Until relatively recently, such concepts as “qi” and “qigong” were unfamiliar to many. Now the situation has changed - exercises to accumulate qi energy are used by people of different ages and social classes.

Qi in China means "energy". Qi is the energy with which we live a full life. It moves muscles, fights viruses, and also controls all human life processes. Qi is the energy that supports life on the planet, the force that fills the Universe:

According to Chinese philosophy, there are 3 main forces in the Universe:

  1. Tian - heaven;
  2. Di - earth;
  3. Zhen is a person.

Heavenly Tian Qi is the most important. It consists of forces that influence our planet: sunlight and moonlight, star energy, lunar gravity. The climate depends on this energy.

The level below Heavenly Qi is Earthly Qi. Earthly qi depends on Heavenly qi. For example, heavy rainfall can cause floods, while lack of rainfall can cause drought. Staying Earth Qi in balance contributes to the harmonious development of flora and fauna.

And finally, every living creature has its own qi. This qi also strives for balance. Disruption of this balance can lead to illness and even death. Human Qi is connected with Heavenly and Earthly Qi.

Lau was quite happy with life. And, lo and behold, he began to suffer from rheumatic pain. Treatment in many clinics did not help him. This went on for several years. The pain sometimes became unbearable. He even tried to commit suicide twice! And then he decided to try qigong therapy.

The qigong master opened the energy points on Lau's body and sent qi into them. The master also taught the young man the “lifting the sky” and “maintaining the moon” qigong exercises. After some time, Lau began to feel the movement of qi throughout his body. The flow of qi became so strong that the guy could barely control his movements. After 4 months, there was no trace left of rheumatic pain!

Exercises to accumulate chi energy for beginners

The accumulation of qi is promoted by performing certain exercises. But, before performing the exercises, you need to adhere to some rules:

  • Do not start exercise after eating;
  • You need to exercise in light and loose clothing;
  • During exercises, you need to relax and free your mind from unpleasant thoughts;
  • Breathing should be smooth and calm;
  • During the exercise, maximum concentration is required on the selected point.

Lifting the sky

Stand straight with your arms down. Turn your hands so that they form a right angle with your forearms. Point your palms down. Raise your arms forward, palms up, towards the sky. The hands remain at right angles to the forearms.

While raising your arms, inhale gently through your nose. Raise your head and look at your fingers. Gently hold your breath. Straighten your arms as much as possible, pointing your palms toward the sky. After this, lower your arms down through your sides, exhaling smoothly through your mouth. At the same time, lower your head and look forward.

Straighten your back as you raise your arms. As you lower your arms, feel the flow of qi directed down along your body. The exercise is performed 10 - 20 times:

Maintaining the moon

Stand up straight, relax. Lean forward so that your toes are slightly below your knees. Legs and arms should be straight. Touch your chin to your chest and bend your back. Gently hold your breath. Imagine a flow of energy rising from the anus through the spine up to the top of the head:

Slowly straighten up, raising your arms straight in front of you. Once straightened, continue raising your arms. When they are above your head, imagine a ball that looks like the moon in your hands. Hold this ball with the index fingers and thumbs of both hands. Bend further back so that your hands are behind your head. Stay in this position, holding your breath for 2-3 seconds:

After this, straighten up and lower your arms to your sides, exhaling smoothly through your mouth. Imagine how the energy descends from the head along the body, like a waterfall. Feel how this chi cleanses you of illnesses, negative thoughts, and emotions. All this negativity goes through the feet into the ground. At the same time, you are filled with new qi:

Shaolin pillar

While standing, bend your knees and spread your hips. Point your toes down. The heels should be parallel. The neck should be straight, the crotch tucked, and the shoulders down.

Bring your hands together in front of your chest with your palms facing the ground. Move your thumbs away from your index fingers. Then alternately move your arms back and back forward. While moving your arms back, inhale, while returning them, exhale:

After finishing the exercise, place your palms just below the navel and slowly lower them. As you perform the exercise, imagine how the qi rises up and down your body. The Shaolin Pillar helps strengthen the muscles of the legs and lower back. It also has a beneficial effect on joints and the nervous system.

