Oils for luxurious hair were used long before the advent of factory-made shampoos and conditioners. Beauties from every corner of the planet had their own oil secret of beauty - Italian olive, American almond, Asian coconut, native Russian flax...

Today, natural cosmetics are once again crowding the shelves of every home with jars of healing chemicals. Natural oils are affordable, safe for health, and most importantly, they work comprehensively: they nourish, heal, improve hair growth and stop hair loss.

Benefits of hair oils

Not all oils are created equal—they are beneficial in different ways! Several dozen oil emulsions are used to care for curls, and each of them has its own healing properties. Some moisturize and nourish strands, others tidy up the sebaceous glands and eliminate oiliness, others treat dandruff and heal split ends...

What are the general benefits of hair oils?

  1. The main value of any oil is tocopherol (vitamin E). It nourishes and restores the hair structure, treats split ends, and helps cope with fragility.
  2. B vitamins work on several fronts at once: they strengthen, restore shine, and protect each strand from city toxins, scorching sun and other environmental hazards.
  3. A complex of organic acids (palmitic, stearic, oleic, linoleic, etc.) restores shine and elasticity, restores strands after constant dyeing, perm, styling with curling irons and flat irons.
  4. Valuable minerals (magnesium, calcium, selenium, etc.) strengthen hair follicles, stop hair loss and enhance hair growth, and make curls soft and manageable when styling.

The most popular oils for hair restoration

We can talk about the benefits of hair oils for a long time, but which of them are the most miraculous for our hair? For oil spa treatments (regular washing, masks, conditioners), you can use products from three different groups. These are unrefined culinary (flaxseed, olive, etc.) and cosmetic emulsions (burdock, almond, jojoba, apricot/grape seed, etc.). And also - all kinds of fragrant essential oils (lavender, rosemary, tangerine, etc.).

The most effective and popular hair oils among girls and women all over the planet are recognized:

  • olive;
  • castor;
  • burdock;
  • linen;
  • coconut;
  • almond;
  • peach and apricot kernels;
  • grape seed;
  • mustard;
  • sea ​​buckthorn;
  • wheat germ;
  • jojoba;
  • aroma oils (jasmine, lemon, pine and others - more than 30 in total).

Hair treatment with oils

Many cosmetologists advise making oil masks for curls 1-2 times a month - just for prevention. But treating hair with oils can give excellent results if you choose the right product. Did the problem appear recently? Then the oil doctors will do a great job themselves. And if your hair is seriously ill, the oil will become a full-fledged part of complex therapy.

  • If the hairs fall off your scalp with terrible force, and new ones do not want to grow, you need treatments with a special oil - for hair growth. These are castor oil, burdock, almonds, argan and macadamia.
  • Castor, burdock, St. John's wort emulsions, macadamia and argan can cope with severe oiliness and cure dandruff.
  • If your hair has been badly damaged by aggressive dyes, curling irons and perms, coconut oil, sea buckthorn oil, peach oil, corn oil, jojoba oil and avocado oil will help.
  • When treating hair with oils, you can’t do without esters - among these fragrant healers you can find a remedy for almost any problem. Melissa, tea tree, eucalyptus and orange will remove dandruff; pine, mint, cypress, ylang-ylang will stop hair loss. Jasmine, sandalwood, rosemary, geranium and vetiver can bring damaged strands back to life.

Rules for using oils for various types of hair

Any hair oil is a special, delicate product that requires special handling. In order for your curls to fully experience the benefits of oil therapy, it is important to follow a few simple rules.

  1. Unrefined varieties spoil quickly, so keep them in the refrigerator. Before use, you can slightly warm it up in a water bath, but not more than 30-35ºС.
  2. Try different recipes. Oil is a universal product in cosmetology. You can make masks with it, enrich your shampoo and conditioner with it, and use it as an independent conditioner for styling.
  3. Always consider your hair type and problem. If your hair begins to thin, rub medicinal oil into the skin and hair roots. When the strands dry out and split heavily, lubricate the ends more often. If the hairs break, the hair has become dull and unruly, apply the emulsion along the entire length.
  4. Change your means. In cosmetology, an individual approach is very important. There are a lot of different oils for hair care, and if one doesn’t help you, you’ll definitely like another.

