The appearance of unwanted facial hair always gives women a lot of negative emotions, reduces self-esteem and can even lead to depression. Most often, dark hair grows above the upper lip, on the cheeks or chin. It can be very difficult to hide overgrown sideburns on girls, especially if their hair is long and dark. This forces women to look for ways to get rid of annoying hair.

Sideburns in girls are a source of constant frustration and low self-esteem

Causes of unwanted facial hair in women

Hirsutism is the development of excess, unwanted hair in women. In this case, as a rule, long, pigmented and coarse hairs are observed.

Sideburns in girls are usually not the only manifestation of hirsutism. Often increased hair growth is also observed in the armpits and groin areas.

The causes of hirsutism are:

  • hormonal disruptions and disorders, primarily hyperandrogenism - excessive production of male sex hormones by the body, which accompanies many diseases and pathological conditions;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • side effects of certain medications, such as corticosteroids, anabolics, and a number of antibiotics;
  • physiological and age-related conditions accompanied by a shift in the ratio of female and male hormones in the body: menopause, adolescence, pregnancy.

Thus, before going to a cosmetologist, you should visit a therapist and undergo an examination. The doctor will then answer why the excess hair is growing and, if necessary, refer you for examination and treatment to an endocrinologist or gynecologist.

Cosmetological methods

There are many different methods, both salon and at home, to get rid of unwanted hair. The methods describe in detail how and what to do, what results to expect.

Laser hair removal is one of the effective methods of combating unwanted hair

Cosmetic procedures can reduce hair growth or even completely remove it, but they cannot affect its further growth. The procedures have to be repeated. In order to solve the problem forever, they must be carried out against the background of appropriate treatment.

Salon treatments include:

  • laser hair removal - a method based on the removal of excess hair with a laser beam. The mechanism of action is based on the fact that the hair pigment melanin intensively absorbs the energy of the laser beam, and this is accompanied by the death of the hair follicle. Recently, a new laser for hair depilation, Soft Light, was approved. The procedure is quite expensive, but the first reviews are positive. There is no data yet on how long this technique guarantees hair removal;
  • photoepilation - a method based on the effect of photon and thermal energy on the hair follicle, which results in its destruction. The technique activates the processes of skin regeneration and rejuvenation. Any beauty salon that practices photoepilation will offer numerous photographs as proof of this;
  • electrolysis is a relatively inexpensive method of destroying the hair follicle using electric current. The procedure gives a good result, but requires repeated repetition.

Home treatments:

  • plucking individual hairs is a method recommended by cosmetologists, but the procedure is very painful, the destruction of hair follicles is accompanied by injury to the skin, causes irritation, and most importantly, in some women it activates hair growth, and the hair becomes thicker and coarser. This method is only valid if it is necessary to remove several hairs;
  • Shaving is not recommended at all. It is usually used when you need to quickly get yourself in order. But shaved hair grows back quickly, becoming thicker and visually more noticeable;
  • Depilatory creams - they act on hair proteins, which are destroyed and fall off easily. The downside is that creams often cause skin irritation;
  • Wax depilation is a painful procedure, but the effect is quite long-lasting. The method is applicable only for hair lengths of at least 5 mm.


There are many professional and home cosmetology methods that allow you to remove unwanted hair from your face. But they all act on the effect, and not on the cause itself. Therefore, before thinking about how to remove unwanted hair, you need to undergo an examination, cure the provoking disease, and then you can try cosmetic procedures.

A beard on a woman’s face is an objective reality, which is called hirsutism or, simply put, excessive hair growth of the male type. The causes of this pathological condition of the body are very diverse and range from endocrine imbalance to taking contraceptive or sedative medications. Most often, beards grow not in girls, but in women over the age of 35.

Causes of hirsutism

Why a beard grows in women, only a doctor can definitely answer for each case individually. But if you look at this problem in general terms, then we are talking about hirsutism - a disease that has several types:

  • Genetic or family;
  • Drug;
  • Idiopathic.

