• familiarize children with the concept of “skin” and its functions;
  • to form in children an idea of ​​a healthy lifestyle;
  • strengthen hygiene skills.


  • Support cards: "outer shell"; "leather"; "subcutaneous fat"
  • Table "Skin structure".
  • Crossword (poster).
  • Tests on the topic "Sense Organs".

Progress of the lesson.

I. Checking the salary.

In the last lesson you learned about the topic “Sense Organs”. Let's check your homework:



1. What is the name of the science that studies the functioning of human organs:

a) physiology;

b) zoology;

c) anatomy.

2. How many senses do you know?

3. What is the name of a person’s ability to feel pain, heat, cold?

a) sense of smell;

b) touch;

c) taste.

4. Without which organ would it be impossible to see, hear, smell and taste?

a) without intestines;

b) without a brain;

c) without kidneys.

5. Connect with lines:


Olfactory organ -

Organ of touch -

Hearing organ -

Organ of taste -

Organ of vision -

Tell us about one of the senses?


List the human senses.

What role does each sense organ play in life?

Explain the connection between the senses and the brain.

II. Communicate the topic and objectives of the lesson.

Today in class we will continue to study the human body. The topic of the lesson is “Reliable protection of the body.” We'll talk about skin.

We talked about the skin as an organ of touch, that is, a sensory organ. And now we will consider the skin as an organ of the human body.

III. Working on a new topic.

1. Skin is the body’s reliable protection.

The skin evenly covers the entire body, but it is not just a shell of our body, but a complex organ with many of its functions. It reliably protects internal organs from damage, taking shocks and blows, scratches and burns. The skin protects you from heat and cold. Under the hot rays of the sun, it “tans” - it becomes denser and darker and prevents the internal organs from overheating.

Look at the skin on your hand. Touch it.

What can you say about her? What is she like? (Elastic, thin - we see blood vessels; soft, durable).

What color? (Pale pink).

If you look at the skin through a magnifying glass, you can see small holes - pores. Through them, the skin helps you breathe. Through the pores it absorbs fresh air, which is so necessary for every cell. Through pores, the skin helps the body get rid of excess moisture and harmful substances. It contains hundreds of thousands of tiny sweat glands that secrete beads of sweat. And other tiny glands - sebaceous glands - secrete fat. Covering the skin with a thin impenetrable film, this fat closes the openings of the pores and blocks the path of all microbes. If you run your finger across your forehead and then across the mirror, a stain will remain on it. This is a patch of oil that the skin secretes. But what is perhaps most surprising: your living shell - your skin - is constantly renewed. Her top layer gets old and crumbles, a new one is ready underneath.

So, what is leather made of? (as the explanation progresses, the teacher attaches signs).

The skin consists of 3 layers. (The poster “Skin Structure” is hung up).

The first layer is the outer layer, the shell is "epidermis" , which protects the skin from damage. It contains pores through which the skin breathes. ("Outer shell" is displayed).

The second layer is the skin itself "dermis". It contains sebaceous glands that secrete fat. It covers the skin and makes it softer. Sweat glands are also located here. Sweat evaporates from the surface and the human body cools down. Sweat contains 99% water and 1% chemicals. The skin contains blood vessels and nerves. Therefore, the skin is sensitive to cold, heat, pain. It is most sensitive on the tips of the fingers, nose, in the middle of the palms, along the midline of the back. Hair and nails grow on the skin.

The tritium layer is subcutaneous fat (subcutaneous fat). It protects the skin from bruises and retains heat.

Skin color different people is different. (illustrations of people with different skin colors are shown) It depends on pigment - coloring matter. Pigment performs a protective function. Skin pigmentation changes under the influence of ultraviolet rays of the sun (mercury-quartz lamps). Darkening of the skin occurs - tanning. The darker the skin, the better protection it has from sunburn. Tanning is one of the body's protective reactions. Tanning is useful, but not for everyone: the elderly, children under 2 years old, pregnant women, people with heart disease. Tanning - from 8 to 10 o'clock, from 16 o'clock.

