Drawing an autumn landscape in the preparatory group step by step with photos

Sredina Olga Stanislavovna, head of the art studio of MDOU No. 1 “Bear Cub”, Yuryuzan, Chelyabinsk region
Creating an educational or exhibition drawing
Strengthen the ability to compose a landscape composition
Develop imagination and eye
Introduce using round bristle brushes
Teach techniques for creating color harmony
Foster curiosity and a desire to improve artistic skills
Tools and materials:
A3 or A4 paper (watercolor, drawing or Whatman paper), gouache, bristle and squirrel brushes, palette.

Preliminary work:
1. Looking at photographs of autumn landscapes
2. Create a background

The photographs chosen for consideration show that in late autumn the leaves do not just change color.

The hair of the trees, their lush green crown is thinning. Leaf fall carries away the leaves, exposing the branches.

And the shades of autumn foliage are simply mesmerizing. There is an incredible amount of them in the Autumn palette - from pale yellow to dark crimson.

First option

To create the background, take a double album sheet from the middle of the album

Let's go over the sheets with a damp sponge

We cover the sheets with blue and purple colors quite chaotically.

Add whitewash. Mix the colors so that they flow into each other, but do not become a uniform coating.

If the author likes the result when opening the album sheets, you can leave the sheets to dry. If the result is inexpressive, you can add colors or mix them differently.

Here are the sheets ready to go. We cut them off from each other.
For further work on the palette, mix two colors - ocher and brown. After drying, the color will turn out to be the color of withered autumn grass.

Our composition will be simple, frontal. Draw a low horizon line and color the surface of the earth. We think about the location of the trees. Their number should not be too large. Otherwise they will turn into a solid wall, into thickets. We need to depict some kind of story, even the characters of the trees. How to do this? For example, come up with a fairy-tale story about them, remember a real landscape that has been seen many times or described by someone.

On the left we will draw two similar trees, and on the right one tree of a different species. Using pure brown color we draw the tree trunks on the left. Using a thin round brush No. 3 or No. 4, draw a line from top to bottom. First, lightly touching the paper, then press harder and get the entire barrel in one movement.
We draw the tree trunk on the right edge of the sheet in dark brown or even black. Let's draw a more interesting, double or clumsy trunk.

We draw the main branches with brush No. 1. We begin to move the brush from the trunk to the side and upward, gradually reducing the pressure on the bristles. The line will become thinner and paler. The branch lines should not be symmetrical, similar to each other like twins.

We draw thin branches with the tip of the brush, lightly touching the paper. They are also drawn freely, bending in different directions.

We draw branches and twigs on other trees, trying to make them alive.
That's what happened

In black we draw flying birds, bushes, an anthill

Now we pick up a round bristle brush.

Let's start with yellow. Using a dry brush, we take thick paint from a jar and literally stamp it, imprinting with chaotic movements a mass of yellowed foliage.

Add a little ocher to the brush and slightly compact the crown in some places.

Orange foliage is drawn on the free-standing tree on the right.
Less saturated shades of orange are obtained by mixing it with ocher.

Here is an intermediate stage of creating a landscape.

The foliage on the bushes is scarlet. To convey the play of light and shadow, we also make a few strokes with the addition of ocher. Ocher mutes the brightness, makes the colors duller, gloomier, autumnal.

And the grass in the foreground is painted with the same brush, moving from bottom to top, in several shades of green.

The landscape is ready.

Second option

On the remaining sheet with a blank blue sky, you can draw a landscape in reverse.
If in the first version we finished painting the landscape by working with bristle brushes, then in the second version we will start with these brushes.
You can randomly arrange colors on the sheet. We will start with the lightest and most easily soiled yellow. In this case, it will be possible to paint the entire landscape with one dry bristle brush, without resorting to washing off the color, drying the brush, or using a whole set of tools.
So, we paint yellow with two spots. Below there is a small spot - this is fallen leaves, above - the crown of a tree.

Our next color is ocher. We do the same with it - two spots are located next to each other. But this spot, this crown will be slightly higher than the first one. The spots should differ from each other not only in color, but also in shape.

Behind the ocher, slightly retreating from the first couple, is an orange “hair”.

Behind the orange, “red” tree, there seems to be a tree with red foliage hiding.

We draw a dark red, crimson spot on the very edge of the sheet. An odd number of trees are already lined up. Different in height, shape and color, they do not look boring. It remains to add the missing details - trunks, branches and twigs.

We draw only where we illuminate the sky. We try not to touch the crown, thinking out the location of the branches and twigs.

We draw tree trunks now closer, now further, now thinner, now thicker, adding variety to the landscape. Flying birds slightly enliven the sky.
The work is ready.

