Nature gives man the opportunity to use the benefits it produces. Therefore, people live quite comfortably and have everything they need. After all, water, salt, metals, fuel, electricity and much more - everything is created naturally and is subsequently transformed into the form necessary for humans.

The same applies to natural products such as minerals. These numerous diverse crystal structures are important raw materials for a huge variety of industrial processes in human economic activity. Therefore, let’s look at what types of minerals there are and what these compounds generally are.

Minerals: general characteristics

In the generally accepted sense in mineralogy, the term “mineral” is understood as a solid body consisting of chemical elements and possessing a number of individual physicochemical properties. In addition, it should be formed only naturally, under the influence of certain natural processes.

Minerals can be formed from both simple substances (native) and complex ones. The ways of their formation are also different. There are such processes that contribute to their formation:

Large aggregates of minerals collected into single systems are called rocks. Therefore, these two concepts should not be confused. Rock minerals are extracted by crushing and processing entire pieces of rock.

The chemical composition of the compounds in question may be different and contain a large number of different impurity substances. However, there is always one main thing that dominates the lineup. Therefore, it is this that is decisive, and impurities are not taken into account.

The structure of minerals

The structure of minerals is crystalline. There are several options for gratings with which it can be represented:

  • cubic;
  • hexagonal;
  • rhombic;
  • tetragonal;
  • monoclinic;
  • trigonal;
  • triclinic.

These compounds are classified according to the chemical composition of the determining substance.

Types of minerals

The following classification can be given, which reflects the main part of the composition of the mineral.

In addition to the above-mentioned groups, there are also organic compounds that form entire natural deposits. For example, peat, coal, urkite, calcium and iron oxolates and others. As well as several carbides, silicides, phosphides, and nitrides.

Native elements

These are minerals (photos can be seen below) that are formed by simple substances. For example:

Often these substances occur in the form of large aggregates with other minerals, pieces of rock and ores. Extraction and their use in industry are important for humans. They are the basis, the raw material for obtaining materials from which a variety of household items, structures, decorations, appliances, etc. are subsequently made.

Phosphates, arsenates, vanadates

This group includes rocks and minerals that are predominantly exogenous in origin, that is, found in the outer layers of the earth’s crust. Only phosphates are formed inside. There are actually quite a lot of salts of phosphoric, arsenic and vanadic acids. However, if we consider the overall picture, then in general their percentage in the bark is small.

There are several of the most common crystals that belong to this group:

  • apatite;
  • vivianite;
  • lindakerite;
  • rosenite;
  • carnotite;
  • Pascoite.

As already noted, these minerals form rocks of quite impressive size.

Oxides and hydroxides

This group of minerals includes all oxides, both simple and complex, which are formed by metals, nonmetals, intermetallic compounds and transition elements. The total percentage of these substances in the earth's crust is 5%. The only exception, which relates to silicates and not to the group under consideration, is silicon oxide SiO 2 with all its varieties.

You can give a huge number of examples of such minerals, but we will indicate the most common:

  1. Granite.
  2. Magnetite.
  3. Hematite.
  4. Ilmenite.
  5. Columbite.
  6. Spinel.
  7. Lime.
  8. Gibbsite.
  9. Romaneshit.
  10. Holfertitis.
  11. Corundum (ruby, sapphire).
  12. Bauxite.


This class of minerals includes a fairly wide variety of representatives, which also have important practical significance for humans. So, there are the following subclasses or groups:

  • calcite;
  • dolomite;
  • aragonite;
  • malachite;
  • soda minerals;
  • bastnäsite.

Each subclass includes from several units to dozens of representatives. In total there are about one hundred different mineral carbonates. The most common of them:

  • marble;
  • limestone;
  • malachite;
  • apatite;
  • siderite;
  • Smithsonite;
  • magnesite;
  • carbonatite and others.

Some are valued as a very common and important building material, others are used to create jewelry, and others are used in technology. However, all are important and are being mined very actively.


The most diverse group of minerals in terms of external forms and number of representatives. This variation is due to the fact that silicon atoms, which form the basis of their chemical structure, are capable of combining into different types of structures, coordinating several oxygen atoms around themselves. Thus, the following types of structures can be formed:

  • island;
  • chain;
  • tape;
  • leafy.

These minerals, photos of which can be seen in the article, are known to everyone. At least some of them. After all, these include the following:

  • topaz;
  • pomegranate;
  • chrysoprase;
  • rhinestone;
  • opal;
  • chalcedony and others.

They are used in jewelry and are valued as durable structures for use in technology.

We can also give examples of minerals, the names of which are not so well known to ordinary people not associated with mineralogy, but nevertheless they are very important in industry:

  1. Datonite.
  2. Olivine.
  3. Murmanite.
  4. Chrysocol.
  5. Eudialyte.
  6. Beryl.

Jewelry semi-precious stones are minerals that are widespread, but not included in the category of expensive gems. For a long time, they have been one of the most popular inserts in various jewelry. In addition to a presentable appearance and a wide selection of shades and textures, they are affordable and accessible to buyers with any budget. In our article we will talk about the best and most popular. You will learn about the properties and which options are considered the most preferable for wearing in the form of amulets, which varieties should be chosen for a particular zodiac sign.

What is a semi-precious stone

It's difficult to say for sure. As a rule, when searching for an answer, you can find several interpretations and classifications:

  • Semi-precious minerals include minerals that are often found in nature and are distinguished by a variety of colors, so their cost is somewhat lower than other rarer specimens.
  • This is a material that is widely used in the jewelry industry for making jewelry.
  • The Mohs hardness scale also plays a role in the definition, the rating on which ranges from 1 to 10. The denser and harder the crystal, the more precious and expensive it is. Diamond, for example, has the highest density - 10.

Interestingly, the Russian law “On Precious Metals and Precious Stones” states that only blue sapphire, emerald, diamond, ruby, alexandrite and natural pearls are considered rare, therefore, the others are semi-precious gems.

List of names of semi-precious stones in alphabetical order

There are many varieties in the world, which are classified according to quality, structure, composition and color. You can find their descriptions in catalogs and reference books. The most widely used in the jewelry industry are:

corundumlapis lazuli

Red shades

They symbolize the element of fire, kindle desire, awaken desire, will, and speak of a creative personality. This color was usually a sign of power, characteristic of emperors, and accompanied kings at all times, decorating crowns, rings and attributes. Each jewelry representative of the red color has its own purpose, and one of the most prominent representatives is considered to be:

  • Garnet is a special stone. This is a mineral of passion, love, ardent feelings. It gives confidence, raises self-esteem, and is suitable as a talisman for creative, creative-minded people. There are several varieties of it. Commonly used are pyrope, a blood red variant that fades to dark brown, ridolite, maroon, spessartine and the most incredible and popular cherry red almandine. During the Middle Ages, pomegranate was ground to powder and mixed with water to heal the stomach and restore strength. Most suitable for Sagittarius, Leo and Aries.

"Seeds" of pomegranate

Purple shades

This is a small but one of the most attractive groups of semi-precious stones and minerals of all varieties. Lilac attracts with its mystery, charm and depth of color. It is considered a controversial symbol, as it is the result of a mixture of red and blue. Until recently, all purple tones were called amethysts, until their composition was studied in detail. The most common can be considered:

  • Amethyst is a valuable variety of quartz that has a density of 7 on the Mohs scale. Its color changes depending on the presence of iron in the composition and under the influence of high temperatures. So, having reached 200 degrees, the amethyst fades, but when it cools, the color returns. When heated to 300-500 degrees, it loses color irrevocably. Amethyst can relieve headaches when lying next to the head and from colds if you drink the water in which the stone was kept for a day. It helps with insomnia, nervous breakdowns, depression, promotes memory development, and strengthens feelings. Aquarius, Gemini and Libra feel most comfortable with him. Amethyst will bring neither harm nor benefit to the rest of the zodiac signs, with the exception of Leo and Taurus - it is strictly contraindicated for these two signs. Women are recommended to wear such jewelry on the left, and men on the right.
  • Charoite is a stone of amazing color, combining notes of lilac, lilac, violet, and lavender. Initially, its name was created and intended to “enchant”. This is the only lilac mineral in the world with a pattern in the form of patterns that skillfully cover the entire surface with natural patterns. It has a positive effect on the mental state of the owner, his peace of mind and balance, relieves pain, has a positive effect on the liver, kidneys, pancreas, heart muscle, and improves the condition of a concussion. This is one of the most exotic minerals on the planet, the only deposit of which is located in Yakutia.

Blue shades

Accessories of this color are a sign of good taste and wealth. Blue is rare in nature and therefore highly valued. Every representative of the fair sex wants to have at least one similar set in her box. In our age of modern technology, any stone can be artificially tinted, but only naturally colored nuggets mined from the depths of the earth have meaning and value.