CONCLUSION: - The skin consists of 3 layers (list).

The skin protects the body from harmful environmental influences

environment. What protects the skin from damage? ( Outer shell).

What maintains the normal t 0 of the body? ( Sweating).

Which layer retains heat? ( third, subcutaneous fat).

Skin is a reliable protection.

2. Skin care.

The main way to care for your skin is washing. A lot of fat and sweat accumulate on the skin, and dust sticks to them. The skin becomes dirty and germs begin to multiply. There are up to 40,000 microbes per 1 cm 2 of skin.

(A pre-prepared student tells how to wash properly)

How to wash your face properly

At normal skin you need to wash your face daily. Wash your face with soap 2-3 times a week, as frequent washing with soap degreases the skin. You can’t wash your face with cold water all the time, as the blood vessels narrow, and the skin becomes dry and pale, flabby, and wrinkles appear. You can’t wash your face with very warm water all the time. Hot water cleanses the skin well, causes blood vessels to dilate, then the skin becomes weaker, and areas of reddened skin appear on the face. The skin becomes sluggish and wrinkles appear.

CONCLUSION: - How should you take care of your skin?

What can you say about nails?

Remember, follow these rules.

Listen to Y. Tuvim's poem addressed to children.

(Prepared students read the poem by Y. Tuvim “My dear children!”)

My dear children!
I am writing you a letter:
And please wash more often
Your hands and face.
It doesn’t matter what kind of water:
Boiled, key,
From a river or well,
Or just rainy!
You definitely need to wash
Morning, evening and afternoon -
Before every meal,
After sleep and before bed!
Rub with a sponge and washcloth!
Be patient - no problem!
And ink and jam
Wash off with soap and water.
My dear children!
I really, really ask you:
Wash more often, wash more often -
I can't stand dirty people.

3. First aid for skin injuries.

It is also important to be able to provide first aid for skin injuries. What skin damage do you know? (Bruise, wound, frostbite, burns).

1) Wounds: superficial scratches, abrasions, cuts. Deep - not only the skin, but also the muscles are damaged - you need to consult a doctor. If the wound is small, the skin around the wound is lubricated with iodine, brilliant green, and bandaged with a clean bandage.

2) Bruises.- How do bruises occur? How do you determine that you have hurt yourself? What to do if you are injured?

3) Burns.- What do you know about burns?

Burns come in 3 degrees. 1st degree- redness, swelling of the skin. 2nd degree- bubbles filled with liquid appear - transparent and yellow. 3rd degree- the entire thickness of the skin deteriorates, and muscles and bones may suffer.

Treatment for burns.

Expose the affected area.

Lower under cold water or stream for 10-30 minutes until the pain subsides.

Bandage the affected area with a bandage or clean cloth.

Do not lubricate burns with fat, cream, or oil.

Do not puncture the blisters, otherwise microbes will enter and cause suppuration.

If the burn is severe and deep, consult a doctor.

There are also sunburns.

(About treatment for sunburn says a prepared student)

Treatment for sunburn

Apply a cold compress to the burned area and change it constantly.

You can take aspirin or paracetamol to relieve pain.

4) Frostbite.

Four degrees. 1st degree- the skin turns pale, then swells and turns red. 2nd degree- blisters filled with cloudy, slightly bloody liquid form on the skin. 3rd degree- blisters with bloody contents appear, the skin becomes dead, and with prolonged exposure to cold, deeper tissues also die - 4th degree.

(A trained student talks about what to do in case of frostbite)

Actions for frostbite:

In no case should you rub frostbitten areas too hard, as you can damage the skin and open access to microbes that cause suppuration.

The frostbitten area should first be thoroughly wiped with alcohol, then lightly rubbed with a soft, dry woolen cloth until redness and sensitivity appear, and then lubricated with some unsalted fat.

