Remember the noise about the promotion? retirement age? Besides this there are other features pension reform, which are important to know about. The retirement age itself will not be raised immediately, but over the course of 10 years, so we will start with those amendments that will affect pensioners in a few days.

We will talk about an increase in pension. Is this increase really there and how much will the state add after January 1? Here we analyze only the laws and current regulations, without rumors and speculation.

Ekaterina Miroshkina


The main thing about increasing pensions

Here are the main conditions for pension indexation:

  1. Insurance pensions in 2019 will increase by 7.05%. One point now costs 87.24 rubles, the fixed part will be 5334 rubles.
  2. The average pension in Russia will increase by one thousand rubles per month and amount to 15,400 rubles. But everyone will have their own increase. The increase depends on the previous pension amount.
  3. Every year the pension will increase by about a thousand rubles. Again, average. Indexation is approved for five years in advance.
  4. The 7.05% increase in pensions applies only to non-working pensioners. For workers, indexation is subject to different conditions and at different times.
  5. We took all this from federal law No. 350-FZ, and not from the media and public statements of officials.
  6. Pension increases occur every year. Previously, the increase amount was approximately half as much.

What kind of increase are we talking about?

We are talking about indexation of pensions. The state centrally increases payments to all pensioners by a certain percentage. This is how inflation is compensated: food, utilities, travel and medicines become more expensive, and many older people have no other sources of income.

When the law on pension reform was discussed, there was talk of an increase for current pensioners. They were promised an increase in their pension by about a thousand rubles. With a payout amount of 13-14 thousand rubles, the increase is quite significant for many. The promotion clause actually appeared in the law.

How was it before?

Usually insurance pensions indexed to a percentage that was slightly higher than official inflation. For example, with inflation of 2.5%, the indexation of labor pensions was 3.7%. In terms of the average pension in Russia, this is 500 rubles per month.

For example, last year indexation was after February 1 and amounted to 3.7%. This means that pensioner Ivan Ivanovich received 14 thousand rubles of pension until February 1, but began to receive 14,500.

In fact, the increase was symbolic: it simply went to compensate for the price increase.

The increase in rubles depends on the size of the pension. If Ivan Ivanovich receives 14 thousand rubles, in 2018 he was given 500 rubles, and Pyotr Petrovich with a pension of 10 thousand received only 370 rubles.

What will it be like in 2019?

In 2019, insurance pensions will be indexed by 7.05%. That's nearly double what it was a year ago, much higher than usual, and twice the rate of estimated official inflation. During the entire period of indexation under the new rules, there has never really been such an increase. And this increase is no longer just a promise from officials, but a norm of federal law.

Finding her is not so easy. In the laws on pensions you will not find mention of 7.05% and thousands of rubles. Therefore, we tell you where the indexing condition is hidden:

  1. There is a federal law on changes regarding pensions. It was signed on October 3, 2018 and will go into effect on January 1, 2019.
  2. This law outlines the main budget items of the Pension Fund. Clause 7 of Article 10 specifies the fixed value of a pension point. The number of points that each pensioner has accumulated is multiplied by this value. This is how pensions are considered in Russia.
  3. In 2018, one point costs 81.49 rubles, and in 2019 it will cost 87.24 rubles. Thus, the price of one point for an insurance pension increased by 7.05%.
  4. Cost of points when calculating labor pension added to the fixed payment. She was also increased by about 7%. In 2018 it is 4982 rubles, and from 2019 it will be 5334 rubles - this is discussed in paragraph 8 of Article 10 of the same law.
  5. The fixed payment will increase equally for everyone. The total value of points depends on how many you managed to accumulate during your work. But in general, the insurance pension will increase by 7%.

How much will pensions increase?

The increase depends on what pension a particular person is currently paid. When they talk about a thousand ruble increase, they mean the average insurance pension in Russia - 14,414 rubles. If such a pension is increased by 7.05%, then the increase will be exactly one thousand. And a pensioner in 2019 will already receive 15,400 rubles.