  • Turquoise is one of the most beautiful gems, an opaque mineral that can change colors under the influence of temperature, sunlight and even detergents. For a long time, they tried to determine a person’s condition and determine illnesses by its color. The range of colors ranges from light blue to emerald green. Blueness appears if there is copper in the composition, green motifs - if there are iron particles. This is a multifaceted symbol and a powerful amulet. Helps strengthen the heart, prevents depression, heals the respiratory system and relieves anxiety. Helps you logically organize and express your thoughts. Turquoise is most favorable to Sagittarius Taurus. Representatives of the Virgo and Cancer signs should refrain from purchasing such products.
  • Tanzanite is an expensive stone, the price of which is $300 per 1 carat of polished substance, belonging to the silicate group and characterized by shades from deep purple to sapphire blue. Traditional healers recommend looking at tanzanite to relieve eye strain and ease headaches. They also claim that the stone helps get rid of skin problems and back pain. In addition, it is able to relieve the owner from colds and runny nose. If you constantly wear such products, it will help to reveal and develop unusual abilities. Tanzanite is an ideal gift for spouses on their 24th anniversary and is suitable for any zodiac sign.
  • Lapis lazuli is an opaque mineral, velvety, reminiscent of the blue depths of the sea. Lapis lazuli is recommended for people with hypertension, insomnia, asthma, and constant stress. It is effective for hormonal problems and vascular diseases. Has strong energy. In a silver frame it is suitable for almost all zodiac signs, but the main amulet is for Taurus, Libra, Sagittarius, Capricorn and Virgo.

Yellow shades

Nuggets of a bright yellow spectrum are formed by mixing ferric iron, lithium and sulfur. For a long time they symbolized prosperity and wealth, as they resembled gold in appearance. They say that a yellow amulet will bring good luck and wealth. Yellow is a symbol of the sun; it will lift your spirits, inspire hope and improve the surrounding energy. The most popular today:

  • Citrine is a type of quartz, a solar mineral that brings well-being. Thanks to its color, the mineral got its name. Today it is widely used in the jewelry industry, and in the 19th century, citrine, together with gold, was used to make personal seals that were used to stamp important documents. Citrine is used as an amulet, provides restful sleep and protection from bad thoughts, and relieves nervous conditions. It is best suited for people who are characterized by excitement, as it gives good luck and guides them to the right choice. Citrine is recommended to be worn by women who often travel, engage in medicine or business, as well as Leos, Virgos, Scorpios and Cancers.
  • Carnelian is a type of chalcedony that has a beautiful fibrous structure. Promotes healing of wounds, ulcers, abscesses. When heated, it is applied to sore spots to speed up recovery. It adds positivity, eloquence, mood, attracts luck and prosperity. Most suitable for creative individuals, it charges them with energy to realize their plans. This is a universal mineral, therefore suitable for all zodiac signs except Scorpio.
  • Heliodor is a yellow mineral that resembles a moonbeam. In Greek it is translated as “gift of the sun.” The shade depends on the structure and the presence of other substances in it. For example, iron provides a greenish color. It was first discovered in 1910 in Namibia, and today it is one of the most sought-after materials for jewelry making. Heliodor is mined in all corners of the globe. Products made from it add lightness and lift your spirits. It is recommended for modest and shy individuals. Wearing the mineral every day is not recommended - it leads to indulgence and excessive emancipation, but on weekends or in company it will provide courage and cheerfulness. Has a beneficial effect on the spleen and kidneys. For Leo, it can become a permanent talisman, helping to avoid sorrows and troubles. It relieves Pisces from despondency and depression. He will quickly make any person the life of the party. It is worth noting that Leos are recommended to wear it in a gold frame, and Pisces in a silver one.

Heliodor - "gift of the sun"

Green shades

A color that has always been considered calming. It is a constant symbol of balance and harmony, as it is located right in the center of the color spectrum. The green stone in the talisman normalizes the functioning of the heart, heals mental wounds, protects and can protect against unfavorable life situations, and indicates the beginning of something new. Any swelling of green relaxes and promotes peace of mind:

  • Chrysoprase is a rare stone, a sign of success, wisdom and financial status. Brings good luck to lovers of change and hunters of new products. Strengthens strength and adds endurance. Ideal for Aquarius and Capricorn.
  • Malachite is a mineral that looks like agate; it is called a symbol and guarantee of health; it treats asthma, rheumatism, toothache, and melancholy. If placed in the solar plexus area, it will help get rid of bad emotions. According to traditional healers, it promotes tissue regeneration and has an anti-radiation effect. This is a good and effective amulet against the evil eye, creating emotional harmony in the body. Gives its owner intelligence and cunning. Framed in a gold frame, it ensures success and good luck in business. It attracts negativity, so it needs to be cleaned after every time it is worn.
  • Jade is a silicate of calcium, magnesium and iron that has a silky texture that becomes glassy when polished. It is absolutely neutral and designed for any zodiac sign. A powerful stone that stands in the way of illnesses and damage. At all times, it was worn as a talisman, taken internally, ground to powder, or applied to wounds for healing. Jade balls are used in cosmetology, usually for massage.

Black shades

Colors inherent to lovers of classics and conservatism. They never go out of fashion, look neat, fit any style and different types of toilet. Even in ancient times they said that it had magical and healing properties, so they were used in the creation of amulets, totems and other occult objects. Several inexpensive black stones:

  • Agate is a variety of chalcedony, named after the river of the same name on the island of Sicily. If the stone has a zigzag cut and structure, it is called agate, and if it has a parallel pattern, it is called onyx. This is a talisman that puts thoughts in order, protects against evil, and is a symbol of longevity. Suitable for Taurus, Cancer, Aquarius and Libra, it gives boundless happiness to these signs.
  • Onyx is a talisman mineral. It protects against the evil eye and evil spells, helps to avoid infidelity on the part of loved ones. Jewelry with its inserts makes laziness and melancholy recede. It is a symbol of steadfastness, durability and stability. Speculators may substitute it with black marble or sell it as agate, so you should be very careful when buying bracelets made from this stone to avoid fakes.
  • Hematite is a spectrum of action aimed at lowering blood pressure and reducing the problems and consequences of heart disease. It looks like a well-processed magnet, and therefore looks great in combination with silver.
  • Obsidian is considered a volcanic rock. This is a gem that emits a glow at a certain angle. This is one of the oldest minerals, so its purpose and properties are described a lot in the literature. It had the meaning of “Satan’s claw.”

The radiance of sapphires and agates attracts you with their brilliance, and the mysterious onyxes and aquamarines, fraught with magical power, entice you to learn everything about them... Here you can see the true beauty of stones, choose the one that suits your horoscope, magical power and beauty.

Stones, small or large, colored or transparent, precious and semi-precious, have always attracted people. Since ancient times, almost all peoples, even in Ancient Egypt and wild Indian tribes in America, have been customary to decorate clothes, hair and homes with beautiful stones. After all, people believed that the stone, as one of the five elements of power, harbors a soul. It has its own strength, natural energy.

A scattering of shining stars

Such beautiful and such different semi-precious stones! A list and description of them can take many pages. In this article we will tell you about the best and most common ones. You will learn which stones are most suitable for health, in the form of amulets or simply as beautiful accessories. We will also present you with a list of semi-precious stones in alphabetical order.

ABC of stones

List of precious and semi-precious stones in alphabetical order:

  • aventurine, azurite, aquamarine, amethyst;
  • turquoise, beryl;
  • vesuvian, variscide;
  • jet, rock crystal, garnet;
  • jadeite, pearls, jade;
  • serpentine, zonochlorite;
  • quartz, corundum, cat's eye;
  • lapis lazuli;
  • malachite, makaite;
  • jade, nepheline;
  • obsidian, opal, onyx;
  • rhodonite, rauchtopaz;
  • sardonyx, carnelian;
  • topaz, tiger's eye, tourmaline;
  • chalcedony, chrysoberyl, chrysolite;
  • citrine, zircon;
  • amber, jasper.

A little about astrology

When choosing the right stone, it is very important to consider its energetic compatibility with your horoscope. Some of them are suitable only for certain zodiac signs, while others can cause harm with their unfavorable influence, enhancing the negative traits of their character. It is also important to consider which element you belong to.

Precious and semi-precious stones. Liststones,matching your zodiac sign

Diamond, cubic zirconia, citrine, sapphire

Agate, turquoise, emerald


Beryl, alexandrite, topaz, heliodor

Pearl, moonstone, chrysoberyl

Amber, topaz, peridot, sapphire

Malachite, aventurine, carnelian, garnet

Tourmaline, diamond, amethyst, opal


Garnet, aquamarine, alexandrite, beryl

Chalcedony, onyx, pyrite, yellow topaz

Serpentine, obsidian, sardonyx

Amethyst, zircon, jasper, tourmaline

Mother of pearl, aquamarine, pearls, chrysoprase

Healing Power

Each stone is not only a beautiful decoration, it also influences the fate of its owner, and can also have a beneficial effect on his physical health. We present to you a list of semi-precious stones capable of healing.

  1. Jet. Smooth with a bright shine. It is a type of coal. According to one legend, it belonged to the goddess of the earth - the Great Mother. Considered a stone of fertility and feminine energy. Helps with gynecological diseases and infertility. Makes childbirth easier.
  2. Aventurine. It has a golden shine and a smooth matte surface, and can be of different colors. In this case, yellow and green are most common. It is especially revered in China, where it is called the imperial stone. Protects from the evil eye and attracts wealth. It has a good effect on development and growth, so it is ideal for children.
  3. Rhinestone. As if petrified, frozen ice, this stone amazes with its purity. Forms in the form of crystals on mountain peaks. The peoples of Tibet used the stone to heal wounds and abrasions. It is believed that it gives the owner the gift of clairvoyance. Particularly revered in China and Tibet. It enhances and is used during meditation as a guide to the world of the dead.
  4. Jasper. It has a smooth matte surface with a golden sheen. May be of different colors. It has a beneficial effect on brain activity, improves memory, and relieves headaches. It helps well during important meetings, calms you down and increases concentration. Accelerate the healing of injuries
  5. Pomegranate. Usually red in color, translucent, similar to pomegranate seeds, which is why it got its name. But other colors may also occur. Improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system and lungs. Is a talisman of love. It is often given to one's significant other and is believed to seal hearts forever. It is also recommended for creative people. Helps artists, writers, and musicians with their work.

