What should we teach children in order to form in them, at an accessible level, a modern scientific picture of the world, an idea of ​​a person’s place in it, and the peculiarities of relationships in this world?

Modern approaches to the content of environmental education for preschoolers should be based on the concept of sustainable development, correspond to new value orientations, and follow the ethical principles of the relationship between humanity and the biosphere.

Since environmental education can be considered as a new priority direction of pedagogical theory and practice, its content today is at the stage of formation, revision of the object of study, determination of methodological approaches. How to make sense of this abundance of new approaches and ideas? It is appropriate to use the conceptual provisions of N.M.’s research. Mamedova, L.V. Moiseeva, I.T. Suravegina, which are based on the interrelation of four main components: scientific-cognitive, value-based, normative and practical-activity.

Scientific and educational component. The developing interest of preschoolers in the problems of the surrounding nature can be represented by characterizing the properties of objects and phenomena, their diversity, and the connections between them. For preschool children, the entire complex of knowledge about nature is colored by interest, contributing to the formation of children’s attitudes towards the natural and social environment, a fundamentally new ideological attitude - awareness of nature and society in their integrity as functionally equal parts of a single whole, the need to constantly correlate their actions with the capabilities of the natural environment (E.V. Girusov).

Value component The content is designed to reveal to children the multifaceted significance of the objects and phenomena being studied in the life of nature and man. Until recently, a utilitarian-practical position often prevailed, impoverishing children’s attitude towards the environment, complicating the development of curiosity, aesthetic responsiveness, mercy, sympathy, and empathy.

The value component is the leading one in the content of education in general, and environmental education in particular.

To preserve life on the planet and human health, a favorable socio-natural environment is necessary. Therefore, the development of civilization is focused on improving the individual, the formation of humanistic ideals, a new system of values, such as:

— the intrinsic value of nature;

— life in all its manifestations as the highest value;

— a person as a component of a complex system;

— responsibility for the development of the biosphere and human society.

Regulatory component The content of education is aimed at mastering environmentally justified norms of behavior (prohibitions and regulations) and organically includes human responsibility for the state of the surrounding socio-natural environment. Knowledge and value orientations are the most important regulators of human behavior and activity in the socio-natural environment. Following universal human moral standards is an indicator of the general culture of behavior of everyone in relationships between people, towards natural objects, one’s health, etc. The foundations of environmental culture are laid in childhood. That is why in kindergarten it is necessary to pay special attention to this aspect of the content of education.

Practical and activecomponent plays no less important role in environmental education than all of the above. Practical activity is the result of emerging relationships, a criterion of developing consciousness and feelings. At the same time, the activity itself shapes a person’s relationship with the outside world. The experience of creatively working educators shows that despite the prevailing idea of ​​limited physical capabilities and low involvement of preschoolers in environmental activities, the scope and content of children’s practical participation in the protection and improvement of the surrounding socio-natural environment is much wider.

These are household chores, self-service, caring for the inhabitants of a corner of nature, growing indoor plants, practical activities in natural and artificial communities (weeding, loosening, watering, etc.). Preschool children you need to teach what and how to do. For example: how to properly feed wintering birds, pick mushrooms and berries, medicinal plants, explain the rules of personal hygiene when caring for the inhabitants of a corner of nature, cats and dogs.

Goncharova, E.V. Theory and technology of environmental education for preschool children: A textbook for students of higher pedagogical educational institutions / E.V. Goncharova. – Nizhnevartovsk: Publishing house Nizhnevart. humanist University, 2008.




The ecological state of our planet requires human society to understand the current situation and have a conscious attitude towards it. The initial stage of preschool upbringing and education is very important in environmental education. It is in preschool age that the foundations of a person’s worldview are laid and his attitude towards the world around him is formed.

Environmental education in preschool age is just beginning; grains of environmental knowledge acquired in childhood will help the child navigate the surrounding reality and understand it correctly. But most importantly, they will lay the foundation for a conscious attitude towards nature, determining one’s place in it in the future. The teaching staff of our preschool educational institution believes that an important aspect of environmental education is the development of a humane feeling, an effective attitude towards the world around us, and the development of a willingness to work joyfully, create, and help others. Children’s independent deeds and actions are already a criterion of environmental culture.
Our kindergarten has been working on the issue of environmental education for a long time. It is based on the main educational program of the preschool educational institution, and we also use the technologies of S.N. Nikolaeva’s program “Young Ecologist”

Purpose of the program : to form environmental awareness of preschool children.