If the pension is 12 thousand rubles, 850 rubles will be added, but to a pension of 20 thousand they will add 1400.

How much will the insurance pension increase in 2019, R

Pension in 2018Pension in 2019How much will they add?
10 000 10 705 + 705
11 000 11 775 + 775
12 000 12 846 + 846
13 000 13 916 + 916
14 414 15 430 + 1016
15 000 16 057 + 1057
16 000 17 128 + 1128
17 000 18 198 + 1198
18 000 19 269 + 1269
19 000 20 339 + 1339
20 000 21 410 + 1410

Pension in 2018

Pension in 2019

How much will they add?

Does this generally apply to all pensioners who have already been granted a pension?

No, this only applies to non-working pensioners. If a pensioner works, his pension is not indexed during this period. It is recalculated once a year, taking into account the insurance premiums accumulated during work, and that’s it.

But when the pensioner quits, the payments will be recalculated taking into account indexations for the entire period of work. And they will immediately pay an increased pension.

Who is considered a working pensioner?

A working pensioner is someone who officially works and is an insured person. That is, mandatory insurance premiums are paid for it.

Here are examples when a pensioner is considered working:

  1. He has an employment contract. Mandatory insurance contributions are paid by the employer.
  2. He entered into a service or contract agreement. That is, civil law. Then the customer must pay the fees.
  3. The pensioner is registered as an individual entrepreneur in any taxation system. He pays mandatory contributions for himself.

How to get a pension increase in 2019?

To do this, two conditions must match:

  1. You have been assigned an insurance pension. That is, you have earned the minimum length of service and points and have reached retirement age.
  2. You do not work and mandatory insurance premiums are not paid for you. Voluntary does not count.

There is no need to do anything special. Pension fund he will calculate the bonus himself and pay it with his next pension for 2019.

Typically, the pension fund learns about the work of a pensioner from information provided by employers. But if something is not taken into account, you can write a statement that the pensioner is no longer working - the pension will be indexed and an increase will be paid.

What will happen to pensions after 2019?

How pensions will be increased until 2024

2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
How much does a pension point cost?87.24 R93.00 R98.86 R104.69 R110.55 R116.63 R
Promotion 7,05% 6,6% 6,3% 5,9% 5,2% 5,5%
Fixed part pensions5334 R5686 R6044 R6401 R6759 R7131 R
Average pensionRUB 15,430RUB 16,448RUB 17,484RUB 18,516RUB 19,478RUB 20,550
Average increase1000 R1000 R1000 R1000 R960 R1000 R


How much does a pension point cost?

87.24 R


Fixed part of pension

5334 R

Average pension

RUB 15,430

Average increase

1000 R


How much does a pension point cost?

93.00 R


Fixed part of pension

5686 R

Average pension

RUB 16,448

Average increase

1000 R


How much does a pension point cost?

98.86 R


Fixed part of pension

6044 R

Average pension

RUB 17,484

Average increase

Labor pensions in Russia in 2018 for non-working pensioners will be indexed above inflation one month earlier- that is, not from February 1, as is traditionally done and established by law “About insurance pensions”, A already from January 1, 2018. This will be done in order to ensure next year not only a nominal increase in pensions, as has been the case for the last few years, but also their growth in real terms(that is, above the inflation rate). This increase will affect recipients of all types of insurance pensions - old age, disability and survivors, with the exception of.

To carry out the indexation of pensions in 2018, a bill was developed in a special format, which was adopted and signed by V.V. Putin December 28, 2017.

The Minister of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation announced this on September 18, 2017 Maxim Topilin following the results of the Government meeting, at which the forecast for the socio-economic development of Russia for the next 3 years, the draft federal budget and state extra-budgetary funds were discussed.

By what percentage will pensions be increased in 2018?

