The special bond that exists between twin children is no secret to anyone. It often persists throughout life, especially if such people have not only the same appearance, but also the same talents. Twin actors are a fairly common phenomenon in modern cinema. It’s easy to verify this by remembering the most famous “couples” living in the Russian Federation and abroad.

Twin actors: Torsuev brothers

Remembering the famous twins who connected their lives in cinema, it’s worth starting with people who became famous back in the days of the USSR. The twin actors who are known to all viewers who watched “The Adventures of Electronics” are the Torsuev brothers. Vladimir and Yuri, indistinguishable from each other like drops of water, became a real gift for the director, who was looking for performers to play the roles of the robot Elektronik and the hooligan Syroezhkin.

Unfortunately, the Torsuev brothers, who woke up famous after the release of the above-mentioned film project, decided not to continue their acting career. Vladimir and Yuri, not wanting to part and go down different paths in life, went into business together. The twins have it and they treat it more like a hobby. We are talking about the group “Syroezhkin’s Garage”, participation in which allows the brothers to relax. When middle-aged men are asked about their dreams, they answer that they would like to participate in the filming of the sequel to “The Adventures of Electronics.”

Stars of "The Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors"

Twin actors who gained popularity during the existence of the Soviet Union are not only the Torsuev brothers. Viewers who are well acquainted with the works of cinema of those times can hardly help but remember the charming girls from the film “The Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors”. The roles of the little pioneer Olya and her reflection Yalo went to who was about 10 years old at the time of filming.

Unfortunately, the fame that came to twins Tatiana and Olga thanks to the film “The Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors” did not last long. Blonde girls never starred in any other films, except for a minor episode in Morozko. They failed to achieve success in other professional fields. At the moment, “Oli and Yalo” is no longer in the world. The last to pass away was Tatyana, who died in 2011.

Tatiana and Olga Arntgolts

Of course, not all twin actors are awarded only short-term fame. The Arntgolts twins have remained bright stars of Russian cinema for many years. The fate of Olga and Tatyana was obvious almost from the moment the “identical” girls were born, since they were born into an acting family. Children's acting abilities have been noted by others since they learned to walk and talk. It is not surprising that after school the sisters entered Sliver.

The girls did not start acting in childhood, like many other twin actors. Russia learned about their existence when the sisters were students at Shchepka. It’s interesting that Tatyana Arntgolts prefers to accept roles in TV series, choosing stability. While her twin Olga has achieved great success in the field of feature films. However, the girls are happy to act together, creating not only images of twin characters, but also just young ladies who are similar in appearance. For example, we can recall the film “Gloss” released in 2007, in which they played friends Nastya and Oksana.

The characters of the Arntgolts twins are not at all as similar as their appearance. Tatyana, who considers herself an older sister, since she was born 20 minutes earlier, has such qualities as sociability and cheerfulness. Olga’s acquaintances describe her as a closed person who does not like to show emotions and attract attention to herself.

The life of the Kutepov sisters

There are others in our country. Russia, for example, is the birthplace of the famous Kutepov sisters. Ksenia and Polina are personalities without whom it is difficult to imagine modern theatrical Moscow. For many years, the twins have not betrayed their native theater, which is directed by Fomenko. However, viewers who want to watch a star couple playing in the same production will be disappointed. The only performance in which the Kutepov sisters appeared together was “Three Sisters.” The reason is simple: Polina and Ksenia prefer that the public notice their talent rather than their external resemblance.

Unlike many other stars, the sisters never agree to appear in commercials, and you cannot see them in TV series. The Kutepovs have strict requirements for their films, so they rarely spoil fans with their appearance on the big screen. Everyone who knows Polina and Ksenia well notes the similarity of the twins’ characters. Both women prefer family joys to social entertainment. It is interesting that the sisters chose directors as their husbands.

Harry Potter Friends

There's hardly a Harry Potter fan who doesn't know who the Phelps twins are. Interestingly, it was thanks to the famous movie saga that the twin brothers became famous. Actors Oliver and James were ideal for the creators of the film about the misadventures of a young wizard when they needed two red-haired boys, outwardly indistinguishable from each other. The twins got the opportunity to play Fred and George thanks to their parents, who accidentally learned about the casting. It is curious that red-haired boys were preferred over thousands of other candidates.

