Regarding pensions, there is only one question, the answer to which sooner or later all citizens of our country are looking for. And this question: how to apply for a pension? We have already talked about “regular” pensions, so today we will talk about preferential ones. And we will tell you not only how to apply for a preferential pension, but also how to find out about your pension rights without leaving home. So join us - it will be educational.

How to get pension benefits?

To receive pension benefits, two parameters - length of service and position - must correspond to the “preferential” parameters. These requirements are recorded in Article 30 of Federal Law No. 400 of December 28, 2013 (early retirement). Typically, a person will learn about their retirement benefits from their employer or human resources department. After all, in order to confirm the “preferential” nature of the work, the state, from 01/01/14. introduced special assessment working conditions (hereinafter SOUT) - an analogue of the certification that existed previously.

If an organization conducts activities that fall under the requirements of Article 30 of Federal Law No. 400, it must promptly identify and assess working conditions at “preferential” workplaces. Only those who have a class of working conditions of 3 or 4 degrees (harmful or dangerous class of working conditions) will be able to receive a “preferential” pension, with the exception of citizens employed in the fields of healthcare and education.

If the employer has not notified the employee about the possibility of receiving benefits, you should contact the HR department for clarification. It is necessary to clarify:

  • full name of the position and institution in which you work in order to compare them with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 665 of 07.16.14;
  • when was the last time the SOUT was carried out;
  • if the SOUT was not carried out, you need to find out when the last workplace certification was carried out (its results are valid for 5 years);
  • whether a report on the results of the special assessment or certification has been drawn up (the report on the special assessment must comply with paragraph 1 of article 15 of Federal Law No. 426 of December 28, 2013);
  • read the report on the results of the special labor safety assessment and find out what class of working conditions is established at your workplace;

Find out your pension rights

If the employer has all the documents, this is a huge plus. However, it often happens that the employer does not carry out (has not carried out) SOUT or certification, and some employers do not even know about such a need. In this case, and also if you no longer work in a “preferential” workplace, but want to find out about your pension rights, you can contact the Pension Fund directly. There are several ways to do this:

  1. log into your personal account on the Pension Fund website if you have already registered in the public services system;
  2. send a request through the commercial bank where you have a current account (you must contact your bank’s customer service about the possibility of using the service);
  3. contact the Pension Fund at the place of registration and receive a response in writing within 10 days;

Pension rights are the actual length of service and pension coefficient you have accumulated during your working life. Having found out your pension rights, you can compare your real indicators with those necessary to receive a “preferential” pension.

Once you are convinced that your position and length of work allow you to qualify for early retirement, you need to collect documents to apply for a preferential pension. The basic list of documents is as follows:

  • ID card;
  • certificate of opening an individual personal account in the OPS system;
  • work book or documents replacing it, which will reflect your full name, date of birth, periods of work, place and position;
  • certificate of income for any continuous 5 years of work before 01/01/2002;

Documents can be submitted to the Pension Fund in any way available to you: in person, through an intermediary or remotely by mail. The main thing is that these papers are drawn up in accordance with the requirements of the Pension Fund. All copies must be properly certified, and intermediaries must have a power of attorney.

An application for a pension should be written only if there is no more than a month left before retirement (albeit early). Otherwise, they simply won’t accept it from you. There is no need to rush to apply even when you are not entirely sure of your pension rights, or more precisely: will they be enough to assign a “preferential” pension or not.

Deadlines for applying to the Pension Fund

When to contact the Pension Fund?

It all depends on who you work for and what your aspirations are. But in any case, it would not be a mistake to contact the Pension Fund in advance, about six months to a year before your expected retirement. Finding documents and confirming periods of work is more difficult the earlier such work took place. Particular difficulties arise with confirming periods of work in the Soviet Union and early post-Soviet Russia.

The periods of work are calculated in accordance with paragraph 3 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 665. Only full-time work counts towards benefit periods. In most cases, the “calendar” accounting procedure is used, with the exception of some specialties for which working periods are recorded in advance.