Thus, from January 1, 2018, based on the results of the indexation of the insurance pension by 3.7%, the size of one pension coefficient will increase from the current 78.58 to 81.49 rubles, and the basic fixed payment amount will increase from 4805.11 to 4982.90 rubles(see table below).

In Art. 8 of the text of the introduced bill on the budget of the Pension Fund indicated that in accordance with the rule established by Part 22 of Art. 18 law “About insurance pensions”, from April 1, 2018, the size of one pension coefficient will be 81.96 rub., due to which the total increase in the cost of IPC in 2018 will be (81.96 / 78.58 – 1) = 4,3% . However, during the consideration of the draft law by the State Duma, this measure excluded.

Will there be indexation for working pensioners in 2018?

Indexation of pensions in 2018 in Russia will only be carried out for those who are already retired. There are no plans to resume in 2018.

As noted by the head of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation Anton Siluanov, this is due to growth in real wages in the country, which will continue in 2018 and which will exceed inflation in the country. In this regard, according to the Ministry of Finance, people have more opportunities to increase their income in 2018 than those who are not working. At the same time, it was once again noted that all missed indexations while pensioners continued working will be carried out as soon as they stop working. Until then, they will only have to rely on it, held annually from August 1 in an amount not exceeding 3 pension points, according to paid .

Thus, for now in 2018, for working pensioners, it is planned to maintain the same, which was in effect in 2016 and 2017. However, Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev proposed returning to the discussion of this issue back in the spring. In this regard, on September 18, Deputy Prime Minister for Social Affairs Olga Golodets proposed to hold another separate meeting on this issue, taking into account the interests of all interested parties.

Increase in social pension in 2018

Disabled citizens in accordance with Art. 25 federal law “On state pension provision in the Russian Federation” are indexed in proportion to the increase in the cost of living for pensioners for last year. The indexation coefficient is determined in March immediately before its implementation and is approved by a separate Government Resolution.

In this regard, the percentage of increase in social pensions can now be given very tentatively. As the head of the Ministry of Labor announced on September 18 Maxim Topilin, their indexation from April 1, 2018 is tentatively planned at 4.1%(forecast).

The “freeze” of increases introduced in 2016 insurance pension for working pensioners will continue to operate in 2018. This means that citizens who continue to work after retirement were not affected by the January indexation. Thus, for working pensioners, pension payments can be increased only if:

  • , which is made on August 1 - in this case, the amount increases by the number of pension points earned by the citizen last year (but not more than 3 points per year);
  • - in this case, the citizen’s pension is calculated taking into account missed indexations from the month following the month of dismissal.

In both the first and second cases, contact the Pension Fund authorities and write an application for recalculation no need- these procedures are carried out without a statement on the basis of data that employers transmit to the Pension Fund. As for dismissal, from January 1, 2018, changes were made at the legislative level to the process of indexing pensions for working pensioners after dismissal. Before the new year, all citizens who quit their jobs had their payments recalculated taking into account all missed raises only three months after the dismissal.

However, after the new year, Federal Law No. 134-FZ of July 1, 2017 came into force, according to which a pensioner who quit after January 1, 2018, pension benefits are recalculated taking into account all indexations missed during work and are paid in an increased amount from the first day of the month after termination of employment.

At the same time, a citizen will not immediately feel the increase in pension, because the process of additional accrual, as a rule, takes three months. This is due to the “technical” features of presenting information:

  • in the first month after dismissal, the Pension Fund receives information from the employer that the citizen is still listed as employed;
  • in another month the employer will transmit information that the citizen is no longer working;
  • and only in another month will the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation decide to resume indexation.

Thus, only after three months the pensioner will receive his fully indexed insurance pension. And also monetary difference between the previous and the current (indexed) payment amount - for all three months of renewal of indexation, during which he did not work.

