in operational and periodic (warranty) airfield maintenance of aircraft (except for those employed in the specified work in off-airfield conditions in specially equipped premises) at enterprises in associations, flight test (control and test) units, structural units of military units and enterprises of the USSR Ministry of Defense, the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs and the USSR KGB (civilian personnel), scientific research and aviation sports organizations, as well as in flight and flight training detachments of aviation educational institutions.
The employment of these workers in jobs that give them the right to a long-service pension is confirmed by certificates issued by the relevant enterprises, institutions and organizations.

The rules for calculating length of service approved by this document are used to evaluate pension rights insured persons in accordance with paragraph 10 of Article 15 of the Federal Law of December 28, 2013 N 400-FZ “On Insurance Pensions” in case of early assignment of old-age labor pension to aviation workers of flight, engineering and technical personnel, as well as air traffic control services (Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 16, 2014 N 665).


1. When calculating the length of service for assigning pensions to flight personnel, the following is considered:
a) every 20 hours of flight time on airplanes (except for the flight time and work provided for in subparagraphs “b” - “d” of this paragraph) - for one month of service;
b) every 12 hours of flight time: on helicopters, in aviation special application(ambulance flights, aerochemical work, aerial photography, patrolling, atmospheric sounding and other types of work); in the positions of flight personnel of escort groups for foreign aircraft (leaders); in positions of command - flight and flight - instructor staff, including in higher and secondary educational institutions for training and advanced training of aviation flight personnel - for one month of service;
c) one year of work as a member of the flight crew of an aircraft in emergency rescue (search and rescue) units - for one and a half years of service;
d) one year of work as a flight crew in educational and sports aviation organizations of DOSAAF - for one and a half years of service, subject to the fulfillment of the flight training plan, and when performing elements of complex or aerobatics - for two years of service;
e) one year of work in the positions provided for in paragraph 4 of the List of positions of flight personnel, work in which gives the right to a pension for long service - for one and a half years of service, subject to the annual norm of jumping from piston aircraft, helicopters, airships and balloons, descents (ascents) on special descent (lifting) devices from helicopters hovering at a height of at least 10 meters, and when fulfilling the annual norm of jumps from jet aircraft and helicopters - for two years of service.
If the conditions that give the right to preferential calculation of length of service in accordance with subparagraphs “d” and “e” are not met, one year of work is counted as one year of service.
2. Calculation of periods of service in accordance with subparagraphs “a” and “b” of paragraph 1 is carried out by dividing the actual flight hours for the entire period of work in flight personnel positions by 20 and 12 hours, respectively. Annualized service is determined by dividing the number of full months of service by 12.
3. When performing various jobs specified in paragraph 1 during the year, length of service is calculated in proportion to the duration of flying hours (employment) at each job.
4. The length of service of flight personnel includes:
time of service in positions of flight personnel of the Armed Forces of the USSR and work in positions of flight test personnel - in the manner established for the assignment of pensions, respectively, to military personnel and flight test personnel;
time of work abroad in the positions of flight personnel of foreign civil aviation - in the manner established by paragraph 1 for the relevant types of flight work, subject to payment of insurance premiums Pension fund RSFSR (for the period of work since 1992);
time of study at higher educational institutions of aviation, if this was preceded by work in flight positions - according to the actual duration;
the time of paid parental leave provided to women - the duration established by law.
5. The length of service of flight personnel for the period of work before January 1, 1992, at the choice of the person applying for a pension, is calculated according to the rules in force before the specified date.
6. The length of service of employees performing air traffic control also includes work as an aviation flight crew.
7. The length of service of engineering and technical personnel also includes work as an aviation flight crew and work in air traffic control.
8. The length of service of engineering and technical staff and air traffic control employees includes work in aviation flight personnel, calculated in the manner established by paragraph 1 for the relevant types of work.




(as amended by Federal Laws dated March 12, 2002 N 25-FZ,
dated 06/03/2009 N 114-FZ, dated 07/24/2009 N 213-FZ,
dated December 23, 2010 N 360-FZ, dated December 3, 2011 N 379-FZ, dated July 21, 2014 N 216-FZ)

This Federal Law determines the conditions, procedure for assigning and paying a monthly supplement to the pension, established in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, to members of flight crews of civil aviation aircraft at the expense of funds additionally received by the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation from organizations employing the labor of flight crew members of aircraft civil aviation vessels, as an additional guarantee in the field social security in connection with harmful, dangerous, stressful and difficult working conditions of a special nature, as well as the procedure for financial support for the costs of paying the specified additional payment.