  • - develop in preschool children environmental ideas, knowledge about the value of nature and the rules of behavior in it;
  • - to develop skills in various activities in nature and the formation of environmentally oriented interaction with its objects;
  • - help children accumulate emotionally positive experiences with nature.
  • The success of the program implementation is ensured by several mandatory conditions:
  • - the teacher’s readiness to implement environmental education for children;
  • - personality-oriented interaction between an adult and a child in the process of mastering the program;
  • - constant communication of children with the nature of their immediate environment;
  • - building an ecologically developing environment in a preschool institution;
  • - active participation of parents in the educational process;
  • - establishment of connections by a preschool teacher with schools, public organizations, and institutions of additional education.
  • When building a system of environmental work, we paid special attention to the following main areas:
  1. The cognitive direction of work includes a cycle of educational activities (the following forms are used: didactic games, conversations, travel, performances, quizzes), which contribute to a deeper expansion of pupils’ environmental knowledge.
  2. The educational and entertaining direction of work aims to introduce children to the components of living and inanimate nature, the influence of human activity on these components in a playful and entertaining form: these are theatrical performances on an environmental theme, holidays, matinees, environmental games, travel games.
  3. Study of the flora and fauna, landscapes of the native land, related to practical matters (practical area of ​​work) - joint actions with parents for landscaping group rooms, the territory of preschool educational institutions, work in the garden, planting trees and shrubs, designing flower beds, actions for the protection of rare flowers, feeding birds, making and hanging feeders and birdhouses, contributed to instilling in pupils a caring attitude towards their native nature.
  4. The research direction of work is carried out within the framework of the following activities: project activities, excursions into nature, tourist walks, phenological observations, experiments that contribute to the development of thinking, analysis of the results obtained.Ways to implement the system of environmental work in preschool educational institutions:
    - creation of conditions (greening of the development environment, software and methodological support);
    - increasing environmental awareness of teachers;
    - updating the content, forms and methods of working with children;
    -environmental education of parents.

    Systematic work with personnel, understanding of the significance of environmental problems - all this allows us to carry out extensive targeted activities with children in this direction. Problems of environmental education are regularly discussed at consultations, seminars, and teacher councils.

    Environmental education of preschool children can be considered as a process of continuous education and education of parents, aimed at developing an environmental culture of all family members. Working with parents is no less important and more difficult than working with children. We especially pay attention to the joint activities of children and parents, since it is through activity that a person influences the world around him. In addition, it promotes cooperation, emotional, psychological rapprochement between a child and an adult, gives the child the opportunity to feel like an “adult” (during a hike or environmental action), and allows the adult to better understand the child. We hold exhibitions of joint drawings of posters, models, crafts from waste materials, photographs, we invite parents to participate in the design of nature centers, laboratories, libraries, and in environmental activities (cleaning the territory of the kindergarten and around it, planting trees, making birdhouses and feeders, etc.). d.)
    Preschoolers are very inquisitive, they look closely at the surrounding reality with interest, strive to penetrate its secrets, therefore we use active forms and methods of learning - experimentation, experimental work, walks, excursions, etc.

    The system of working with children includes:
    -seasonal thematic planning of direct educational activities;
    - creation of an ecological and developmental environment (nature centers, nature laboratories, ecological trail);
    -organization of joint activities (holidays, observations, ecological path, apothecary garden, vegetable garden, work in nature);
    - reading fiction;
    -growing greenery in the winter-spring period (“garden on the window”);
    -game activity as the main form of children’s activity;
    -ecology of health (breathing exercises, music therapy, physical activity, hardening, environmental and psychological training);
    -creation of a system of environmental work (author’s development of classes, work with parents, with public organizations, methodological and information support, etc.).
  1. ​ Creating an ecological and developmental environment, conditions for a healthy lifestyle for children is the most important condition for the effectiveness of our work. The ecological and developmental environment consists of various elements, each of which performs its own functional role:
  1. - Group rooms containing nature corners, environmental laboratories, “window gardens”, educational games, libraries, relaxation corners, etc.
  2. - Environmental and folklore festivals, music classes related to the theme of nature, environmental performances and performances with the participation of children, environmental puppet shows, etc. are held.
  3. - The territory of the kindergarten is used to create fragments of natural and cultural landscapes, elementary architectural structures, playgrounds and sports grounds: an ecological trail, including an alpine hill, a vegetable garden, a pharmacy flowerbed, various trees and shrubs, flower beds, etc.
  4. - Health should be considered as a state of harmony between the child and his environment, therefore a system of health-improving work has been developed for each age group. It includes hardening procedures, elements of breathing exercises and acupressure, walking barefoot on massage mats and on a “combined path”, herbal medicine, taking multivitamins and immunostimulating drugs, music therapy and aromatherapy, etc. - Physical education, sports festivals, and health days are systematically held.