After your first visit to the Pension Fund, a Fund employee will most likely tell you what additional documents and certificates you will need to submit. If you have already written an application for retirement and it has been accepted, then you have only 3 months to submit necessary papers. Otherwise, your application will be cancelled. If you are in time, the pension will be assigned within 10 days, and payments will be accrued from the day the application is submitted to the Pension Fund.

In general, as you can already see, the procedure for applying for a preferential pension is not much different from applying for a “regular” one, except that it happens some time earlier and you will have to provide a little more paperwork.

According to the legislation in Russia, men can become a pensioner upon reaching 60 years of age, and women upon reaching the age of 55.

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What is it?

Early registration of a preferential pension due to harmfulness is possible if the person’s work activity took place in conditions that provide adverse effect to your health.

It is paid from funds Pension Fund, to which the employer makes additional contributions for employees whose jobs are recognized as harmful or dangerous. To determine harmful production factors and the degree of their impact on workers, the enterprise carries out a special assessment of working conditions.

Regulatory framework

The norms and rules for calculating disability pensions are laid down in the laws of Russia, the main ones of which are No. 400-FZ of December 28, 2013. and No. 426-FZ dated December 28, 2013.

The list of harmful and dangerous professions was approved by Resolution of the USSR Cabinet of Ministers of January 26, 1991 No. 10.

Who is entitled to it?

Preferential pension issued to persons at risk of losing their ability to work or acquiring occupational diseases during work.

The reason may be a special danger when performing work, increased injuries, increased levels of gas pollution, poor lighting, noise in the workplace, radiation.

Such professions and positions are combined into lists to establish preferential length of service.

Lists of professions No. 1, No. 2

The lists are used when calculating pensions for citizens working in such sectors of the economy as:

  • mining;
  • metallurgy;
  • coke production;
  • gas processing and oil refining industry;
  • chemical industry;
  • production of explosives;
  • electrical production;
  • healthcare;
  • printing;
  • transport;
  • nuclear industry.

List professions No. 1 recognized as particularly harmful and particularly severe. It includes workers in hot shops and people working underground.

Listed No. 2 many professions are repeated. It has working conditions that pose less of a threat to human health.

To the welder

Depending on the industry, the welding profession is included in both lists.

Thus, welders of refractory metals working in metallurgy and plastic welders processing fluoroplastic in electrical production receive benefits based on List No. 1. Thermite welders and resistance welders are included in list No. 2.

When assigning a pension, attention is paid to the exact match of the job code name in the list and in all the employee’s documents reflecting his work activity.

These include:

  • personalized accounting documents.

X-ray technician

Medical specialists working with X-ray equipment can retire at the age according to list No. 1.

These are doctors and nursing staff of X-ray operating rooms, angiography and fluorography rooms. These include x-ray technicians who work with radioactive substances.

It is important to note that only X-ray technicians who perform their duties under the conditions reflected in list No. 1 can receive early retirement.

For example, doctors who work with magnetic resonance therapy machines cannot apply for a preferential pension, since there is no x-ray exposure at their workplace.

For doctors

Medical workers who have benefits when applying for a pension are listed in list No. 2.

These are medical personnel working in tuberculosis and infectious diseases hospitals, leper colonies, psychiatric hospitals, and chemotherapy rooms.

For women

In Russia, women can apply for a pension at age 55.

If the work took place in conditions and in professions included in list No. 1, the retirement age is reduced to 45 years. If a woman’s profession is included in list No. 2, she can apply for a pension upon reaching 50 years of age.

In the North

The right to retire five years earlier than ordinary citizens is granted to persons who have worked for 15 years in the Far North.

In areas equivalent to it, to receive a preferential pension, work experience must be at least 20 years.

Preferential disability pension in 2019

Pension payments for citizens applying for disability pensions in 2019 will be calculated using the same method as in 2019.

The minimum work experience will be 8 years, the minimum pension coefficient is 11.5. In 2019, the cost of the IPC will be 78.28 rubles, the fixed payment amount will be 4801.11 rubles.

