"Even if he wants to shoot the whole world... I will stand behind him... and silently hand over bullets."...(question inside) and received the best answer

Answer from Rain Wives[guru]

Hitler first saw Eva Braun in 1929, when she was only 17 years old in a photo studio.
Eva received her religious education in monasteries educational institutions and then I had not kissed any man yet. She worked part-time in a photo studio for a living. As Eva herself said, Hitler drew attention to her slender legs.

Eva liked Hitler's manners, she did everything to please the Fuhrer. Eve being short(164 cm) wore high heels, tried to make her breasts more full, and used expensive cosmetics. By 1930, Hitler began to pay more and more attention to her.
They learned about each other, and Eva even had to change her usual way of life. She quits playing sports, stops sunbathing, and gives up her favorite French perfume, which Hitler did not like.

During the development of the relationship between Hitler and Eva Braun, Adolf was seriously infatuated with his niece Geli Raubal, who overshadowed Eva. Both women were jealous of each other towards Hitler.
After Geli's death, Raubal Eva Braun realizes that Geli meant a lot to Hitler and changes her lifestyle again. She dresses like her niece, adopts her habits, changes her hairstyle and even her gait.

In early 1932, Eva becomes Adolf Hitler's mistress, but Hitler is constantly surrounded by others beautiful women. Eva is very jealous and at the end of 1932 she decides to commit suicide.
In her parents' room, she shoots herself in the heart, but the bullet misses her. Doctors save Eva. Hitler becomes even more attached to Eva. For him, she becomes an example of a woman of his type, his ideal.

A week after Hitler came to power, he gives her a very expensive tourmaline set, consisting of a bracelet, earrings and a ring, for her coming of age. Eva loved these jewelry very much and wore them on the day of her joint suicide with Hitler.

When Soviet artillery and aviation unleashed their might on Berlin, and senior officers of the Third Reich fled the capital in panic, Eva Braun specially arrived at the bunker to die with her loved one. The day before her suicide, Eva Braun becomes Frau Hitler - the Fuhrer's legal wife. Witnesses to this marriage are Bormann and Goebbels.

The marriage of Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun lasted only 40 hours. On April 29, 1945, Eva Hitler, who was not yet 35 years old, wearing a black silk dress and jewelry, took a capsule of potassium cyanide. Hitler himself shot himself in the mouth. According to the current version, the bodies of the couple were doused with gasoline and set on fire.
Eva Hitler (Brown) became the last lover and only wife of Adolf Hitler.

Reply from ERDETREU[guru]
A certain woman.

Reply from Maksimov Igor[guru]
If a person is busy with such an important matter, he cannot be distracted.

Reply from Sea mystery - the whisper of waves...[guru]
Good night!. .
This phrase is attributed to Eva Braun... the wife of Adolf Hitler. .
Well, they talked, wrote, and showed SO much about them on TV.. that it makes no sense to repeat.. and I don’t want to..

Reply from Yovetlana[guru]
I heard from Porokhovshchikov that he was talking about his wife. When asked why he didn’t get married earlier. he quoted these words from his wife.