Rice. 1. Structure of the program “Our home is nature”

The first level - the child is introduced to the natural world from the position of a holistic perception of the surrounding world. The principle of integrity is also realized through the idea “a child is a part of nature” (block “Me and Nature”). Teachers introduce children to the variety of components of the world around them. By comparing an ordinary human house and a “nature house” using specially designed drawings, the child learns that around him there is air, water, plants, animals, soil, the sun (heat and light), which are all closely connected with each other and with person. In the same block, the differences between natural objects and artificial ones, and between living and inanimate objects are studied.

The second level involves a more detailed acquaintance with the individual components of nature: first, inanimate (blocks “Water”, “Air”, “Stones, sand, clay”), then with a component that includes living and inanimate nature (“Soil”), and, finally, with components of living nature (blocks “Plants”, “Animals”). Moreover, each block begins with reference to the material of the first block “Me and Nature”.

The third level returns the child to a holistic perception of nature, but at a higher level: on the basis of the information received, the relationships between the components of living and inanimate nature that are most accessible to the child’s understanding are comprehended using the example of a forest (the “Forest” lesson block). Thus, at this level, nature is also considered as a holistic formation, however, now the child receives the first ideas about how exactly this integrity is ensured through the interconnections and relationships of organisms with the environment.

The fourth level (generalizing): a block of lessons “Man and Nature”, in which, using specific examples, some problems of relationships between people and nature (primarily the child himself) and possible ways to solve them are considered. Based on the ideas formed during classes and an emotionally positive attitude towards nature, the child independently (under the guidance of an adult) formulates rules of behavior in nature, evaluates human actions (including his own) from the position of safety for nature and for himself personally.

Each block of lessons consists of a set of interrelated topics. reflecting at a level accessible to a preschooler the content of the three main areas of ecology - biological, social, applied, and is implemented through various types of child activities. For example, while studying the “Water” block, children get acquainted with water in nature, various reservoirs, the properties and conditions of water, aquatic animals and plants, the need to save water at home, some of the causes and consequences of pollution of rivers and seas, and methods of protecting them. All topics are related to each other. Thus, the topic about the properties of water is related to the topic “Aquatic animals and plants” and helps explain the adaptability of aquatic organisms to their habitat (the water is transparent, which means living organisms can see, and plants can receive sunlight; in dirty, muddy water there is less light - the life of various organisms worsens; water can be warm or cold - different animals and plants live in reservoirs with different temperatures). In turn, the explanation of the consequences of river pollution is based on the preschooler’s ideas about the relationships between aquatic organisms and the environment.

Content components. The content of the program “Our Home is Nature” reflects all four components noted in the “Concept of General Environmental Education”: cognitive, value-based, normative, and activity-based. Table 2 provides examples of the characteristics of content components in various blocks of the “Our Home is Nature” program.

Table 2. Content components in the program “Our Home is Nature”






Lesson blocks

Water (“Sorceress Water”)

Water in the world around us (reservoirs, types of precipitation), properties of water, states of water, elements of the water cycle, aquatic animals and plants, their adaptability to the aquatic environment

The importance of water in the life of humans and living organisms, reservoirs as habitats for living organisms, the value of clean water

Rules of conduct when relaxing on the banks of water bodies, caring for aquatic animals and plants, choosing places for swimming, rational use of water in everyday life (at home and in kindergarten)

An excursion to the nearest body of water in order to assess people’s attitude towards it, helping the inhabitants of the reservoir (feeding birds), implementing rules of conduct during excursions, spending time together with parents near the reservoir, purifying (filtering) water (helping the river), caring for the inhabitants of the living area

In Chapter III, “Conditions for the implementation of environmental education in preschool institutions,” options for models of environmental education in preschool institutions and the system of its organization are proposed, justified and analyzed. The section “Pedagogical models for organizing environmental education” indicates that in actual practice, two main pedagogical models have been identified, differing in the principles of organizing work. Conventionally, these models are called “ecologist” and “educator”. A special feature of the “ecologist” model is the creation in kindergarten of a system of work on environmental education, which involves close cooperation of all specialists, methodologists and educators based on the implementation of an integrated approach and the greening of various types of activities of preschool children (Fig. 2).