Amulets and amulets

Since ancient times, people who bore the title of sorcerers, magicians, shamans, druids and even alchemists have used the unusual, magical power of stones. They hung themselves to protect themselves from evil spells. Semi-precious stones were also used in rituals. The list of their magical properties was huge. Starting from protection and healing, ending with damage and curses.

List of semi-precious stones with magical properties. The best amulets stones

  1. Aquamarine. Transparent and similar to blue ice, this crystal stone has always been considered the patron of the deep sea. It was worn by sailors as a talisman. Able to change color in response to human energy. It was believed that it saves from poisoning and assassination attempts, protecting its owner. It also has the ability to resolve conflict situations; it can be seen in people involved in judicial issues and jurisprudence. Crystal stone of truth and purity.
  2. Beryl. The transparent stone is light green in color, but varieties of other shades can be found. Due to its strong energy, it was used as a basis in the manufacture of magical devices and church utensils. It is considered the best stone as a talisman or for making a magical talisman. Helps improve metabolism and strengthen immunity.
  3. Hematite. Has unique chemical properties. Due to the fact that when processed it turns the water scarlet, it received the nickname bloody. It is considered a source of power, and therefore is actively used by magicians and sorcerers in rituals. Usually has a black-metallic color. Often worn by kings as a talisman against dark forces. It is best to set it in silver. It is believed to help with any diseases of the internal organs. Improves blood circulation and heals cardiovascular diseases

On the use of stone talismans

Many people believe that the talisman brings them good luck. Accompanies a favorable outcome in business. It could be a love talisman that you give to your loved one, thus connecting your souls; can be a talisman for wealth, bringing good luck in transactions and increasing the chance of winning the lottery. In any case, it is difficult to choose a better thing as a talisman than a stone. For it to bring you happiness, you need to choose it correctly. It is best to do this in accordance with the astrological horoscope. After purchasing, you need to wash off the foreign energy from the stone, leaving it overnight in holy water. The next morning, do not forget to meditate, charging the stone with your energy.

Beauty is more valuable than gold

Indeed, many people prefer ordinary beads and bracelets made of semi-precious stones to gold jewelry. It looks so amazing that it can completely outshine the shine of gold and diamonds.

The most beautiful semi-precious stones (list with photos). Top 5

All the colors of the rainbow

What's your favorite color? Choose your jewelry to match the color of your outfit! We present you precious and semi-precious stones, the list of which is divided by color.

They are so different - opals, rubies and onyxes. But no matter which one you choose, remember: all semi-precious stones have power. The list and name of each, as well as a description of their properties, can be found in special books on gemology - the science of the study of precious and semi-precious stones.

The year of the Yellow Earthen Pig or Boar 2019 begins on February 5, 2019. The color of the Boar and Pig is considered red - therefore, red (the mascot of the Boar and Pig), black (like the black soils of Ukraine, the CIS), brown and golden will be popular as mascots for 2019 (like the color of the earth) and green stones (Boar and Pig live in the forest in greenery). The year of expensive and valuable stones - red ruby, yellow sapphire, red-brown zircon, green emerald and jade like the stone of the Chinese emperors, stones the color of lard and bacon. Pig's working methods are hard work and caution, secrecy and perseverance as a means of achieving progress, the year of money. Boar and Pig are animal symbols of Ukraine and the CIS. The Year of the Yellow Earthen Pig or Boar 2019 is the year of valuable stones, Burshtin amber, Volyn polychrome and wine topazes, jaspilites as a black-red symbol of the earth, pyrites and pyrrhotite in morion, golden agates, green and brownish-golden opals, rauhquartz and morion , pegmatites of Volyn, stones in the rock, etc. Talismans of 2019 - trees of happiness made of stones for contemplation, a year of meditation. The final year of 12 animal symbols according to the Eastern calendar and is similar to the previous year of the Earth Dog.

The year of the White Mouse and Rat and as a symbol of the year Metal begins on January 25, 2020 and symbolizes the new cycle of the eastern new year, a symbol of renewal and change. Accumulating treasures and money is a feature of 2020. A year of hard work, dedicated and a little pedantic work. A year of fun and balance, working on the land. Treasures and a symbol of finding stones and minerals, which in 2020 have an extraordinary design and unusual natural coloring. A year in which you cannot deny yourself anything and prepare for it in advance. Extraordinary and rare stones and minerals. Also the year of metal products and stones and minerals similar to metal - labradorite, adularia moonstone, kyanite, sapphire, citrine, hairy quartz, hematite, red and hematite jasper and jaspilite, pyrite, druse stones and minerals, gray and golden similar for metal agates, golden and reddish carnelians and sarders, milky white agates like silver, milky quartz, bluish stones and minerals, non-toxic metal ores. Minerals that are popular this year are grainy and grain-like, which mice love. The green and golden-green color of the stone will remain popular - meadows and fields where mice and rats like to live.

Animal talisman 2019, animal symbols - eastern year of the Yellow Earthen Pig and Boar

» Crystals, stones, minerals
» Balls, crystals, pyramids
» Candlesticks and souvenirs
» Mammoth ivory products
» Figurines - bronze on stone
» Pendants and earrings
» Pendants - leather stones
» Beads and necklace - stone
» Bracelets made of stones
» Handmade rosary
» Earrings, necklaces, pendants
» "Dreamcatcher", souvenirs
» Leather bags, RPG products
» Jade massagers hematite
» Headings, product types
Chainmail weaving from rings :: Handmade chain :: August 15, 2019

On the site there are designer metal jewelry made for the Year of the White Mouse, metal for 2020 and for any year. Chainmail weaving as a new series of products and innovation, handmade and there are products with natural stones. The most complex Byzantine weaving prestige vertical bracelet is presented, natural garnet is woven into 6 beads of purple almandine garnet with a rare asterism effect and shines in the light. There are also other handmade products, practical chainmail weaving from different types of metal rings. The most prestigious and rare exclusive type of chain weaving. The price of the master's products is affordable.

The world's largest stones (unofficial)

On July 9, 2001, the largest single piece of emerald ever found was discovered in Brazil (South America). The stone was called the "Bahia Emerald". Its weight is about 380 kilograms (1.9 million carats). Now the price of the stone is 900 million dollars. Consultation with specialists from the Russian Federation (CIS), Ural is required.

In July 1992, the largest jadeite (similar to jade) was discovered in Canada (North America) by a man named Max Rosequist. He found a single jade lens weighing 577 tons. Now the stone is in the Yukon Zhad company. Stone processing is carried out by the stone-cutting industry of China (Asia).

The world's largest amber (fossil tree resin) was found in Myanmar (formerly Burma, an area of ​​China and Tibet in southeast Asia). The stone was called "Burmese amber". Its weight is 15.25 kilograms. The stone is in the Natural History Museum in London, Britain (EU). Plots of Hollywood films starring Van Damme. Competence of the Baltic States (CIS).

In the 80s of the 20th century, the largest topaz (gemstone) was discovered in Brazil (South America). Unprocessed, the stone weighed 11 kg. Cutting the topaz took more than two years. As a result, the jeweler got a gemstone with 172 facets with almost flawless transparency, shimmering light brown. Now the stone is called "American Gold Topaz" and weighs 4.5785 kg, which is equivalent to 22,892.5 carats. Consultation with specialists is required, Zhytomyr region, western Ukraine (CIS), Volodarsk-Volyn pegmatites.

On May 7, 1934, in the 20th century, on the Philippine island of Palawan (southeast Asia), the largest pearl in the world was discovered by a pearl diver. The Pearl of Lao Tzu, or as it is more commonly called, the Pearl of Allah, weighs 6.37 kilograms and has a length of 24 cm, a width of 14 cm, and a height of 15 cm. Interestingly, the pearl has an uneven shape and is dotted with lines, reminiscent of the human brain. It was formed by a giant bivalve shell, a little more than a meter long. The cost of the pearl is around 40 million dollars. The plot of the famous book "The Hound of the Baskervilles" (a baboon monkey in a British private household) and Jack London's Pacific epic (book). Japan and China also consult.

In July 1989, the largest white opal in the world was found in South Australia (area of ​​the Femiston Open mining and processing complex) (cacholong, special storage conditions - moistened with water). The opal weighs 5.27 kilograms (26,350 carats). South Australia is the region of the best opals and richest kimberlite pipes. The unusual stone was called "Jupiter-5". Consultation with a specialist in meteorites, fireballs and asteroids is required (radio telescope, Kharkov region, Ukraine, CIS). The opal is in the possession of a private person.

In 2005 of the 21st century, the largest tanzanite (blue zoisite, silicates) was found in Tanzania (East Africa, Indian Ocean). It weighed 3.36 kilograms (16,839 carats) and measured 220 mm x 80 mm x 70 mm. The stone was named "Mawenzi", like the second largest peak of the volcanic massif Kilimanjaro (volcano in Tanzania, Africa). This precious transparent stone with blue-violet tints is extremely rare in nature. Reminiscent of alexandrite and amethyst (pleochroism).

In June 1989, the largest sapphire (corundum, aluminum oxide) was found in the mountains of North Carolina (US state, North America). The valuable rare stone weighs 2 kilograms (9,719 carats). The blue star sapphire asterix has been dubbed the "Lone Star". The stone was processed in London, UK (EU) before being collected by Roper. The plot of the film "The Matrix" (gems ​​in the USA, stones are sought through Chile - South America).

