Did you know that laurel and laurel are close relatives? These trees belong to the same laurel family. Many people are interested in which countries avocados grow in, and where exactly this plant can be found in wild and cultivated forms. Let's find out what this plant is, what it looks like and where it grows.

Where does avocado grow in nature?

So, the avocado is a tropical evergreen tree called Persea americana. It has a wide crown and grows up to 20 m tall. The straight trunk of the avocado grows quickly and branches heavily. The shiny, leathery, elliptical leaves reach a length of up to 35 cm, and the flowers, on the contrary, are small and inconspicuous. But the most valuable, of course, are avocado fruits, which are usually pear-shaped. They are used in cooking, perfumery, and cosmetology.

According to literary information, avocado was popular with the ancient Aztecs, who knew about its medicinal properties. As you know, avocado normalizes blood circulation and is very beneficial for the digestive system.

Avocado grows in the tropics and subtropics: in Central America, East and Southeast Asia, Oceania and Africa. Individual varieties are common in each of these regions. In total, there are more than 600 varieties of avocados, the most famous of which are the West Indian (Antillean), Guatemalan and Mexican varieties. Avocados bear fruit best in Peru, Chile, Mexico, Spain, Malaysia, the Philippines, and Indonesia. But in Russia, where avocados grow on the Black Sea coast, they are grown mainly as an ornamental crop.

Avocados also grow at home – it’s easy to grow them yourself. To do this, you must first germinate the seed in water, and then plant the sprout in a pot with prepared soil. If desired, you can transplant a grown tree into open ground, but in winter it will need good shelter. When caring for an avocado tree, keep in mind that it loves constantly moist and loose soil.

Just recently, 10 years ago, almost none of us had heard about avocados, let alone tried them. And even now this fruit is not so popular in our market.

Most likely, he will not find his rightful place on our tables...

Although, if you look closely, many of the vegetables and fruits that we regularly consume came to us from distant overseas countries many years ago. And all this was not very willingly accepted by our people.

What does a ripe avocado look like in cross section? Avocado is a nut or a fruit? Beneficial properties of avocado and contraindications

For example, the same potatoes were literally imposed by Peter I in Russia by force! But even in the most enlightened Europe, until recently no one paid attention to avocados.

For a long time, people could not fully understand what an avocado is: a fruit, a vegetable, or something in between. No one understood what it was and what it was eaten with, so to speak.

What color is an avocado?

Externally, in shape and color, it looks like beets or rutabaga. Yeah, that means most likely a vegetable! And after a detailed chemical study, it turned out that avocado is very close to vegetables. But, oddly enough, avocado is the most natural fruit, having a large seed inside.

“...in appearance, in shape and color, it seems to be similar to beets or rutabaga. yeah, that means most likely a vegetable! but, oddly enough, avocado is the most natural fruit, having a large seed inside...”

How does avocado grow in nature?

Avocado grows on trees at a height of up to 20 meters above the ground. There, in the lush green crown, bright shiny fruits of a dark green, yellowish or purple hue hang, swaying like Christmas tree decorations. Avocado, also called “Persea americana,” has another name.

Due to the specific texture of the peel and its mostly green “crocodile” color, the avocado was nicknamed the “alligator pear.” The avocado fruit tree belongs to the Lauraceae family. It is a close relative of Laurus nobilis, which was considered sacred in Ancient Greece.

The Israelis can be considered the pioneers of avocados for the civilized world. They were the first to take a closer look at its fruits. And this, alas, happened not because of a luxurious life, but out of dire need at a time when food could only be obtained with coupons. At this time, the population's diet was sorely lacking in fat.

What should an avocado taste like? What does avocado taste like?

Avocado tastes somewhat similar to butter, especially if you add a little walnut to it.

How much fat is in an avocado?

After studying the composition of the fruit, many were shocked. After all, it turns out to be the record holder among famous fruits for their fat content! The mass portion of fat in the avocado fruit is 30%! For this reason, avocados are second only to olives in fat content.

“...avocado, as it turns out, is the record holder among famous fruits for its fat content! the mass fraction of fat in the avocado fruit is 30%! For this reason, avocado’s fat content is second only to olives...”

Among other things, these fats are very easily digestible. They are easily broken down not only by the body of an adult, but also by a child.

Avocado vitamins and microelements: what vitamins are contained in avocados?

