Hello everyone! Handicraft Tuesday on the ShkolaLa blog! Get your golden hands ready. Today we will make a very interesting school craft for the week of Orthodox culture. Does this happen at your school? We have them from time to time) So they asked us to do something suitable.

And we decided to make a church. We thought for a long time about what, and how? We thought and thought and came up with an idea. Let's make a church out of plastic bottle. The main thing is to choose a suitable bottle so that its shape upper part looked like the top of a church. And we found one like this, from under mineral water.

Well? Are we getting started?

Let's prepare the necessary materials:

  • shoe box lid;
  • plastic bottle;
  • rope;
  • wire;
  • braid and lace for decoration;
  • plasticine (we chose white and blue);
  • cardboard or baby foam (aka foamiran);
  • cotton wool;
  • PVA glue;
  • double-sided tape;
  • white paint;
  • brush;
  • scissors.

First, let's prepare the base of our craft. Paint the shoe box lid with white paint.

Set the box aside to let the paint dry. And we will prepare planks for the fence that will enclose our church. They can also be cut out of cardboard. We used colored foam for children's creativity(foamiran). We drew stripes and cut them out with scissors.

The tips of the boards were sharpened to give the fence a more natural look. The “planks” are ready.

Now we glue them to our base.

And we move on to constructing the main object of our craft.

Take a bottle and cut off the bottom part of it. Something like this.

The top of the bottle also needs to be cut off. This is quite problematic, since the plastic at the neck of the bottle is quite hard and thick. We heated the knife over the gas and slowly cut it off.

The time has come to take care of how our future church will be attached to the foundation. Using a marker, mark a horizontal line on the bottom of the bottle, approximately 2 cm from the edge. And segments were drawn down from this line.

We cut the bottle along the marked lines with scissors and folded the resulting strips. Looks like flower petals.

Let's start decorating our church. Let's add it to the desired shape using plasticine.

How to make a cross? Very simple. We took a beautiful decorative blue wire, since our church will be all blue and white. But you can also use regular wire and then simply wrap the cross in foil.

Well, we first bent the wire in half and bent its tails to the sides.

And then like this. It turned out to be a cross!

Now we stick the cross into the top of our crown.

We take double-sided tape and cover the walls of the church with it.

Gradually, starting from the bottom, we subtract top layer double-sided tape and begin to wrap the walls with rope.

And so on to the very top of the wall, to the beginning of the dome.

We mark doors and windows on the walls using blue lace. We made a door in the front. A thin strip of lace was glued to the top, and a silver braid to the bottom for beauty.

The windows were arranged like this: two on the sides, one on the back.

Let's start decorating the dome. We roll balls from white and blue plasticine, turn them into cakes, and glue them in rows to the dome, starting from the bottom.

Each next circle overlaps a little with the previous one. As does each top row to the bottom. The higher we rise, the smaller the cakes become. This is how the dome turned out! Beautiful?

We can say that we built a church.

We will install it on our base.

Remember when we cut the bottom of the bottle into petals? Now we glue double-sided tape to these petals from below.

We made the strips that are on the back side of the church a little shorter in order to install the building as close as possible to the base wall. Then we remove the top layer of tape and glue the building to the base. It holds very tightly and will not fall anywhere.

All that remains is to decorate the space surrounding the church. You can make it summer, glue some grass, make trees with your own hands and “plant” them around. But we took a different path, faster and simpler. We made a winter camp. Everything around the church was “covered with snow.” We made snowdrifts from cotton wool. And they “cleared” the path to the doors. A path made from a piece of padding polyester. All this was glued to the base using PVA glue.

So our blue and white church is ready)

I have already gone to the school exhibition.

Now, friends, you know what to do if a week of Orthodox culture has started at school. We hope our step-by-step master class will help you)

By the way, I think that our composition for Christmas with angels could also be a craft on the theme of Orthodox culture. You will find a master class.

And VKontakte is waiting for you our group "ShkolaLa"! Become her subscriber! We promise a sea of ​​school positivity and interesting information!

Happy creativity!

