Almost any tangled hair can be combed, so you shouldn’t rush for scissors immediately after you see a knot on it. We’ll tell you in this article how to save your hair from tangles and never encounter them in the future.

We save your hair

Method 1: Unraveling small knots.

Let's get started if:

  • hair is slightly tangled;
  • the curls are not damaged;
  • you are in a hurry.

Make yourself comfortable, as you will most likely spend about 10 minutes on this procedure. There is no need to wet your hair first. Begin to slowly remove a couple of hairs from the tangle. The pulling motion must be directed from the bottom up towards the roots, otherwise you risk tearing out your hair by pulling it down sharply. So, hair by hair, you will free the curls from captivity.

If you are in a hurry and don’t have 10 minutes, you can use a wide-toothed comb to remove a small tangle. In this case, you need to comb, starting from the ends of the hair and ending with the root part. However, in this case, you still run the risk of tearing your hair from tension. To make the process less painful and preserve as much hair as possible, it is recommended to use special sprays that do not require rinsing. Just apply this spray to your hair and comb it.

Method 2. Release hair from a round comb.

Let's get started if:

  • the hair on the comb is slightly tangled;
  • the curls are not damaged;
  • you are in a hurry.

If your hair gets tangled in the comb, you must first apply vegetable oil or shampoo along with conditioner to it. Then, after waiting 10 minutes, start twisting the comb. If you can’t free the hair this way, try to pull out small strands, moving from the edge of the comb to its center.

Method 3. Unraveling large knots.

Let's get started if:

  • hair is very tangled;
  • large mat;
  • curls are damaged;
  • you have dry hair;
  • Methods No. 1 and 2 are not suitable for you.

To tidy up your very tangled hair, you need to do the following.

  1. Lightly dampen hair using a spray bottle. If you don't have one, turn on the shower on low and spray your hair a little until it's damp but not wet.
  2. Use a special hair product. It's best to have a deep conditioner on hand, as it will help you easily detangle and comb different types of hair without damaging its structure. If you don’t have such a product on hand, take regular hair conditioner or vegetable oil of your choice (coconut, olive or argan). Apply the selected product to your palm, and then distribute it strand by strand, not forgetting the ends of your hair.
  3. Wait for the hair product to start working. If you use regular hair conditioner, it is enough to wait a few minutes, but when using vegetable oils, the waiting time varies from 30 minutes to 2 hours. When applying conditioner to deeply moisturize your hair, carefully follow the instructions on the package, since the length of time you should leave it on your hair depends on the brand of the product. Typically, such products are applied for 1 hour, but it happens that the recommended time reaches several hours.
  4. Using your fingers, use gentle movements to try to untangle the knots from your hair. If the tangle does not yield to you, do not be discouraged, leave it alone and move on to the next knot.
  5. Using a wide-tooth comb, start combing your hair from the ends and then gradually work your way towards the roots. To begin, place the comb slightly above the ends of your hair and move it downwards. Unravel the knots one at a time, because you can’t get rid of them all at once without damaging your hair. If the scalp is very sensitive and the combing process causes discomfort, then you need to take the strand to be unraveled, hold it between your fingers and twist it, and then comb your hair. To make detangling easier, you can add a little more oil or conditioner to the knot.
  6. If you cannot untangle any tangles, cut off the tangled hair, thereby thinning out the unruly strands.
  7. When there are no more large knots left, set the wide-tooth comb aside. The fight against small knots should be continued using a massage comb or a fine-tooth comb. Comb the small knots in exactly the same way as you combed the large ones until you finally say goodbye to them.
  8. After detangling, you need to wash your hair. It is better to divide them into strands and wash each of them separately.

Forget about the problem of tangled hair

If knots are a common problem in your hair, don't just stop at detangling them. In order not to constantly waste your time fighting tangles, you need to follow some simple hair care rules.


  • If you are the owner of thin long hair, then it is better not to wear it loose, but to choose appropriate hairstyles.
  • Don't go to bed with your hair down. Make a simple hairstyle (bun, braid), however, make sure that the hair is not pulled tight, otherwise the strands, although not tangled, will fall out. Follow a similar rule when doing household chores.
  • Trim split ends 1-2 times a month.
  • Avoid backcombing.
  • Try not to constantly use hairsprays, mousses and sprays. If you cannot do without them, wash your hair thoroughly every day.
  • If you find it very difficult to tame your long locks, try a short haircut.

Washing your hair.