Latest news and changes

As noted above, in 2018 some changes were made to the pension system. First of all, innovations concern insurance pensions:

  • firstly, in 2018, the indexation of insurance coverage was carried out a month earlier than expected - on January 1;
  • secondly, the procedure for calculating an old-age labor pension after the dismissal of a working pensioner from work has changed - the period remains the same (3 months), but now a citizen will be able to receive cash for these months, representing the difference between the previous payment amount and the amount after taking into account all indexations, starting from the next month after dismissal.

The changes also affected social security. A new type of pension was introduced - social pension for children whose both parents are unknown(in other words, for “foundling children”).

  • At the same time, some issues were avoided by the changes in 2018. So there is still insurance coverage for pensioners engaged in working activities.
  • in 2018 is also relevant (in general it has been extended at least until 2020 inclusive). However, it is worth noting that the formation pension savings suspended only when the employer pays insurance premiums; depositing funds into your account in the form of voluntary contributions is not prohibited.

Will there be a one-time payment of 5,000 rubles to pensioners in 2018?

In January 2017, all pensioners in Russia, regardless of whether they work or not, received 5 thousand rubles. This amount was paid only once and was not an addition to the monthly pension.

This measure was introduced by Federal Law No. 385-FZ of November 22, 2016 due to the fact that in the previous 2016 the indexation of pensions was not carried out completely (by only 4% instead of 12.9%). Thus, having paid each pensioner 5,000 rubles, the Government decided to compensate citizens for the “under-indexed” funds for 2016.

In 2017, the situation changed - the total indexation of pensions was 5.8%, which exceeded the level of actual inflation (5.4%). In this regard, the Government has no grounds for reintroducing this measure in 2018, and reintroducing lump sum payment in size 5 thousand rubles will not be available.

How many points and insurance experience do you need to retire in 2018?

In accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, since 2015, the pension rights of Russians have been formed in pension points (IPK - individual pension coefficients). According to Article 8 of Federal Law No. 400-FZ of December 28, 2013 old age pension insurance Only those citizens who have achieved and have a sufficient number of and can apply.

In 2018, issue old age insurance benefit persons can:

  • who have reached the generally established retirement age in the country 55 years (women) and 60 years (men). For certain categories of citizens, payment can be established ahead of schedule (miners, teachers, etc.), or vice versa, later (persons holding government positions);
  • having a minimum 13.8 pension points;
  • whose work experience is at least 9 years.

At the same time maximum points, which can be obtained this year - 8,7 (when forming only an insurance pension) and 5,43 (when forming insurance and savings payments).

Will the retirement age increase in 2018 in Russia?

The topic has been worrying Russians for many years now. At least, no increase expected in 2018. However, there is no guarantee that the retirement age will not be increased in the following years, including starting from January 1, 2019. Various options raising the old age pension age has been officially considered by the Government since the spring of 2018.

Despite the fact that in other countries the age for retirement has long been higher than generally established in Russia (for example, in Germany - by 5 years), and in the CIS countries this initiative has already been supported (in Belarus and in Kazakhstan by 3 years - an increase is taking place gradually for six months every year), the majority of Russian citizens relate to this sharply negative.

People's indignation over raising the retirement age is not surprising. The government wants to raise the bar, based on the fact that many pensioners continue to work after receiving security, thus increasing their working age. However, most of the working pensioners are forced to continue working because their pension is not enough to live on.

Pension reform has started in Russia. On January 1, 2019, the law on changing parameters came into force pension system, which for many pensioners brings good news about pension increases in 2019.

Increase in pensions from January 1, 2019: who received a pension increase and by how much?

Pension reform has started in Russia. On January 1, 2019, the law on changing the parameters of the pension system came into force, which proposes pension reform in the Russian Federation.

We are talking about a systematic increase in the retirement age of Russian citizens by five years. For six years, the retirement age of Russian citizens will increase annually, year by year, until by 2024 it reaches 60 years for women and 65 years for men.

Such changes are necessary in order to ensure an increase in pension payments, the government explained earlier. Russian President Vladimir Putin cited the same reasons for the inevitability of pension reform in his televised address to Russian citizens in August.