Always yours, Evgenia Klimkovich.

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Orthodox calendar

Transfer of the relics of St. Bartholomew (VI). Ap. from 70 Titus, ep. Cretan (I).

Svtt. Barsis and Eulogius, bishops of Edessa, and Protogen, bishop. Carriy (IV). St. Mina, Patriarch of Constantinople (536–552).

Prmch. Moisey Kozhin (1931); sschmch. Vladimir Moshchansky presbyter (1938).

App.: Tit., 300 credits, I, 1–4; II, 15 – III, 3, 12–13, 15. Matthew, 11 parts, V, 14–19. Row: 1 Cor., 125 credits (from half), I, 26–29. Matt., 82 zach., XX, 29–34.

We congratulate the birthday people on Angel Day!

Icon of the day

Apostle of the 70 Titus of Crete, bishop

Apostle Titus of the 70 was a native of the island of Crete, the son of noble pagans. In his youth, he carefully studied Hellenic philosophy and ancient poets. While studying science, Titus led a virtuous life, not indulging in the vices and passions characteristic of most pagans. He observed virginity, as the Hieromartyr Ignatius the God-Bearer testified about him (December 20). For such a life, the Lord did not leave him without His help. At the age of twenty, Saint Titus heard a voice in a dream, urging him to abandon Hellenic wisdom, which did not give salvation to the soul, but to seek that which saves. After this dream, Saint Titus waited another year to see if he would receive another similar command and, indeed, he was instructed to familiarize himself with the teaching of God’s prophets. The first thing he happened to read was the Book of the Prophet Isaiah. Having opened it at chapter 47, he was amazed by the words spoken as if about his own spiritual state.

When rumors reached Crete about the Great Prophet who had appeared in Palestine and about the miracles He was performing, the ruler of the island of Crete, Titus’ uncle, sent him there. This Prophet was the Lord Jesus Christ Himself, who became incarnate from the Most Holy Virgin Mary and came into the world to redeem the human race from the original sin that burdened it. Saint Titus saw the Lord in Jerusalem; listened to His preaching and believed in Him. He witnessed the suffering of the Cross and the death of the Savior, His glorious Resurrection and Ascension into Heaven. On the day of Pentecost, the future apostle heard, standing among the people, how the 12 apostles, after the descent of the Holy Spirit on them, spoke in different languages, including the language of the Cretans (Acts 2:11). Saint Titus received Baptism from the Apostle Paul and became his closest disciple. He accompanied the Apostle Paul on his missionary travels, repeatedly carried out his assignments concerning the newly established Churches, and was with him in Jerusalem. Saint Titus was numbered among the 70 apostles and ordained Bishop of Crete by the Apostle Paul. Around the year 65, shortly before his second imprisonment, the Apostle Paul sent a pastoral letter to his chosen one (Titus 1-3). When the Apostle Paul was brought to Rome as a prisoner for the trial of Caesar, Saint Titus temporarily left his Cretan flock and went to Rome to serve his spiritual father. After the martyrdom of the Apostle Paul, the Apostle Titus returned to the main city of Crete - Gortyna.

The Apostle Titus wisely governed his flock and worked to enlighten the pagans with the light of the faith of Christ. He was given the gift of miracles from the Lord. During one of the pagan holidays in honor of the goddess Diana, Titus preached to the pagans gathered in large numbers. When he saw that they were not listening to him, he prayed to the Lord, so that the Lord Himself would show erring people the insignificance of idols. Through the prayer of the Apostle Titus, the idol of Diana fell and broke in front of everyone. Another time, the Apostle Titus prayed that the Lord would not allow the construction of a pagan temple in honor of Zeus to be completed, and it would collapse. With such miracles, the Apostle Titus led many to faith in Christ. Having enlightened the surrounding countries with the light of faith, the Apostle Titus died peacefully at the ripe old age of 94 years. Before his death, his face shone like the sun.

Troparion of the Apostles Bartholomew and Titus

Holy apostles,/ pray to the Merciful God,/ may forgiveness of sins// be granted to our souls.