Conditions of appointment

To qualify for a preferential pension, a certain amount must be developed. total experience and work experience in a preferential profession included in lists No. 1 and No. 2.

Men Women
List No. 1
Total employee experience (years) 20 15
10 7,5
Age reached (years) 50 45
List No. 2
Total employee experience (years) 25 20
Work experience in a preferential profession (years) 12,5 10
Age reached (years) 55 50

In case of incomplete experience in a preferential profession (less than half of that indicated above), a reduction retirement age happens:

  • according to list No. 1- for one year for each full year worked in a preferential profession;
  • according to list No. 2- for one year for men for every two and a half years worked in a preferential profession;
  • according to list No. 2- for one year for women for every two years worked in a preferential profession.

How to apply?

You can consult with Pension Fund specialists about how a pension is drawn up several months before retirement age. They will explain the registration procedure and make a list of documents that need to be collected.

The future pensioner will need to prepare a passport, work book, military ID, pension certificate (SNILS), 60 months before 2002, a certificate confirming the special nature of the work.

To clarify certain issues, employees of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation have the right to request other documents. To collect and provide them, a citizen has three months. If he meets this deadline, the pension will be paid from the date of application.

Within 10 days, the application is reviewed by the fund, which makes a decision on the assignment of pension payments or refusal.

If it is not possible to confirm work experience in hazardous professions, the fund may refuse to pay a pension for hazardous occupations.

Exit order

Upon reaching retirement age, the employee can either work with the employer or continue to work.

If a citizen has made a decision, he has the right not to notify the employer two weeks in advance. The contract is terminated from the date indicated by the employee in the application.

In the event of liquidation of an enterprise or reduction of staff, it is possible that no more than two years remain before reaching retirement age.

In addition to age, several important conditions must be met:

  • employees must be dismissed due to staff reduction or liquidation of the enterprise;
  • the citizen must be registered with the employment authorities; there are no suitable vacancies for his employment;
  • the citizen has a work history sufficient for the calculation of pension payments.

How to calculate?

To find out the size future pension, you need to understand how pension payments are calculated.

To calculate the pension, the formula is used:

SP = IPK x SIPC x K + FV x K, where

SP - pension amount;

IPC - individual pensioner coefficient (IPC).

The IPC depends on and is calculated using the formula:

PC = SV / SVmax x 10, where

  • SV – insurance premiums transferred by the employer for the year;
  • СВmax – 16% of the maximum base for calculating contributions (changes annually).
  • SIPC - the cost of the IPK changes annually and from February 1, 2019 is 78.28 rubles.
  • K - bonus coefficients depend on the number of years for which the application for a pension was deferred;
  • FV - fixed payment from February 1, 2019. the amount of 4805.11 rubles.

Calculation example

The employee reaches retirement age on March 1, 2019. His monthly salary was 25,000 rubles.

We calculate the IPC:

  • The salary for the year amounted to 300,000 rubles. At a tariff of 16%, the amount of insurance premiums is 48,000 rubles.
  • Over the course of a year, a citizen will score an IPC of 48,000/140,160*10=3.42 points.
  • From the beginning of 2019 until March 1, 2019. The IPC will accumulate to 7.41 points.
  • Points for the period before 2019 are calculated by dividing the insurance part of the pension by the value of one point in 2019. Suppose in our example they amounted to 70 points.
  • The total number of IPC points is 7.41+70 = 77.41.

Points are added for periods of military service, while caring for a child, disabled person, or elderly relative.

In the end insurance pension will be equal to 77.41 * 78.28 + 4805.11 = 10864.76 rubles.

Indexation and recalculation

As the inflation rate increases, the state indexes the pensions of non-working pensioners.

Pensions of citizens who continue to work are currently not indexed. But if they are fired, the amount of pension payments will be increased by all missed indexations.

The amount of the accrued pension is recalculated in connection with emerging circumstances or new changes in legislation.

