Every woman who wants to be pleasant and well-groomed removes excess hair from her body. Most often, the arms, legs, and face are treated. A 40% of Russian women remove unwanted hair from their bikini area. An unpleasant side effect of this procedure is ingrown hair under the skin.

A side effect of epilation and depilation is ingrown hairs.

Methods for removing ingrown hair

Ingrown hairs cause discomfort, especially in such a delicate area as the intimate area. Therefore, the question of how to remove ingrown hair in the bikini area is relevant. If, 2-3 days after depilation, redness of the skin, itching, and then thickening occur, this indicates that there is a hair shaft under the skin. If there are no signs of suppuration, you can try to get rid of it yourself.

Here are several ways to remove ingrown hair in the bikini area easily and without much difficulty:

For peeling, you can use acne lotions. Sometimes a composition based on bodyagi is used. But don't take risks because it stimulates hair growth.

Why does hair grow ingrown?

One of the reasons is regular shaving. In men, this usually happens on the neck, cheeks and chin, and in women - in the armpits, bikini area and legs. Often hairs begin to grow into the skin after unsuccessful removal from the body. If the procedure was carried out incorrectly or poorly several times, then in the future there will be constant problems with hair growing into the skin.

Hairs begin to grow into the skin after unsuccessful removal from the body

Signs of an ingrown hair are:

  1. Small round lumps (papules).
  2. Small pustules (pustules).
  3. Pain and itching, darkening of the skin.
  4. Sometimes the tip of the hair is visible at the site of the seal.

Hair can grow into the skin of any person, but more often this occurs in those with coarse or curly hair. This phenomenon, called pseudofolliculitis, affects many residents of the Caucasian republics, African countries and Latin Americans.

Some women experience hirsutism (increased hair growth) due to hormonal imbalance. This can also cause pseudofolliculitis.

Interesting fact! A man's beard prevents the appearance of ingrown facial hair.

Epilation or depilation of the bikini area

Let's look at what modern cosmetology and medicine offers to help those who want to make their body smooth and sexy.

There are painless and effective hair removal methods

There are two ways to remove excess hair from the skin: hair removal and depilation. There is a fundamental difference between them: during depilation, the follicle remains unharmed, only the visible part of the hair is cut off. During epilation, the hair shaft is removed from the roots, or the hair follicle is destroyed.

There are two types of depilation, painless and simple:

  1. Shaving. After it, hair begins to grow literally the next day. The procedure has a high degree of trauma, which is especially undesirable for intimate areas.
  2. Chemical depilation. The visible part of the hair shaft dissolves under the influence of chemicals. The hair root remains intact.

There are 7 types of hair removal:

Light and electrolysis are carried out only in medical institutions. They give a more reliable result, but for this you need to undergo several procedures: a single epilation will not get rid of hairs for a very long time. Cosmetologists foresee that in a few years these types of hair removal will supplant all others.

Unfortunately, there is no method yet to destroy unwanted vegetation once and for all.

Light hair removal gives fairly reliable results

Pay attention! The most ineffective way to remove hair from intimate places is depilation.

The hair grows back quickly and seems to become stiffer - this effect gives the feeling of a hard cut part of the hair growing back to replace the shaved one. In addition, after removing them in this way, there is a high probability that a problem will arise: how to remove ingrown hair in the bikini area.

How to prepare your skin for hair removal

To prepare the skin for the procedure, you must do the following:

You can use a special cream that reduces pain sensitivity, or take a painkiller tablet.

Skin care after hair removal

After epilation, the skin should not be scrubbed, lubricate with creams or lotions. It must be gently wiped with hydrogen peroxide or chamomile infusion. The lotion can only be used for cosmetic purposes with a calming effect.

Skin scrubbing and normal skin care can be performed 2 days after hair removal.

Use gentle, relaxing skin care products after treatment

As for epilation of the intimate area, there are special rules for skin care so that later ingrown hair in the bikini area does not create a problem on how to remove it:

  • immediately after hair removal, you must use loose underwear made from natural fabrics, and do not wear tight trousers;
  • on the first day, refuse nylon tights;
  • abstain from sexual intercourse until skin irritation goes away.

In the first days, it is useful to treat the intimate area with an antiseptic after a shower. Sunbathing and visiting the sauna for the first 3 days is not advisable.

Consequences of ingrown hairs

The consequence of an ingrown hair can be an inflammatory process

Often the ingrown hair dies and disappears on its own, or it manages to break through. If this does not happen, various complications may occur: inflammation of the nearby skin, swelling, suppuration due to scratches, scar formation. In such cases, you need to consult a dermatologist and remove the ingrown hair.

Self-treatment of pseudofolliculitis

Important to know! Your doctor can recommend treatment. But the disease is chronic. Treatment can only be symptomatic and does not cure the problem.

It consists of the following activities:

  • topical use of steroids to relieve inflammation or swelling;
  • applying antibiotic ointment to treat infection;
  • removing dead skin cells using retinoids.

A radical way to treat pseudofolliculitis is to remove the ingrown hair from the skin. You need to know how to remove ingrown hairs on the neck, legs, and bikini area correctly so as not to cause complications.

Professional medical assistance

If pus has formed at the site of the ingrown hair, it is better to consult a doctor. It is also advisable to do this because the symptoms of pseudofolliculitis are similar to the symptoms of diseases such as folliculitis, acne and a number of other skin ailments.

If ingrown hairs appear, it is better to consult a doctor

The doctor will perform simple manipulations, clean the wound from pus, but will do it professionally and efficiently, under sterile conditions.

Prevention of pseudofolliculitis

In order not to subsequently think about how to remove ingrown hair in the bikini area without pain and complications, it is better to completely abandon shaving and depilatory creams, and use more progressive types of hair removal.

But if, nevertheless, preference is given to a razor, then you need to know how to shave the intimate area so that later there is no reason to remove ingrown hair in the biline area.