If blisters appear on the frostbitten area, wipe it with alcohol, tie it with a clean bandage and consult a doctor.

So, in order not to cause hypothermia of the body, to avoid frostbite on the skin, let’s listen to useful tips.

(A prepared student shares tips)

Helpful Tips:

a) before going out into the cold, have a good breakfast;

b) your clothes should reliably protect your body from wind and rain;

c) when going on a long hike, be sure to have a dry pair of underwear with you;

d) remember that the risk of hypothermia increases in the wind.

IV. Work in a notebook.

Page 59, No. 1. practical work.

V. Working with the textbook.

Reading the output in the textbook page 139

What new did you learn?

What is the significance of skin?

We solve a crossword puzzle on a topic we studied in class.

Crossword puzzle on the topic "Reliable protection of the body"


4. Skin is not just a human covering, it is an active (ORGAN) with multiple functions.

6. Subcutaneous fat retains (HEAT).

7. This skin damage occurs in 3 degrees (BURN).


1. A person’s ability to feel touch, pain, heat, cold is called (TOUCH).

2. If you have (WOUND), then you need to treat the skin with iodine and bandage it.

3. Constant temperature inside the body is maintained through secretion (SWEAT).

5. This skin formation (grows on the skin) - (HAIR).

VII. D/z: pp. 136 - 139, t. - p. 56, No. 2, 3.

Lesson type: combined


— formation of a holistic picture of the world and awareness of a person’s place in it based on the unity of rational-scientific knowledge and the child’s emotional and value understanding personal experience communication with people and nature;


What protects our body?


to study the properties of skin in a practical way, to teach proper care behind her; introduce first aid techniques for skin injuries

Subject results

will learn

Prepare a story about skin care;


hygiene and skin care products;

first aid measures for skin injuries.

Universal educational activities (UUD)

Regulatory: plan your actions in accordance with the task and the conditions for its implementation.

Cognitive: independent identification and formulation of a cognitive goal;

search and selection of necessary information;

build reasoning in the form of connecting simple judgments about an object, its structure, properties and connections.

Communicative: adequately use communicative, primarily speech, means to solve various communicative problems, construct a monologue statement

Personal results

Installations on healthy image life and implementation in real behavior and actions

Basic concepts and definitions

Skin as an organ of protection from damage and external influences.

First aid for skin damage. Skin hygiene

Preparing to learn new material

Get ready to show how you wash your hands, your face, how you dry them.

You already know that skin is an organ of touch. But it also performs other work in the body.

The main “concern” of the skin is to protect the internal parts of the body from various damages, from cold and heat, from pathogenic bacteria.

Look at the photo. What skin care products do you use?

Learning new material

You may ask: is it good that the skin secretes oil and sweat? They pollute the skin, don't they? It turns out that fat and sweat are very important. Fat, covering the skin with a thin layer, makes it softer and more elastic.

Sweat evaporates from the surface of the skin, and the human body cools down from this. This makes it easier for a person to endure heat or do hard work. In addition, harmful substances are released from the body through sweat.

It's bad when a lot of fat and sweat accumulate on the skin. Dust sticks to them. The skin becomes dirty. This is where bacteria thrive, many of which are pathogenic. Therefore, your skin should always be clean.

You should wash your entire body with soap and a washcloth at least once a week. The face, ears, and neck should be washed twice a day - in the morning and before bed. Wash your hands with soap several times a day, especially before eating. Don't forget to dry them with your towel.

If you don’t wipe your face and hands well, your skin becomes chapped: it dries out, peels, and even cracks. Lubricate it with cream, best for children.

Rendering First aid for yourself or a friend for skin injuries: small wounds, bruises, burns, frostbite. Do the exercises according to these rules.

Wound. Rinse the wound clean water. Lubricate the skin around the wound with iodine or brilliant green (these liquids kill bacteria that can penetrate the body). Then bandage the wound with a clean bandage or stick a piece of bandage with a plaster.

Injury. Apply something cold to the injured area, such as a cloth soaked in cold water or a heating pad with cold water.