Translation: Holy apostles, pray to the merciful God to grant forgiveness of sins to our souls.

Kontakion to the Apostle Titus of Crete from the age of 70

Pavlov appeared as an interlocutor, the apostle, / with him you foretold the word of Divine grace to us, / the secret verb of Titus, ever-memorable. / For this reason, we cry to you: // do not cease praying for all of us.

Translation: You were the interlocutor of the Apostle Paul, together with him you proclaimed to us the teaching of Divine grace, the always remembered Titus, explaining the mysteries of God. Therefore, we appeal to you: “Don’t stop praying for all of us.”

Reading the Gospel with the Church

We read the Gospel together with the Church. Gospel of Matthew, chapter 20, v. 29–34.

29 And when they left Jericho, a multitude of people followed Him.

30 And so, two blind men who were sitting by the road, hearing that Jesus was passing by, began to shout: have mercy on us, O Lord, Son of David!

31 The people forced them to remain silent; but they began to shout even louder: have mercy on us, O Lord, Son of David!

32 Jesus stopped, called them and said: what do you want from Me?

33 They say to Him: Lord! so that our eyes may be opened.

34 Jesus, being moved with compassion, touched their eyes; and immediately their eyes received sight, and they followed Him.

(Matt. 20, 29–34)

Cartoon calendar

Orthodox educational courses

TRANSITION TO ETERNAL LIFE: Word on the Day of the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary

U The singing of the Mother of God gives a completely new meaning to a person’s transition from this life to eternal life. Dormition - a person literally falls asleep in order to meet the Lord in the Kingdom of Heaven. There was sorrow at the temporary separation, but joy filled the hearts of people and Angels who solemnly escorted the Mother of God on this journey. Death and sorrow no longer had such power over them. And the Mother of God really just fell asleep: already on the third day Her body was not found in the tomb, She was already in the Kingdom of Heaven.

(MP3 file. Duration 11:41 min. Size 05.35 Mb)

Archimandrite Tikhon (Shevkunov)

Preparation for the Sacrament of Holy Baptism

IN section " Preparation for Baptism" site "Sunday school: on-line courses " Archpriest Andrei Fedosov, head of the department of education and catechesis of the Kinel Diocese, information has been collected that will be useful to those who are going to receive Baptism themselves, or want to baptize their child or become a godparent.

R This section consists of five cataclysmic conversations in which the content of Orthodox dogma within the framework of the Creed is revealed, the sequence and meaning of the rites performed at Baptism are explained, and answers to common questions related to this Sacrament are given. Each conversation is accompanied by additional materials, links to sources, recommended literature and Internet resources.

ABOUT course conversations are presented in the form of texts, audio files and videos.

Course topics:

    • Conversation No. 1 Preliminary concepts
    • Conversation No. 2 Sacred Bible story
    • Conversation No. 3 Church of Christ
    • Conversation No. 4 Christian morality
    • Conversation No. 5 The Sacrament of Holy Baptism


    • Frequently Asked Questions
    • Orthodox calendar

Reading the lives of saints by Dmitry of Rostov for every day

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Radio "Vera"

Radio "VERA" is a new radio station that talks about the eternal truths of the Orthodox faith.

TV channel Tsargrad: Orthodoxy

"Orthodox newspaper" Ekaterinburg

Pravoslavie.Ru - Meeting with Orthodoxy

  • Elder Aristocles, his prophecies and his spiritual daughters

    He kept up a constant correspondence. He worked a lot in prayer in the field of spiritual care. He healed the suffering.

  • Russian North, I love your faces, the running of the Dvina, the sadness of ancient temples...

    During the 9 years of service, many amazing incidents occurred. The attraction that Sretenets residents feel towards these people and this region is unique.

  • “Saint Philaret is our ancestor. But don’t tell anyone about this!”

    With his spiritual vision, Saint Philaret received his sight for a hundred years and beyond!..

  • Praise to Saint Prince Lazar

    Defeat of St. Prince Lazar and his squad began to be interpreted as a spiritual victory, an ascent to heavenly glory through martyrdom.