Article 1. Members of flight crews of civil aviation aircraft (hereinafter referred to as flight crew members) receiving pensions established in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation have the right to a monthly pension supplement (hereinafter referred to as pension supplement) from contributions paid by organizations using the labor of flight crew members, to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation for the payment of additional payments to pensions (hereinafter referred to as contributions).
(as amended by Federal Law dated December 23, 2010 N 360-FZ)
An additional payment to the pension is assigned if there is a length of service as a flight crew member of at least 25 years for men and at least 20 years for women, and when leaving flight work for health reasons in a position that gives the right to assign an additional payment to the pension - for at least 20 years for men and at least 15 years for women.
The list of organizations employing the labor of flight crew members is determined in the manner established by the Government of the Russian Federation.
The list of positions of flight crew members and positions identical to positions in which work gives the right to an additional payment to the pension, as well as the rules for calculating length of service to establish an additional payment to the pension are approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.
A pension supplement is paid provided that flight crew members remain in flight work in a position that gives them the right to a pension supplement.
When a pensioner receiving a pension supplement returns to flight work for a position that gives the right to a pension supplement, payment of the pension supplement is suspended from the 1st day of the month following the month in which this pensioner was hired for the specified job.
The resumption of payment of the pension supplement is made in the manner and within the time frames provided for in Article 2 of this Federal Law, when the pensioner applies to the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation with a corresponding application and documents confirming the termination of flight work in a position giving the right to assign a pension supplement.
Pensioners receiving additional payments to their pensions, organizations employing the labor of flight crew members (hereinafter referred to as contribution payers), and pension authorities of federal executive bodies providing pensions are required to immediately notify the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation about circumstances affecting the payment of additional payments to pensions. .
In case of providing false information or untimely submission of information resulting in overspending on the payment of the pension supplement, the guilty persons shall compensate the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation that pays the pension supplement for the damage caused in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.
Payment of the pension supplement, including its delivery, is made for the current month.
Delivery of the pension supplement is made at the request of the pensioner through the federal postal service, credit or other organization.
Suspension, renewal, termination, restoration of payment of additional payment to the pension and its withholding on grounds not provided for by this Federal Law are carried out in the manner prescribed for insurance pensions by Federal Law of December 28, 2013 N 400-FZ “On Insurance Pensions”.

(Article 1 as amended by Federal Law dated June 3, 2009 N 114-FZ)

ConsultantPlus: note.
For approval of the average monthly salary, see Reference Information.

Article 2. The amount of additional payment to the pension is determined by the formula:

