Children walk into the hall to the music.

Ved: Winter brought us a wonderful holiday,

The green tree came to the guys.

Let's look at the toys guys -

They hang everywhere right up to the top of your head!

(children look at the Christmas tree).

And for the Christmas tree today

We'll start a round dance

They brought a green Christmas tree for the children

They put it in a corner and lit the lights

All the little kids have more fun

And they sang a song to their Christmas tree, la la….

Snow Maiden comes in

Snow Maiden: Hello, here I am! I am the Snow Maiden, friends!

Presenter: Hello, Snow Maiden! We're glad to see you!

Snow Maiden: And I’m glad to be a guest at your holiday!

And now everyone is in a round dance,

Have fun in New Year!

My dance is very simple,

But cheerful, mischievous.

Is everyone ready to dance?

So we can start.

1. Let’s run more joyfully near our Christmas tree.

2. We will raise our hands up and clap louder than everyone else.

This is what a fun dance we have!

  1. Heels click, click, oh, what a cheerful knock.

This is what a fun dance we have!

  1. We want to spin around, we don’t stand still.

This is what a fun dance we have!

Children stand in a round dance near the Christmas tree and perform movements as they dance.

Snow Maiden:

I brought you magic rings as a gift!

Takes out rings


Snow Maiden:

I walk around the room and show everyone the rings.

I'll throw them, look, come on, kids, catch them!

The Snow Maiden makes a smooth swing and scatters them in different directions. Children collect rings and put them on the Snow Maiden's hand. The game is played 2 times.

Children bring rings to the Snow Maiden and sit on the chairs

The Snow Maiden looks under the tree and finds shoes

Snow Maiden: Look, guys, what boots! Whose boots are these, do you know?

Maybe one of the kids lost them... show off your legs. (Children put out their legs)

Snow Maiden: No, these boots are not yours.

Snow Maiden: Maybe these are my felt boots? Let me try them on.

The Snow Maiden bends down, at this time a snowball flies from behind the screen

Snow Maiden: Guys, are you throwing snowballs?

More snow is flying from behind the screen

Snow Maiden: Who's playing pranks here? Come on, come out quickly!

A BUNNY with a bucket of snowballs appears from behind the screen to the music


Guys, I'm Bunny, Jumping Bunny!

I am not a simple bunny, but a cheerful, mischievous one!

Snow Maiden:

Why are you being mischievous, throwing snowballs at kids?


I really wanted to play with you,

Near the Christmas tree Celebrate the New Year!

Snow Maiden: What kind of bucket do you have? I wonder what's in it?


Here there are snow-white balls for the kids.

now don't yawn, play with snowballs

Kids, look for snowballs and quickly bring them into the bucket!

Children collect snowballs and put them in a bucket.

The Snow Maiden gives the bucket to the Bunny.

SONG “Clap, clap...”

Clap-clap, clap-clap, clap your hands

Little legs began to spin.

Top-top, top-top, boots are stomping,

Little legs started spinning.

Brightly, brightly the stars shine,

And we will run - The heels are sparkling.

Snow Maiden: Bunny, did you accidentally lose your felt boots?

Bunny: No, I didn’t lose it! Oh, it’s time for me to go to the forest, we’ll also play in the snow. Goodbye! (runs away)

Snow Maiden: (draws attention to the chest under the tree)

Oh guys, look what this chest is? It was probably Grandfather Frost who left it for us! Let's see what's in it! (takes out Santa Claus’s beard, asks the children what it is, lets them touch it, the children’s answers, and so on). Let's Natalya Mikhailovna (educator) tries on Santa Claus's beard, now his hat, fur coat, and mittens. (The teacher puts on a Santa Claus costume). Look, a miracle happened! Natalya Mikhailovna turned into Grandfather Frost!

D. Moroz: Hello guys!

Children: Hello, Grandfather Frost!

D. Moroz:

I'm so glad! I am so glad that I ended up in your kindergarten!

Oh, I want to have fun, spin around the Christmas tree!

Get into a circle quickly and start the round dance!

DANCE WITH SANTA CLAUS “We’ll go left now...”

Santa Claus goes to the holiday

In a red hat and felt boots

He brings gifts with him

For small children

Snow Maiden: Grandfather, where are the gifts for the children?

Father Frost: What have I done, old man, I forgot my gifts in the forest!

