» Beautiful and funny congratulations on your silver wedding to your sister (happy 25th wedding anniversary) from your sister, from your brother in your own words

Beautiful and funny congratulations on your silver wedding to your sister (happy 25th wedding anniversary) from your sister, from your brother in your own words


Sister, I congratulate your family,
You and your husband have lived for many years,
You carried your feelings, preserved them,
There is no more beautiful silver wedding!


My sister, I congratulate you!
You can be completely proud of your family.
So live together until the silver wedding -
Great art, I tell you.

You and your husband are just like two halves,
Each other is support, protection and rear.
Let in your warm family hearth
The spiritual fire never cooled down!


Happy anniversary,
My dear sister.
Have you reached family life
Towards a big milestone.

Let the silver wedding
will open for you new look.
And the union will be strong
Only peace, goodness and order.


My dear, dear sister,
Today is your silver wedding!
I want you to always remain happy,
And every day I fell in love with my husband again!

Let him carry you in his arms
Represents you in fantasies, dreams,
Let your long union grow stronger,
Helps you be stronger and happier!


My dear sister,
I will congratulate you
After all, you lived with your loved one
Not a few years - twenty-five!

Happy anniversary,
There's a feast at the table today,
Let the silver wedding
Will only bring you peace!


Road & laquo; Young»,
My dear sister!
Are you celebrating today?
Twenty-five years from the crown.

This is the time you lived
Proudly keeping my devotion.
Marriage strengthened forever
You love your family.

For the silver wedding
Noble Jubilee
I wish you happiness
And I take your example!


There is a reason for you to be happy
How can I calm the trembling in my heart!
It's not just an anniversary,
And the silver wedding!

This is your date with your husband
Let's call it round loudly.
You've been married to him for so many years,
I can’t believe it, sister!

I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart,
I'm very happy for you.
Be happy, dear!
After all, family is your reward!


Sister, your Union is 25 today!
You and your husband were able to give each other a lot:
They achieved what they wanted and gave birth to children,
They taught us to be worthy people.


Dear sister, let me congratulate
Happy big anniversary to you and your husband,
And leave a piece of my soul with you forever,
To wish both love and breathe kindness.

Twenty-five is a very serious date,
How long we have been together, how close we are to each other,
Let it be silver so that they live to gold,
And always touch each other's hands.


You are so beautiful on this day
It's like 25 years ago.
Sister and fiance you stood,
And behind is a colorful facade!

A quarter of a century has flown by,
Soul to soul for so many years!
We wish you happiness and health,
And move on without any troubles!

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My dear sister,
I will congratulate you
After all, you lived with your loved one
Not a few years - twenty-five!

Happy anniversary,
There's a feast at the table today,
Let the silver wedding
Will only bring you peace!

Happy anniversary,
My dear sister.
Have you reached your family life?
Until the big milestone.

Let the silver wedding
It will give you a new perspective.
And the union will be strong
Only peace, goodness and harmony.

Sister, I congratulate your family,
You and your husband have lived for many years,
You carried your feelings, preserved them,
There is no more beautiful silver wedding!

Dear “young”,
My dear sister!
Are you celebrating today?
Twenty-five years from the crown.

This is the time you lived
Proudly keeping my devotion.
Marriage strengthened forever
You love your family.

For the silver wedding
Noble Jubilee
I wish you happiness
And I take your example!

My sister, I congratulate you!
You can be completely proud of your family.
So live together until the silver wedding -
Great art, I tell you.

You and your husband - well, just like two halves,
Each other is support, protection and rear.
Let it be in your warm family hearth
The spiritual fire never cooled down!

There is a reason for you to be happy
How can I calm the trembling in my heart!
It's not just an anniversary,
And the silver wedding!

This is your date with your husband
Let's call it round loudly.
You've been married to him for so many years,
I can’t believe it, little sister!

I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart,
I'm very happy for you.
Be happy, dear!
After all, family is your reward!

My dear, dear sister,
Today is your silver wedding!
I want you to always remain happy,
And every day I fell in love with my husband again!

Let him carry you in his arms,
Represents you in fantasies, dreams,
Let your long union grow stronger,
Helps you be stronger and happier!

You are so beautiful on this day
It's like 25 years ago.
Sister and fiance you stood,
And behind is a colorful facade!