  • Wash your hair in the shower, do not tilt it over the bathtub or basin.
  • Choose the right shampoo. Perhaps it is better to avoid volumizing shampoo in the store.
  • Always use balms, conditioners and masks. These cosmetics make the hair structure heavier, and as a result, it becomes much less tangled.
  • To soften hard water, boil it or add vinegar to it (5 liter spoon).

Hair care after shampooing.

  • After you have washed your hair, pat it dry with a towel and toss it back. You should not wrap your head in a towel or rub your hair with it, because fluffy fabric will only complicate the problem.
  • Do not comb wet hair, especially if you have long hair.
  • Let your hair dry on its own rather than using a hair dryer.
  • If your hair gets tangled very often, take a look at the store for special detanglers, sprays and express conditioners. As a rule, they are very easy to use. They are applied to the strands after drying, left on for a few minutes, and then tangled hair can be easily combed out.


  • Comb your hair starting from the ends. Use leisurely movements. If necessary, separate your hair with your hands.
  • Comb your hair at least three times a day.
  • Do not tuck loose hair under outerwear.
  • Don't go to bed if your hair is still wet.
  • Use folk recipes for care products for tangled hair.

Folk recipes

In addition to store-bought products, products that can be easily prepared at home can also be used to combat tangled hair. Here are some of them.

Yogurt mask.

  • Apply yogurt to clean, damp hair using massaging movements.
  • Leave the curdled milk on your hair for 30 minutes and then rinse.

Glycerin mask.

  • Mix burdock oil, egg, glycerin and apple cider vinegar in a bowl.
  • Wrap your hair in a hot towel.
  • Leave the mixture on your hair for 30 minutes and then rinse.

Egg mask.

  • Mix castor oil, olive oil and 1 egg yolk in a bowl.
  • Apply the resulting consistency to damp hair.
  • Cover your hair with film or a shower cap.
  • Keep the mask on overnight and then wash off.

To always admire beautiful, well-groomed, tangle-free hair in the mirror, do not neglect tips for preventing hair tangles. And if knots do appear, strictly follow the recommendations for untangling them. Taking care of your hair is a daily task, and its results are visible to the naked eye.

How to detangle a girl's tangled hair? How to get rid of tangles in a child's hair.

So, anyone who has girls, especially those with thin, long hair, is familiar with the fact that sometimes it is very difficult to comb it. Hair gets tangled and tangles form

and sometimes it seems that you can’t untangle them on your own and need to cut them off. Especially if the girl spent several days with her grandfather or dad and did not comb her hair or did not comb her hair well (we have an article on our website with simple hairstyles for girls that dads and grandfathers can handle). Before you cut off a tangled clump of hair, try using these tangle-detangling tips yourself and combing through severely tangled hair.

1. To detangle long hair, you will need a wide-tooth comb.(not a brush, but a regular comb).

2. If possible, it is better for the girl to wash her tangled hair well with shampoo.. If this is not possible, then this is not necessary.

3. Spray your hair with a leave-in conditioner type product.. Conditioners like the one in the photo help to instantly detangle tangled hair. Instant hair restoration (no need to rinse, can be applied to both wet and dry hair) from Pantin Pro Vi. And Elsev conditioner for fine hair (also applied to damp or dry hair). The price of such a product is about 200 rubles, but it lasts for a very long time. And it makes it easy to comb tangled hair, get rid of tangles on a child, and you won’t need to cut off tangled clumps of hair.

4. Then comb your hair carefully with a wide-tooth comb, holding the hair on top. so that the child does not feel pain.

Usually, using a leave-in hair conditioner and a wide-tooth comb can quickly untangle all the tangles on your child's head.

To reduce hair tangles in the future, try to braid the girl’s long hair. Be sure to comb your hair before going to bed. After washing, do not put your child to bed with a wet head. Hair needs to be dried and combed.


How to untangle very tangled hair and tangles in your hair at home.

My hair is tangled, what should I do? I was sick, on bed rest, my hair was below my waist. Now there are unreal tangles that I don’t know how to comb. How did anyone deal with this problem?

There are two options

1) why the hell cut everything off.

2) be patient, take a thin comb, and slowly unravel.

You take a hair mask, apply it, trying not to tangle your tangles even more, sit with it, comb it carefully. You can use hair conditioner.

Buy keratin for your hair, apply it well, sit and comb it carefully. Cut off those tangles that you cannot untangle. Then wash your hair and apply keratin again.

Go to the shower and gently untangle your hair under water. This is how I untangle the tangles in my hair.