Literary application:
Poems by Olga Sredina
Don't fly away, leaves
Stay on the branches!
Don't cover it with leaves
Orphaned way!
Don't leave the leaves
Bored house!
Don't float away, leaves,
Don't get covered in ice!

Children's works
(6-8 years)

Good afternoon, today I want to make a help article for all kindergarten teachers. In this article I have collected didactic pictures on the theme of autumn. You can use AUTUMN pictures in classes on speech development, “Child and Nature”, “Child and Society”. Autumn pictures will be an excellent visual material for preschool children. You can show them different aspects of this time of year. I also attach ready-made cards for logical tasks on the topic of autumn in kindergarten. As soon as possible, this article will be updated with new teaching materials (pictures and cards on the theme of autumn for kindergarten), so don’t go far, come back here in the new autumn season.

So, I arranged the autumn cards according to different topics. Separately, visualization for forming ideas, separately, visualization for composing a story based on a picture with an autumn theme, separately, example cards for educational games. Let's see what Autumn pictures for kindergarten you can get here and replenish your teaching collection.

Every picture ENLARGES when you click on it mouse button.

Didactic pictures AUTUMN

for classes in kindergarten.

Here is a series of large pictures for kindergarten on the theme of autumn. You can place them on a convenient sheet of any size. This can be a regular A4 Word file, or you can send them to a printer and make large posters for classes with a kindergarten group.
These are the largest pictures of good quality that will give a bright print at any printing point in your city.

To enlarge the picture, click on it.

Pictures of children in autumn for kindergarten

Picture of autumn rain for kindergarten.

Picture of autumn in a mushroom forest for kindergarten.

Picture of autumn in the forest - boat ride. Suitable for speech development classes in younger groups.

Pictures Golden autumn. A didactic task for children is to name as many autumn colors as possible... what color are the trees in the forest in autumn.

Be sure to click on this picture (photo below) - and you will be stunned by this beauty.

Look guys, how beautifully the trees are reflected in the water. How clear the water is, it works like a mirror. This is how Autumn Beauty looks in the mirror and dresses up to become even more beautiful.

But here is a beautiful picture to look at with children; it is good for learning to describe objects in a picture, to teach what the foreground, middle and background are.

Click on the picture to make it larger. You can reduce its size by adjusting it to the sheet of paper on which you will print it.

Pictures of Autumn and its gifts
for kindergarten.

You can also explore the topic of Gifts from Mother Autumn in class. Tell that autumn is the time of harvest. People grow vegetables and collect mushrooms in the forest. Prepare vitamin-rich vegetables and fruits for the winter.
Think with your children what else autumn gives us... And what does it give to animals?... A squirrel, a hedgehog, a field mouse?

Here are just pictures of autumn in this theme of gifts and products of the autumn harvest. Harvest autumn in the garden and in the forest.

Pictures for kindergarten
How autumn helps animals.

Autumn helps the fox become invisible. It is easier for her to catch animals (mice and bunnies) - and she accumulates fat for the cold winter, eats well and gets fat so as not to freeze in the cold.

Autumn brings joy to pets... cats love to play with rustling leaves. Cats have a good sense of smell and hearing. They hear a mouse rustling in the leaves and can instantly catch it.

All forest dwellers prepare supplies for the winter in the fall. Squirrels, hamsters, chipmunks, hedgehogs, voles. Think about what animals prepare food for themselves in the fall.

Autumn pictures
for speech development classes

in kindergarten.

It is very good to weave elements into the structure of the lesson where tasks on the development of the child’s speech are solved. A lesson on the topic Autumn in kindergarten can be supplemented with pictures, which children will describe on their own or by answering prompt questions from the teacher.

Below I give beautiful bright plot pictures on the theme of autumn. You can compose a description story based on them (who is doing what in the picture). You can conduct a quick survey “Find signs of autumn”... prove that this is an autumn picture.

You can come up with a fairy tale story based on the picture. What we see now... what happened before... what will happen next.

We see brother and sister, they went into the forest to pick mushrooms. What happened before... they used to walk through the forest next to mom and dad... and now they are lost... What will happen next, they will scream loudly and they will be heard.

Or the story could be about that. how they shared the mushrooms with the squirrel... a cautionary tale about not being greedy.

The story of how Pavlik and Masha saw birds flying away... (picture on the theme of autumn for kindergarten).

How the first snow unexpectedly fell in the fall... tell us how nature changed, how the animals were surprised, what they began to do... how the sun came out and the first snow melted... it became water...

Autumn pictures for children help them visually remember the signs of autumn, identify signs of nature that is preparing for winter, name them, describe them and comment on them with additions and explanations.