Burn. Immediately spray the burned area with plenty of cold water.

Frostbite. Frostbitten cheeks, ears, and nose are easy to notice in a friend: in frostbitten areas the skin turns sharply pale. These places are rubbed with a dry mitten, scarf or just your hand until the skin turns pink. It is necessary to rub in a circular motion. Do not rub your skin with snow to avoid scratching it.

If you feel your feet are cold, jump and run until they warm up. When your hands are cold, quickly clench your fists. If this does not help, rub your fingers with a dry mitten or hand

If the frostbitten area cannot be warmed up outside, return home immediately. At home, this place needs to be warmed up with lukewarm water, then carefully wiped and wrapped warmly.

Comprehension and understanding of acquired knowledge

Practical work

1.Look at the skin on your hand. Touch it, pull it. What can you say about the skin?

2.Run your finger across your forehead, then place your finger on the glass. What's left on the glass? How do you explain this?

3.Look at the skin through a magnifying glass. What do you see on it? Try to see the small holes - pores. What do you think they mean?

If the wound, bruise, burn, or frostbite is severe, you should consult a doctor immediately!


The skin protects the internal parts of the human body from damage, from heat and cold, and from pathogenic bacteria. It is necessary to take care of the skin: keep it clean, and if the skin dries out, lubricate it with cream. For minor skin injuries, you must immediately provide first aid to the victim.

Independent application of knowledge

1. What is the importance of skin? 2. What role do the oil and sweat that the skin secretes play? 3. How should you take care of your skin? 4. Tell us about first aid for minor skin wounds, bruises, burns, frostbite.

Homework assignments

Write it down in your dictionary: bruise, burn, frostbite.

Remember how to care for your skin and follow these rules. Tell the younger kids about them.

About human skin


One wise man was asked: “What is most valuable and important for a person in life: wealth or fame?

After thinking, the sage replied: “Neither wealth nor fame makes a sick person happy. A healthy beggar is happier than a sick king.”

Goals :

through observations, experiments, research - learn about the importance of skin for humans; - study the structure of the skin; - learn important information about skin hygiene; - learn first aid measures for various skin damage; - get to know common skin conditions diseases.

Research paths:

  • Why, when we bathe, does water not penetrate into the body?
  • What are hair and nails?

Practical work

Experience 1 Look at the skin of your hand. Touch it, pull it. What can you say about the skin?

Conclusion : Skin is a strong, elastic shell that reliably protects the body from negative external influences.

Experience 2 Grasp the folds on your finger with your hand. Try to bend your finger. What are folds in the skin for?

Conclusion: Folds in the skin are needed so as not to interfere with the movement of fingers, arms, legs and other parts of the body.

Experience 3 Run your finger across your forehead, then examine your finger. What do you see? How do you explain this?

Conclusion: The skin secretes sweat and oil .

Experience 4 Examine the skin through a magnifying glass. What do you see on it?

Conclusion :

Using a magnifying glass, we saw hairs and indentations on the skin -

This pores .

Conclusion: Pores are a pathway for removing sweat and fat from the body, conductors of air, in other words, our skin “breathes” through pores.

What do you think their significance is?

Epidermis consists of several layers. The upper layer is a collection of keratinized dead cells. When washed they peel off. In the lower layers of the epidermis, new cells are formed that replace the disappeared cells.

In one of the lower layers of the epidermis there are cells containing pigment melanin, which determines the color of the skin and protects it from the harmful effects of sunlight. In summer, this pigment helps you tan. It darkens and protects the skin from the burning rays of the sun.

The stratum corneum of the skin under a microscope.

Skin Features.

The epidermis is most clearly expressed on the palms and soles. Therefore, the skin on the heel is much thicker and harder than on the cheek.

The skin on the palms is less sensitive to cold than the skin on the abdomen.

