Over the past few years, there has been a great demand in the tattoo industry for text images, i.e. for tattoos in the form of quotes or phrases, made primarily in handwritten font.

They can be applied separately or combined with a pattern, for example, a tiger or a dragon - this is always fashionable and beautiful.

At the same time, it is not necessary to use someone else’s statement or catchphrase, because you can create your own motto that most fully reflects your position in life.

On what part of the body should a girl get a tattoo inscription?

Girls try to emphasize their beauty and attractiveness through tattoos. But there are also cases when a drawing is applied to hide a scar on the body. Sometimes women choose a caesarean section scar as the inscription. However, in this case, you should first obtain your doctor's approval.

  1. The most popular places for tattoos among women are the shoulders and arms. You need to choose a design for a tattoo based on where exactly it will be located. An inscription of any complexity can be applied to the shoulder. If the tattoo is voluminous, then it can move from the shoulder to the forearm. As a rule, small inscriptions are drawn on the wrist. If desired, such a tattoo can be hidden under a wide watch, bracelet and other jewelry. Very often, short and miniature inscriptions can be found on the fingers. Although this is considered extremely fashionable, it is still not worth getting a tattoo on your arm, since the skin in this area grows very quickly, which means the tattoo can “blur” over time.
  2. The most advantageous place for drawing is. You can move an entire poem here. Experienced tattoo artists will be able to successfully emphasize the curve of the hip or, conversely, disguise excess fullness. The advantage of such a tattoo is that you can only see it in the summer, when its owner wears a short skirt or bikini. You can also place an inscription on the calves, but keep in mind that hair grows very quickly on the leg, especially in this area, and the design will not be entirely appropriate.
  3. Small drawings and . An inscription-tattoo in the form of a bracelet encircling a sexy and very delicate part of the body can be applied to this area. The inscriptions also look great on the feet and ankles.
  4. In the upper chest area you can type some rather large text. But you should avoid the breasts themselves, since over time this part of the body loses its shape. And a tattoo on a sagging chest is an absurd sight.
  5. An interesting phrase or statement can be pinned on the shoulder blade, and quite a decent amount can fit here. Tattoos look good on the back, waist and buttocks. These places are always held in high esteem by young girls, but over time, when female forms begin to change, such inscriptions will not look very good.

Beautiful inscriptions in English, Latin and French

  • The leader among foreign texts for tattoos are Latin inscriptions. Expressions in this ancient language most often represent sayings of ancient people and carry the philosophical meaning of the concept of being. However, today you can translate almost any word or sentence into Latin; such a tattoo will surprise you with its mystery. Such text may consist of just one word, or may include several sentences. Latin inscriptions are often placed on the back. They reflect the life position of their owner.

  • Among girls, body designs made in the form of English inscriptions. The vast majority of these tattoos are poetic in nature, the main themes are “about love”, “about family”, “faith”, “hope”, etc. Emotions expressed in the form of body inscriptions convey all the sincerity and depth. So any pretty girl can decorate herself with a tattoo with the words “Family” or “Love”. Very often, beautiful representatives of the sex choose the names of their loved ones for inscriptions. Often such tattoos are accompanied by some romantic sign, for example, a heart, stars, branches, etc.

  • One of the most beautiful languages ​​in the world - French, it is for this reason that everything beautiful is associated with it. This language for tattoos is most often chosen by romantic people. For tattoo inscriptions in French, you can use both individual words and popular expressions and proverbs. However, before choosing a phrase for a tattoo in an unknown language, you need to find out its meaning and translation, for example, “Forte et tendre” means “Strong and tender.”

List of the most beautiful fonts for tattoos

Photos of women's tattoos with inscriptions on the body

High-quality tattoo inscriptions can amaze not only with their aesthetic beauty, but also with their mystery and deep meaning. Women are already beautiful regardless of age and proportions; a tattoo only makes its owner even more beautiful. Especially for you, we have prepared photos of women’s tattoo inscriptions so that you can see for yourself how great their variety is.