A picture to describe - what is in the foreground, what is in the middle ground, what is in the background. What colors did the artist use? What is the mood of the picture? What day is it (sunny or cloudy). What time of year is it in the picture? Did it rain yesterday? Was there fog in the morning? Do you think the artist painted morning or evening?

Educational games

with pictures AUTUMN

in kindergarten.

You can immediately prepare pictures on the theme of different seasons. And conduct interesting play activities with them for children in a group. These autumn pictures for children will help you. I offer several ideas at once.

Game What is extra on a block of pictures (autumn, winter, spring, summer). Assignment for children of primary and secondary groups.

To enlarge the autumn cards, click on them with the mouse. You can print them on a color printer. Glue onto cardboard and cut out. If you don’t mind the money (a teacher’s salary is sad), then you can immediately print it on thick photo paper.

Didactic pictures autumn for kindergarten. For classes on speech development and nature.

You can make this game with your own hands - match the elements to the picture with the seasons.

Didactic picture SEASONAL TREE. Assignment: compare autumn with other seasons. We print out the seasonal tree, stick it on cardboard and make a stand from a toilet paper roll (there is a gap in the roll and we insert the tree into it). Changes in nature are traced using the example of one tree. What is it like in winter, autumn, spring and summer.

Arrange the pictures by season (autumn, spring, summer, winter separately). A selection for preschool children.

You can print out these autumn pictures (below) and mix them with other different pictures. The task of the children from the general mass is to find only those that are related to the theme of autumn.
A simple and quick to make game for children in kindergarten.

Pictures of AUTUMN

It's time for fun games.

The golden beauty of autumn is warm and cheerful. All children and all parents love autumn for its beautiful leaves and magical leaf fall. Let's remember, children, how you can have fun in the fall. Didactic pictures of entertainment in the fall will help you through this part of the lesson.

You can collect beautiful leaves and arrange them by color.

You can give bouquets with leaves to mom, grandma and dad.

All pictures enlarge if you click on them with the mouse.

You can swim, bury yourself in the rustling fragrant leaves. Let's remember how they smell. Warm leaves heated by the autumn sun.

You can also throw leaves in the fall, arrange leaf fall, and dance in the golden rain of leaves.

In an open lesson in kindergarten, all these pictures can be used as elements of a slide show on a projector or screen.

These are the didactic educational pictures of autumn for children you could find on our website. You can also see here a large selection of ideas for autumn CRAFTS with children in kindergarten classes.

Good luck with your activities with your children.
Olga Klishevskaya, especially for the site

One of the rainiest seasons of the year is autumn. But at the same time, the trees put on elegant golden clothes, and before winter they take them off. You can draw autumn with colored pencils in different directions: “Indian summer” with the warm sun, the autumn season with golden leaves, or the time when it rains incessantly and yellowed leaves fall from it.

Required materials:

  • colored pencils in brown, blue, blue, orange, yellow and red tones;
  • regular pencil;
  • sheet of paper;
  • eraser.

Drawing steps:

1. Draw the horizon on a sheet of paper in the form of a long line.

2. Now let's add trees to the horizon line. They should not be detailed as they are located in the distance. There will be a lake just below the horizon. Let's draw the reflection and vibration of the water. From the upper side of the left side we begin to draw a winding bank.

3. In the foreground, draw a large tree with a small amount of foliage.

4. Draw a square on the right side of the bottom side. Let's draw a line in the middle. Let's make a frame in our picture in the form of simple lines. You can make some elements from the drawing extend beyond the drawn frame.

5. Now we draw the leaf and add veins to it from the middle.

6. Draw the general shape of an autumn leaf around the auxiliary lines.

7. Use an eraser to remove the square around the finished autumn leaf.

8. Then let's move on to applying the color. First of all, take a yellow pencil and apply it to the tree that is in the foreground and the autumn forest in the background.

9. We will decorate the foliage of the tree and forest with an orange pencil, since we are having a golden autumn. In some places we will enhance the color. The trunk of the tree will have a brown tint.

10. Decorate the sky and lake with a blue pencil. For depth of color and brightness of the drawing, add strokes with a blue pencil.

11. Decorate the shore in the foreground with yellow and brown pencils.

12. Let's move on to the autumn leaf, which is located in the lower right corner. To color it, take a yellow, orange and brown pencil.

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On the eve of the “golden leaf fall” and cool autumn weather, almost all educational preschool institutions and primary schools organize inspirational lessons for children on the theme “Autumn”. Crafts made from cardboard and colored paper, chestnuts, plasticine and fabric are only part of what you can get as homework. After all, the basis of the autumn season is drawings. Moreover, the most diverse, and not at all similar to each other. As ideas for reproduction, teachers offer examples of work as inspiration for the child’s creativity.

