The Constitution guarantees equal labor rights for men and women. Today, representatives of the fair sex can engage in professional activities in a variety of fields. The exception is certain statutory work involving danger and hard work. The gender division of labor is gradually fading into the background, but still some areas of higher education are more in demand among girls, while others are more in demand among young people. Where should a girl go to study after 11th grade today? Let's look into this issue together.

Give way to the girls!

In many specializations, girls feel more comfortable and show better results than the stronger sex. These are professions that involve working in a team and interacting with people, be they clients, patients, students or business partners. Representatives of the fair sex also prefer specialties where they can show empathy, provide assistance or take part in the educational process. They are traditionally strong in the humanities (philology, history, sociology), where their share among the total number of students can range from 60 to 90%.

Below is a list of the most “female” areas where girls can enroll after 11th grade.

1. Pedagogy

The share of women among teachers of preschool educational institutions and schools exceeds 80%.

After completing your studies, you will receive a sought-after specialty that will allow you to work with children. After completing your education, you can find a job not only in a public school or kindergarten, but also in a private educational institution, where salaries are many times higher.

Where to apply: specialized, for example, etc. in the direction of 44.03.05 - pedagogical education with two profiles. You can also obtain a teaching qualification through a double degree program or by completing a master's degree.

What to take: Unified State Examination in Russian language, specialized mathematics and social studies are required. If you want to work in a high school as a subject teacher, you will have to take a specialized subject: biology, history, etc.

Applicants often choose psychology, pedagogy and linguistics

2. Psychology

A fashion specialty will provide an opportunity to realize communication skills, insight and intuition. You will be able to understand the reasons for human actions and feelings, and also get a sought-after and highly paid profession. With a diploma in psychology, you can easily find a job you like anywhere - from school to the personnel department, from a psychiatric clinic to a psychological center. Of course, psychological education will be useful, even if you do not intend to work in your specialty.

Where to apply: Psychology departments are represented in medical and humanities universities, as well as large universities (for example, etc.). There are also specialized educational institutions, for example, the Moscow Institute of Psychoanalysis.

What to take: For admission to the specialty “Psychology”, the Unified State Examination in specialized mathematics, Russian language and biology is required, and in rare cases - in social studies. for admission, sets the DVI in biology.

3. Linguistics

Education in the field of linguistics is suitable for most girls who have a penchant for studying languages ​​and literature. Graduates of philological faculties today can find themselves in a number of in-demand professions. Among them are a written or simultaneous translator, editor, and journalist.

Where to apply: philology is taught in large universities and humanities universities. The specialty “Translator” can also be obtained at some technical universities, for example.

What to take: Unified State Examination in humanitarian subjects: Russian language, foreign language, history or social studies. conducts research studies on literature.

Studying languages ​​and literature is a direction that attracts many girls

4. Medicine

The proportion of women among medical personnel is large, although this area of ​​activity has its own specifics and is not suitable for everyone. All medical specialties are available to applicants - from dentistry to neurosurgery, but most women are employed in pediatrics. The medical profession in developed countries of the world is considered one of the most prestigious and highly paid. Some people prefer veterinary medicine to classical medicine.

What to take: Economic majors require Unified State Examinations in mathematics, social studies and history. International majors also require a foreign language and sometimes geography. The Faculty of Economics of Moscow State University takes the DVI in mathematics; at MGIMO you will have to additionally take a foreign language test.

Business education will help a girl find a prestigious job

Technical and natural science specialties

It’s not easy to meet a girl in the math or physics department. But the share of representatives of the fairer sex in professions related to information technology and programming is steadily growing. The most popular specialties are those related to biology, biotechnology and biomedicine.

Admission to natural science and technical faculties presupposes a desire to engage in pure science - finding a job that exactly corresponds to the specialty “Applied Mathematics” will not be easy. However, the analytical skills of such specialists are valued in many large companies, banks, and research centers. Having shown your best, after graduation you can receive a job offer from a foreign university or an international corporation.

Where to apply: You can get an education in academic fields at various technical universities (,) or large universities.

What to take: Unified State Exam subjects depend on the chosen specialization. In addition to the compulsory Russian language and specialized mathematics, you will need physics, chemistry, biology, etc. Some universities conduct DVI.