  • Hair protects the scalp from damage, cooling and harmful effects of sunlight. The lips, feet and palms of the hands are hairless, but hair grows on other parts of the body: eyebrows, eyelashes, nostrils, upper lip, arms, legs, armpits, etc.
  • Hair grows at a rate of 0.2 mm per day.
  • The human body is covered with hairs
  • mi in the amount of
  • 200,000 to 1 million.

  • Protective
  • Heat exchange
  • "This is interesting": Different areas of the skin have different temperatures. In the mouth it is 37 degrees, and on the skin of the toes and hands it fluctuates between 26 and 32 degrees. Highest temperature that a person can withstand is 44-44.5 degrees.
  • excretory
  • "This is interesting": The skin produces vitamin D when exposed to sunlight. Participates in respiration - it supplies 1% oxygen to the blood, and is capable of regeneration - restoration.
  • Organ of touch
  • "This is interesting": The fingertips, the middle of the palm, and the midline of the back have the greatest sensitivity.
  • "This is interesting": Skin is the largest organ of our body. Its surface area in an adult is about 2 m 2 , and weight – 4 kg or more.
  • Hair and nails are also made of leather. This is the hardened stratum corneum.

Game "Choose the answer"

  • Protects from wounds and dirt
  • Digests food
  • Breathes
  • Produces sweat
  • Purifies the blood
  • makes skin soft and elastic
  • makes skin firm and strong
  • makes the skin firm and slender
  • Important human organ
  • Human skeleton
  • Outer covering of the human body
  • Through the pores of the skin
  • Through the lungs
  • Through the intestines

What functions does the skin perform?

What role does the fat secreted by the skin play?

How is fat and sweat released in the human body?

Skin is...

Skin diseases.

Contact dermatitis


Lichen (microsporia)


Skin hygiene.

On one square centimeter of dirty skin there are up to 40,000 microbes .

Cleanliness is the key to health!

Toughen up!

Know how to provide first aid for skin injuries!

  • - You are friends with the red sun,
  • Glad to see the cool wave,
  • You're not afraid of the rain
  • Snowfall is not scary.
  • You're not afraid of the wind,
  • You don't get tired in the game,
  • And you go to bed early,
  • And you get up with the sun.
  • In winter you go skiing,
  • frolicking on the skating rink,
  • And in the summer, tanned
  • Swimming in the river.
  • Do you like to jump, run,
  • Play with a tight ball -
  • You will grow up healthy!
  • You will be a strong man!

Sources of information:

  • Galpershtein L. Ya. My first encyclopedia: Popular science publication for children. JSC "ROSMAN-PRESS", 2006
  • Dmitrieva N. Ya., Tovpinets I. P. Natural science: 3rd grade. M.: Education, 1994
  • Klepinina Z. A. " The world around us": 3 grades M.: Education, 2005
  • Lyakh V.I. My friend - physical education: a textbook for students of grades 1-4. M.: Education, 2006
  • G. G. Ivchenkova, I. V. Potapov “The world around us” 3rd grade
  • O.V.Kazakova. Methodical recommendations to the textbook “The World around us” for grade 3. Publishing house “Moscow “VAKO”, 2007
  • Sergeeva L. S. Man. Encyclopedia. JSC "ROSMAN-PRESS", 2007
  • http://www.dermababy.ru/gallery.htm
  • http://www.internetdoc.ru


Elena Gumarova
Lesson summary “Skin is a reliable defense of the body”

Subject lesson: Skin - reliable protection of the body

Target: introduce children to the concept « leather» and its functions.


Educational: To form ideas about the skin, its structure, functions, meaning. Replenish students' vocabulary.

Developmental: Develop children's intellectual and practical skills; conduct research, observations, ability to draw conclusions.

Educational: Instill concern for your own health.

Equipment: presentation «» , video clip "Skin structure", additional material for working in pairs, groups, cards with numbers 1, 2, 3.; mirrors for each student, reminders, a test to check new material.