It is necessary to shave hair only in the direction of its growth and do not shave the skin too smoothly, and after the procedure, cool the treated surface to relieve irritation (you can use a towel moistened with water).

Try to use more modern methods of hair removal to avoid ingrown hairs

To prevent ingrowth of the hair shaft, it is necessary to remove it in the direction of growth along with the bulb, while the paste is applied in the opposite direction.

Even in a small area, hair can grow in multiple directions. An experienced master will identify these zones before starting work and will work with each separately.

Safety and comfort are worth turning to professionals for hair removal.

Procedures to remove unwanted hair can have unpleasant consequences in the form of ingrown hairs. Men are equally susceptible to the problem as women. There are various reasons why hair under the skin changes direction of growth. As a result, rashes and inflammation appear on the skin of the face and body, causing pain and discomfort. Knowing how to prevent and get rid of the problem will help keep your skin beautiful and well-groomed.

What are ingrown hairs, their causes and symptoms

An ingrown hair is a pimple-like bulge on the skin where you can see the growing shaft. The formation may have a purulent or serous filling, a red or brown tint. This is not a disease, but it greatly spoils the appearance and causes inconvenience. In dermatology, the term “pseudofolliculitis” is used to refer to this phenomenon.
Hair changes direction of growth, resulting in inflammation under the skin

In this case, the hair can be located at the very surface of the skin or grow deep. Places on the body that are affected by this problem:

  • legs;
  • armpit;
  • face;
  • bikini area;
  • in infants - the back.

That is, these are places with particularly coarse or curly hair, where some kind of hair removal is carried out, constant friction with clothing occurs.

Causes of ingrown hairs

If, after shaving, the hair changes direction of growth as a result of tilting or breaking into the skin, then this place becomes inflamed and irritated. The cause is the hair follicle becoming clogged with dead skin cells.
Ingrown hairs appear after improper epilation

As a result of shaving, the follicle is not removed, a new process appears from it, and the process of ingrowth cannot be predicted. But if this happens, then it is not recommended to leave the problem unattended.

Causes of unpleasant formation:

  • injured skin from shaving;
  • using old razor blades, moving them in the direction of hair growth;
  • thickening of the skin as a result of active division of keratin cells in the upper layer of epithelial tissue (hyperkeratosis);
  • inaccurate depilation, with insufficient adhesion of the hair and the removing composition, for example, wax;
  • violation of the integrity of the hair canal during hair removal;
  • abuse of wearing synthetic underwear. Synthetics disrupt the circulation of moisture evaporated from the skin pores, resulting in the rapid proliferation of pathogenic bacteria;
  • disruption of the hormonal system, uncontrolled releases of hormones, disorders in the functioning of endocrine cells;
  • excessive dryness of the skin from nature or under the influence of external factors;
  • neglecting to care for areas that have undergone epilation or depilation.

In people with dark skin and hair, the problem of ingrown hairs is more common.. Coarse hair grows faster, and with a dense stratum corneum of the epithelium, it is more difficult to break through. Along the path of least resistance, the growing hair changes direction and begins to grow horizontally or downward.

Important: before depilation or epilation, use a scrub to remove excess dead particles of epithelial tissue, and after the procedure, soften and nourish the skin.

Symptoms of ingrown hairs

Having discovered an unaesthetic red bump on the body or face, it may not be possible to immediately identify an ingrown hair in it. The symptoms and signs of this problem are as follows:

  • three days after shaving, nodules (papules) appear that can itch or hurt;
  • after manipulations to get rid of hair, redness is noticeable, which then swells;
  • After about a day, the reddened area begins to rot, an inflammatory process forms under the skin due to a foreign object;
  • Not in all cases, bent hair can be visible to the naked eye.

Photo gallery: signs of ingrown hairs

An ingrown hair can be identified by a red or brown pimple. An ingrown hair can also look like a dense lump. Under the skin, an ingrown hair may not be noticeable if it is located in the deep layers of the epidermis

Products for getting rid of ingrown hairs

To combat ingrown hairs, many products have been developed that can be purchased at a store or pharmacy. In addition, self-prepared formulations will also help in this matter. There are various forms of release of finished preparations: creams, ointments, lotions or gels.

Cosmetics that help with the problem of ingrown hairs

You can deal with ingrown hairs in a beauty salon or at home. Currently, the cosmetics industry offers a wide selection of ready-made products.

Cosmetics for getting rid of ingrown hairs:

  • An excellent preventive measure is creams with AHA (fruit) acids. They act on the epidermis simultaneously from the inside and outside, eliminating hyperkeratosis. The more AHA acids in the cream, the better, because in the complex the acids enhance the effect. One of these products is Aravia Professional AHA-cream post-epil: the product has accumulative moisturizing properties, is well absorbed without leaving greasy marks on clothes, and is recommended for daily use, starting from the next day of depilation;
  • Loofah loofah is a plant from the pumpkin family that grows in southern countries. This natural remedy is excellent for exfoliating the skin, which should be done before waxing to prevent ingrown hairs. If you massage the skin with a washcloth after hair removal, it helps soften the upper layers of the epidermis and speed up the emergence of ingrown hair. In addition, massage with a loofah sponge has an anti-cellulite effect;
  • sugar, salt or coffee scrubs are made using natural ingredients. All that remains is to apply them with massaging movements to the affected areas. By exfoliating the upper layers of the skin, proper hair growth is facilitated, and already ingrown hairs germinate more easily. It is recommended to combine the use of such products with a visit to a bathhouse or sauna. For example, a soft scrub with peach oil, Soft Scrub Aravia Professional, which has a light texture with a large number of scrubbing particles of different sizes, prepares the skin for further manipulation;
  • A Turkish kese mitten is suitable for peeling. Thanks to its structure of bamboo, silk or goat hair, it removes dead skin cells from the surface of the skin without scratching. The hardness may vary, so each person will choose the most suitable kese for themselves.