  • "Our wise Amma"

    On the 40th anniversary of the blessed death of Abbess Tamara (Bagration-Mukhranskaya), who was in 1951–1975. Abbess of the Spaso-Voznesensky Olivet Convent in Jerusalem.

Valentina Shurshalova

Dear colleagues, I want to tell you about the regional music and poetry competition “We are your children, Russia!”, which took place on December 4, 2014 at our kindergarten No. 120. 15 kindergartens of the Zavodsky district took part, all kindergartens prepared interesting programs, and ours kindergarten still prepared exhibition about Russia: about cities, history and much more. My senior group prepared drawings and crafts for topic: "Orthodox Rus'", a huge preliminary work was carried out both with children and their parents. Most families, unfortunately, are superficially familiar with the history, culture, and way of life of our people. But only on the basis of the past can we understand the present and foresee the future. Therefore, I consider it necessary to convey to make my students aware that they are carriers of Russian folk culture. To do this, I turned to the origins of the history of the Russian state. In the classroom, I introduce the commanders Dmitry Donskoy, Alexander Nevsky, the saints of the Russian land, Sergius of Radonezh, whose influence is invaluable in the unification of Russian lands and victories. over enemies. The whole history of the Russian people is connected with Orthodox faith and shrines, temples, churches and monasteries. Children are very interested to know what Epiphany, Easter, and Family Day on July 8 are, the founders of which are Peter and Hebronya. What is the significance of an icon, it is not just a picture, they depict the faces of people who lived and, with their lives, were an example of true Christian love for people. In this way, children develop an idea of ​​kindness, mercy, generosity, justice. I hope that my children will become the spiritual heirs of the people who laid the foundation of a great culture. The result of all the work done was exhibition"Orthodox Rus'". which I present to your attention.

Thank you for your attention!

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Orthodox calendar

Transfer of the relics of St. Bartholomew (VI). Ap. from 70 Titus, ep. Cretan (I).

Svtt. Barsis and Eulogius, bishops of Edessa, and Protogen, bishop. Carriy (IV). St. Mina, Patriarch of Constantinople (536–552).

Prmch. Moisey Kozhin (1931); sschmch. Vladimir Moshchansky presbyter (1938).

App.: Tit., 300 credits, I, 1–4; II, 15 – III, 3, 12–13, 15. Matthew, 11 parts, V, 14–19. Row: 1 Cor., 125 credits (from half), I, 26–29. Matt., 82 zach., XX, 29–34.

We congratulate the birthday people on Angel Day!

Icon of the day

Apostle of the 70 Titus of Crete, bishop

Apostle Titus of the 70 was a native of the island of Crete, the son of noble pagans. In his youth, he carefully studied Hellenic philosophy and ancient poets. While studying science, Titus led a virtuous life, not indulging in the vices and passions characteristic of most pagans. He observed virginity, as the Hieromartyr Ignatius the God-Bearer testified about him (December 20). For such a life, the Lord did not leave him without His help. At the age of twenty, Saint Titus heard a voice in a dream, urging him to abandon Hellenic wisdom, which did not give salvation to the soul, but to seek that which saves. After this dream, Saint Titus waited another year to see if he would receive another similar command and, indeed, he was instructed to familiarize himself with the teaching of God’s prophets. The first thing he happened to read was the Book of the Prophet Isaiah. Having opened it at chapter 47, he was amazed by the words spoken as if about his own spiritual state.

