Cosmetics by themselves are not capable of working miracles; only by choosing the appropriate method of applying them will it be possible to achieve a certain goal, for example, to perform makeup to make the eyes expressive. The correct technique is developed on the basis of general rules, as well as through trial and error, but you cannot do without experimentation in this matter. You can not only make your eyes visually larger, but also hide some significant flaws without cosmetic surgery. Absolutely any look can become breathtakingly beautiful, you just need to know what needs to be done for this. And, of course, don’t be afraid to try something new, testing out different combinations of colors and methods of applying cosmetics.

So, our goal is to create expressive eye makeup, but does this mean that we need exclusively bright and saturated colors, catchy and sparkling shadows? Of course not, because makeup is designed for real life, and not for a carnival performance or a clown performance. The main thing in makeup should always remain the same - the eyes themselves., it is their natural beauty that must be emphasized and all the advantages expressed, veiling the shortcomings. We must remember that cosmetics are only a means, but the goal is the eyes. Making them big and beautiful so that it is difficult to take your eyes off them is a completely solvable task with the help of various shades and textures of modern cosmetology products.

Expressive technique involving light and dark tones

Makeup that emphasizes the eyes is based on the correct color combination of different shades of shadows - this product is the basis of any eye makeup. The basic rule of make-up is that a dark color, better than any other, can give expressiveness, but, at the same time, visually. So if your eyes are naturally large, then dark shades of eyeshadow are exactly what you need if you want to emphasize your beauty. If the eyes are not large enough, then you can make them more expressive with the help of light colors that will enlarge this part of the face, but for this you need to find the right combination of not only shadows, but also all other means of decoration.

Excellent makeup that highlights the eyes based on dark colors - smoky or smokey eye. Its traditional execution is based on brown and gray-walnut tones, but new times bring in other trends, so the technique becomes more and more perfect and diverse. With dark colors you should be careful not to overdo it, which will ultimately narrow your eyes. Therefore, it is better to avoid too dark shadows, choosing something in between and filling your eyes with an attractive gray haze. Makeup in this design will never lose its popularity, as the fashion industry proves again and again.

With dark colors you should be careful not to overdo it, which will ultimately narrow your eyes.

Expressive eye makeup begins with covering the upper eyelid with a light base shade. Dark shadows are then applied along the contour of the upper eyelashes, focusing on the outer part and up to the middle of the eye. All this is thoroughly shaded, and then brightening shadows are added to the inside of the eye, for which gold and silver pearlescent shades are perfect. This technique will allow you to qualitatively open your eyes and give them expressiveness, especially if you draw a dark contour line at the outer corner of the eye.

Moderation in color and volume is the best way to express the eyes

In makeup created to make the eyes more expressive, you also cannot do without the so-called liner, that is, a soft contour pencil or liquid eyeliner. In smoky makeup, contour stripes should not have clear boundaries, but in other cases, a qualitatively improved line is created that does not coincide with the natural growth of eyelashes. If the eyes are very small, you can superimpose the contours one on top of the other, but make sure that there is no significant space left between them, which will give off artificially created expressiveness. In addition, a common mistake made by women who want to do expressive eye makeup is to draw a bold stroke with a regular black line along the upper eyelid, as a result of which the eyes seem to be pressed inward and look even smaller. If a black line is drawn under the lower eyelashes, the result will be similar, when the whites of the eyes still stand out, but the eyes themselves, at the same time, significantly lose in size.

Also, makeup with an emphasis on the eyes loves arrows in the corners, but, again, they should be compact and have a moderate thickness. The line of arrows only extends slightly beyond the outer corner, but this will certainly make the eyes appear larger. It happens that the eyes are already large, but not round enough, so arrows will not help them much; it is still better to leave them for small and round eyes. And, of course, mascara will complete the extravaganza, especially if you curl your eyelashes slightly before applying it.

Every woman strives to look as attractive as possible. In this case, any means are used: visits to a cosmetologist to improve facial skin, the use of medicinal and decorative cosmetics. It’s not difficult to make your eyes more expressive with the right makeup, but how can you make your eyes expressive without makeup?

Expressive eyes and decorative cosmetics

When we meet a person, the first thing we pay attention to is the eyes. It’s not for nothing that they say that eyes are the mirror of a person’s soul. Large expressive eyes, an open look - it always looks attractive.
Of course, there are a huge number of women who will not leave the house until they have applied all the necessary makeup products. Moreover, this habit is so ingrained and so strong that it seems that it is no longer possible to do otherwise. However, quite often when you come home from work in the evening and wash off all the decorative cosmetics from your face, an image appears in the mirror that is noticeably different from the one that was “drawn”. And it is in this natural form that your beloved man sees you in the mornings and evenings. In addition, not all women want to use makeup, such as eye shadow and mascara, every day. That is why you need to worry about how to make your eyes more expressive without using makeup.

