Good day to all, dear readers of my blog.

At the keyboard, as usual, I am a consumer rights lawyer, Evgeniy Volkov.

Today I’ll tell you whether it’s possible to return shoes to the store after wearing them for a little while, and if so, how to do it correctly?

ATTENTION: Since this article was written by me in 2015 , Some information in this article may be out of date.

From June 29, 2017 All the necessary and relevant information for you regarding the return of shoes to the store, including those regarding the return of shoes after a short wear, is contained in my new article: “ “.

Be sure to read it if you want to know absolutely all the nuances regarding returning shoes to the store and learn my professional advice. that I warned you, I'm calm. If you are still here and decided to read this particular article of mine, then I will continue.

Also in the article you will find my next competition, the winner of which will receive a gift from me :)

So, is it possible to return shoes to the store after wearing them for a short time?

Let’s immediately agree that by “small wear” we will understand any facts of using purchased shoes for their intended purpose for any length of time.

At least an hour, at least thirty minutes, at least one day, at least a week, etc. After all, everyone has their own subjective opinion regarding what “small wear” means.

So, my dears, the legislator does not give us an answer to the question of a small sock - how long does it last?

Everything is much simpler. Consumer protection laws provide the consumer with only two options to return shoes to the seller.

The first opportunity to return shoes is provided for in part one of Article 25 of the Law of the Russian Federation dated 02/07/1992 “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”

1. The consumer has the right to exchange a non-food product of proper quality for a similar product from the seller from whom this product was purchased, if the specified product is not suitable in shape, dimensions, style, color, size or configuration.

The consumer has the right to exchange non-food products of proper quality within fourteen days, not counting the day of purchase.

An exchange of a non-food product of proper quality is carried out if the specified product has not been used, its presentation, consumer properties, seals, factory labels are preserved, and there is also a sales receipt or cash receipt or other document confirming payment for the specified product. The consumer’s absence of a sales receipt or cash receipt or other document confirming payment for the goods does not deprive him of the opportunity to refer to witness testimony.

But in the case of returning shoes to a store after a short wear, Article 25 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On the Protection of Consumer Rights” does not apply, since, relying on it, only unworn shoes can be returned to the store.

For all other cases of returning shoes, including returning shoes to a store after a short wear, Article 18 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On the Protection of Consumer Rights” applies, according to the first part of which

If defects are discovered in the product, if they were not specified by the seller, the consumer has the right to:

- demand replacement with a product of the same brand (same model and (or) article);

- demand replacement with the same product of another brand (model, article) with a corresponding recalculation of the purchase price;

- demand a proportionate reduction in the purchase price;

- demand immediate free elimination of defects in the goods or reimbursement of costs for their correction by the consumer or a third party;

- refuse to fulfill the purchase and sale agreement and demand a refund of the amount paid for the goods. At the request of the seller and at his expense, the consumer must return the defective product.

In this case, the consumer also has the right to demand full compensation for losses caused to him as a result of the sale of goods of inadequate quality. Losses are compensated within the time limits established by this Law to satisfy the relevant consumer requirements.

Thus, returning shoes to the store after wearing them for a short time is possible only if you find or feel any defect in the purchased shoes.

We've sorted out the theory, now let's move on to practice.

What needs to be done to return shoes to the store after wearing them for a short time?

First, we write a claim to the seller. Write your complaint in any form, but be sure to indicate the essence of the defect that, in your opinion, exists.

For required sample shoe return claims, see

By the way, pay attention to the warranty period indicated in the warranty card for the shoes you purchased. Usually shoe dealers indicate 20 or 30 days there.

What is written in the Law of the Russian Federation “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”?

According to Art. 19 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”

1. The consumer has the right to present requirements provided for in Article 18 of this Law to the seller (manufacturer, authorized organization or authorized individual entrepreneur, importer) regarding defects in the goods if they are discovered during the warranty period or expiration date.

In relation to goods for which warranty periods or expiration dates have not been established, the consumer has the right to make these demands if defects in the goods are discovered within a reasonable time, but within two years from the date of their transfer to the consumer, unless longer periods are established by law or contract.

2. The warranty period of the goods, as well as its service life, is calculated from the day the goods are transferred to the consumer, unless otherwise provided by the contract. If the day of transfer cannot be determined, these periods are calculated from the day the goods were manufactured.

For seasonal goods (shoes, clothing and others), these periods are calculated from the onset of the corresponding season, the onset of which is determined accordingly by the constituent entities of the Russian Federation based on the climatic conditions of the location of consumers.

It is important to know: the shoe seller cannot reduce the warranty period determined by the shoe manufacturer. Often a store or some Ipashka sets it equal to a month or even less.

Therefore, to find out the true warranty period for a specific shoe model, you should contact the manufacturer by phone or through the official website of the shoe manufacturer.

In addition, remember that the legislator connects the expiration of the warranty period with placing the burden of proof of circumstances confirming the seller’s liability on the consumer!

Yes, and one more thing - prepare the claim in two copies. Give one copy to the seller, and on the second copy ask the seller to put a receipt mark and signature with a transcript of the signature and the date.

Well? Is that all?

No, not everything. As I promised at the very beginning of the article, I am now announcing a new competition on the blog, the essence of which is to correctly answer my question on the topic of the article, which you will read below.

Well, are you ready? Then go ahead.

You've probably heard or read about

The following shoes cannot be exchanged, returned or repaired free of charge:
— worn with defects resulting from use in out-of-season conditions that do not correspond to its intended purpose;
— with mechanical damage (burns, cuts, abrasions, etc.); deformed as a result of improper wear, drying, loss of quality as a result of chemical exposure, and with other defects caused by the buyer;
- repaired by the buyer before presentation to the store (except for replacing heels or gluing a preventive outsole, if such repairs did not result in the formation of defects).