Rice. 2. “Ecologist” model

Within the framework of the “ecologist” model, each employee takes on certain functions in the field of environmental education. A necessary condition for using this model is the presence in the preschool institution of an environmental teacher (senior educator, additional education teacher) who acts as a coordinator. This model creates the conditions necessary for the effective implementation of the concept of environmental education. The purposeful and coordinated activities of kindergarten employees allow for the greening of various types of child activities and the developmental subject environment, environmental education of parents, training and retraining of personnel, environmental assessment, coordination with other institutions. The “ecologist” model is being implemented in many preschool institutions in the country, especially in Moscow. The work substantiates the advantages and difficulties of both educational models. Possible areas of work for each employee of a preschool institution are identified (head, methodologist, environmental teacher, psychologist, medical worker, teachers of fine arts, theater, artistic work, music director, physical education instructor, teacher) and their relationships.

The “educator” model differs from the “ecologist” model in the principles of work organization: the functions of environmental education are assigned to the educator, who independently implements an integrated approach through the greening of the developmental subject environment in the group and the greening of various types of activities of the child in everyday life (Fig. 3).

The model is being implemented in kindergartens, where it is not possible to allocate an ecologist position. It is presented in two options: the first - environmental education is carried out by several educators, often without coordinating their actions; the second - environmental education tasks are included in the work plan of educators of all groups, and the direction as a whole is supervised and controlled by the methodologist or the head of the institution. The teacher creates the necessary developmental subject environment in the group (including conditions for independent and joint activities of children), and during the day involves the child in various environmentally oriented activities. Within the framework of the “educator” model, only individual components of the environmental education system are implemented (greening of various types of child activities and developing subject environment, environmental education of parents). In Fig. 3, the connection between the teacher’s activities and these components is shown using lines. To compare both models, empty rectangles are left in this figure, symbolizing preschool employees who work in the preschool but do not participate in the environmental education process. A comparison of the figures gives a clear idea of ​​the conditions for environmental education within the framework of different models; the “educator” model creates limited opportunities for this process and is less effective. One of the options for greening the educational process is considered in the work using the example of including environmental content in the “Origins” section of the program.

The main components of the environmental education system in a preschool institution. A system of environmental education in preschool institutions has been developed, which includes a number of interrelated components (Fig. 4). The work provides a detailed analysis of each component and justification for its significance from the point of view of implementing the environmental education system in preschool educational institutions.

Rice. 4. System of work on environmental education in a preschool institution

Organization and greening of the developmental subject environment. Currently, there is a certain contradiction between the child’s natural need to communicate with nature as a living being and his alienation from nature, which plays a negative role from the point of view of environmental education. This alienation is partially overcome through the greening of the developing subject environment. The term “developing subject environment” was introduced by S.L. Novoselova. An enriched environment presupposes the unity of social and natural means of ensuring a child’s varied activities. An important requirement for a developing subject environment is its developmental nature. The tasks of greening the developmental subject environment involve creating conditions for:

Cognitive development of the child (opportunities for experimenting with natural materials, systematic observations of objects of living and inanimate nature; increased interest in natural phenomena, searching for answers to questions that interest the child and posing new questions);

Ecological and aesthetic development (attracting the child’s attention to the surrounding natural objects, developing the ability to see the beauty of the surrounding world, the diversity of its colors and shapes);

Child health improvement (use of environmentally friendly materials for interior design, toys; landscaping; creating conditions for children to communicate with nature);

Formation of the child’s moral qualities (creation of conditions for caring for living objects and communicating with them, for the formation of the desire and skills to preserve the natural world around them);

Formation of skills of environmentally literate behavior (skills of economical use of resources; environmentally literate behavior in nature);

Greening various types of child activities (conditions for independent play with natural materials, using them in art classes, etc.), joint and individual environmentally oriented activities of children.