Eye beauty without makeup

It seems somewhat paradoxical that in order to make your eyes more expressive, you need to stop using decorative cosmetics. However, it seems so only at first glance. The thing is that applying artificial colors harms the skin and creates an effect only for a while. At the same time, expert dermatologists have proven that if you stop using decorative cosmetics, then after a couple of weeks your eyes will look brighter and a natural blush will appear on your cheeks.

Healthy lifestyle and appearance

Since all processes in the human body are interconnected, an incorrect lifestyle will certainly affect one’s appearance.

Proper sleep

Therefore, it is necessary to devote more time to rest. After all, such unattractive things as fine wrinkles, bruises and bags under the eyes appear as a result of excessive fatigue. It’s not for nothing that they say: “Don’t go to bed on the day you wake up.” Prolonged healthy sleep will help correct emerging deficiencies. At least several times a week, you should fall asleep no later than 10 pm. Of course, with the modern pace of life, this is quite problematic, but you need to strive for this.

Eye beauty and computer work

You shouldn't spend a lot of time in front of a computer monitor. Otherwise, redness of the eyes may appear, and this does not add attractiveness and no decorative cosmetics will help. Eyes should look clear and bright, not red and tired. If you still have to spend a lot of time in front of the computer, then you need to adhere to a few simple rules - take frequent breaks from work, at least for a few minutes, and periodically perform special exercises for the eyes. This will help preserve both vision and the beauty of the eyes.

Proper nutrition

Nowadays there is a lot of talk about proper nutrition and this is not empty talk. Indeed, what and how much a person eats largely determines how he looks, and it’s not just about his figure. The presence of a large amount of vegetables and fruits in the diet will enrich the human body with essential vitamins, and this, in turn, will make the skin more toned and healthy, and the eyes brighter. It is also worth reducing your consumption of alcoholic beverages, or even better, giving them up altogether.
It is also worth paying attention to the fact that you should not drink too much liquid at night. Of course, water is very beneficial for the body, but not at night. Because this can cause swelling. Puffiness around the eyes in the morning will not make your eyes larger or your face generally more attractive.

More expressive eyes without makeup

You can achieve more expressive eyes without using makeup. A correctly selected and shaped eyebrow line will not only make your eyes larger in size, but also your gaze will become more open. Eyelash curling or eyelash extensions are another way to make your eyes more attractive without makeup. Hairstyle also plays an important role in this; a professional stylist will help you with its choice.

Don't be afraid to ditch eye makeup. Natural beauty has attracted attention at all times. And the right lifestyle and a few simple rules will help preserve it for many years.

Video on the topic of the article:

Every woman dreams of big captivating eyes that fascinate men. However, nature has created us completely different and not everyone has a charming look. In this case, make-up secrets come into play, which we will reveal to you today. We will talk about how to do makeup to enlarge your eyes.

In fact, learning how to do makeup that enlarges your eyes is quite simple. It is enough to have some expert advice in stock and be able to apply it correctly in practice.

Perfect eyebrows

It is very important for any woman to take care of her eyebrows. With small eyes, this rule plays a very important role. They need to be slightly raised by plucking out the lower hairs. Thanks to this, the eyes will visually look larger. Just don't overdo it with tweezers. Too thin arcs in the form of threads will play a cruel joke on you - they will look doll-like and this will not affect the size of the eyes in any way.

A professional makeup artist or cosmetologist can choose the correct shape. In the future, you will be able to lightly pluck excess hairs yourself without changing the contours. Eyebrows are visually raised by applying a light shade underneath.

Hiding flaws

Bruises and bags under our eyes make them visually smaller. Therefore, it is important to start makeup for enlarging eyes with the use of concealers.

The technique is very simple. Apply a thin layer of pink-orange corrector using a brush to the dark circles in the form of an inverted triangle and blend.

Playing with shadows

It is through the use of contrasting colors of shadows that we achieve a visual expansion of the outlines of our eyes. Remember the rule: lighter colors always bring you closer, while darker colors narrow, reduce and move away. This is the basis for the discussion of the topic of how to enlarge your eyes with makeup.

The area under the eyebrows, the movable eyelid and the area closer to the nose can be made lighter with the help of shadows. You need to darken the area where the eyelashes grow in the form of a corner and above the fold. We also emphasize with them the lower eyelid from the pupil.

Correctly shaped arrows can help make up your eyes to make your eyes look bigger. It is advisable to draw them as thin as possible at first and widen them a little towards the outside. With close-set eyes, the liner should start above the pupil. To make small eyes appear larger, the end of the arrow should not be very long and curved upward.

The eyeliner along the bottom should also be applied from the middle of the pupil. It is advisable to shade it for a smoky effect. This will make your eyes appear larger.