The world's largest agate (chalcedony painted in layers and with a pattern, cryptocrystalline silicon oxide - quartz) was found in the oldest city in Germany (EU) Trier in the 4th century AD. e. It is a flat dish with a diameter of 75 cm. Now the stone is kept in the Museum of Art History in the capital of Austria (EU), the city of Vienna.

At the end of 1988, the Niilanjali ruby ​​(red corundum) was discovered, which is the rarest ruby ​​in the world. A double 12-pointed star is visible on the surface of the ruby, which makes it 4 times more expensive than ordinary rubies (rutile inclusions, a double of the ruby ​​crystal). In addition, the weight of the ruby ​​itself is 300 grams (1,370 carats). The stone is currently in the possession of Indian lawyer Vidyaraj. The cost of such a rare ruby ​​is 100 million dollars.

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    Interesting articles about rare stone rosaries
  • Tibet, "Dzi bead" - agate pattern is similar to Dzi images as symbolism
  • Shambhala, "knot of eternity" - rosary and bracelets of Shambhala, Lamaism of Tibet, Kailash
  • Greek komboloi for twirling - an original type of rosary for twirling
  • Christian and Buddhist rosary - Christianity, Buddhism, Islam, flip rosary
  • Muslim rosary, Christianity and other rare types of various rosary
  • Buddhist rosary, Krishnaism - ox bone, cow bone, mother of pearl, pearls
  • Rosaries, a brief overview of rosaries - history and traditions (based on Internet materials)
  • Lava stone, volcano lava, volcanic bombs - fashion, SPA and lithotherapy
  • Rudraksha - seeds of a tree of the Indo-Gangetic plain and the foothills of the Himalayas, rosary
  • Ox and cow bone is a fashionable material for modern jewelry and costume jewelry.
  • Corals and coral reefs - photographs of corals and coral reefs in nature
  • Salt lamps and salt - natural halite, salt therapy and speleotherapy at home
  • UV LED flashlight - flashlight for diagnosing stones, luminescence
  • Buy traditional and Buddhist rosaries - a tool of modern lithotherapy Beryl Verdelite Heliodor Heliotrope Grossular Diopside, chrome diopside Demantoid Jade Cat's eye chrysoberyl Malachite Nephritis
    Seraphinite Serpentine (coil) Uvarovite Chrysolite Chrysoprase Epidote (jasper) Conichalcite (poison)

    Catalog of red and dark pink stones

    Cinnabar (poison) Corals Pyrope (garnet) Ruby (corundum)
    Rubellite Tourmaline Spinel Eudialyte (!!)

    Catalog of blue and dark blue stones

    Agate Azurite Aquamarine Apatite
    Turquoise Howlite, Kaulite Dumortierite Lapis lazuli
    Sapphire Sodalite Topaz Celestine (poison + radiation)

    Catalog of popular quartz group stones

    Catalog of original stones and minerals

    Halite (poison!!) Morion Pyrite Staurolite

    Properties of stones and minerals - catalog of stones

    1. Diamond ***
    2. Demantoid **
    3. Emerald **
    1. Ulexit * *
    2. Chrysoprase **
    Ornamental: organic:
    1. Jet (coal) * *
    1. Flint * *
    2. Morion **
    3. Orthoclase, microcline **
    4. Pegmatite **
    5. Pyrite * *
    1. Simbirtsit **
    2. Shungite * *
    1. Cinnabar **
    2. Conichalcite **
    3. Celestine * *

    Very similar stones and "cheater" stones

    Stones by typical color

    red pink orange yellow
    1. Pyrite * *
    1. Demantoid **
    2. Emerald **
    3. Conichalcite **
    1. Celestine * *
    1. Charoite **
    1. Flint * *
    2. Labrador **
    1. Agate ***
    2. Flint * *
    3. Kunzite **
    4. Onyx marble. **
    1. Jet (coal) * *
    2. Labrador **
    3. Shungite * *
    1. Orthoclase, microcline **
    1. Labrador **
    2. Pegmatite **
    1. Diamond ***
    Website home page
    Zodiacs, horoscopes of stones
    Treatment - lithotherapy
    Magical properties of the stone
    Free download books
    All about precious stones
    Catalog of minerals of the world
    All about popular stones
    » gems
    » semi-precious stones
    » ornamental stones
    » original stones
    Gems deposits
    Selling products
    Pendants, souvenirs
    Products "Opere Plumarii"
    Beads, stone bracelets
    Stones, crystals, samples
    Balls, eggs, pyramids
    Handmade rosary, stones
    Jade, massagers, video
    Bronze figures on stone
    Leather with stones - pendants

    Online store, sale of souvenirs and accessories, friendly website
    » Sale of souvenirs, leather handbags, beads, rosaries, wood and bronze items
    » Belts, handbags, leather, original and rare accessories of modern clothing
    » Bracelets, earrings, rings, "Dreamcatcher", pendants, handmade souvenirs
    » Selling skulls, tails, beadwork, necklaces, handmade cards

    Poisonous and radioactive dangerous stones and minerals

    ** - poisonous stones and minerals (mandatory check in the chemical laboratory+ clear indication of toxicity)
    ** - radioactive stones and minerals (mandatory check on a standard dosimeter+ ban on open sales in case of radioactivity above 24 milliroentgen / hour + additional measures to protect the population)
    ** - stones and minerals, dangerous mechanical damage to the body
    All rare stones are subject to mandatory testing using a standard dosimeter for the permissible level of radiation and in a chemical laboratory for the absence of toxic and volatile components and fragments that are mechanically dangerous to humans and the environment

    1. Arsenolite **
    2. Arsenopyrite **
    3. Orpiment **
    4. Beryl **
    5. Betafit **
    6. Billietite **
    1. Gadolinite **
    2. Halite * *
    3. Carnotite **
    1. Cinnabar **
    2. Otenitis ** ,
      torburnite **
    1. Realgar **
    2. Strontianite * *
    3. Thorianite **
    1. Thorite **
    2. Uraninite **
    3. Celestine * *
    4. Zircon **
    5. Euxenite **
    6. Ashinite **
    • Download article Very dangerous and potentially hazardous stones and minerals in lithotherapy, with photographs, 2010, PDF format, 2.80 MB (Presentation from scientific author K.305 photographs of very dangerous and potentially dangerous natural stones and minerals, which, due to malicious intent or criminal negligence, can be illegally used in criminal and "underground" "lithotherapy".)

    Scientific articles and materials scientific author K.305(Ukraine, Kharkov city) can be officially ordered at the address: st. Cooperative, 13, Kharkov, UA-61003, Ukraine (act. code K.305 2009-2019, Kharkov, Ukraine, passport citizens of Ukraine MM670618, was born on September 18, 1970 and permanently lives in the city of Kharkov, Ukraine, in 1994 she graduated from the MMF KhNU named after. V.N. Karazin, diploma KZ N 002101, Department of Mathematical Physics of the Applied Department of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of KhNU from 1989 to 1994, Ukraine, Kharkov, certificate Р N 586275 on graduation from secondary school No. 9, Kharkov, 1987 - in maiden class. Kanunikova Yu.V. until November 22, 2000, Dzerzhinsky district of Kharkov). I love classic hard rock and heavy metal ().

    In 2009-2019, the Kharkov Ukrainian scientific author K.305 The following publications were published:
    UDC 531.0 BBK 22.311 K.305 part 1"Bessel functions and cylindrical functions in an elementary presentation with calculation programs", 2009, Kharkov
    UDC 531.0 BBK 22.311 K.305"Special functions of mathematical physics", part 3"Modeling of anomalous and extraordinary natural and man-made processes", 2009, Kharkov
    "All about stones and minerals. Magical and healing properties of stones", 2009, Kharkov
    Appendix 1 To UDC 549:291.33 BBK 86.41:26.31 K.305“Contact and non-contact lithotherapy”, 2009-2019, Kharkov (with the author’s 2010 video for the computer)
    Appendix 2 To UDC 549:291.33 BBK 86.41:26.31 K.305"Magnetic therapy and treatment with magnets", 2009-2019, Kharkov (with the author's 2010 video for the computer)
    ISBN 966-7343-29-5 K.305, 1994-1999, Kharkov. Restored in 2010 by the author of K.305, the publication of the author of K.305 “Recurrence relations for solutions of second-order differential equations” (copyright protection of the author’s 1994 MMF thesis K.305, officially carried out personally by the author in 2010 - the seizure of the unauthorized third-party illegitimate "left" BBK code, illegally introduced in 1999)
    Other scientific and popularization materials of the Kharkov scientific author K.305(Ukraine) for the period 2009-2019 and earlier can be ordered in Kharkov Universal Scientific Library at the address: st. Cooperative, 13, Kharkov, UA-61003, Ukraine. The author permanently lives and works in the city of Kharkov (Ukraine).

