From the point of view of experts, compensation payment for kindergarten is one of the most important benefits for 2018. Indeed, today many young mothers face a number of problems that are associated with the direct device small child to kindergarten. For example, one of these problems is the lack of places.

In such a situation, the young mother will be forced to spend a huge amount of time at home with the baby. And this takes into account the fact that only one father will work in the family. Of course, someone may say that you can hire a nanny, but in the current economic climate this will be a serious blow to the family budget. Read the information about the birth certificate in 2018, how to apply for it and why it is needed.
It is precisely for the reason that the parent will need to stay at home and raise the child, and not work, at the level of the State Duma it was decided to provide mothers of this category with monetary compensation. Moreover, only those parents whose children were unable to get into kindergarten due to lack of space or excessively long queue.

Today in the Federal legislation of Russia in the legislative draft “On Education” it was adopted large number amendments that also relate to the issuance of compensation to families who did not enroll in kindergarten on time.

Today, the decision to provide this compensation has been made in relation to the Smolensk region, Tomsk, Perm, Arkhangelsk, Kirov, Yaroslavl, Samara, Khanty-Mansiysk, Lipetsk and other regions of the country.

Many mothers may have a question as to whether this type of compensation payment is income? Experts argue that this compensation payment is neither remuneration nor income.

Exactly who is entitled to this type of compensation payment and how to receive it will be discussed below.

Who is entitled to it?

To date, compensation payments for kindergarten are provided only to those young mothers who fall into the following categories:

  • Mothers who are on maternity leave;
  • Mothers who are studying in the correspondence department;
  • Mothers who were not previously employed, but are currently on maternity leave.

The main thing is to know exactly what payments are due to mothers who find themselves in this difficult situation. Read the manual on how to use it maternity capital to build a house with your farts here: .

How is it calculated?

Another thing you should know about compensation of this type is that today it will be equal to 5,300 rubles. As for the direct calculation of the amount of compensation, it is obtained from the monthly amount of parental financial payment. In this case, it will be necessary to take into account all the benefits, of course, if the family has any. Read when maternity capital will be cancelled, and for what reasons.

According to experienced specialists, the main criterion when calculating this preferential compensation is the number of children living in the family. Thus, a family with one child can receive compensation in the amount of 20%. If parents have two children, they are entitled to receive 50% compensation. Families with three children are provided with compensation in the amount of 70% of the kindergarten fee. Compensation payments are made monthly. Moreover, it should be noted that this is done to the bank account previously specified in the application.

Conditions and features

Currently, compensation payments to families with children are provided in the following types:

  • payment for failure to provide a place in kindergarten is a payment to mothers who are raising a child on their own, i.e. specifically for those who did not receive a place in kindergarten on time;
  • payment for meals in kindergarten - also paid to families based on the number of children;
  • compensation for part of parental fees for kindergarten is made monthly and depends on the number of children in the family;
  • payment for kindergarten to families with 3 or more children - in this case the amount of compensation is the largest. Please inquire with your local office regarding availability. social protection;
  • compensation for a private kindergarten - this type of payment is not provided, because the compensation payment relates only to government institutions.

Otherwise, it will be necessary to clarify the availability of one or another type of payment in a particular region.

How to get it?

In order to receive a payment for a child who did not get into kindergarten due to a long waiting list, you will need to submit an application stating the requirements regarding the need to provide a financial payment. This application will also contain the personal information of the child and the parent who is directly submitting the application.

In addition, this application will need to be accompanied by a set of documents:

  1. Passport individual who is in charge of submitting this application;
  2. The application itself requesting compensation;
  3. Certificate of birth of a baby;
  4. A document confirming the existence of a bank account;
  5. Certificate of immediate family composition;
  6. Medical insurance directly for the mother and the child;
  7. A work book or order that states the provision of maternity leave at work;
  8. A certificate from the preschool educational institution, which can confirm the fact of placement in the queue and the impossibility of visiting it due to the lack of places in the kindergarten.

Attention! In accordance with the law Russian Federation, the amount of this compensation in 2018 for women on maternity leave will be 5,300 rubles.

Why don't they list it?

The reason for the absence of enumerations of this type may be:

  • Firstly, incorrect submission or absence of one of the documents;
  • Secondly, the account data is not true;
  • Thirdly, the lack of funds in the regional budget.


Watch the video for information about compensation for kindergarten:

Mothers who find themselves in this difficult situation should understand that local governments are responsible for providing this benefit. Therefore, its payment will depend on when the financing is completed. It is also worth knowing that in some regions of the state such a payment is simply not available.

