Five months is a very exciting period in a baby’s life. Right now he begins to babble, sing various sound combinations and even sit. A child's nutrition at 5 months also changes. In some cases, complementary feeding may need to be introduced at this age.

There is no clear opinion about the introduction of complementary foods: some experts say that a child should be introduced to new foods from four months, others - no earlier than six months. There is no universal solution for all children. The age at which complementary foods are introduced depends on many nuances, so it is determined individually for each child. As a rule, at five months, formula-fed children or infants who are underweight begin to be fed additionally.

Formula-fed and mixed-fed babies are introduced to complementary foods earlier than breastfed babies. This is due to the fact that their digestive system is better prepared to accept new food. Recommended age for complementary feeding is 5 months.

As the first “adult” dish, such a child can be given vegetable puree. They make it themselves at home or buy ready-made ones. To prepare puree at home, you need to use only high-quality vegetables, preferably homemade ones. For the first complementary feeding the following are acceptable:

  • zucchini;
  • broccoli;
  • cauliflower;
  • pumpkin.

They should be steamed or boiled. There is no need to add salt, sugar and spices to baby food. It may seem that the food will be bland, and the baby will refuse to eat it. This is not true: young children’s receptors are not yet spoiled by different tastes, so they will be interested in trying different foods in their pure form.

The puree cannot be stored for long periods of time. The shelf life of an open jar is 1 day.

In addition to vegetable purees, a child’s menu may consist of fermented milk products, meat, fruit juices and purees, butter and vegetable oils. The range of fermented milk products for children aged 5 months is very small - cottage cheese and kefir without additives. Here is a larger selection of fruits:

  • apple;
  • pear;
  • banana;
  • peach;
  • apricot;
  • plum.

Of course, these products are introduced into the diet gradually and in consultation with the pediatrician.

Names of products and dishes for complementary feeding of a small child for every month up to a year

When breastfeeding

According to WHO, children who are fed exclusively breast milk do not need other food until they are six months old. But in some cases, for example, if you are underweight, your pediatrician may recommend starting complementary feeding at five months. Or the mother just really wants to feed the child “adult” food.

So, if a child begins to receive complementary foods at 5 months, then his diet should look something like this:

  • 700 - 750 ml of mother's milk or formula;
  • 30 ml fruit or vegetable juice;
  • 30 g fruit puree;
  • 50 g vegetable puree;
  • 3 g butter.

Butter in baby food should be exclusively natural, preferably from a farm. If it is not possible to buy such oil, it is better to replace it with vegetable oil.

As you can see, the menu of a 5-month-old baby is quite varied. But, as already mentioned, all foods need to be introduced into the diet little by little. Juices start with a few drops, and purees - with half a teaspoon. Increase this amount little by little, bringing it to the amount indicated above. Only one product is introduced at a time so that it is possible to monitor the child’s reaction to each new food. If, a few days after the introduction of one ingredient, the baby does not experience any changes in stool or allergic reactions, you can give the next one.

At 5 months, the child should receive only one-component purees. You can prepare them yourself at home. To do this, vegetables or fruits need to be boiled and chopped until smooth. You can add breast milk or formula, as well as butter, to the finished puree.


Nutrition at 5.5 months

At 5.5 months, chicken or quail egg yolk, porridge and cottage cheese are added to the usual feedings. An approximate daily menu for a 5.5 month old child in the table:

This menu is suitable for both infants and infants, but you should still not neglect consulting a pediatrician.

Vegetable puree Pelenok, Frutonyanya and Babushkino Lukoshko are suitable for complementary feeding and are one of the main dishes of the baby’s diet

How to feed?

We figured out what to feed a 5-5.5 month old baby. Now it is important to understand how to do this so as not to harm the developing organism. Let's highlight a few basic rules:

