We like to communicate. Even just being next to them is somehow more pleasant. A special power emanates from them: understanding, awareness, goodwill. Is this what intelligence is? We will try to formulate what it is and how to recognize it in a person in our short conversation.

We will rely on statements and observations from psychology and social sciences. This concept has become interesting not only to us here and now, but also to researchers of human character. Modern realities have changed little in the essence of the concept, which means that knowing it is just as useful.

What is intelligence: definition and essence

Intelligence is usually called those that together help him meet social expectations in a variety of ways. It is considered an obligatory attribute of the stratum of the population, considered advanced, to some extent elite. The bearers of the cultural fund of humanity are also credited with intelligence.

The problem of intelligence is interesting from the perspective of its constituent elements. Through them it will be easier for us to highlight the essence of the concept.

Components of intelligence

The concept of intelligence includes psychological, intellectual, and ethical aspects.

Thus, independent thinking, conscious conclusions about certain facts of the surrounding world, control of behavior and emotionality are some of the brightest manifestations of intelligence.

The essence of the concept through its components

Intelligence is the ability to think independently, to make judgments about the affairs of people and the manifestations of the universe. This also includes such ethical concepts as nobility and cordiality. Intellectual productivity, mental alertness, firmness and reliability of what is said by a bearer of intelligence (we will call such a person that way), tolerance for other manifestations of human character are also identified as components. They help to better understand the essence of intelligence.

The attitude towards the cultural and scientific achievements of one’s people and humanity as a whole is important for intelligence. Thus, a person is supposed to be interested in and respect history, art and other directions in the development of human thought.

Why does a modern person need intelligence?

The importance of intelligence should not be underestimated even in the age of radically new ways of interaction between individuals (we mean electronic technologies). So, it gives us the strength to remain friendly and open to people. Understanding and accepting new things, demonstrating emotions, respecting the opinions of others and not interfering in their personal spheres of life is already intelligence. What else is special about it?

Being an intelligent person, a person steadfastly endures manifestations of rudeness and lack of culture, expresses his thoughts more freely and is ready to resist injustice. He has a developed sense of the common good, high moral values, which are usually called traditional.

How to become an intelligent person?

To develop your intelligence, you need to constantly work on your personal qualities.

It all starts in the family. It is upbringing that forms the first communication skills, respect for other people’s opinions, and the ability to listen and hear. The foundation of intelligence is laid by parents through upbringing in a favorable atmosphere.

Reading contributes to this in the best possible way. Classic literature will feed your brain and your sense of beauty.

Although education in educational institutions is not everything, it is an equally important factor. The information and social environment gives a lot to a person. Among intelligent people, the personality itself begins to rise to their level.

An interesting factor in the development of intelligence is charity in all possible forms. By learning to give and help in word and deed, a person always grows above himself. A sense of responsibility for one’s actions also develops, as does a great awareness of one’s help to others. This is a kind of self-education by which a person is able to transform himself.

How to recognize an intelligent person?

The signs of intelligence are quite specific. So, from the first words spoken by a person, you will hear logical, literate speech, decorated with aphorisms. His education is predominantly higher. Behavior is reserved, but sincere, a wonderful sense of humor.

Good manners are a mandatory sign of an intelligent person. At the same time, he refrains from condemning the behavior of others until he knows their motives.


Thus, we have formed a certain image of the concept of “intelligence”. What it is, how this trait manifests itself and what it can give to its bearer - all this is now easier to imagine.

We like the manifestation of this trait in other people, because communication with such individuals is extremely pleasant. To improve yourself, it is worth developing and maintaining intelligence. What it is for you personally - you will determine when you realize what you need. Let us briefly summarize the generally accepted concept in such a way that intelligence is expressed in the emotional, intellectual, cultural, and ethical aspects of the human personality.

The value of intelligence is great. Develop these qualities in yourself, it will be easier for you to form a full-fledged personality. Thus, developing intelligence in oneself means growing above all oneself.

How many people of the current generation think about what intelligence is? How is it expressed and is it necessary for society at all? There were times when this word sounded like an insult, and sometimes vice versa - this was the name given to groups of people trying to pull Russia out of the darkness of ignorance and stupidity.