Recipes with oils to nourish hair

To nourish weakened and tired curls, you can use almost any base oil - both as part of masks and on its own. If you don’t want to prepare a complex mixture, just heat the emulsion in a water bath, apply evenly to the roots of the hairs, put on a shower cap and wrap with a towel. You can keep it from one and a half hours to the whole night. Just don’t take off your cap so as not to stain your underwear.

Nourishing mask with coconut oil

Heat one large spoon of coconut base, add a teaspoon of liquid honey. If the curls are long, the portion can be doubled. Rub thoroughly into your hair, making sure that the oil is distributed evenly. Wrap it up, wait 30 minutes and wash it off.

Nourishing mask of three oils

This mixture will help revive dry locks in the winter season. We take equal parts of olive, jojoba and wheat germ emulsions, heat them a little and distribute them over each strand. We insulate our head and rest for 1.5-2 hours while the mask is in effect.

Recipes with oils for hair treatment

Dandruff, brittle hair, rapid hair loss - all these are signs that your hair is sick and asks for help. Oil spa treatments will help you cope with trouble.

Sea buckthorn mask for hair loss with burdock

Hair treatment with oils is unthinkable without sea buckthorn. You need to steam the burdock roots (2 spoons per third glass of water), wait 20 minutes until they brew. Cool, add 2 large spoons each of sea buckthorn and burdock oil. Thoroughly rub into the scalp and roots of the hairs, distribute along the entire length, not forgetting the ends. Keep for about half an hour.

Firming anti-dandruff mask

Take 2 large spoons of pharmaceutical burdock oil and fresh orange juice, add a small spoon of liquid honey, 3 drops of lavender and tea tree aromatic oils. Keep for at least an hour, treatment course – once a week until all symptoms disappear.

Recipes with oils for hair growth

Most often, hot seasonings and herbal decoctions are used to enhance the growth of new hairs. But oil for hair growth is also an excellent option - especially if it is made based on herbs and those same seasonings.

Mustard oil mask

To achieve a long and thick braid, it is not necessary to conjure cosmetic mixtures and prepare complex masks. Mustard oil works great on its own - all you need is your hair balm. Mix 2 tablespoons of balm with a spoon of liquid mustard and apply to problem roots (the ends can be lubricated with olive oil). Wrap it up, wait half an hour and wash it off with shampoo.

Castor oil mask

Castor oil is the basis of many masks for active hair growth. You need to take a couple of tablespoons of castor oil, add 3-4 tablespoons of parsley juice (can be replaced with onion juice or cognac), mix well and coat the roots of the strand. Keep for 30 to 60 minutes.

Essential oils for hair

Today, tempting rows of dozens of fragrant essential oils are lined up in any pharmacy or health store. These small bottles are indispensable for caring for curls: they nourish, reduce oiliness, treat dandruff, and help restore shine and softness. And what a charming smell remains on the hair after such cosmetic procedures! I just can’t convey...

Using essential oil for hair is very simple, the only ban– do not use in pure form. Be sure to dissolve 3-4 drops of your favorite essential oil in a base oil or regular shampoo/conditioner.

For dry hair, emulsions with the scent of lavender, ylang-ylang, chamomile, myrrh, rosewood, and jasmine are suitable. Grapefruit, patchouli, ginger, and bergamot will help cleanse oily curls and keep them clean and full for longer. Lavender and tea tree, calamus, patchouli, and orange will help prevent dandruff. Cinnamon, ginger, mint, nutmeg, and cloves will accelerate growth.

All kinds of oils for the care and treatment of curls are one of the most ancient and proven remedies. In order not to get lost in the abundance of oils, be sure to read about the properties of oils, application features and listen to your hair. Be beautiful!