  1. Everything has its time. There is no need to rush things! No matter how much you would like to quickly move the baby to the common table, you need to have patience. For cutlets and borscht, he still has his whole life ahead of him, but mother’s milk is only the first months of life.
  2. Enter products one at a time. On this issue, the opinions of pediatricians and grandmothers will most likely be divided, since the latter may advise feeding the child vegetable soup almost from birth. This is understandable, because in their time there was no high-quality baby food. Only parents choose whose point of view to support. But if you decide to trust modern medicine, then, we repeat, for a 5-month-old child, complementary feeding should only be monocomponent. Mixing foods into purees or soups begins around 8 months. And these should only be ingredients that are well known to the child.
  3. Set mode. This rule will help establish proper digestion in a 5-month-old baby.
  4. Don't force it. Under no circumstances should you force-feed a child. If he doesn’t like the new dish, that’s normal. You need to be patient. The baby needs time to get used to new food. It is better to remove a dish you don’t like and then offer it again in a day or two.
  5. Feed carefully. It is better to choose a silicone spoon for the first feeding - it is soft, due to which it will ensure safety for the baby. When eating, you need to be as patient as possible. There is no need to rush the child, because swallowing solid food is still a difficult task for him.
  6. Complementary foods are administered only to a healthy child. During illness, it is better not to load the body with new food.

If you follow these simple rules and consult with your pediatrician, introducing the first complementary foods for a 5-month-old baby will be easy and enjoyable.

Cook or buy?

Broccoli puree is one of the healthiest and most commonly used foods in complementary feeding.

When the baby reaches the age of 5 months and the time comes for the first complementary feeding, mothers think - is it better to prepare baby food at home or buy ready-made?

There is no clear answer to this question. Both options have their pros and cons.

The main advantage of ready-made baby food is, of course, saving time and effort. As a rule, ready-made baby food only needs to be heated if we are talking about purees and juices, or diluted with boiled water if it is porridge. In addition, purchased food guarantees variety all year round, regardless of the season. Ingredients for children's food are grown specially and undergo careful quality control. Unfortunately, the same cannot be said about products sold in supermarkets.

Therefore, it is advisable to prepare baby food yourself only in cases where it is possible to buy quality products. Homemade children's meals have one undeniable advantage - their cost. If there is no financial opportunity to buy ready-made food, then preparing it yourself is an excellent solution.

How to cook?

As mentioned above, the best foods for feeding 5-month-old children are vegetables (zucchini, cauliflower, broccoli, pumpkin), fruits (apple, pear, plum, apricot, banana, peach), cereals (oatmeal, buckwheat, rice) . What to prepare from these ingredients for a five-month-old baby so that it is tasty and healthy? Here are some recipes.

  1. Buckwheat porridge. Rinse the cereal thoroughly, dry it on a clean towel and grind it into flour using a coffee grinder. You can buy ready-made buckwheat flour. In this case, it is necessary to check its composition so that there are no foreign impurities. Add a tablespoon of flour to half a glass of boiling water, stirring continuously. Cook for 10 minutes. over low heat. Cool the finished porridge slightly and add 50 ml of formula or breast milk to it.
  2. Zucchini puree. Wash the zucchini thoroughly, remove the peel and seeds, and cut into small slices. Place in a steamer for 20 minutes, then strain the cooked zucchini through a very fine sieve. You can also use a blender.
  3. Baked pumpkin. Peel the pumpkin, cut into small pieces and place in a baking dish. Pour a little water on top so that the pumpkin pieces are 1/3 covered. Bake at 180 degrees for about 20 minutes. The exact cooking time will depend on the size of the pumpkin pieces. When they are ready, rub them through a fine sieve or grind them in a blender.

These recipes are suitable for children from 5 months to several years.

It is important to properly organize the child’s nutrition. This is the key to good health, harmonious development and commitment to a healthy lifestyle.

Complementary feeding at 5 months

All the MENU given below are only of a relatively approximate nature and the mother must compile the actual menu for the baby herself.

About the timing of introducing complementary foods - look at the article "MOM & BABY. Infant feeding strategy". Be sure to determine whether your baby is ready to introduce new food into his diet. A child’s early encounter with new food can result in digestive disorders, intestinal colic, allergies, and other “troubles.” Be sure to give complementary foods with a tea or coffee spoon - the child should chew new food and not “drink” from a bottle.

Be sure to coordinate your actions with the pediatrician observing the child or your family doctor.

Once again I would like to remind you that the menus below are relative. This is not a RULE, but an EXAMPLE. In the example that will be considered, the introduction of complementary foods into the child’s diet began at 5 months. I hope using this example you will be able to CREATE YOUR OWN MENU OPTION for your baby.

Attention! When introducing complementary foods, the amount of milk or formula in this feeding decreases!!!

5 months.

  • The first complementary food should be thoroughly crushed and liquid.
  • If a child is given thick food right away, he may have difficulty swallowing.
  • With improper or force feeding, a negative reflex to any thick food can become established.