But this is not the only advantage of the “alligator pear”. After all, vitamins were also found in it. And in quite large quantities: A, B, C, E, PP, as well as proteins and minerals (iron, calcium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus and others).

Where are avocados grown? Avocado country of origin?

This amazing fruit began its distribution in South America. To be more precise - from Mexico. In ancient times it was well known and used by the Aztecs. Modern Mexicans also do not disdain this fruit. Moreover, avocados are highly valued and respected there. Many national dishes cannot be imagined without avocado as an ingredient.

Where does avocado grow in which countries?

Thanks to the light hand of the Israelis, who were the first in the world to begin cultivating avocados as an agricultural crop, such fruit plantations can be found in large quantities in the USA, South America, the Caribbean, South Africa, Kenya, and even Spain.

Where do avocados come from to Russia?

Israel remains the main supplier of avocados to Russia.

What does avocado taste like? What does avocado taste like?

The pulp of a fruit that is not fully ripe is hard and almost tasteless, but an overripe one is too oily and resembles porridge in consistency. A ripe fruit is hard to the touch, but when you press it, a mark remains.

How long can avocados be stored? How to properly store avocados?

Please note that avocado fruits do not last long. After purchasing it, it is better to put it in the refrigerator before using it.

What can you make delicious out of avocados? What can you make from avocado?

What is it eaten with, this wonderful exotic fruit? Well, there are clearly not enough fingers on your hand to list all the dishes that are prepared from avocado or with which it is served. These include a wide variety of sauces, cocktails, pates, desserts, among which it would be a shame not to mention ice cream. Thanks to its neutral taste, the fruit can be combined with meat dishes, fish, vegetables, shrimp, and much, much more.

“...what do they eat this exotic fruit with? These are a wide variety of sauces, cocktails, pates, desserts. The fruit can be combined with meat dishes, fish, vegetables, shrimp, and much, much more..."

Avocado calorie content and beneficial properties. How to eat avocado correctly to lose weight?

Avocado is a very filling, high-calorie fruit. Even lean meat is almost twice as low in calories. He is able to restore strength in a short time. But people who keep their figure under control should not get carried away with it.

Can you eat avocado if you have diabetes?

The avocado fruit contains a tiny amount of sugar (approximately 1-1.5%). For this reason, it is approved for use by diabetics.

“...the avocado fruit contains a tiny amount of sugar (approximately 1-1.5%). for this reason it is approved for use by diabetics...”

Is it possible to eat avocados for other diseases?

People with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract can also indulge in the pleasure of eating this fruit, despite the high, even huge, fat content in it. Let us remind you that all of them are very quickly and easily absorbed by the body. People suffering from disorders of the cardiovascular system who chose avocado as a dessert were not mistaken. Antioxidants in the form of vitamins C and E, which are abundant in the fruit, act on the heart and blood vessels in the most beneficial way. There is almost no sodium in avocado, so hypertensive patients should not be afraid to try it.

How are avocados beneficial for pregnant women? Avocado during breastfeeding: is it possible to eat avocado when feeding a newborn?

Breastfeeding mothers should be careful! After all, if they eat avocados, especially in large quantities, the child may have an allergy. But, fortunately, this happens very, very rarely.

“...nursing mothers should be attentive! after all, if they eat avocados, especially in large quantities, the child may have an allergy...”

Don't miss this one-of-a-kind fruit! Be sure to try it, and you will discover all the charm of its exquisite taste and delicate aroma, combined with a beneficial effect on your body. Be healthy!

These pear-shaped, dark green fruits grow on tall trees. Inside they have a large round seed, it is surrounded by creamy pulp. The avocado is considered to be native to Mexico, although in fact it can be found all over the world, in regions with tropical and Mediterranean climates.

Avocado cultivation

The trees are suitable for humid tropical climates, but they are also grown in regions with a Mediterranean climate. Avocados are cultivated all over the world, the fruits are picked from the branches while still hard, and then they are exported to other countries. This type of tree is difficult to propagate by pollination, so they are cultivated from seeds. Trees begin to produce their first fruits after 4-6 years. The process of growing them is complex, since the plant is very susceptible to viral and bacterial diseases.