I'll go get it now. Don't get bored here just yet! (leaves)

Ved: Children, let's play with Grandfather Frost! Let's hide from him!

Game "Hide and Seek"

The presenter and the Snow Maiden are holding a light blanket (blue silk fabric decorated with snowflakes; the children are hiding behind it.

Music, Santa Claus comes. I placed the bag under the tree.

Father Frost: And here I come to you with gifts! Where did the kids go? (Approaches the bedspread) Maybe they are here?

Ved: No, Grandfather Frost, kittens live here! Do you hear meowing! (children meow)

(Santa Claus walks around on the other side)

Father Frost: Or maybe here?

Ved: No, dogs live here! Do you hear them barking? (children bark)

(Santa Claus is still walking around looking for)

Father Frost: Or maybe here?

Ved: No, little mice live here! Look how they squeak! (children squeak pee-pee-pee)

Father Frost: Well, no, you won’t deceive me! Here are my kids! (opens the blanket) How I miss you! Now I’ll play with you - I’ll quickly catch all the guys! (children run to the chairs)

Oh, how fast everyone is! I didn’t catch up with anyone, I’m just tired, I’m feeling hot, blow on me, otherwise I’ll melt! (children blow) It’s still hot, because I am Frost, I need snow! Snow-snow, come quickly, my friend!


(music, adults throw finely chopped rain up)

And here it is, my bag of gifts! (pulls the bag into the middle)

I will treat everyone with a gift! I won't miss anyone!


New Year's party in the group early age

Children and the teacher enter the festive hall to the music and stand near the Christmas tree.


Guys, look how beautiful it is in our hall (the children look at the hall together with the teacher). It's winter outside now, and we have... holiday - New year! All the guys dressed up in beautiful costumes. Look, guys, who came to visit us? (points to the New Year tree.)

Let's go around the Christmas tree from all sides and look at the New Year's toys.

Guys, look what’s under the Christmas tree? Let's come and take a look.

Children go with the teacher to the Christmas tree. The teacher picks up the phone.

Guys, this is a phone. (Places the phone on the table.)

The phone is ringing.

Listen, the phone rang. Who is calling us? Hello! This is a music hall... we are having a New Year's holiday now... Of course, come, we will be very glad to see you! (Hangs up and addresses the children)

Guys, Santa Claus just called us and said that he was already in a hurry to come to us.

In the meantime, let's have fun.


Having unraveled its needles,

The Christmas tree shines with beauty.

How many balls, toys,

Cones, stars, firecrackers.

We need to look at the Christmas tree,

Let's stand in a circle quickly, guys.

We're doing a round dance

To celebrate the New Year.

Round dance: " The little Christmas tree is cold in winter»

There's a knock on the door. Host: Let me see, who is coming to us to celebrate the New Year? Maybe Santa Claus?

A bunny comes in.


Hello, bunny! How did you come to us?

Bunny: I galloped out of the forest

Happy New Year!

I wish you laughter and joy

I love to dance and sing

And look at the Christmas tree

I'll just stretch my paws

And I’ll invite you to dance!

Dance-game " Gray bunny sitting»

Presenter 2:

Guys, do you want to play some more?

I have snowballs in my basket. I’ll scatter them now, and you collect them in a basket.

A snowball is quietly falling on a clearing, on a meadow,

Snow-snow, snow-snow,

It creeps along the road.

Snow-snow, snow-snow,

White blizzard.

Give snowballs to children

Dance - playing with snowballs. (To music)

Presenter: 1

How fun we played! We're a little tired.

There is no Santa Claus. Apparently my grandfather got lost.

Let's call Grandfather Frost, guys!

Maybe he will hear and come to our Christmas tree! Let's all shout together:“Santa Claus, Ay-ay!” »

Father Frost:

I hear, I hear! I'm coming to you.

Santa Claus enters.

Father Frost: Hello children, Our guests. Well, here I am.

How are you doing, kids? Happy New Year! I wish you all good health!

Father Frost:

Let's start a round dance and celebrate the New Year together!

Round dance: "You have come to us, Santa Claus"

Father Frost: Why are there no lights on the tree, guys?

- Clap, clap, say: Our Christmas tree is burning! (The Christmas tree lights up)

Our Christmas tree is standing, all lit up with lights.