Compensation for kindergarten in 2016 is established by government authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Amount of compensation for kindergarten

The amount of compensation for kindergarten in 2016 is:

  • 20% of the deposited amount for the first child.
  • 50% of the deposited amount for the second child.
  • 70% of the deposited amount for the third and each subsequent child.

Calculation of compensation for kindergarten

The total cost of maintaining a child in a preschool institution in 2016 is divided by the number of working days in a month and multiplied by the actual number of days the child attends kindergarten. This amount must be paid by the parents and, based on it, 20%, 50% or 70% of the compensation is calculated.

The transfer of compensation is carried out to the bank details of the parent in whose name the agreement was concluded with the preschool educational institution.

Documents for processing compensation for kindergarten

  • Statement from one of the parents or his/her substitute.
  • Identity document (photocopy of Russian passport if the original is available).
  • Child's birth certificate.
  • Bank details to which compensation will be transferred.

Documents are provided to the manager kindergarten which the child attends.

Assignment and payment of compensation for kindergarten

Copies of documents are certified by the seal of the preschool educational institution.

A list of applicants is compiled and sent to social security, education authorities and other departments. Such lists are submitted to these authorities quarterly, indicating the actual parental fees paid.


Clause 5 of Article 65 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation"

Article 65. Fees collected from parents (legal representatives) for the supervision and care of children studying educational programs of preschool education in organizations carrying out educational activities.

For the purpose of material support for the upbringing and education of children attending educational organizations implementing educational program preschool education, parents (legal representatives) are provided with compensation. The amount of compensation is established by laws and other regulatory legal acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and should not be less than twenty percent of the average amount of parental fees for childcare and supervision in state and municipal educational organizations located on the territory of the relevant constituent entity of the Russian Federation, for the first child, not less fifty percent of the amount of such payment for the second child, not less than seventy percent of the amount of such payment for the third child and subsequent children. Medium size parental fees for the supervision and care of children in state and municipal educational organizations are established by state authorities of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation. The right to receive compensation has one of the parents (legal representatives) who paid parental fees for the supervision and care of children in the appropriate educational organization. When providing compensation, state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation have the right to establish criteria of need by laws and other regulatory legal acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

All children under one and a half years old are entitled to cash benefits, regardless of whether their mother left for maternity leave from official employment or did not work anywhere before giving birth to the baby. And after the child can be sent to kindergarten, one of the parents is entitled to compensation for kindergarten. Also, in some regions and regions, parents of children who did not get a place in a kindergarten are entitled to compensation for failure to provide a place in a kindergarten. Naturally, every adult is interested in how to return part of the parental fees according to the law in 2019. Where to write an application, and what documents need to be provided. How to find out what amount of refund parents are entitled to in various situations. Is the amount of compensation different for the first and second child? Is it possible to return part of the parental fee if the child attends a private kindergarten?

In general, the issue of attending and not attending preschool institutions is quite relevant in Moscow and beyond. You can find out how to return the money paid for a child by reading the article on our website.

Compensation for kindergarten, necessary documents, amount of refund, compensation for lack of place in kindergarten - on all these issues you can get advice from experienced lawyers for free.

Correspondence with consultants takes place online using the feedback form directly on the website.

In Moscow and the Moscow region, as well as in any other region of the Russian Federation, a law has been adopted on the payment of compensation for children attending preschool institutions. More precisely, this type of compensation is called the return of part of the amount from the payment for the child back to the parents. The amount of this fee in 2019 is:

  • one fifth of parental fees per child;
  • half of the parental fee for the second child;
  • seventy percent of the parental fee for the third, fourth, fifth, etc. baby.

For example, you have three children. For the maintenance of a child in a preschool institution in Moscow, the Moscow region or another region of Russia, the parental fee is 1000 rubles. This means that in 2019 you are required to return 1,400 rubles monthly. 200 rubles for the first child, 500 rubles for the second and 700 rubles for the third. It is clear that the size of the refund amount is fixed and cannot be changed.

To receive money for kindergarten you need to write an application and collect the necessary documents.

In 2019, the application must be written to the social security authorities at the place of registration. It is they who decide whether to return money to parents according to the law on reimbursement of parental fees for the first, second and third child in Moscow, the Moscow region and other regions of the country.

So, sample list what documents need to be provided in order to return part of the parental fees in 2019:

  • statement;
  • identification documents;
  • bank account number in the name of one of the parents;
  • document certifying family composition;
  • birth certificate of all children or documents certifying adoption, guardianship;
  • a document confirming your queue for a place in the kindergarten;
  • an order that the mother went on maternity leave.