Tough Squats

Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart. Distribute your weight evenly on both legs. Sit up sharply, bending your elbows and clenching your fists. After that, get up. Concentrate the chi in your fists and feet. Breathing should be even and calm.

Repeat the exercise from 9 to 18 times. “Big squats” increases the body’s endurance. It also strengthens the musculoskeletal system and improves potency.

Ball cleaning

Stand straight with your feet at shoulder level. Raise your hands up, mentally taking them into space. As you inhale, imagine that you are taking a ball of light energy from space with your hands. Then lower your hands, palms down, moving the ball through your body. Imagine how the ball cleanses you. At the end, exhale sharply and lower your arms. Imagine that all the dirt from your body goes into the ground along with the ball. Repeat 8 times.

Then fill yourself with new qi. The exercise is performed similarly to the previous one, only at the end the ball with new qi from space is placed in the area below the navel - the lower dantian. Do 8 reps here as well.

The entire universe is concentrated in the body.

(Sri Ramana Maharishi.)

The Chinese word “qi” (Japanese “ki”) means both the vital energy of our body and the energy of the universe, the energy of the Absolute, present in everything. A person is born with a certain supply of qi, and any of us is able to increase this supply. Qi is the essence of all things. It is an integral part of the concepts and techniques of all martial arts. The concept of "qi" underlies all the ideas contained in this book.

In everyday life, chi gives us the strength to survive those periods of our lives when we find ourselves in the grip of circumstances, and our mind, body or spirit suffers from the restrictions imposed by these circumstances. Qi is the force behind good health, confidence, happiness, strength, self-esteem, focus, energy, increased mental efficiency and success. This power, hidden within ourselves and inaccessible to view, is the energy that causes all our changes for the better. It is the power that gives us a sense of security, mobility and healing. In a word, qi cannot be described - but it can be felt and applied.

The center of concentration of qi in the body is the lower dan tien (Japanese “tan-den”), a place located a few inches below the navel. It is interesting to note that the center of gravity of the body is also located here. Thus, within each of us there is an inexhaustible source of energy - the energy of the universe, the energy of the Absolute. Through it, our connection with the whole world, with everything that contains qi, is manifested.

Most of those who practice martial arts eventually begin to focus not on improving hand-to-hand combat techniques, but on softer internal techniques for developing qi. This happens when we begin to realize that our ability to achieve success both on the mat and in everyday life is directly proportional to our ability to tap into our inner strengths.

The more we train, the deeper our knowledge of qi becomes, and the more often we begin to see the amazing possibilities contained in it. The power of qi is limitless. And I, like millions of other people, was fascinated by this miracle and made it the main content of my training, for martial arts are the way to unlock the doors of qi.

First, you should find your energy center. When I was just beginning to study martial arts, my karate and kung fu teacher introduced the concept of qi to our group early in the class. I remember him telling us how to hold our hands - in front of you, as if you were holding a ball, left hand below, right hand above, fingers spread.

“Now,” he said, “relax and focus on the lower tan tien.”

He taught us to concentrate. Concentration is believed to help create harmony between the body, mind and spirit, and also help develop qi.

He emphasized the need to completely relax, but at the same time maintain concentration.

He then ordered us to close our eyes. “Imagine your weight going down. Feel the force of gravity, but don't give in to it. Relax all muscles and ligaments. Feel the ground under your feet. Imagine how your legs become one with her. This is called “putting down roots.”

Many people prefer to imagine an umbilical cord connecting their spine to the earth, through which energy enters their body.

“Let the energy of the earth enter into you. Take a deep breath in through your nose and exhale through your mouth,” he explained. “Let the air flow through your entire body - throat, stomach, arms and legs.”