    Kaftanova Yu. V.
    K.305 All about stones and minerals. Magical and healing properties of stones. Popular science publication. - Kh.: Private Enterprise Publishing House "New Word", 2009. - 264 p. ISBN 978-966-2046-92-2
    Registration of the author of K.305 in the information system ORCID 0000-0003-4306-1738
    Designed not only for mineralogists, but also for a wide range of trained readers.
    2008-2019. Yulia Kaftanova, PO Box 10911, Kharkov, UA-61003, Ukraine, mob. tel. +38 050 0463643

    Download free exercises with magnets, line palettes, 30.0 Mb, UDC 549:291.33 BBK 86.41:26.31 scientific author K.305 Ukraine in the author's K.305 version

    Download free hand exercises, line palettes, 20.4 Mb, UDC 549:291.33 BBK 86.41:26.31 scientific author K.305 Ukraine in the author's K.305 version

    Download exercises with balls for free, line palettes, 16.2 Mb, UDC 549:291.33 BBK 86.41:26.31 scientific author K.305 Ukraine in the author's K.305 version

    Download intimate trainers for free, line palettes, 7.61 Mb, UDC 549:291.33 BBK 86.41:26.31 scientific author K.305 Ukraine in the author's K.305 version

    Contact and non-contact lithotherapy(application)

    Illustrated supplement to the base edition. Pocket format, can be downloaded and printed for personal use, 340 photos, 160 colors. pages.
    Described main types of massagers, massage technique jade massagers, druzes, balls, eggs and crystals, including the author's. History of reflexology and contact lithotherapy. Reflexology. Acupressure with crystals. Druze massage with the effect of Kuznetsov's iplicator. Intimate massage and its features. Treatment with water, magnets, magnetic therapy - typical mistakes and misconceptions. Complexes of therapeutic exercises, including for rehabilitation and prevention. 340 photographs with work diagrams.
    Can be downloaded for a b/w printer, .pdf 25.9 MB or rar-unpacked archive
    RGB color photos, free download book, .pdf 29.8 MB or archive

    Yu.V. Kaftanova. All about stones and minerals
    Magical and healing properties of stones(basic edition)

    In a book written incl. Based on materials from my website about stones and minerals, historical views on the magical properties of the more popular 100 stones are popularly described. Zodiacs. Horoscopes. Briefly about lithotherapy. Methods for refining stones, incl. dangerous. Convenient pocket format, 264 b/w pages.
    The final part is intended for specialists - mineralogists, geologists, physicists, applied mathematicians. Describes in very accessible language with illustrations modern mathematical model of crystal growth traditional and cryptocrystalline forms (crystallography), provides visual illustrations and definitions, and outlines the modern physics of the process.
    I suggest free download book, pdf, 16.9 MB or archive

    Yu.V. Kaftanova. All about stones and minerals
    Magnetic therapy and treatment with magnets(application)

    Illustrated supplement to the base edition. Pocket format, can be downloaded and printed for personal use, 320 photos, 160 colors. pages.
    Set forth exercises and massage techniques with healing magnets and overview of the physics of the magnetic field. It is explained how magnets treat, what extrasensory influences and a magnetic field are - “your own psychic.” Exercises with Health Balls. Magnetic exercise machines and massagers. Briefly about the use of magnets in engineering, about their drilling and patenting. Most typical mistakes and misconceptions archive, 241 MB

    Exhibition and sale of products by Ukrainian craftsmen!!

    Sculptor-jeweler Alexander STEPANENKO
    Master Alexander Stepanenko(Ukraine, Kharkov) has been professionally working in carving mammoth ivory (mammoth bones) since 1974. His works are widely known throughout the CIS. Exclusive jewelry and women's jewelry made from mammoth ivory. Exceptional in beauty, originality and handwriting of the author, netsuke, okimono, figurines and miniatures of elephants, mammoths, various animals and exotic creatures made from mammoth ivory.

    We remind you- almost all natural minerals and crystals have inclusions, cracks and veils; many natural stones are opaque or partially translucent, have unevenness and color defects, natural cracks, inclusions and irregularities in shape. Many stones are valued for their special structure with a reasonable minimum of processing or unique color. This in no way speaks of their “danger” or “unsuitability” for lithotherapy, jewelry or ornamental needs - ONLY radioactive and poisonous stones (especially soluble simulant stones) are very dangerous and unsuitable for use, even if they look visually attractive . Perfect transparency in 99.97% of cases indicates a fake - “ideally” pure and transparent gemstone raw materials are today actively used in industry and production, and small and inexpensive products (rare) can be made from its waste. Glass and composite glass materials are the most common, convenient and objectively inexpensive and practical material for fakes and imitation stones, especially clean and transparent ones or with bright and catchy effects.

    Buy natural or don’t overpay for glass and other synthetic materials that also cost money (malachite, turquoise, cat's eye, aventurine with sparkles, drilled rhinestones made of painted, clear or tinted glass, etc.)!!! All colorless and colored simulants of high-value jewelry raw materials (industrial pure quartz, cubic zirconia, synthetic corundum, garnets, etc.) should be subject to a state monopoly. No drilled-through stones should be used in industrial jewelry—there are effective methods for setting non-drilled-through stones. Complete ban on use All non-drilled through-cut rhinestones and any imitations made of glass, including glass imitations of stones painted in the mass, including those cut (faceted, cabochon and fancy-cut), any complex stones using glass and stones refined using glass, must be subject to , since they are the most favorite weapon of scammers and swindlers.

    Attention - subject to compulsory licensing sale, exchange and other transactions with jewelry and other products made of precious metals from one piece with a production hallmark and industrial hallmark from one piece and above (except for the purchase by private individuals as end consumers of products in any quantity for personal use). All jewelry must be officially sealed with a sealer with a label attached ONLY on test wire(threads, fishing line and other non-standard materials are prohibited for jewelry). Any parts, fasteners, wire, grain and other components of jewelry made from any materials are not tested, provided that they will be used by third parties for products that are not strictly subject to licensing (responsibility for their use falls entirely on third parties). Placing standard hallmarks on any non-standard products (including small batches) and registering an article for them is prohibited (the protection of these products is carried out on the basis of the Law on the Protection of Copyright without Patenting, including through departments and registers of craftsmen).

    Any operations with precious stones are subject to licensing both separately (from one piece and above), and in any products (both individual and industrial and production) in a standard machine cut, which strictly meet the requirements of official technical standards: they must be no less than the size specified in GOST, TU and other official instructions, strictly from the gemstone raw materials described in these instructions, have no cracks or inclusions visible to the eye (under a 10x magnifying glass), and be uniformly colored ( opals, ulexites, chalcedony, jades, adularia and other matte stones with a cryptocrystalline structure) or purely transparent and monochromatic (defect-free diamonds, topazes, rubies, sapphires, aquamarines, amethysts, citrines and other transparent “canonical” crystals with a clearly defined crystal lattice ). The seller does not have the right to refuse the buyer the legal sale of a product if it is licensed and stamped, and also does not have the right to refuse the legal sale of any licensed stone with a certificate of conformity.

    All licensed stones, assayed precious metals and licensed gemstone raw materials must be hardware-diagnosed with almost 99.7% accuracy, any doubts about the diagnosis(including experts) demand that these stones and metals be excluded from the licensed list, since the product may not be diagnosable. Diagnosis objectively is very expensive and is a strictly necessary condition for licensed activities in the market of precious stones and precious metals. Using simple peer review"by eye" for ANY licensed gemstones in a standard cut and licensed semiprecious stones without standardized laboratory research methods is prohibited. It is also prohibited to place hallmarks on precious metals without laboratory diagnostics. For any bone, leather, food, wool, earth, products made from clay and similar materials, wood, stones, glass, money, paper, paints, nuggets, monuments, copper, bronze, brass, non-jewelry alloys, banking and industrial metals and alloys , living objects, illiquid assets, waste and similar materials (including composite, thin, too small, especially large and not subject to a license) hallmarks are never placed.

    It is prohibited to sell and exchange any stones and any products with them (especially those with hallmark stamps) using and indicating a license, if these stones and products are not subject to standards and licensing requirements and they are not satisfied (this may be interpreted as intentional misrepresentation and fraud). A complete and reliable indication of the use of all refining methods for licensed stones and products is strictly necessary (for ordinary stones, routine and scheduled expert checks and standard state tests for radioactivity and the absence of poisons in the stones are sufficient).

    Storage conditions precious raw materials and precious stones - a specialized high-security safe with an alarm and a button connected to the central police station or licensed security structure. The condition of purchase and sale is a guarded premises with an alarm system and a button located on the central control panel. An up-to-date inventory of licensed stones and products is strictly required. It is advisable to have insurance (for both the seller and the client).

    All safe (i.e., non-toxic, insoluble in water to form toxic compounds, non-evaporating to form toxic vapors and gases and non-radioactive) cloudy and fractured stones of any chemical composition and crystalline structure, all stones with visible veils, bubbles, cracks, color transitions and patterns (especially pronounced), too small, flat or very high, very large or obviously non-standard shape, any processed stones of obviously asymmetrical shape, all stones with visible cutting defects and even without cutting (not falling under the category of “raw materials for standard cutting” "), all stones with obvious visible traces of the host rock, all stones drilled out for beads, all chemically and physically (including radiation) production defects and "selection" that are safe for health and life and other illiquid gemstone waste NOT SUBJECT TO LICENSING. They may be sold, purchased by private individuals, or used in other non-illegal ways. in limited quantities(including in imitation of facet and other cuts, as well as drilled through a through hole) and be in non-serial, “non-standard” and “experimental” products (especially handmade or in small batches, in educational and student works, etc.) from any untested metals, subject to the obligatory condition that these products do not bear standard PRODUCTION and INDUSTRIAL hallmark marks!!! Their sealing is permitted.