Most often the cause is hormonal

Also, this disease can occur as a result of an increase in the level of male hormones in the body of women, which can be caused by a whole list of predisposing factors, for example: adrenal disease, ovarian sclerocystosis. For example, with a disease of the adrenal glands, and more often with malignant tumors, substances that are precursors of male sex hormones are released. In the tissues of the body, these substances are degenerated into testosterone. Lung cancer can also cause increased stimulation of the endocrine organs, which leads to beard growth in women.

Cosmetic and drug causes of hirsutism

Many girls do not understand why a beard grows if everything was fine before and there were no changes in their health. The cause of this pathology may be the use of cosmetics that are not appropriate for one’s age. Many representatives of the fair sex fight the first wrinkles with the help of creams 35 or 40+, hoping for a more pronounced effect, which, of course, they do not receive. Cosmetic products intended for older age groups contain substances that can cause facial hair growth in young girls. Women, thanks to the level of hormones in the body, are insured against these changes.

Long-term use of sedatives and hormonal drugs can also cause hair growth in the beard area in women. Before using any medicine, it is recommended to consult a specialist, which makes it possible to avoid many troubles.

Ways to get rid of a beard

In order to effectively get rid of beard hair in women, it is recommended to first find out the reasons why such changes occurred in the body. If you have health problems, the first thing you should do is eliminate them, and then start removing unnecessary hairs from your face.

  1. If excessive facial hair growth appears, you should not delay examining the body and visiting an endocrinologist, since simple removal will not help get rid of unwanted hair forever;
  2. Young girls should not use age-related cosmetics, as this may lead to the development of irreversible changes;
  3. You can remove unwanted facial hair after treatment at home or in a cosmetologist’s office. Professional care will help avoid the development of irritation and the appearance of a rash after depilation.

If hirsutism occurs, you should be examined by a doctor.

A beard is an insidious thing: it can really add brutality to the appearance, but it turns some men into inhabitants of the station square. The life hacker decided to find out what kind of beard you should get in order to increase the chances of success among girls.

We invited the female half of the editors and readers of our communities on social networks to rate 10 types of beards on a five-point scale: 1 - horror, 5 - beauty. The results were quite unexpected.

10th place - goatee with mustache

Strictly speaking, it is the mustache that is in the center of the composition. Beard - insofar as. The approach is interesting, but not very modern - it would not hurt to shorten the mustache.

However, if you have a fairly bright appearance and pronounced charisma, it makes sense to try on this image. After all, why are you worse than Frank Zappa?

9th place - bad guy

It's dangerous to mess with someone like that, just look at his beard! Probably, men are guided by similar thoughts when they carefully wield a razor in an attempt to achieve perfectly even outlines.

It's the same story here as in the previous paragraph. This beard is not suitable for everyone: it is advisable to have an oval or elongated face shape and darker hair. Chubby blondes are better off looking for other options.

8th place - skipper beard

She's English. With this type of beard you can correct your face shape quite well. Short hair around the perimeter of the chin will soften its excessive massiveness.

The only catch is that such a beard, again, will not decorate everyone. For example, it is clearly not very suitable for the eternally young and delicate Elijah Wood. If your look is stern, and your lower jaw has quite pronounced outlines, it is quite possible that a skipper’s beard will suit you.

7th place - what has grown has grown

The clearest explanation of why you need to take care of your beard. It happens that it grows in small islands: thicker here, less dense there. Alas, you cannot order a certain shape and degree of thickness from nature, but you can absolutely always improve what you have.

Johnny Depp could have had a pretty decent goatee if he had paid a little more attention to it. Neatness is extremely important, so arm yourself with a razor and trimmer to keep your beard in good shape and get rid of any excess in a timely manner.

6th place - beard with sideburns

A compromise solution that combines all types of vegetation at once. Not to say that such a beard spoiled Hugh Jackman, but it didn’t make him any better.