Autumn drawings for kindergarten and school 2018 are proposed in the article below - as a small hint for children and their parents at the beginning of creative work. Bright colors, interesting ideas, various representations of nature and details of autumn are only part of what can be seen in the photo, comparing the sketches and drawings of children with the nature of the “golden autumn”.

What is the beauty of autumn?

Autumn is a wonderful time of year, representing calm and preparation of the surrounding weather for winter. Fall of colorful leaves, the ground covered with old robes of trees, a rich harvest of ripe berries, fruits and vegetables, warm but no longer scorching sun - real autumn weather, painted with rich and noble colors.

And if the autumn season inspires adults with peace of mind, pleasant chores of harvesting and active recreation in nature, then a playful form will help to attract the child to complete the task. As an option: collecting leaves to create a herbarium, active recreation, sports games (football, basketball), competition for the best drawing.

Drawing on the theme “Autumn” in kindergarten

Autumn drawings for kindergarten 2018 represent elementary work in the eyes of adults. However, if you look at the task through the eyes of a child, it will seem as difficult to him as painting a still life for an adult. Therefore, it is very important to show support for your child’s homework, helping him with difficult creativity.

For children (child) 3-4 years old

A very young artist cannot reproduce masterpieces. But this does not mean that this frees him from completing the task. Teachers in preschool institutions (kindergarten, additional education and development courses) encourage parents to engage in motor skills and the child’s creative potential: draw leaves, rowan berries, raindrops and other drawings with their fingers.

In the photo below you can find various autumn drawings for kindergarten made with your fingers, which are suitable as an example for completing the given work in 2018.

For children (child) 5-6 years old

Kindergarten graduates can create fall pictures using fresh leaves, a white wax candle, and watercolors. The essence of the work is as follows:

1) a large maple leaf is placed under a sheet of paper and held with a candle;
2) this is repeated with each leaf of the tree until the sketch is ready;
3) watercolor paint in the autumn color palette (yellow, orange, red) is applied on top.

Autumn drawings appropriate for kindergarten and school 2018

There are also crafts that are suitable not only for kindergarten, but also for elementary school. These include: painting fresh leaves with gouache, drawings drawn with crayons, drawing based on templates.

Below are several master classes with photos, distinguished by their versatility. This is because they are suitable for children of different ages.

Animals and autumn

You can convey autumn motifs on a sheet of paper not only with the help of nature, but also with animals. A hedgehog in the leaves or with an apple on needles running through a meadow of mushrooms, a squirrel on a deciduous tree, a bear preparing a den for the winter, a red cat against the backdrop of “golden autumn” - once again they prove that absolutely any design can be depicted on paper.

Autumn drawings for kindergarten and school 2018 are an interesting task for both children and their parents. It unites the family over a seemingly “simple” work, helping to find common ground and ideas for drawing for children of different ages: 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and even 9 years old.

Finished works on the theme “Autumn Landscape” photo:

Natalia Denisova

From October 26 to October 30, a show jumping competition was held in our kindergarten drawings on the topic"Golden autumn"

Children and parents took an active part. Autumn- it’s a very beautiful time of year and the work turned out wonderful. The children tried very hard, the work came out beautiful, neat and bright. On October 30, the jury awarded the winners with certificates of 1st, 2nd, 3rd place. All competition participants received sweet prizes.

Flocks of birds in the blue sky

They fly south for the winter,

And the trees put on

Sewn gold outfit -

Autumn does not spare colors

And generous with the harvest!

Let the sun warm us

This is a bright time!

I really liked these works. I want to show you the best ones!

Publications on the topic:

The wonderful time has come - autumn. This year September turned out to be very hot, the trees are golden, the sun is hot, insects are buzzing.

Autumn is the most inspiring time of the year. The abundance of colors gives you the opportunity to convey your feelings in a huge number of shades. In bright greenery.

Autumn is probably the most charming and mysterious time of the year, marked by special colors. Therefore, an exhibition was held in our kindergarten.

AUTUMN THROUGH THE EYES OF CHILDREN Dear colleagues, good day. The second month of autumn is coming to an end. During this period of work on the site, I met.

Autumn is golden! In kindergarten No. 16 in Velikiye Luki there was an exhibition of autumn crafts (crafts made from natural materials! Photo report! Pushkinskaya.

Our kindergarten has been holding a competition of crafts made from natural materials “Golden Autumn” for several years now. Children have great fun.

On Friday, the competition for children's and family works "Golden Autumn" ended in our kindergarten. Because I can’t do it in the methodological room yet.

Just recently a wonderful spring holiday took place - March 8th! A holiday for all mothers, grandmothers, sisters, and just all girls. On this day, everything is prepared.