The best option for the first complementary feeding is vegetable puree - it is rich in vitamins, minerals, pectins, and fiber.
If you introduce porridge or fruit puree as the first complementary foods, then in the future there will be problems with introducing vegetables into the child’s diet.

  • 6-00 breast milk or formula
  • 10-00 vegetable puree* +breast milk or formula
  • 14-00 breast milk or formula
  • 18-00 breast milk or formula

*- vegetable puree should gradually replace breast milk. Its amount should gradually change from 1/2 tsp. up to 100 -150 g. But at the end of feeding, you can offer the baby the breast.
As an exception, in cases where a child has unstable weight or insufficient weight gain, porridge can serve as the first complementary food.

6 months.

It's time to introduce your baby to porridge. If you introduced porridge in the first complementary feeding (see above), take a “step back” this month and introduce vegetable puree.

When a child’s diet already includes porridge, fruit juice and puree are added to his diet. Do not introduce porridge and fruit puree into your child’s diet at the same time. You can introduce them in any order, but I would recommend introducing porridge first (one type - for example, buckwheat), and then introducing the first type of fruit juice (puree).

Approximate diet and routine for a child:

  • 6-00 breast milk or formula
  • 10-00 porridge* + fruit juice or puree** + breast milk or formula
  • 14-00 breast milk or formula + fruit juice or puree**
  • 18-00 vegetable puree + vegetable or fruit juice** + breast milk or formula (if the child wishes)
  • 22-00 breast milk or formula

*from 1/2 tsp. up to 50-100 g
** tbsp 1/2 tsp. up to 30-70 g

A child should be given porridge no more than once a day.
Sometimes, when porridge is introduced into the diet, a child’s appetite may decrease. If at the same time the child looks calm, cheerful and playful, then there is no reason to worry; It’s just that porridge is “more satisfying” than milk or formula. Under no circumstances should you force feed your child, or through persuasion, or by sweetening food. This may cause the child to develop food aversions. Always remember that even a healthy child may experience periods of decreased appetite. In addition, before the next feeding the child must feel a feeling of hunger, as a result of which the child will eat with pleasure (or, as they say, with appetite).
Also remember that a long break between breastfeeding - 8 or more hours in a row - significantly reduces lactation. Therefore, it is recommended to give complementary foods this month at the 2nd and 4th feeding (with IV, you can give complementary foods at the 2nd and 3rd feeding).

7 months.

Two more new products appear in the child’s diet - cottage cheese and yolk. You can also offer your child a cracker.

Approximate diet and routine for a child:

  • 6-00 breast milk or formula
  • 10-00 porridge + fruit juice + cottage cheese**
  • 14-00 vegetable puree + fruit juice + yolk*
  • 18-00 breast milk or formula + fruit puree
  • 22-00 breast milk or formula

New products are introduced at intervals of 2 weeks.
* from minimal doses to 1/2 yolk and this dose lasts up to 1.5 years
** from 1/4 tsp. up to 4 tsp

8-9 months.

The baby's menu becomes even more varied - meat and dairy products appear in it.

Approximate diet and routine for a child:

  • 6-00 breast milk or formula
  • 10-00 porridge + yolk + fruit puree
  • 14-00 vegetable soup + meat puree*
  • 18-00 fermented milk drink** + cottage cheese + fruit puree + crackers
  • 22-00 breast milk or formula

* from 1/2 tsp. up to 50 g
** from 1/2 tsp. up to 100-150 ml
As fermented milk products in a child’s diet, you can use the ready-made fermented milk product AGUSHA, kefir from the dairy kitchen, and you can also prepare NARINE kefir yourself. About "NARINE" is written in detail in the article "MOM & BABY. Dysbiosis. Practice"
The baby receives breast milk only 2 times a day - the remaining feedings can be alternated in any order (depending on the child’s wishes). If you breastfeed your baby once a day, lactation quickly fades away.
At 9 months, the baby’s “day routine” changes

7-00 - first feeding
11-30 - second feeding
15-30 - third feeding
19-00 - fourth feeding
22-30 - night feeding

10-11 months.

Fish appears in the baby's diet.
The volume of dairy products in the diet should be at least 600-700 ml per day.
Around this time, you can introduce your baby to pasta.