All trees need protection from strong winds that can break their branches. The same applies to low temperatures. They grow best in full sun, in areas where there is always sunlight. They need good drainage, loose soil is ideal. Watering should be regular, at least once a week.

Where does avocado grow: countries

Mexico, the Dominican Republic and Colombia are the three largest producers of avocados. The leader among these three countries is Mexico. The total growing area is 415,520 acres. The fruits are grown in states such as Puebla, Morelos, Michoacan, Nayarit. Avocados are harvested by hand.

Where does avocado grow, in which countries? Another leader is the Dominican Republic. It is in second place after Mexico. Avocado production here is increasing every year and the Republic has every chance of leadership. Most of the products are consumed nationally and are not exported.

Avocados are also grown in large quantities in Peru, Colombia and Indonesia.

When it comes to exports, North American countries rank first (about 50% of the world's avocado volume). In second place are European exporters (about 22%), in third place are exports from Latin America (with the exception of Mexico) and the Caribbean. Minimum percentage - Africa, New Zealand and Asia.

Below we have presented a list of countries that have exported the largest volumes of avocados in recent years:







New Zealand

South Africa






Dominican Republic.

The listed countries produce 97% of the volume of avocados sent for export. And as the demand for the fruit continues to grow every year, its production volumes also continue to increase.

Soft and juicy avocado is now valued all over the world for its beneficial properties, it promotes weight loss and breaks down excess cholesterol in the blood. This exotic fruit improves memory and reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases. In Mexico, it is used as an aphrodisiac; they believe that avocados have an stimulating effect, but this is not all the advantages of this fruit.

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Vegetable, nut or fruit?

The homeland of avocados is considered to be Mexico and Central America. Its name comes from the Aztec language and translates as “testicle”. The Indians immediately noted that the fruits had a stimulating effect. Later, the Spanish colonialists came to this conclusion. By the way, during their campaigns of conquest they were forbidden to eat avocados. The sailors also knew very well the properties of this fruit; before landing on the shore, they generously spread avocado puree on bread.
This plant and its fruits have another name - “alligator pear”. The avocado tree sometimes reaches 18 meters in height. The trunk is usually straight and highly branched.

Avocado is not so sweet and rather resembles a vegetable, in addition, the chemical composition of the fruit is like that of a vegetable. For a long time, avocado was considered a nut, but it is still a fruit.

Useful properties

Harmful "healthy" foodsMany of the foods we are familiar with have a reputation for being healthy, but in reality everything is different: often we do not suspect that low-fat yogurt or bread with cereals harms our body more than it helps. Find out which products mislead us from this infographic.

Avocado has a beneficial effect on many organs of the human body. The exotic fruit concentrates memory, reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases, and all this thanks to the polyunsaturated fatty acids that are part of it. It is their lack that can become one of the reasons for the development of atherosclerosis. Potassium contained in avocado promotes proper heart function, normalizes water-salt metabolism in the body and increases resistance to stress. Avocado is recommended for people with high blood pressure, as it has the ability to reduce it.

The benefits of avocado are seen in normalizing blood circulation and hematopoiesis. Copper, which is part of the mineral and vitamin composition of avocados, prevents anemia (anemia), iron is the most important hematopoietic element, and vitamin B2 (riboflavin) is involved in the formation of red blood cells. Moreover, copper and iron, in combination with each other, are beneficially absorbed by the body.

Avocado is good for the entire digestive system and helps with constipation. In France, a drug based on avocado oil was created, which is used to treat scleroderma, periodontal disease, and arthrosis. In old age, this drug is used for eczema and decalcification.

The fruit contains nutrients and does not contain harmful fats or sugar, which is why avocados are included in the diet. Avocado fruits contain oleic acid, which prevents the formation of cholesterol in the blood and also breaks down existing cholesterol. Avocados contain quite a lot of potassium (more than bananas), sodium, calcium, phosphorus, manganese, magnesium and other minerals. It is also not deprived of vitamins: vitamin C, group of B vitamins, provitamin A, vitamins PP and D, indicate the undeniable benefits of avocados. In terms of vitamin E content, which helps protect cells against aging and enriches them with oxygen, there are few fruits equal to avocados. In addition, it contains biologically active substances that generally rejuvenate the human body.

Avocado oil is used in the perfume industry.