RD = SZP x (ZR / ZP) x K x (SV / SVD),

where RD is the amount of additional payment to the pension;
SZP - average monthly wage in the Russian Federation for the period from July 1 to September 30, 2001 for calculating and increasing the size of state pensions, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation, consistently increased by all annual growth indices of average monthly wages in the Russian Federation, determined by the Government of the Russian Federation in in accordance with Federal Law of December 17, 2001 N 173-FZ “On Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation”, and from January 1, 2015 - on annual growth indices of average monthly wages in the Russian Federation, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation for the purpose of implementing this Federal Law ;
ZR - the average monthly earnings of a flight crew member during flight work in a position that gives the right to an additional payment to the pension, calculated at his choice for 24 last month specified work or for any 60 consecutive months of such work;
ZP - average monthly salary in the Russian Federation for the same period;
K - coefficient taking into account the share average monthly earnings flight crew member, based on the length of service from which the pension supplement is calculated. The coefficient taking into account the share of the average monthly earnings of a flight crew member, if men have 25 years of service and women have 20 years of service as a flight crew member, is 0.55. For each full year worked in excess of the specified length of service, the coefficient taking into account the share of the average monthly earnings of a flight crew member, in the presence of length of service, increases by 0.01, but should not exceed 0.75. With service from 20 to 25 years for men and from 15 to 20 years for women as a flight crew member, provided that persons filling these positions have the right to a pension in connection with leaving flight work for health reasons, a coefficient taking into account the share of the average monthly earnings of a flight crew member, with length of service less than 25 years for men and 20 years for women, decreases by 0.02 for each year, including incomplete;
SV - the average monthly amount of contributions, penalties and fines actually received by the payers of contributions to the budget of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation in the previous quarter;
SVD - the amount of funds necessary to financially cover the costs of paying a supplement to the pension at the beginning of the payment period.
(Part one as amended by Federal Law dated July 21, 2014 N 216-FZ)
The assignment and payment (resumption of payment) of the pension supplement, as well as the recalculation of its amount, are carried out in the following order:
from May 1, if the application for assignment (recalculation of the amount) and payment (resumption of payment) of the additional payment to the pension, as well as a change in the amount of contributions entailing recalculation, occurred in the period from January 1 to March 31;
from August 1, if an application for assignment (recalculation of the amount) and payment (resumption of payment) of a pension supplement, as well as a change in the amount of contributions entailing a recalculation, occurred during the period from April 1 to June 30;
from November 1, if the application for assignment (recalculation of the amount) and payment (resumption of payment) of the additional payment to the pension, as well as a change in the amount of contributions entailing recalculation, occurred in the period from July 1 to September 30;
from February 1, if the application for assignment (recalculation of the amount) and payment (resumption of payment) of the additional payment to the pension, as well as a change in the amount of contributions entailing recalculation, occurred in the period from October 1 to December 31 of the previous year.
(Part two as amended by Federal Law dated June 3, 2009 N 114-FZ)
When determining the amount of an additional payment to a pension, the ratio of the average monthly earnings of a member of a flight crew of a civil aviation aircraft during flight work in a position that gives the right to assign an additional payment to a pension, for the last 24 months of the specified work or for any 60 consecutive months of such work, to the average monthly salary in the country for the same period is taken into account in an amount not exceeding 5.
(as amended by Federal Law dated June 3, 2009 N 114-FZ)
The ratio of the average monthly amount of contributions actually received by the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation in the previous quarter from contributors to the amount of funds required to finance the supplement to the pension at the beginning of the payment period is established by the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation quarterly and is used to adjust the amount of the supplement to the pension.
(as amended by Federal Law dated June 3, 2009 N 114-FZ)
Applications for the appointment (recalculation of the amount) and payment (resumption of payment) of a pension supplement, consideration of these applications are carried out in a manner similar to the procedure determined by Federal Law of December 28, 2013 N 400-FZ “On Insurance Pensions”, unless otherwise provided herein Federal law.
(part six introduced by Federal Law dated July 21, 2014 N 216-FZ)
The amount of additional payment to the pension when recalculating its amount is determined in the manner established by this article.
(Part seven introduced by Federal Law dated July 21, 2014 N 216-FZ)

Article 3. An additional payment to the pension is assigned by the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and is paid simultaneously with the pension.
(Article 3 as amended by Federal Law dated June 3, 2009 N 114-FZ)

Article 4. Establish a contribution rate for payers of contributions in the amount of 14 percent of payments and other remunerations accrued by them in favor of flight crew members.

The provisions of part two of Article 4 (as amended by Federal Law No. 360-FZ of December 23, 2010) apply to legal relations that arose from January 1, 2010.

The object of taxation and the basis for calculating contributions are the object of taxation of insurance premiums and the base for calculating insurance contributions, which are established by parts 1, 3 and 4 of Article 7 and parts 1, 3 and 6 of Article 8 of the Federal Law “On Insurance Contributions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, Fund social insurance Russian Federation, Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund."
(as amended by Federal Laws dated December 23, 2010 N 360-FZ, dated July 21, 2014 N 216-FZ)
The calculation period for the calculation and payment of contributions is a calendar year.
The billing period consists of reporting periods.
Reporting periods are the first quarter, half a year, nine months and a year.
During the billing (reporting) period, at the end of each calendar month, contribution payers calculate monthly contribution payments based on the amount of payments and other remunerations accrued from the beginning of the billing period to the end of the corresponding calendar month, and the contribution rate. The amount of the monthly contribution payment due is determined taking into account the previously paid amounts of monthly contribution payments.