So, tell me, my dears, where exactly is this normatively enshrined? The one who is the first to give the correct answer will receive a gift from me.

Write your answers in the comments to this article.

Comments are manually moderated by me, so don't worry if after submitting a comment it doesn't immediately appear on my site. After some time, it will definitely appear, as is my answer.

The competition is over. The winner received a prize! See the answer in the comments.

Well, well, I’ll continue my story about how to return shoes to the store after wearing them for a little while.

It’s not enough to write a complaint and bring it to the seller.

It is also important to conduct a proper dialogue with the seller so as not to be left in the cold. There is no need to think that sellers are completely unaware of the law on consumer protection.

On the contrary, by the nature of their activities they are forced to know it (those provisions that regulate the relationship between the consumer and the seller of goods).

Therefore, very often, a consumer, having downloaded somewhere a template for a claim for the return of shoes after a short wear, runs to the store, and after a conversation with the seller, leaves the store, realizing that everything did not go at all as he (she) had planned( a) initially.

What could happen?

Well, look, for example.

You, having written a claim for the return of shoes after a short wear, come to the store, show the claim to the seller, give it back, and on the second copy ask the seller to sign your copy of the claim, and in response the seller politely and in a slightly apologetic tone says to you:

“Oh, you know, we only accept claims if they are prepared on our own form; I will not sign your copy of the claim. Fill out our refund application form and then there should be no problems with the return.”

Or for example:

“And you have your passport with you, without a passport we will not be able to accept your shoes and issue a refund.”

Or for example like this: “ And return the check and warranty card to us."

Just like that, right away, if you are not prepared, you will agree to write an application for a refund on the store’s letterhead. After all, you need to return the money, and the seller said that there will be no problems if the corresponding application from you is received on their letterhead.

So you start filling out the application on the form provided by the seller and make the first mistake, thanks to which your visit to the store turns into a waste of time.

And it’s good for the seller - there is no official complaint from you, which means there are no deadlines for delay in meeting the consumer’s requirements. The application that you fill out on the form provided by the seller is far from being a consumer complaint, take my word for it.

Therefore, if you are told to fill out the appropriate application on the form provided by the store, you can once again ask the seller to sign your copy of the claim, putting the date, a mark of receipt and a signature with a transcript.

And if the seller refuses, just leave the store and that’s it, but go straight to the Russian post office in your city or village.

And there you send a copy of the claim to the store, always in a valuable (and not registered with notification) letter with a list of the contents.

On the inventory of the attachment (there is a special form No. 107 for this, they will give it to you at the post office, or you can lick this form from the Internet somewhere) The post office will give you a round stamp with the date of receipt.

However, if the seller is more or less accommodating and does not mind returning your money for the shoes, during the process of wearing which certain defects were discovered, he will definitely ask you to return the shoes to the store.

And here's your attention: almost each of you can make one annoying mistake, namely, simply give your boots or shoes to the seller, while the seller can even write a receipt stating that the shoes were received from you, and you are happy that everything is arranged as As expected, you will continue to wait for your money to be returned for your shoes.

But in the end, it may turn out that after some time the seller refuses to return your money, citing the fact that you, it turns out, returned the shoes to the store, for example, with mechanical damage in the form of a cut.

Of course, you will immediately begin to be indignant - how is it that you gave away the shoes without any scratches or cuts, and the store accepted the shoes from you!

Can you prove this?

What, what? Do you have a receipt from the seller that the shoes have been accepted? Well, well...

Does this receipt contain a detailed external description of the transferred shoes? Presence or absence of defects? Somehow I doubt it.

Therefore, using such a receipt, you will not be able to prove that you handed over the shoes without mechanical damage.

It turns out that you, as a consumer, will be left in the cold because you are not in control of the situation from the start. How to avoid this?

There is nothing complicated here. You just need to draw up a Shoe Acceptance and Transfer Certificate.

Have you ever created something like this? Well, which I present to you, just adjust it to your situation and everything will be tip-top.

A couple of important clarifications on this Act:

First clarification. The Certificate I presented was drawn up for the case if the Seller refused to immediately return your money and decided to conduct an examination of the goods.

However, it may also happen that the Seller agrees to return your money, but first asks you to return the purchased defective shoes to the store.

In this case, also do not limit yourself to and do not agree to receive a receipt from the store clerk indicating that the shoes have been received from you.

You draw up a Transfer and Acceptance Certificate, only instead of the phrase “for subsequent commodity examination” in paragraph 1 of the above-mentioned Certificate, indicate the phrase “for the purpose of returning the funds paid by the Buyer.”

Do not change the rest of the structure of the Act.

Second clarification. You probably noticed that I indicated directly the Individual Entrepreneur himself, the store owner, as the signatory on behalf of the seller. This is what is indicated on the check.

But in practice, individual entrepreneurs themselves very rarely sit in their shops and act as sellers.

As a rule, a salesperson (sellers) are invited to work in a store, who do all the grunt work with Buyers (consult, give out shoes to try on, process purchases, etc.).

Therefore, it is very possible that when you come to the store with the Certificate, you will not find any individual entrepreneur there, and the girl-seller, batting her eyes, will tell you that the Manager (aka individual entrepreneur) will appear in the store only in a week, since he flew away to China for a new batch of goods.

How do you think? Can this girl-seller sign the Act instead of IP Chugunkov and put the store’s seal on this Act?