The washcloth mitten is easy to use and does not injure the skin

Drugs for ingrown hairs from the pharmacy

Getting rid of ingrown hairs is faster when using medications. If the skin is damaged, an infection can occur that cannot be treated without the help of antibiotics. In advanced cases of pseudofolliculitis, antibiotics can also be prescribed for internal use.

Let's present an overview of products that help get rid of ingrown hair:

  • Tretinoin is a cream that belongs to the retinoid group, which helps remove dead particles from the surface of the skin. Its action is to reduce hyperkeratosis and hyperpigmentation. In addition, the product helps reduce pore clogging, delay hair growth, and thin the hair structure. If you have a problem with ingrown hairs, you can use it to perform chemical depilation: after application, the cream acts on the follicle, weakening the shaft, as a result of which the hair can be removed painlessly;
  • Levomekol ointment can be easily purchased at any pharmacy kiosk. It contains two bioactive ingredients: an antibiotic and an immunostimulant. They ensure that the ointment stops inflammation processes and fights pathogenic microorganisms, as a result of which the infection zone is limited and tissue regeneration is initiated. Use the ointment by applying it to a piece of gauze, which is applied to the inflamed area for 2 hours;
  • Vishnevsky ointment, thanks to its natural ingredients, helps with inflamed formations due to ingrown hair with pus. It is used as a compress at night: a piece of cotton wool is smeared with ointment, a pimple is applied, and the top is sealed with a band-aid. The ointment's composition of castor oil, xeroform and birch tar disinfects, softens, penetrates into the deep layers of the epidermis and treats the wound from the inside, helping the purulent contents to come out;
  • salicylic acid is sold in the form of a 2% lotion and is used spot-on with a moistened cotton swab or disk. Thanks to its antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and keratoplastic (exfoliating) effect, the hair breaks out faster;
  • Glycolic acid is a fruit acid, suitable for any skin type, has anti-inflammatory, protective, and rejuvenating effects. Small acid molecules are able to penetrate to the upper layers of the dermis, reducing the stratum corneum of the epidermis. This speeds up the emergence of ingrown hair to the surface. You can purchase glycolic acid 70% in pure form, but before use, be sure to dilute it with water in a ratio of 1:7;
  • acetylsalicylic acid in tablets (aspirin), due to its ability to relieve irritation, helps fight ingrown hairs. But it does not need to be taken orally. To do this, two tablets are dissolved in 100 ml of clean water, the redness is treated with the resulting composition 2-3 times a day;
  • Aspirin tablets are also used in tandem with glycerin, which is sold in 25 ml bottles. Combine powdered aspirin with glycerin to form a pasty mixture (2-3 tablets are enough). Apply this mixture to the inflamed area, cover the top with a gauze pad and leave for 2 hours. The composition literally pulls a hair out from under the skin. Then treat with an antiseptic and pull the hair by the tip with tweezers;
  • zinc ointment, the main component of which is zinc oxide, is an available anti-inflammatory, emollient, astringent and adsorbent agent. It perfectly dries the area with inflamed ingrown hair and whitens remaining pigment spots. A variation of the ointment is salicylic-zinc, which quickly and effectively removes stains;
  • tincture of propolis (bee glue) in alcohol has an adaptogenic, that is, general tonic, effect, promotes the rapid healing of microtraumas from ingrown hairs. Used as lotions 1–3 times a day;
  • Ichthyol ointment is used in two forms: 10% and 25%. It should be applied to the problem area, lightly massaged, wrapped in plastic and left overnight. In the morning, carefully rinse with warm water, dry and apply nourishing cream. The procedure, of course, will not help the first time; you need to repeat it every other day;
  • budget concentrate Folly-Doctor is designed specifically to combat ingrown hairs. Sold in tubes of 125 ml. Thanks to a complex of fruit acids, extracts of beneficial plants, and menthol in its composition, the drug dries, cools areas of inflammation, and prevents ingrowth. Apply according to instructions 2 times daily;
  • Skin Doctors Ingrow Go lotion contains propylene glycol, isopryl alcohol, glycolic and salicylic acids. To get rid of ingrown hairs, you need to apply the product to the affected areas twice a day;
  • Folisan gel product contains salicylic acid. It is convenient to apply with a ball applicator, suitable for daily care and the most delicate areas of the body. At the same time, during the use of the drug, crusts may form on the scars; they cannot be removed; active healing occurs underneath them. The crusts themselves will disappear imperceptibly during water procedures;
  • Badyaga is offered in pharmacies in the form of tablets, gel or ointment at affordable prices. When applying the drug, burning sensations and irritation may occur in some cases, which indicates increased blood flow. Thanks to its constituent components, badyaga is effective in combating pigmentation of problem areas. It is recommended to use no more than 1-2 times a day directly at the site of inflammation to prevent overdrying;
  • The liquid preparation Dimexide is sold in dark vials of 50 and 100 ml. The main component dimethyl sulfoxide is a powerful healing and antimicrobial substance. The product is an excellent conductor that greatly enhances the absorption of beneficial vitamins and microelements into tissue cells. To combat ingrown hairs, Dimexide must be diluted in a ratio of 1:5 with water.. Otherwise you may get burned. Use a diluted solution to apply lotions to inflamed areas at night;
  • Follivit gel cream contains a complex of salicylic acid, St. John's wort, witch hazel, and arnica extracts, which determine its ability to slow down hair growth and prevent ingrown hairs. Follivit can be applied immediately after depilation or shaving as a preventive measure. For redness, rub 1-2 times a day;
  • Solcoseryl antibacterial ointment relieves irritation and inflammation, protects against infection, and promotes the rapid disappearance of dark spots in the areas of ingrown hair. Treat the skin with ointment 2-3 times a day.