Payment of monthly contributions is made no later than the 15th day of the next calendar month.
(as amended by Federal Law dated July 24, 2009 N 213-FZ)
Data on the calculated amounts of monthly payments for contributions to supplement pensions are reflected in the calculation of accrued and paid contributions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation paid by contribution payers, which is submitted no later than the 1st day of the second calendar month following the reporting period to the territorial body Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.
(as amended by Federal Laws dated July 24, 2009 N 213-FZ, dated July 21, 2014 N 216-FZ)
Part nine became invalid on January 1, 2010. — Federal Law of July 24, 2009 N 213-FZ.
The amount of contributions to be paid is determined in rubles and kopecks.
(Part twelve as amended by Federal Law dated July 21, 2014 N 216-FZ)
Separate divisions of organizations employing the labor of flight crew members, which have a separate balance sheet, current account and accrue payments and other remuneration in favor of flight crew members, perform the duties of payers of contributions and the obligation to submit calculations and declarations on contributions at their location.
The amount of contributions payable at the location of a separate division of the organization employing the labor of flight crew members is determined based on the size of the base for calculating contributions related to this separate division.
The amount of contributions payable at the location of the organization employing the labor of flight crew members and acting as the payer of contributions, which includes separate units, is determined as the difference between the total amount of contributions payable by the specified organization as a whole and the total amount of contributions payable at the location of its separate divisions.
If an organization employing the labor of flight crew members has separate divisions located outside the territory of the Russian Federation, the obligation to pay contributions, as well as the obligation to submit calculations and declarations on contributions, is carried out by the specified organization at its location.
(Article 4 as amended by Federal Law dated June 3, 2009 N 114-FZ)

Article 4.1. Monitoring the correctness of the calculation and payment of contributions, making a decision based on the results of consideration of the materials of such control, applying methods to ensure that contribution payers fulfill the obligation to pay contributions, sending contribution payers demands for payment of contributions, the corresponding penalties and fines, as well as collecting arrears on contributions corresponding penalties and fines, write-off of bad debts on contributions are carried out by the territorial bodies of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation in a manner similar to the procedure established by the Federal Law “On Insurance Contributions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation, the Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund.
(as amended by Federal Laws dated July 24, 2009 N 213-FZ, dated December 3, 2011 N 379-FZ, dated July 21, 2014 N 216-FZ)
Set-off (refund) of overpaid (collected) amounts of contributions, corresponding penalties and fines, clarification of the amounts of these payments, as well as payment of interest accrued for late return of contributions, corresponding penalties, fines, and interest accrued on excessively collected amounts of contributions, the corresponding penalties and fines are carried out by the territorial bodies of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation in a manner similar to the procedure defined by the Federal Law “On Insurance Contributions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation, the Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund.
(as amended by Federal Laws dated July 24, 2009 N 213-FZ, dated July 21, 2014 N 216-FZ)
Part three became invalid on January 1, 2010. — Federal Law of July 24, 2009 N 213-FZ.
(Article 4.1 introduced by Federal Law dated June 3, 2009 N 114-FZ)

Article 4.2. Failure to pay or incomplete payment by the payer of contributions as a result of understating the base for their calculation, other incorrect calculation of the amounts of contributions or committing other unlawful actions by him entails the collection of a fine in the amount of 20 percent of the unpaid amounts of contributions.
Failure by the payer of contributions to submit calculations for accrued and paid contributions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation at the place of registration within the deadline established by this Federal Law entails the collection of a fine in the amount of 5 percent of the amount of contributions accrued for payment for the last three months of the reporting (calculation) period, for each full or less than a month from the date established for its submission, but not more than 30 percent of the specified amount and not less than 1,000 rubles.
(Part two as amended by Federal Law dated December 3, 2011 N 379-FZ)
Refusal by a contribution payer to submit or failure to submit, within the time limit established by this Federal Law, to the territorial bodies of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation documents (copies of documents) necessary to monitor the correctness of calculation, completeness and timeliness of payment (transfer) of contributions shall entail a fine of 200 rubles for each document not submitted.
(Part three as amended by Federal Law dated December 3, 2011 N 379-FZ)
Prosecution for violations provided for in this article is carried out by the territorial bodies of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation in a manner similar to the procedure established by the Federal Law “On Insurance Contributions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation, the Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund.”
(as amended by Federal Laws dated July 24, 2009 N 213-FZ, dated July 21, 2014 N 216-FZ)
Appeal of acts issued by territorial bodies of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation when they exercise their powers in relations regulated by this Federal Law, as well as actions or inactions officials territorial bodies of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation is carried out in a manner similar to the procedure defined by the Federal Law “On Insurance Contributions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation, the Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund.”
(as amended by Federal Laws dated July 24, 2009 N 213-FZ, dated July 21, 2014 N 216-FZ)
(Article 4.2 introduced by Federal Law dated June 3, 2009 N 114-FZ)