  • 7-00 - breakfast - breast milk or formula
  • 11-30 - lunch - vegetable soup + vegetable puree + steamed meat or fish cutlet + fruit or vegetable juice
  • 15-30 - afternoon snack - porridge with butter + yolk + fruit puree + fruit juice
  • 19-00 - dinner - cottage cheese + fruit puree (in cottage cheese) or fruit (as a separate dish) + fermented milk drink
  • 22-30 - night feeding - fermented milk drink or breast milk.

1 year

The baby gradually switches to 4 meals a day and 12 hours of sleep at night.
You can now give your baby meals prepared for the whole family.

  • 8-00 - breakfast - milk porridge + yolk + fruit juice
  • 12-00 - lunch - vegetable soup + vegetable puree + steamed meat or fish cutlet + fruit or vegetable juice
  • 16-00 - afternoon snack - cottage cheese + fruit puree (in cottage cheese) or fruit (as a separate dish) + fermented milk drink
  • 19-00 - dinner - vegetable puree or vinaigrette (1-2 times a week can be replaced with pasta) + fermented milk drink or milk
  • 24-00 - night feeding - fermented milk drink or milk.
  • Sample menus for a child from 5 months

    All the MENU given below are only of a relatively approximate nature and the mother must compile the actual menu for the baby herself. About the timing of introducing complementary foods - see the article "MOM & BABY. Strategy for feeding an infant." Be sure to determine - ready...

  • Introduction of complementary foods. Children's menu by month.

    ​Sooooo much bookuff! Introduction of complementary foods. Baby's menu by month. When is it time to introduce complementary foods? Some pediatricians take a rather strict position regarding the beginning of introducing thick foods into a child’s diet and believe that this can be done no earlier than 6 months (if we are talking about...

  • Approximate menu for a child at 6.5 months?

    Good afternoon Please tell us how much and what your child eats per day, vegetables, cereals, purees, etc. My child is on breastfeeding, started teething at 5 months, started giving complementary foods at 6. He eats about 70-80...

Nutrition of a child at 5 months does not require the urgent introduction of complementary foods if he is still breastfed. If the child’s development is appropriate for his age, there is no need to worry, it means that the amount of nutrients he receives through mother’s milk is enough for him. If your child is almost always restless, does not gain weight, and you are sure that this is due to malnutrition, then you need to gradually introduce complementary foods. In the case of artificial feeding, it is mandatory, since the nutrition of a child at 5 months must meet all the needs of the growing body. The mixtures do not meet the needs for microelements and vitamins.

With complementary foods, minerals, vitamins, carbohydrates, and fiber will be supplied, which stimulate intestinal motility. After introducing complementary foods, be sure to monitor the condition of the skin and stool.

Baby's diet at 5 months

The diet of a child at 5 months depends on many factors - there is a strict rule for introducing complementary foods; if the child has the slightest signs of illness, complementary foods cannot be introduced. It is necessary to wait until complete recovery. Do not forget that complementary feeding is unusual food for a child, new taste sensations and preparation for weaning. How easy it is to introduce complementary foods depends only on you. Food should be ground, without lumps, since there are no teeth at this age. She should have an attractive appearance, but if he doesn’t want to, there’s no need to force her. Feeding should be done slowly and carefully, as thick food is much more difficult to swallow. The second complementary feeding should be introduced only after the child has become accustomed to the first complementary feeding.

Vegetable puree should be given first when he is hungry and will not refuse food. And after that, you need to give it a drink with breast milk or formula.

Baby menu at 5 months

At this age, feeding is carried out 5 times a day with a night break. A breastfed baby will eat whenever he wants, even at night, there’s nothing wrong with that. It is better to use vegetable puree as the first complementary food and give it at lunch. The first and second feedings should be light. So, a child’s menu at 5 months will consist of breast milk or formula, juice, fruit puree, egg yolk and vegetable puree. At this age you can give 1/2 yolk. It is advisable to keep a notebook in which the mother will record what she gave, the amount of product and at what time. In the same notebook you will need to write down whether there was any reaction in the form of a rash, loose stool, or change in the color of urine. Why is urine color important? Yes, because carrots and beets turn urine dark, and when you open your notebook, you will remember what was on the menu yesterday.