What beautiful tattoos are there with an inscription on the hand? With translation, as well as without translation from a foreign language, there are many options, including popular phrases from Latin. Although it is now considered dead, it was once a universal instrument of communication spoken throughout Europe long ago.

Latin is alive

In fact, many people still use Latin today without even realizing it. Many words in modern languages ​​are derived from it. However, Latin cannot be so easily erased from human history. She has not been forgotten, at least by doctors and lawyers for sure. Latin tattoos on the arm (with or without translation), as well as on other parts of the body, are popular.

Tattoo with an inscription on the arm (with translation from Latin)

In addition to a wide variety of designs, phrases in a foreign language as tattoos are also considered very popular. Having decided to write a few beautiful foreign words on yourself, it will be useful to know how they are translated. Here is a list of some Latin phrases with interesting meanings.

  • Vestis Virum Reddit (clothes make the man).
  • Alis grave nil (nothing is hard for one who has wings).
  • Audax at fidelis (brave but faithful).
  • Auribus teneo lupum (holding the tiger by the tail, which means I am in danger, but will not give up if I come face to face with it).
  • Dum vita est, spes est (as long as there is life, there is hope).
  • Ex nihilo nihil fit (nothing comes from nothing).
  • Faber est quisque fortunae suae (all men are artisans of their own happiness).
  • Felix culpa (a mistake or disaster committed that ultimately leads to a happy ending).
  • Luceat lux vestra (let your light shine).
  • Luctor et emergo (I fight and I win).
  • Nil desperandum (never despair).
  • Non ducor duco (I am not being led, I am leading).
  • Qui audet adipiscitur (he who dares wins).
  • Semper ad meliora (always to better things).
  • Sic itur ad astra (you must go to the stars, this is the path to immortality).
  • Temet nosce (know yourself).
  • Verba volant, scripta manent (what is said flies away, what is written remains).
  • Veritas lux mea (truthfulness is my light).
  • Vincit qui se vincit (he who conquers himself wins).
  • Veni, vidi, vici (came, saw, conquered).

Tattoo in the form of inscriptions

Luckily, unlike Hebrew tattoos and Arabic words and phrases, Latin sayings are quite easily translatable. Many of them have beautiful and inspiring meanings. However, it is still worth doing some research before injecting permanent ink under your skin. Sometimes it may happen that what is written does not reflect what was intended, but quite the opposite. In this case, seemingly beautiful inscriptions for hand tattoos can mean far from pleasant or meaningless things.

Before getting a tattoo on your arm with or without translation, it is important not only to know the meaning of the words, but also to check that they are all written correctly. Your body is not a school notebook where making a mistake is not so scary.

Latin is a storehouse of wisdom

Quotes in Latin have been used more than once in the past by many famous philosophers, kings, and scientists. Our time is also no exception. Tattoos with inscriptions on the arm (with or without translation into the native language), back, neck and other parts of the body are quite popular. This is a kind of trend, which, however, has a deep meaning and shows the inner world of the owner of an ornate recording.

Popular quotes in Latin

Latin quotes are something like proverbs that become visible to everyone around, becoming tattoos on the body. Just a few words or whole sentences express what is in the heart and thoughts of the bearer. You can, of course, write a phrase in Russian, but Latin gives even the simplest statement a certain mysterious, mystical and ornate meaning. The shoulders and forearms are considered especially popular areas. For example, you can often find on their inside an incomprehensible thin and mysterious inscription in Latin.

For a tattoo on your hand, you can choose an expression that fully corresponds to your way of thinking and positioning yourself in this world. As a rule, there are no restrictions regarding sizes. As for the content, you should choose with your heart. The appropriate meaning of a tattoo is an inscription that will correspond to your beliefs, and not contradict them. For example, it would be inappropriate for a diligent family man and father of five children to have something like “wine, women and rock and roll” stuffed all over his back.