Etymology of the word

“Intelligence” is a word that comes from Latin. Iintelligence- cognitive power, the ability of perception, which, in turn, comes from the Latin intellectus- understanding, thinking. Despite the Latin origin of the word, the concept of “intellectual” is considered originally Russian and in the vast majority of cases is used only in the territory of the former USSR and among Russian-speaking segments of the population.

The father of the term “intelligentsia” is considered to be the Russian liberalist writer Pyotr Bobrykin (1836-1921), who repeatedly used it in his critical articles, essays and novels. Initially, this was the name given to people of mental work: writers, artists and teachers, engineers and doctors. In those days there were very few such professions and people were grouped according to common interests.

Who is an intelligent person?

“Cultural and not swearing,” many will say. Some will add: “Smart.” And then they’ll add something about being educated and well-read. But are all doctors of science and great minds of this world intellectuals?

There are enough people in the world with a huge amount of knowledge, who have read thousands of books, polyglots and true masters of their craft. Does this automatically make them part of the intelligentsia, the social stratum?

The simplest definition of intelligence

One of the greatest minds of the Silver Age gave a very short but succinct definition of the concept of intelligence: “This is the highest culture of the human spirit, aimed at preserving the dignity of one’s neighbor.”

Such intelligence is that daily work is constant self-improvement, the result of a huge educational process on oneself, one’s personality, which first of all cultivates in a person the ability to be attentive and empathetic towards another living being. An intellectual, even if he commits a dishonest act under the will of circumstances, will suffer greatly from this and be tormented by remorse. He will rather do harm to himself, but will not be tainted by base things.

Universal human values ​​inherent in an intellectual

According to the results of a social survey, the majority of people indicated the importance of education and good manners. But the great Faina Ranevskaya said: “It is better to be known as a good, but swearing, than a well-mannered bastard.” Therefore, higher education and knowledge of etiquette do not mean that you are an old-school intellectual. The following factors are more important:

  • Compassion for the pain of others, no matter whether it is a person or an animal.
  • Patriotism, expressed in actions, and not in shouting from the podium at rallies.
  • Respect for other people's property: therefore, a true intellectual always pays debts, but takes them out extremely rarely, in the most critical cases.
  • Politeness, compliance and gentleness of character are mandatory - they are the first calling card of the intelligentsia. Tactfulness is at the top of their attitude towards people: he will never put another person in an uncomfortable position.
  • The ability to forgive.
  • Absence of rudeness towards anyone: even if an impudent person pushes an intellectual, he will be the first to apologize for the inconvenience caused. Just don’t confuse this with cowardice: a coward is afraid, but an intellectual respects all people, no matter what they are.
  • Lack of intrusiveness: out of respect for strangers, they are more likely to remain silent than to be frank with just anyone.
  • Sincerity and unwillingness to lie: again, out of decency and love for the people around you, but more out of respect for yourself.
  • An intellectual respects himself so much that he will not allow himself to be uneducated, unenlightened.
  • A craving for beauty: a hole in the floor or a book thrown into the dirt excites their soul more than the lack of dinner.

From all this it becomes obvious that education and intelligence are not related concepts, although they interact. An intellectual is a rather complexly structured personality, which is why he is never loved by the lower strata of society: against the background of an esthete who has a keen sense of the world, they feel flawed and do not understand anything, and this is why anger manifests itself, leading to violence.

Modern intellectual

What is intelligence today? Is it even possible to be like this in the arena of total degradation and dullness from the media, social networks and television shows?

All this is true, but universal human values ​​do not change from era to era: at any time, tolerance and respect for others, compassion and the ability to put oneself in the place of another are important. Honor, inner freedom and depth of soul, together with a keen mind and a thirst for beauty, have always been and will be of paramount importance for evolution. And today's intellectuals are not much different from their brothers in the spirit of the century before last, when man - this really sounded proud. They are modest, honest with themselves and others, and are always kind from the heart, and not for the sake of PR. On the contrary, a spiritually developed person will never boast of his actions, achievements and actions, but at the same time he will try to do everything possible to become at least a little better, knowing that by changing himself, he changes the entire world around him for the better.

Do modern society need intellectuals?