There is a large seed in the middle of the avocado fruit. The pit, as well as the leaves of the avocado, contain harmful substances that are dangerous for both animals and humans; these substances can disrupt the digestive system and provoke an allergic reaction. Avocado can cause harm in case of individual intolerance.

Raw and last

Avocado fruits are pear-shaped, oval or spherical, about 5-10 cm in length, and weigh from 200 grams to one and a half kilograms. The skin of an unripe avocado is tough, dark green in color, and when ripe it is almost black. The flesh of a ripe avocado is yellow-green or green, very oily, with a consistency a little like butter. The pulp of a ripe avocado is used in the preparation of cold dishes: salads, appetizers and sandwiches, usually sprinkled with lime or lemon juice to avoid oxidation and spoilage of the appearance and taste of the avocado. The most popular avocado dish is the Mexican snack guacamole, in which mashed avocado pulp is the main ingredient.

There are approximately 245 calories in 100 grams of avocado. Avocado is popular in vegetarian cuisine, as a topping for vegetarian sushi, and as an alternative to eggs and meat.

Avocado adds a delicate flavor to salads and refreshes sandwiches. Pairs perfectly with red fish, shrimp and poultry. Avocado pulp is good spread on pieces of crusty bread. It is better to eat avocados raw; the fruits contain tinin, which causes bitterness when cooked. Since peeled fruits quickly darken when exposed to air, they should be added to dishes at the last minute. To easily peel an avocado, make a cut with a sharp knife along the entire diameter of the fruit, so that the knife touches the pit. Divide the fruit into two halves, twisting it a little - if the fruit is ripe, this will work without difficulty. Also, carefully cut out the bone with a knife and remove it. Then make another light cut from top to bottom on each avocado halves. Then slowly pull the tip of the peel, it should come off easily.

Selection rules

When choosing, pay attention to the appearance of the avocado fruit. Since avocados ripen very slowly, when buying an avocado that you don't plan to eat right away, choose one that is firm and heavy; it will ripen at room temperature within two days. The peel must be intact, clean, without any stains or cracks. The presence of dark spots is a clear sign that the avocado is overripe. When pressed with a finger, a ripe fruit should sag slightly, i.e. be soft, but not crumbly.

Ripe avocados can only be stored in the refrigerator for 5 days, after which the fruit will begin to darken and lose freshness and aroma. Remember, unripe avocado fruits cannot be stored in the refrigerator, they will not ripen there and will only spoil.

The material was prepared based on information from open sources

Just a few years ago, a strange plant with its pear-shaped fruits with very juicy and specific taste pulp, called avocado, caused wariness among consumers. But today no one will be absolutely surprised to see how an avocado grows on a plot or on a windowsill.

What a striking resemblance

The plant received its name, which means “alligator pear” in translation, due to its striking similarity to this. Most likely, they once had a common ancestor. Simply, taking into account the environmental and climatic characteristics of the countries in which they are most widespread, in the process of evolution these trees and their fruits have undergone certain changes and acquired features that distinguish them from each other today. By comparing how a pear grows and how an avocado grows (the photographs clearly demonstrate this), you can once again be convinced of their close relationship.

The invaluable benefits of avocado

Today, the benefits of avocado in the treatment and prevention of many diseases, including digestive diseases, are quite widely known. Oil from this fruit is very widely and actively used in the creation of many medicines, and has also found its application and recognition in the field of cosmetology. It is worth noting that its medicinal properties and scope of application largely depend on the age of the plant and on the conditions in which and how the avocado grows. A large number of leading scientists are studying these features for the most rational use of the beneficial properties of the fruit.

Be careful when consuming

However, this fruit, if used incorrectly, can cause enormous harm to the body. Its pit contains a large amount of toxic substances, which, if the avocado is improperly stored in a store or warehouse, can get into the pulp, and from there, when consumed, into the human body.

How to choose a quality fruit?

When choosing avocado fruits, you need to pay attention to their appearance. The skin should be dense, smooth, without spots, damage or irregularities. If the fruit is ripe, when lightly pressed with a finger, it is slightly pressed, but immediately returns to its original shape and does not collapse. If the fruit is very hard, it can ripen at home within a few days.

Features of growing at home

This tree is grown mainly in subtropical and tropical countries, and residents of other parts of the world can buy the fruits in stores and supermarkets at any time. The plant does not tolerate drought and severe frosts, so it is not widespread in our country. However, if you know how avocados grow, you can also get a real mini-harvest of these fruits, wonderful in their taste, at home.