It’s nice for a girl to feel successful and independent, to work honestly and get big money. To do this, you need to find a suitable job and get it after graduating from school and a higher or secondary specialized educational institution. Here is a list of the best professions for girls.

Aesthetic professions

Photographer, designer and web designer, cosmetologist and stylist are examples of professions for girls who value beauty and are distinguished by creative thinking.


Talented photographers are in demand today more than ever. There are a lot of advantages in this profession. For example, you can work for yourself and create your own schedule. Photographer is an interesting creative profession. Nowadays it is fashionable to organize photo sessions to preserve the memory of the best moments of life. Alternatively, you can sell copyright photographs; there are special websites for this. It’s best to take courses or start with an art education.

photographer is an interesting creative profession


It’s not bad to work as a designer and create jewelry, clothing or interiors. This profession is ideal for girls, as they love to make the world around them beautiful. A designer is without a doubt a good choice.

Web designer

To realize your creative nature and benefit from your excellent computer knowledge, you should choose the profession of a web designer. This is a very varied job. You will work in Photoshop, create brands and think over the corporate identity of companies, design websites, magazine covers and more. A creative designer always has many job offers and earns decent money. You may have a lot of male colleagues, since they are the ones who predominate in this field.


The work process gives the cosmetologist a lot of pleasure, as he cleanses and beautifies the body. This specialty also has some similarities with a health worker. Immediately after 11th grade you will not be able to get a job as a cosmetologist. This profession is not available to persons without higher education. First you need to graduate from university and become an intern, at which time you can become a cosmetologist. If you have chosen this profession, look for a suitable institute and complete it successfully.

cosmetologist is a highly paid and responsible job in the beauty industry


For those with extraordinary systems thinking and good taste, there is the prestigious profession of stylist. This position involves working with people. For example, stylists help you create an individual style and choose hair color.

Professions for talkative people

There are people who are said to have a good tongue. But this is a colloquial expression. In other words, these ideas are for girls who love to talk and have high speaking abilities by nature. The work will not only help a sociable person to open up, but will also significantly develop his communication skills. The professions of presenter, sales agent, realtor, tourism manager, journalist and guide are suitable for talkative people.

Host of celebrations

This includes the presenter at special events, toastmaster, and the like. During the holiday, you can show your full oratorical potential. The presenter creates the appropriate mood for many people. If you are going to go study and work in this direction after 11th grade, we recommend that you start training now. For example, performing at school and student celebrations or in any other crowded place.

Sales agent

Traditionally, men supply cigarettes, construction materials and alcoholic beverages. Sales agents can also be female and supply stores with other goods, such as juices, confectionery and household chemicals. This job in the trading environment is quite prestigious. Similar professions - sales representative, sales or customer service manager, insurer.


The modern profession of a realtor is in demand and highly paid. Specialists work as intermediaries in the purchase and sale of various goods, and help others rent and lease real estate. In order to successfully carry out such activities, it is enough to be able to describe the attractive aspects of the product in the sale of which you are participating.

Tourism Manager

A travel manager is engaged in sending satisfied clients on vacation to different cities and countries. This specialist is obliged to give a beautiful description of the resorts so that the travel agency gets more travelers.


You have a direct path to becoming a journalist if you are sociable and know how to effectively present yourself in front of the public and high-ranking people. You may have to interview major officials, visit dangerous places, write articles and film reports. Professions close to a journalist are copywriter, public relations specialist, press secretary and PR manager.


Guides and tour guides work in very interesting and varied work. The guide’s task is to lead a group of tourists along the desired route in a certain time, and competently tell about historical and geographical objects. The guide is responsible for all participants in the event; he is forced to talk a lot at work. Excellent oratorical skills will come in handy here.

Professions for responsible girls

If you have such valuable qualities as responsibility, organization and the desire to work in an office, then professions have been created for you: secretary, administrator, librarian and accountant. The popularity of these specialties never decreases; they are always in trend. Therefore, if you cannot decide where to study or where to get a job, consider these options first.


The secretary-assistant, office manager and assistant manager must talk a lot and carry out various business assignments. Working in this area is certainly promising, since the best employees can always rise up the career ladder.