Then he told us, without opening our eyes, to imagine our breath as a flawless white cloud, nourishing and healing everything it comes into contact with. We began to learn to regulate our breathing.

“When you clap, start inhaling,” he said. - Slowly".

He quickly counted to ten. “Now hold your breath.” And again he counted to ten. “Now exhale, just as slowly.” And again count to ten.

He told us to follow our breath downward and continue to concentrate on the lower tan tien. This is the energy center of the body.

Back in Shaolin, starting in 525 AD. BC, taught proper breathing as a way to increase concentration during prayer and strength during battle.

“Our bodies are vessels,” said my mentor. “And they can only hold so much energy, both good and bad.”

He told us to continue to concentrate on the lower tan tien and visualize the chi as a white light pulsating with each inhalation and exhalation.

“Try to get your chi to go outside your body,” he said. - Feel how it enters your hands. Feel it with your hands."

Correct breathing, coordinated with the invocation and release of qi, helps cleanse the body of bad energy and fill it with new, positive energy.

At that time, it seemed to me that martial arts were primarily physical exercises and basic techniques that could be used to build confidence, for self-defense, and perhaps to relieve stress. But my teacher demanded that I breathe differently, and said that "internal" concentration would increase not only my overall concentration power, but also my physical strength. I was fascinated.

The mentor told us to open our eyes and looked at me.

How do you feel? - he asked.

Well, I’m not exactly sure... - I admitted. “But I think I felt warmth—as if a warm current was flowing through me.”

This is it,” said the mentor.

Many other students also felt something similar.

“Remember this feeling,” the mentor ordered. “We have a lot to do with his help.” But for now we have a lot to learn.

He had in mind a number of techniques that were then unknown to us, allowing us to strengthen the ability to feel qi and understand when and how best to invest it in movements.

In the meantime,” he concluded, “just learn to feel and remember: where the mind penetrates, qi will penetrate.

Some time later I needed to put several cords of firewood stored for the winter in a woodpile. It was getting dark. The golden autumn sunset was fading, and the sky was beginning to darken. The air was fresh and intoxicating; it smelled like a fire.

I set myself the goal of laying one cord. It was a hard day, so I would have been willing to put this work off until later, but the meteorologists promised rain, and I understood that it would be better to lay down the firewood before everything got out of hand.

As far as I remember, having overcome about half of the cord, I decided to have fun and try out one of the principles of martial arts taught to me. I relaxed as the master described to us, adjusted my breathing, then concentrated, concentrating on the lower tan tien, and imagined it glowing with energy. I imagined how my breath, white, healing, spread throughout my body.

And my work transformed into a kind of meditation. It’s not that I thought it that way - it just happened, that’s all. I soon forgot about fatigue and worked energetically, continuing to do breathing exercises. Work, instead of annoying me, brought me pleasure. By the time it ended, I felt great. Instead of being tired, I was filled with cheerfulness. Not only did I complete the task with much less effort than usual, I felt happy.

This is how I learned that positive energy helps us complete a task and feel joy. Moreover, I felt it myself. I was delighted and began to think about where I could apply these skills. I never doubted for a moment that I would be able to use them more than once in a wide variety of situations.

Since then, I have become accustomed to constantly using this method of developing healthy, positive energy; I used it during training, while doing written work at the college where I was studying at the time, and just to give myself more strength while walking or working in the garden.

Our bodies are vessels. They can only accommodate a limited amount of energy, both good and bad. Find your center of concentration. Cleanse your body of bad energy and fill it with positive energy. Feel invigorated and energetic. Let your work empower you rather than deplete you. Create joy.


Summoning Qi

One who realizes his true essence gains understanding. He who gains understanding finds his true essence.


Relax. Don't forget that your mind must also relax for the chi to increase. Imagine a small ball. Now imagine it directly in front of you, in front of your lower tan tien - the place located a few inches below your navel.

Position your hands as if they were actually holding this imaginary ball. Feel it in your hands.