Article 5. Financial support for the costs of paying additional payments to the pension, including the costs of organizing work on its payment and delivery, is made from contributions received from contribution payers, amounts of penalties accrued for late payment of contributions, and fines for unlawful actions related to implementation of this Federal Law.
(Article 5 as amended by Federal Law dated December 23, 2010 N 360-FZ)

Article 6. The Pension Fund of the Russian Federation ensures separate accounting of received contributions, penalties and fines for the Russian Federation as a whole.
(as amended by Federal Laws dated 06/03/2009 N 114-FZ, dated 12/23/2010 N 360-FZ)

Article 8. The President of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation shall bring their regulatory legal acts into conformity with this Federal Law.

Article 9. This Federal Law comes into force on the date of its official publication.
In connection with the entry into force of this Federal Law, the Federal Law of February 25, 1999 N 37-FZ “On Amendments to the Law of the Russian Federation “On State Pensions in the Russian Federation” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1999, N 9, Art. 1094).
(as amended by Federal Law dated June 3, 2009 N 114-FZ)

Russian Federation

In this article we tried to fully describe the topic: “Amount of pension for pilots: rules of calculations and payments” and comment on it for inexperienced people. If you have any questions as you read, please contact your advisor.

To determine the size of pilots’ pensions, you need to study the main documents relating to social payments to flight test personnel. The first law was issued back in 1991, but until 2019, numerous amendments and federal laws were issued. Social benefits are accrued after completing a certain length of service.

Legal grounds

From the list of documentation relating to these categories of workers, two should be highlighted - the Federal Law and the Resolution of the Council of Ministers.

  1. Federal Law of December 15, 2001 N 166-FZ “On State Pension Provision in the Russian Federation” (as amended and supplemented).

The documents describe: what conditions are valid for calculating pensions, the amount of social payments (calculation features), when you can apply for a pension before established deadlines and other points.

The concept of flight test personnel. Experience.

Features of the accrual: state support is provided to both military and civilian pilots. But there are a number of features for different categories. Due to the peculiarities of the work activity of persons involved in the operation and testing of aircraft - a high danger to life and health - these citizens have the right to count on a well-deserved rest earlier than other Russian workers. Who is included in the flight test crew group:

  • pilots, navigators, flight mechanics - direct participants in air traffic who control airplanes and helicopters; astronauts; test pilots and instructors;
  • designers and engineers involved in practical flights;
  • managers, inspectors of this area.

Flight crew. Species

In all cases, we are talking about both military and civil aviation. But to qualify for the pension program, you must fulfill the following conditions for achieving a certain length of service:

  • for male workers - 25 years (if exemption from work is due to health reasons, then 20);
  • for female workers – 20 years (if severe occupational diseases are diagnosed – 15).

Important! Social benefits based on length of service can be combined with an old-age or disability pension (double social security).

How to calculate the amount of future payments

The rule for calculating pensions for former pilots who participated in flights for at least 2⁄3 of the entire duration of service is expressed by the formula:

Pension payment = (1000% Social Pension – Insurance Pension) + 25% Social Pension x Years of Excess of Service

The amount of social pension (fixed in 2019) is 5,334 rubles.
Insurance – depending on the type (old age or disability).
Years of excess length of service – the number of years worked minus 25 years (for men) or 20 (for women).

Reference. The maximum amount will be 1500% of the minimum social pension adopted by the leadership of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

If the applicant has flown less than the specified standard (two-thirds of the total length of service), then he will be able to count on payments calculated using a different formula:

Pension payment = (800% Social Pension – Insurance Pension) + 20% Social Pension x Years of Excess of Service

Reference. In this case maximum size It will also be different - 1300% of social services.