The fate of those who begin acting at a young age is often sad, but the twins from Harry Potter avoided this fate. Actors James and Oliver took part in the filming of all parts of the saga without exception. Including in the final part, in which the audience expects the death of one of the characters. At the moment, they are still young, but already rich and famous.

People around him are unlikely to be able to distinguish James from Oliver, unless they know about the mole that is located on the latter’s neck. Perhaps this is the only “evidence” that allows the young men not to be confused. Fans may also be interested in which of the two famous brothers is the elder. This is James, who was born a few minutes earlier.

In the movies from bodybuilding

It's no secret that many famous athletes, leaving their main occupation, retrain as big screen stars. American twin actors Peter and David did just that. The Paul twins came to the world of cinema from bodybuilding; this happened back in the early 80s.

Remembering the most popular films with the participation of brother athletes, one cannot forget about the film that became a kind of calling card for them. We are talking about the funny comedy "Nanny", which created a real sensation, in which twins act as security guards. The object they were ordered to guard is quite unusual - mobile little twins.

Like many other actors, the Paul brothers had to experience first-hand the transience of fame. Nevertheless, it cannot be said that their life “after the cinema” was unsuccessful. Peter and David work in the show industry, compose music, and accept positions as TV presenters.

The success of the Olsen sisters

Is it possible to determine which famous twin actors achieved the greatest fame in the world? Perhaps there are no competitors for the charming Olsen sisters. Ashley and Mary-Kate made their parents happy with their appearance on a day that many superstitious people associate with bad luck - Friday the 13th. This did not stop the babies from appearing on screens at the age of 9 months and immediately gaining fans.

Mary-Kate and Ashley are known mainly for their comedic roles. It would take a long time to list the most famous film projects and TV series with their participation: “Two: Me and My Shadow”, “The Little Rascals”, “Once Upon a Time in Rome”, “Datura”. Unfortunately, the star twins are currently taking a break from filming films. Mary-Kate and Ashley decided to completely devote themselves to their other passion - fashion. They developed their own brand, under which they produce not only clothing, but also accessories, cosmetics and other goods. At the moment, the Olsen sisters are not only famous actresses, but also the owners of a huge business empire.

Daria and Ekaterina Nosik

Of course, not all popular twin actors are listed above. Russian stars - sisters Daria Nosik, born in 1984. We can say that the girls belong to an acting dynasty, since their father Vladimir at one time also chose this difficult profession for himself. Their brother Timofey was also connected with the world of cinema, but the producer tragically died in an accident.

Many famous twin actors received higher education at the same theater university, but Dasha and Katya are not one of them. Daria chose to study at Shchepka, while Ekaterina chose GITIS for herself.

Daria Nosik was the first to act in films; her debut took place at the age of 12 thanks to the film “Return of the Battleship.” The girl's fame was brought to her by the film "Marking", released in 2007, in which she received the main role. Ekaterina, who can be seen in such films as “Redhead” and “Heartbreakers,” does not lag behind her sister. Fans who want to admire girls playing in the same project can recommend the series “Mothers and Daughters.” In this telenovela they played twins.

Unknown twin stars

Brothers and sisters born as twins do not always choose the same profession. There are examples of this in show business. Few people know that Ashton Kutcher, known for such films as “The Butterfly Effect,” “We Got Married,” and “Where’s My Car, Dude,” has a brother who was born a few minutes later than him. Unfortunately, the famous twin actors did not turn out to be twins. Mikhail Kutcher suffers from cerebral palsy and was forced to undergo a heart transplant at an early age. However, the relatives have a wonderful relationship and spend a lot of time together.

Such a wonderful actor as Vin Diesel, who many fans associate with the Fast and the Furious film, also has a twin brother. Paul did not become a cinema star, but he has a certain connection to the world of cinema, as he works as an editor. Now it is impossible to confuse Vin and Paul with each other, at least different hairstyles prevent this.

Twins from "Terminator"

The fantastic action film “Terminator”, the first part of which was released back in 1984, remains a calling card not only for Arnold Schwarzenegger. Gave the film worldwide popularity and who got the role of the female warrior Sarah Connor. However, few people know that the famous actress has a twin sister. Leslie Hamilton appeared before the audience in Terminator 2, embodying the image of the twin of her sister's character.