If you have a fairly wide face, choose a different shape: a beard like this will only round it out further.

5th place - I'm wild with my mother

Many people strive for such a beard, but nature rewards only a select few with the necessary resources. Kristofer Hivju was incredibly lucky: in addition to his glorious beard, he got a look that could crush concrete. In theory, a killer combination. Or not?

Unfortunately, the survey participants had doubts about the advisability of having such a beard from a hygiene point of view. And not everyone liked the type of big hairy guy.

4th place - goatee

This type has a lot of variations, but the principle is the same: the beard remains only on the chin, the mustache goes exactly along the contour of the lips. The goatee suits almost every face shape; it will look dubious only on openly moon-faced citizens.

Robert Downey Jr. is definitely not one of them; the chosen beard shape definitely suits him. He would be in first place, but either the competitors are too strong, or the association with Stas Mikhailov is to blame.

3rd place - classic of the genre

Hans Gruber from Die Hard may be an extremely nasty guy, but you can’t deny him good taste. A neat short beard without unnecessary details - the owner clearly takes care of it. Take a look at the hairline: Before going to work, Gruber carefully shaved his cheeks and neck. Honor and praise to him for this.

If you want the same beard, arm yourself with a razor and trimmer. A steady hand and an excellent eye will not be superfluous.

2nd place - harsh beard

As you know, instead of shaving, Chuck Norris simply kicks himself in the face, and behind his beard there is no chin, there is another fist. Moderately long, moderately thick, moderately well-groomed - it seems that this is exactly what a typical male beard should look like.

You will need a minimum of tools - just a trimmer to keep your beard from getting out of control. Trim once every couple of weeks - and you will be happy.

1st place - weekly stubble

In fact, it can’t even be called a full-fledged beard. It looks good, but there may be questions regarding tactile sensations when contacting a stubbled man. However, there is an opinion that the rudiments of the beard become maximum prickly on the second or third day after shaving, and then the stubble becomes softer.

Whether this fact is the reason for this or the soulful look of David Gandy, it was the week-long stubble that became the leader of our top. If you want to achieve the same amazing result, wait and let the stubble grow quietly. When it grows, periodically shorten it with a trimmer. It is better to choose models in which the step of changing the length of the nozzles does not exceed 1 millimeter.

What needed to be proven is that ideas about a beautiful beard are very diverse. We have collected the most revealing statements from the participants in our mini-study.

  • “The best is the one that is well-groomed.”
  • “Either have a beard or shave, to hell with half measures.”
  • "A good beard is a neat beard."
  • “I can’t stand a beard that seems to grow around the face. There is nothing on the chin, and there are bushes under it and on the neck. All kinds of curly beards are very individual. Some suit them well, some don’t.”
  • “The best beard is either no beard or a week of being unshaven. You have to hit the hands for sideburns, thick beards (even in a well-groomed state they look like washcloths) and for figuratively made beards. Better than a thin Clark Gable mustache.”
  • “For a curly haircut, get a poodle, and just trim your beard carefully.”
  • “The main thing is not to inject yourself. And so that a man doesn’t have to spend two hours every day in front of the mirror.”
  • “The perception of a beard very much depends on the attitude towards the person who grows it. I personally don’t like beards that show the man is overgrown because he doesn’t care what he looks like or, on the contrary, is overly concerned with how every hair on his face grows. Both are perceived as a signal of complexes.”

And finally, four rules, adherence to which will certainly help you grow a beard that will be the envy of everyone.

1. You shouldn’t grow a beard just because it’s growing.

Nature has a peculiar sense of humor: you dream of a full beard, but instead you end up with some indistinct scraps of fur. Formally, the task was completed, because there was more hair on the face, but there was no increase in beauty and masculinity.

Remember and pass it on to your descendants: complete naturalness does not benefit any beard.