Photo gallery: pharmaceutical preparations against ingrown hairs

Zinc ointment dries the area with inflamed ingrown hair Vishnevsky ointment fights pus formed as a result of ingrown hair Tretinoin cream acts on the follicle, weakening the shaft Folly-Doctor concentrate dries, cools the area of ​​inflammation, prevents the process of ingrowth Dimexide is a powerful healing and antimicrobial agent
A burning sensation after applying Badyagi indicates increased blood flow. Solcoseryl ointment relieves irritation and inflammation, protects against infection
With regular use every other day, Ichthyol ointment will become effective in treating ingrown hairs. Levomekol ointment stops inflammation. The action of Follivit is aimed at slowing down hair growth and preventing ingrown hairs.

How to treat sores and scratches from ingrown hairs

Inflamed wounds from ingrown hairs spoil the appearance, cause discomfort, and sometimes can even hurt. Under no circumstances should you endure them or wait for them to go away on their own. First of all, they need to be treated with antiseptics, because any violation of the integrity of the skin is a potential danger of infection.

You need to disinfect the wound with any of the following means:

  • chlorhexidine;
  • iodine;
  • the drug Miramistin;
  • furatsilin;
  • any alcohol tincture or lotion.

It is necessary to treat wounds; this will not only speed up the healing process, but also eliminate danger to the body. Especially if there is contact with the ground, which may contain larvae of various pests. An infection can penetrate through a microwound, for which the body's cells are an ideal breeding ground.

Important: the worst-case scenario is blood poisoning. Through the slightest damage to the skin, pathogens of dangerous diseases, such as tetanus or rabies, can enter.

Traditional methods for getting rid of ingrown hairs

There are reliable methods for getting rid of ingrown hairs in salons, but they cost a lot of money. Therefore, it is much more profitable to use formulations prepared with your own hands at home. In addition, it is quite difficult for some people to relax and decide, for example, to undergo such an intimate procedure as getting rid of diaper rash in the bikini area.

The most popular folk remedies are:

  • An inexpensive and effective product is obtained from onions and laundry soap. To do this, you need to bake the onion in the oven and thoroughly chop it into a paste. Grate the soap on a fine grater. Apply a mixture of onion and soap crumbs in a 2:1 ratio to ingrown hairs. You can do 5 lotions a day. Rinse off with warm water each time;
  • regular hydrogen peroxide 3% will help get rid of ingrown hairs and the stains that remain after them. To do this, mix the product with badyagi powder in a 2:1 ratio to obtain a paste-like mixture. Apply it to the area of ​​inflammation for 5–15 minutes. A burning sensation may be felt depending on the pain threshold. Carry out such masks three times a week;
  • Lemon juice is used according to the following recipe: cut the fruit in half, squeeze out the juice. Soak a cotton swab well with lemon juice and apply to problem skin for 10–15 minutes. Apply a compress of freshly squeezed juice in between depilations;
  • Due to the tannins in tea bags, they reduce inflammation and reduce minor redness after hair removal. It is noteworthy that cheap tea bags contain a higher concentration of tannic acid, so their effect is more noticeable. Apply the sachet once used to the ingrown hair and leave for five minutes. You can repeat it several times daily;
  • aloe has been known for its medicinal properties since ancient times. Its juice is applied to the wound in its pure form, it softens and relieves inflammation. It is important to use freshly prepared juice. To speed up the process, apply aloe leaves cut lengthwise; before doing this, it is advisable to keep them in the refrigerator for a couple of days;
  • Table vinegar will help destroy bacteria, soften and exfoliate the skin, thereby facilitating natural hair growth. The recipe for use is simple: first rinse the inflamed skin with clean water and gently dry with a soft towel, apply a cloth soaked in vinegar to this area for 10-20 minutes until completely absorbed. It is more effective to carry out the procedure before bedtime;
  • Apple cider vinegar is also a good help for ingrown hairs. You just need to saturate a cotton pad with the product and gently treat problem areas. If the irritation is very severe, you can first apply a layer of honey, leave it for 5 minutes and remove it with a cotton swab dipped in vinegar. This technique will soften, relieve redness and help hair grow;
  • Baking soda relieves inflammation well. To do this, you need to dissolve a tablespoon of baking soda in a glass of warm water. Wipe the affected areas of the skin with a cotton swab soaked in the solution, let dry and rinse with clean water. The method is safe and can be used several times a day.

Photo gallery: folk remedies against ingrown hairs

A compress of freshly squeezed lemon juice is used between depilation sessions. Hydrogen peroxide will get rid of ingrown hairs and stains after them. Apple cider vinegar will help hair germinate and relieve redness. Regular baked onions help fight ingrown hairs. Tea bags, thanks to tannins, relieve inflammation and reduce slight redness after hair removal Aloe juice is applied to the wound in its pure form, it softens and relieves inflammation A paste of soda and water helps relieve inflammation

What preventative measures are there?

Before waxing or shaving, you should take care of your skin. Ingrown hairs, like other skin problems, are better prevented than cured.

Simple rules will help make life easier between hair removals:

  • before carrying out hair removal manipulations, carry out a gentle peeling 2-3 days in order to remove the stratum corneum of the epidermis;
  • Before the procedure, be sure to steam the skin: you can simply take a warm shower or use an infusion of medicinal herbs;
  • Immediately upon completion of the procedure and in the following days, you need to apply an anti-ingrown hair cream. A special cosmetic product will soften the skin and prevent irritation;
  • the procedure room must be clean, all instruments must be sterilized;
  • the skin from which hair is removed must be cleaned and disinfected, without open wounds or abrasions;
  • if you use a ready-made depilatory product, be sure to follow the attached instructions;
  • make sure that the wax or paste does not overheat; to do this, first test the heated mixture on your wrist;
  • remove the wax parallel to the skin with a quick movement, but not sharply;
  • When shaving, use foam or gel according to your skin type;
  • shaving blades must be clean and sharp;
  • between depilations, also apply a scrub and use a washcloth 1–2 times a week.