A quarter of a century has flown by,
Soul to soul for so many years!
We wish you happiness and health,
And move on without any troubles!

Dear sister, allow me to congratulate
Happy big anniversary to you and your husband,
And leave a piece of my soul to you forever,
To wish both love and breathe kindness.

Twenty-five is a very serious date,
How long we have been together, how close we are to each other,
Let it be silver, so that we can live to see gold,
And always have each other's hands touching.

Sister, your union is 25 today!
You and your husband were able to give each other a lot:
They achieved what they wanted and gave birth to children,
They taught us to be worthy people.

Happy anniversary,
My dear sister.
Have you reached your family life?
Until the big milestone.

Let the silver wedding
It will give you a new perspective.
And the union will be strong
Only peace, goodness and harmony.

My sister, I congratulate you!
You can be completely proud of your family.
So live together until the silver wedding -
Great art, I tell you.

You and your husband - well, just like two halves,
Each other is support, protection and rear.
Let it be in your warm family hearth
The spiritual fire never cooled down!

Sister, I congratulate your family,
You and your husband have lived for many years,
You carried your feelings, preserved them,
There is no more beautiful silver wedding!

Sister, your union is 25 today!
You and your husband were able to give each other a lot:
They achieved what they wanted and gave birth to children,
They taught us to be worthy people.

My dear sister,
I will congratulate you
After all, you lived with your loved one
Not a few years - twenty-five!

Happy anniversary,
There's a feast at the table today,
Let the silver wedding
Will only bring you peace!

Dear “young”,
My dear sister!
Are you celebrating today?
Twenty-five years from the crown.

This is the time you lived
Proudly keeping my devotion.
Marriage strengthened forever
You love your family.

For the silver wedding
Noble Jubilee
I wish you happiness
And I take your example!

There is a reason for you to be happy
How can I calm the trembling in my heart!
It's not just an anniversary,
And the silver wedding!

This is your date with your husband
Let's call it round loudly.
You've been married to him for so many years,
I can’t believe it, little sister!

I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart,
I'm very happy for you.
Be happy, dear!
After all, family is your reward!

My dear, dear sister,
Today is your silver wedding!
I want you to always remain happy,
And every day I fell in love with my husband again!

Let him carry you in his arms,
Represents you in fantasies, dreams,
Let your long union grow stronger,
Helps you be stronger and happier!

Dear sister, allow me to congratulate
Happy big anniversary to you and your husband,
And leave a piece of my soul to you forever,
To wish both love and breathe kindness.

Twenty-five is a very serious date,
How long we have been together, how close we are to each other,
Let it be silver, so that we can live to see gold,
And always have each other's hands touching.

You are so beautiful on this day
It's like 25 years ago.
Sister and fiance you stood,
And behind is a colorful facade!

A quarter of a century has flown by,
Soul to soul for so many years!
We wish you happiness and health,
And move on without any troubles!

Silver wedding knocking on your door.
There have been so many ups and losses in life!
But you didn't break that thread of love,
What united you on the path of life.
We wish you longevity, warmth,
Family comfort, health and goodness,
Look into each other's eyes and feel the thrill,
And on starry evenings to hug with love!

Happy silver wedding - good luck and happiness to you,
May God protect you from every misfortune,
The look will be enthusiastic and loving,
When you two live fifty!
Harmony to you, prosperity, prosperity,
May your life be carefree and sweet,
Let the children please and the grandchildren entertain,
And the hearts will be forever embraced by passion!

You have been living together for twenty-five years, walking through life side by side, sharing happiness and hardships between the two of you! Congratulations on your silver wedding! I wish you to live until your golden wedding in good health, vigor and joy! Carry your youthful love and friendship through your entire difficult life, wait for your great-grandchildren and pass on to your descendants your great life wisdom, easy disposition and infectious optimism! Be healthy, happy, cheerful and lucky! Love each other and receive a blessing from the Lord for a long, good, prosperous life!

We hasten to congratulate you on your silver wedding:
You had to go through a lot.
However, we wish you to continue this path
And you can’t leave your hand out of your hands for a moment.
Such unity is unknown to many,
For you, it is family law.