The administrator's place of work can be a nightclub, a hotel or a hotel, a fitness club, or a restaurant. A modern administrator must pay attention to clients and skillfully solve all their whims. At first, the administrator performs the simplest tasks, and with experience, management begins to trust him more and more and give more serious assignments.


An organized and extremely responsible girl can work as a librarian or archivist. This is not as boring a position as it might seem. You must have a desire for order.


A smart, educated and confident accountant is always in demand and has a high salary. You will have to maintain impeccable order in your documents, because you will have to work with finances. An accountant also needs stress resistance, since various audits are carried out from time to time and the work can be nervous. Modern accountants work in a computer program; they need to know it thoroughly. This choice of profession will definitely suit your parents, since it is always popular and promises good earnings.

Professions for patient girls

If you are compassionate towards people and animals, have a patient and kind character, then feel free to choose to be a doctor, veterinarian, sports trainer, psychologist or teacher.


Working as a veterinarian is very responsible and requires a love for animals. You will have to diagnose, prescribe and treat cats, dogs, turtles, rats, and hamsters.


If you decide to become a doctor, then keep in mind that this is not just a way to make money, but your calling for life. You will heal and save people. Therefore, immediately tune in to the favor of patients. It will be a long and intense study, you will learn a lot about the work and problems of the human body. To qualify for a high salary, try to get a job at a reputable private clinic. When choosing a profession as a doctor, your family and your boyfriend will be proud of you.

Fitness trainer

In fact, it is not so difficult to become a trainer in a fitness club if you have ideal physical shape and enough theoretical knowledge about sports. The instructor must be non-confrontational, be able to clearly explain the exercise technique and correctly point out mistakes. You have to be prepared for the fact that you will meet not only beautiful and slender people who came to the gym to pump up a little, but also people who are very overweight and have poor health. The trainer selects workouts taking into account the preservation and enhancement of health.


The profession of a teacher is associated with dedication. A teacher can be called a valuable specialist when he is able to present material to children and adolescents in a clear and interesting way.


Modern psychologists have especially much work to do because the number of anxious people in an unfair and complex world is growing. It’s good if the psychologist shows his caring character when communicating. Be prepared to listen for hours to hours about other people's problems. Stylish work allows you to earn good money and give online consultations via the Internet.

Professions for strong girls

Not all girls have a meek, quiet and gentle character. For tough ladies with a strong character, there are such professions as architect, dog handler, politician, military man and policeman.

Dog handler

It is believed that women, just like men, can do an excellent job training dogs. This is where a confident and strong character comes in handy. If you wish, you can handle training any dog.


Women who work in the field of architecture are able to create buildings of incredible beauty. There is communication with customers and foremen ahead, so you need to be patient and have some toughness. Designing structures is not easy, so you will have to study and practice a lot.


A great idea is to become a politician or public figure. This is a good chance to gain fame and further strengthen your character. There are many peculiarities in the work of a political figure, so you need to be a very good psychologist by nature, not succumb to stress and have the highest efficiency. Ideally, you will study at the Faculty of Political Science at a higher educational institution.

Policeman and military

Both men and women can serve in the police and be in the military. The requirements for candidates are high, so prepare seriously in advance. To work in the police and other similar structures, it is not necessary to have big muscles. If you do not want to be a military man, then you can find an alternative position in this field, for example, psychologist, translator, medic, cook and signalman.

Professions for those planning to start a family

A technical profession is not suitable for everyone, and not every girl dreams of a university, high earnings and a brilliant career. Realizing yourself as a mother and wife is wonderful. You don’t have to study at a university for years and get a profession if you don’t have a passion for it. Below is a list of specialties that are suitable for those for whom work is not in the first place. You can get a job without a higher education. In just a month you will start receiving wages. All you have to do is take the course and you can start working. Simple positions will make you feel useful, and the work will not be associated with nervous strain like many responsible positions for people with VO. Often such training is offered at the labor exchange. These are the professions:

  • visagiste;
  • seamstress;
  • hairdresser;
  • eyelash extension specialist;
  • cook;
  • master of manicure and pedicure;
  • PC operator;
  • eyebrow correction specialist;
  • waiter;
  • salesman;
  • accounting operator.