All documents will need to be copied, but don’t forget the originals. It is better to arrange compensation in advance in order to receive this money from the first month of your child’s stay in a preschool institution.

If there is no space in the kindergarten

Another issue that worries many parents is receiving compensation for the fact that their children were not provided with a place in kindergarten due to the large number of children on the waiting list in 2019. After all, before you can legally return money for a kindergarten, you must first get there. Not every region pays money for failure to provide a place in a kindergarten. This law is adopted at the regional level and the authorities of each region, city, region, etc. make such decisions on their own. Accordingly, there is no single size of such payments. It all depends on the budget capabilities of the region. The adoption or non-adoption of a law on compensation for the lack of a place in a preschool institution depends on the decision of the government at the place of residence. Some legislators decided to invest this money in the construction of new kindergartens to increase the number of places for preschoolers, thus solving the problem. After all, if there are places in the kindergarten, there is no need for compensation.

In order to receive this compensation in 2019, you must also write an application to the social authorities. protection and to the above documents (which must be provided in order to return part of the money for the children in kindergarten) also attach a refusal to provide a kindergarten.

The age of children whose parents are entitled to this payment also varies. In one city, children are paid from one and a half to three years, in another from three to five years, in a third from three to six years. The size of the amount may also differ not only by region, but also according to the age of the child. I would like to note that the list may change depending on the region of residence. necessary documents. For any questions you may have, you can seek advice from experienced lawyers. Consultation is free. Write your question online using the feedback form.

Additionally, we present for your reference several useful informative points regarding preschool institutions:

  • preschool age is the age mental development and raising a child from three years to seven years;
  • preschool age is divided into three stages - junior, middle, senior;
  • some categories of children can attend preschool institutions completely free of charge (for example, orphans);
  • the distribution of children among kindergartens occurs on the basis of territorial location (that is, according to their place of registration);
  • before the baby goes to kindergarten, he needs to undergo a medical examination in the hospital, a referral is taken from the pediatrician;
  • being in kindergarten is useful for children, where they learn to communicate with their peers and get used to their place in social society;
  • The procedure for admission to a private preschool institution is different. In this case, you must contact the head of the kindergarten directly;
  • There are two queues for a place for preschoolers - general and preferential. Beneficiaries go forward.

The list of beneficiaries can be checked with our consultants. As well as clarify any question that interests you. Contacting lawyers is free for website visitors.

The shortage of preschool institutions in Russia has led to the fact that queues for kindergarten are becoming a common occurrence in most regions of the country. Turning to the Constitution, in Article 43 guaranteeing the accessibility of preschool education, citizens have the right to demand from the state not only the provision of places, but also compensation for material costs in their absence. The current Federal Law “On Education” brings the regulation of this norm to the level of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Hence, there are serious differences both in the amount of compensation for kindergarten and in the provisions themselves who are entitled to such payment.

Compensation for kindergarten if there are no available places

Legislative acts adopted at the regional level contain provisions on the amount of payments for parents who were unable to enroll their child in kindergarten. The criteria influencing the amount of amounts are:

  • child’s age (1.5–6, 3–6, 1.5–3 years, etc.);
  • birth order.

In different regions, the approved amount of compensation for kindergarten in 2016 varies between 3-6 thousand rubles, and in the capital such payments are not provided at all.

Compensation for parental fees for kindergarten

According to Russian legislation, a child’s visit to a child’s preschool must be paid by his parents (the fee only includes care and supervision of children, while the maintenance of the institution, the purchase of equipment, etc. is subsidized by the state). Orphans, disabled children and children deprived of parental care are exempt from the fee. At the same time, the authorities provide compensation for parental fees for kindergarten, which helps reduce the financial burden. It is calculated as a percentage of the fee and is regulated by the criterion of the priority of the child in the family. As a result, compensation for parental fees in kindergarten for all regions of the country is:

  • 1st child – 20%,
  • 2nd child – 50%,
  • 3rd and last – 70%.

Important clarification: the above provisions apply to government preschool education, which means that the fee for a private kindergarten is not reimbursed.

What has changed since 2016?

For those who plan to exercise the right to compensation for kindergarten in 2016, you need to know that from January 1, 13% personal income tax has been canceled for this payment. Previously, it was levied on parents who received a payment, which is formally the income of an individual. In addition, more and more regions are implementing electronic queue to register a child in kindergarten. Such a system is completely transparent, has no corruption component and is available to anyone who has applied to the education department of their city administration with a corresponding application.