If you have firmly decided to say goodbye to smooth cheeks, be prepared for the fact that merciless reality can put an end to this idea.

2. Stubble is also good

Slight stubble is cool, in many cases men look much better with it than with perfectly smooth cheeks. In cases where a beard does not fit into your style, and you are simply tired of scraping your face with a razor every day, stubble is a good option. Prickly, true, but beautiful. More precisely, it can be beautiful if the stubble looks neat and does not turn you into a person permanently suffering from a hangover.

Trimmer to the rescue! Choose models with attachments that allow you not only to trim your beard, but also to maintain a decent appearance of stubble. Philips trimmers combine impeccable cutting quality with innovative technologies such as laser guidance and a vacuum system that prevents shaved hairs from flying in all directions.

3. A good beard is a well-groomed beard

If you deliberately refuse to pay attention to her and believe that it is unbecoming for a man to bother with a trimmer, that’s your business. It is naive to expect that such an approach will make you look like a stern Viking. Most likely, you will become a regular at the Grushinsky Festival.

If you strive to have a truly well-groomed beard, under no circumstances leave things to chance.

Facial hair, by definition, cannot be perfectly even. Somewhere more, somewhere less - periodically it must be brought to a single denominator. To avoid turning your beard into an asymmetrical joke with a slight movement of your hand, use a good trimmer. Philips BT9290 with laser guidance technology allows you to give your beard and stubble extremely clear outlines.

4. Beard loves cleanliness

This is not even discussed; the rules of personal hygiene have not yet been canceled.

The tobacco-smelling thickets, in which the remains of breakfast or lunch are hidden, make a repulsive impression. To avoid turning your beard into a storage area for supplies, wash it.

Captain Obvious claps his hands at such sudden advice, but the fact remains: for some reason many do not separate this stage into a separate procedure. Shampoo or cleansing gel will do for washing, the main thing is regularity. Women will be very grateful to you.

A beard can work wonders. It will hide an insufficiently strong-willed chin, help correct the shape of your face and give your image the necessary amount of brutality. True, all this is possible only with due attention to it. An ideal beard should be beautiful and well-groomed, and length is not the main thing here.

In fact, there is nothing shameful about women's sideburns. After they were shown at Fashion Week in New York, they became a stylish element of hairstyles and a sign of high fashion for some time. But if you don't like sideburns, you can easily remove them. There are several ways to remove hair from the sides of your face. You may feel more confident after this procedure.


Epilation of temples

    Buy an epilator. An epilator is a mechanical machine that plucks several hairs at once. This procedure is considered quite painful, but effective. Choose the epilator that is designed for removing facial hair. These epilators are slightly smaller than those designed for body hair removal. Thus, facial epilators are considered more convenient because their movement can be more precisely controlled.

    • An epilator is perfect if you can easily tolerate discomfort and want good results.
    • Some epilators can be used in the shower because the humidity softens the skin, making hair easier to remove. This way the procedure will be less painful.
    • If you are worried that you will not be able to bear the pain, you can use a pain reliever before using the epilator.
  1. Wash your face. To do this, use a gentle soap or special cleansing milk to remove makeup, sebum and sweat. During this procedure, it is best to pull your hair back into a ponytail and wear a headband or headband to separate the hair at your temples from the rest of your hair.

    If you have very long sideburns, trim them. A good facial epilator will remove both long and short hair, but it will be much easier to epilate if your hair is short. Take small scissors and trim the hair at the temples so that it is about 0.5 centimeters long.

    So, turn on the epilator. As soon as you turn on the device, run it along your sideburns in the direction of hair growth. Try to be careful and do not go beyond the intended line so as not to remove some more hair in addition to the sideburns. Keep in mind that the intended boundary between the hair area and the area you are epilating should be more or less blurred in order to look natural.