This is a really serious problem. For example, my hair gets very tangled, and if I don’t comb it for several days and lie there, it forms a huge lump that looks like a washcloth. Sprays won't help if the tangle is severe. In addition to masks and balms, apply to wet hair, sit for 10 minutes, and try to comb.

Not oil! By the time you wash it off, you will lose half of your hair, but detangling it won’t help. It’s better to take products based on keratin or silicones, apply to your hair and comb your tangles carefully.

You need to call a good hair extension specialist. It was like that. Everything has been unraveled.

Lots, lots of conditioner, and carefully untangle with your hands. I was recently in such a situation myself.

Well, my advice is, don’t get your hair wet, untangle it dry. Maximum - spray a couple of sprays. It’s better not to apply anything on it, it will only make it worse. Especially if your hair gets tangled on its own.

Using a large needle, ask someone to pull out one strand at a time. And then generously lubricate and comb with balm. I remembered how as a child I always woke up with candy in my hair, my mother cut it.

This happens to me too. You need to comb your hair more often and put it in a ponytail at night, and not just at night, and not just in a ponytail. A braid is ideal in such situations. A light detangler will help.

Well, I think, in this case, you can take a comb and carefully, starting from the ends, comb your hair carefully and thoroughly, so that it doesn’t hurt.

You can wash your hair and apply a thick mask or balm. It helped me. During the washing process, the hair detangles itself.

Buy a tangle teaser comb. If your hair gets very tangled, this is ideal. Well, a product for easy combing of hair or liquid silk.

This happened after the salt water. There’s a washcloth on my head, I can’t comb it, I thought. There was a Tangle Teaser (which was a compact) and a lot of balm, but not sulfate-free, the more silicone, the better. Don't worry, if the hair is long, ask someone to help you, it will be easier.

Now I can’t comb my hair at all, it hurts terribly and my hair is a nightmare. And the teaser is perfect, she doesn’t fray and unravels all the tatters. I have curly hair, and therefore I have suffered with tangled hair all my life, and only this comb is my salvation.

Better to cut it. After chickenpox, I couldn’t do anything except really cut it. And is hair down to the lower back really beautiful? Better than a beautiful haircut! Update yourself at the same time! And if your hair gets tangled, that’s perfect!

In my youth I had mine up to my lower back, and all the way there was this kind of bullshit, nothing, I managed somehow. I scratched without any means, it took a long time, but it was effective.

The teaser untangles well, I used to constantly tear my hair out in a rage. Thanks to those who came up with it! You can also try a brush with natural bristles. But don't get it wet. Buy a teaser, even Avon has it, and in a fixed price for 50 rubles. Also normal reviews.

I should have braided my hair! And now - just apply some balm and gently comb it. Or go to the master.

That they found fault with her for not braiding her hair. Maybe she was unconscious for three days, who knows?

Maybe yours are just too dry? If they break off, it means the ends are very split, most likely this is because you use a straightening iron or hair dryer a lot, and my hair is long, I untangle the clumps with very large or too tangled clumps with my hands, taking out 3 hairs at a time, but my hair never breaks if I don't overuse the iron.

I don't blow-dry, no flat irons. Masks, balms and so on. And I don’t even paint now. It's still the same story. And I still don’t know how to untangle the tangles in my hair.

Don't scratch now. Go, wash them, and a nourishing mask, then a balm, then a wet spray for ease of combing or oil-serum, a lot will fall out, but this is normal, if you don’t comb for a long time, they will still fall out over the previous days. The norm is that some hair should fall out every day.

A mountain out of a mountain, as they say. Or take a shower and make a mask, apply a good conditioner. And that's it, your problem is solved.

You just go, wash your hair as best you can, and then comb, comb, be patient. I had this happen, but I was in bed for two weeks, 80cm of hair was almost dreadlocks down to the roots. Finished it in a little over an hour.

Make a mask with oils, then rinse your hair, apply conditioner, and rinse. Buy a spray for easy combing. Call your mom or friend. And comb your hair carefully. Be patient. And don’t panic that your hair is tangled, what to do, don’t pull it!

Wet your hair, spread it with Sulsen paste, it must be made in Russia, it doesn’t dry out your hair, I think you can easily untangle it with your hands without washing off the paste.

I never understood such questions. It’s up to my waist, sometimes on weekends, without combing, I tie a ponytail and walk around, in two days it gets tangled into knots, but if you carefully straighten and untangle it with your fingers, starting from the ends, everything unties in a few minutes, comb it with a comb and voila. There are special sprays for easy combing. I can’t imagine what the state should be like so that it’s impossible to unravel. By the way, oils and shampoos can make things even more confusing, I don’t recommend it.