And the heels will trample and the lights will go out

(Children stomp, lights go out) repeated 2 times. (children sit down)

Presenter 1.

To make it more fun, we’ll invite more guests!

We don’t have the Snow Maiden, let’s call her, guys:« Snow Maiden. Aw-ow!»

The Snow Maiden appears.

Snow Maiden:

Hello guys, I've finally reached you! I walked for a long time through snow-covered and white snowdrifts. I am very glad to meet you!

Hello kids,

Girls and boys.

I came to you through the snowstorm

Magic brought to you... .

How good are you here?

So beautiful and light.

Did I end up in kindergarten?


Today is a holiday for the guys!

(Draws attention to the snowflake girls): oh, I see you have snowflakes here too! You, snowflakes, will fly in, you will notice all the roads, you are flying after me, a snow-white crowd! The Snow Maiden, saying these words, distributes tinsel to the girls, one in each hand.

Dance "Snowflakes" (Quietly, quietly humming a fairy tale)

Father Frost:

Oh we're tired, let's sit

Let's take a look at the guys

We will be glad to hear poems,

You need to try.


Christmas tree, you are a Christmas tree,

The tree is simply amazing

See for yourself

How beautiful she is!

We are celebrating the holiday.

Decorating the Christmas tree

We hang toys.

Balls, crackers.

Christmas tree, Christmas tree,

That's what she is like

Staunch, beautiful,

Bright, big.

Santa Claus sent us a Christmas tree,

He lit the lights on it.

And the needles shine on it,

And there’s snow on the branches!

Mom decorated the Christmas tree

Vika helped her mother;

I gave her toys:

Stars, balls, firecrackers.

Santa Claus is coming to the holiday

In a red fur coat, felt boots,

He brings gifts with him

For little kids!

Children dance in circles

They clap their hands.

Hello, hello.

New Year! You are so good!

Snow Maiden: Santa Claus, Santa Claus,

What did you bring for the kids?

Santa Claus: Snow and blizzards,

Laughter and fun!

Presenter:1 Father Frost, Father Frost, And what else did he bring us?

Father Frost: Santa Claus has not forgotten you. I brought gifts for everyone.

The problem is, where did you put it?

Presenter: 2

Guys, do you all want to receive gifts?

Then let's help Santa Claus search!

After the game they look for gifts and find gifts in the form of one candy under the tree.


Santa Claus, how are we going to share one piece of candy among everyone? What if someone doesn’t get it?

Father Frost: The candy is wonderful and the filling is interesting. We will unwrap the candy and find gifts in it!

Santa Claus unwraps candy and distributes gifts.

Father Frost: Well, my Snow Maiden, it’s time for us to say goodbye.

Goodbye, kids!

hand out gifts to children accompanied by any merry New Year's song).

Grandfather Frost: I congratulate everyone on the New Year, I wish everyone joy and happiness! Lots of games, fun, fun and fun! Happy holiday, guys, to all, all, all! Goodbye!...


We say goodbye to Frost until next winter, We will remember this Christmas tree for a long time!

They leave the hall to the song" Silver snowflakes"

Characters: Presenter, Snow Maiden, Snowman, Chanterelle, Santa Claus.


Children enter the hall to cheerful music and walk around the Christmas tree.


It's a holiday for us cheerful winter brought,

The green Christmas tree has come to visit us!

How the toys sparkle on her!

Here is an icicle made of ice,

And on the very top

Bright red star!

We will sing songs, dance,

Celebrate the New Year together!

All right, guys, let's get up

In a friendly round dance,

Hello, Christmas tree,\

Hello, holiday,

Hello, New Year.

The round dance "Little Christmas Tree" is performed.

Children sit on chairs.


There is a house near the Christmas tree,

And under the tree the snow glistens,

And there’s a light in the window,

Someone lit a light bulb.

Who lives in the house?

Come join us in a round dance

He takes the bell and rings it. The Snow Maiden comes out of the house.

Snow Maiden:

Hello guys! Do you recognize me? I am Snow Maiden, granddaughter of Grandfather Frost! What a beautiful tree you have! Why aren't the lights on it?

Leading: But we don’t know how to light it.

Snow Maiden: And I will help you now. Let's all stomp together, guys (the children are stomping, and now let's clap.

The Christmas tree lights up.

Snow Maiden: Guys, let’s blow on the Christmas tree together.