Preschool institutions differ from each other in material capabilities, in the level of the developmental subject environment, in areas of activity, which is reflected in the variable approach to its organization. Any developing subject environment consists of a variety of elements, each of which performs its own functional role. The work examines the functional role of various environmental elements in environmental education and options for organizing space. Thus, to organize space in an ecological room, it is justified to allocate a number of functional zones (learning, collections, library, relaxation, play). The laboratory, a new element of the developmental subject environment, is created for children's research activities. A living corner is a fairly traditional element of preschool institutions in our country, however, its design and content acquires new specifics related to the tasks of environmental education. The dissertation work proposed a number of principles for the selection of living objects (geographical, ecological, systematic and environmental). Such elements of the environment as a winter garden, an alpine hill, museums, a vegetable garden, mini-farms, corners in groups, an ecological trail are analyzed, and their variability is substantiated. The functional role in environmental education of such environmental elements as a variety of games and toys, models of natural objects, visual aids (for example, weather and nature calendars, geographic maps, collections of natural and artificial materials), as well as modern teaching aids - computer games of environmental content has been determined , videos (including cartoons), audio recordings (sounds of nature, musical works), equipment for experiments, etc.

An assessment of the state of the environment of a kindergarten includes information about the real environmental situation of the area, microdistrict in which the preschool institution is located, in order to further determine measures for possible improvement of the state of the environment and the health of preschool children. For such an assessment, a form of “Ecological passport of a preschool institution” has been developed, which has been tested in many preschool institutions in the country (Fig. 5).

Natalia Egorenko
Environmental education system at MBDOU

Municipal budget preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 40 "Brigantine" works on the problem environmental education for more than 20 years. The work is based on "From birth to school" edited by N. E. Veraksy, we also use the technologies of S. N. Nikolaeva’s programs "Young ecologist» and N. A. Ryzhova “Our home is nature”. Over the years of work, a holistic system, permeating all types of children's activities and aimed at solving the following tasks:

1. Form cognitive, practical and creative skills environmental character in preschool children.

2. Develop positive, moral qualities that encourage children to comply with norms of behavior in nature and in society;

3. Nurture ethical and aesthetic feelings, develop emotions, feelings of empathy.

When building environmental work systems we have turned special attention to the following main directions:

1. Cognitive direction: includes a cycle of educational activities (the following are used forms: didactic games, conversations, travel, performances, quizzes that promote deeper expansion environmental knowledge of pupils.

The cognitive direction of work aims to introduce children to the components of living and inanimate nature, the influence of human activity on these components in an entertaining game form: these are theatrical performances on environmental theme, holidays, matinees, environmental games, travel games.

2. Study of flora and fauna, landscapes of the native land, related to practical matters (practical area of ​​work)- joint actions with parents for landscaping group rooms, the territory of the preschool educational institution, work in the vegetable garden and apothecary flowerbed, planting trees and shrubs, decorating flower beds, actions for the protection of rare flowers, feeding birds, making and hanging feeders and birdhouses, contributed to instilling a caring attitude in pupils towards native nature.

3. The research direction of work is carried out within the framework of the following events: project activities, excursions into nature, tourist walks, phenological observations, experiments that contribute to the development of thinking, analysis of the results obtained.

Ways of implementation environmental work systems in preschool educational institutions:

* Creation of conditions ( greening the development environment, software and methodological support);

* Boost environmental teacher literacy;

* Updating the content, forms and methods of working with children in accordance with the programs used, introducing a regional component (acquaintance with the natural landscape of the Moscow region);

Systematic work with personnel, understanding the importance environmental problems - all this allows us to carry out extensive targeted activities with children in this direction. Problems environmental Education is regularly discussed at consultations, seminars, and teachers' councils. To identify gaps in teachers’ knowledge, we use surveys on questions environmental education of children. Based on the analysis of the questionnaires, further educational educational work.

Environmental education preschoolers can be considered as a process of continuous upbringing and education of parents, aimed at developing environmental culture of all family members. Working with parents is no less important and more difficult than working with children. Especially we pay attention to the joint activities of children and parents, since it is through activity that a person influences the world around him. In addition, it promotes cooperation, emotional, psychological rapprochement between the child and the adult, and allows the child to feel "adults"(during a hike or environmental action, and it is better for an adult to understand the child. We hold exhibitions of joint drawings of posters, models, crafts from waste materials, photographs on topics "Me and Nature", "Our Pets", we invite parents to participate in the design of a corner of nature, a laboratory, a library, and in environmental activities (cleaning the territory of the kindergarten and around it, planting trees, making birdhouses and feeders, etc.)