Education and intelligence are now as important an aspect as global warming or cruelty to animals. The thirst for money and universal adoration has so captured society that modest attempts by individuals to raise the level of human awareness resemble the painful efforts of a woman giving birth, who, despite all the pain, sacredly believes in a successful outcome.

It is necessary to believe that intelligence is such a culture of the soul. This is not the amount of knowledge, but actions in accordance with moral principles. Perhaps then our world, mired in the mud of a distorted mind, will be saved. Humanity needs bright-hearted individuals, intellectuals of the spirit, who will promote the purity of relationships without mercantile motives, the importance of spiritual growth and the need for knowledge as the initial basis for subsequent development.

When does the formation of moral qualities occur?

In order to be, or rather, to feel like an intellectual and not be burdened by this burden, it is necessary to absorb the inclinations with mother’s milk, to be brought up in the appropriate environment and environment, then highly moral behavior will be like a part of the being, like a hand or an eye.

It is for this reason that it is important not only to raise a child in the right direction, but also to set a clear example with rational actions, correct actions, and not just words.


In the eighteenth century, the writer P. Bobrykin introduced the word “intellectual” into use. The roots of the word itself come from the Latin “intellect”, which means mind. At that time, the intelligentsia included people who were engaged in mental work: writers, scientists, teachers, engineers and artists. More precisely, these were all those who did not work in the fields, workshops and mines. People engaged in mental work were distinguished by their education and were considered “white bones” among the masses of their kind. Is it appropriate today to confuse the concepts of “education” and “intelligence”? Does it mean that every educated person is necessarily intelligent, and vice versa?

Who is this intellectual?

If you ask people who an intelligent person is, you will not get a clearly defined answer. Some argue that for this person the level of education, knowledge and the presence of a “crust” about the education received are more important, others say that this is good upbringing and manners.

It is curious that both will turn out to be both right and wrong. D. Likhachev in his work “A Man Must Be Intelligent,” according to the majority, gave a reliable description of an intelligent person. He argued that this is a quality given by nature, which education and upbringing only sharpen.

A person born and raised in a family of miners may be more intelligent than one born into a family of professors. Intelligence does not imply the fact of knowledge of sciences and human values, but a person’s desire to know them. Bringing together all the statements of the author of the article, we can conclude that tolerance in relation to the world lies at the basis of intelligence. A fanatic by nature is not an intelligent person. These are radically opposite personalities.

Why does a person become an intellectual?

The statement that an intelligent person is educated and engaged in mental work is not true. There are many people in the world who do not have higher education, but who are distinguished by their innate intelligence. An intelligent person should:

Respect the opinions of others;
Be ;
Do not insult or humiliate your interlocutor, or indeed anyone else;
Understand your opponent, etc.

So, is it possible to achieve intelligence on your own? If this is an innate quality, then how to ensure that it becomes your second self? This is a long process that requires some effort on yourself. Unfortunately, neither in schools nor in universities there are lessons that provide the basis for intelligence. Because, rather, it is a moral concept, indicating a person’s constant striving for ideals.

And yet, an intelligent person must be educated. To do this, it is not necessary to have a diploma of higher education, which, as we know today, is not a criterion for great intelligence. It's better to educate yourself. All the wisdom and truth of life is contained in books. Not in those love and detective novels that we “absorb” tons in the subway and “in order to unload the brain,” but in the works of classics:

A. Pushkin;
M. Lermontov;
A. Chekhov;
A. Blok and others.

The list of poets and prose writers who were themselves deeply intelligent people and taught this to humanity is endless.

It will teach you to think for yourself, reflect and learn to “sift the wheat from the chaff.” You will learn to treat the world around you and the people around you with understanding. People who know how to share the breadth of their souls can change a lot in this world.

Sometimes people use the word “intellectual” to refer to someone who is reputed to be too sensitive, soft, gentle and kind to people. Or, he is so susceptible to his own beliefs that he follows them even to his own detriment. But is it possible to be “too” zealous in kindness and understanding? Is it possible to love “too” or to feel sorry for “too”? We love and feel sorry for ourselves as much as necessary. An intellectual is distinguished by the fact that he treats the problems of others in the same way as his own. He understands that the scratch that causes him a lot of inconvenience and pain hurts other people just as much. Knowing about , this person will not agree to hurt another.