If possible, it is better to prepare vegetable and fruit purees yourself from fresh vegetables and fruits, and in winter you can buy ready-made ones. You should buy purees only from trusted companies and be sure to check the expiration date. Children really like the finished puree in jars. At 5 months, the weight gain is 650 g, and the height is 2 cm. The total amount of food per day is about 1000 ml, this includes breast milk or formula and complementary foods.

Sample menu for an infant at 5 months:

Between feedings you need to give juices and water; they do not count towards the total amount. During the week you give potatoes, the next week try giving other vegetables and vegetable oil. If you buy ready-made puree, it is better to take one that does not contain salt, starch and spices. Considering the environmental situation today, it is better if the child’s diet contains no other food other than breast milk.

Nutrition in the fifth month of life.

In the fifth month of life, milk is still the main product for the baby. The child should receive sufficient amounts of vitamins, especially D and C. With each breastfeeding (or formula feeding during artificial feeding) in the fifth month, you already give the child 1.5-2 teaspoons of one of the vegetable purees. This way your child will gradually get used to denser foods. Offer fruit juices, rose hip decoction, and weak tea in a cup to the child so that he slowly learns to use “adult” utensils. Already in the second half of the fifth month of the child’s life, you can switch to a regimen of 5 feedings a day. This means that the time between feedings is now 4 hours.

Starting from the second half of the fifth month, your baby’s daily diet may be as follows:

10.00 - vegetable puree (150 g), 1/2 yolk and 3 tablespoons of fruit puree;
14.00 - breastfeeding, 2 teaspoons of cottage cheese, 5-6 teaspoons of juice;
18.00 - breastfeeding; 5-6 teaspoons of juice;

Or you can try this menu:
6.00 - breastfeeding;
10.00 - milk porridge (150 g), several teaspoons of cottage cheese, 5-6 teaspoons of fruit juice;
14.00 - breastfeeding, fruit puree (50 g);
18.00 - vegetable puree (150 g), "/2 yolks, 5-6 teaspoons of fruit juice or 3 tablespoons of one of the fruit purees;
22.00 - breastfeeding.

For a bottle-fed baby in the fifth month, the following menu is recommended:
6.00 - mixture (200 g) or kefir (200 g);
10.00 - milk porridge (for example, oatmeal or buckwheat) - 150 g, cottage cheese - 2 teaspoons, fruit puree - 3 tablespoons;
14.00 - mixture (200 g) or kefir (200 g), fruit juice - 5-6 teaspoons;
18.00 - one of the vegetable purees (150 g), 1/2 yolk, fruit juice - 5-6 teaspoons;
22.00 - mixture (200 g) or kefir (200 g).

Second feeding dishes. Milk porridge

By the time your baby turns 5 months old, he must have already tried all possible vegetable and fruit purees from you and even tasted exotic fruits (bananas, for example) in the form of purees. Now you can try the second complementary foods. We will assume that your child’s body is already sufficiently prepared to accept and assimilate food that is even thicker. Start with 8% milk porridge. Actively use semolina, buckwheat, and rice. Try to focus on oatmeal and buckwheat porridge. Your baby will really like mixed porridges from different cereals. In terms of nutrition, they are the most useful. You can add some vegetables and fruits to such porridges. For example, pumpkin, apples, prunes, etc. These additives must be thoroughly pureed. All porridges, like fruit and vegetable purees, should be given little by little (from 1-2 teaspoons) and gradually increased to 140-150 g. The process of gradually increasing the amount of porridge given to the child should take at least 7-10 days. Otherwise, disruption of the child’s digestive tract cannot be ruled out. When artificially feeding, you prepare semi-liquid porridge from various cereals and add 2-3 teaspoons of cottage cheese to them. If a child has had manifestations of diathesis, you can try cooking porridge not with milk, but with vegetable broth.

Most babies are ready to try something other than breast milk or formula by the age of five months. When the baby has grown up to complementary feeding, parents face a bunch of questions that we will try to answer in this article.

Many pediatricians recommend introducing complementary foods into a child's diet, starting from 5 months. What can be given to such a small child to taste, and what to avoid like fire - the main question for parents of 5-month-old babies. To see a smiling baby you should provide him with proper nutrition. Let's figure out what kind of diet a child needs at this age.

Baby's diet at 5 months

At 5 months, the child still receives basic nutrition in the form of mother's milk. During this period, you can also add a few spoons of vegetable puree. You need to feed the baby 5 times a day - every 4 hours.