Structure lesson:

1. Organizational moment

2. Repetition of the material covered

3. Search and formation of a topic.

4. Problem situation.

5. Study a new topic

6. Phys. just a minute

7. Homework

8. Work in groups (hygiene and skin care)

9. Conversation about skin care rules (work in groups)

10. Role play "To see a doctor"

11. Work in pairs "Find mistakes and fix them"

12. Summing up lesson

13. Marking.

14. Reflection

1. Organizational moment(psychological attitude towards lesson) .

Hold hands. Not forget: You are one. Respect the opinions of your comrades, know how to listen and not interrupt each other.

II. Checking homework.

1) 2 students work at the blackboard (tasks on the board)

a) Connect with lines.

Eyes Organ of touch

Ears Organ of taste

Nose Organ of vision

Skin Olfactory organ

Language Hearing organ

b) With the help of what organ you will recognize What did the nightingale sing and the dog bark?

Ears, eyes, nose, brain

c) With the help of what organ do you distinguish salty food from bitter food?

Teeth, nose, tongue, eyes, lips

2) Write down what applies

To the digestive system:

- to the excretory system:

2) 2 students work on cards - test tasks

3) 1 student tells the weather for 3 days - physical exercise

4) 5 minutes - 1 student comes to the board, the rest ask him questions on the topics covered

III. Search and topic formation lesson.

Guys, what do you think, with what help? organs through our senses do we understand the world around us?

1. Vision (eye). 2. Hearing (ear).

3. Taste (language). 4. Smell (nose).

5. Touch (leather) .

4. Problem situation

To find out what organ feelings will be discussed today lesson, you owe me say: What is this? - 1 slide

– Everyone dreams of clothes that would not get wet in the heaviest rain, but would allow air to pass through freely. So that it does not fade, does not wrinkle or tear, and it could be worn for at least a hundred years. And such unusual clothes exist.

This is a natural, wear-free, all-weather clothing. Its area is ~ 2 square meters. m. It weighs about 4 kg, and its thickness varies from 0.5 mm to 5 mm, the average thickness is 1 - 2 mm. It is constantly growing and updating.

Today on In this lesson we will continue to study the human body.

5. Study a new topic

Subject lesson« Skin – reliable protection of the body» . – (2 slide)

What do you imagine when you hear the word “ leather"? What are your associations?

- Skin is a living protective the shell of our body.

(3 slide) - Skin is the largest organ of our body.

Its area is 1.5 - 2 square meters. m.

Leather has different thickness in different parts of the body. The thinnest skin on eyelids, and the thickest is on the back, skull, feet, palms.

For 1 sq. see the skin has about 100 nerve endings.

The skin contains hair, nails, sebaceous and sweat glands.

Guys, what would you like to know about skin?

1. Structure 2. Meaning for organism 3. Skin care

Where can you get this information?

(Think for yourself, observe, read in books, ask different people, conduct an experiment)

Where is the most logical place to start?

Let's take a look at our skin. Let's define:

A) "What is our leather

Look at the skin on your hand, touch it on your fingertips, on your palm. Tell us about your observations

1. Which one skin on hands, at the folds? What color is it?

What can you say about her? (pink, smooth, elastic, thin, soft, durable)

Which interesting features has our leather? (lines, wrinkles)

What do you think is under the skin? (vessels, veins.)

Look closely at your fingers and elbows, what happens to the skin when we bend and straighten our fingers and arm? (leather stretches and folds). Why are these folds needed?

- Let's conduct an observation experiment: right hand Grasp the folds of skin on the knuckle of your left hand, and now slowly bend your finger. What's happening?

(Without folds in the skin, we would not be able to bend and straighten our arms and fingers)

- Leather combines qualities such as strength and elasticity, that is, stretchability. (Conclusion - 4 slide)

Now - Take a spoon. What does the spoon feel like? (cold, smooth)

Take a piece of paper. What do you feel? (rough paper)

What can you feel with your skin? (cold, warm, various touches)- To feel means to touch.