The years have passed in a moment
And the anniversary came.
Quarter of a century il argentum,
As Mendeley would say.
Mendeley was a cunning Dmitry,
I didn't come up with tables.
So let's wipe our lips
Let's kiss a group of people.
There are only two in this group -
The husband and the one from the rib.
Let them hold their tail like a pipe
Silver anniversary!

I sincerely congratulate you on the 25th anniversary of your marriage, on your silver wedding. I wish that your happiness shines and shimmers like silver in the sun, that your feelings always warm your hearts and fill your home with comfort, so that in your life together there were no disappointments, so that many more joyful events and happy holidays awaited you ahead.

Silver wedding means
That the Lord destined you for each other,
So may your dreams always come true,
We wish you happiness and love.
In the future, you help each other,
Support and don't be discouraged!
Let all good things happen
And a smile will light up your faces!

Silver wedding - a quarter of a century!
Your love has ruled the show for many years.
It would be a sin for us not to celebrate such a date,
May every day bring you sunshine!
And the silver that we give you for happiness,
May it bring good luck and joy.
And it is in your power to preserve love,
Live together - there is sweetness in this life!

Silver wedding - love's reward!
You walk side by side hand in hand.
And it seemed that more was not needed,
How to feel cared for by your loved one.
May you live together amicably for another hundred years,
Know neither grief nor sadness of days!
We shout “Bitter!” bride and groom!
May your fire of love burn stronger!
You are so close! Isn't this a miracle!
And an example of great love for friends!
The intertwining of your two true destinies,
Like the embodiment of a young dream!

Dear (names)! Today is your anniversary day - your silver wedding! Congratulating you on the holiday, I want to wish you love and family warmth, so that your fate is generous, so that the warmth of spring sun rays awakens only tender feelings in your soul. So that you go through your whole life as you are - friendly and good.

The main decoration holiday
Two silver wedding rings became
Silver ribbons and balls -
Nice symbolism of a big celebration.
Precious metal in marriage says a lot,
Real feeling works wonders.
We wish you sensual, wonderful years,
Let the silver take on a golden color.

I immediately congratulate mom and dad,
I wanted it very, very, very much.
And I won’t lie here,
I prepared the gift at night.
I’ll read the lines as a gift,
So sincere, gentle, colorful.
Please accept congratulations from your daughter,
My good, beloved, dear ones.
I congratulate you on your silver wedding,
I will give you my heart again.
The only thing I can say here is that I know
That I will never betray you!

Protected for a quarter of a century
You are your love for each other.
Loyalty was carried into the heart -
This is the highest merit.
Preserve the network of marriage ties
It takes a lot of talent.
Your silver union
More precious than a diamond.
Your path in life was bright.
Don't grow old at heart
So that later you can meet with dignity
Your golden anniversary!
Today we wish the spouses
Endlessly falling in love with each other
So that happiness shines again
Twenty-five more are with you!

Dear newlyweds! I congratulate you on the fact that for a quarter of a century you have not dropped the high title of the spouses, have not added to it the worthless prefix “ex-” and have raised high the banner of the devoted and happy love. We are glad and congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts and wish you happiness, health and longevity. Long live our “newlyweds”!

Glorious poets compose songs and poems in delight,
From century to century, chanting this silver date.
The metal sparkles noble, and the reflection radiates light,
Accompanying our couple for 25 happy years!
Let's fill glasses and glasses with sparkling, intoxicating cognac,
And we wish the newlyweds that their sadness will melt away like smoke!
We won’t be sad - that’s for sure, today we will party,
We wish you health and patience, we will give gifts!
It’s not for nothing that all the guests have gathered today in this elegant hall,
And it’s not in vain that we stocked up on crazy congratulations today!
Let the toasts sweep away everything in their path like a stormy river!
We wish you happiness and health, love each other and bloom!

Today is not just an event,
Today is our anniversary,
How glorious our parents are,
They are proud of their family.
After all, a quarter of a century has passed,
How they go through life together,
And let the gray hair flash,
Live with a young soul
Both mom and dad are beloved,
We speak from the heart,
Be as happy as you are
We love and honor you dearly.

Today is a long-awaited date,
The silver wedding is desired,
And we wish the young
Intimacy so that it is always cool,
So that peace reigns in every corner,
And there was no place for trouble,
Love burned like a star
And so that your dream comes true,
So that the union is strong as steel,
And let spring sing in my heart!