In our article, we examined the most popular professions that deserve your attention. We wish you a successful search for a specialty, obtaining a quality education and successful employment in a good position. You need to think about what profession is best for a girl to choose after school as early as possible, then you can become the best specialist.

Graduation year is always a turning point in the life of every teenager. Here are school exams, final certifications, and - the most difficult thing - the choice of a future profession at the university. So, every graduate wonders what profession a girl should choose after 11th grade, because both the choice of university and her future career as a whole will depend on this.

What to look for when choosing a profession?

Deciding on a future craft is always difficult. So, on the eve of graduation, parents begin to panic about what profession to choose for their child, and graduates themselves do not know how to understand what profession to choose and are increasingly searching Google for the query “I don’t know what profession to choose, what to do.”

You can often hear the opinion that you should choose a profession to your liking. This is partly true because, ideally, the chosen activity will bring you income in the future, and it is always more pleasant if you like the work not only because of the salary. However, it is worth understanding that, firstly, people change, and with them their hobbies. Therefore, what seemed interesting at 17 years old may no longer be of interest to you by the end of university. Secondly, you can simply become disappointed in your chosen profession. Often graduates, when choosing a specialty, do not study all the nuances and features of this type of activity, and then, during the learning process, experience disappointment. Therefore, think not only about what profession you want to choose, but also about what prospects it will provide you with in your future life.

When choosing a profession, it is better to focus on your skills and abilities. So, if you studied in a humanities class with an emphasis on foreign languages, it will be difficult to become an IT specialist. It is also worth paying attention to the relevance of a particular field of activity. Let's assume that the area of ​​medical services will always be in demand, because, although new drugs are being invented, viruses continue to mutate and people continue to get sick. But being a seamstress in the second decade of the 21st century is no longer so profitable, because more and more factories are switching to completely machine production.

It is also undesirable to choose a profession much in advance. Schoolchildren often think about what profession to choose in the future, but it is still advisable to make final decisions in graduate school. In which class should I choose a profession? It is best to make a final decision about your future field of activity already in the 10th-11th grade.

Professions for girls

Fortunately, the days are long gone when girls were prohibited from engaging in certain activities because of their gender. Therefore, the answer to the question of what profession a girl can choose is simple and clear: any! However, of course, there remain specialties in which women realize themselves more than men. Let’s talk further about what profession is best for a girl to choose.

What professions can you choose after 11th grade:

  • Medical field: nurse, doctor, cosmetologist, massage therapist;
  • Scope of cosmetic services: manicurist and pedicurist, makeup artist, stylist, hairdresser;
  • IT sphere: web designer, system administrator, programmer, project manager, product manager, tester;
  • Creative activity: actress, dancer, artist, designer, architect;
  • Social sphere: educator, teacher, sociologist, psychologist, social teacher;
  • Media field: editor, journalist, presenter, PR manager;
  • Economic sphere: economist, accountant, auditor, merchandiser.

And this is not a complete list of what profession a girl should choose. Let's take a closer look at all these areas of activity.

Medical field

As mentioned earlier, the field of medical services will never cease to be relevant, despite technological progress. Therefore, when choosing a profession in this field, you don’t have to worry that it will be difficult to find a job or that your specialty will become irrelevant. On the other hand, nowadays everything is changing very quickly, so you will constantly need to engage in self-development and not stand still.

Are you thinking about what profession to choose in the medical field? The most popular professions for girls: nurse, doctor of a narrow or broad focus, cosmetologist and massage therapist.

Medicine is taught only in medical universities. You can and should choose the direction according to your preferences. So, some love animals and want to save them, so they study to become veterinarians, others study surgery, and still others want to know everything and become a family doctor. It is also worth understanding that the training itself at medical universities lasts longer than at regular universities. If, as a rule, after four years of study a student already receives a bachelor's degree, then at a medical university the training lasts for eight years: six at the university and another two years at the internship.

If the prospect of an eight-year study does not appeal to you, but you are still drawn to the medical field, you can go to study to become a cosmetologist or massage therapist. A cosmetologist is a specialist who works with human skin, eliminating various skin defects. A cosmetologist can diagnose and treat skin diseases, perform minor operations to remove skin lesions, as well as perform Botox and tattooing. There is no training to become a cosmetologist in universities; there are special courses or beauty schools for this purpose, the training in which lasts from 1.5 months to six months.