Simultaneously with the increase in the retirement age, a temporary procedure for indexation (“adjustment”, as it is called in the law) of insurance pensions for non-working pensioners came into force - it will be in force until 2024.

As always, the rules for indexing pensions are not the same for everyone. Therefore, I propose to dwell in more detail on the question of who received a pension increase in 2019 and by how much.

1. Recipients of insurance pensions

Pensions, which in the recent past were called labor, and now insurance, make up the lion's share compared to other pension payments that are assigned in our country.

Their main difference is that they are provided to workers, i.e. those who have developed a certain length of service and a certain amount of capital in the form of insurance premiums accrued to their personal account at the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

Considering that the moratorium on indexation of insurance pensions for workers has not been lifted, let’s consider what kind of increase non-working recipients of insurance pensions can expect from January 1, 2019:

A) Old-age insurance pensions increased by 7.05%

Accordingly, the amount of the fixed payment will be: 5,334.19 rubles. The right to an additional increase in this value will be given to:

  • Persons who are over 80 years old or have been assigned disability group 1 - the amount of payment increases by 100% and will amount to 10,668.38 rubles;
  • Persons who have disabled family members as dependents - increase the payment by 1/3 for each dependent, i.e. 1,778.06 rubles each, but not more than 5,334.19 rubles;
  • Persons who have worked in the Far North for at least 15 years with a total insurance experience of 25 and 20 years (men and women, respectively) - an increase in the fixed payment by 50%, i.e. by 2,667.10 rubles;
  • Persons who have worked in areas equated to the regions of the Far North for at least 20 years (with the same general experience) – increase in payment by 30%, so-called. by 1600.26 rubles;
  • Persons who have worked in the agricultural sector for at least 30 years - the payment increases by 25%, provided that they do not work and live in rural areas, i.e. by 1,333.55 rubles.

The cost of one pension point will be: 87.24 rubles.

For working pensioners insurance pensions will increase from August based on the results of the adjustment, which is made taking into account the newly received insurance contributions for the pensioner. In this case, the increase will be no more than 3 points. Their value will be determined as of the date from which indexation was suspended.

B) Insurance pensions for disability and survivors also increased by 7.05%

Fixed payment towards pension

  • with 1st disability group will be 10,668.38 rubles,
  • in group 2– 5,334.19 rubles,
  • at group 3– 2,667.10 rubles.

For a survivor's pension, the fixed payment increased to 2,667.10 rubles.

  • The cost of a pension point is the same - 87.24 rubles.

2. Recipients of social pensions

These are pensions that are awarded when the conditions for assigning an insurance pension are not met or it is so small that it is more profitable to receive a social one.

  • The draft budget of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation includes indexation of social pensions.
  • As always, indexation of social pensions is planned from April, the indexation coefficient will be 2.4%.
  • Let me remind you that in the current 2018 social pensions increased by 2.9%.

3. Recipients of minimum pensions

Those whose pension amount (together with all additional payments due) does not exceed the pensioner’s subsistence level receive a social supplement:

  • at the expense of the federal budget (if the cost of living in the region does not exceed the federal level),
  • at the expense of the regional budget (if the regional cost of living is higher than the federal one).

Accordingly, an increase in the cost of living for a pensioner entails an increase in his pension provision.

  • In the draft Budget Law, the federal subsistence minimum for a pensioner for 2019 is stated at 8,846 rubles.
  • In 2018, this value is 8,726 rubles, i.e. The minimum pension is planned to be increased by only 120 rubles.

In Russia, the traditional procedure for indexing pensions will be changed - now they will increase annually from January 1 at a rate higher than inflation(that is, faster than prices for consumer goods and services rise). Now the Government’s guideline when carrying out indexation will be to increase the average size of pensions annually for 1000 rubles. Since in 2018 the average pension in Russia is 14,414 rubles, this increase from January 1 will result from indexation by 7.05%(for comparison: inflation in 2019 is forecast at 4%).