Children blow, the lights go out.

Snow Maiden: Oh, the lights went out. Let's light the Christmas tree again. Let's all stomp together, and now let's clap.

The Christmas tree lights up.

Snow Maiden: Well done guys.

Music sounds and the Snowman enters the hall with a broom in his hands.


Guys, I'm the Snowman!

I'm used to the snow and the cold!

You blinded me cleverly,

Instead of a nose - a carrot,

And there's a bucket on my head,

It's not full of holes!

I'm not an ordinary snowman,

And cheerful, mischievous!

I really like to play

Run, jump and... dance!

Oh, and there’s so much snow around the Christmas tree! Come on, where's my broom?

I'll sweep away the snow with a broom

And I blow snowflakes!

He walks around the Christmas tree, scatters the “snowball”, music sounds.


Wait, wait, Snowman! Don't scatter all the snow! Our kids love to have fun playing in the snow in winter!

The game "Snowballs" is played.


Well done guys, what fun we had! Oh, hush, hush... Do you hear? The snowball is creaking, someone is rushing here to us!

Music sounds, Fox runs into the hall.


I'm a fox, red tail,

I’ll get closer to the Christmas tree!

Don't be afraid of me, kids,

I'm so kind today

I won't touch any of you,

I've come to you to have fun!

But while I was running towards you through the snow, my paws were very cold, they just couldn’t get warm!


It’s okay, Foxy, it’s not a problem, play with our kids and you’ll warm up in no time!

A game is being played, “Bunnies and the Fox,” words by V. Antonova, music by G. Finarovsky.

Children sit on chairs.

Fox: Well done guys, we had so much fun playing, it kept my paws warm.

Snow Maiden: Guys, Santa Claus hasn’t come to us for a long time and doesn’t bring us gifts. Let's call him, shout loudly: "Santa Claus! Aw-oh!"

Children repeat these words together with adults. The music of Santa Claus coming out sounds.

Father Frost:

Ay, ay! I'm coming, I'm coming!

Hello guys.

Girls and boys!

Happy New Year,

I wish you all good health!

So I came to you again,

Let's sing songs and dance!

Let's stand together in a round dance,

Let's have a great New Year!

The song "Santa Claus" is performed

Father Frost: You sang the song amazingly, very loudly and beautifully.

And now it’s time for us to play, kids.

The game “I’ll freeze” is being played

Father Frost:

Show your hands, they love to dance

I'm going to freeze them now, I need to put my hands away!

Show off your legs, they love to dance

I'll freeze them now, I need to remove the legs!

Show off your ears, your ears love to dance

I'll freeze them now, I need to remove the ears!

Show your cheeks, they love to dance.

I'll freeze them now, I need to remove the cheeks!

Children sit on chairs.

Father Frost:

We played a lot of fun

Show off your dexterity!

Enough, enough, I can’t!

I'll sit down and rest

Children read poetry.

Father Frost: Well done guys, you made me happy.

Snow Maiden: Grandfather Frost, have you forgotten about the gifts?

Father Frost:

Santa Claus walked through the forest,

I brought gifts for you, friends!

There was a blizzard, the snow was swirling

I gifts... u-ro-nil...

Guys, help

And find gifts.

Leading: Guys, let's go looking for gifts on a sleigh.

Game "Sledge"

Children sit on chairs.

The snowman finds a large candy under the Christmas tree.

Snowman:(Upset) Grandfather Frost, we went everywhere and found only one big candy.

Father Frost: Don't be upset guys, the candy is not simple, but magical.

He knocks with his staff, says “magic” words, unwraps the candy and takes out a gift.

Father Frost: It's time, friends!

You need to say goodbye.

I congratulate everyone from the bottom of my heart,

Let's celebrate the New Year together

Both adults and kids.

Santa Claus, Snow Maiden and Snowman, fox: (together)

Goodbye kids!

We'll be back in a year

And let's bring some fun! (leave)

Presenter: We wish you success in the New Year!

More cheerful, loud, children's laughter!

Thank you all for your attention,

We say to you “Goodbye!

See you again! »

The children leave the hall to the music.

Scenario New Year's holiday for young children.

To the music, children and their teacher enter the hall and walk around the Christmas tree.

Ved: Guys, look how beautiful and elegant our Christmas tree is. Let's take a look at it.