Then imagine that the shell of the ball has disappeared, but the air that was inside and still remains in your hands retains its shape. This is the sensation that qi causes. Hold this ball and move your palms over it. Try to increase your sensitivity. Try squeezing the ball in your hands and feel its resistance.

Now focus. Concentrate on your lower tan tien. Position your hands so that it is more convenient for you to direct your breathing. Breathe deeply and evenly, counting to ten with each inhalation and exhalation. If this is too much for you, try counting to five. Choose the interval from which you can go further.

Hold your breath, counting to yourself to the same number as you counted when you inhaled, then slowly exhale.

Direct your breath down into the lower tan tien and feel the energy gathering there. Feel how you absorb energy from the earth. Let this energy also gather in the lower tan tien. In the same way, allow the energy of the cosmos to enter your upper tan tien (the chakra located at the top of your head). Let this energy also flow through you and gather in your hands.

Try to visualize how the energy enters you and how your chi gathers in your palms. Use deep breathing to direct chi to anywhere in your body. If necessary, you can help yourself with your hands. First of all, wave your fingers to allow your chi to circulate. Then touch the area you are trying to heal and strengthen; By doing this, you will create a target where you can direct your breath. Feel this pure, nourishing, healing energy.

Talk to your body. Try to determine what it needs, what physical, emotional and spiritual nutrients. Imagine your body's responses as colored spots. Your task is to determine which color corresponds to what, in terms of physical, emotional and spiritual nourishment.

You can also focus on your inner voice. Listen to your body's needs and use your chi to send peace, strength and healing to your body. Let your inner voice help you discover and choose the most effective ways to energize you in your daily routine.

In a state of concentration, you merge with your deepest essence. Listen to her voice more often. Let your thoughts and actions come from a place of balance.

Complicated option. Place your hands in front of you and imagine your chi flowing outward and gathering between your palms. It should feel like you are holding a ball without a shell in your hands. Let the energy flow throughout your body. Feel its healing warmth on your skin. Enjoy it. Let it soothe and heal you.

An even more complicated option. Try moving the chi without using your hands. Wherever the mind penetrates, qi will penetrate. Be creative with this process. Find new ways to use chi that will help you feel better and enrich your relationships with others.

I strongly encourage you to use this technique while you're on the move, whether you're walking, working around the house, in the yard, or in the office. Please note: the smoother your movements, the easier the chi will flow through your body. Let the development of qi fill your everyday life with a sense of well-being and strength. Feel the harmony of the world around you.

Don't forget: you can only contain a certain amount of energy. Negative energy will only make your opponent stronger. Banish her. Positive energy nourishes and heals us. Train yourself to use this energy to make life the way you want. May she give you strength.

Summoning Qi

Today I will focus and act from a point of balance.

Today I will open myself to the good of the universe. I will realize that her energy is mine and mine is hers. I will try to ensure that our energy flows in the same direction.

Today I will remain focused, even in stressful situations, and watch as the stressors dissipate without a trace. I will enjoy the confidence I have gained in my abilities.

Today I will try not to forget for a moment that with every inhalation I absorb the power of the universe - and with every exhalation I must return myself to it.

Today I will thank the Absolute for sharing its healing power with me.


Cord is a unit of volume in which firewood is measured. One cord is approximately equal to 3.6 cubic meters.

I talk in detail about human energy in webinars. You can see them in the recording.

Today they talk a lot about energy, even doctors. And this is no coincidence. If you have energy, you are full of strength and health. If you don't have it, you are unhappy and may soon get sick. What is energy? How to feel it and learn to manage it?

Concept qi

Concept qi is one of the cornerstones of Taoist theory and practice. This term refers to vital energy - the force that gives rise to life. There is no clear definition. Qi has many meanings: “energy”, “air”, “breath”, “wind”, “vital breath”, “essence of life”, etc. In general, it can be interpreted as “the energy or movement of the Universe”.

Effective, conscious flow management qi allows us to gain control over life itself. Having learned to use our energy wisely, we suddenly and unexpectedly discover that we have it in abundance.