Future stars

It is possible that the as-yet-unknown Hollywood twins who have appeared in the families of star mothers and fathers will soon become the new favorites of viewers. Actors who gave birth to twins: Brad Pitt, Julia Roberts, Jennifer Lopez, Sarah Jessica Parker. It is very likely that star children, who have been in the spotlight of the press from the first minutes of their lives, will soon surpass their famous parents in terms of popularity.

These are the most famous twin actors; photos of the stars can be seen in the article.

Geminis have always been in demand in show business. They attract special attention from the public; with their participation, films with non-trivial plots and original shows can be made. At one time, each of these pairs of twins tasted fame - they had good contracts, fees... But today, few of the once famous sisters and brothers can be seen in the starry sky. What happened to the popular twin stars?

Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen

Probably the most famous couple: the girls became famous thanks to their parents, who endlessly took them to castings. From a young age, the twins began getting roles in films, at the age of 17 they already founded their own production company, then launched a clothing line. Now Mary-Kate and Ashley are among the hundred richest women in the world.

Peter and David Paul

The jock nannies from the super-popular comedy starred in several other films (“Barbarians” with a nomination for the Golden Raspberry anti-award, “The Tavern on the Corner of Faith Street” and others). But these films did not bring them the same success, closing the path to cinema for the brothers.

Bill and Tom Kaulitz

Previously, these guys from Leipzig were real idols for participants in emo culture. Participation in the German version of “Star Factory”, creation of their own group Tokio Hotel... By 2017, they had recorded 9 albums and gained millions of fans. Now the guys have radically changed their image, but still attract large audiences at their concerts.

Alexey and Vasily Berezutsky

Famous football players who played first for Torpedo-ZiL and then for CSKA. From 2003 to 2017, they played 58 matches together for the Russian football team in the world championships. Thus, everyone's career went their own way: Vasily was the captain of the Russian national team, and recently stopped playing for the national team.

Maria and Anastasia Tolmachev

These twins went to Eurovision twice: the first time they brought victory, but the second time was not so successful. Now they are 20, the girls’ creative collection includes seven singles.

Tatiana and Olga Arntgolts

Girls were not accepted into the theater school, because who needs two identical actresses? But Tanya and Olya were very persistent, which gave them a chance to enter the Shchepkinsky School. They began to be recognized after the series “Simple Truths”. Today Olga often appears in films, and Tatyana appears in TV series.

Boris and Konstantin Burdaevs

Founding the group "Brothers Grimm", the guys had a very successful start in the world of music. But after the popularity of the songs “Eyelashes” and “Kusturica” subsided, nothing followed: the Burdaevs stopped their musical career. A year later, Boris assembled a new band, but Konstantin never returned to music.

James and Oliver Phelps

The famous Weasley brothers from Harry Potter did not leave the movie even after filming ended. In the next production of the tragedy “Hamlet” in 2013, they played the courtiers Rosencrantz and Guildenstern.

Anastasia and Maria Tolmachev.

press service materials.

Anastasia and Maria Tolmachev
People started talking about the twins in 2006, when they became the winners of the Junior Eurovision Song Contest. Then the girls were 9 years old, and for the first time they were abroad, in Bucharest, where the competition was held. The parents of the twins had to borrow 50 thousand rubles to buy costumes for the young actresses, and then apply for a loan of 60 thousand in their native Kursk for current expenses. Then the girls’ victory was called a kind of revenge for Dima Bilan’s second place in the adult Eurovision. And Nastya and Masha were among the most popular people of 2006. After the competition, the girls did not rest on their laurels, but actively engaged in creativity: they recorded an album, starred in a musical and began performing at concerts. The girls used the fees to study with teachers, pay for the studio, and buy costumes. Today the Tolmachevs are 17 years old, they have grown up and become real beauties. The sisters dream of entering the conservatory, but their parents are against it and believe that Nastya and Masha are better off choosing a humanitarian, but more “down-to-earth” university. It was the sisters who literally captivated the king of pop with their naivety and touchingness who wished to turn to Philip Kirkorov for help. In collaboration with the Greek composer and producer Dimitris Kontopoulos, Philip Kirkorov wrote the song Shine.