At the New Year's tree

Green needles.

And from bottom to top -

Beautiful toys.

Balls hanging on the branches

Magic lanterns.

Ved: Let's play, guys, show the Christmas tree.

(Finger game “Christmas tree”)

Ved:- All the guys, let's get into a friendly round dance,

Hello, Christmas tree, hello, holiday,

Hello, New Year.

The branches are strewn with fluffy snow,

We will sing a song to our Christmas tree.

(song “Come on, brighten up the Christmas tree!”)

Ved:- Well done guys, let's all sit down on the chairs.

Let's see, there is a house near the Christmas tree,

And the snow glistens near the house,

And there’s a light in the window,

Someone lit the lights

Who lives in the house?

Ved:- Let's see. (knocks on the house)- Knock-knock! (leaves the house Snow Maiden)

Snow Maiden:- Hello, guys! Your Christmas tree is beautiful! Why aren't the lights on it? Let's go out to the Christmas tree, clap our hands and say "The Christmas tree is burning"

Clap, clap, say: Our Christmas tree is burning! (The Christmas tree lights up)

Snow Maiden:- Our Christmas tree is standing, all lit up with lights.

And the heels will trample and the lights will go out.

(Children stomp, lights go out) repeated 2 times. (children sit down)

Snow Maiden:- Guys, who brought us such a beautiful Christmas tree? (Father Frost)

Well, of course, Santa Claus! Let's invite him to our holiday, shout to Santa Claus! Aw-ow!

Santa Claus doesn't hear, let's call Santa Claus again! Louder guys! -Aww!!

Father Frost:- Aw, aww! I'm coming, I'm coming! Hello guys,

Girls and boys! Happy New Year,

I wish you all good health!

So I came to you again, we will sing songs and dance.

Father Frost: In a round dance we will stand together and dance merrily.

Dance “We stood in a circle”

Father Frost:- Wow, how well the kids danced, I even felt hot. I'll sit down and rest.

Snow Maiden:- Grandpa, sit down, we’ll wave our handkerchiefs so you don’t feel so hot.

Dance – game “Handkerchiefs”

(The children are hiding, and Santa Claus is looking for the children)

Father Frost:- Wow, I found all the guys, now run to the chairs.

A snowball is quietly falling on a clearing, on a meadow,

Snow-snow, snow-snow,

It creeps along the road.

Snow-snow, snow-snow,

White blizzard.

We'll make snowballs

Let's play together

(The children are making "snowballs" put in a basket, Santa Claus takes an empty basket, goes around the tree, goes to the screen, takes a basket with snowballs, scatters the snowballs.

Father Frost:- We will collect snowballs and bring them to the tree so that our tree will be warm.

Children collect snowballs in a snowdrift, Santa Claus scatters them with a shovel. The children collect again. (The game is repeated with each group separately.)

Father Frost:- We played a lot of fun, and didn’t get tired at all!

I thank the guys, I say thank you to everyone!

Snow Maiden:- Everything today is silver, and sparkles, and sparkles!

There are Christmas trees everywhere, here and there, and gifts are waiting for the guys!

Good Grandfather Frost, have you brought us gifts?

Father Frost:- Santa Claus was walking through the forest, bringing gifts to you, friends!

There was a blizzard, the snow was swirling, I gave gifts... U-ro-nil...

(Santa Claus shakes his head and laments)

Bunny appears on the screen.

Bunny:- Hello guys, hello Grandfather Frost, Snow Maiden. I was walking through the forest and found in a snowdrift a bag of gifts that Santa Claus had lost. But I will give you gifts only if you play with me.

Snow Maiden:- Guys, let's play with Bunny.

(Game “Catch the Bunny”)

Father Frost:- Oh, well done, let's surprise the bunny, turn into little bunnies and dance.

"Bunny Dance"

Bunny:- Well done, guys! I liked playing with you, and how they danced. I'll give you the gifts, take the bag, Santa Claus. Goodbye guys, Happy New Year!

(the bunny runs behind the screen)

Father Frost:- How fun we played, sang songs and danced!

And now, guys, I will give gifts to everyone!

A bag of toys behind the screen. Father Frost and Snow Maiden distribute gifts to the music.

Father Frost and Snow Maiden:- It's time for us to return. Goodbye, kids!