The correct answer to this question depends on whether the girl-seller has a power of attorney issued by the individual entrepreneur to represent the interests of the individual entrepreneur before the Buyers and also depends on the composition of the powers specified in such a power of attorney.

If the girl-seller has a power of attorney, and the power of attorney indicates the authority to sign documents on behalf of the individual entrepreneur, then there are no problems - the girl-seller can sign the Act for the individual entrepreneur and put a stamp, with the obligatory indication in the Act of the details of her power of attorney (Number and date ).

I believe that it would not be superfluous to make sure that the seller has a valid power of attorney and check the terms of office of the seller specified in the power of attorney.

It may well be that the seller seems to have a power of attorney, but its validity has expired.

In this case, the seller has no right to sign the Act (or any document at all) on behalf of the individual entrepreneur. The same thing applies if the seller does not have a power of attorney at all.

I repeat once again: all sorts of receipts from sellers are complete nonsense.

If the sellers do not have a power of attorney, then they are NO ONE in the relationship between you and the store management!

Accordingly, any of their receipts on behalf of an individual entrepreneur or LLC, etc. have no force, since an individual entrepreneur or store director can always challenge such receipts in court, because the persons who issued them (direct sellers in the store) were not authorized by the store management to perform such actions.

Therefore, always pay due attention to the issue of correctly indicating the signatory of the Act on the part of the seller.

The seller doesn’t have a power of attorney, didn’t you find the store manager or individual entrepreneur on site?

No problem! Just submit a claim (of course, with a note on acceptance of the claim on your copy) or send it by mail if the seller begins to barrage, and after that, in response to the seller’s request to return the shoes, then specify when exactly the management will be ready to pick up the boots and sign the Transfer and Acceptance Certificate. All!

Understand that it is the store, and not you, that is more interested in you returning your boots to them.

Your main goal is to deliver a well-written claim in person or by mail, so that the deadline starts ticking for the Seller, and then let the seller fuss.

If they want to conduct an examination and therefore not get penalized for delay in fulfilling the consumer’s requirements, let them move on and find their manager, individual entrepreneur or other person authorized to sign the Act.

You give away the shoes only on the basis of the Transfer and Acceptance Certificate, which I presented above. Then legally everything will be done correctly on your part.

Exception to all of the above: if the store seller is ready to return your money right here and now - then forget about all sorts of Acts and claims.

Your goal is to return the money - and you have achieved it. The seller is already counting out the required amount.

In all other cases, for example, you paid for a purchase with a bank card and the seller tells you something like: “everything is fine, I made a return, the money will be returned to your card in three days, please return the goods” - answer like this :

“No problem, girl, now please sign on my copy of the claim, then we’ll draw up an act of acceptance and transfer of shoes in two copies, I hope you have the authority to sign such documents, or maybe the store manager himself is also present here, that’s how it goes.” We’ll draw up the paperwork, and then everything will be in order, because I haven’t received any money from you yet.”

Well, somehow organize a dialogue in this vein.

In fact, how do you know that the saleswoman made the return on her computer or said it like that for show.

So never let your guard down.

Well, in conclusion, how to prove the fact of purchasing shoes if you do not have a receipt confirming payment for the shoes?

Well, for example, you lost it, ate it, burned it, or they simply didn’t put it in a box when selling shoes.

In this case, the fact of purchase can be proven by:

A) testimony of persons present during the purchase of shoes;

B) testimony of sellers or cashiers (but this is purely theoretical, and in practice this is hardly possible - only if the sellers or cashiers want to annoy the store management);

C) a warranty card filled out by the seller;

D) other documents containing information about the seller and the date of purchase of the goods;

D) stickers and price tags on the product packaging indicating the seller’s information.

In accordance with part 5 of Art. 18 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”

The consumer's absence of a cash or sales receipt or other document certifying the fact and conditions of purchase of the goods is not grounds for refusal to satisfy his requirements.

This is understandable. But you need to keep in mind that if you don’t have a receipt, then you will still have to prove the fact that the problematic shoes belong to a specific seller. Another question is who should prove it.

And here's good news for you. In the event that you are going to return shoes to the store after a short wear, without having a receipt, and the seller, with the tenacity of a ram, claims that you did not buy the shoes from him, then due to the distribution of the burden of proof in such cases, it is the seller who must will prove it, not you.

Remember this.

It’s a completely different matter if you, without a receipt confirming the purchase, are going to return shoes that do not have defects to the store, in this case it will be you who will need to prove the fact of purchasing the shoes from a specific seller.

But the question of returning quality shoes has nothing to do with the topic of today’s article.

By the way, it is useful to know that according to paragraph 46 of the Rules for the sale of certain types of goods, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 19, 1998 N 55 (as amended on September 19, 2015)

If the cash register receipt for a product does not contain the name of the product or article number, a sales receipt is given to the buyer along with the product, which indicates this information, the name of the seller, the date of sale and the price of the product and is signed by the person directly selling the product.

We'll probably stop there.

I hope that now returning shoes to the store after a short wear will not be such a headache for you as you initially thought.

Happy shopping, friends!