    • Do not press the epilator on the skin and do not rush. Your movements should be smooth and gentle, without sudden turns. Continue until you have removed most of the hair at the temples.
    • The skin may become slightly red and swollen, and the redness and swelling may not subside until the next day. Therefore, it is better not to do hair removal before some important event.
  2. It is important to pull out any hair that you have not hidden under the headband. But the fact is that an epilator cannot remove all hair, especially those located close to the border. So take tweezers and pull out the remaining hairs yourself. In fact, some hairs can be left in to maintain a natural look. Epilation gives good results: hairs can grow back only after a few weeks or a month.

    • Don't forget to clean the epilator after the procedure. To do this, remove the head of the epilator, take a small brush and clean out the hairs from there. Ideally, you can wipe the blades with alcohol.
  3. Heat the wax. Read the package instructions carefully and follow all directions. It is important not to overheat the wax, otherwise you may burn your skin. Before epilating, apply some wax to the inside of your wrist to make sure it is not too hot. The skin on the wrist is quite thin, so if you do not feel that the wax is too hot, you can safely apply it to the temple area.

    Apply wax to your sideburns. Most hair removal kits are sold with a roller applicator that is easy to use. It should be guided along the border with the hair that you are not going to remove. Try to apply the wax to cover the roots of the hair you are about to remove. This way you can remove almost all hair. Keep in mind that you should not epilate the same area twice, otherwise you may cause severe irritation to the skin.

    • To help the wax better capture individual hairs, hold your free hand on the cheekbone and stretch the skin so that there are no folds in the temple area.
  4. Place a strip of fabric on the wax. The wax should still be warm! Wait about 10 seconds, then use your fingers to smooth the strip to help it adhere to the wax.

    Try to remove the strip quickly and in one motion. For a more effective result, pull the skin taut on one side and with the other hand remove a strip of fabric up diagonally (against the hair growth). If you don't stretch the skin at your temples, you can damage it. It is important to stretch the skin in the direction opposite the hair growth - this will make it easier to remove hair without damaging the skin.

    After epilation, apply a soothing lotion or cream. The skin around your temples will be red and possibly swollen, so take a paper towel or napkin, moisten it with milk (diluted with cold water), and apply it to your temples for 10 minutes. The lactic acid found in milk will soothe irritated skin. This compress can be done every few hours.

    • Instead of diluted milk, you can use a moisturizing lotion, over-the-counter hydrocortisone cream, or aloe vera gel.
    • Do not apply any strong drugs to the skin (for example, those containing acids, retinol, benzoyl peroxide). Do not apply these medications until the skin has healed.
    • Be sure to apply sunscreen to the temple area because irritated skin is very sensitive to the sun.
  5. Use tweezers to remove any remaining hairs. Remember not to epilate the same area twice, so use tweezers and remove individual hairs yourself. If wax remains on your skin, take some moisturizer (such as baby body oil) and apply it to your skin. The temples can be epilated again only after 2-6 weeks.

Depilatory cream

  1. Buy a hair removal cream (for depilation). Special chemicals are added to such products that dissolve proteins in the hair, causing the hair to weaken and fall out of the follicle. The most important criterion for choosing such a cream is the sensitivity of your skin. Choose a facial hair removal cream that contains aloe or vitamin E.

    • Depilatory products come in the form of cream, gel, and aerosol. There is less fuss with gels and aerosols, and the cream usually needs to be applied in a very thick layer.
    • If you have very sensitive skin, talk to your dermatologist about which hair removal products are best for you.
  2. Test the cream on the inside of your wrist. To determine if you are allergic to this cream, apply a small amount of cream to your skin, wait exactly as long as it says on the package, and then wipe off the cream. Wait at least a day to see if you have an allergic reaction to this cream. The chemicals contained in the cream may contain the same protein complexes as your skin, which may cause an allergic reaction.

    • The inside of the wrist is the best place to test the effect of the cream, because the skin on it is thin and delicate, like on the face.
  3. Pull your hair back. A thick or thin headband is a great way to limit the exact area you want to wax. The hair on the temples should not be covered with this bandage; it should be clearly separated from the rest of the hair so that you can navigate when applying the cream.