Ved:- And now, guys, we’ll say goodbye to Santa Claus and Snow Maiden! (Santa Claus and Snow Maiden leave)

Let's wave goodbye to our Christmas tree.

(Children with a teacher go into groups)



Scenario of entertainment in an early age group.

Children with their mothers and teacher enter the hall to the music. They approach the tree.

Ved: It's so beautiful in our hall,

The Christmas tree came to visit.

Come on kids, look

At the New Year's tree

Green needles,

Balloons, crackers,

Beautiful toys.

(The teacher walks with the children and parents around the tree, recites a poem and shows toys)

Ved: We have a holiday, but the Christmas tree is standing and not lit.

Do you want a Christmas tree

Have you lit your lights?

Children: Yes!

Ved: One, two, three! Our Christmas tree is on fire!

(lights don't light up)

Ved: The lights don't light up, what should I do? (throws up his hands)

We probably need to call the Snow Maiden.

Snow Maiden Aw, aw, I’m calling you to the holiday!

The kids are waiting for you, snub noses.

(The Snow Maiden enters the hall to the music.)

Snow Maiden:

Hello guys! I hurried to see you and decorated the Christmas tree.

But why doesn’t our Christmas tree sparkle and shine?

I'll wave my magic wand

And I’ll light the lights on it!

Snow Maiden:

One, two, three! Come on, Christmas tree, burn!(lights come on)

The Christmas tree blinks with its colored eyes,

He invites children to dance around him.

Dance “Merry Dance” (We stood in a circle)

Snow Maiden:

That's how fun they danced and weren't tired at all,

And now I want to sing and dance for you.

The Snow Maiden sings the song “Come on, the Christmas tree is brighter”

(Children stand near the Christmas tree, clap, show bunnies, make lanterns.)

Snow Maiden: Well done guys, now sit down.(sit down)

We have so much fun on our holiday, but look.

There is a house in a clearing, Who lives in the house?

And we'll knock on the house. Here, there! Who lives in the house?

(A bunny appears on the screen)

Bunny: Hello guys! Hello Snow Maiden!

I'm a little bunny, I'm a remote bunny!

I came to your holiday to sing, play, and dance.

And now I’ll take it and play with you.

Game "Catch the Bunny"

Snow Maiden: Let's wave our handkerchiefs, guys,

And then we’ll play hide and seek with our bunny.

Dance-game “Hide and Seek with Handkerchiefs”

Bunny: I found all the guys, I’m tired. Goodbye kids!

Snow Maiden: How can we say goodbye? Bunny, you didn’t give gifts to the kids!

Bunny: Oh! I forgot, I forgot!

I promised Santa Claus

That I will give gifts to everyone.

He would be glad to come himself,

Yes, I just got sick!

There are green gifts under the Christmas tree.

(approaches the tree)

These are the gifts! Sort it out kids!

And you, Snow Maiden, help me!

Bunny: All the kids, I have to go! Happy New Year to you friends!


Snow Maiden: And it’s time for me, guys, to say goodbye to you!

We sang and danced together.

And now I want to wish you all health!

Goodbye! Happy New Year!

(Snow Maiden leaves to the music

Octagon Yana Veniaminovna
Scenario for a New Year's party in the second early age group

Children go to music. Hall.

Ved: What kind of guest has come to us?

So elegant and slender,

How the toys sparkle on her.

Here is an icicle made of ice,

And at the very top of the head -

Five-winged star!

This is our Christmas tree

Sticky needle!

Around the Christmas tree, kids,

We'll walk slowly.

Oh yes guest! Oh yes tree!

How good it is!

Do you want a Christmas tree

Have you lit your lights?

Then all together we will cheerfully, loudly and loudly tell the tree one, two, three, the tree burns! does not burn. Let us blow on the Christmas tree, clap our hands, stomp our feet and once again say everything together cheerfully loudly, one, two, three, the Christmas tree is burning! (The tree lights up)

Christmas tree game

Clap, clap, say: “Our Christmas tree, burn!”

And the heels will stamp and the lights will go out. (2-3 times)

The Christmas tree blinks with its colored eyes,

He invites children to dance around him.

Song"Little Christmas tree."

leading: Guys, don't make noise,

Sit quietly.

Hear the snow crunching,

Someone is in a hurry to visit us!