Let's highlight

First of all, we lighten the mucous membrane. The so-called water line should be drawn with a pencil of a light shade: ivory, silver or pinkish. You should not use pure white, as it will stand out too much and will not look natural. This technique will increase the white of the eye and open up the look. Moreover, the make-up will turn out fresher and healthier.

We highlight the areas near the bridge of the nose. Apply light shadows to the inner corners of the eyes, where the nose begins. If you are using highlighter, you can apply it to the inner corner. This secret visually distances our eyes and makes their central part longer.

Work on eyelashes

Beautiful thick “fans” not only make the look expressive, but also enlarge the eyes. If nature has endowed you with such an advantage, then it is advisable to use mascara.

First you need to curl your eyelashes with special curlers. Then apply a little powder on them for volume. Now apply mascara in two layers to the upper eyelashes. The lower ones need to be painted quite a bit. You should also use false eyelashes or buns, but this option is more suitable for evening makeup.

Step by step lesson

Follow this step-by-step guide to make your eyes look bigger with makeup. You will need the following cosmetics:

  • black eyeliner,
  • shadows of a light natural shade or white,
  • beige or peach matte shadows,
  • brown shadows,
  • mascara,
  • eyelash curler,
  • bunches of eyelashes.

Application stages:

    1. We disguise dark circles, bruises and other imperfections with concealer and corrector.
    2. Apply a small amount of foundation and powder.
    3. For ease of shading and durability of the makeup, we use a base for the shadows. Nyx has a good and not too expensive base.
    4. Now we begin to do makeup that will make the eyes larger. Apply matte light shadows to the entire moving eyelid and the area under the eyebrow.
    5. Using a dark brown shade, highlight the crease of the eyelid and blend it thoroughly. There should be no borders or spots left.
    6. Using the same tone, we emphasize the thickness of the eyelashes on the lower eyelid. This line at the outer part should be thicker and taper towards the pupil. We also shade the transitions.
    7. We cover the surface of the moving eyelid with pearl-colored shadows and add them to the inner corner for a shimmering effect.
    8. Using dark brown shadows, draw a neat arrow as close to the growth of the eyelashes as possible. Blend with a small brush for a smoky effect.
    9. Line the mucous membrane of the eye with a light flesh-colored pencil to widen the eye shape.
    10. Using a curling iron, press your eyelashes for a minute. Apply mascara in two layers on the top ones and paint the bottom ones.
    11. Use a black liner to draw the end of the arrow.
    12. Use special glue to attach the bunches to the edge of the eyelid.
    13. The final stage is eyebrow shaping. Comb it with a special brush and color it with a pencil to match your hair to make it appear brighter. Secure the result with gel.

With regular practice, such makeup will take you no more than ten minutes. And if you skip the step with the buns, then even less.

Small brown eyes - correction

The type of makeup described above is universal and suitable for any eye color: blue, green and brown eyes. You just need to adjust the brightness of the colors so that the makeup does not seem vulgar. However, brown eyes can be made more beautiful with the help of some secrets:

  • Quite often, when doing evening make-up, women line the mucous membrane of the lower eyelid with a black pencil. This effect allows you to squint your eyes and give it a dramatic look. This is usually not the case for small eyes. However, there are exceptions: brown eyes are visually enlarged with this method. This is explained by the fact that the brown shade perfectly creates a contrast with black kajal against the background of the light white of the eye.
  • To make brown eyes appear larger, it is also advisable to visually lower the line of the lower eyelid. To do this, use a white pencil to sketch the line of eyelash growth on the lower eyelid and the mucous membrane. This way we erase the narrow shape of the eyes. Next, using a black pencil, we re-draw a line below the natural one, imitating eyelashes. Shade the pencil downwards. This effect is not recommended for daytime makeup. This technique is very popular in eastern countries: Korea, China, Japan.
  • Due to the correctly selected shades of shadows, we can also visually make brown eyes larger. Warm colors enhance the look – they should be applied to the moving eyelid. Peach, warm pink, golden, light marsh shadows are suitable for brown eyes. The darkening should be done with neutral shades.

Properly created make-up can change your face beyond recognition for the better. Use photo and video materials to choose your ideal makeup to enlarge brown eyes.

Any girl can enlarge her eyes if she has the right tools. You just need to take step-by-step advice from makeup artists. Any eyes, including brown ones, can be made more expressive thanks to cosmetics. We wish you good luck in creating the perfect make-up.

It's worth starting with the shadows. Apply a special base underneath them - this way they will last much longer. Start applying the main tone. It should be light and preferably matte (although pearlescent components are acceptable for evening makeup), ideally beige natural shades.