    • Inspect the area around your temples. It is very important that there are no open cuts, scratches, burns or flaky skin. Depilation can cause irritation or even chemical burns, damaging the skin.
    • Before depilation, be sure to wipe off your makeup and wash your face thoroughly, and only then apply the cream.

  Hair epilation

Excessive hairiness. Excess facial hair in women

Thick, lush hair has always been a source of pride for every woman and served as an adornment. However, in cases where hair grows not only on the head, but also on the body, and in some cases on the face, a source of pride turns into a real problem.

Sometimes, looking at yourself in the mirror, you can detect unpleasant changes in the form of a barely noticeable mustache, and sometimes even a semblance of sideburns. But don’t rush to get upset, because if you want to get rid of these unpleasant moments it’s not that difficult.

Why does excess hair occur?

Previously, in ancient times, when the purpose of human existence was survival and the birth of offspring, the hair on the face, body and head was designed to protect a person from heat and cold, from piercing winds and torrential rains.

Nowadays, all these protective functions are performed by clothing, and hairs on the body now cause us nothing but irritation. According to scientists, new generations are emerging with increasingly scanty hair, due to the fact that hair has ceased to fulfill its main function - maintaining human thermoregulation.

Many actively remove hair not only in the traditional areas of the armpits and legs, but also try to ensure that not a single hair remains on the rest of the body.

What should owners of female mustaches do? If you delve a little deeper into history, you will find that in the old days, women with a mustache above their upper lip were considered close to the Almighty. Then, in the Middle Ages, this hypothesis was replaced by another, and owners of mustaches were equated with witches. Nowadays, passions have subsided, but excessive hair on a woman’s face still causes not very pleasant impressions for most people.

What are the causes of excess hair

There are many reasons for excessive hairiness. These may be hormonal imbalances, a hereditary factor, pregnancy, stress or shock, or a long-term illness. Sometimes excessive hair growth occurs as a result of long-term use of hormonal contraceptives. Pregnant women can also often experience an increase in the amount of hair on their abdomen and face, especially in the last trimester of pregnancy.

If you have unwanted hairs on your face or body, don’t panic, just get rid of them in the most suitable way for your body.

Today, there are several ways to remove unwanted hair. Let's talk about the most common ones.

  • Epilation– removal of hair along with the bulb, due to which hair grows much more slowly and becomes thinner. Hair removal can be performed using wax; in this case, this procedure is best carried out in specialized salons.
  • Depilation– hair is removed using various substances, but since the bulb remains intact, the hair grows quite quickly, and after just one or two days you may notice an unpleasant “stubble” on the skin. Every woman can master this method at home. The disadvantage is that the hairs grow back literally in two days and the procedure has to be repeated.
  • Electrolysis– hair is removed using electric current. The procedure is not cheap, and quite painful. Electrolysis can only be performed by a specialist in the field. Before signing up for electrolysis, a woman should consult a doctor. In addition, electrolysis is not suitable for pregnant women.
  • Shaving– the most common method of hair removal. This method is almost the only one among those that can be used by pregnant women.
  • Plucking- the cheapest and, at the same time, painful and lengthy process. If you need to correct the shape of your eyebrows or get rid of a few long hairs above your upper lip, this method can be an alternative to depilation or shaving. However, if there are too many hairs, plucking can cause severe swelling and prolonged redness of the skin.

Of course, if you are concerned about hair, mainly on your face, shaving is unlikely to improve the situation. The most optimal way to do hair removal at home is using various pastes. This method allows you to get rid of mustaches and sideburns for about three to four days, after which you will have to repeat the procedure.

In addition, those with dark hair can be advised to start by lightening them with hydrogen peroxide. Perhaps, when bleached, they will not be so noticeable and you will not need hair removal methods at all.