A prerequisite must be compliance with optimal temperature conditions and abundant watering. Having studied the ample information in specialized magazines about growing this plant on a windowsill, as well as constantly observing how the avocado grows, you can not only create the conditions required for its growth and development, but also slightly harden the young tree. Indeed, in case of excessive care over him, even an accidentally opened window with a piercing damp and cold wind can cause his death.

Consider environmental conditions

To get the best result, you need to know how avocados grow in nature and try to create conditions for them that are as close to natural as possible, but at the same time taking into account the distinctive features of our climate.

A plant grown on a windowsill will not only bear fruit over time, it will also wonderfully decorate the room. It grows very quickly under favorable conditions. The leaves that fall throughout the year are soon replaced by new ones.

The grown fruit can be used in preparing various dishes. Avocado, even in small quantities, adds a piquant taste and aroma, actively fights cholesterol and helps you lose weight when eating even high-calorie dishes.

Try cooking

It is not necessary to prepare any culinary masterpieces. Even simple and familiar dishes in the daily diet, after adding avocado to them, become a favorite treat for the whole family.

For example, pasta. While the pasta is cooking according to the cooking instructions on the package, you need to have time to prepare the sauce very quickly. To do this, pour a couple of tablespoons of olive oil, a little lemon juice into a blender and add three small cloves of garlic. Add peeled and chopped avocados into medium pieces to the resulting mixture and chop again. Preparing the sauce only takes a couple of minutes, and when the pasta is ready, you just need to drain it in a colander, then put it on a plate and pour the resulting sauce over it. The taste is great.

Preparing to grow avocados from seed

Having studied the information about how it grows, you can proceed directly to the process, however, despite its apparent simplicity, there are some points that you should definitely pay attention to.

It will never be possible to grow a full-fledged plant from a seed obtained from an unripe fruit or an overripe one in which the seed has already begun the process of rotting. If you managed to choose the most suitable ripe and high-quality fruit in all respects, then the next thing you need to take care of is the special composition of the soil.

You can mix it yourself, taking into account the recommendations of experts, or you can buy a ready-made one, intended, for example, for growing citrus plants. They are similar in terms of their requirements, and very soon the avocado tree on the windowsill will surprise you with its beauty. How is this tropical resident? Its annual growth is about 1 meter. Avocados bloom when propagated by seed in the 3rd-4th year. Of course, it is unlikely that it will be possible to completely duplicate the natural process; you still need to make allowances for environmental conditions, but still, certain positive results will undoubtedly be achieved.

Small subtleties

So, we buy a fruit of sufficient ripeness and prepare to watch how the avocado grows from the seed. There are two ways to germinate it. According to the first one, you need to immerse the bone halfway in a glass or small glass of water, and do this so that it does not touch the bottom, but as if suspended. You can use a piece of thick cardboard for this, which will serve as a stand for the future sprout, or you can stick a toothpick into the seed on four sides and, on the resulting base, immerse it in water as shown in the figure above.

The second method involves immersing the seed halfway in the prepared soil and creating a mini-greenhouse in this pot, wrapped in film. The second method takes longer.

Very exciting activity

It will be very interesting for both children and adults to watch how an avocado grows at home. First, the seed will swell, split into two halves, and a pink sprout will appear from the middle. You need to wait until it reaches a height of about 10 cm and transplant it into a pot with soil.

This warm and moisture-loving tree will grow very quickly, you just need to remember to water it and spray the emerging leaves. Watching an avocado grow is very exciting and quite rewarding. For example, you can assign your children the task of counting new leaves and measuring the height of a plant once a week. This will develop responsibility in them and

It is worth noting that many lovers of indoor plants, having looked at information and pictures about how avocados grow, specifically purchase this fruit not for food, but for growing it at home.

Interior decoration

Undoubtedly, a piece of the tropics on the windowsill will warm its owners on cold, frosty and damp evenings, and the process of growing it can become not only an exciting hobby for the whole family, but also an opportunity for additional income. Record your observations of how the avocado grows. Photos and video instructions on this topic are of interest to many, therefore, by posting information about your experience with a detailed description of the entire process on the appropriate website, you can get not only moral, but also material satisfaction from the final result.