Next, apply the shadows using a soft brush over the entire eyelid to the eyebrows and blend them thoroughly. Then take a darker shade to make your eyes a little deeper by drawing a line along the contour of the eyelashes, and also highlighting the crease of the upper eyelid and the outer corner of the eye. Using a larger brush, carefully blend the edges of the two shadows.

Eyeliner is in progress

Eyeliner and winged eyeliner are a great way to visually enlarge your eyes. To begin, draw a line on the upper eyelid along the growth of the eyelashes, slightly extending the eye towards the temples. Toward the end of the outer side of the eye, the line can be slightly raised. Now apply color to the lower eyelid as well. Strictly along the eyelash growth line (in no case touching the mucous membrane - this will lead to the exact opposite effect), draw a neat, not particularly greasy and light line.
In order for the line to be neat, even and not greasy, the pencil should be tilted so that the lead is almost perpendicular to the eyelash growth line.

Connect the lines of the upper and lower eyeliner at the temple - there should be a very small point of unpainted skin. Now arm yourself with a light pearlescent pencil and paint over this point, and then draw it along the mucous membrane of the lower eyelid with the same pencil. This simple technique gives your eyes radiance, expressiveness, and also significantly enlarges them. In addition, you can use a pearlescent pencil to highlight the inner corner of the eye, as well as the space under the eyebrow - these techniques will make the eyes larger and the look fresher. Plus, this is a good way to combat signs of fatigue.

Instead of a pearlescent pencil, you can use a highlighter in the inner corner of the eye and under the eyebrow.

Mascara is the final but very important touch!

You need to choose a voluminous mascara, but with the most natural effect. Take your time with applying mascara, carefully paint over each eyelash, and, if necessary, go through a special comb with rare teeth. Attention: to visually enlarge your eyes, do not forget about the lower eyelashes; paint them too. If your eyelashes are straight and you want a more dramatic visual volume, then you should consider curling them slightly using a special device or using mascara with a curling effect. Focus not only on the lashes at the outer corner, but also on the lashes in the middle of the eye.

The only benefit of any decorative cosmetics is that with its use you can hide very significant flaws and make your appearance more expressive. Otherwise, any mascaras with oils, foundations with skin nutrition and moisturizing lipsticks are an advertising ploy to stimulate sales. As they age, many women who experience the first signs of aging begin to think about reducing the amount of cosmetics they use to a minimum. However, after making such a decision, the question becomes acute: how to look fresh, bright and attractive without makeup? Today we will talk about eye beauty, namely how to make your eyes expressive without makeup.

How to make your eyes expressive without makeup?

At first, giving up makeup is quite difficult for all women, as they are faced with the fear of looking unattractive compared to their brighter, and most importantly, “made-up” girlfriends. In fact, the lack of makeup on your face will only make you look better in the future, as you will gain a fresher complexion and more attractive features. In addition, giving up makeup significantly saves time, which means that once you decide that your skin has had enough, you will also discover additional advantages, for example, you will be able to sleep longer in the morning and get rid of the habit of being late for work. Only the first few days will be difficult. However, it is not at all difficult for women who know their worth and are confident in their natural beauty to survive this period.

Subtleties of eye care

Using cosmetics, we are accustomed to the fact that with the help of foundation, powder and correctors, we can easily tidy up the skin around the eyes: not only visually get rid of bruises and bags, but even cope with small wrinkles. Eyeliner, shadows and mascara, in turn, give our eyes greater expressiveness. These decorative products help to adjust the size and shape of the eyes, lengthen the eyelashes and emphasize their volume. How to make your eyes expressive without makeup? First of all, you need to tidy up the skin around the eyes and return it to its previous tone. The methods that we offer you can be called everyday ones. Of course, you won’t achieve a quick effect, but the result, nevertheless, will be beyond praise.

How to make your eyes expressive video

5 simple ways to look fresh and bring back expressiveness to your eyes

1. Try to sleep at least 8 hours a day. A good, sound sleep is the key to your beauty and blooming appearance.
2. Try to limit situations in which you have to strain your eyesight. In particular, sit at the computer less, try not to read in poor light, watch TV with the lights on.
3. Give up alcohol and cigarettes.
4. Try to eat less spicy and salty foods.
5. Try to eat a balanced diet.

To make your eyes shine with beauty without makeup, try not to overexert yourself and get enough rest. For example, according to cosmetologists, in order to make your eyes expressive without makeup, you should go to bed no later than ten o’clock in the evening. In reality, it is not at all easy to implement such a scenario, but at least 1-2 times a week you can try to follow the advice of a specialist. Don't ignore the five golden rules of eye care:

1. On a sunny summer day, do not forget to wear sunglasses. The same goes for relaxing on the beach. Dry wind and ultraviolet radiation greatly dry the skin around the eyes, which can lead to the appearance of premature wrinkles.