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Let's discuss this topic:
tangled hair, hair is tangled, what to do, tangles in hair, long hair is tangled. Everything about tangled hair. So the author asks:

My hair is very tangled, what should I do? If I walk around with a braid for an hour, then it’s impossible to comb it! I tried balms, masks, conditioners, but there was no effect! My friends recommended straightening it in a beauty salon, but I don’t think that will help either. Since straightening curlers make my hair dry, in addition my hair gets tangled.

Here are the comments received on this question:

Keratin straightening will make tangled hair smoother and more manageable, but I think that a greater, albeit temporary, effect will come from cauterization or lamination of tangled hair. I did cauterization and liked it, but the effect did not last long. Absolute happiness for hair is also highly praised, I really want to try it. I have tangles in my hair.

Maybe your hair is very dry? Damaged? This makes the hair very tangled. Treatment then, cutting off tangled hair is the simplest thing.

If your hair gets tangled, then keratin hair straightening will help you! Or Botox is also good for very tangled hair!

Long hair, perhaps? If your long hair gets tangled, trim the ends more often and moisturize more. From my own experience I can say that my hair hardly gets tangled.

The same garbage, my thin hair gets tangled, I don’t know what to do. No matter how much I try, it’s zero, but everyone considers it their duty to make a remark in the spirit of “somehow you’re not taking care of your hair.”

Tell us more about cauterization, please. How does it affect when hair gets tangled?

Hair Happiness is effective for tangled hair because during the treatment they apply keratin, lipids and moisture, which is what our hair is made of. That's why the procedure is great! I highly recommend trying hair happiness if your hair has started to get frizzy.

The tangled hair is most likely damaged. My hair always gets tangled when it splits. The only thing left to do is trim.

And I like it shaggy, even if the hair gets tangled.

My long hair was tightly tangled, there were tangles in my hair all the time, I was tired of it and I was just fine with it, now I’m happy, I wear short ones. Maybe you should change your hairstyle.

What to do if your hair is thin and tangled? Buy a good conditioner with oils and water it generously after washing. Your hair seems very dry.

Do keratin hair straightening for tangled hair. My long hair gets tangled, I tried it. I'm satisfied with the result.

You just have split ends, your hair is like a washcloth and is also porous, which is why your hair gets tangled! Trim them.

How predictable. I commented above about such “advisers”. I cut it regularly, and cutting it does not affect the structure or dryness of my hair. My hair still gets tangled. I don’t need to save myself; for the most part, I’m happy with my voluminous hair.

If the haircut does not suit you, then only keratin straightening can have a beneficial effect on tangled hair.

Nonsense is “absolute happiness for hair”, I do it regularly, because apart from keratin and that we don’t do anything, my hair is not tangled, not problematic, there is no special effect. Author, if your hair is tangled, I strongly advise you to check your hormones. I had this, after giving birth my hair got tangled, the tangles in my hair were just hell, I remember I even cut the tangles out of my mind a couple of times. But at least it’s justified, hormonal changes. Six months later, I forgot how terrible it was.

Oh, my hair is also terribly tangled, what should I do? When I wear a scarf, tangles form in my hair at the back.

I too have had tangled hair in the past. I was cured with absolutely no problems. Below my waist. I've been highlighting for about 5 years. As a result, when wet, it’s just a tangle, a tangle in the hair. Oils (olive, coconut, almond and a bunch of different essential and cosmetic ones) helped me. The hair does not get tangled, one might say, ideally now. But, naturally, I stopped wearing makeup during the treatment.

Good advice, I think! I have the same problem - my long hair gets tangled a lot. I hope you can get rid of it using the method suggested above.

I got tangled hair too, what did I do? I underwent three procedures with Alfaparf Midolo. An ampoule is applied to the hair, heated with an iron, and before application, the hair is washed with a special deep cleansing shampoo. After the procedures, the hair looked gorgeous, smooth, flowing, even the ends seemed alive. The effect, it seemed to me, lasted for 4 months. During this time, the hair did not tangle and looked healthy. I liked it. Moreover, a hairdresser I knew did it at home and bought all these drugs at the purchase price, so it was very cheap compared to the price in the salon. I still have 3 ampoules left, I want to repeat them in the summer.

I also started growing my hair and recently noticed that my hair started to get tangled. I bought a hair mask for the night, it’s absolutely great, my hair is denser, silky, smooth and shiny. It has never been better. Costs 350 rubles. Just right for winter, moisturizes with a bang.