There are many paths in life.
You two have chosen one.
Twenty-five is a good time
To understand: you guessed right.
And it was not in vain that we followed it -
It was as fate would have it.
Your wedding anniversary -
Today is a national holiday.
Casts silver
This holiday date,
And love reigns all around.
Let it always be like this for you!

Silver wedding - family anniversary,
Silver wedding - you can't forget about it!
Silver wedding - the most beautiful ritual,
Silver wedding - a big parade of love!
Silver wedding is an exciting moment,
Silver wedding - the wealth of common years!
Celebrate the Silver Wedding with all your heart,
A silver wedding is a stepping stone to a golden one!

Congratulations on your silver date,
Twenty-five is truly valuable,
You are strong and rich in each other,
Your bonds are strong and imperishable.
Your destinies are intertwined together
For two, one life is dear,
You are like two halves of a whole,
You were created for each other by God.
May your marriage be like a thousand springs
Blooms with love and passion.
And fate will give you away
Happiness is in your silver glasses.

On the threshold of a life together, a silver wedding... Just think that the married couple have lived together for a quarter of a century, 25 years! During this time, the heroes of the day got to know each other, learned to forgive mistakes, and together overcome obstacles along the way. Now they are worthy to accept Best wishes and the most sincere congratulations with a silver wedding addressed to you: in prose or poetry, comic and traditional, funny and serious. You will certainly learn how to congratulate your beloved friends, parents or close relatives on their silver wedding in an original way by visiting our website. And at the end of the article, wonderful poems await you - congratulations on this wedding.

General congratulations

Are silver weddings common today, marking the 25th anniversary of marriage? Unfortunately no. A cool congratulations for a silver wedding should look something like this.

  1. Whatever the idea is, addressed to parents or friends, it should contain sincere wishes and, of course, gifts. Think about how much people have experienced together in their life together, give them pleasant surprise.
  2. Since the main symbol of the wedding is silver, which signifies the strength and preciousness of the relationship between spouses, gifts must be appropriate. This holiday requires a silver ringing, according to legend. Therefore, it is better to give your preference to the appropriate cutlery or dishes. Of course, these can be other products made of such metal, for example, vases, jewelry, figurines, etc.
  3. Spouses must exchange silver rings, which will now, instead of wedding rings, preserve family happiness, reminding them of each other and their life together.
  4. The main thing is that the wishes are from the heart. with a silver wedding in prose or poetry (own composition or authorship famous poet) can and even should be put on a postcard. Try to find a large format card with white swans, rings and the inscription “25 years together.” If for some reason you are unable to attend the celebration, please send your wishes by mail, no matter how much it costs. The spouses will definitely appreciate your concern.
  5. The anniversaries will be especially pleased if you prepare for them a Certificate with the title “25 years together:” or symbolic silver medals.
  6. Try to prepare your congratulations to the anniversaries on their silver wedding in secret, so that the spouses do not even know about the surprise that awaits them. How much time you will need for this is unknown, so don’t put it off until the last minute.

Here we briefly learned what they should be funny congratulations for the silver wedding. But if you want to present something unusual, original - to arrange a real surprise for your parents on their 25th wedding anniversary or to prepare an elegant congratulation for the best silver wedding of your friends - show your imagination and go for it! The 25th wedding anniversary - a quarter of a century of marriage - deserves to make an effort and please the heroes of the occasion!

Parents' anniversary

25 years of marriage between parents means that the children are already quite adults. That is why in this situation you can come up with something bright and extraordinary. If you are just such children and your financial situation allows you, arrange a real holiday for parents who have lived in love and harmony for a quarter of a century. So, the options:

  • Buy rings with a specific engraving indicating the number of years you have lived together.
  • Order a birthday cake with a happy photo of your parents and the words “25th Anniversary.”
  • Arrange a photo shoot with your whole family present. Silver weddings within the same family are not so common.
  • Rent a limousine for a romantic outing, which, in addition to comfortable seats, will have plenty of champagne. What kind of snack there will be is also a matter of your imagination.
  • Buy your parents a “living” gift and place it in a huge box, tied with a bow. Just imagine how surprised they will be when a puppy jumps out of the box or a kitten meows (however, it’s worth asking the celebrants in advance about their wishes).
  • Read your own poems for festive table, sing a song specially written for them, express your wishes in prose, but sincerely putting your soul into them.
  • Make an original slideshow of your favorites family photos, made throughout the entire 25 years. Choose those that capture various humorous moments from their life together. Silver wedding is a subtotal, make the ending promising!