If applicants have not completed the required length of service, the pension amount is reduced. When working for 20/15 years, but not more than 25/20 years (for men/women), you need to subtract from the total amount (in the formula) half of the social pension, multiplied by the number of full years that the pensioner did not reach the norm.

Example. The pilot worked for 22 years, therefore, he was exactly 3 years short of the required experience.

Increase in social payments:

  • surcharge for class - if the applicant has 1st class in his specialty, he will receive an additional 10%;
  • for accommodation in the northern regions - there are increasing coefficients that are individual in each region;
  • When social pensions increase, employees of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation will make a recalculation.

Important! To apply for a class bonus, you will need to provide supporting documents.

How to apply for a pension

The process consists of performing a sequence of actions:

  1. Collecting the required documentation: passports, work book and other papers at the request of PF employees.
  2. Arrival at the PF office at the place of registration or the nearest MFC.
  3. Filling out the application form.
  4. Submitting a package of documents to an employee of the institution to which the applicant applied.

After reviewing and checking all certificates and papers, the commission will make a decision on the possibility of accruing a pension and its amount. If the future pensioner cannot personally appear at the department for registration, then he can use his representative with a notarized power of attorney or send the papers by mail. The initial application can also be filled out on the Pension Fund website, attaching scanned copies of documents. But in the future you will have to provide the originals.

To apply for a pension you must provide a package of documents

Documents. Terms of consideration

Basic set of papers:

  • civil passport;
  • certificates confirming the right to early retirement;
  • if there are health problems due to professional activities, then you need to present the relevant documents - medical certificates and medical reports;
  • data on class - if the applicant is entitled to a bonus.

Doctor's report

Reference. Pension Fund employees may require additional papers.

Officials are required to respond to the applicant within 10 days after submitting the application. If it turns out that any papers are missing, a notification about this should follow. If the consideration period is violated, the applicant has the right to file a complaint with the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

Flight book of a professional pilot

How to calculate flight experience correctly?

To do this, the number of flight hours is divided by the norm that is established for the month:

  • helicopters - 12;
  • airplanes - 20.

Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR dated 09/04/1991 N 459 "On approval of Lists of positions of aviation flight and engineering personnel, work in which gives the right to a pension for length of service, and the rules for calculating length of service for...




Council of Ministers of the RSFSR

The rules for calculating length of service approved by this document are applied to assess the pension rights of insured persons in accordance with paragraph 9 of Article 30 of the Federal Law of December 17, 2001 N 173-FZ “On Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation” in case of early assignment of an old-age labor pension to aviation workers flight, engineering and technical personnel, as well as air traffic control services (Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 18, 2002 N 537).





1. When calculating the length of service for assigning pensions to flight personnel, the following is considered:

b) every 12 hours of flight time: on helicopters, in special-purpose aviation (ambulance flights, aerochemical work, aerial photography, patrolling, atmospheric sounding and other types of work); in the positions of flight personnel of escort groups for foreign aircraft (leaders); in positions of command-flight and flight-instructor staff, including in higher and secondary educational institutions for training and advanced training of aviation flight personnel - for one month of service;

c) one year of work as part of an aircraft flight crew in emergency rescue (search and rescue) units - for one and a half years of service;

d) one year of work as a flight crew in educational and sports aviation organizations of DOSAAF - for one and a half years of service, subject to the fulfillment of the flight training plan, and when performing elements of complex or aerobatics - for two years of service;

e) one year of work in the positions provided for in paragraph 4 of the List of positions of flight personnel, work in which gives the right to a pension for long service - for one and a half years of service, subject to the annual norm of jumping from piston aircraft, helicopters, airships and balloons, descents (ascents) on special descent (lifting) devices from helicopters hovering at a height of at least 10 meters, and when fulfilling the annual norm of jumps from jet aircraft and helicopters - for two years of service.

2. Calculation of periods of service in accordance with subparagraphs “a” and “b” of paragraph 1 is carried out by dividing the actual flight hours for the entire period of work in flight personnel positions by 20 and 12 hours, respectively. Annualized service is determined by dividing the number of full months of service by 12.

3. When performing various jobs specified in paragraph 1 during the year, length of service is calculated in proportion to the duration of flying hours (employment) at each job.