There are no comrades for taste and color

When choosing a quote, you can, of course, use the preferences of celebrities, but a better option would be to listen to yourself, and not just copy other people's lines. There are universal tattoo options that are equally suitable for both men and women. But there are some expressions that are still more chosen by the stronger half of humanity. An example would be such tattoo inscriptions on the arm for men as:

  • Caesarem decet stantem mori (Caesar must die standing).
  • Cogitations poenam nemo patitur (there is no judge for thoughts).
  • Credo, quia verum (I believed because it was true).
  • Igni et ferro (fire and steel).
  • Alea jacta est (the die is cast).
  • Memento mori (think about death).
  • Natus ut primus sim (born to be first).
  • Ad astra (straight to the stars).
  • Ex oriente lux (the sun rises in the east).

Just as no two people are absolutely alike, you don’t often see the same patterns on the body. This is a strictly individual matter. Tattoo inscriptions on the arm for men are often more militant in nature than for girls, who choose more feminine and sensual phrases.

What kind of tattoo do girls choose?

What hand tattoos for girls (inscriptions in Latin) are the most popular and relevant? Recently, there has been quite a large demand specifically for text images in the form of phrases or phrases, which are written mainly in cursive. As for the fair half of humanity, the choice is made in the direction of loving and sensual tattoos on the arm. For girls, the inscriptions can be:

  • Omnia vincit amor (love conquers all).
  • Oculis non manibus (you can look, but you cannot touch).
  • Varium et mutabile semper femina (a woman is always changeable and fickle).
  • Odero si potero si non invitus amabo (if it works out, I will hate, and if I can’t, then I will love against my will).
  • Est quaedam flere voluptas (there is pleasure in tears).
  • Ignoti nulla cupido (what they don’t know, they don’t want).
  • Omnia mutantur nihil interit (everything changes, nothing disappears).
  • Vivit sub pectore vulnus (a wound lives in the chest).
  • Qui sine peccato est (he who is not without sin).

A tattoo in the form of a quote, saying or expression is very popular in our days. People, who want to leave a noticeable ink mark on themselves can be completely different from each other, for example, a teenager trying to prove something to this world, a girl who wants to attract increased attention, an elderly retired rocker for whom another tattoo is just part of a huge collection,Hollywood star who wants to be rememberedfans on the one hand.

The same quotes can represent something different for each person and be perceived differently. Some tattoos can be a reminder of a memorable moment or a reflection of a life position. As a rule, this is done forever, so the phrase or drawing should be meaningful to you for at least ten years to come. Among the huge variety, you can choose the appropriate option according to your taste and state of mind.

Before you get a tattoo

If the final decision has been made to get a tattoo, then before this decisive step you need to take care of a few things.

Color. This can be a black and white tattoo, as well as a color one.

Font . It can be chosen to your taste, the main thing is that it is picky.

Design . These can be just words or combined with a suitable picture.

Language. One of the most popular options is Latin, but English, French, and Italian are no less popular among foreign languages.

Place. Everyone decides for themselves where to have a tattoo - in a visible place or where only trusted persons can see it. This can be a tattoo with an inscription on the arm (with or without translation), on the neck, stomach, back, legs. The least chosen place is the face, although for some it is not forbidden.

Tattoos appeared on the human body in ancient times, and now these days they are experiencing a new rise in popularity. An image on the body always carries a certain meaning, but a specific design is understandable to many, for example, a butterfly or a scorpion, but a tattoo in the form of an inscription often has a deep philosophical meaning, which not everyone understands.

Modern tattoo texts can be made in various styles, from graffiti style to classic cursive. Images with words give others an understanding of you as a person, tell you about happy experiences or tragic moments, that is, they can act as a motivator.

Tattoos in the form of an inscription have an advantage over ordinary images, since they are exclusive. Your individual tattoo will not be found on anyone else’s hand, because it was not chosen in a catalog, and this idea was most likely developed through personal suffering. By the way, the inscription can be written not only in your native language, but also in any foreign language, which again allows your imagination to manifest itself.