Remember that the gift itself is not as important as your attention and care. Whatever your parents' silver gift for their silver wedding, they will definitely appreciate it.

Let's congratulate our friends!

For friends on their anniversary - silver wedding - congratulations can be of different kinds: in prose and poetry, funny and quite serious. If you cannot come to the holiday marking the anniversary of your life together, be sure to send the celebrants huge bouquet fresh flowers and holiday card With in the best words. Since you and I live in a world of modern technology, congratulations on your silver wedding can also be sent to friends via SMS, email and other instant messengers. You should select your wish options right here.

Let this one wonderful holiday– a silver wedding – will be remembered not only by the celebrants, but also by all the guests present!


Where is your silver today?
In the house - for prosperity and goodness.
On the temples of husband and wife,
But they are in love with each other.
Silver, like the light in your eyes,
Silver - dishes on the tables.
Jewelry sparkles with silver,
The relationship was covered in silver.
The anniversary shines in silver,
So accept congratulations from your friends!
We wish you the shine of silver,
Happiness, joy, love, goodness!
*** Your marriage was called silver for a reason,
After all, you have lived together for a quarter of a century.
Those years flew by so unnoticed
They are your wealth, as the song says.
Live as long in love
Let the passion in your blood not fade away.
Fill your relationship with warmth
Will you live to see the wedding gold?
A quarter of a century is a whole era,
Twenty-five years have passed since the wedding.
How did you live? Is it good or bad?
If we are together, then it’s good!
If you are nearby, then everything is fine,
This means that life is giving you an anniversary.
Break out of your everyday routine,
Gather a house full of guests!
We wish you to live in joy,
Tenderly, reverently cherishing your love,
Cross the field and swim across the sea,
And live to see the golden jubilee!
We came to sincerely congratulate
For your silver wedding
We envy, why lie,
But we wish you a full cup of happiness!
Let there be loyalty in that cup,
And the years that cannot be returned.
You only add passion and tenderness,
And we have a very long way to go together.
You have a lot of silver today,
After all, life is beautiful and kind,
She gives you a wonderful anniversary,
Please accept congratulations from your friends!
Let the silver star shine for you,
Star of luck, happiness and luck,
Live together for many years
The envy of everyone and a sight for sore eyes!
Today we congratulate you,
We wish you spiritual love,
To be happy every time
Good luck every day!
To my husband:
Today is a difficult day for you,
For a quarter of a century you have been called Husband,
You no longer remember your single life,
After all, who needs a bachelor?
And we love you so tenderly, warmly,
Wife, children - my big family,
You will always lend your shoulder for them,
You always risk your neck for them.
Family is the most important thing in the world,
you understand this now forever,
We wish you and the children happiness,
Love for your wife for many years to come!
To my wife:
It's your silver wedding today,
You walked to her for a long time - in the heat and cold,
Without getting tired, without regret, but with love,
She was always faithful to her family and her husband!
Today a hundred tender words,
You will hear from your beloved spouse,
After all, he is ready for a feat for you,
After all, you love each other so much!
Let love not fade away
Let your husband carry you in his arms,
Let the years of feelings not cool,
Live together forever!
Only twenty-five years ago
Love came to you unexpectedly,
You can't turn back the old time,
And no need - you are already desirable!
You love each other so tenderly
Sincerely, beautifully and warmly,
We wish you boundless love,
And so that your feeling does not pass!
Congratulations on your new anniversary,
But we wish you not only silver,
Be happy, beautiful and healthy,
May fortune be generous to you!
Today there is a silver wedding here,
And this means - together for many years.
And how much? I'd like to guess...
But this is your common secret.
The secret is how to live so many years in love.
The secret - how to be forever young
The secret is how to stay close
And how to look with a loving gaze.
Don't tell us your secret,
Continue to live in love!
And we will come to congratulate you again,
In about twenty-five years.
We wish you to live healthy
And change silver to gold!
Today we have young people with experience,
A quarter of a century has passed together,
We will sincerely tell you one thing:
“Well done for saving love!
Well done for sharing your worries for so many years
in half,
Always reach out soul to soul,
And fate is blessed to you.
And here is a gift from fate - silver!
Relationships turned silver
Let only goodness flourish in the house,
Love and joy and luck!