Complications and consequences

Something as small at first glance as an ingrown hair can lead to infection, inflammation of the hair follicle, hyperpigmentation and the appearance of scars. In severe cases, when a large area is affected, pseudofolliculitis occurs. Both men and women are susceptible to the disease.
Both women and men are susceptible to pseudofolliculitis

The consequences of ingrown hairs are as follows:

  • in the presence of a foreign body under the skin, an inflammatory process and suppuration begins, after opening which scars remain;
  • the compaction under the skin becomes a lump, which hurts and spoils the appearance;
  • if an infection occurs through an open wound from an ingrown hair, a boil may grow and an abscess may occur in the subcutaneous tissue;
  • red or burgundy spots (pigmentation) remain at the site of the removed hair.

To get rid of complications, you need to consult a general practitioner or dermatologist, he will prescribe the necessary procedures:

  • poorly healing wounds after an unsuccessful attempt to remove the hair on their own should be regularly treated with an antiseptic and healing medicinal ointments, and covered with sterile bandages;
  • Antibiotics may be prescribed orally in tablet form;
  • a large growth in a sensitive area that causes pain can be removed surgically;
  • To speed up healing, keloid scars are treated with special regenerating drugs.

Important: medications must be prescribed by a doctor; self-medication is dangerous!

Removing hair from under the skin

If abnormally growing hair is located close to the surface of the skin, you should not remove it. You can peel, apply a special composition, that is, adjust the care, and the hair will come out on its own.

When the hair is located deep under the skin, you first need to apply a product or mask that will help pull it closer to the surface. Recipes for preparing mixtures are given above in the text.

Manual removal of ingrown hairs is carried out after a softening procedure on skin treated with an antiseptic:

  1. Prepare a thin long needle or tweezers, thoroughly disinfecting them.
  2. If a loop of ingrown hair appears on the surface of the skin, carefully pick it up with a long needle.
  3. Use tweezers to grab the tip of the hair and pull. No sudden movements, otherwise the surrounding skin will be damaged.
  4. The hair can be pulled out, or it can be left in the follicle to be removed during the depilation process.
  5. Be sure to lubricate the treated area with antiseptic and emollient agents.

Video: removing ingrown hair

Ingrown hairs are hairs that curl back and grow into the skin. They also occur when dead skin cells clog the hair follicle, causing the hair to grow to the side. Ingrown hairs often cause itching and mild pain. They appear as small red spots on the skin, about the size of a pimple, and in some cases they can become infected. Often, ingrown hairs will go away on their own, but if there is a stubborn ingrown hair that just won't come out and is causing you some discomfort, try using an exfoliator and a warm compress and then plucking it out with tweezers.


How to help ingrown hairs come out

  1. Give the ingrown hair a week to “come out” on its own. In most cases, ingrown hairs go away on their own, somehow finding a way out through the skin that is blocking them. While you wait for the hair to find its way out, try not to pick it out or comb it.

    • While waiting for the ingrown hair to go away, try not to shave the problem area. If a bump has formed at the site of the ingrown hair, then while shaving you risk damaging it and causing an infection.
  2. Apply acne treatment to the area where there are ingrown hairs. Ingrown hairs are similar to pimples, especially if they fester. Apply benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid several times a day for several days. Combined with daily exfoliation, this is enough to get rid of ingrown hairs, as the swelling will decrease and the hair will have more space to grow outward (rather than inward).

    • Acne cream can be purchased at any pharmacy.
  3. Apply the steroid to the inflamed area. If the ingrown hair begins to fill with white or yellow pus, this means that inflammation has occurred. In such cases, the infection must be treated before hair removal. Apply some steroid cream to the affected area to reduce swelling and fight infection.

    • Some steroid creams, such as cortisol, can be purchased without a prescription. For a stronger steroid drug, you will need a doctor's prescription.

    How to extract hair

    1. Exfoliate the area where the ingrown hair is located to remove the layer of dead skin cells blocking the hair's exit. Exfoliate your skin twice a day using a special scrub or exfoliating glove. This will remove dead skin, dirt and oil that may be blocking hair from coming out. Exfoliation will allow the tip of the hair to come out. Try exfoliating your skin in different directions to remove as much of the dead skin surrounding the hair as possible.

      • You can purchase a special scrub or glove at any supermarket or pharmacy.
    2. While exfoliating, be careful not to damage the skin around the ingrown hair. The skin needs to be exfoliated enough to free the hair without damaging it. If you experience pain while exfoliating, if your skin looks raw or bleeds, don't exfoliate anymore.

      • When in doubt, exfoliate gently and gently for longer, such as 10 minutes.
    3. Apply a warm, damp compress to the ingrown hair area for a few minutes. Soak a towel or rag in hot water and apply to the area with the ingrown hair for 3-4 minutes. Once the rag has cooled, soak it in hot water again. This will soften the hair and bring it to the surface, making it easier to pull out.

      • If an ingrown hair is visible, a wet compress will help soften the skin and hair and bring it closer to the surface. If the ingrown hair is not initially visible, then leave the compress longer until the hair rises closer to the surface of the skin.
    4. Pull the hair out from under the skin using a sterile needle or tweezers. It may take some time and persistence to get the hair to come out without damaging your skin. As soon as the tip of the hair appears outside, try to pick it up with sharp tweezers and pull the hair out. Don't pull out the hair if you can avoid it - just try to get the ingrown end out.

      • Sometimes you will see a loop of hair on the surface of the skin. This means that the hair has already begun to grow into the skin in the opposite direction. Insert a needle into the loop and pull lightly; Most often you will be able to free your hair this way.
      • If you do not see an ingrown hair loop after exfoliating the skin, do not try to pick out the hair, as this can damage the skin.
      • To sterilize instruments, boil them in water, wipe them with a cotton pad soaked in alcohol, or hold them over a fire until they turn bright red. Refrigerate them before using.
      • Wash your hands well before removing an ingrown hair. Wear nitrile gloves to avoid introducing bacteria.

Ingrown hairs can appear in men and women at different ages and cause a lot of discomfort and anxiety. More often, ingrowth is observed in people with curly hair, but absolutely everyone can face this problem. Typically, ingrown hairs are only a cosmetic defect, but in some cases, the hair shaft growing in the wrong direction can lead to the development of suppuration and significant inflammatory reactions.