A similar story is with the profession of a massage therapist: this is not taught at universities, but you can take courses, get a “crust” and earn money. There are many types of massages: general, therapeutic, sports, anti-cellulite. All of them are in demand, since a sedentary lifestyle always has a bad effect on the condition of muscles and joints, and people go to massage therapists to correct the situation. Note that doctors, cosmetologists, and massage therapists usually receive good salaries. Of course, it all depends on the level of professionalism and place of work.

Sphere of cosmetic services

Also, if after 11th grade girls do not want to sit at their desks at the university for another 4-6 years, they can become a manicure and pedicure master, learn makeup artistry or learn how to cut a haircut.

It is relatively easy to become a manicurist and pedicurist. To do this, you need to take specialized courses where you will be taught all the basic techniques, and will also be told about all the features of the profession. Courses can last either two weeks or several months - it all depends on the number of classes, their duration and information content. The cost of training also depends on the above factors. You need to understand that when choosing such a profession, you will first need to invest a considerable amount of money in training and equipment. Manicurists usually work with everything they own, so before recruiting clients, you will need to buy varnishes, a full set of tools, an LED lamp, etc.

Although the profession is in demand, people are wary of newbies and you may have to work for a while until you have regular clients. But then a stable income will be provided. This option is suitable for those who did not know.

Another popular profession for girls is makeup artist. The ability to apply makeup beautifully is a real art, which also needs to be learned in courses. There they will teach you how to properly apply this or that type of makeup and tell you how they differ (daytime, evening, wedding, business, men's and more). In addition, makeup artist courses teach how to choose the right cosmetics for different skin types, how to correct facial contours and mask imperfections, emphasize a certain part of the face using cosmetics, and much more. Which profession you can choose from the above, everyone decides for themselves.

IT sphere

The field of IT technologies is developing by leaps and bounds, and only the lazy did not want to become a programmer or system administrator after finding out how much IT specialists earn. Indeed, the field is very promising and over the next few years the demand for IT specialists will only increase, but not everyone knows what profession to choose in this field.

Let's look at the most popular of them:

  1. A programmer is a person who develops software. That is, he writes special code using programming languages ​​- a set of commands that the computer then executes. It may sound simple, but in reality, learning programming languages ​​and using them correctly is not an easy task. You can learn this at universities;
  2. A system administrator is a person who is responsible for the correct operation of certain software. The responsibilities of a system administrator can vary dramatically depending on where they work. So, in IT companies, the system administrator is responsible for the operation of the entire product that the company produces (websites, security systems, etc.), and in ordinary companies not related to IT services, such a specialist can configure computers. Of course, it is better to engage in the first option of activity - it is more interesting and they pay more for it. To do this, you need to be able to work on the Linux OS, know some programming languages ​​and speak technical English. This is also taught in universities;
  3. A web designer is a person who is responsible for the appearance of a website. The profession combines both a creative and technical part, because the task of a web designer is to make the site both beautiful and easy to use. And for this you need to have an artistic vision and know the basics of HTML layout. You can learn this either at technical departments at universities or on your own;
  4. A tester is a person who tests software. His task is to test a specific product or its components, find errors in operation and correct them. The tester must know the QL language, be able to work with MSSQL and Oracle databases, and also speak technical English. This can be learned in courses;
  5. Project and product manager are two people who are responsible for the final result of the project. Only the product is responsible for the final appearance of the product and its functionality, and the project is responsible for the process itself and regulates the work of the team. Both professions require that a specialist must understand the entire development process, know basic programming languages ​​at a basic level, and understand what each person on the team does in order to properly regulate their work. Project and product manager are one of the final stages of an IT specialist’s career, so you can only learn this on the job.

There are stereotypes that the IT sector is a man's job and there are almost no women there. However, this is not entirely true now. More and more girls are learning programming languages ​​and working on an equal basis with men. The main thing is knowledge, not gender.

Creative activity

It is generally accepted that women are more creative people. Indeed, it is difficult to find a girl who, as a child, did not go to dance classes, study singing or draw in art school. For many, such hobbies remain in childhood, but some creative people live by this and want to connect their lives with acting or dancing in the future.