Indexation of pensions from January 1, 2019 by 7.05% will provide an increase average pension in Russia for 1000 rubles. Thanks to this, the annual income of the average Russian pensioner

However, unfortunately, one thousand rubles towards pension in 2019 - such an increase will affect only non-working pensioners. For working citizens, indexation of pension payments has been suspended since 2016, and the Government does not intend to change this approach in the coming years -.

What does raising the retirement age have to do with it?

The need to increase the incomes of Russian pensioners at a rate faster than the inflation rate was provided for by Vladimir Putin’s new “May Decree” dated May 7, 2018 No. 204. However, due to a decrease in the number of working citizens who pay, and an increase in the number of pensioners in Russia, in the coming years a situation will arise when it will not be possible to increase pensions at all and their size in real terms will begin to decline.

The government sees a solution to this problem in. Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev initially outlined the main goal of this reform increasing the income of pensioners. The government promises to use all the money saved from the sale to increase pensions and support the Russian pension system. The corresponding law No. 350-FZ has already been adopted by the State Duma, the President signed it on October 3, 2018.

It is worth noting that the planned increase in the pension amount by 1000 rubles annually from 2019 will be possible only taking into account the increase in the retirement period up to 65 years for men and 60 years for women.

The Government did not support maintaining the retirement age at 55/60 years, since more conservative options in the current economic conditions will not allow solving the problems facing the pension system. This increase is dictated by the following factors:

  • Due to demographic waves, the number of working-age population in Russia is rapidly decreasing, and the number of disabled people is increasing. This will continue for several more decades, and eventually there will be one pensioner for every working Russian. In such conditions, a solidarity pension system cannot exist.
  • There are no resources for additional financing of the Pension Fund from the state. budget. The government does not intend to deviate from the insurance principle of the pension system, in which pensions for current pensioners are paid from mandatory insurance contributions collected from the working population.
  • Under current conditions, insurance contributions paid by working citizens to the pension insurance system (PIS) cannot fully provide payments to current pensioners, much less allow them to pay increased pensions. And increasing the tax burden on employers will only have the opposite effect.

For these reasons, the authorities decided for Russians to “keep at work” part of the population for a while, thereby reducing the number of pensioners and increasing the number of working citizens. All additional income that the Pension Fund will receive as a result of such a reform is planned to be directed to increase payments to current pensioners, to .

Who will have their pension increased by 1,000 rubles - all pensioners or not?

An increase in pensions by 1000 rubles, as noted earlier, will be made as a result indexation by 7.05% from January 1, 2019. Since for working pensioners since January 2016, such an increase in payments will not affect them - they will continue to receive a fixed pension amount without indexation.

Thus, the planned increase from 01/01/2019 will be carried out only for non-working pensioners. However, that's not all. It is also worth noting that:

  • The additional payment will be made not in a strictly fixed amount (per 1 thousand), but in the form of an increase by a certain percentage from the pension already paid to the citizen (in 2019, this average increase corresponds to an indexation of 7.05%). Therefore, for every pensioner the amount of the increase will be individual.
  • In fact, get an increase of exactly 1000 rubles. Only those pensioners whose pension will be able to equal to the national average(in 2018 this is 14,414 rubles). If the amount of a citizen’s pension provision is now less than 14,414 rubles, then the amount of the increase for him will be less than 1 thousand. And vice versa: if the pension is greater than the average, then from 2019 it will be increased by more than 1 thousand.

For reference

For working pensioners, all indexations missed over the years of work (including the increase “by 1000 rubles” from 2019) will be taken into account when determining the final amount of the pension payment. And during the period of their employment, payments for them increase only after the annual payment.

Is it true that the pension supplement will be 1000 every month?

For the first time, Deputy Prime Minister Tatyana Golikova spoke in detail about changes to the usual procedure for indexing pensions since 2019. On June 16, at a meeting of the Russian Tripartite Commission on Labor Relations, she announced that medium size pension increases in 2019 will be 1000 per month, or 12,000 rubles in annual terms.