If a pensioner’s disability group changes or contributions are received from the employer for a working pensioner, pensions are recalculated by Pension Fund employees independently from August 1.

In other cases, recalculation requires an application to the Pension Fund. The pension will be recalculated from the month following the month of application.

Payment procedure and terms

Payment of disability pension, like all others, occurs in the current month. The pensioner chooses the method of receipt independently.

The pension can be transferred to a bank account, delivered by Russian Post or another organization.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is this pension so small?

The size of the pension depends on the official salary, IPC points and bonus coefficients.

By retiring early, an employee does not have time to save large number points. Premium odds for calculation early retirement lower than for old age pension. All this leads to a reduction in pension payments based on harmfulness.

Are there any plans to cancel it?

There are no plans to cancel the disability pension. Requirements for enterprise administration are becoming more stringent.

The introduction of mandatory assessment of working conditions will strengthen control over the condition of workplaces. Collecting additional pension contributions will allow you to accumulate funds to pay disability pensions.

Will they add it?

In 2018, no significant changes in the assignment of pensions are planned. The usual retirement age is 60 years for men and 55 years for women. There are certain categories of workers who retire a little earlier. The concept of a preferential pension was first introduced in our country back in 1956 in Resolution of the Council of Ministers No. 1173. It is established, depending on working conditions and work performed, 5 or 10 years earlier than usual.

Conditions of appointmentMenWomen
List No. 1
Retirement age50 years45 years old
Total experienceOver 20 yearsOver 15 years
10 years7.5 years

1 year if worked under harmful conditions for a full year
List No. 2
Retirement age55 years old50 years
Total experienceOver 25 yearsOver 20 years
Time spent working in hazardous working conditions12.5 years10 years
Reducing the age if there is not enough experience1 year for 2.5 years worked under difficult working conditions1 year for 2 years worked under difficult working conditions

Citizens who worked in the Far North are equated to preferential categories of the 2nd list.

Additional lists of beneficiaries

Early retirement is granted to the following categories of workers:

  1. Professions related to the textile industry. Women working in textile factories, due to the increased intensity and monotony of production, have the right to apply for a pension at 50 years of age. The main condition for obtaining it is having more than 20 years of work experience in this industry.
  2. Railway transport employees, traffic safety workers, metro workers. Men can retire at age 55 after working in railway transport for 12.5 years; for women, 10 years is enough. They also have the right to a well-deserved rest 5 years earlier, at 50 years of age.
  3. Persons engaged in work in underground or open mines for the extraction of coal, ore, shale, and minerals. These categories of workers can retire regardless of their age. Requires 25 years of mining experience.
  4. Persons associated with sea and river vessels. The list of ships that are eligible for early retirement is established in Government Decree No. 467 of 07/07/1992.
  5. Aviation workers. These include aircraft crews, flight instructors, parachute rescue and airborne units. Flight personnel with 25 and 20 years of service for men and women, respectively, are granted early retirement. For persons serving civil aviation, required to work 12.5 years for men and 10 years for women. In this case, pension payments are assigned for male employees from the age of 55, for female employees - from the age of 50.
  6. Citizens employed in fire and firefighting units. A pension is granted at age 50 with 25 years of service.
  7. Teachers teaching children. Teachers retire according to age after working in the teaching field for 25 years, regardless of their age.
  8. Medical staff. When working in rural areas for more than 25 years and in the city for more than 30 years medical workers going on a well-deserved rest.
  9. Cultural workers. Experience in art should be from 15 to 30 years, depending on the nature of the creative work. Retirement is possible at 50-55 years old. For example, circus performers (gymnasts, tightrope walkers, acrobats) or ballet performers (solo performers) require 15 years of experience.

Conditions for receiving early pension

To take early leave, certain conditions must be met:

  1. The age of the employee is taken into account. (For some professions it is not a requirement).
  2. General insurance experience.
  3. Period of operation under special conditions.