The first conclusion we we do:Skin is an organ of touch. – (5 slide)

Take another look at the skin on your hand. What do you see?

We see small holes. These openings are called pores.

What do you think their significance is? (Leather through the holes - pores, breathes.)

3. Rub your finger over the skin of your forehead. Place your finger on the mirror.

What did you notice? (a grease stain means skin secretes oil)

Who guessed why the skin needs fat?

Fat lubricates the skin, prevents it from drying out, makes it soft and elastic, like baby cream.

Not only fat, but also sweat is released through the pores. He always stands out; We only notice it when there is a lot of sweating. When does a person sweat a lot? (During physical activity.)

Why shouldn’t a sweaty person go outside naked, especially in the wind? (Sweat evaporates too quickly, cooling the organism, a person catches a cold.)

How is sweat different from ordinary water? (Salty.)

With sweat they stand out from body some harmful substances

– What function of the skin did we learn about? (Excretory function.)- (6 slide)

6. Physical education minute “How are you living?”

How are you living? (Like this)- How are you flying?

How are you going? - How do you swim?

How are you running? - How do you crawl?

How are you shivering from the cold? - How are you threatening?

How do you take it? - How are you sitting at your desk?

How do you give?

Leather covers your body evenly, but it is not just a shell of our body, but a complex organ with a certain structure, with many functions.

What does it consist of? leather?

To find out, let's watch the video “What does the top layer of our skin consist of?” and continue working with the presentation - (7-8 slides)

The first layer is the upper outer layer, which is called the Epidermis - slide 8

What function does it perform? (protective)

Why does he give us protects?

- The skin protects the body from harmful microbes, from internal damage organs.

– Second layer – itself leather or – dermis – 8 slide

It contains special sebaceous glands that lubricate the skin and hair. The sebaceous glands secrete oil.

Why is this happening?

Fat lubricates the skin, prevents it from drying out, and makes it soft

The third layer is subcutaneous fat, which is called the hypodermis - slide 8

– What is its function?

I’ll just tell you a little - it protects the skin from bruises and retains heat.

You will get more accurate information by reading the text from the textbook on pp. 27-29 at home, open the diaries and write down the house. exercise.

So, let's summarize everything that we found out: Skin –9 slide

Protects internal organs from damage

Doesn't let in organism microbes

Doesn't let in body water

Removes harmful substances from sweat

Protects the body from heat and cold

Did you know that skin has enemies?

When a lot of dust accumulates on the skin, it skin becomes dirty. Microbes begin to multiply.

If you don’t keep your skin clean, what could happen?

Various diseases may occur. Therefore, the skin must be kept clean so that germs do not penetrate organism.

So our skin protects our body from bacteria.

Is it possible protect yourself from harmful germs? (Yes)

8. Group work - Hygiene and skin care. – 3 min.

I invite each group to develop skin care rules, literally a few words.

Group 1 - How skin becomes dirty?

9. Conversation "Skin care rules":

1. 1 group: How skin becomes dirty? – answer from students of group 1 – slide 10

2. - Any clothes must be cleaned and washed. But what to do with the skin, because it becomes dirty very quickly. 2 group: How should you care for your skin? (You should wash your entire body with soap and a washcloth at least once a week. You should wash your face, ears, and neck twice a day - in the morning and before bed. Wash your hands with soap several times a day, especially before eating and after using the toilet.) - 11 slide

I have prepared reminders for you (Memo No. 1) that will remind you how to care for your skin.

Eat special means skin care. This baby soap and baby cream (show). They will help you take care of your skin.

3. - But leather It can not only get dirty, but also get damaged.

3 group: What skin damage do you know? (Bruises, wounds, burns, etc.)– 12 slide

It is very important to be able to help with skin damage; this can be useful in life. About this and about skin pigmentation, that is, what color it is leather and what it depends on, we will talk to you at the next lesson.

10. Role play "To see a doctor"- 13 slide

Lyosha discovered red, flaky spots on his skin, which doctor should he go to?