To do this, you need to enroll in universities of culture and arts, where there are narrowly focused departments: acting, choreography or vocal studies. The training there is the same as in all other universities, but with an emphasis on creative development. And what creative profession to choose - everyone decides for himself. So, girls can study to become an actress, singer, dancer, photographer, or director. For those who were wondering, this is a good option.

Social sphere

The social sphere is no less popular among girls: sociology, psychology, teaching.

  • A sociologist is a person who conducts sociological research in various areas of life. He studies social problems and phenomena, the cause of their occurrence and further development. The field of activity of a sociologist can be radically different - from marketing to political science;
  • Teacher/teacher/educator are professions related to teaching and raising children. They differ only in the age of the children with whom they will need to work. So, a teacher works with preschoolers, a teacher teaches school-age children, and a teacher works with students;
  • A psychologist is a person who examines the client’s state of mind, looks for the cause of his problems and helps to solve them. A psychologist is a very popular profession among girls, and this is due to the fact that women by nature are good listeners. And by receiving professional education, many become excellent, sought-after specialists.

All of the above professions in the social sphere can be mastered at universities, at the departments of pedagogy, sociology and psychology. They are suitable for those who do not know what profession to choose in the humanities.

Media sphere

Probably every girl at least once, while watching the news, imagined herself in the place of a correspondent and dreamed of standing in the same frame, broadcasting important news on a national channel.

Dreams can come true if you decide to join the journalism department in some good university. This is a great option for those who don’t know what interesting profession to choose. So, you can choose the specialty of a journalist, editor, presenter or PR manager.

Journalist is a general concept that characterizes a variety of work. Both the editor of a news feed and the presenter of a program can be called a journalist. At the university, as a journalist, they teach all the main areas of activity that are related to the profession: writing texts, editing, working on camera, and more. This option is suitable for those who have not yet decided what profession to choose in the media. You can also initially choose a narrow specialization, for example, editor or presenter.

PR manager or specialist in the field of advertising and public relations is another profession close to journalism. A PR manager is a person who establishes communication between a company or person and the audience, interacting with the media and other channels of data dissemination. The field of PR is becoming more and more popular and in demand, and may appeal to those who do not know what profession to choose in 2019.

⏩ Video on the topic

Economic sphere

Working with numbers requires special attention and concentration, and girls with such qualities can choose a profession related to the economic sphere. For example, an economist, accountant, auditor or merchandiser.

  • ? A merchandiser is a person who represents the interests of a particular company and promotes its products on the market. That is, he makes sure that the product is in stock, that it looks good and attracts the buyer, and also analyzes the market, studies the business of competitors and develops a strategy for improving his product;
  • An economist is a person who is responsible for the economic strategy of an enterprise or company. This is a broad area of ​​activity. One economist may calculate the cost of goods or analyze supplier prices, while another may study the financial performance of an enterprise. All work is related to analytical activities;
  • An auditor is an independent expert who checks the financial and tax statements of companies, and also provides advice on eliminating errors in work. The auditor must know not only accounting and thoroughly master financial literacy, but also understand the law. After all, in order to find violations of the rules, you need to know all these rules. You can become an auditor with either an economic or legal education.


When choosing a future profession, it is advisable to focus on your own preferences (and not on the wishes of your parents/grandmothers/neighbors) and the demand for your chosen specialty. Of course, you shouldn’t search the Internet and focus only on them. After all, it can change even every month, as the world does not stand still. And what was needed last year may fall into oblivion next year.

Therefore, when analyzing what profession you should choose after 11th grade or, weigh all the pros and cons, study universities or courses that teach this craft, talk to people who are already working in this field, take career guidance tests and then the right one the choice will be easy to make.

In fact, our entire website was created so that you can choose the university that suits you. However, if you typed the title of the article into the search and ended up here, then you are clearly in great uncertainty. I will try on this page to help you dispel it and put your thoughts in order in your head.

So, where to go after 11th grade? Without water, in fact. We talked about choosing a profession in the article “”. So this article is specifically about choosing a university. Just in case, a key quote from choosing a profession:

If you don’t have a clear predisposition to something, look at your school diary and remember your lessons. Maybe you're better at talking about blue curtains on literature than solving quadratic equations, or vice versa. Maybe you have loved fixing cars since childhood. Are you computer savvy and do you like it? Be a prog. Do you love biology? A doctor.