Good afternoon Tell me what to do: Some employees of our institution (hospital) do not want to receive special clothing. We have approved standards for issuing workwear and safety footwear, according to which these workwear are issued. The reason that the employee does not want to receive the clothes he is entitled to is stated to be: IT DOESN'T FIT THE SIZE, the wrong color, the wrong cut (as they want). On the employer’s part, all responsibilities are fulfilled in terms of providing workers with special clothing (according to size and height)...For example: the supplier supplied the hospital with a medical suit (the size on the tag is indicated in accordance with GOST), but this suit does not fit the employee ( although the employee is 58 r-ra and the medical suit is also 58 r-ra). It turns out that the supplied workwear is not of Russian sizes, standards, or what? What should I do?
I tell the employee that his size corresponds to the size indicated on the suit tag..... We are a budgetary institution, and we cannot adjust specifically to the size of each employee (there is a staff turnover, or while the workwear is on the way or at the stage of its manufacturing - the employee has lost weight or, on the contrary, his size has doubled). I believe that we fulfill all the requirements, namely, we provide the employee with workwear that matches his gender, height, and size - and if the size indicated on the workwear tag does not actually fit an employee with the same size - what should we do?
Thanks in advance for your help!!!

Expert answer:

Dear Yulia Nikolaevna,
In accordance with the Intersectoral Rules for Providing Workers with Special Clothing, Special Footwear and Other Personal Protective Equipment, approved by Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated June 1, 2009 N 290n, Section II. The procedure for issuing and using PPE in paragraph 12. PPE issued to employees must correspond to their gender, height, size, as well as the nature and conditions of the work they perform.
In this case, the size of the employee is indicated in the personal card for recording the issuance of PPE.
If the size indicated on the tag corresponds to the size of the employee, but the clothing still does not fit, it is necessary to check whether the clothing is made correctly in accordance with the requirements of the time sheet specified in GOST or TU. It often happens that clothing manufacturers violate the requirements of the standard measures.
If the clothes are made correctly, but the size still does not match, it is necessary to explain to employees that the sizing chart of Russian GOSTs is standard and cannot take into account all the anthropometric data of a particular person. If desired, workers can independently adjust the size in a professional studio.


To work at an enterprise or construction site, in the service sector, medical institutions or food plants - everywhere you need work shoes, which should not only perform a protective function, but also be comfortable.

Special winter work shoes allow you to work in conditions at low temperatures: cloth and inflated boots, felt boots, shoes with fur. A fairly large group consists of rubber work shoes, which are represented by boots and galoshes of various styles.

There are professions that require you to spend a long time on your feet, for example, operating doctors or trade workers. Ergonomic clogs have been developed for representatives of these professions, available in both women's and men's versions.

Manufacturers of work shoes pay a fair amount of attention to the materials from which their models are made. Preference is given to natural raw materials to ensure wearing comfort.


Special footwear (abbreviated as special footwear) is designed to protect workers’ feet from the hazardous effects of the production environment and the labor process. The main purpose of safety shoes is to protect the feet from adverse effects and possible work-related foot injuries. Typically, if an employee’s work duties are in one way or another associated with the risk of foot injury, then work shoes are a necessary element of work clothing.

According to their purpose, work shoes can be divided into industrial and uniform, although both provide protection from general industrial pollution and climatic factors.

Uniform shoes to a greater extent emphasize belonging to a certain
professions. Industrial footwear, depending on the working conditions and aggressive environment, may have, in addition to protection from general industrial pollution (GIP) - both MBS and acid base, and a number of other protective properties.

Work shoes protect and protect our feet from a number of unfavorable factors: thermal effects, the negative influence of aggressive environments, cuts and punctures, and foreign objects.

If necessary, shoes can be equipped with a puncture-resistant insole (metal or light Kevlar) and a durable toe cap that protects against impact (modern composite or metal), without compromising the appearance.

There are many types of special shoes on the modern market: construction shoes, shoes for security workers, shoes for medical personnel and employees of food and chemical enterprises, etc. The most well-known types of safety footwear are work boots, boots, work shoes and high-top boots.

Boots and boots with reliable, non-slip, molded soles that protect workers from punctures and slips are in particular demand. Safety footwear must have a wide range of protective properties:

— protection from mechanical influences (punctures, cuts, shocks, vibrations);
— anti-slip protection;
— protection from high or low temperatures;
— protection against static loads;
— protection from biological factors;
— protection from general industrial pollution;
— protection against electric current;
- protection from chemical irritants.

Together, all of the above factors are the reference for work, special shoes, which should primarily protect the foot of a worker in heavy or dangerous work and make his work easier. Savings on safety shoes are directly proportional to the safety of the footwear consumer; by saving on shoes, you save on the safety of your workers.


Such shoes differ from safety shoes in that they do not have a reinforced toe box and do not provide protection from falling objects and mechanical impacts, while having the following properties: anti-slip, oil- and petrol-resistant sole, shock absorption in the heel area, antistatic properties, and moisture-resistant shoe top.


Shoes must be protected from falling objects and damage that may occur in an industrial area. Equipped with a reinforced toe box, such shoes provide protection against mechanical impacts of up to 200 J. Demi-season, winter and summer - a generally accepted division according to the season of wear or in accordance with the conditions of its use according to the time of year. According to the materials used for manufacturing, safety footwear is classified into three main groups:

— leather shoes made from natural leather materials and its substitutes, including those with a textile upper;
— rubber shoes and made of PVC plastic (polyvinyl chloride);
- felted and felt shoes.

Based on the design of the top and its height, the following main types are determined: boots, boots, low shoes and shoes. The varieties are: high boots, ankle boots, boots, sandals, dudes and other shoes used for work.