Congratulations in prose

Dear friends! On this wonderful day, the day of your silver wedding, I want to wish you one thing - inexhaustible love. Let it shine as bright as new silver. Let love overshadow and destroy all your problems. Let your home be filled only with mutual understanding. Let family hearth warms not only your hearts, but also fills your souls with happiness and peace. Live the next quarter century even easier and more beautiful! See you at the golden wedding!

Dear friends! There is no greater happiness than finding a person who will support and understand your every step. I am incredibly glad that you managed to find each other in this complex world exactly twenty-five years ago. May the love between you grow stronger and stronger for the next twenty-five years! Let your hearts beat in the same rhythm! Understanding to you, unearthly happiness and all the best. And so that in 25 years we can all see how you are changing silver rings for gold. Congratulations!

My dear friends! I am very glad that today we are celebrating your silver wedding. You have a strong family, which is already 25 years old today. You have become an example for me and many of those present here. For this, fate rewards you with Olympic silver. We wish you to live together in love and harmony and get the well-deserved Olympic gold from life!

My dear, beloved mom and dad, all my life you have been an example of a wonderful and very strong family. Thank you for raising me with love and giving me so much care. Thank you for being so beautiful to me. I sincerely wish you happiness and more joyful moments. Never quarrel, because your love has lived for twenty-five years, it is so strong that it will withstand everything. Why exhaust yourself in vain? Congratulations to you and I want you to be just as happy for me on my silver wedding day!

Today is the silver wedding day of two wonderful people. This is a wonderful couple who managed to prove to us all that no difficulties in life can break true love. A silver wedding, like raindrops, is a celebration of the natural elements. This is a clear proof of the power of love and the strength of the spirit, the human mind and experience. This day is just the beginning for you. Now you know much more than on your wedding day. And therefore you can spend your leisure time more wisely and profitably. I wish you smiles of joy, an ocean of positive emotions and, of course, financial well-being. May good luck accompany you! Congratulations!

Today I want you to remember how 25 years ago you fell in love with each other and realized that nothing has changed. Only love became 25 times stronger, respect stronger and friendship closer. Today is your silver wedding. Live in perfect harmony for many more years, and when your love becomes 50 times stronger, invite us to golden wedding!

I sincerely congratulate you on this day - your 25th wedding anniversary. When you decided to combine two destinies into one, two stars in the sky began to shine brighter. So let them guide you through life, avoiding problems and worries. Let them be as close helpers for you as you are support and hope for each other. May the sky above you always be clean and clear, may not a single cloud overshadow your happiness together. Take care of each other, because today it is difficult to find a couple who is as beautiful as yours. Let love help you overcome all adversity and difficulties, let them be so few that you don’t even notice them!

Friends! On your anniversary, I wish you not only a house full of silver, but also family happiness - forever, joyful moments - every day, smiles at each other - morning and evening. May your mutual understanding and love be passed on to your children and grandchildren so that you will be happy for them. Gather us to your weddings every year, in the same close and warm circle!

Dear parents! For as long as I can remember, you have always been a support and help to each other. Today we celebrate the silver wedding, that is, you were able to withstand so many tests that few people can do this today. Good luck to you! Let your tears flow only from joy! Smile at us and at each other, because your smiles are so beautiful! Treasure each other, because you are the best in the world!

For me, your couple is a shining example of what it should be modern family. Having lived together for such a period - 25 years - you managed to preserve your love, friendship and respect. And not everyone succeeds in this. I wish you family happiness, because you deserve it. Let troubles bypass your home, and only good news come to visit. Live happily, without knowing grief and troubles until your golden wedding!

Dear newlyweds! Today is your silver wedding, you have been together for a quarter of a century. This is a considerable period that you overcame easily and with dignity. But the main thing is that you are as in love with each other today as you were 25 years ago! May your love continue to sparkle like silver. I wish you happiness and widespread mutual understanding! Look after and support each other, because this is very important.