Reply from Vladimir Pobol[guru]
A good question for the month of May... I think she fell in love with the wrong person...
HITLER Women and children fled and hid in the deep forest... But they were overtaken at dawn by Hitler's soldiers on horseback. Samuel Marshak ROUNDUP
Hitler Proud Hitler of last year Looks from the dusty canvas, Suddenly today He opened his lips. Samuel Marshak ABOUT HOW HITLER LAST YEAR SAW HITLER TODAY
HITLER A little more history: He will have a longer sentence than the terrible battles for Berlin, But still we all remember how European businessmen, Great and very cunning, gave the Czechs to slaughter, With one single dream, So that Hitler would move to the East.. .Valery Gorban MY PERSONAL ANSWER TO BERNARD BOTHA Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov called “blasphemous” the statement of the Dutch Foreign Minister Bernard Botha, who demanded an explanation from the Russian side in connection with the hostage-taking in Beslan.
Hitler What do you call him? - it’s hard for me to remember this name right away: Doodler, Tutler, Tytler... Humbly bowing down before him - the Ruler of the country, from where the cries of widows and the cries of orphans rush to the sky - British nobles ask: “Are you going to all of Poland, sir, Or to any of the outskirts? " * Samuel Marshak NEW YEAR'S SPEECH IN PARLIAMENT DECEMBER 31, 1938 * (The lines in quotation marks are from Shakespeare's tragedy
HITLER unexpectedly received a large sum of money, Hitler had WHITE ACNE, but he did not give it to people and soon lost the war and shot himself. Princess Diana had WHITE ACNE, but she did not give it to people and soon died in a car accident. One girl had WHITE ACNE, she gave it to people. and soon unexpectedly successfully married a millionaire, Ceausescu developed WHITE ACNE, but he did not pass it on to people and was soon overthrown and shot along with his wife Alexander Roitburd 1999 Skin care 2. WHITE ACNE
Hitler And in thirty-three, Hitler became the master of the Reichstag (And every student is familiar with this event). And the congressmen gathered and, full of courage, decided to unanimously abolish the “prohibition” law in the country. It is clear to the baby that in the USA the law is a great force. When the Amendment is passed, then so be it. And the twenty-first article “dry” was abolished, So that America could drink no worse than others. Mikhail Migenov
Hitler Ah, Hitler, Hitler! What did he do to you... We are all forever perverted by each other, by an English park or a Russian meadow, by an involuntary gaze turned along. Polina Barskova From the book “Race of the Disdainful” 1993 PINK PAJAMAS Marilyn Monroe
Hitler is pregnant with Auschwitz, but Hitler is not Hitler yet, snotty, pink-cheeked Schickelgruber still doesn’t know anything, soldiers in smart uniforms are dying at full height, exactly like the archers of the pharaohs! nineteenth rosy-cheeked sentimental Europe truly prays to God and is surprised even by matches... Nikolai Kurilko Khreshchatyk, 10

"Even if he wants to shoot the whole world... I will stand behind him... and silently hand over cartridges"... the question is inside

  1. I'm with him forever. I'm his wife
    Reliable rear in any bad weather.
    His love for me is the price
    For the sake of which I go into fire and water!
    And if suddenly such a day comes,
    When he decides to destroy the bastions,
    I will stand quietly behind you.
    And silently hand him the cartridges!)))) This is a classic, and Eva has nothing to do with it...
  2. is this Breivik? that is, his wife
  3. Good night!. .
    This phrase is attributed to Eva Braun... the wife of Adolf Hitler. .
    Well, they talked, wrote, and showed SO much about them on TV.. that it makes no sense to repeat.. and I don’t want to..
  4. A certain woman.
  5. I heard from Porokhovshchikov that he was talking about his wife. When asked why he didn’t get married earlier. he quoted these words from his wife.
  6. This was said by the wife of Alexander Porokhovshchikov...
  7. exactly
    If a person is busy with such an important matter, he cannot be distracted.
  8. Hitler first saw Eva Braun in 1929, when she was only 17 years old in a photo studio.
    Eva received a religious education in monastic educational institutions and then did not kiss any man. She worked part-time in a photo studio for a living. As Eva herself said, Hitler drew attention to her slender legs.

    Eva liked Hitler's manners, she did everything to please the Fuhrer. Eva, being short (164 cm), wore high heels, tried to give her breasts more fullness, and used expensive cosmetics. By 1930, Hitler began to pay more and more attention to her.

    They learned about each other, and Eva even had to change her usual way of life. She quits playing sports, stops sunbathing, and gives up her favorite French perfume, which Hitler did not like.

    During the development of the relationship between Hitler and Eva Braun, Adolf was seriously infatuated with his niece Geli Raubal, who overshadowed Eva. Both women were jealous of each other towards Hitler.

    After Geli's death, Raubal Eva Braun realizes that Geli meant a lot to Hitler and changes her lifestyle again. She dresses like her niece, adopts her habits, changes her hairstyle and even her gait.

    In early 1932, Eva becomes Adolf Hitler's mistress, but Hitler is constantly surrounded by other beautiful women. Eva is very jealous and at the end of 1932 she decides to commit suicide.

    In her parents' room, she shoots herself in the heart, but the bullet misses her. Doctors save Eva. Hitler becomes even more attached to Eva. For him, she becomes an example of a woman of his type, his ideal.

    A week after Hitler came to power, he gives her a very expensive tourmaline set, consisting of a bracelet, earrings and a ring, for her coming of age. Eva loved these jewelry very much and wore them on the day of her joint suicide with Hitler.