When choosing shoes, you need to pay special attention to their size and fullness - the foot in the shoe should not be compressed; It is better to take felted shoes one size larger than leather ones, because... during operation it decreases due to shrinkage of materials. To prevent rapid wear of leather shoes and preserve their performance and consumer properties, the following operating instructions must be followed:

- use shoes according to their purpose and protective properties;
- after finishing work, clean the shoes from dirt without damaging the material of the top and bottom, wipe them and leave them in a ventilated room at a distance of at least 50 cm from heating devices in an open form for ventilation and drying;
— it is not allowed to clean shoes with organic solvents;
- shoes must be systematically, at least once a week, treated with lubricant according to regulatory and technical documentation (fatty cream for yufti, shoe polish for chrome, special preparations and special rubber brushes for velor, etc.);
— time of continuous use of shoes no more than 9-12 hours;
— it is better to dry felted shoes at a temperature of no more than 40 °C and clean them with a dry brush in the direction of the pile;
- during the off-season, store in plastic bags using naphthalene or another moth repellent.


The storage conditions of safety footwear influence its consumer and performance properties. Shoes should be stored in dry and covered areas, protected from precipitation and soil water. The main factors influencing the storage conditions of shoes are the relative humidity and air temperature in the warehouse. The most favorable storage conditions for various types of shoes are relative humidity - 50-65%, temperature - 8-18 °C. Helps maintain the quality of shoes
also influence: solar radiation, dustiness of premises, order of stacking of goods, action of moths, rodents, chemical reagents.

Most materials (leather, fabric, cardboard, felt) from which shoes are made are hygroscopic. Depending on environmental conditions, they are able to absorb moisture or release it. At high relative air humidity in a warehouse, shoe parts made of hygroscopic materials become moistened and change their size. Metal fasteners (nails, screws, etc.) and fittings (blocks, hooks, fittings, fasteners, etc.) are subject to corrosion. Mold develops on parts, especially leather with casein coating, which dramatically worsens the appearance of the material and weakens its mechanical properties. Wetting textile materials can lead to rotting, molding, and color fading. High air humidity also negatively affects the dimensional stability of felted shoes.

Storing shoes at low relative humidity and elevated temperatures also leads to deterioration in the consumer and performance properties of shoes. Warping and shrinkage of parts made of leather and other hygroscopic materials occurs. In leather shoes, cracks appear between the sole and the welt, the lining and the rubber sole, the heel and the heel, and leather fleeces with a assembled heel; the upper edge and wings of the hard backs are deformed; wrinkles form on individual leather parts of the shoe upper and other defects. Dry skin loses its elasticity and becomes stiff.

At elevated indoor temperatures, as well as under the influence of sunlight, accelerated aging of artificial shoe materials, rubber, and polymer coatings on natural leather occurs. Aging is expressed in a change in the properties of the material, which is a consequence of various processes - destruction, structuring, decomposition, etc. In this case, in most cases, the rigidity of the material increases, and the resistance to repeated deformations during stretching and bending decreases. As a result, the performance of rubber shoes, rubber soles, tops and other parts made of artificial materials deteriorates. Topcoat dyeing films crack and crumble when the products are worn.

When exposed to light, materials change color (fading). Low temperatures contribute to the destruction of various artificial materials, films, face coverings based on polyvinyl chloride, nitrocellulose, polymethacrylate, etc. Fat deposits can form on the leather parts of the shoe upper (if fatliquoring is carried out incorrectly) during storage.

It is also necessary to ensure that shoes in the warehouse do not collect dust. Dust gets into the pores of the upper materials, gradually degreasing the top layer of leather parts - the leather becomes rough to the touch and less elastic. The appearance of the shoes deteriorates.

When storing shoes in a warehouse, they should be located no closer than 20 cm from the walls and 100 cm from heating devices. Proper stacking of shoes on racks and shelves has a great influence on their safety and creates conditions for the rapid completion of warehouse operations. Leather and rubber shoes in primary packaging (boxes) are placed on wooden shelves, 2 boxes deep and 5-6 in height. With a higher stacking height, the cardboard boxes in the bottom row are deformed, and the appearance and shape of the shoes deteriorate. Shoes without primary packaging are placed on the shelves in rows (up to 5 in height) with sheets of thick cardboard placed between them. Rubber shoes without primary packaging are wrapped in paper when stacked. When stored in bales, felted shoes are placed on stockpiles in rows no more than 5 places high.

When storing felted shoes, as well as leather and rubber shoes with parts made of woolen fabrics and lined with natural fur, measures are taken to protect them from moths. The moth usually appears when the temperature rises in May-June. She lays her eggs in felt and woolen materials suitable for feeding the future larva, and therefore they should be treated with anti-moth preparations, just like the walls and shelving of warehouses.


Modern production of work shoes has made significant progress. Nail, glue and welt-stitching methods are becoming a thing of the past, becoming obsolete, and shoes using the injection molding method for attaching the sole are gaining more and more fans. There is nothing unusual in this, it’s just that over time we find more practical solutions, including for the production of safety footwear.

The production of higher quality and practical products requires shoemakers to use modern machines and equipment: injection molding units, presses, where almost all processes are automated and controlled by electronic control systems. Even the uppers of shoes, which are least susceptible to significant changes, are sewn today using semi-automatic lines. Let us pay tribute to Russian enterprises, for example, Yachting (Cheboksary), Artak (Kostroma), Vostok-Service (Torzhok), whose products are deservedly popular and have won the trust of the Russian consumer. By the way, the technological equipment of these enterprises is in no way inferior to their European counterparts, and the production facilities allow them to flexibly respond to seasonal demand, fulfill corporate orders with changes to the basic models, taking into account the specific features and wishes of customers.

To protect feet when carrying out work, in most cases it is recommended to use work shoes, the production of which is carried out in strict accordance with the requirements of GOST of the Russian Federation; the norm of issue and period of wear are regulated by accepted industry recommendations.