Preschoolers are very inquisitive, they look closely at the surrounding reality with interest, strive to penetrate its secrets, therefore we use active forms and methods of learning - experimentation, experimental work, walks, excursions, etc.

Ecological and developmental environment of MBDOU kindergarten No. 40"Brigantine" includes the following components:

Corners in groups (experimental, nature, exhibition);

ecological zones(indoor plants and a file cabinet for them, areas for insect collections, models of the seabed, natural material.)

Mini-laboratory (materials for children's experimentation, microscope, natural material);

Library (educational literature about nature, literature on animal care, a selection of paintings and illustrations from the life of animals, plants, seasonal changes, as well as video materials, audio materials);

The territory of the kindergarten (playgrounds for organizing environmental holidays, excursions and games, various tree species);

Vegetable garden, flower garden (flowers, shrubs, vegetables);

ecological theater(costumes, attributes, masks for environmental performances, audio recordings);

Gallery (thematic exhibitions of children's works).

With the help of parents it is constantly replenished environmental kindergarten library. There are books about nature, albums with photographs and illustrations, audio cassettes with recordings of animal voices, sounds of nature, videocassettes with films about nature, maps, and a globe. There is also a library of works about the native land. The library also houses handwritten books written by children and their parents. Ecological The library performs a cognitive function and fosters interest in native nature, instills a love of books and reading. Teachers conduct classes there, conduct conversations on environmental issues.

By using environmental Theater teachers clearly explain to children the need to take care of nature and show the ugliness of consumer attitudes towards it. In organizing this environmental space provided great help parents: made attributes, decorations, sewed costumes. Ecological theater includes a selection environmental plays and fairy tales for productions.

The kindergarten gallery has a cognitive, aesthetic and educational function. Teachers conduct classes here and introduce children to individual components and natural phenomena. The museum constantly hosts thematic exhibitions of children's works.

Particular attention is paid to the organization environmental spaces on the territory of the kindergarten. The green shield creates a favorable environment, protects from dust, reduces the entry of exhaust gases into the territory, increases the percentage of oxygen in the air, and makes it moderately humid. In addition, children can get acquainted with the growth characteristics of plants in our region, get involved in working on the land, and apply their knowledge in practice.

In the garden, together with adults, preschoolers grow cucumbers, tomatoes, zucchini, squash, pumpkins, eggplants, peppers, cabbage, strawberries, wild strawberries, and melons.

Created on the territory of the kindergarten ecological trail. This " ecological space" allows you to spend with preschoolers diverse ecological- teaching work in the summer.

There are flower beds throughout the kindergarten - an institution for young children should truly be a blooming garden. The flower beds contain a variety of unpretentious annual and perennial plants.

So way, creation of a stationary ecological- the developmental environment in kindergarten is a continuous pedagogical process, which includes the organization of group spaces, daily maintenance of the conditions necessary for the full life of all living beings. Such constant activity teaches you to think and systematically and really care about "little brothers" who share the same living space with children.

The main aspects of a teacher’s work with children are: variety of activities, an integrated approach to learning that contributes to the formation of not only environmentally conscious, but also a comprehensively developed person. And this is impossible without creating a single ecological-developing space.

Elena Mironova
System of work on environmental education

Slide No. 1 Today I present experience work on environmental education of preschoolers

Slide number 2

Everything good in people comes from childhood!

How to awaken the origins of goodness?

Touch nature for everyone with my heart:

Be surprised, find out, love!

We want the earth to bloom

And the little ones grew like flowers,

So that for them ecology has become

Not science, but part of the soul!

Slide No. 3 What could be closer and dearer than the nature of your native land?

Who else but preschool children understands and understands the natural world?

However, my summer holiday pupils passes outside the village of Divovo. Many children do not know the names of flowers, plants, insects, and animals that they may encounter.

And the very concept "island of nature" is being replaced by cars, the presence of residential complexes, and the proximity of production.

Parents and teachers should teach children from early childhood to love nature, to be able to admire its beauty, and to make their contribution to the preservation and enhancement of the wealth of nature. But sometimes they lack the necessary knowledge and time.