Taoists distinguish two main categories of internal qi: inherited and acquired. Inherited (pre-celestial power, early celestial power, prenatal energy) is called energy qi received from parents at the time of conception. She stays with us throughout our lives.

Taoists believed that the egg and sperm, having unlimited energy potential, are capable of creating a miracle of nature - new life. Male and female reproductive cells represent the condensed essence of the Universal Power and the Power of the Earth.

Today everyone talks about the presence of energy, even some doctors. Qi similar to a weak electric current. Scientists believe that qi is a bioelectric force that controls all life processes.

What is energy and how to feel it? It is known that various fluids circulate in our body: cerebrospinal fluid, blood, lymph. The work of organs and endocrine glands is based on their movement. Moving Energy qi associated with the movement of these fluids. For example, in the blood, red blood cells are the carrier of energy. Their circulation is the flow of life qi.

Learning to feel energy qi

Everyone can feel the movement of energy within themselves. To do this, just look for a long time at a separate part of the body, for example a finger. The energy will manifest itself in the form of tingling, goosebumps, a rush of warmth and other sensations spreading throughout the finger. Let's conduct an experiment.

Sit comfortably. Relax. Place your hands on your knees. Close your eyes. Focus on the index finger of your right hand. Think only about him.

Direct energy into this area and wait for a response. Keep your attention on your finger for 2-5 minutes.

Any sensations you receive are the result of the movement of energy. If you work with other parts and organs of the body, similar perceptions may arise.

If you feel anything during the exercises, we will develop your sensitivity. After all, as you know, everything we train trains. Simple exercises will help you develop your imagination. I’ll tell you about them now.

Energy qi: developing imaginative thinking

First I'd like to explain why this works. Sechenov wrote that thought is a delayed movement, that is, it determines the body’s readiness for future action. When we are just getting ready to do something, we contract a certain muscle group and release the corresponding amount of hormones necessary for this action.

Athletes use imagination in their practice. In order to learn how to do any complex trick, they first imagine how they will perform it, replay it several times in their head, tune the muscle, and only then try to implement it in life. Let's do another experiment.

Imagine a lemon. You immediately felt the sour taste. Now mentally take a bite. What do you feel? I'm sure you're salivating a lot. But there was no lemon in your mouth, you just imagined it! These are the tricks our imagination creates. And, developing it, we will use these effects.

Close your eyes. Relax. Imagine how you perform various actions: write with a fountain pen, and pay attention to what kind of surface it has; When you drive a car, feel the surface of the steering wheel.

Visualize how you touch various objects with your hand: snow, bread, wall, brick, velvet, silk, marble, etc. Using tactile perception, feel the texture, consistency, temperature and other properties of imaginary objects.

Then remember various smells: perfume, flowers, smoke, fire, sea, mountains, etc. Imagine the taste of some fruits, vegetables, meat, fish.

Now let's work on the cold. Feel it in your leg or arm. Imagine, for example, how the entire limb is covered with ice or ice cream, or a cold wind is blowing over it. Choose the image of coolness that is most noticeable to you. Repeat several times.

Let's move on to the next exercise. We work with tingling. Feel how a roller with small needles rolls across your entire limb, or imagine that you are touching a Christmas tree. Find a tingling image that resonates with you. Play several times until goosebumps appear on your body.

At a more advanced level, you can combine tingling with heat or cold. The feeling is amazing! When you imagine cold, your blood vessels constrict, just as you salivated in the imaginary lemon experiment. When heat is generated, they, on the contrary, expand; prickly - stimulates nerve endings.

Exercise for 5-10 minutes every day. Don't stress! And your imagination will develop successfully. Tested by my own experience! Then you can move on to meditation and Taoist practices.

We are human, which means we have intelligence, at least some of us do. Reason or that which is responsible for ordering, systematization, classification and, accordingly, management in us. We cannot cut it off, we cannot remove what nature has given us. For this reason, we must define terms and definitions. To be defined means to be in the same coordinate system, to say and mean the same thing. Let's do this.