We provide a sample menu that you can use as instructions:

  • Second breakfast – puree with fruits or vegetables, half an egg yolk
  • Lunch – breastfeeding, 10 g cottage cheese, 30 g natural juice
  • Dinner – breastfeeding, 30 g juice

Second menu option could be like this:

  • Breakfast - breastfeeding
  • Second breakfast - porridge, which needs to be cooked in milk, juice and cottage cheese in a ratio of 3:1
  • Lunch – breastfeeding, mashed apples or pears
  • Late dinner - breastfeeding
    If the child is on IV, then the diet will be as follows:
  • Breakfast – a glass of kefir
  • Second breakfast – porridge cooked in milk, cottage cheese and fruit puree 1:1.5
  • Lunch – a glass of kefir or mixture, 30 g of juice
  • Dinner – vegetable puree, half an yolk, 30 g juice
  • Late dinner – a glass of kefir or mixture

At this age, it is time to feed the child milk porridges - buckwheat, semolina or rice. You can also mix these cereals, thus increasing the usefulness of your meal. It will be useful to add vegetables and fruits to cereals. In 2 weeks you will need to increase the initial portion from 30 g to 150 g.

Video: 5 mistakes in introducing complementary foods

How to properly introduce complementary foods at 5 months while breastfeeding?

Complementary foods for a breastfed baby should be from 6 months. But if you think that already at 5 your baby meets the following criteria, then you can introduce complementary foods into the diet a little earlier:

  • Baby asks to eat more often
  • The baby's weight has doubled since birth
  • The baby sits with the help of an adult and holds his head well
  • Baby won't push solid food out of mouth
  • The child is not sick for more than 14 days

Give complementary foods to your baby during breastfeeding according to these rules:

  • Feed your baby only with a teaspoon (not a metal one)
  • Do not give your baby large portions and do not force him to eat what is offered if he resists.
  • Give a new product very little, because the child may have an allergic reaction. In addition, small portions, with their gradual increase, will allow the baby’s stomach to get used to previously unknown food.
  • Write down in a notebook all the foods you give your baby, as well as the body’s reaction to new foods.
  • Place your baby in a high chair during feeding
  • After a new product, introduce the next one no earlier than 3 days later, so that the child’s stomach gets used to the food gradually
  • During complementary feeding, also supplement your baby with breast milk.

How to properly introduce complementary foods at 5 months on artificial feeding?

When IV, introduce complementary foods according to a certain scheme. Doctors advise introducing complementary foods during IV no earlier than at 4.5 months. Let's look at all the nuances of introducing complementary foods:

  • The child should not be sick during the introduction of complementary foods
  • Start with apple juice, no more than ½ tsp.
  • First feed the usual formula, and then a new product.
  • The baby should only eat while sitting
  • Grind foods until your child can chew well

  • After juice, continue feeding with fruit puree, first also with applesauce
  • Next, add vegetables - broccoli, cauliflower, zucchini and pumpkin
  • A child on IV should drink boiled water
  • Give your child boiled or baked fruits and vegetables. At first, give only fruits, after 10-14 days you can add vegetables. Fruits should be given in the morning and evening, vegetables - in the afternoon.

Video: Complementary feeding. Komarovsky E.O.

How much vegetable puree should a 5 month old baby eat?

The best option for feeding your baby first is fruit and vegetable puree, as well as porridge. Fruit puree should be given last, since after a sweet mixture the child is unlikely to want to taste tasteless porridge or vegetables.

Initially, it is necessary to introduce completely a little vegetable puree, literally ½ tsp, gradually increasing the portion. A great place to start is zucchini puree; this product should be given to the child for at least 7 days, and then switch to a new vegetable.

Vegetable puree precedes fruit puree in a child’s diet.

After a week, add 1 tsp of puree to the zucchini. broccoli or cauliflower. The next product could be pumpkin. After the child gets used to each vegetable, the best option would be a combination of three ingredients.

The optimal portion of vegetable puree for a child is 3 tsp 1-2 r. day.

What kind of porridge and how can you give it at 5 months?