This statement turned out to be not entirely clear to Russian pensioners, many of whom did not understand that there would be increase in pension by 1000 rubles per year or per month?

In fact, the increase of 12,000 rubles a year voiced by Tatyana Golikova means that it will increase by this amount total annual income the average non-working pensioner. Due to the fact that the size of his pension from January 1 it will be 1000 rubles. more than in the same period last year, for the entire 2019 a Russian will receive additional income 12 thousand rubles. But all this is given in relation to the average pension in Russia (14,414 rubles).

Technically, the process proposed by the Government to increase pensions annually by 1000/12000 rubles will be carried out according to the following scheme:

  • From January 1, 2019 Pension payments will be indexed by 7.05%, which will provide an increase in pension by an average of 1,000 rubles. The non-working pensioner will receive such an increased amount of payments before the next indexation (i.e. throughout 2019, since such indexation will be carried out once a year).
  • From January 1, 2020 Likewise, pensions will be increased in the same way, which will provide an additional increase of an average of 1,000 rubles, which will be paid until the end of the year. Approximately indexation for this will be carried out in the amount of 6.6%.

This indexing scheme will continue and in the following years. Specific ones have already been published, but the Government is not going to stop there - pensions will continue to be indexed annually at a set rate of at least until 2024 inclusive. According to the Government’s plans, this will allow increasing the average pension size over 6 years from 14 to 20 thousand rubles.

How will the pension increase during the pension reform?

According to the current pension legislation, until 2019, pensions in Russia were increased as follows:

  1. From February 1 depending on the level of inflation, they index and ( , etc.).
  2. From April 1 depending on changes in the pensioner’s cost of living, they are indexed and .

According to the old rules, in 2019 the pension would have been indexed by about 4%(since, according to the Central Bank’s forecasts, actual inflation for 2018 will be approximately this value). Those. in relation to the average pension (14.4 thousand rubles), indexation for inflation would give an increase on average 570 rubles(which is almost 2 times less than what the Government has been proposing since 2019 - to increase pensions annually by an average of 1,000 rubles).

For this the usual indexing schedule has been adjusted so that from January 1 and throughout 2019, pensions to current pensioners will be paid in an increased amount - by 1000 rubles. The document containing all the proposed changes was adopted in parallel with the law on raising the retirement age.

The government proposes to index pensions at a given pace in the future. Based on the fact that Vladimir Putin’s new “May decree” is planned for the period until 2024, plans have already been announced to bring the average size of pensions up to 20 thousand rubles. by 2024.

According to the law on the PFR budget for 2019-2021, pension increases in Russia over the next 3 years will occur at the following rates (above inflation):

Remarkable that in 2018, insurance pensions also increased by 3.7%, with actual inflation for 2017 amounting to 2.5%. This is due to the fact that inflation was predicted at a higher rate, so in the PFR budget was originally provided the amount for indexation in an increased amount. For this purpose, additional law No. 420-FZ dated December 28, 2017 was adopted.

From the table above it can be seen that new scheme Indexation of pension payments will allow:

  • Index pension payments by almost twice the value provided by the old rules (twice the inflation rate of last year).
  • To ensure an increase in the average pension size by 1 thousand from 2019, which will provide an additional increase in the average annual income of a pensioner by 12 thousand rubles.
  • At this rate, pensions will increase over the course of several years.

The only downside is that you have to pay for it.

Also, do not forget that pension growth in real terms is determined as the difference between the percentage of planned indexation and the inflation rate. And, as can be seen from the table, this difference will be maximum only in 2019, and will decrease noticeably in subsequent years.

Those. real growth of pensions will slow down year by year, since the real purchasing power of this “addition of 1000 rubles” will decrease annually. The real increase in pensions in 2019, net of inflation, will be 2.85%, that is, about 410 rubles. and it will be maximum size increases for the coming years.