Titles in the presentation specialties:

ENT, ophthalmologist, surgeon, dermatologist, dentist.

Answer to the question

Why is a skin doctor called a dermatologist?

Dermis - leather, logos - science

And now I suggest checking how attentive you were to lesson. Complete the task - Working in pairs, together find errors in the text and correct them. It is necessary to replace words or delete them from the text.

11. Find errors and correct them.

Skin hygiene

organ leather


the skin was not chapped


Leather- this is the biggest and most important human organ. A person cannot live without skin. Skin is the body's protective shell.

12. Summing up.

Now, let's check how you learned new topic. Let's conduct a test, you need to choose only one answer - slide 14 -21 - prepare cards with numbers 1, 2, 3.

- Show the desired number:

How many layers does it consist of? leather?

a) 5o) 3 d) 2

2) Skin is... t) human outer covering;

b) internal organ; c) this is the shell of a person

3) can the skin be called respiratory organ?

a) no e) yes d) I don’t know

4) Thanks to what the skin is always soft?

g) sweat glands t) pores m) sebaceous glands

5) Sweat is released when a person...

h) cold i) just like that l) hot

6) The skin must be washed...

o) as needed p) in the morning and evening e) you don’t have to wash it

7) Can a person do without skin?

n) of course s) no y) maybe

I write the letter of the correct answer on the board. Look at the letters I wrote, what word can be made from them? (well done)

13. Marking.

14. Reflection – slide 22

Lesson is over. Everyone Thanks a lot get to work! - 23 slide

Skin hygiene

Row 1 - We often treat our skin carelessly. And this is our smallest organ! One and a half square meters of living, dead, flexible, elastic tissue. Our leather- a kind of natural shirt. Extremely fragile and short-lived.

2nd row - Clean, healthy, well-groomed leather, like a steadfast soldier, does not hold back the onslaught of pathogenic microbes - man's friends. Infection through the skin is possible only when it is contaminated or damaged. It is known that germs multiply quickly on the skin of clean hands.

Row 3 - It is necessary to keep the skin clean so that it can breathe easier. Face and hands should not be lubricated nourishing cream, to the skin was not chapped, was rough, beautiful and elastic.

Group 1 - How skin becomes dirty?

Group 2 - How should you care for your skin?

Group 3 - What skin damage do you know?

MEMO No. 1


You should definitely wash at least once a week, but it is much better to do it every day, especially in the summer. Just imagine how much dirt and dust settles on you when you walk, run, bike or roller skate! And it’s really unpleasant for you and those around you when you smell of sweat.

You need to wash your face twice a day - in the morning to wake up and freshen up, and in the evening to wash off all the dirt that has settled on your skin during the day.

Wash your hands with soap several times a day, especially before eating and after using the toilet.

MEMO No. 2


Immerse the affected area in cold water or place under a cold stream of water and hold until the pain subsides (from 10 minutes to half an hour).

After this, bandage the affected area. If you don’t have a bandage at hand, use any clean cloth.

Under no circumstances should you apply grease, cream, or ointment to the burned area.

Do not puncture the blisters to prevent germs from getting in and causing suppuration.

If the burn is severe and deep, consult a doctor immediately.


Apply a cold compress to the burned area and change it constantly.

You can take aspirin or paracetamol to relieve pain. (only parents can give).


In no case should you rub frostbitten areas too hard, as you can damage the skin and open access to microbes that cause suppuration.

Frostbitten areas should first be thoroughly rubbed with alcohol, then lightly rubbed with a soft, dry woolen cloth until sensitivity appears, and then lubricated with some kind of fat.

If blisters appear on the frostbitten area, wipe them with alcohol, tie them with a clean bandage and consult a doctor.


Have a good breakfast before heading out into the cold.

Your clothes should reliably protect your body from wind and rain.

When going on a long hike, be sure to have a dry pair of underwear with you.

Remember that the risk of hypothermia increases in the wind.

Tell adults about your problems first!