Qi (氣) is a type of vital life energy that gives us the ability to exist in the truest sense of the word. Qi (氣) is currently measured only indirectly, the energy is perceived in the form of sensations, although measurements are carried out using physical methods - the Voll method. Indirectly, this means that we can feel Qi (氣) as a difference in potential: heat - cold, fever - calm, scatteredness - concentration, even more precisely as fullness of vitality. All religions of the world have the concept of vital energy, spirit, if you like. Qi (氣) energy cannot be explained in words, it can only be felt and experienced. Qi energy (氣) is an eastern concept, but there are synonyms that imply it in all ethnic groups of the world - prana, pneuma, spirit. The East, however, has given us precise methodology and methods for managing Qi energy on the physical, emotional and mental levels. This methodology is based on the basic philosophical concepts of the East. Philosophical, but having a material and practical side of the coin. This:

  • The theory of the five elements (elements) of Wu Xing;
  • Theory of six Ki, Ki energies;
  • Theories about the energy concepts of our life - Qi, Shen and Jing.

Chi energy is what makes our heart beat. If you feel aging and chronic fatigue, you are in the right place.

I practice Sujok therapy, Qigong, and this is primarily work with Qi (氣) energy. People who first felt the energy of Qi are wondering - How to control the energy of Qi (氣)? For myself, I answered it a long time ago: you need to learn not so much how to manage Qi energy, but how to simply use this energy without taking too much from nature. How to control electricity, magnetic, gravitational fields? Questions will immediately arise, for example, what kind of electricity is used - direct or alternating current, what is its frequency, etc. Area, environment of application? Conditions and necessary tools for application. The same thing arises when asking how to manage Qi (氣) energy.

It is much more important to know what you can and absolutely cannot do with Qi (氣) energy.

The main rule in managing Qi energy is to do no harm.

Qi (氣) needs and can be accumulated. How to accumulate Qi (氣) energy? This is proper nutrition, diets (for example, peanuts cause yang heat), moderation, abstinence in everything, physical exercise (regular and specialized);

Emotional balance is an extremely important aspect when accumulating Qi (氣) energy. Excessive emotions cause Yang Qi (氣), which accumulates in the middle dantian and literally burns you. At the very least, you age faster. Control of emotions is the most important aspect when working with energy.

Shen and Yi training. In other words, managing intentions aimed at balancing one’s emotions, actions, and actions.

Yes, you can control Qi (氣) energy with the help of intention. Manage Qi (氣) energy by changing the focus of your Yi and Shen. Intention develops through daily. DAILY workouts with a capital T.

Regularity creates structure, and structure is what keeps you in shape. Here are the main and simplest exercises:

  • Inner smile
  • Six Healing Sounds
  • Strelnikova’s breathing exercises are paradoxical, as an element of breathing exercises;
  • Autogenic training classes;
  • For fans of CC and Toltec practices - tensegrity. By the way, there is a simplified version of tensegrity or magical passes of the ancient Toltecs;

Every day you will spend no more than 30-60 minutes on the whole complex of these exercises. Believe me, it's worth it. After 2-3 months of training, you will not have a question about how to feel the energy of Qi (氣).

Now about the control of Qi (氣). With the help of Qi (氣) when there is enough of it. You will be able to:

  • Heal;
  • Predict events by increasing your own intuition.
  • Preserve and prolong youth. The Taoists have been saying for 120 years - this is not a Taoist.

In order to control Qi (氣), you need to have it, accumulate it. By adjusting the flow of Qi (氣) energy, you will automatically understand how to control it. You cannot control a device or gadget with a low battery, you cannot control something that does not exist. Once there is a battery, it can be used in a variety of ways. The same thing happens with the management of Qi (氣) energy, i.e. it must be cultivated and nurtured.