    When Soviet artillery and aviation unleashed their might on Berlin, and senior officers of the Third Reich fled the capital in panic, Eva Braun specially arrived at the bunker to die with her loved one. The day before her suicide, Eva Braun becomes Frau Hitler the Fuhrer's legal wife. Witnesses to this marriage are Bormann and Goebbels.

    The marriage of Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun lasted only 40 hours. On April 29, 1945, Eva Hitler, who was not yet 35 years old, wearing a black silk dress and jewelry, took a capsule of potassium cyanide. Hitler himself shot himself in the mouth. According to the current version, the bodies of the couple were doused with gasoline and set on fire.

    Eva Hitler (Brown) became the last lover and only wife of Adolf Hitler.

  9. A good question for the month of May... I think she fell in love with the wrong person...

    HITLER Women and children fled and hid in the deep forest... But they were overtaken at dawn by Hitler's soldiers on horseback. Samuel Marshak ROUNDUP

    Hitler Proud Hitler of last year Looks from the dusty canvas, Suddenly today He opened his lips. Samuel Marshak ABOUT HOW HITLER LAST YEAR SAW HITLER TODAY

    HITLER A little more history: He will have a longer sentence than the terrible battles for Berlin, But still we all remember how European businessmen, Great and very cunning, gave the Czechs to slaughter, With one single dream, So that Hitler would move to the East.. .Valery Gorban MY PERSONAL ANSWER TO BERNARD BOTHA Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov called “blasphemous” the statement of the Dutch Foreign Minister Bernard Botha, who demanded an explanation from the Russian side in connection with the hostage-taking in Beslan.

    Hitler What do you call him? - it’s hard for me to remember this name right away: Doodler, Tutler, Tytler... Humbly bowing down before him - the Ruler of the country, from where the cries of widows and the cries of orphans rush to the sky - British nobles ask: “Are you going to all of Poland, sir, Or to any of the outskirts? " * Samuel Marshak NEW YEAR'S SPEECH IN PARLIAMENT DECEMBER 31, 1938 * (The lines in quotation marks are from Shakespeare's tragedy

    HITLER unexpectedly received a large sum of money, Hitler had WHITE ACNE, but he did not give it to people and soon lost the war and shot himself. Princess Diana had WHITE ACNE, but she did not give it to people and soon died in a car accident. One girl had WHITE ACNE, she gave it to people. and soon unexpectedly successfully married a millionaire, Ceausescu developed WHITE ACNE, but he did not pass it on to people and was soon overthrown and shot along with his wife Alexander Roitburd 1999 Skin care 2. WHITE ACNE

    Hitler And in thirty-three, Hitler became the master of the Reichstag (And every student is familiar with this event). And the congressmen gathered and, full of courage, decided to unanimously abolish the “prohibition” law in the country. It is clear to the baby that in the USA the law is a great force. When the Amendment is passed, then so be it. And the twenty-first article “dry” was abolished, So that America could drink no worse than others. Mikhail Migenov

    Hitler Ah, Hitler, Hitler! What did he do to you... We are all forever perverted by each other, by an English park or a Russian meadow, by an involuntary gaze turned along. Polina Barskova From the book Race of the Disgusted 1993 PINK PAJAMAS Marilyn Monroe

    Hitler is pregnant with Auschwitz, but Hitler is not yet Hitler, snotty, pink-cheeked Schickelgruber still doesn’t know anything, soldiers in smart uniforms are dying at full height, exactly like the archers of the pharaohs! nineteenth rosy-cheeked sentimental Europe truly prays to God and is surprised even by matches Nikolai Kurilko Khreshchatyk, 10