It is important not to deceive yourself. If you want to be a doctor, but you don’t get a passing USE score in biology, then you don’t want to be a doctor.

Pay attention to these things and work with what you have. Listen to your feelings and try to exclude parents from this process as much as possible.

To start choosing your future place of study, answer the following questions (“I don’t know” can be the answer to the first 3 questions):

1) Which city do I want to go to?
2) Who do I want to apply for? (or at least field of activity)
3) Which exams do I take and how many points do I have/expect?
4) How much money can my parents give me per month?

They answered, they remembered... Just know that we have one of the most complete databases about Russian universities, their specialties and much more. All this will help you when choosing. We will look at the example of Moscow.

Where can you go after 11th grade if...

You DO NOT KNOW the city you will be entering, but you know all or part of the rest (specialty, which Unified State Exams)

Everything is simple here. You need to select a city and move on to the next point. Know that you can enter Moscow even with low Unified State Exam scores. If you have money, you can apply anywhere for anyone.

If you are going to MOSCOW or other LARGE CITIES, and now live in a small town, then for you.

If you, for example, know your future specialty, you can select a city by specialty: you will find a list of all directions in Russia. Select the desired specialty and see the universities where it is taught and the CITIES where there are universities teaching it.

Do you KNOW the city, DO YOU KNOW OR DO NOT KNOW Unified State Exam subjects, specialty

Select a city on the top left by clicking on “Select a city”, select the one you need and you will see ALL THE INFORMATION on higher education in that city. Next I will show the example of Moscow.

Selecting a university by specialty

If you know the specialty you plan to enroll in, then on the page of each city there is a link to a list of specialties for that particular city. Here, for example, . By clicking on a specific specialty, you will find a list of universities in the city where they teach it. Look for one that suits you based on passing scores and cost, call the university and study.

Selecting a university based on Unified State Exam subjects

If you cannot decide on a specialty and university, you can choose it based on the Unified State Exam subjects. Go here: , select a city, then a Unified State Exam subject and you will see a list of ALL specialties in a certain city, for admission to which you need a selected subject or set of subjects.

Another option is to open, walk around, see specialties. But this takes longer than the above methods.

Selection of everything at once

To select based on multiple criteria at once, use the filter located at the top of the site, for example, on the main page. There you can make a selection based on all criteria at once.

FAQ on topics, answers to the most frequently asked questions

Where should a guy go after 11th grade?

To any university, using the tips for selecting a university on our website.

Where should a girl go after 11?

In general, the range of universities for girls is the same as for boys. However, a number of military universities do not accept girls. With some rare exceptions. Use these instructions and find your university.

Where to apply after 11th grade profession, where to find the list?

List of universities by profession.

Every year, graduates around the world are faced with the question of where to go after 11th grade. Some people want to choose a more prestigious profession, others want to find something they like.

Study You can choose a full-time course of study in another city or even abroad, or receive knowledge by correspondence, enroll on a budget or study for a fee.

The world is open to graduates, but every year many say: “I don’t know where to go to study.” You can decide on a profession using tests.

Where should a girl go after 11th grade?

There are not many professions specifically for women; most professions today are suitable for both sexes. Among the many options, it is difficult for a girl to decide if she does not yet have specific preferences.

It is impossible to list all possible professions - in Russia the list of possible positions is measured in thousands.

The girl can choose the following options:

Direction Specialties
Economic Economist, manager of various areas, marketer, auditor, customs officer, state or municipal administration, accountant
Legal Legal consultant, lawyer, notary, prosecutor, law enforcement officer, forensic economic expert
Pedagogical Teacher of any field, including preschool and primary education, psychologist
Humanitarian Journalist, linguist, philologist, documentarian, philosopher, sociologist
Medicine and Dentistry Pharmacist, dentist, specialist in a specific area
Creative You can study to become a designer and then choose any direction
Veterinary medicine Profession of veterinarian, pharmacologist, physical education

A girl can study to become a seamstress, cosmetologist, clerk, or flight attendant (special schools). The list goes on and on.

Where can a guy go to study?