IMPORTANT. Do not overdo it, drop expectations - this affects the emotional background and, accordingly, the harmonization of Qi (氣).

Release Yang Qi (氣) – heat energy using six healing sounds.

Ground yourself. How to know that you are not grounded is increased aggressiveness after meditation, trembling in the body, uneven timbre of the voice, tremors of the limbs, insomnia.

Instead of asking how to manage Qi (氣) energy, I would ask why to manage Qi (氣), or rather the goal, the focus of energy management.

The simplest goals of QI energy management (氣) are:

  • Health – physical, emotional, if you want mental;
  • Healing yourself and loved ones;
  • Good physical shape;
  • Longevity;
  • Foresight, intuition.

It is IMPORTANT to know that Qi control (氣), practices that use the power of QI, is not a religion. Yes, there is religious Qigong - Neigong, but this is not blind faith, but practice, training - psychological and physiological.

We don’t know everything, there are many discoveries ahead, just a few decades ago the Earth’s gravitational and magnetic field was calculated by “increment”, delta. That is, geophysicists took a magnetometer with a dry horsehair with a magnet attached to it, and by the way the magnet stretched the hair, they calculated the Earth’s magnetic field, according to the principle - less here, more there. Only recently have quantum and proton magnetometers appeared that immediately measure the actual strength of the magnetic field at a specific point in specific quantities - Tesla. This happened thanks to the discovery of an elementary particle of a magnetic field, but the graviton has not yet been discovered and therefore gravity is still measured according to the principle - there is less here than there.

With the energy Qi (氣), everything is more complicated - Qi (氣) is life itself, and yet a living person can accumulate it, feel it and control it. The only thing left to do is to discover a particle, but this relates to logic, not to actions, but in the meantime we accumulate and manage energy - we get a real result.

In order to learn how to control Qi (氣) energy, you need to follow three simple steps.

  • The first step is to feel the Qi (氣) energy;
  • The second step is to activate the Qi energy (氣);
  • The third step is to learn to live and manage Qi (氣) energy.

To get started, a video with the wonderful Qigong master Lee Holden will help you, who will tell you how to feel the Qi energy.

The treatise “Huangdi Neijing” says: “Man is born and lives thanks to the qi of heaven and earth.” Indeed, the functioning of the human body is closely connected with the qi of earth and sky, of all things; it is possible only thanks to the never-ending exchange of information and energy with nature and the cosmos. “Accumulating” qi in qigong is an active selective establishment of communication channels with nature in the qigong state and the absorption of information and energy necessary for a person in order to compensate for the lack of “seed”, qi and “spirit-shen”, establishing a balance between yin and yang in the body person, continuously feeding the qi of the qigong therapist during treatment with the help of “external qi”.

General information about “gaining” qi

1) “Drawing up” qi can be performed in a standing, sitting or lying position.
2) Breathing can be free and natural, or it can be accompanied by “gaining” on inhalation, and “removing” “harmful qi” on exhalation, with an emphasis on “gaining” (inhalation).
3) “Dialing” is most often carried out through the points laogong (center of the palms), mingmen (center of the lower back), yongquan (middle under the soles of the feet), baihui (crown), yintang (between the eyes), as well as through the fingertips, pores of the whole body.

4) During “gaining”, you need to mentally imagine that the parts of the body through which “gaining” is carried out seem to be connected into one whole with the sky and earth, the sun and the moon, mountains and rivers, with trees and herbs, that qi These objects, entering the human body, seem to merge with his qi and he gradually “immerses” himself in nature. One must imagine that all the orifices of the body, all biologically active points and pores are completely revealed, and the qi of plants, the moon, the sun and the sun. stars, the qi of everything in the universe enters the body in a continuous flow and it is filled with bliss and joy. The main thing in “gaining” qi is relaxation, an easy flow of thought, minimal participation of consciousness, concentration on the sensations that accompany the soft and easy flow of qi into the body through the holes. , pores and skin and its exit to the outside. The “gaining” can be done with open eyes, peering at some natural object, or, with your eyes closed, imagining it. After the “gaining” is completed, it is important to complete it correctly: direct the qi to the lower dantian. (area below the navel), stay with your eyes closed for a while, then rub your eyes, rub your hands and face.