4. The length of service of flight personnel includes:

time of service in positions of flight personnel of the Armed Forces of the USSR and work in positions of flight test personnel - in the manner established for the assignment of pensions, respectively, to military personnel and flight test personnel;

time of work abroad as a flight crew of foreign civil aviation - in the manner established by paragraph 1 for the relevant types of flight work, subject to payment of insurance contributions to the Pension Fund of the RSFSR (for the period of work starting from 1992);

time of study at higher educational institutions of aviation, if this was preceded by work in flight positions - according to the actual duration;

the time of paid parental leave provided to women - the duration established by law.

He was decommissioned from flying work two years ago...
Using a simple formula, I calculated my length of service. Considering 25 calendar years, 11,000 hours of flight time and instructor time since 2004, I counted 57 years of experience for myself and... I calmed down, giving all the documents for additional pension payments to the window of the local Pension Fund office. And after a couple of months I discovered that the amount of this surcharge was significantly different from the amount of the surcharge of my friend with less experience, but who had drawn up documents in another city. I wrote to the pension officials of the city flood - sort it out, gentlemen. They answered politely - everything is correct, dear fellow, they thought that the point is that flight time since 2002 “does not count” and does not affect the length of service coefficient after that 2002. And therefore this same coefficient is not the maximum for me.
I began to get angry and get into the subject - Thanks a lot this topic and the Sheremetyevo "independent". I figured it out, consulted, wrote another application, attaching a bunch of photocopies.
I'm waiting... A month passes - I go to the head of the pension recalculation department. They greet me unfriendly and explain to me through their lips that they have not received the methodological instructions from above, and without them there will be no recalculation.
I’m boiling... I’m writing application No. 3, now to the Republican Department of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, attaching photocopies of the laws and explanations to these laws. They answer (of course, not immediately, but after enduring the bureaucratic 25 days) that I still have the right to a recalculation, but I must provide my flight hours after 2002. I come to a familiar recalculation department. The boss is already more friendly, but asks me to bring a certificate of flight time with an official seal, and not the flight book that I brought. My references to order 155, and to the fact that I am obliged to provide ONLY a flight book, do not apply to the lady...
That's it, it's boiling! He said a couple of harsh things, but went to make a certificate... You should have gone too...
I provide the certificate, write application No. 4, hand it in and wait. 25 days... (((
They're calling. They ask you to come in. And it turns out that the amount of time in the certificate, which is equal to the minute in the book, does not correspond to the amount of time that IS in the Pension Fund! It turns out they had my raid for all the years! And it does not coincide for minutes with the information in the book (certificate). That’s why they didn’t recalculate anything for me and won’t recalculate anything until these numbers are the same!
Do you think I started screaming and destroying furniture?
No, oddly enough, I was calm and determined. I went to the Republican government (a palace made of marble!), caused a scandal in the reception area, and, as a result, was accepted as the first deputy of the government. Without explaining anything to him, I left on his desk a certified copy of the flight book, photocopies of everything written earlier and a copy of application No. 5. Only this statement was already sent to the prosecutor's office. A statement about the fact of extorting a bribe from me. “I’m going to the prosecutor’s office tomorrow, after lunch,” I told my first deputy as I left...
They started calling me a couple of hours later. Great and respected people called - the heads of two departments and even the head of a sector unknown to me before. They talked about the difficult and stressful work of an honest pension official, about the low qualifications of individual workers, and the head of the recalculation department talked about his imminent retirement and for some reason about his grandson... They asked me not to bother visiting them, because... everything has already been calculated, recalculated and will be paid.
This is how I brought my pension supplement into line with the law and basic common sense.
There are a lot of letters, but maybe someone will be interested...

The profession of a pilot is a kind of prestige. And also, if you are lucky enough to get a job at a good airline, you will get a decent salary. And early retirement. This is what those who choose this specialty think. But in practice, not everything is so rosy, and you will still need to earn your summer pension.


Representatives of certain professions, those associated with difficult working conditions or risk, are assigned by the state several types of social benefits:

  • state welfare benefits;
  • pension under compulsory pension insurance.

These payments are intended to compensate for the earnings received by specialists while performing their official duties.

Accrual cash pilots are regulated by laws:

  • Federal Law No. 166 - guaranteeing receipt of pension benefits based on length of service;
  • Federal Law No. 400 - ensuring the receipt of an insurance pension;
  • Federal Law No. 173 - on the payment of required pension benefits for labor;
  • Federal Law No. 155 - guarantees additional social benefits"flight" employees;
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 155 regulates the receipt of additional payments to the pension benefit for those specialists who served in civil aviation.