When rumors reached Crete about the Great Prophet who had appeared in Palestine and about the miracles He was performing, the ruler of the island of Crete, Titus’ uncle, sent him there. This Prophet was the Lord Jesus Christ Himself, who became incarnate from the Most Holy Virgin Mary and came into the world to redeem the human race from the original sin that burdened it. Saint Titus saw the Lord in Jerusalem; listened to His preaching and believed in Him. He witnessed the suffering of the Cross and the death of the Savior, His glorious Resurrection and Ascension into Heaven. On the day of Pentecost, the future apostle heard, standing among the people, how the 12 apostles, after the descent of the Holy Spirit on them, spoke in different languages, including the language of the Cretans (Acts 2:11). Saint Titus received Baptism from the Apostle Paul and became his closest disciple. He accompanied the Apostle Paul on his missionary travels, repeatedly carried out his assignments concerning the newly established Churches, and was with him in Jerusalem. Saint Titus was numbered among the 70 apostles and ordained Bishop of Crete by the Apostle Paul. Around the year 65, shortly before his second imprisonment, the Apostle Paul sent a pastoral letter to his chosen one (Titus 1-3). When the Apostle Paul was brought to Rome as a prisoner for the trial of Caesar, Saint Titus temporarily left his Cretan flock and went to Rome to serve his spiritual father. After the martyrdom of the Apostle Paul, the Apostle Titus returned to the main city of Crete - Gortyna.

The Apostle Titus wisely governed his flock and worked to enlighten the pagans with the light of the faith of Christ. He was given the gift of miracles from the Lord. During one of the pagan holidays in honor of the goddess Diana, Titus preached to the pagans gathered in large numbers. When he saw that they were not listening to him, he prayed to the Lord, so that the Lord Himself would show erring people the insignificance of idols. Through the prayer of the Apostle Titus, the idol of Diana fell and broke in front of everyone. Another time, the Apostle Titus prayed that the Lord would not allow the construction of a pagan temple in honor of Zeus to be completed, and it would collapse. With such miracles, the Apostle Titus led many to faith in Christ. Having enlightened the surrounding countries with the light of faith, the Apostle Titus died peacefully at the ripe old age of 94 years. Before his death, his face shone like the sun.

Troparion of the Apostles Bartholomew and Titus

Holy apostles,/ pray to the Merciful God,/ may forgiveness of sins// be granted to our souls.

Translation: Holy apostles, pray to the merciful God to grant forgiveness of sins to our souls.

Kontakion to the Apostle Titus of Crete from the age of 70

Pavlov appeared as an interlocutor, the apostle, / with him you foretold the word of Divine grace to us, / the secret verb of Titus, ever-memorable. / For this reason, we cry to you: // do not cease praying for all of us.

Translation: You were the interlocutor of the Apostle Paul, together with him you proclaimed to us the teaching of Divine grace, the always remembered Titus, explaining the mysteries of God. Therefore, we appeal to you: “Don’t stop praying for all of us.”

Reading the Gospel with the Church

We read the Gospel together with the Church. Gospel of Matthew, chapter 20, v. 29–34.

29 And when they left Jericho, a multitude of people followed Him.

30 And so, two blind men who were sitting by the road, hearing that Jesus was passing by, began to shout: have mercy on us, O Lord, Son of David!

31 The people forced them to remain silent; but they began to shout even louder: have mercy on us, O Lord, Son of David!

32 Jesus stopped, called them and said: what do you want from Me?

33 They say to Him: Lord! so that our eyes may be opened.

34 Jesus, being moved with compassion, touched their eyes; and immediately their eyes received sight, and they followed Him.

(Matt. 20, 29–34)

Cartoon calendar

Orthodox educational courses

TRANSITION TO ETERNAL LIFE: Word on the Day of the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary

U The singing of the Mother of God gives a completely new meaning to a person’s transition from this life to eternal life. Dormition - a person literally falls asleep in order to meet the Lord in the Kingdom of Heaven. There was sorrow at the temporary separation, but joy filled the hearts of people and Angels who solemnly escorted the Mother of God on this journey. Death and sorrow no longer had such power over them. And the Mother of God really just fell asleep: already on the third day Her body was not found in the tomb, She was already in the Kingdom of Heaven.

(MP3 file. Duration 11:41 min. Size 05.35 Mb)

Archimandrite Tikhon (Shevkunov)

Preparation for the Sacrament of Holy Baptism

IN section " Preparation for Baptism" site "Sunday school: on-line courses " Archpriest Andrei Fedosov, head of the department of education and catechesis of the Kinel Diocese, information has been collected that will be useful to those who are going to receive Baptism themselves, or want to baptize their child or become a godparent.