Tattoos in Latin with translation

Fans of inscriptions on the body prefer English, and the most stylish ones choose Latin for tattoos. Japanese and Chinese characters are popular, but we must not forget that each character also carries an individual meaning. Latin inscriptions-quotes are often chosen from the sayings of ancient philosophers or other great people. Text tattoos are equally common among both men and women tattoo lovers.

Photo of tattoo inscriptions with translation

Amor vincit omnia - Love will conquer everything.

Dum Spiro Spero – As long as I live, I hope.

Primus inter pares - First among equals.

Ad Astra Per Aspera – Through thorns to the stars.

Aut Viam Inveniam Faciam - Either I will find the way, or I will pave it myself.

Vita brevis - Life is short.

Everything has beauty but not everyone sees it - Everything has its own beauty, but not everyone is given the opportunity to see it.

We accept the love We think we deserve - We accept the love we deserve.

Family together always – A happy family is always together.

The choices we make dictate the life we ​​lead - The choices we made determined the life we ​​should live.

You'll never die and you never grow old - you will never die or grow old.

Don’t dream your life Live your dream - Don’t dream your whole life, but live your dream.

Popular Latin phrases for tattoos

A very trivial, however, popular look tattoo, depicting lettering in various styles, is becoming more famous every day. All over the world, a huge number of owners of numerous tattoos have at least one inscription. Men perform them both in 3-D and in various fonts, depicting important dates or life mottos on themselves.

History of style

The origins of this style tattoo lie in 18th century Europe. Then the art of permanent body paintings rose to the peak of popularity, thanks to sailors, and then military personnel, travelers, etc. At that time, not only the usual images of anchors, half-naked mermaids and ships were performed, but also inscriptions. Most often they were dedicated to important events, certain people, or simply inspiring words. Men's tattoo lettering were an important part of tattoo art, however, they did not receive the attention they deserved.

The lack of proper sanitary conditions and the obvious inappropriateness of materials led to a series of blood poisoning and other troubles. A simple needle, not treated with a disinfectant, and ground gunpowder, which was injected under the skin, created a difficult situation. Authorities in European countries were forced to ban body imagery for almost 100 years. But after this break, prototypes of modern tattoo parlors began to be created, which emphasized hygiene and safety of materials. The main role in this was played by the King of England, who got a dragon tattoo on a business trip to Japan. Subordinates immediately picked up the trend and developed existing image styles with their wishes.

Application technique

Men's tattoo lettering usually contain aphorisms or memorable information for a specific person. The inscription itself can be executed in different techniques and fonts, in different languages ​​and different colors. The color scheme varies most often in dark palettes, combining black with burgundy, dark blue or purple. Often the inscriptions are an addition to the images, becoming part of trash polka or old school. However, their single use, especially among men, flourishes in the territory of the former USSR.

When choosing tattoo The location of application is also important. The male contingent is suitable for large, impressive tattoo on the chest or back, in the area of ​​the shoulder blades, as well as on the area of ​​the arm, between the hand and the elbow joint. Meet tattoo lettering and on the neck, side of the torso or calf.

Motifs of images

Among the inscriptions there are often phrases in Latin. A dead language imparts aristocracy and mystery to the owner. Many aphorisms are taken from the history of great figures and thinkers. For example:

    I conquered the universe with the power of truth during my lifetime - “Vi veri universum vivus vici”;

    He came, he saw, he conquered - “Veni, vidi, vici”;

    The highest power is power over oneself - “Sibi imperare maximum imperium est.”

The rigor and conservatism of the German language is often preferred by serious and persistent people, adding semantic “weight” to the inscriptions. German is not used so often, but it is very successful in the circles of bodybuilders. Phrases in German:

    All our troubles come from the fact that we cannot be alone - “All unser Übel kommt daher, dass wir nicht allein sein können”;

    Hope is a rainbow over the falling stream of life - “Die Hoffnung ist der Regenbogen über den herabstürzenden Bach des Lebens”;

    Life is a game - “Das Leben ist ein Spiel.”