Polyurethane - abbreviated as PU, a polymer, due to its high performance properties and fairly labor-intensive processing technology, is used as the main shoe sole material for the injection molding method of fastening, including for the manufacture of special shoes. Safety shoes with polyurethane soles have been faithfully serving in European countries and the USA for many years, but recently began to conquer the Russian consumer with their practicality, excellent protective characteristics and elegant appearance.

The main advantages are: good thermal insulation, resistance to abrasion, repeated bending and stretching, exposure to oil, petroleum and petroleum products. Polyurethane soles are distinguished by their lightness and elasticity. But there are also a number of disadvantages: low puncture resistance and exposure to low temperatures. It is in order to eliminate these shortcomings that a second layer is used in the sole of safety shoes - heat-resistant polyurethane (TPU). A 2-3 mm layer of monolithic TPU in the undercarriage of the sole is sufficient to provide high heat resistance and puncture resistance. The use of a combination of foamed TPU and monolithic as the base of the intermediate layer makes work shoes with polyurethane soles even more comfortable.

For several years now, the very popular NITRAS brand has been producing gloves made of nitrile rubber, artificial materials, as well as many other types of gloves that are used in construction to protect hands from damage. But a new word has been said on the market of work shoes for construction work. Nitras work shoes are an example of good quality and optimal value for money.

The upper of the work shoes is made of genuine leather, an ergonomic last, an attractive design, an overflow of the sole in the toe and a high heel for additional protection of the foot, a deep tread for traction with the surface, double polyurethane with the properties of acid-base compound and MBS, a metal toe cap, a steel anti-puncture insole protects the foot from cuts. The last is developed on the basis of shoes that are used in the armed forces of Europe and the UN. The tongue valve prevents dirt and oils from entering the shoe. The sole is resistant to punctures by metal shavings and other small objects. A well-defined heel makes the shoes comfortable for long walks. For workers involved in metalworking, for example, Btpus3 anti-puncture boots with a metal toe cap, protection class EN 345 ​​S3, upper material - premium genuine leather, are suitable. These are protective leather boots with a metal toe cap and water-repellent impregnation, protection class S3, double polyurethane sole, anti-shock system, acid-base compound, MBS, anti-slip tread. The metal toe cap can withstand loads of up to 200 J or 6 tons, fittings with anti-corrosion characteristics are used, a puncture-resistant insole covering the entire area of ​​the foot, a reinforced heel, and a metal protective plate are used.

When choosing work shoes, the requirements of professionals should be taken into account:

- modern style and design as applied even to work shoes (a requirement of today for the consumer and an important aesthetic aspect);
— striving for comfort (it is more pleasant to work in comfortable shoes than to experience discomfort).

Safety shoes made of polyurethane have shock-absorbing properties and absorb shock loads. It is quite light, which is also important, given the fact that it is used for a long time during a shift or working day. Quality of safety footwear - all footwear must undergo careful selection and be tested during operation to ensure compliance with the necessary requirements in field conditions.

Based on materials from Internet resources:,,,,

The time for tenders for the purchase of workwear and personal protective equipment for next year is approaching. Most Russian industrial enterprises are already beginning to hold open auctions for the purchase of special shoes for their employees.

The selection and purchase of work shoes for enterprise employees today, unfortunately, often takes place on a formal basis. The situation is aggravated by the lack of legislative regulation in this matter. The absence of requirements for the ergonomics of wearing shoes, the absence of a system for checking the quality of the supplied products and the compliance of their characteristics with the requirements stated in the technical specifications, lead to savings on the purchase of personal protective equipment during the tender and the selection of the cheapest offer available.

Why is this happening? One of the reasons, in our opinion, is the shift in emphasis in favor of the minimum price. Purchasing department employees receive bonuses for saving money, and the concept of “purchase satisfaction”, unfortunately, is becoming a thing of the past. The generation of suppliers is changing. Previously, supply department specialists were most often selected from the ranks of production workers and understood very well what work shoes were needed for and how they behave in use, since they themselves wore them in production. The younger generation of suppliers are, as a rule, managers who have never worn safety shoes themselves and do not clearly understand what requirements these products must meet, or how important such characteristics as comfort, wear resistance, and protective properties of shoes are.

With a formal approach, procurement procedures could be completely automated. But, nevertheless, real people participate in the procurement - employees of supply departments, labor protection departments. It is their task to provide an informal approach to the process of product selection and procurement so that the workers and management of the enterprise are satisfied with this purchase.

To talk about real savings, you first need to answer the question: is the minimum price optimal? The question seems very simple, because many are guided by the concept of “price/quality”, that is, they choose products of acceptable quality at the lowest price. But for industrial purchases, when we are talking about more than one pair of shoes, it is very important to take into account not so much the price as the economic efficiency, because it is this that determines the actual costs of the enterprise.

How much does quality cost?

The concept of “quality” of work shoes implies at least three characteristics:

  1. Compliance of the protective properties of shoes with real risks and threats to the health of workers and the specifics of working conditions.
  2. Comfortable to wear, ergonomic shoes
  3. Strength and durability, determined by the quality and manufacturing technology, quality of materials and components of the shoes.

Here is a simple calculation showing the actual costs of the enterprise if any of these points are neglected. To simplify the calculation, let’s take the price for a pair of ordinary leather boots to be 1000 rubles.

1. Inconsistency between the protective properties of shoes and real risks. If protection is not provided and the employee, for example, is injured or falls ill for this reason (even only once a year), the employer loses funds on sick pay + loses workers for at least three working days.