Ksenia and Polina Kutepova
The sisters are called actresses from God. And they, in turn, talk about their older sister Zlata, who loved the theater and had a very great influence on the twins. To this day, Ksenia and Polina are sure: if Zlata had not insisted on entering the theater school, they would never have decided to apply there. It was under the influence of their older sister that they entered the directing department. Interestingly, Ksenia and Polina remained in the theater, but did not become directors, and Zlata went to television. The twins studied with Pyotr Fomenko, and have been serving in his “Workshop” since 1993. Fame came to the sisters much earlier: in 1984, the Kutepovs played in the musical film “Red, Honest, in Love.” Before their marriage, the sisters did everything together and even had a wedding 15 days apart, but after that they separated and now see each other mainly in the theater. Polina married her teacher, theater director Evgeniy Kamenkovich, and in 1997 gave birth to his daughter Nadezhda. Ksenia is married to director Sergei Osipyan, with whom she is raising two children - Vasily and Lida.

Alexander and Valery Ponomarenko
The brothers were born on June 13, 1967 in Rostov-on-Don. They were always very similar and demanded that they be dressed and combed in exactly the same way. Since school, Valery loved to amuse everyone and parody his acquaintances. But Alexander was more interested in music and studied guitar. The twins were fond of cinema, so they went from Rostov-on-Don to Kyiv, to the Film Institute, but did not score the required number of points. Then, returning home, they entered the technical school to major in film engineering. After technical school, Sasha entered a music school and organized a country band. It was Valery, who was already touring the country, who persuaded his brother to travel with him. And soon the duet of the Ponomarenko brothers appeared on the stage. Valery is a father of many children. Together with his wife Elena, they are raising three sons: Alexei, Arkady and Yaroslav. Alexander and his wife Anna are raising two children - Lyubov and German.

Igor and Vadim Verniky
The brothers were born into a creative family. Mom is a music school teacher, father worked as the chief director of literary and dramatic broadcasting of the All-Union Radio. It is not surprising that the twins and their older brother Rostislav also chose creative professions. Vadim entered GITIS at the Faculty of Theater Studies and is now a famous TV presenter. And Igor and Rostislav received their acting profession at the Moscow Art Theater School. Igor is a famous actor and TV presenter, and Rostislav is a presenter and showman. The brothers communicate very closely with each other, celebrate all holidays together and even live next door.

Tatiana and Olga Arntgolts
Tatyana is 20 minutes older than her sister. The sisters always did everything together. As children, we ran together in our native Kaliningrad to the rhythmic gymnastics and pentathlon sections. After finishing school we set off to conquer Moscow. However, they were refused in “Pike”, explaining that they did not need identical actresses. And they wanted to take only one of the twins to the Moscow Art Theater School, which the sisters did not like. And only at the Shchepkin Higher Theater School they saw talent in both girls. While still studying, Tatyana successfully passed the audition and began acting in the TV series “Next”. The director of the film wanted to invite Olga to the set (according to the script, Tatyana’s heroine was supposed to split into two), but she decided to abandon this episode because of her school tests. Soon Olga auditioned and received the main role in the action-packed series “Three Against All.” In the summer of 2009, she married actor Vakhtang Beridze, and in September last year she gave birth to his daughter Anna. Tatyana married actor Ivan Zhidkov a year earlier than her sister and in 2009 became the mother of her daughter Maria. However, last year the couple separated.

Needless to say, twins are an amazing natural phenomenon in themselves. It’s all the more interesting to watch famous couples who share the same fate. Here are the top 10 most famous twins.
The bright star of Tatyana and Elena Zaitsev rose in 1996, when the song “Sister,” which is largely autobiographical, played non-stop on radio and television.

The sisters, who in the future formed one of the most famous twin vocal duets on the Russian stage, were born on December 16, 1963 in Voronezh, but spent their entire childhood in the GDR, where their father served.

Now the Zaitsevs rarely go on stage, devoting their time to their personal and social life, as well as active animal protection activities - they have more than once come into conflict with supporters of the harsh shooting of stray dogs.

It is unknown whether the world would have known about James and Oliver Phelps - boys from the British countryside - if their parents had not once heard about the casting of twins for the roles of Fred and George Weasley in the epic about the little wizard Harry Potter.

The young men were frightened by the crowd of competitors, but luck smiled on James and Oliver - the brothers were chosen from thousands of red-haired tomboys, which ultimately made them real stars.

Twins born on February 25, 1986 are remarkably similar to each other. The only difference between them is a small mole on the neck of Oliver, who is 13 minutes younger than his brother.