    Sellers of such stones and products with them are not responsible for the presence in these stones of structural features and defects visible to the eye that are safe for human life and health, if the stones were mined, processed,, if necessary, delivered, cleared through customs, donated, transferred or sold legally. At the same time, in jewelry and similar practices and in the work of craftsmen, it is not customary to use easily soluble and evaporating stones, as well as very soft stones that lose color, simply for reasons of common sense, rationality and expediency (such stones are usually worn for reasons of originality, extravagance and other internal motives). For all non-standard stones, standard certificates of conformity for precious raw materials and cut precious stones are not issued - only gemological examination on a commercial basis is possible, as well as the issuance of an oral or written expert opinion (without the use of instruments), the reliability of which is usually does not exceed 92-97% and is often in the range of 75-80%. In this case, the buyer has the right to refuse the purchase, and the seller - to refuse the sale in case of ANY doubt. The seller also has the right to use any trade and common names of stones provided the price is not inflated on stones and products. The seller has the right to admit that he does not know the correct name of a gemstone, cannot identify it, or has doubts about a specific stone, even if he is a professional geologist or mineralogist - it is desirable that at least 75% of the gemstone assortment be correctly diagnosed. No license required!!!

    Any safe stones, metals and their alloys used by humans as jewelry are not licensed unless they are raw materials for the jewelry and cutting industry and do not meet strict state standards, which can be found at official state production facilities and in specialized state educational institutions, who train cutters and jewelers. These standards exist, they are written down on paper and they are comprehensive. As raw materials for standard licensed cutting, raw materials extracted from dumps by artisanal methods in a non-prohibited place using a non-prohibited method are not used, subject to the mandatory delivery of ALL cutting raw materials to state collection points in full at state prices. Gemstones and other waste from industrial production (including quartz, corundum, cubic zirconia, carborundum, carbonado, etc.) are illiquid and therefore cannot be used for standard licensed industrial cutting and jewelry production. All non-liquid gemstones are subject to recycling in full, including all production waste (dust, crumbs, non-standards, etc.). It is prohibited to reduce the cost of stones during their processing, regardless of the presence or absence of a license and the desire of the cutters - scientific goals and state economic and political goals are fundamental and primary. Ukraine's priorities.

    If non-counterfeit metals for products are not tested with state marks and are non-toxic and non-radioactive, sellers and owners are not responsible for their chemical composition, its compliance or non-compliance with the requirements of state standards, provided that these metals are not objects of a state monopoly (for example, particularly valuable rare earth, science-intensive or potentially hazardous isotopes of any chemical elements). The seller is obliged to warn the buyer upon his request that these products made from non-counterfeit metals are untested and are not subject to industrial and production testing, since standard tests and stamps are not established for any non-standard alloys and native metals. It is prohibited to install precious stones that fall under any standards into such products. Rhinestones of any origin and glass imitations of precious stones are not recommended for aesthetic reasons.

    Forbidden insert into licensed jewelry, which bears an industrial hallmark, stones and minerals that are not covered by the precious stones license. In particular, it is prohibited to insert into industrial products made of gold, silver and platinum (even made in a single copy) any stones that do not meet the standards of jewelry raw materials and cutting and are not subject to a state license - this is interpreted as deceiving the buyer, and therefore fraud . For example, it is prohibited to install any non-standard stones and even precious stones (sapphires, rubies, emeralds and diamonds) of objectively different shades in one piece of jewelry or in a set of them (earrings, sets, etc.), if this is accompanied by the affixing of a hallmark. The mark can only be installed on finished jewelry with precious stones that strictly comply with state standards. Otherwise, stamping and testing are prohibited. It is prohibited to use any non-standard methods of setting precious stones in products with hallmark marks (an innovative setting of stones or an innovative type of cut is first subject to a preliminary application for standardization, patented, and only then put into production on the basis of a patent for invention and documents on the acceptance of these standards by the state).

    Any stones (including diamonds, sapphires, emeralds and other stones of natural and synthetic origin and refined), extracted from any jewelry and other products(from new, used, production or storage), are “automatically” considered used, defective (unliquid stock) and cannot be reused in ANY production cycle, even if they have no visible defects or have been recut and repolished (passing off any used stones, especially from a licensed category, as new in any licensed products in any form falls under the category of “fraud”).

    It doesn’t matter how sales, exchange or barter operations are carried out with licensed products and stones - from one piece, “in bulk” or in the size of any batch of goods - through warehouses, post offices, production facilities, shops, pawn shops, exhibitions, “from hand”, "under the counter" or through any Internet sites, since these operations are STRICTLY licensed activities. All are licensed warehousing and storage services licensed stones and licensed products that are not with the end consumer, from one piece, up to a state monopoly (for example, state reserves, state funds and customs warehouses), and any storage of these products is carried out as responsible storage with mandatory state assessment and inventory, regardless of the purpose storage (including storage for the purpose of transportation and delivery of specified products from one piece and above). Sale of licensed products without a license by private and other persons from one piece and above (up to a commodity lot or in bulk, including used or in storage) is possible only through a system of certified pawnshops and collection points licensed to purchase these products (including the state reserve and other responsible funds and authorized officials who appoint mandatory state and other independent examination of the product, set the purchase price and can refuse to purchase the product at any preliminary stage without collateral).

    Licensed operations and even objects of state monopoly are any operations with all potentially and actually dangerous stones and areas that may be radioactive (checking for radioactivity must be carried out in state metrology), there are toxic soluble impurities or restrictions on use (mandatory special warnings in the instructions, markings and color of packaging), are toxic, dangerous fumes, dangerous solutions and other compounds dangerous to the life and health of biological individuals are formed. For example, evaporations from sulfur sources are dangerous; blue celestine is dangerous if it is not used for the needs of crystallography and is mistakenly used in lithotherapy for infusion of water (a water-soluble strontium compound is a doublet combination of poison and radiation with isotopes that are difficult to remove from the body). Dangerous are red cinnabar, a soluble mercury compound, and silver arsenopyrite, a dangerous arsenic compound (especially for children). Poisonous green conichalcite, all arsenates and arsenides are dangerous. Many zircons are radioactive and dangerous, especially those with a damaged crystal lattice and rare earths (purchased only for scientific needs). Heliodor beryl containing uranium isotopes cannot be irradiated. Charoite and eudialyte, which contain rare earths in high concentrations, are dangerous (require checking with standard dosimeters). Particularly dangerous are the ores of uranium, thorium and other metals used for “nuclear” devices and reactors, scientific purposes and other needs of the state monopoly. Professional activities without a documented profession (especially those requiring higher and especially scientific education) are prohibited in Ukraine and can be interpreted as fraud.

    State of Ukraine actively and truly cares about the life, health and safety of citizens, having the necessary legislative framework, government apparatus, law enforcement, metrological, scientific and other structures. Since 2010 in Ukraine any science and scientific research are objects state monopoly.

This article discusses the terminology of precious stones, and also provides the main classifications

In the photo: the color palette of spinel, which is gaining popularity in Russia

This article discusses the main criteria by which the category of precious stones is distinguished. The names of terms such as jewelry, ornamental, semiprecious, colored and precious stones, semiprecious stones.

Various classifications with types and names are given:

  • -industrial classification of natural jewelry and ornamental stones of VNIIyuvelirprom;

Gemstone concept. Features of terminology

We have all heard about the existence of a special category of precious stones. Let's try to figure out which ones are considered precious. “Rocks” usually refer to minerals and/or rocks formed in nature without human intervention. And in order to understand what belongs to precious stones and what does not, you need to know the definition of the criteria for “jewelry” in a general sense or in a legal sense (as far as Russia is concerned).

What stones are considered precious? There is no generally accepted definition of the concept of “gem” today. In a general sense, this category includes only those natural stones that satisfy three main criteria: beauty, rarity and durability.

The beauty of a specimen is determined by its color, shine, play, as well as other optical properties. It is beauty that determines a person’s desire to become the owner of a stone or jewelry with it.

Rarity (or uniqueness) is determined by the prevalence of a given mineral in nature. Different varieties of minerals can be expensive due to the fact that they are very difficult to find and extract in nature.

Durability depends on its strength. Strength (wear resistance) is affected by the hardness, fragility, cleavage and other properties of the stone.

The consequence of the above criteria is the high cost of all types of precious stones.

But what kind of precious stones are in the legal sense is explained by the already existing Russian legislation. What kind of precious stones are there? The Law of the Russian Federation “On Precious Metals and Precious Stones” provides a list of names: natural diamonds, emeralds, rubies, sapphires and alexandrites, as well as natural pearls in raw (natural) and processed form. Unique amber formations are equated to precious stones in the manner established by the Government of the Russian Federation. Apart from this list with the names of precious stones, the law does not provide any additional definitions or criteria for the quality of these stones. Obviously, this list includes the most popular precious stones (in a general sense), the circulation of which needs to be controlled by the state.

Gemologists consider the concept of precious stones to be broader than just a list of names allocated by law. The high (“expensive”) price of any stone is primarily associated with its high quality characteristics and the rarity of a particular stone at a given time, and not just with its name. Further we will consider the concept of precious stones only in a general sense, and not in a narrow legal sense.

In addition to the concept of “gemstone,” there are other terms related to natural stones used in jewelry or stone cutting. Let's look at their diversity.

Jewelry stones are a term applied to any minerals, rocks and mineral aggregates that are highly decorative, wear-resistant, and used in jewelry (sapphire, topaz, heliodor, etc.).

Ornamental stones– rocks, minerals and mineral aggregates suitable for the manufacture of mosaics, objects of decorative and applied art, small plastic arts and jewelry and haberdashery (jasper, obsidian, etc.). They are usually translucent and opaque.