Music sounds, Petrushka enters:



I'm a fun toy

And my name is Petrushka.

I can't sit still,

The legs are in a hurry to start dancing.

Hey guys, come out

And dance with me.

Parsley begins to dance, and the children dance with him.


Why are you so dressed up today?

Leading: Today is our parsley holiday.

Parsley: what kind of holiday is this? I love holidays.

Children answer with the teacher: New Year!

Then let's not yawn!

We will play with you

Playing with music"let's jump"

Presenter: Now we have a deputy, I play snowballs in winter,

I'm sledding down the hill

I make a snowman in winter

I really love winter.

We don't have slides in the hall. there’s no snow either, but we found some snowballs, let’s play snowballs

1 game"Snowballs" scatter snowballs kids collect (muses how a little white snow fell)

I'll throw snowballs high. Snowballs will fly far. And the kids will collect them and bring them to me in a bucket.

Well, if our hands get cold, we clap, if our feet get cold, we stomp.

That it was warmer for us, come out and dance quickly.

Game "We'll warm up a little"

Leading: Look here.

Whose mitten is this?

Who was walking by the Christmas tree?

And lost her here?

Maybe it's a fox, maybe a mischievous squirrel, maybe a toothy gray wolf?

Whose mitten is this?

Parsley, whose mitten do you think this is? Parsley answers.

Of course, this is Santa Claus's mitten. He probably dropped it. Let's call him to give him the mitten and celebrate the New Year with him.

Let's all call Santa Claus together: Grandfather Frost oh! Santa Claus!

Father Frost: Oh, I'm coming, I'm coming!

Hello guys!

I was in a hurry to come to you for the holiday!

I wish you happiness, health and strength!

I almost fell into a snowdrift on the way!

But it seems that he came to visit on time!

I lost my mitten on the way, have you seen it? ( children answer)

But here she is my mitten. ( tries to take the mitten from the floor, parsley pulls it by the thread around the tree. As a result, Santa Claus catches the mitten) that's who joked with me Petrushka the mischievous one.

Parsley: Hello Santa Claus. I’m parsley, a funny toy, I can’t sit still, I want to have fun. It was fun.

Father Frost. Since you can’t sit still, I suggest you spin around. New Year is coming! Join the round dance! ( General free dance.)

Father Frost. Oh, I'll melt! Hot.

Presenter: Get up guys, spin around like snowflakes, blow on Santa Claus so that he doesn’t melt. (they spin around, wave their arms, blow). Let's sing a song about him to Santa Claus, then he definitely won't melt.

Song:“Santa Claus, Santa Claus brought a Christmas tree to the children”

Father Frost: Well done guys, you know how to dance and sing. And now I will give gifts to my friends.

Leading: Thank you Grandfather Frost for bringing us gifts.


Father Frost: and now I have to go. Goodbye kids.

Presenter: and it’s time for us guys with the parsley Christmas tree to say goodbye and go to the group.

Publications on the topic:

"Masha and the Bear". Scenario of a New Year's party for children of senior preschool age Presenter. Happy New Year to everyone who came to this hall! Let's start, let's start the New Year's carnival! Children's entrance Children holding hands.

"On a visit to the Christmas tree." Scenario for a New Year's party for children of early preschool age Children dress up in a group in New Year's costumes. Then, the teachers say that they also want to dress up as Father Frost and the Snow Maiden for the holiday.

"Magic chest" Scenario of a New Year's party for children of senior preschool age NEW YEAR'S HOLIDAY "MAGIC CHEST" FOR SENIOR GROUP. Presenter: It’s a winter evening outside the window. The stars are watching from above. We are gathered in this.

Scenario of New Year's entertainment for children in an early age group (1.5–2 years old) Author: Volodko Elena Stepanovna – teacher of the early age group of MAOU Secondary School No. 1 of the village. Seryshevo named after Sergei Bondarev (preschool branch.

Scenario of the New Year's party for children of primary preschool age "Journey to the New Year's forest" Characters: 1. Snow Maiden; 2. Grandmother Arina; 3. Grandfather (bi-ba-bo toy); 4. Hare, fox, bear (children preparatory group). Children.

Scenario for a New Year's party for middle-aged groups "New Year's Adventures" New Year's party script for middle group. 1st child: White fluffy snow swirls in the air, and quietly falls to the ground and lies down. 2nd child:.