A boy can choose many specialties. Most professions are suitable for both genders.

Just like the girls A guy can choose to specialize as a doctor, teacher, dentist, veterinarian, psychologist, lawyer, economist, or even designer.

A young man can study to become a programmer, go to the Ministry of Emergency Situations, decide on the life of a military man, or choose a technical direction:

  • Builder.
  • Heat power engineer or heating engineer.
  • Energetic.
  • Mechanical engineer.
  • Constructor.
  • Metallurgist.
  • Architect.
  • Engineer.

It is not necessary to have good grades to choose a profession. It is easier for a C student to go to a less in demand specialty, where there are a sufficient number of places, or to choose paid training.

If you don’t have a certificate, but you graduated from school with a certificate, then you can wait a year and retake the exams or enroll in a special college program without the Unified State Exam, and after a year choose a university.

Pay attention! A deferment from the army is important for young men. It is provided at universities and colleges, but only for full-time study.

Test to determine future profession

Children rarely can decide exactly which specialty they like. You need to focus on your hobbies.

The profession of an investigator is suitable for someone who likes clues, athletes need a degree in physical education, and an aspiring artist has a direct path to the Academy of Arts.

If you are passionate about literature, you can become a librarian, editor, proofreader or writer.

If If there are no obvious preferences, then you can take the test. According to the method of the famous psychologist E.A.

Klimov there are 5 types of professions. The test is based on 20 points, each with two options.

At each point you need to choose one profession:

Option 1 Option 2
1 Animal care Maintenance of machines, instrumentation
2 Helping sick people, treatment Drawing up tables, diagrams, programs
3 Monitoring the quality of book illustrations Monitoring the condition and development of plants
4 Material processing Bringing goods to consumers
5 Discussion of articles, popular science books Discussion of fiction books, concerts, plays
6 Raising young animals (animals) Training comrades in performing actions
7 Copying designs or customizing tools Cargo control
8 Communication and clarification of information Decoration
9 Repair of products, things, housing Finding and correcting errors (texts, tables, pictures)
10 Animal treatment Perform calculations and calculations
11 Breeding new plant varieties Construction, projection
12 Analysis of disputes and quarrels, explanation, persuasion, encouragement and punishment Analysis of drawings of tables and diagrams
13 Observation and study of the activities of art circles Observing and studying the life of microbes
14 Maintenance and adjustment of medical devices Providing medical care
15 Produce accurate reports and descriptions Artistic description of events, their depiction
16 Hospital tests (laboratory) Reception and examination of patients, conversation, treatment
17 Painting or painting walls or products Installation of buildings, assembly of machines
18 Organization of excursions and hikes Stage, concerts
19 Manufacturing of parts according to drawings, construction of buildings Drawing, copying diagrams, maps
20 Control of plant diseases and pests Working on a keyboard machine

This test can be taken online. Based on its results, points are awarded for each direction. This makes it easier to narrow down the possible options.

Based on the test results, a person may gravitate toward the following areas:

  • Nature.
  • Technology.
  • To people.
  • Iconic technique (images).
  • Artistic image.

Everyone has directions have psychological requirements and a list of possible specialties. There are other tests that make choosing a profession easier.

List of prestigious and in-demand professions

Every person wants his specialty to be prestigious and in demand. This means choosing a place to work, decent pay and recognition.

The following areas are prestigious and in demand for Russia:

  • IT specialization.
  • Pedagogy.
  • Engineering design.
  • Jurisprudence.
  • Medicine.
  • Marketing.
  • Work with personnel.
  • Beauty industry.
  • Ecology.
  • Working specialties (subject to high qualifications).

Orienting For prestige, you need to choose the appropriate educational institution.

Among the best are Lomonosov Moscow State University, Bauman Moscow State Technical University, St. Petersburg State University, IME, National Research University Higher School of Economics.

Schoolchildren need to focus their exams on their future profession. Humanists should not neglect social studies, engineers and technologists should not neglect physics, and future programmers should not neglect computer science.

You must enter the medical field with passed biology and chemistry, and the Faculty of Geography is directly related to geography.

To choose The future specialty must be approached with special care.

It is important to choose a suitable direction and educational institution so that the profession is in demand and loved.

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