Semi-precious stones– the name of an outdated term that is not recommended for use by gemologists (but is still actively used in Russian trade and is found in legal documents). Initially, this term was used to describe jewelry stones that, for some reason, usually fell short of the “precious” level: they were not as rare, beautiful, or strong enough, and as a result, not as expensive. Nowadays, the use of this term is considered incorrect, since the prefix “semi-” discredits the stone in the eyes of the consumer, hinting at some inferiority of jewelry properties and supposedly its cheapness. But, for example, such stones from the “semi-precious” list as red spinels, Paraiba tourmalines or demantoids, with high quality, can have a cost per carat that is significantly higher than that of representatives from the group of precious stones. Therefore, to describe stones that previously belonged to a type from the list of semi-precious stones, it is recommended to use the term “jewelry stone”.

In the photo: emeralds from Colombia. Emeralds belong to the category of precious stones both in the general sense and in the legal sense (according to Russian legislation)

In a general sense, there are no clear boundaries between precious, jewelry and ornamental stones. Often these terms are used as synonyms; there are also various intermediate groups, for example, jewelry and semi-precious stones. The entire variety of minerals used in jewelry and stone cutting can also be designated by the Russian word “gems,” which was introduced into use by Academician A.E. Fersman. Abroad, all natural inserts used in jewelry are called “gemstones,” which are often divided into two main types: diamonds and colored stones (all varieties except diamonds). In Russian literature, the term “noble” is also found, combining precious and decorative (ornamental) stones.

Currently, several classifications of precious stones, compiled by different scientists at different times, are widely known. Most of these classifications are based on the principles of distributing stones according to their value and purpose. Typically, classifications present a rating of popular gemstones in the form of tables, in which the list of names is in descending order of their value (real value). Varieties of precious and “semi-precious” stones in the form of lists are divided into various groups, subgroups, classes and orders.

In 1860, the German scientist K. Kluge created one of the first scientifically based classifications of precious and semi-precious stones. The first group was called “true precious minerals” and included stones of the first, second and third classes, and the second group was called “standard precious minerals”, which included stones of the fourth and fifth classes. In classes IV and V of his classification, K. Kluge placed a list of names that he classified as semi-precious stones.

Classification of precious and semi-precious stones by K. Kluge

I. Diamond, corundum, chrysoberyl and spinel.
II. Zircon, beryl, topaz, tourmaline, garnet, precious opal.
III. Cordierite, vesuvianite, peridote, axinite, kyanite, staurolite, andalusite, chiastolite, epidote and turquoise.
IV. Quartz (amethyst, rock crystal, rose quartz, aventurine), chalcedony (agate, carnelian, plasma, heliotrope, cacholong, jasper and regular hydrophane), feldspars (adularia, amazonite, labradorite), obsidian, lapis lazuli, hauin, hypersthene, diopside , fluorite, amber.
V. Jadeite, jade, serpentine, agalmatolite, bronzite, satin spar, marble, selenite, alabaster, malachite, pyrite, rhodochrosite, hematite, prehnite, nepheline, lepidolite, etc.

In 1902, the German professor of mineralogy G. Gurich presented his classification of precious stones, similar to the classification of K. Kluge.

Transparent minerals with high optical characteristics, which were used in jewelry, were combined by G. Gurich in the list of precious stones of the first kind. The list of semi-precious stones was highlighted separately. The group of stones of the second type (colored stones) included fine-grained crystalline aggregates and minerals in an amorphous state.

G. Gurich divided all precious stones according to their value into five classes. The most expensive gems started this list.

Classification of precious stones by value G. Gurich

Gems first (I) class: diamond, corundum, chrysoberyl and spinel.
II. Zircon, beryl, topaz, tourmaline and garnet, as well as noble opal from the group of colored stones.
III. Cordierite, peridot, kyanite and other precious stones, in addition to turquoise from the group of colored stones.
IV. Such “semi-precious” stones as quartz, feldspar, fluorite. And from the group of colored stones: aventurine, cat's eye, chalcedony, opal, obsidian, lapis lazuli and amber.
V. Such “colored stones” as hematite, nepheline, jade, jet, serpentine, alabaster, malachite, etc.

The photo shows very expensive large “semi-precious” stones: untreated yellow sapphires (15.29 and 37.28 carats), spessartine garnet (22.40 carats) and tsavorite garnet (29.16 carats)

In 1896, the German mineralogist M. Bauer proposed a new classification of types of precious stones. It was popular among mineralogists and jewelers for a long time. Later, M. Bauer’s classification was supplemented by A.E. Fersman. Jewelry and ornamental stones are divided into three groups:
First group (category)- precious stones (gems);
The second group is ornamental (colored stones);
The third group is organogenic precious stones.

Within the groups, the entire list of precious and “semi-precious” stones is divided into orders in accordance with their value. Group I included mainly transparent, colorless or beautifully colored precious stones and some translucent colored stones used in faceted form. Group II includes a number of minerals and rocks suitable for cabochoning and various crafts. Below is the classification of M. Bauer - A.E. Fersman.

Groups of precious stones according to the classification of M. Bauer - A.E. Fersman

I. Precious stones (gems):
1st order: diamond, ruby, sapphire, emerald, alexandrite, noble spinel, euclase.
2nd order: topaz, aquamarine, beryl, red tourmaline, demantoid, blood amethyst, almandine, uvarovite, jadeite, noble opal, zircon.
3rd order:
1. Garnet, cordierite, kyanite, epidote, dioptase, turquoise, variscite, green tourmaline;
2. Rock crystal, smoky quartz, light amethyst, chalcedony, agate, carnelian, heliotrope, chrysoprase, praseme, semi-opal;
3. Sunstone, moonstone, labradorite, nepheline, sodalite, obsidian, titanite, benitoite, prehnite, andalusite, diopside, scapolite, thomsonite;
4. Hematite, pyrite, cassiterite, quartz with gold;

II. Ornamental (colored stones):
1st order: jade, lapis lazuli, glaucolite, sodalite, amazonite, Labradorite, rhodonite, azurite, malachite, aventurine, quartzite, rock crystal, smoky quartz, agate and its varieties, jasper, vesuvian, rose quartz, written granite.
2nd order: lepidolite, fuchsite slate, serpentine, agalmatolite, steatite, selenite, obsidian, marble onyx, datolite, fluorite, halite, graphite, lapis lazuli, smithsonite, zoisite.
3rd order: gypsum, porphyry and partially decorative material - breccias, confluent quartzites, etc.

III. Precious stones - organogenic: pearls, coral, amber, jet.

This classification was used for a long time in the USSR and abroad. But it has a number of shortcomings. For example, some minerals are simultaneously classified into different orders (rock crystal, agate, smoky quartz, lapis lazuli, etc.). Also sometimes group mineralogical names are given simultaneously with the names of varieties (garnet and almandine with uvarovite, beryl and aquamarine, etc.). The group of ornamental stones includes a number of minerals that currently have a relatively high value and are widely used in jewelry (aventurine, malachite, amazonite, rock crystal, etc.). Today, the practical value of many gemstones has changed significantly, and therefore the Bauer-Fersmann classification is outdated.

In 1972 V.I. Sobolevsky improved the Bauer-Fersman classification.

Classification V.I. Sobolevsky

1. Precious stones (gems)
I. Diamond, emerald, alexandrite, chrysoberyl, euclase, noble spinel and especially rare varieties of corundum: ruby, sapphire, padparadscha (orange sapphire).
II. Topaz, varieties of beryl (aquamarine, sparrowite, heliodor), pink and dark red tourmaline (siberite), phenacite, amethyst, zircon (orange hyacinth, green, etc.), noble opal.
III. Turquoise, rock crystal (colorless and smoky rauchtopaz), chrysoprase, carnelian, agates with beautiful designs, bloodstone, amber, jet, etc.

2. Colored stones
I. Malachite, rhodonite, jade, lapis lazuli, amazonite, labradorite, aventurine, chalcedony, written granite, etc.
II. Ophiocalcite, agalmatolite, marble onyx, fluorite, selenite, jasper, meerschaum, etc.

Currently, the classification of precious, jewelry, and ornamental stones by E.Ya. has gained the greatest popularity among specialists. Kievlenko (see table below), which he proposed in 1973. This classification takes into account the market value of stones and their purpose. Kievlenko identified three main groups of stones: jewelry (precious), jewelry-ornamental and ornamental stones.

Groups of stones according to the classification of E.Ya. Kievlenko

I. Jewelry (precious) stones
1st order: Diamond, ruby, emerald, blue sapphire
2nd order: Alexandrite, noble jadeite, orange, purple and green sapphire, noble black opal
3rd order: Demantoid, noble spinel, noble white and fire opal, aquamarine, topaz, rhodolite, moonstone (adularia), red tourmaline
4th order: Blue, green, pink and polychrome tourmaline, noble spodumene (kunzite, giddenite), zircon, yellow, green, golden and pink beryl, turquoise, peridot, amethyst, chrysoprase, pyrope, almandine, citrine

II. Jewelry and ornamental stones
1st order: Rauchtopaz, hematite-bloodstone, amber-succinite, rock crystal, jadeite, jade, lapis lazuli, malachite, aventurine
2nd order: Agate, colored chalcedony, cacholong, amazonite; rhodonite, heliotrope, rose quartz, iridescent obsidian, common opal, Labradorite, belomorite and other opaque iridescent spars

III. Ornamental stones
Jasper, written granite, petrified wood, marble onyx, listvenite, obsidian, jet, jaspilite, selenite, fluorite, aventurine quartzite, agalmatolite, patterned flint, colored marble.