Where did you buy such a cool mask for tangled hair?

In the Indian store. I bought it just in St. Petersburg, in my area, the intersection of Prazhskaya and Bela Kuna, building 22.

Author, I'm not a doctor, but if your hair is tangled, something tells me that you need to be treated from the inside. Analyze your diet and regimen, go to a trichologist, for starters. It's about hair. Ask what you need for your tangled hair problem. I started having problems because of a poorly created ombre, I cut off 20 cm, for the first time in my life my hair was above my chest. And I’m happy! Now they are healthy and shiny.

Oh, my hair is very tangled too. I already want, I really want to try such procedures, it’s a blessing for my hair, I’m really intrigued.

Buy a hair thickening shampoo. It helped me when my hair started to get tangled, I even found tangles in my hair. And after using shampoo, combing became noticeably easier.

Treat tangled hair with oils. Castor oil thickens hair, for example. My daughter had tangles in her hair because fine hair gets very tangled. We tried different oils. The best effect is with castor oil. The hair is no longer tangled and has become denser.

To get hair happiness or Botox if you have tangled hair, find a specialist in your city. I know that there are representatives from Honma Tokyo in Ukraine.

And they told me that the procedure is called “hair reconstruction”.
I did it too and liked it too. And the hair gets tangled much less.

I won't say that my hair gets very tangled. But there is a small problem with combing. I liked the Korean hair cosmetics "Arte". It makes hair very soft, silky and shiny. Asian women have coarse hair, so their products are very good.

If your hair gets tangled, try to determine the cause and consult with specialists. Try different ways to treat your hair. And to start, the simplest thing is to cut off the ends.

Numero mask with oats is an excellent thing for tangled hair if there are tangles in your hair. I bought it on the recommendation of a specialist, because my hair became impossible to tangle. I couldn't be happier.

When your hair gets tangled, especially tangles in your hair, of course, you definitely need to do something as soon as possible. At least this is a set of measures for tangled hair.
1. Urgently cut the ends by 10 cm.
2. Stop using hot blow dryers.
3. Buy at least a professional mask and oil. Matrix, for example. Why are you saying that?
4. From a budget mask and balm Fructis yellow! The mask is about 300 rubles, the balm is 150 rubles somewhere. It will help.
But just allocate 1000-1500 rubles for oil!

I don’t dry my hair with a hairdryer at all; I use masks and balms every time. I tried a bunch of products, little effect. My hair still gets tangled.

Try these specifically for tangled hair. Fructis yellow mask and yellow balm! Matrix oil. But you need to cut off 10 cm. It’s really a nightmare, this is one of the possible reasons why the hair gets so tangled. And keratin restoration will remove porosity. Take a course of Perfectil vitamins!

Are you a hairdresser? Or is it just that your hair gets tangled too?

No. It makes no difference whether you are a hairdresser or not. I am writing to you about something that will really help you. I myself suffered from tangled hair, so I recommend what helped me.

I don’t even want to hear anything about fruitis and so on. Please use it, I hope you are not its manufacturer to be offended by me. However, masks for tangled hair are much more effective.

By the way, Fructis Balm gives a cool cosmetic effect, so you shouldn’t have a negative opinion about it. I won’t say what about if your hair gets tangled – maybe it’s not a panacea.

What kind of straightening, especially when your hair gets tangled? No way, that’s still disgusting! There were many different means. Correctly selected shampoo and conditioner specifically for your hair type will already solve the problem of tangled hair. Only in professional stores buy normal products and good oil for ends for daily care. There are many two-phase products - protection, easy combing, all this is of use if the products are good, expensive, and household Fructis Muktis shampoos and products will not save you in any way. I also highly recommend Happiness for Hair, it’s a good procedure, suitable if your hair gets tangled.

You are truly the queen of sarcasm. I don’t use Fructis now, but I liked the effect. After it, the hair is not tangled, smooth, silky. I agree, everything is individual. To each his own.

I also had the same problem with tangled hair.
There was experience with biolamination, keratin straightening, happiness for hair, polishing ends plus creatine.
The effect is temporary, after some time the hair regained its previous condition.
I found my salvation from tangled hair in almond oil.
I add it to the balm (capsule for all hair types), my hair is no longer tangled and overall it looks healthier.
Trim the ends approximately once every 2-3 months.

My hair has been tangled for a long time. A colleague at work, whose friend is a hairdresser, recommended this comb for tangled thin hair. I purchased it. I must say there is an effect. Hair gets tangled much less.