These payments are not calculated exactly the same as for other Russians of retirement age.

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Conditions for assigning a pension

To retire based on length of service, you will need proof of experience in aviation. Other terms:

  • Russian citizenship;
  • grounds for retirement based on length of service;
  • inability to perform work due to health problems.

Important: when assigning benefits, flight hours are taken into account. Their number cannot exceed 20 per month for airliner, private jet and fighter pilots, and 12 for helicopter pilots.

In general, to receive flight pay, helicopter pilots need to fly 3,100 hours (men) and 2,480 hours (women), and those who fly an airliner need to fly 6,000 hours and 4,800 hours, respectively.

The right to receive old-age insurance

Pilots have the right to receive an early retirement pension. It is prescribed regardless of age, but the following conditions must be met:

  • The length of service for men cannot be less than 25 years, for women - 20 years;
  • upon dismissal from service for health reasons - men have 20 years of service, women have 15 years of experience.

Important: length of service also includes the period of military service.

Rules for calculating pensions for civil aviation pilots

For civil aviation pilots, information about the terms of employment is contained in their flight record book. What other information is indicated there:

  • flight permits;
  • completed training;
  • level of specialist training.

Important: without this document, applications will not be considered.

For military pilots, the regulations are slightly different: when calculating payments, they take into account the place of service, the equipment they flew, and so on.

In some cases, the calculation is carried out according to other standards: 1 to 1.5 years (pilots taking part in rescue operations, paratroopers, etc.) or 1 to 2 years (pilots performing aerobatics).

Retirement age of the country's pilots

When assigning maintenance, age does not matter: a person can be a pilot even at 65 years old. Or even in older years.

A caveat: you are only allowed to fly as a commander until you are 65 years old. After reaching this age, he is transferred to the position of co-pilot, where he serves while the medical examination is carried out. Based on its results, a decision will be made on his admission to flights.

In reality, pilots rarely stay “in the sky” until that age. The constant stress they endure rarely makes it possible to maintain good health after reaching such years. Therefore, the majority retires earlier - based on length of service.

Pension reform and its impact on pilots' pension benefits

The reform did not affect those working in aviation too much. Their benefits were maintained. Early exit the following categories of persons will be entitled to a well-deserved retirement:

  • civil aviation pilots;
  • flight dispatchers;
  • specialists engaged in aircraft maintenance work.

As for the early receipt of old-age benefits, there have been no changes: it will be provided to those who have the necessary length of service.

Amount of pension payments

What will it be like pension benefit for those who serve in aviation depends on the size of the labor pension and the amount of additional payment. What is taken into account:

  • the labor pension is calculated at the rate of 55% of the average salary and increases by 1% for each year of excess of length of service;
  • for each year missing from flight experience, 2% is deducted;
  • established social benefit reduced by 50% for each missing year of service;
  • test pilots receive an additional 10% of their average salary;
  • regional coefficient. It depends on the region in which the pilot served.

However, the maximum amount cannot exceed 75% of the average salary. AND The only exceptions are those pilots who become disabled while performing their duties. For them, the amount of the accrued payment may be increased.

The amount of maintenance is influenced by the length of employment in aviation, the position held, the amount of salary, and allowances. What else is taken into account:

  • specialized coefficients (depending on length of service);
  • average salary in Russia for the same period;
  • the amount of contributions to the pension fund.

Note: when calculating the average salary, the future pensioner can choose the calculation period. It could be 5 years continuous experience in aviation, or just the last two years.

Formula for calculating preferential pay based on length of service

The amount of flight allowance is calculated individually. The calculation formula will depend on the number of flight hours:

LS = (SP × UP - SP) + DP × SP × GP, where:

  • LS - content size;
  • SP - social benefit. Its size is currently 5283.85 rubles;
  • UP - percentage fixed by law;
  • SCH - insurance part of old-age benefits;
  • DP - additional percentage, increases the benefit for each year of service above the established norm;
  • GP - the number of full years of excess of the required length of service.

Calculation procedure

If the flight experience for test flights is less than 2/3, then the benefit will be 800%, but not more than 1300%, and an additional share of 20%.