Vegetable hair oil can be a worthy alternative to expensive masks, shampoos and conditioners. Manufacturers do not always disclose the composition of cosmetic products; there is a high probability of purchasing a fake and damaging your hair.

With natural high-quality oils, such risks are practically absent. After all, it is a natural remedy, saturated with the most useful components. Unlike cosmetics, oils do not contain synthetic additives or harmful chemicals. The most important thing is to choose the right type of oil and follow the recommendations for its use.

Types and benefits of vegetable oils

Seeds and fruits of oilseeds, nuts, and oil-containing plant processing residues are used as raw materials for the production of natural oils.

The beneficial properties of vegetable oil largely depend on production technology. Extraction uses chemicals that may remain in the product after the process is complete. When produced using cold technology, almost all useful substances are preserved:

  • polyunsaturated fatty acids Omega-3 and Omega-6;
  • polyunsaturated hydrocarbon squalene;
  • vitamins A, E, D, K, F, lecithin, phytoncides.

They are found in varying quantities in vegetable oils, the most popular being:

  • Sunflower – contains a record concentration of vitamin E, and is the best basis for cosmetic masks. Effectively restores damaged structure, heals, nourishes and moisturizes the skin.
  • Olive is a universal product and is popular. Use promotes hair growth, prevents hair loss, eliminates inflammation, and disinfects the skin.
  • – rich in vitamin F and microelements. Activates hair growth, restores hair follicles, nourishes the skin, and eliminates dandruff.
  • Mustard – has antibacterial properties. Effective in the treatment of seborrhea and dandruff. It is an excellent care product for hair prone to oiliness, normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, and promotes active growth.
  • Burdock is the best remedy for combating hair loss, dandruff and a number of other problems. For hair prone to oiliness, it is recommended to use it as part of multi-component masks.
  • – the best remedy for eliminating age-related changes in hair. Activates growth and gives softness. Has a beneficial effect on the skin.
  • Coconut is neutral, absorbs well and penetrates deep into the skin and hair structure. Creates a layer that protects from high temperature, wind, and UV radiation. Suitable for colored hair, nourishes it well and eliminates dryness.
  • Argan is exotic and expensive. Helps restore metabolism, makes hair soft, shiny, manageable.
  • Apricot – suitable for sensitive scalps. Provides hydration and nutrition to weakened, damaged hair, making it elastic and vibrant.
  • Avocado oil is a champion in lecithin content. It has restorative properties, eliminates dryness and fragility.
  • – is a thick protein shake that, when used, creates a protective shell and nourishes the hair with beneficial substances without weighing it down.
  • Wheat germ oil is an ideal remedy for dry and brittle strands. It has a viscous consistency, so it is advisable to include it in mixtures.
  • – contains a high concentration of vitamins E and A, regenerates the skin and damaged hair, giving it a beautiful silky shine.
  • – stimulates growth, strengthens roots and revitalizes dry strands with split ends.
  • – rich in vitamins E, F and group B, has a complex effect, nourishes with beneficial components, eliminates dryness, relieves inflammation, and activates growth.

The listed vegetable oils are basic; they can be used as the main component for masks, as well as for adding essential oils, which are not recommended for use in their pure form.

A high-quality herbal product will not contain mineral additives, so when purchasing, you must carefully study its composition.

How to choose oil according to hair type and color

To get rid of problems and improve the condition of your hair, you need to select hair oils according to their type:

  • Oily hair. Recommended for oily hair - argan, olive, which will moisturize the skin and hair without weighing it down.
  • Normal hair. Almond oil and jojoba will nourish and moisturize your hair without being too greasy. Olive and linseed will improve the structure and restore healthy shine.
  • Dry hair. Olive, coconut, mustard, argan or will relieve dry skin and split ends, and add vibrant shine.

Dark-haired girls who often use hair dryers and straighteners can improve the condition and appearance of their hair with sesame or almond oil.