What are ingrown hairs? Why do they appear? What do they look like? And most importantly, how to get rid of this delicate problem? In this article we will give answers to all these questions. This information will help you get rid of ingrown hairs and prevent their reappearance.

What are ingrown hairs and what do they look like?

Typically, procedures such as shaving or electrolysis lead to ingrown hairs. After such manipulations, the hair shaft becomes thinner, and it becomes more difficult for it to break through the skin. The part that remains under the skin bends and begins to grow in a different or opposite direction.

Ingrown hairs manifest themselves as irritation and the appearance of a darkened or red-pink bump in the area of ​​the hair follicle. They can be single or multiple. Most often, ingrown hairs are observed in the areas that are most often subjected to shaving or depilation: the face, legs, armpits or bikini area.

The appearance of these ingrown hair bumps may vary depending on how deep the hair shaft is grown. With deep growth into the thickness of the skin, a pronounced inflammatory reaction and purulent compactions can develop. Sometimes in the center of the bump you can notice an ingrown hair curled inward, and in some cases its end may rise above the rash.

Interesting! Ingrown hairs can occur in men and women at any age. But they are most often observed in adolescents or African Americans.

One of the types of ingrown hairs is a disease called barbe pseudofolliculitis. This pathology is accompanied by the appearance of ulcers and abscesses in the shaving area. More often such suppurations appear on the face and neck. With repeated shaving, they progress and can lead to the formation of hyperpigmentation, scars, etc. This disease is more common in African-American men because their hair is coarser and coarser.

Why do ingrown hairs appear?

The main cause of ingrown hairs is shaving.

The following types of depilation can also cause this problem:

  • waxy;
  • sugaring;
  • using electric depilators.

During such procedures, unlike laser and photoepilation, only the hair shaft is removed, but not its bulb. The hair nest is damaged, and the skin becomes slightly rougher. These changes lead to the fact that the growing hair matures at the wrong angle, cannot break out and grows into the skin.

Sometimes the cause of ingrown hairs is a dense layer of already dead skin cells. They tightly clog the lumen of the hair follicle, and the hair shaft cannot break through them.

Incorrectly chosen underwear can also cause ingrown hairs. Some of its models cause inflammatory reactions in the groin or armpits, and the hair shaft that does not penetrate the area of ​​​​inflamed skin begins to grow in a different direction.

How to get rid of ingrown hairs at home?

Some people try to get rid of ingrown hairs by squeezing them out or prying them with a needle. Such methods can lead to aggravation of the inflammatory reaction and the appearance of suppuration. That is why they should never be used.

Calendula will help get rid of ingrown hair

In some cases, you can get rid of ingrown hairs at home using simple and safe procedures. First, you should give the skin a rest (do not use a depilator or razor for several days) and eliminate inflammation by applying anti-inflammatory infusions of medicinal herbs (chamomile, calendula, etc.) or lotions. After this, you should steam the skin by taking a warm bath, shower, or applying a towel soaked in hot water to it, and remove dead skin cells using mechanical peeling (scrub).

To perform such peelings at home, you can use the following recipes:

  1. Sugar or salt scrub. Mix salt or sugar with shower gel, olive oil, sour cream or cream. Apply the resulting mixture to the skin in the area of ​​ingrown hairs and perform massaging circular movements. The pressure should be quite intense, but not traumatic to the skin.
  2. Coffee-nut-honey scrub. Grind almond or hazelnut kernels in a blender. Add a little coffee grounds and honey to the resulting mass. The result should be a mixture whose consistency resembles thick sour cream or cream. Apply the resulting scrub to the skin in the area of ​​ingrown hairs and perform massaging circular movements.
  3. Coffee scrub with tea tree essential oil and a decoction of herbs. Add a herbal decoction (chamomile, St. John's wort, calendula, etc.) to the coffee grounds in such an amount to form a paste-like mass. Add a few drops of tea tree oil to the resulting mixture and stir. Apply the resulting scrub to the skin in the area of ​​ingrown hairs and perform massaging circular movements.

Such procedures should be performed daily for a week. After peeling, the skin should be rinsed with warm water and treated with salicylic alcohol or lotion containing salicylic or lactic acid. You can prepare this product yourself using one of these recipes:

  1. Lotion with honey and aspirin. Melt a teaspoon of honey in a water bath and mix with 1 tablespoon of warm water and powder from 4 aspirin tablets. Apply the resulting product to the skin for 15 minutes and rinse with warm water.
  2. Lotion with aspirin. Pour 60 ml of chilled boiled water into a dark glass bottle, add powder from 2 aspirin tablets and a few drops of glycerin. Close the container and mix all ingredients by shaking. This lotion should be applied to the skin 3-4 times a day.

In some cases, it is not possible to get rid of ingrown hairs using the methods described above, and you have to use more effective methods. To do this, you can use the following recipes:

In some cases, ingrown hairs leave hyperpigmentation on the skin. To remove such dark spots, you can use the following recipes:

  1. A mixture of badyagi powder and 3% hydrogen peroxide solution. This product is prepared in the same way as for removing ingrown hairs. The resulting mixture is applied to areas of hyperpigmentation 2-3 times a week.
  2. Ichthyol ointment 10%. The ointment is applied to the dark spot, covered with cling film and left for several hours or overnight. The procedure is carried out in the following sequence: ointment is applied for 2 days, peeling is carried out for 2 days. Repeat until the dark spot completely disappears.
  3. Salicylic ointment 2%. The ointment is applied to the spot area 2 times a day (morning and evening) until hyperpigmentation disappears.

To remove dark spots after ingrown hairs, you can use the following products to get rid of acne spots:

  • Skinoren;
  • Melanative;
  • Stieva-A;
  • Dermagenetic Lefko;
  • Vichy Idealia PRO and others.

Sometimes, due to deep ingrowth, it is not possible to get rid of ingrown hairs at home. In such cases, you need to consult a dermatologist or cosmetologist.