Straightening curlers!? Also as a way to get rid of tangled hair? This is the first time I've heard of it. How will this help if your hair gets tangled?

My hair gets tangled after washing too. A good hairdresser advised Glis Kur oil, Glis Kur shampoo, and not to dye your hair. My hair became much less tangled.

If your hair gets tangled, it’s not the worst problem. Kerating will help you, have no doubt. Of course, the effect of all procedures is temporary! There is no panacea that will make you do it once and forget about tangling hair forever. Any procedure must be repeated systematically. Do it once every three to four months, and you will be happy. Just find a good master.

I agree that any procedure must be performed systematically. The whole difference is in the procedure. Any impact on the hair associated with a violation of its structure (opening of the cuticle in order to penetrate the composition) ultimately leads to a deterioration in the condition of the hair. Thus, keratin straightening performed on healthy or relatively healthy hair and on initially damaged hair will give a different effect (in a prolonged action). Your tangled hair may need to be treated initially.
Why did I choose oil when I had tangled hair: its use does not destroy the hair structure, but only fills the damaged areas, thereby making the hair more elastic and well-groomed. Why I chose almond: it is greasy enough to moisturize the hair and has a transparent color, which is very important for blonde.
Why did I refuse professional products for ends (serums, oils, crystals) - they all contain silicones. Silicone envelops the hair, makes it shinier, everything is very cool, but, again, not for long. Silicones tend to dry out the hair and, ultimately, the condition of the hair worsens, especially if the hair is very tangled.
I use such serums extremely rarely.
All these conclusions were made based on many years of personal experience using various products and procedures. My hair doesn't get tangled, I'm happy with it.
I advise the author to also pay attention to nutrition; B vitamins are important for hair.

In what proportions do you add oil to the balm? And do you wash it off immediately after application? For my hair, I use coconut oil as a night mask; I also have almond oil, but I use it for other purposes. You wrote, I’m interested in trying it, even if I don’t have a problem with tangled hair.

In terms of proportions, it is better to focus on your own experience. Add a few drops, if you feel it is not enough, add more. It still depends on the type of hair and the nutritional value of the balm, I think, also plays a role.
I mix the oil and balm immediately before applying directly in the palm of my hand. I add about half a teaspoon of oil for a good portion of the balm. But my hair absorbs it like a sponge. This may be too much for you. I wash it off after about five minutes (like a regular balm).
I use it about every other time so as not to unnecessarily weigh down tangled hair! I also applied the mask and the effect was good. One of the advantages of my balm is that it can be used both as a balm and as a mask.
Try it, experiment. I am sure that the result will please you.

Have you tried shielding for tangled hair? Who has such experience? Does it help with tangled hair?

What do you think about the question asked by the author?

If your hair is very tangled, do not immediately run to the salon and cut off the entire length. There are several simple solutions for such a problem!

Sometimes after washing, curling or evening hairstyle, hair becomes very tangled, especially if it is long and thick. Combing them seems impossible and very painful. But there are several ways to untangle the tangle without harming your curls.

Small tangled clump of hair

In this case, you can try to untangle the hair with your hands. It is necessary to carefully separate the curls into small strands with your fingers, and then use a flat comb with sparse teeth to run along the ends and gradually higher, to the roots. The tangled clump needs to be slightly dispersed with your fingers and pulled up a few hairs at a time. You can’t pull it down: you can tear it out with the onions!

Very tangled long hair

On topic

First, wash your hair with shampoo without combing the strands. Detangling dry hair is strictly prohibited, otherwise you will tear it out by the roots or tangle it even more!

Then we apply a balm or mask on them. Let the product stand for 20 minutes.

Carefully begin to separate the wet strands with a wide-tooth comb or your hands, starting from the ends and gradually moving up to the root part, while holding the strand at the roots. However, wet hair is very fragile, so you need to take it apart slowly and do not pull it down! Ideally, you need to lie on the sofa with your head hanging down, or sit on a chair with your head between your knees. But even if you remain in a standing position, you need to bow your head.

Having untangled all the knots and tangles, lubricate the strands with the mask again and wait another 15 minutes. Rinse your hair with cool water.

Hair wrapped in a round comb or roller with Velcro

In this case, it is necessary to soak the strand wound on the brush in the balm and slowly rotate it so as not to pull out the hairs. Before unwinding the tangle, it is useful to sprinkle with oil. At the end of the procedure, you need to smoothly comb your hair with a comb to get rid of torn hairs.

Text: Polina Yanulova

Photo: open internet sources