How to apply for a preferential pension

To receive a preferential pension, a citizen must contact the nearest branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation at his place of residence. An important question is the presence of supporting documents or records in work book, proving the legality of providing an early pension.

Step 1. An application is required. It must indicate your full name and information from your passport, as well as SNILS, as well as the reason for granting an early pension.

Step 2. To make pension transfers, you need to bring the following documents with you:

  • SNILS;
  • passport;
  • a copy of the work book;
  • documents indicating work in harmful or difficult conditions;
  • average earnings from last place of work;
  • military ID;
  • a document confirming the change of surname (relevant for women);
  • certificates for all children.

Step 3. The inspector accepts all documentation, checks the compliance of the originals and provided copies, and provides a receipt for the papers received from the citizen.

You should contact the branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation one month before the deadline for granting the right to preferential retirement.

Video - How to apply for early retirement

Special work experience

Special length of service is the duration of work associated with special working conditions, on the basis of which early retirement is granted. The basis for calculating such length of service is:

  • entry in the work book, if we are talking about activities before 1996;
  • extract from an individual personal account after 1996.

The profession recorded in the work book must comply with the unified tariff and qualification reference book (UTKS). If the entry is completed correctly, then no other documents are needed for confirmation. Otherwise, a special certificate from the enterprise will be required. It must contain the numbers and dates of documents that are the basis for a preferential pension. For example, an order for employment or an extract from the staffing table.

The rules for calculating the period of work to receive a preferential pension are prescribed in Government Decree No. 516 of 11/07/2002. IN preferential length of service includes:

  • direct work activity;
  • probation;
  • period of temporary incapacity for work;
  • basic and additional holidays;
  • transfer of an employee to another place for a period of less than a month;
  • transfer of a pregnant woman to light work based on a medical report.

The following are not included in the preferential length of service:

  • vacation time to take exams;
  • leave without pay;
  • temporary suspension from work.

Mixed experience

Calculation of mixed experience for accrual early exit for a well-deserved rest occurs in a situation where there is not enough special length of service or length of service is calculated on several bases. For example, to obtain the right to early retirement according to list No. 2, periods of work in a profession from list No. 1 are included in the special length of service.

Military personnel are required to serve 20 years in the army. In this case, upon reaching the age of 45, they have the right to retire. But not always to given age special experience reaches the required value. In this case, a mixed pension is calculated, which requires:

  • total experience of at least 25 years;
  • 12.5 years of service in the army.

Conditions for receiving early pension for teachers

IN Government Decree No. 781 of 29/10/2002 contains a list of positions and the names of institutions in which early retirement is granted to teachers. This document regulates the procedure for obtaining it.

The production of certain hours per year is required:

  • for school teachers there must be at least 240 hours;
  • for teachers of secondary vocational education at least 360 hours.

The total work experience must be at least 25 years.

Important! For teachers primary classes and teachers in rural schools are not required to develop a certain annual balance of hours.

The following may apply for early pension payments:

  • directors and their deputies running educational institutions;
  • school teaching staff;
  • head teachers;
  • preschool teachers;
  • additional education teachers;
  • music school teachers;
  • sports school coaches.

Important! It is planned to gradually phase out all early retirement benefits for all teaching staff by 2030.

Conditions for receiving early pension for medical personnel

The procedure for providing early pensions to employees of medical institutions is regulated Government Decree No. 781 dated 29/10/2002. Doctors working in the following departments can apply for it:

  • surgery;
  • resuscitation;
  • intensive care;
  • forensic examination;
  • dentistry;
  • pathology department;
  • maternity hospitals;
  • hospices.

To receive a pension, medical workers are required to have the following experience:

  • when working in rural areas for at least 25 years;
  • when working in urban medical institutions for at least 30 years.

For medical workers working in rural or township hospitals and clinics, the calculation for receiving early pensions is carried out in proportion to the time worked: for 1 year of work is credited to pension experience 1 year and 3 months.

For doctors: anesthesiologists, resuscitators, surgeons, pathologists, forensic experts, 1 year of work is counted toward pension accruals as 1.5 years.