How to get rid of ingrown hairs with the help of specialists?

To get rid of ingrown hairs, experts may suggest the following methods:

  • topical exfoliants;
  • surgical hair removal using an incision.
Special lotion for removing ingrown hair

To remove hair, products can be used to exfoliate the top layer of skin above the ingrown hair. These include:

  • Tretinoin (Retin-A, Airol);
  • spot treatment for ingrown hairs Intimate Folisan; Depileve;
  • Scruffing Lotion 2.5, Clinique;
  • anti-ingrown hair cream Malin+Goetz;
  • acid peels.

If ulcers appear, the doctor may prescribe antibacterial drugs for external use:

  • Synthomycin liniment;
  • Levomikol ointment;
  • Tetracycline ointment;
  • Gentaxan;
  • Baneocin;
  • Oflokain et al.

If it is impossible to remove the ingrown hair using therapeutic methods, the doctor can perform surgical removal using an incision. To do this, the skin is treated with alcohol and stretched or folded. Using a sterile scalpel, the doctor makes a small incision near the hair shaft and removes it using tweezers. After this, the skin is treated with an antiseptic solution, and a sterile bandage is applied to the wound.

After removing ingrown hairs, the doctor will definitely give the patient a number of recommendations to prevent their re-growth.

How to avoid ingrown hairs?

  1. Before the depilation procedure, it is always necessary to exfoliate to get rid of dead skin cells.
  2. When shaving, always use special shaving gels or foams.
  3. You only need to shave or remove hair using an electric depilator in the direction of its growth (for example, from the knee to the foot).
  4. After shaving or other types of hair removal, the skin must be treated with special post-depilation products (lotion or cream).
  5. After any depilation procedure, peel several times a week and regularly use moisturizers.
  6. Do not wear tight underwear or clothing.
  7. Give preference to linen made from natural fabrics.
  8. If any depilation procedure (for example, waxing, sugaring, hair removal with an electric depilator or shaving) causes ingrown hairs, then it is necessary to abandon it and replace it with another one. If such a replacement is not possible, perform laser hair removal or electrolysis.

Following these simple rules can significantly reduce the risk of re-ingrown hairs. Remember this, do not neglect the recommendations of specialists and be healthy!

Update: October 2018

Ingrown hair on the legs and other parts of the body, medically called pseudofolliculitis, is part of a group of hair growth disorders. In this case, the hair shaft remains under the skin and begins to grow in the opposite direction, i.e. deep into the skin.

In the vast majority of cases, they occur in places where unwanted hair is regularly removed: on the neck, face, legs, armpits and pubic area. Externally they look like a small area of ​​swelling, accompanied by redness and itching.

Women may notice ingrown hair in the bikini area: a lump formed on the skin is pseudofolliculitis. The inflammatory nature of the pathology can be of varying degrees of severity - in half of the cases purulent contents are visible through the skin, but inflammation occurs in any case, since the ingrown hair is perceived by the skin as a foreign body.

Risk group

Ingrown hairs due to traumatic effects on the skin are a feature that is observed in some people: all men shave, and women use one or another method of hair removal, while the problem of pseudofolliculitis is observed in only a part of them.

Representatives of the Negroid race and those with coarse, curly hair and dry skin are susceptible to this disease. Such a feature as the acute angle of inclination of the hair follicles in relation to the surface of the skin also contributes to ingrowth.

Causes of ingrown hairs

Consequence of depilation performed at home

Methods such as shaving with a razor, electric razors, hair removal using special creams and wax strips remove only the subcutaneous, protruding part of the hair, and the hair follicles remain inside the skin. With each subsequent depilation, the hair weakens and becomes thinner, and the skin, on the contrary, coarsens and thickens: the keratinized epidermis does not peel off and closes the mouths of the follicles.

Thus, the thin hair shaft cannot break through and begins to curl into a spiral and grow in the opposite direction. After hair removal, ingrown hairs become visible within 1-2 days. In some cases, you should abandon the method of hair removal (depilatories, hot wax, etc.) that causes this problem and replace it with another method, for example, sugaring (thick sugar paste).

Lack of skin preparation before and after depilation

Before shaving, you should apply softening and moisturizing products to your hair and skin, as well as use special products for shaving and subsequent care for irritated skin: even the most gentle hair removal is a mini-stress for the dermis.

Violation of hair shaving technique

Shaving against the grain, using dull blades, extremely careful shaving of hair from the same area, strong pressure and stretching of the skin when shaving, very frequent shaving.


A rare, but still occurring reason is when a person’s keratinization is accelerated and the epithelium becomes rough and dense, through which it is difficult for the hair shaft to break through.

Rubbing the shaved area of ​​skin with tight, tight clothing

Signs of pseudofolliculitis

  • Local redness and swelling of the skin area that has been depilated. This is the very first sign that develops even before ingrown hair.
  • Dense papules, accompanied by pain and resembling nodules, that appear within 2-3 days after shaving.
  • The tip of a hair visible through the skin or a loop of hair protruding from the outside. These signs are not always visible.
  • Suppuration of the nodule may develop: yellowish contents are visible through the skin.
  • Formation of dense nodules and white pimples called milia. It occurs within 1-2 weeks, with further ingrowth of the hair shaft and no treatment.
  • In a complicated course: infectious abscesses and ulcers, most often caused by bacteria of the genus Pseudomonas or staphylococci.

Further symptoms depend on the tactics for managing ingrown hair.

  • The exit of the hair shaft due to independent overcoming of the skin barrier is a local inflammatory reaction that gradually subsides.
  • Opening a nodule on your own using an unsterile needle or tweezers, squeezing it out with dirty hands (in most cases) - infection of the follicle and melting of the nodules with the formation of purulent pustules, after resolution of which long-term hyperpigmentation and keloid scars remain.
  • Removal of ingrown hairs in a beauty salon or medical facility results in the formation of an aseptic wound, after resolution of which slight hyperpigmentation remains for some time.