In total, the cost of a pair will be 1000 rubles. + 5000 rub. (on average) = 6000 rub. These losses already exceed the cost of a pair of work shoes by six times.

2. Inconvenient safety shoes lead to microtraumas of the foot and wearing discomfort. Heavy shoes or shoes that fall off your feet can themselves cause dislocations, falls and injuries. Shoes with slippery soles can cause serious fall-related injuries.

Even if everything didn’t end so sadly and the shoes “only” interfere with walking freely and performing professional functions, this reduces labor productivity. A simple calculation shows that working even 8% less efficiently, a worker receives one salary a year for nothing. Is the worker's salary comparable to the cost of the pair given out?

In total, the cost of a pair of uncomfortable shoes will be 1000 rubles. + 35,000 rub. (on average) = 36,000 rub. Agree, saving on the comfort of wearing shoes is very unprofitable.

3. Low performance properties and insufficient workmanship. An important aspect of actual operation, to which employers usually turn a blind eye, is the premature write-off of shoes that cannot withstand loads and are destroyed by mechanical or chemical influences.

To replace worn-out shoes, the employer is obliged to provide the employee with a new pair. Thus, the real price per pair is multiplied by at least two, or even three. Poor quality of shoes, as a rule, leads to massive write-offs, which are especially noticeable with large volumes of purchases.

For example, 2000 pairs were purchased for 1000 rubles. = 2 million rubles.

Let’s say that 30% of shoes become unusable prematurely.

In total, the real costs of the enterprise were:
600 pairs * 1000 rub. + 2 million rub. = 2.6 million rubles.

About real prices at auctions

Can a pair of high-quality shoes, made of durable genuine leather, designed to protect feet from harmful production factors, cost less than a thousand rubles? This is a fact; in the lots announced by enterprises in 2018, maximum prices for leather safety footwear were set in the range from 500 to 900 rubles. If a retail buyer tries to find leather shoes at this price in stores, his request will probably cause at least the surprise of sellers. Why are special safety shoes, which must also have increased performance characteristics, strength and wear resistance, put up for auction at such a price?

Probably, the leading role here is played by a superficial approach to product selection and short-sighted failure to take into account the actual economic efficiency of company management. The task of supply is to supply goods at the minimum price and comply with legal requirements during an open auction. The task of the labor protection department is to ensure formal compliance of the type of footwear with the recommendations of standard industry standards and to verify the availability of a certificate. That's it. The purchase has been completed.
So where do cheap offers and prices for shoes come from during a tender, below any reasonable limits? Miracles do not happen; savings today can only be achieved by using the cheapest and low-quality materials and reducing the amount of expensive materials in shoes. There is no longer any question of compliance with the technical specifications. Only upon delivery and operation are all the pitfalls, losses and costs when using safety shoes revealed.

Often, when purchasing special shoes, prices are deliberately lowered by unscrupulous suppliers; some prices do not even cover the cost of the necessary components and materials included in the shoes. Subsequently, the winner either replaces the product with one that obviously does not meet the protective requirements and requirements of the technical specifications, or disrupts the delivery, and the supplies go to the second supplier following the winner, who is forced to fulfill the delivery terms practically at a loss.

How to avoid unnecessary costs and at the same time find a “golden mean”?

When preparing for a tender, it is first of all very important to pay attention to the detailed and high-quality preparation of technical specifications. It is good if the company purchases shoes according to approved specifications or technical descriptions, where the properties of the products are regulated very precisely and in detail. But a very small number of large companies have such documentation. There are examples on the market where companies, having taken an informal approach to choosing a range of shoes, worked very carefully to create technical specifications and, as a result, came to create their own technical conditions or standards. But there are few such examples. Typically, a technical task or specification is attached to the tender.

The technical specifications for safety footwear (as well as for other personal protective equipment) should be based on an assessment of the actual risks from which the footwear should protect. Below, as reference material, we provide the sequence of assessment and recommendations developed by PTK Moderam JSC, which can be used in the preparation of technical specifications (reproduction and use are permitted).

1. Assessment of real pollution in the workplace

Determination of types of contaminants, aggressive substances and their concentrations. Based on this, the types of protective footwear, the materials from which the footwear should be made, and the necessary protective properties are determined. What happens if you don’t evaluate this factor? Excessive protection, if there is no contamination (dampness, overheating of the feet, etc.), or premature write-off of shoes and foot injuries, if the assessment is underestimated (for example, if the concentrations of acids and alkalis exceed 20%, leather shoes are destroyed from such influences and do not provide protection, in these conditions polymer shoes should be used).

2. Mechanical risk assessment

In addition to the traditional protection of the toes from impact, there is also the danger of puncture of the sole, the danger of an impact in the ankle area, the danger of cutting through the legs with a moving tool (for example, a chain saw), exposure to vibration, etc. A mandatory assessment of these risks will allow you to select adequate protection and prevent accidents and injuries.

3. Assessing the wearing temperature

When working outdoors, it is important to consider the worker's time spent and average seasonal ambient temperatures. Insulated shoes must be selected in accordance with the climate zone in which they will be used.

4. Assessing the terrain and walking surface

If there are uneven surfaces for walking, slippery greasy surfaces, slippery icy surfaces, smooth wet surfaces, such a surface becomes potentially hazardous, as it can cause falls and injuries, including those associated with death. Also, it is necessary to evaluate the ability to climb metal structures, metal or concrete stairs. For each specific condition, you can select the appropriate shoes, configuration and sole material, which will minimize the dangerous impact of these factors. For example, the sole is resistant to slipping, the presence of a pronounced heel protrusion, which allows the foot not to slip on metal stairs, the presence of a self-cleaning tread with deep relief, which will allow you to maintain stability on heavily contaminated or unstable ground.