For children on breastfeeding, introduce porridge into the diet no earlier than 5 months; for children on IV – 4.5 months. The rules for introducing porridge into complementary feeding are as follows:

  • First, introduce porridge gluten free. Firstly, such cereals are better digested, and secondly, there is a very rare disease - gluten allergy. Therefore, first, give rice, corn or buckwheat porridge
  • If the child is used to every porridge, then you can start mixing them, after all, rice contains a lot of vegetable protein, buckwheat contains useful mineral salts and iron, and corn porridge contains vitamins and microelements and fiber

You can also use a special quick-to-prepare porridge as complementary food, of which a huge amount is now produced.
  • To begin with, do not add any fruits, honey, or other additives to the porridge. This can be done when does a child get used to grains?
  • To help your child get used to porridge better, first introduce porridge cooked in water. From the first days, give 1 tsp of porridge, then over 10 days gradually increase the portion to 150 g
  • If the child feels well, then increase the amount of porridge to 10 g
  • Give porridge in the morning before breastfeeding or formula
  • From the first to the fourth day, increase the portion by 5 g, then by 30 g and from the fifth by 50 g. On day 7 you should succeed required 150 g

Porridges can be of three types:

  • ordinary cereals, which are ground at home using a coffee grinder. They need to be boiled
  • instant porridges that do not require cooking
  • ready-made canned cereals containing fruits, vegetables or milk

Diet for a 5 month old baby

If a baby at 5 months does not have enough mother's milk, then you should try introduce complementary foods into the diet. Start with vegetable puree, then add juices with fruit pulp, then try fruit purees.

An excellent option for complementary feeding would also be apple pulp - peel and carefully scrape out some of the pulp with a spoon for the baby.

The next products should be bananas and pears. When the child gets used to each fruit separately, you can combine them.

There is now a huge selection in stores. puree in jars. But still, if you have the opportunity to purchase ripe fruits, then it is better to make the puree yourself using a blender. In this case, there will be more benefits and vitamins in the finished product.

You can also give your baby store-bought fruit purees. At the same time, pay special attention to the expiration date of the product and the integrity of the packaging.

Children under one year old It is not recommended to give grape juice, since he often experiences allergies and intestinal problems. The remaining fruit juices should be given starting from ½ tsp, gradually increasing the portion up to 4 tsp.

Baby's menu at 5 months: complementary feeding scheme by day

We offer you an approximate optimal option for complementary feeding at 5 months. In the first week start with zucchini:

  • Monday – 5 g zucchini and GV
  • Tuesday – 10 g zucchini and GW
  • Wednesday – 20 g zucchini and GW
  • Thursday – 50 g zucchini and GW
  • Friday – 80 g zucchini and GV
  • Saturday – 120 g zucchini and GW
  • Sunday – 150 g zucchini

Once you introduce complementary foods, never give up breastfeeding

In the second week, start add cauliflower:

  • Monday – 5 g zucchini and 140 g cabbage
  • Tuesday – 10 g zucchini and 130 g cabbage
  • Wednesday – 20 g zucchini and 110 g cabbage
  • Thursday – 50 g zucchini and 50 g cabbage
  • Friday – 70 g zucchini and 80 g cabbage
  • Saturday – 150 g cabbage
  • Sunday – 150 g cabbage

From the third week It's time for broccoli:

  • Monday – 5 g broccoli 140 g cauliflower
  • Tuesday – 130 g zucchini and 10 g broccoli
  • Wednesday – 20 g broccoli and 130 g cauliflower
  • Thursday – 50 g broccoli and 100 g zucchini
  • Friday – 80 g broccoli and 70 g cauliflower
  • Saturday – 150 g broccoli
  • Sunday – 150 g zucchini

In the last week introduce pumpkin:

  • Monday – 5 g pumpkin 140 g broccoli
  • Tuesday – 10 g pumpkin and 140 g cauliflower
  • Wednesday – 20 g pumpkin and 130 g zucchini
  • Thursday – 50 g pumpkin and 100 g broccoli
  • Friday – 80 g pumpkin and 70 g cauliflower
  • Saturday – 150 g pumpkin
  • Sunday – 150 g broccoli

Don't force the child if he refuses to eat broccoli or pumpkin now. Divide meals into several times or try feeding him in a playful way.

If a child refuses to try food that is new to him, then you should not insist - postpone the tasting for a while

Important: Before introducing complementary foods, be sure to consult your pediatrician.

If your child completely ready for feeding at the age of five months, then try to give the child the best, because the safer and healthier the products offered, the Your baby will grow healthier. If your pediatrician insists that you take your time with complementary feeding, then follow his instructions and continue to enjoy your breastfeeding period.

Video: Baby development at 5 months