Differential diagnosis

Ingrown hairs are differentiated from ostiofolliculitis, folliculitis, acne vulgaris, follicular hyperkeratosis, pyoderma.

How to remove ingrown hair in a medical facility

If the ingrown hair has become a lump with purulent contents, there is a tendency for inflammation to spread, or independent actions have been taken that led to suppuration, you should consult a dermatologist:

  • the purulent pustule is opened with a surgical scalpel or sterile needle;
  • cleansed of pus and hair;
  • washed with an antiseptic (hydrogen peroxide, chlorhexidine);
  • a sterile bandage with antimicrobial ointment is applied.

It would seem that these simple steps can be carried out at home. But this is a big mistake: it is difficult to maintain sterility at all stages of the procedure at home, and there is a high chance of introducing additional infection into the skin. It is especially dangerous to touch purulent pustules located on the face and neck: a rich network of blood vessels contributes to the rapid spread of infection.

Self-removal of ingrown hairs

Permissible only at the stage of aseptic inflammation (before pus). These methods should not be used on the neck and face.

Non-invasive treatment

An antibacterial ointment based on erythromycin (40 rubles), clindamycin (Dalacin gel 850 rubles) or benzoyl peroxide (Baziron 800 rubles) is applied to the skin to relieve inflammation, i.e. relieving redness and swelling (1-2 days). Then the skin is steamed and the dead epidermis is exfoliated using a scrub:

  • You can buy a ready-made salt scrub at the pharmacy.
  • Or use this recipe for a homemade scrub - 0.5 kg of table salt, 1 package of turmeric and 200 ml of vegetable oil (mix everything).
  • Coffee scrub - 3 teaspoons of vegetable oil, 2 cups of ground coffee or coffee grounds, half a glass of sugar, mix everything.

After thoroughly rinsing the affected area and following this procedure, the hair is released immediately or in the next 24 hours. If necessary, repeat the procedure.

  • You can try this method

Chlorhexidine or hydrogen peroxide (2 parts), badyaga ointment (1 part), stir and apply for 5 minutes only to the problem area, then rinse thoroughly. This method is not suitable in all cases and not for everyone, since badyaga promotes hair growth.

  • When inflammation begins

You can purchase Skinoren gel or any acne remedy with salicylic acid at the pharmacy (see).

Invasive method, involves the use of a sterile needle and tweezers

It is highly not recommended to open a nodule with purulent contents. Ideally, it should be a translucent or protruding arch of hair. What to do - the skin at the procedure site, hands and tweezers are thoroughly treated with medical alcohol. Using a sterile needle from a new syringe, carefully pry up the hair and release it. If necessary, use tweezers. After the procedure, the skin is treated with medical alcohol and an antibiotic ointment is applied to the wound. For several days until complete healing, you should avoid depilating this area.

Prevention of pseudofolliculitis - how to deal with ingrown hairs

  • Replacing depilatory products. If pseudofolliculitis occurs from a razor, you should switch to an electric epilator (electric razor in the case of men), wax strips or depilatory cream, sugaring
  • Stop shaving temporarily— representatives of the stronger sex can give up shaving, at least for a while, especially since the brutal look with stubble or a beard is now in fashion.
  • Proper skin care before and after hair removal. The skin should be steamed and cleaned of dead epithelium. You can also massage the skin and thereby straighten the hairs. When using a mechanical razor, be sure to use special shaving gels and foams. After the procedure, the skin is lubricated with an antiseptic, and then with emollient and anti-inflammatory creams and lotions.
  • Follow the depilation technique. When shaving with a mechanical razor, movements are made according to hair growth. Do not stretch the skin, repeatedly run the razor over one place, etc. Electric shavers and epilators always come with instructions that should be followed.
  • Shave hairs that have grown at least 2 mm. This is especially true for women who are ready to shave their hair in the bikini area and armpits every day.
  • Use products to reduce the rate of hair growth: soothing cream after depilation from Dr. Bio, Planta cream that slows hair growth from AL CAPTAIN, etc.
  • There are also special inhibitors against ingrown hairs.(for example, Clean+Easy wipes). However, they are expensive and their effectiveness is highly questionable.
  • Scrubs can be used only 3-4 days after depilation; they should not be used frequently, intensively or when the skin is peeling.
  • After the scrub, be sure to apply a moisturizer, since dry skin is one of the main causes of ingrown hairs.
  • If pigmentation occurs after ingrown hairs, you can use depilatory cream, salicylic ointment, ichthyol ointment, badyagu.

Soothing cream after depilation Aloe Vera from Dr. Bio 150 rub. Cream Beauty Image “Foli-End” for ingrown hairs 680 rub. Planta cream that slows hair growth from AL CAPTAIN 260 rub. Clean+Easy napkins, about 900 rub.

Lotion for removing ingrown hairs “Ingrow Go”1200 rub.

Spray to slow down hair growth “Hair No More”1200 rub.

Professional removal of unwanted hair

It is carried out in specialized institutions and will prevent ingrown bikini hair on the legs. The method of hair removal required in each specific case should be recommended by a dermatologist, taking into account the characteristics of the skin and hair. Soft methods of depilation include bioepilation methods: sugaring and waxing, but they do not always give the desired effect, which in any case is temporary.

Methods such as electrolysis, laser and photoepilation are non-contact and atraumatic, act directly on the hair follicles and allow you to completely remove unwanted hairs, preventing their further growth. Contraindicated in the presence of skin infections and diseases, cancer, hypersensitivity to physical methods, pregnancy and lactation.

  • Photoepilation. By absorbing heat, the hair shaft becomes a conductor and delivers light energy to the hair growth area, which leads to its destruction.
  • For laser and electrolysis A targeted effect is carried out on the hair follicle using a laser beam or electric current. The final effect is destruction of the hair growth zone.

Thus, if you have an ingrown hair, treatment should not be postponed, but you should approach it wisely, and not try to squeeze out the pustule with dirty hands!