In recent years, gemologists have included E.Ya. in the classification. Kievlenko various amendments. For example, alexandrite is now often classified as a Group 1 gemstone, given its current popularity, high value and rarity.

With the development of the jewelry and stone-cutting industry in the USSR in 1970-1980. It became necessary to create an industrial classification of jewelry and semi-precious stones suitable for the practical work of this new industry. All-Union Scientific Research Institute of the Jewelry Industry (VNIIyuvelirprom) represented by A.I. Tsyurupa created such a classification. In it, all jewelry and ornamental stones are divided into three types: jewelry, jewelry-ornamental and ornamental, which, in turn, are divided into subtypes and groups based on transparency, hardness and other properties.

Industrial classification of natural jewelry and ornamental stones VNIIyuvelirprom

Type I. Jewelry stones

Subtype I-1. Transparent stones:
group I - 1 - 1. Hardness 10 - diamond;
group I-1-2. Hardness 7-9 - corundum, beryl, tourmaline, garnet, chrysoberyl, spinel, quartz single crystals, topaz, euclase, phenacite, zircon, cordierite, andalusite, staurolite;
group I-1-3. Hardness less than 7 to 5 - spodumene, chrysolite, kyanite, dioptase, brazilianite, tanzanite, chrome diopside, apatite, benitoite, axinite, scapolite, thomsonite, danburite, ulexite, cassiterite, gambergite, actinolite, green obsidian;
group I-1-4. Hardness less than 5 - sphalerite, fluorite, brucite, zincite, scheelite.

Subtype I-2. Opaque, sparkling stones:
group I-2-1. Homogeneous - hematite-bloodstone, pyrite, cobaltine, psilomelane;
group I-2-2. Patterned - hematite - goethite glass head, cryptomelane - hollandite glass head.

Subtype I-3. Translucent stones:
group I-3-1. Brightly colored stones - carnelian, chrysoprase, chloropal, rose quartz, colored semi-opals, smithsonite, prehnite, zoisite, jadeite;
group I-3-2. Stones with patterns or beautiful inclusions - agate, hairy, moss, onyx (sardonyx, carnelian, onyx);
group I-3-3. Stones without patterns or colors - chalcedony, semi-opal, cacholong;
group I-3-4. Pseudochroic stones with a specific orientation - noble opal, moonstone, iridescent obsidian

Subtype I-4. Opaque matte stones with beautiful colors and dense surface texture:
group I-4-1. Stones used in products with subsequent processing are turquoise, variscite, coral;
group I-4-2. The stone used in its natural form is pearl.

Type II. Jewelry and ornamental stones

Subtype II-1. Viscous stones, hardness more than 6:
group II-1 - 1. Jade, jadeite and their hard natural imitations, garnet-chlorite rock, xenolith, fibrolite.

Subtype II-2. Stones of medium viscosity, hardness 5-6:
group II-2-1. Brightly colored stones - lapis lazuli, rhodonite, amazonite, jasper, unakite (an aggregate of epidote and potassium feldspar);
group II-2-2. Patterned stones - petrified wood, graphic pegmatite, patterned flint, jasper, obsidian, heliotrope, perilivt;
group II-2-3. Pseudochroic stones - belomorite, falcon and tiger eye, silver (“irisating”) obsidian, aventurine, mother-of-pearl;
group II-2-4. Stones used in their natural form:
subgroup II-2-4a. Massive stones - buds of chalcedony, smithsonite, jade;
subgroup II-2-4b. Crusts and growths - amethyst and quartz brushes, uvarovite crusts, dendrites of manganese minerals, native copper and silver.

Subtype II-3. Small and medium hard stones:
group II-3-1. Cold processed: malachite, azurite, serpentine, anthracite.

Type III. Ornamental stones

Subtype III-1. Hardness more than 5:
group III-1-1. Glassy - obsidians, jaspers, hornfels, microquartzites, ferruginous hornfels;
group III-1-2. Heterogeneous rocks and mineral aggregates:
subgroup III-1-2a. Ice quartz, taganay quartzite, amazonite granite;
subgroup III-1 - 26. Peridotites, pyroxenites, hedenbergite skarn;
subgroup III-1-2c. Listvenite, jaspilite;
subgroup III-1-2g. Eclogite, garnet gneiss, tourmaline-containing rocks;
subgroup III-1-2d. Granitoids, nepheline syenites, labradorite, porphyry, etc.

Subtype III-2. Hardness from 5 to 3:
group III-2-1. Translucent - aragonite and calcite onyx, fluorite;
group III-2-2. Opaque - marbles, ophiocalcite, anhydrite, serpentine, chlorite-serpentine rock.

Subtype III-3. Soft, hardness less than 3:
group III-3-1. Translucent - alabaster, selenite, halite;
group III-3-2. Opaque - graphite, soapstone, pyrophyllite, brucite, steatite.

In the photo: tanzanites and yellow sapphire are an excellent alternative to more expensive blue sapphires and yellow diamonds

In 2010, Doctor of Geology and Mineralogy, Professor E.P. Melnikov proposed a new version of the classification of gems, which is based on the value rating of stones and their functionality. Compared to the classification of E.Ya. Kievlenko significantly expanded this classification.

Groups of gems according to the classification of E.P. Melnikova

I. Gems
Diamond, noble corundum – ruby, sapphire; noble beryl - emerald; noble chrysoberyl - alexandrite; sea ​​natural pearls

II. Jewelry stones
1st order: noble red spinel, pinkish-orange sapphire (padparadscha), pink sapphire, demantoid, tsavorite, noble black opal, tanzanite, paraiba tourmaline
2nd order: sapphire yellow, green, purple; star corundum; blue spinel (ganospinel), pink, purple; orange topaz (imperial), beryl – aquamarine, sparrowite, bixbite, maxis; zircon – hyacinth, green, blue; tourmaline – rubellite, polychrome; noble white and fire opals, phenacite, garnet - malaya, rhodolite, topazolite; ametrine; spodumene – giddenite, kunzite; natural river pearls, sea cultured pearls
3rd order: tourmaline – verdelite, indigolite; beryl – heliodor, goshenite (rosterite); topaz – yellow, blue, pink; chrysolite, leucosapphire; chrysoberyl - cymophane (noble cat's eye); star diopside, colorless topaz, pyrope garnet, spessartine, almandine, grossular (hessonite, leucogranate, rosolite), uvarovite; amethyst, prasiolite, citrine, rutile quartz
4th order: tourmaline – dravite, achroite; tektites (moldavites, australites), quartz and other cat's eyes, hawk's eye, tiger's eye, morion, andradite, vesuvianite, axinite, cordierite (iolite), clinohumite, cornerupin, euclase, amblygonite, brazilianite, scapolite, apatite, chrome diopside (sibirlite ), kyanite, andalusite, epidote, sphalerite – cleiophane, prshibramite, marmatite; sphene, cassiterite, scheelite, danburite, prehnite, freshwater cultured pearls, mother-of-pearl

III. Jewelry and ornamental stones
1st order: charoite, sugilite, malachite, blue turquoise, green; jadeite, lapis lazuli, jade, corundum (ruby) – zoisite rock (aniolite), rhodonite, rhodochrosite, dumortierite, rose quartz, mammoth and ivory, coral, amber, chalcedony – agate, chrysoprase, carnelian, carnelian, sarder, sapphirine, onyx , heliotrope; sodalite, eudialyte, chrysocolla, azurite
2nd order: rock crystal, smoky quartz, amazonite, decorative quartz - tourmaline, chlorite, actinolite; aventurine, hematite, rhodusite, staurolite, astrophyllite, small-patterned and landscape jasper, simbircite, common opal, iridescent obsidian, iridescent feldspars - labradorite, spectrolite, belomorite; sunstone, moonstone (adularia), iridescent nepheline (eleolith), jade, pectolite – larimar; tugtupite, petalite, quartz – granular, icy, fragmentary

IV. Ornamental stones
Jasper is plain, banded; written granite, petrified wood, cacholong, marble onyx, obsidian, selenite, clinochlore, fluorite, serpentinite, jet, shungite, thulite, patterned skarn, decorative quartzites, ophiocalcite, agalmatolite, soapstone, goldite; patterned flint; conglomerate, breccia, decorative porphyry.

In addition to the classifications of precious (jewelry) stones discussed above, the classifications of Sinkenkes (1955), R. Webster (1962), Pearl (1965) and a number of other gemologists are also known abroad. Each classification is characterized by its own characteristics and differences. Some stones may occupy one or another place in different classifications, although the general nature of the classifications is basically the same. For example, in all classifications, the highest positions are occupied by the most expensive and fashionable diamonds, emeralds, sapphires, rubies and pearls.

The ratings of various types of precious stones proposed in the classifications help to quickly determine the relative value of a particular stone, depending only on its name. But it is imperative to take into account that the price of the same stone, falling into any of the proposed categories, can have a very wide range depending on its individual characteristics. Depending on the quality (color, clarity, quality of cut), weight, presence or absence of refinement, and sometimes geographic origin, the cost per carat for some stones of the same name can vary hundreds or even thousands of times. High-quality large stones from the lower positions of the rating can cost per carat many times more than stones that are higher in the rating, but are of poor quality, small and/or refined. Therefore, questions like: “What types of stones are called precious?” or “Which stones are semi-precious?” - are incorrect due to the relative convention of the rating in these classifications.