The main ways to “gain” qi

1) “Gathering” the qi of the sun, moon, flowers and herbs, trees . Mentally imagine how the qi of these objects arrives through the air to the baihui point, passes down through the body, goes deep into the ground through the yongquan points, returns back to its carriers, and then again goes to the baihui point, etc.

2) “Gathering” the qi of heaven and earth . The mental picture in this case looks like this. Sky Qi descends on the body or on any point, envelops the entire body, enters it, and confidently penetrates all tendons, bones, biologically active points and internal organs. When “gaining” the qi of the earth, the imagination should draw a similar picture, with the only difference being that the qi does not fall from the sky, but rises from the ground.

3) “Gathering” qi through the pores of the whole body. As you exit, imagine how the “disease-causing qi” is dispersed across the sky through the pores of the body. As you inhale, imagine how the original cosmic qi enters the body through the pores.

4) “Gathering” qi through the mouth. Open your mouth slightly, place your tongue straight, without sticking out. As you inhale, imagine that the much-needed qi is flowing into your mouth and throat in a continuous stream, mentally direct it to the lower dantian. In this way, you can “recruit” the qi of the moon, sun, stars, plants, fields, mountains, rivers and other natural objects, as well as entire landscapes.

5) “Accumulating” colored qi of the “five primary elements.” According to the teaching about the “five primary elements” of the human body, the liver corresponds to wood and the “gaining” of green qi is carried out from the east, the heart is correlated with fire, the “gaining” of red qi is carried out from the south; the spleen corresponds to the earth, the “gaining” of yellow qi is carried out from the “center”, the lungs are correlated with metal, the “gaining” of white qi is carried out from the west; the kidneys correspond to water, and the “gaining” of black qi occurs from the north.

6) “Accumulating” light energy . Cover your eyes. Mentally imagine how the light of the sun, moon, stars, or just daylight, the light of a lamp, a flame enters the upper dantian (the area of ​​the forehead above the bridge of the nose) through the eyes or the yintan point. You feel that your whole body begins to glow, shining inside and out. With this method of “gaining” qi, light can also be directed inward through the crown or through the pores.

7) “Drawing up” light energy with voice stimulation . As you inhale, accompanied by a sound reminiscent of the humming of a bee, imagine that a stream of white cosmic energy comes from above and concentrates at the top of your head. As you exhale, accompanied by the sound “a-a-a,” this flow, as if passing through a filter, changes color to red and enters the middle meridian. Along this meridian, energy moves from the top of the head through the throat along the central axis of the body down to the perineum, and then, together with the sound that is made when they want to cool something hot, changes color to motley and rushes through the legs to the soles and further, colored blue color, goes into the ground.

8) “Dialing” qi with external sound accompaniment. To implement this method, you can use a recording of soft, pleasant music or the voice of a mentor, as well as natural rhythmic sounds: the buzzing of insects, the babbling of a stream, etc. It is necessary to ensure that the internal organs, external integuments, biologically active points enter into frequency resonance with these sounds so that the energy of these sounds penetrates through the skin to the very bones.

9) “Gaining” energy with the help of mental images. Bring to mind the image of any object or phenomenon - a table, tree, bed, flame, lamp light, mountain river, stone, bicycle, TV, water pipe, rain, moon, sun or stars and imagine that this object is descending into your body from the head through the throat, chest and stomach to the lower dantian. If the exercise is performed in a lying position, then it is better to imagine a train, a car, a motorcycle, or a team of horses.

As can be seen from the above, there are quite a lot of ways to “gain” qi and energy, and they are all somewhat similar. Therefore, they can be selected depending on the individual characteristics of the person and the existing conditions. By practicing regularly and persistently, you will master any of them.