Intelligent people act according to the principles:

Give way, but don't advance;
Give, but do not delay;
Share, don't hide;
Don’t show, but hold out and let me try;
Don’t shout, but let the person speak;
Don't break it, but help glue it together.

Too often we pass by the misfortune of others, believing that it does not concern us. An intelligent person wouldn't do that. He will definitely help the unfortunate person, because his morality requires it. If he does not do this, then his conscience will torment him for a long time. He will not cause grief to anyone else. Intelligence is akin to sincerity. Such people do not put their interests above the interests of other people, they do not seek benefits in their actions, and they do not lie. In our difficult times, being an intellectual is a great work and merit, but they exist. It is pleasant to communicate with them, it is easy and simple to live in the world.

Living life is not a field to cross! This wise phrase suggests that surprises and obstacles await a person in life. We cannot protect ourselves and our loved ones from problems that sometimes cause resentment, insults, and pain. However, we must not forget that we made someone unhappy. Try not to hurt others, don’t ask for the impossible, and don’t lie. The most disgusting thing in this life is to realize that you have been deceived. So don't cause this pain to others. Don't think that the person you deceived is stupid, he just trusted you too much. By lying you will not only destroy your relationship with a person, it will come back to haunt you after a while when the truth becomes known to everyone. The main thing is don’t lie to yourself. There can be nothing more dangerous than this lie. By deceiving yourself, you lose the boundaries of reality and begin to believe your own lies. By distorting reality, a person will not only not become an intellectual, he will never understand the difference between what is good and what is bad.

After reading this article, many may say that they do not need to become intellectuals, there is too much effort and responsibility. There is no need to go anywhere trying to prove the truth, to risk anything, to sacrifice your own interests. However, this decision is made by people on their own; no one forces or forces them to become intellectuals. This desire is dictated by the heart and spiritual impulses.

And while a person’s heart is working, it is able to respond to what is happening around.

Yet, the word "intellectual", which came from "intelligence" or mind, must have come from the word "cardio" or heart. Then it would have a more correct meaning and would be interpreted differently by society.

29 March 2014, 17:11

The words that come out of our mouths can be interpreted in four ways: positive, negative, neutral or unclear.

9 Things Emotionally Intelligent People Don't Say

"Wise men speak because they have something to say, fools -

because they have to say something,"


The words that come out of our mouths can be interpreted in four ways: positive, negative, neutral or unclear. Intelligent, emotionally mature people tend to speak in a deliberate, transparent manner, crafting their words to minimize negative or cryptic responses.

But the truth is that we've all said something we regretted. Perhaps our words deeply offended someone, intentionally or not. We've all had to deal with that terrible feeling.

Emotional intelligence (EI) is defined as “the ability to recognize, control, and express one’s emotions and manage interpersonal relationships intelligently and emotionally.” Our level of EI often determines how our words are interpreted by someone else.

Moreover, it is this type of intelligence—not “book smarts” or IQ—that plays a decisive role in determining what to say and, just as importantly, what not to say.

EI is inextricably linked with social consciousness– the ability to decipher the emotions and experiences of other people. In other words, it is our ability (or inability) to be empathetic.

To avoid the fearful thoughts and feelings that accompany an impulsive, erratic sequence of words, It is important to have a basic understanding of what not to say in public.

Here are 9 things emotionally intelligent people don't say:


Well, life is unfair - adults understand this. Perhaps what happened wasn't fair. We must remember that people around us are often unaware of the “incident,” and even if they are aware of the incident, saying “that’s not fair” will absolutely not solve the problem. No matter how difficult it may be, focus your attention and efforts on solving the problem. You'll feel better, maintain your dignity, and might just solve the problem!


Here's the thing: we have absolutely no idea what goes on behind the scenes of a person's life. Saying “you look tired”—no matter how good the intentions—shows a person that their problems are on display for everyone to see. Instead, express your opinion or question sympathetically. For example: “Is everything okay?” This suggests that you are concerned about what is happening.


Examples: "You look great for your age" or "For a woman, you've done so much." As we all know, age and gender bias still exists. Chances are that the person you're talking to is well aware of these biases and is offended by their mention. No details needed. Just compliment the person.