R This section consists of five cataclysmic conversations in which the content of Orthodox dogma within the framework of the Creed is revealed, the sequence and meaning of the rites performed at Baptism are explained, and answers to common questions related to this Sacrament are given. Each conversation is accompanied by additional materials, links to sources, recommended literature and Internet resources.

ABOUT course conversations are presented in the form of texts, audio files and videos.

Course topics:

    • Conversation No. 1 Preliminary concepts
    • Conversation No. 2 Sacred Bible story
    • Conversation No. 3 Church of Christ
    • Conversation No. 4 Christian morality
    • Conversation No. 5 The Sacrament of Holy Baptism


    • Frequently Asked Questions
    • Orthodox calendar

Reading the lives of saints by Dmitry of Rostov for every day

Latest Posts

Radio "Vera"

Radio "VERA" is a new radio station that talks about the eternal truths of the Orthodox faith.

TV channel Tsargrad: Orthodoxy

"Orthodox newspaper" Ekaterinburg

Pravoslavie.Ru - Meeting with Orthodoxy

  • Elder Aristocles, his prophecies and his spiritual daughters

    He kept up a constant correspondence. He worked a lot in prayer in the field of spiritual care. He healed the suffering.

  • Russian North, I love your faces, the running of the Dvina, the sadness of ancient temples...

    During the 9 years of service, many amazing incidents occurred. The attraction that Sretenets residents feel towards these people and this region is unique.

  • “Saint Philaret is our ancestor. But don’t tell anyone about this!”

    With his spiritual vision, Saint Philaret received his sight for a hundred years and beyond!..

  • Praise to Saint Prince Lazar

    Defeat of St. Prince Lazar and his squad began to be interpreted as a spiritual victory, an ascent to heavenly glory through martyrdom.

  • "Our wise Amma"

    On the 40th anniversary of the blessed death of Abbess Tamara (Bagration-Mukhranskaya), who was in 1951–1975. Abbess of the Spaso-Voznesensky Olivet Convent in Jerusalem.

Maria Buvailova

Hello dear colleagues!

I would like to present to your attention crafts which my partner and I shared

Migunova Natalia Andreevna and with student Semenko Taisiya Pavlovna

made for a regional competition in the city of Azov.

Our craft in the nomination"Orthodox Rus'"Took first place

our work is called “The Night Before Christmas!”, it is made using the plasticineography technique.

Plasticineography is relatively new,

an unconventional drawing technique that attracts the attention of both children and adults.

We were not familiar with this technique before, but we did not regret using it at all.

Although this work depicts winter time year, and now it’s spring, I think it won’t hurt to take advantage of the idea of ​​​​creating some kind of work of art.

Thank you very much for your attention!

Glad to try.

Publications on the topic:

Lesson summary “My daisy Rus'”“My Daisy Rus'” Goal: to form a respectful attitude towards the state symbols of Russia. Objectives: to introduce basic rights.

Entertainment script “Our beautiful Rus' is famous for its craftsmen” Goal: to continue to acquaint children with folk decorative art (Zhostovo, Khokhloma, Dymkovo, Gorodets paintings, with characteristic.

Pedagogical project “My Ancient Rus'” Short-term project in the middle group of MAOU "Secondary School No. 4" on the topic: "My Ancient Rus'." Completed by: O. V. Manuilova, teacher first.

Visit to the museum "Izbyanaya Rus" (introducing children to their past and heritage). A museum plays a big role in a child’s life; it evokes.

“My Rus'” Holy Rus', you stand, majestically, Preserved by the people, sung both in odes and in poetry. You show off proudly under the bright sky.

At the end of November, our preschool educational institution “Solnyshko” held a creative competition among teachers “Orthodox Culture of the Tambov Region”. Participants.

Scenario for the holiday “Orthodox Easter” for the middle group Scenario for the holiday “Orthodox Easter” in middle group No. 12 Description: the holiday “Orthodox Easter” for middle group MADOW. Purpose: to introduce.

Dear colleagues! I would like to present to your attention entertainment for older children and their parents. Family festival “Rus with talents.