5. Assessment of extremely elevated temperatures

To select the correct footwear, it is necessary to assess the presence of various types of hazards, since the general concept of “elevated temperatures” may include: contact of the sole with a heated surface; presence of welding sparks and splashes; danger of a significant amount of splash of molten metal; thermal radiation; exposure to open flame. Depending on various production conditions, these risks may be present both in combination and separately. Failure to appreciate these risks can result in serious burns and injuries. Conversely, overestimating risks leads to the use of heavier and closed shoes where this is not required.

6. Special risks and conditions

This clause includes deadly risks that can lead to personal or mass death. Special risks include, for example, the presence of explosive and flammable substances in the work area. In these cases, shoes must be protected against static electricity. It is important to note that if, for example, special clothing is made of antistatic fabrics, and shoes are not antistatic, then the protection of general equipment is reduced to almost zero, since the charge arising on the human body must go into the ground and not cause a spark. Special risks also include the risk of electric shock, the risk of electric arcs, radioactive contamination, radiation, exposure to pathogenic bacteria, etc. By identifying these risks, it is possible to select appropriate safety footwear and thereby minimize or prevent hazardous exposure to a person.

7. Occupational foot diseases

This risk, unfortunately, has not yet been taken into account, since its consequences manifest themselves over a long period of time and result in severe diseases of the feet and lower extremities only with age. Diseases usually begin to appear after the age of fifty. Taking into account the increase in the retirement age, not taking this risk into account means you will soon end up with low-capacity workers with constant leg pain or losses in sick pay. Under working conditions associated with predominant work “on the feet”, when walking or standing, it is necessary to use molded and damping insoles in special shoes, which reduce the load on the legs and the musculoskeletal system, and help prevent flat feet and its negative consequences.

Product compliance with ergonomic requirements is determined by such factors as the weight of the finished pair, the comfort of the last, the presence of design elements that ensure a comfortable fit of the shoes on the foot (soft edges, valves, soft inserts, comfortable lacing, and so on). The inner surface and lining of shoes should contain a minimum of seams, the absence of hard thickenings and parts that lead to rubbing and microtrauma of the foot. A very important point is the vapor permeability of the shoe upper, moisture removal from the foot, hygroscopic antibacterial lining, insole that supports the arch of the foot, shock-absorbing sole, sufficient elevation of the heel (heel height).

The durability and performance properties of shoes are determined, first of all, by the quality of the main materials of the shoe upper and assembly technology. Genuine leather must have a natural outer layer that is resistant to abrasion, sufficient thickness (1.8-2.0 mm), and the absence of pronounced flaws and defects in the production of raw materials and finished shoes. The running layer of the sole should be dense, monolithic, and not have pronounced cavities or air bubbles. The sole material must be resistant to abrasion and oils and petroleum products.

It is important to note that all physical, mechanical and other digital indicators specified in the technical specifications must be based on the actual properties of the materials and be within the permissible values ​​​​regulated by the relevant standards (GOSTs for materials and finished footwear). The declared indicators must be able and must be confirmed by appropriate laboratory test reports. If any indicator stated in the technical specifications cannot be achieved in reality, or verified in Russian laboratories and documented, it is pointless and even harmful to indicate it in the technical specifications. this will scare away conscientious suppliers.

Supply quality control

One of the excuses used to cover up the formal approach to purchasing PPE is: “We would be happy to take products of the best quality, but we don’t know how to check this quality.”
To avoid falsification during deliveries, it is necessary, in our opinion, to introduce a system of random checks of supplied products in independent accredited laboratories in order to exclude substitution of PPE products declared for the tender and in fact supplied.

It is quite difficult to assess the compliance of shoes with a standard sample when accepting shoes at the buyer’s warehouse. Even an experienced warehouse worker may not be able to distinguish a two-layer sole from a single-layer one, evaluate the quality and naturalness of the leather, and so on. Therefore, a random check of the quality of supplied samples in accredited laboratories can give a clear answer and transfer responsibility to the supplier. This can significantly protect the buyer from further potential risks and losses associated with the delivery of non-conforming or substandard products.

It is also advisable, in our opinion, to adopt the European experience of choosing a PPE supplier, which is based on mandatory testing of products in accordance with existing risks and product requirements. Shoe samples from various manufacturers undergo mandatory testing at the customer’s enterprise and in specialized laboratories. The choice is made on the basis of the best protective and consumer characteristics, and it is assessed how suitable the models are for these particular production conditions. Price is not a deciding factor. Only selected models that completely satisfy the customer are compared by price. Thus, products of adequate quality and comparable to each other take part in the auction. In the future, if the customer is completely satisfied with the products of a certain brand and the price, he is in no hurry to change the supplier and enters into long-term contracts without holding a new tender every year. We believe that for corporate procurement, long-term cooperation with a manufacturer brings nothing but good, because with close interaction with the customer, the manufacturer receives constant feedback to improve its products and develop new products, can better plan production and ensure uninterrupted supplies.

We hope that the tendency of recent years to give preference at auctions only to the minimum price will change in the future towards improving the quality of purchased products. Taking into account the real losses associated with the purchase of low-quality PPE, it will not be the price that will be taken into account, but the economic efficiency and satisfaction of enterprise employees, because we are not talking about a simple consumer product, but about protective equipment designed to preserve the health and lives of people.