Twins Olya and Tanya Arntgolts were born on March 18, 1982, in Kaliningrad, and Tatyana is 20 minutes older than her sister. In the late 90s, the sisters came to Moscow to try their luck at entering the famous “Sliver”

Unlike other universities, where the sisters were rejected, saying: “We don’t need the same actresses!”, the girls were accepted into the Shchepkin Theater Institute the first time and were immediately bombarded with offers to act in films and TV series.

Despite their similarities, the sisters still have differences. For example, Olga, who is quiet and self-contained, has a more successful creative career in feature films, while Tatyana, who is cheerful and sociable, is more successful in the serial field.

The favorites of fashionistas around the world and the creators of the DSquared2 brand, Dean & Dan Caten, are perhaps the funniest people in the world of the fashion industry, because each of their shows is an unforgettable extravaganza of music and fashion.

The couturier brothers Dean and Dan, whom almost all A-list stars now prefer to dress for, were born on December 19, 1964 in sunny Italy. They grew up in the harsh conditions of Canada, where their parents took them in early childhood.

However, having matured, the brothers moved first to New York, where they studied design, and then to Milan, where they got an internship with the great Gianni Versace.

Brothers Vladimir and Alexander Borisenko, who were born on September 8, 1992 in Dnepropetrovsk, did not dream of a stellar career. They were much more interested in the exciting extreme hikes that their mother organized.

It was she who taught her sons how to properly pitch a tent, make a fire, cook porridge with an ax and navigate the terrain. Perhaps these survival skills in extreme conditions helped Sasha and Volodya make their way to the Zirok Factory.

And even though they never became winners, Ukraine unconditionally fell in love with these charming guys, who, by the way, recently recorded two new songs and filmed their debut video clip.

In 2005, red-haired brothers Konstantin and Boris Burdaev exploded on television and radio with the song “Clap your eyelashes and take off.” It took the twins 8 years to achieve popularity. But it was “Eyelashes” that turned them into real stars.

However, already in March 2009, the Brothers Grim announced an indefinite vacation and went their separate ways to different projects. A year later, Konstantin tried to revive the group. But after the release of his fourth album, in 2010, his wife died, which forced him to move away from show business.

And in the fall of 2011, news appeared about Boris’s return to the stage with a new creative team called “Lirrika”. This finally dispelled rumors about the possibility of the brothers reuniting as part of a musical group.

Alexey and Vasily Berezutsky were born on June 20, 1982. They started their football career together at the age of 17, in 1999, in the Torpedo-Zil club.

In 2001, the twins moved to CSKA, with whom they signed a contract until 2011. True, Alexey made his debut a little earlier than his brother - on May 8, 2002 - while Vasily entered the field only on July 17.

“It’s very easy to tell us apart. My nose is broken, Lesha is a little taller than me. In fact, we are very different... Those who have known us for a long time can tell us apart without any problems. There is little in common between us, honestly,” says Vasily.

In 2001, 12-year-old twin brothers from Leipzig, Bill & Tom Kaulitz, founded the musical group Devilish and performed for friends until Bill went to the local Star Factory.

There he was noticed by producer Peter Hoffman, after which the group was urgently renamed “Tokio Hotel” - it was under this name that the group burst into world show business.

Critics still cannot explain the guys’ phenomenal success, but the fact remains. The brothers themselves approach their success according to their age - according to them, the best thing that fame gives is the opportunity to travel the world and meet girls.

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This is a case where the road to hell is paved with good intentions. By protecting your child's psyche from feelings of guilt, you do not give him the opportunity to repent. Only a feeling of remorse, a feeling of regret for one’s bad actions, keeps one from repeating them. Instead of experiencing both the feeling of guilt and the feeling of loss with your child, you lied to him, you inspired him: “You are not to blame for anything, you are not to blame for anything.” This is how egoists are raised. Now, every time he acts badly, your son will repeat to himself: “I am not to blame for anything!” But your son has a conscience - he KNEW and UNDERSTOOD that the animal died, and that he was the reason for it. But he had no one to share his experiences with. You lied to your son - don't be surprised when he lies to you. You have once freed him from the feeling of guilt - do not be surprised when your grown, adult son refuses to admit his guilt in any way and take responsibility for his actions