Important! The time of internship and advanced training courses is not included in the length of service.

Example. The surgeon worked in the city hospital for 22 years. The grace period for such a health worker is: for 1 year of work, 1.5 years of pension are granted. Therefore, his length of service to obtain the opportunity for early retirement is calculated: 22 * ​​1.5 = 33 years. With 30 years of work experience in the city, this doctor has the right to receive a preferential pension.

Preferential retirement is provided upon completion of the period established by law in professions included in lists No. 1 or No. 2. In such situations, employees may qualify for early retirement 5 or 10 years earlier than usual. For registration, you will need documents confirming work under harmful or difficult conditions.

Every working person has the right to receive a pension. Depending on the type of activity, profession, harmful and difficult and other conditions, you can also receive a preferential pension.

The procedure for applying for a preferential pension is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. It has its own characteristics and nuances. Where to start and how to behave, it’s worth understanding in more detail.

Let's define the terminology

Early or preferential pension is regular pension payments to a person who has not reached retirement age (today it is 55 and 60 years for women and men, respectively).

Such payments are usually prescribed 5 years earlier than the age limit. But in a number of cases, for certain types of work, the possibility of a preferential pension opens up after a smaller number of years have passed (in these cases, length of service is calculated not 1 to 1, but, for example, 1 to 1.3 or 1 to 1.6 years). The list of such jobs, positions and specialties is approved by the government of the country.

Who is entitled to such pensions?

A complete list of positions, professions and works is presented in Federal Law No. 173. The law defines the following categories of workers:

  1. Workers in underground mines, hot shops and other harmful and difficult working conditions.
  2. Female persons who worked as a tractor driver in any field of business, as well as drivers of road, construction, unloading and loading machines.
  3. Women working in difficult conditions at an intense pace in textile processing, production, and packaging facilities.
  4. Railway and metro employees.
  5. Lumberjacks and related specialists.
  6. Persons who regularly attend various types search works and others like them.
  7. People who worked on ships of all kinds.
  8. Drivers of urban public transport.
  9. Civilian pilots.
  10. Prison employees.
  11. Rescuers of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and firefighters.
  12. Theater artists.
  13. Workers in the far north.
  14. Divers.

In addition to the above categories, traditionally preferential pensioners teachers and medical workers are considered. At the same time, the features of calculating the length of service for health workers have their own subtleties.

This is incomplete data on the number of professions and jobs that provide grounds for early retirement. Such payments are assigned based on the fact that all necessary documents. In addition, for workers in some industries it is necessary to present special professional books or other highly specialized documents. You can address this issue to the nearest Pension Fund at your place of residence.

Accrual of pension benefits in 2018-2019

It is necessary to be attentive and enterprising in the difficult and painstaking registration procedure pension benefit on benefits. The first thing you need to prepare is the documents necessary to assign payments. What certificates and other paper evidence will you need to find?

According to the law, in addition to the application, the following documents are also attached:

  • insurance certificate (confirmation of insurance in the pension insurance system);
  • passport or similar document;
  • work book or similar extract confirming the relevant length of service;
  • a certificate from the place of employment about length of service, salary and average wages for the 3 months preceding the submission of the application;
  • documentary evidence of the presence of children under 18 or dependents;
  • military ID for males.

Receiving a preferential pension

If, according to the law, your length of service/position is considered preferential, then you have the right to retire early. The requirements are fully specified in Federal Law No. 400. The employer must inform you that you have such a right. The deadline for submitting an application is no earlier than one month before eligibility. Although it would be useful to clarify in advance the number and names of documents required for this. Since searching for the necessary certificates can take a lot of time, it is advisable to start this matter at least six months before the required moment.

Time frame for registration

The Pension Fund considers the application within 10 days, and the authorized agency notifies you of the commission’s decision. If the answer is positive, payments begin from the day the application is submitted. It is worth remembering that different additional documents are possible for each profession; this also needs to be clarified in advance.