I look out the window... The dry air lazily ruffles my hair, the endless deep sky opens up its expanses and draws my gaze into the unattainable depths of its obscurity. The trees below me are barely audible, singing and whispering. I am like a bird looking at them from above... without arrogance, without a sense of superiority, with endless love that can dissolve any negativity.
I am beyond time, beyond space, beyond age, beyond experience. There is only now. And this moment is beautiful. It is endless, limitless, vast.
This world has become the same again, as it was before, as it has always been. He didn't disappear, didn't change. There was simply no light that could pull him out of the darkness that had captured me for many months. You appeared so unexpectedly! You are the light that illuminated the dark corners of my soul and dissolved my grievances and fears, pulled out a frightened child from under the bed and painted the world in those bright variegated colors that have not brought joy to this child’s soul for so long. Sunbeams shone around again, flowers bloomed and birds began to sing. You took me by the hand and led me back into the world I lived in.
This cannot be described or explained by anything! The feeling of flight and euphoria that you experience from any fleeting thought about you. You feel it from any of your touch, from your proximity, from your warmth and breath.
I want to kiss every trembling leaf on the trees stretching below me, shout to the whole world that there is happiness!!!
Yes, it was worth earning it! And all previous events in life faded away, leaving no trace either in the heart or in the soul. There is only boundless love and gratitude to this world, which gave you, and opened the way for us to meet each other. So boundless and bright that without a drop or a shadow of regret you look after your turned away “friends”, you feel like a part of this world and God. Not a cog in the machine, but a piece. A piece of a reunited whole, indivisible. And it is impossible to understand where your essence ends and your soulmate begins. Where your sigh is followed by his exhale. Everything fell into place. Life is just beginning. With you, every second of this life turns into eternity. And therefore we are immortal. I live as long as you exist, as long as you are near. You became my guide to this world, real, genuine, bright, happy! We were in a dream. Thank you for waking me up. Everything that happened before you was just a disturbing dream.
Thank you for being there! Thank you for teaching me what reciprocity is! Thank you for letting me know true love!

"Love is just as different from daily life, like singing - to everyday speech." Now I know!

“If he acts like he doesn't care, he really doesn't care.”
“If a guy wants to meet you, believe me, he will”
“If he wants to be with you, he will be with you” Everything else... just excuses, having heard which, you need to boldly leave... after all, if he wants to return, he will return...

The conversation was about billiards and beer :)
xxx: but who knows if mine will want it)
YYY: If he doesn’t want to, let him sit at home!)))
YYY: There, she cooks food there, does laundry)))) SHE IS A WOMAN AFTER ALL!))))))And you are the breadwinner!))))
Do you like billiards? :)
XXX: Idk, you can go for a ride.
XXX: Yeah, if I tell her that, she’s like a mouse with a tail to me
XXX: the egg will blow to hell

Winter 42 years. A German detachment in the forest covered a small group of partisans.
The first one is brought in for questioning before the major.
- Did he have a weapon?
- Was.
- Shoot like a partisan!
They bring the second one.
- Were there weapons?
- Was!
- Shoot like a partisan!
Then the door swings open and the Germans drag in the captured bear.
- Herr Major, what should we do about this?
- Did he have a weapon?
- No.
- Shoot him like a Jew!

Monya and Dodik meet on Deribasovskaya.
- What's new?
- I'm getting married.
- On whom?
- You don't know her.
- Oh, Monya, I beg you, I still know all the Jewish girls
Primorsky district.
- But she's not Jewish.
- What are you saying, why marry a shiksa?
- Judge for yourself: if I marry a Jewish woman, she will immediately want mink coat,
a Jaguar car and a trip to the most expensive resort.
“Won’t shiksa want it?”
- Surely he will, but who cares - what does the shiksa want?

>> >> Hi, my name is Nikita, I'm 7 years old, and I died. If you don’t send this letter to 15 people within 10 minutes, this evening I will stand on your bed with a knife and then kill you... something good will happen to you at 24:00 if you send this letter to all 15 people , one person will call and say that he loves you. You have no right to interrupt the chain. You can't go back. I understand that this is nonsense, but I don’t want to risk it.
[=EARL= 14:24:06]
<< Меня зовут Сергей,мне 15 лет. Еще раз пришлешь херню я буду сеня вечером стоять у твоей кровати с хуем наголо и выебу анально. Передай это всем. Обратно нельзя. Знай что выебу и не рискуй
And if you send it to everyone, I won’t fuck you, I’ll shit on the pillow

xxx: that’s it, I’ll stand against the wall and correct my posture
yyy: it’s better to tape plywood to your back with bandages;) you’ll be super straight)
xxx: and the pharmacy has a special one. Vignyushki, you put them on and your back is straight, but you can’t last more than a couple of hours, everything hurts...
uuu: that’s why in Rus' they used intramuscular medicine for this
xxx: ????
yyy: count