All this pushed me to work on environmental education preschoolers in the process of becoming familiar with the nature of their native land.

Slide number 4.

The basis for my work served as a regional component of the Main Program of our preschool educational institution, « Education for environmental preschooler culture".

At developing your work system I used the program edited by N. E. Veraks "From birth to school". This program:

Corresponds to the principle of developmental education, the goal of which is the development of the child;

Combines the principles of scientific validity and practical applicability;

Involves construction educational- educational process in age-appropriate forms working with children.

In his work on the chosen topic, I took as a basis the methodology of Svetlana Nikolaevna Nikolaeva « Fostering an ecological culture» and Natalia Ryzhova “Our home is nature” I made this choice based on analysis and comparison of the content of training with the capabilities of the institution in which I Working.

Slide number 5 My main goal work is - Environmental education preschoolers through familiarization with the nature of their native land, the formation of the foundations ecological culture.

Slide number 6

To achieve this goal, I have determined the following tasks:

1. Create the necessary developmental educational environment for working with children

2. Develop complex thematic

3. Conduct direct educational activities with children

4. Promote the development of cognitive activity through various types of productive activities and experimentation;

5. Enrich children's speech through systematic and consistent acquaintance with the outside world;

6. Bring up Children, together with their parents, have an emotionally positive, caring and sympathetic attitude towards objects of the surrounding nature.

Slide number 7

the novelty of my work I define as follows features:

1. basis work constitutes an activity approach defined by the preschool standard education: work in nature, experiments, observations and much more

3. It is the nature of the native land that makes it possible to effectively work in this direction.

Slide number 8

At the heart of the activities environmental education there are two directions.

Environmental education is an activity in nature: observations, knowledge acquisition, search, design; as well as the formation of the foundations ecological consciousness: needs, interests of children, certain experiences and formed aesthetic assessment.

When choosing teaching methods, I focus on those that stimulate cognitive and practical activity and expand children’s ecological outlook, form practical skills. Contribute to the development of personality,

Game (plot and didactic games, dramatization games, game problem situations, game modeling, game shells for classes);

Verbal (reading fiction, writing fairy tales, literary quizzes);

Visual (excursions, observations, looking at illustrations, watching cartoons);

Practical (exercise, work in nature. experimentation)

Slides No. 10-12

In his work I use various techniques.

But the most interesting I think:


Reception environmental actions: "take care of nature", "let's help the birds"

Personal example from adults

Reception of problematic situations

Project activities

Slide No. 13

IN work I use the following forms:

targeted walks and excursions

Observations, conversations;

GCD ( "Cognitive Development", "Speech development", “Artistic and aesthetic development (drawing, applique, modeling, "Physical development", “Social and communicative development”)

Use of fiction;

Examination of paintings, illustrations about nature;

- games: - didactic,


Project activities;

Slide number 14

To form the foundations environmental culture among preschoolers by me system developed cooperation and interaction of the preschool educational institution with the family.

This system includes certain content, methods and forms work.

This made it possible to activate parents and create their own interest in this work

Slide number 15

Results environmental education work presented on the slides.

The diagnosis was carried out on the basis of a methodology that helps determine the level of children’s knowledge about the animal world, plant life and other aspects.

Slide number 16

Children demonstrate not only a fairly high level of knowledge, but also give an emotional assessment of what they see in the natural environment, and are active in applying the acquired knowledge, skills and abilities.

Slide number 17 Perspective activities: Perspective of my activities, how teacher, is seen in the creation of a long-term educational project, which will be based on the continued Job on testing individual educational routes for each child in my group.

It is necessary to continue the formation of the group’s developmental environment in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard TO:

Equipping the experimentation corner with equipment;

Creation of a thematic library.

I'm ready to share experiences work with interested parties.

Slides No. 18-21

Wide, free,


White-trunked birch,

My favorite,

Stands like a white candle,

She looks around:

Ripe rye nods to her,

The meadow bows to her.

Experience in environmental education of preschool children Slide 2. Nature is fragile and vulnerable. Recently, water bodies have become increasingly polluted and become lifeless, soil fertility is losing, and they are becoming poorer.

Organization of joint work with parents and children on labor and environmental education (from work experience) Labor education, i.e., involving children in independent feasible work and observing the work of adults, explaining its significance.

In September 2014, I developed a new project