Who doesn't forget something from time to time? This phrase implies that you are uncomfortable repeating yourself, or that you are somehow “better” than the other person. Refrain from making such comments and try to clarify what you are saying.


Usually these words are spoken insincerely, dishonestly or harshly. Too often they are used to hurt someone out of anger or contempt. Justify what the other person did.


When someone expects your opinion, they expect constructive feedback... any feedback. Saying “it doesn’t matter” in some way suggests that either their situation doesn’t matter to you or that taking the time to provide feedback is not a priority. Instead, be aware of the person's situation.


Do the words that come out of your mouth really depend on the degree of respect for the recipient? If you can honestly answer yes, then proceed. Just know that your body language and your tone of voice will quickly make it clear whether the person you're talking to has been given the respect they deserve. On the other hand, if it's a phrase said on autopilot in an attempt to "facilitate" a discussion that has nothing to do with "respect", it's better to hit the brakes.

8. "I TOLD YOU SO..."

This phrase bursts with vanity and superiority. When you say this phrase, do you imagine two elementary-aged children playing in a sandbox or on a playground?

The reason is that the phrase “I told you so” is childish and immature. No intelligent, mature adult should utter such words. You may have warned someone about the consequences of some action, but this will not help. Find some way to interact with someone who made a bad decision that doesn't involve contempt.

9. “I GIVE UP”

The expression “I give up,” although seemingly harmless, shows that we are incapable of overcoming something in front of us. Maybe it's a terrible boss, a difficult task/project, a despicable co-worker, or a myriad of things.

But remember that you are much stronger, smarter and more capable than you think. And the words “I can do it” are the only thing you should say. published

A person must be intelligent - this phrase can often be heard, but not everyone can tell why this is necessary and what it means to be an intelligent person in our time.

What kind of person can be called intelligent?

If you conduct a survey on the topic of what kind of person can be called intelligent, what it means to be such a person, then it will be difficult to create an exact definition from scattered statements. Most would agree that the main qualities of an intelligent person are education and well-readness. The other part will say that the main thing is education, because an intelligent man will never say a rude word in the presence of a woman.

The funniest thing will be that both groups will be right and wrong at the same time. Probably the most accurate description of an intelligent person was given by D. Likhachev in his article “A person must be intelligent.” It said that education and upbringing only emphasize a person’s intelligence, but this quality is innate. Even a person without education, brought up in a family of hereditary hard workers, can be an intelligent person. Because this quality does not imply knowledge of the intellectual values ​​of humanity, but the desire to know them. Intelligence is manifested in the ability to understand another person and not use these abilities to harm people. The speech of an intelligent person will not be replete with obscene words, because such people have a keen sense of beauty and cannot afford to violate it either with words or actions. To summarize, we can say that an intellectual is a person who knows how to be tolerant of people and the world. This is why you cannot be a fanatic (sports, religious, political) and remain an intellectual.

Although, in an attempt to understand what it means to be an intelligent person, you can take a simpler route and look into the dictionary. There we will see the definition of an intellectual as an educated person engaged in mental work. Which opinion most corresponds to what an intelligent person should be is up to you to decide.

Why should a person be intelligent?

If we agree with the last definition of an intelligent person, then there is no particular need to be such a person. Because there are a lot of working specialties that do not require higher education. But if we take into account Likhachev’s statements, the need to be an intelligent person will become obvious. Who do you prefer to communicate with - a person who does not respect the opinions of others, who tries to humiliate the interlocutor, or someone who listens to any point of view, trying to understand the opponent?

How to become an intelligent person?

But since we have decided that intelligence is an innate quality, is it possible to develop it in ourselves? Yes, you can learn to be an intelligent person, but this will require considerable willpower. You can read books as much as you like - fiction and scientific works, memorize figures of speech and use them in your address, but this will not make you an intellectual. In addition to education, it is necessary to learn to think for yourself and respect other people’s opinions, love other people, and treat the world around you with care. And this is not a sectarian sermon, but a necessity; if there were not those who create works of art, who share spiritual warmth with others, our life would be gray and our existence aimless. However, it’s up to you to decide who you should be - rudeness and anger are flourishing nowadays and, it seems, such people have a good life.