English is the most widely spoken language in the world. Even in the CIS countries you can often see signs in airports or restaurants in English. He also did not ignore the tattoo industry, creating many popular expressions in our country. The following phrases are popular among the male population:

    If anyone thinks that love and peace are a cliché that should have been left in the sixties, then that's their problem. Love and peace are eternal - " If someone thinks that love and peace is a cliché that must have been left behind in the Sixties, that"s his problem. Love and peace are eternal” (John Lennon);

    Music is the soul of language - " Music is the soul of language";

    Fall seven times, rise eight - “Fall down seven times, stand up eight.”

Also, very often, they use French, Spanish, Chinese or Japanese, Portuguese, Italian to express various thoughts and wisdom.

Hand tattoos in the form of an inscription have become very popular among both boys and girls. Lettering tattoos are fundamentally different from all other types of tattoos. Such images carry a specific meaning and ideology that is understandable to everyone; at least, a person has suggestive thoughts about the meaning of the tattoo. Body art with quotes can express love for one’s neighbor, friendship, trials experienced, attachment to something, etc. A lettering tattoo can be made on any part of the body, but the most popular place for quotes is the hand. The size of the tattoo is also determined by the preference of the person. It can be just one word or phrase. You can apply an entire excerpt from your favorite work or statement to your body.

Since English has become a generally accepted international language of communication throughout the world, signs in English are more popular among young people. In addition, you can convey “your message” to the world in Latin. It is most often chosen for philosophical quotes.

This topic was discussed in detail in the previous post. Tattoos with translation: the best sketches (photo), and also Tattoo text: translation from English.

Today I would like to pay special attention to tattoo design. The fonts and size of the tattoo in the form of an inscription play an important role in the perception of the design. mixfacts.ru has collected the most interesting tattoo inscriptions on the hands that will help you decide on your choice.

Tattoos that carry deep meaning and convey the ideological mood of their owner are very popular among both sexes. Large, clear font is an important element of a successful tattoo.

Here is one of the best examples of this. Tattoo inscription “I know I was born and I know I’ll die The in between is mine” (I know that I was born, I know that I will die, but what is in the middle of it belongs to me).

Tattoo on the hands of the inscription: on the inside of the arm

The following quote is inspiring and encouraging: “Intelligence without ambition is a bird without wings.” This amazing tattoo has a very deep meaning; it is designed to inspire a person who does not believe in his own strength, although he has talent.

Lettering tattoo on hands : on the inside of the arm

This inscription is made on the inside of the biceps in a very original font: “Do what you love” (Do what you love).

Lettering tattoo on hands : on the inside of the biceps

This option is more suitable for guys: “Wars begin in the minds of men.” The quote is very eloquent and once again confirms the fact that all wars start because of people.

Lettering tattoo on hands : on the inside of the arm

A rather catchy inscription, made in a very beautiful font: “The good memories are for the rough times.”

Lettering tattoo on hands : on the inside of the arm

The next tattoo is located behind the back of the arm: “Have the courage to live. Anyone can die" (Have the courage to live. Anyone can die).

Lettering tattoo on hands : on the back of the hand

Tattoo inscriptions with translation on the hand and wrist

The hand is a very visible place for drawing an image. The following quote did nothing to detract from the owner's appearance. Beautiful font and heart-shaped background. The tattoo “Choose not a life of imitation” means that in any situation you need to be yourself.

Lettering tattoo on hands : on the outside of the palm

The phrase from the famous song “It’s only forever - Not long at all” says that true unselfish love lasts forever.

Lettering tattoo on hands : on the wrist

This tattoo is suitable for people looking for the meaning of life: “The truth is out there - I want to believe” (The truth is somewhere nearby, I want to believe in it).

Lettering tattoo on hands : on the wrist

Sometimes phrases can be seen in combination with other images: “I climbed the tree to see the world.”

Lettering tattoo on hands : on the wrist

Women's wrist tattoo made with colored elements: “Faith. Love" (Faith. Love).

Lettering tattoo on hands : on the wrist

Lettering tattoos on hands: translation and ideas

Here is a list of the most interesting, in our opinion, phrases and quotes that may inspire you.