What problems can be fixed

With the help of high-quality vegetable oil, you can eliminate many problems associated with hair loss, poor growth, dandruff, increased oiliness or excessive dryness.

The use of burdock oil during chemotherapy helps keep the hair follicles alive and stimulates further hair growth. This product effectively fights hair loss and baldness, regardless of the reasons for this phenomenon.

If after sunbathing on the beach, visiting the pool or dyeing your hair has become dry and unattractive, a mask with burdock oil will restore its vitality and shine.

With the help of sunflower oil, you can quickly moisturize your skin and hair, get rid of dandruff, inflammation, nourish your hair and make it shiny.

Gives a noticeable healing effect for hair loss, allows you to maintain the balance of nutrients in the winter. An improvement in the appearance of your hair will be noticeable within two weeks after using the hair oil.

Eliminates dandruff and seborrhea. – has a complex effect on roots and ends, restores structure.

Any vegetable oil for hair will be useful if used correctly.

Mask recipes for different hair types

For hair it can be used in its pure form, applied before washing. A small amount of argan oil for hair can be used instead of leave-in cosmetic balms.

If you add a little essential oil to the base hair oil, heat it and distribute it along the length, you get the effect of a hot wrap.

Masks are an excellent home care product.

For normal hair

1 tbsp. l. base oil, cognac and honey + raw yolk.

Mix all ingredients, rub into skin, cover hair with oil, wrap and leave for 40-60 minutes. Then rinse thoroughly with water.

For dry hair

1 tsp. olive and linseed oil, honey + 2 tsp. aloe juice + 5 drops each of oily vitamin A and E + raw yolk.

You can use other oils for dry hair as a base. Mix everything, heat a little, rub into the roots and distribute along the length. Leave for 50-60 minutes so that the hair absorbs the oil, then rinse.

For oily hair

2 tbsp. spoons of dry mustard, water and burdock oil + a few drops of vitamin A and E, essential mint or lemon oil + raw yolk.

Add oil and yolk to mustard powder diluted with water, mix everything. Rub only into the scalp, leave for 30-60 minutes, then rinse thoroughly.

Do not coat oily hair with oils.

Vegetable oils have been used by humans since ancient times. Some types of this product have amazing properties, and their production is a unique process.

  • Flaxseed oil contains a record concentration of Omega-3 fatty acids, which are not synthesized by the human body.
  • With the correct production technology, the temperature should not exceed +47º C. Otherwise, the product cannot be considered organic.
  • Pumpkin seed oil contains the maximum amount of zinc, which is necessary for beautiful skin and hair. This substance is an essential component for protein synthesis.
  • Burdock is obtained from the roots of burdock, and not from the bright, prickly flowers. It contains many vitamins and mineral salts, as well as tannins.
  • Jojoba contains chemical elements identical to wax. It is obtained from the fruits of an evergreen shrub growing in Mexico, Israel, and Argentina. It retains its properties for a long time, which was confirmed by the analysis of oil residues found in the pyramids of Egypt.
  • Argan is rightfully considered precious. To obtain one liter of product, 1 quintal of seeds from the fruit of a tree that grows only in the biosphere reserve in Morocco is manually processed.
  • For maximum effect, the oil must be slightly warmed in a water bath before use so that the nutrients better penetrate the hair structure and skin.
  • The oil should be applied with gentle massage movements. This way, beneficial substances will be better absorbed into the skin and regulate the function of the sebaceous glands.
  • If you plan to use a mixture of base and essential oils, you must first test for an allergic reaction. To do this, the area of ​​skin on the inside of the elbow is lubricated with the mixture. If after some time redness or burning appears, then it is worth choosing other components.
  • Combing with oil is the simplest grooming procedure. To do this, apply a small amount of oil to the comb and go through the comb well.
  • For thickness and shine of hair, use a mask with the addition of grape seed oil, jojoba, which is applied to moistened hair for half an hour, after which it is washed off well with warm water.
  • To ensure that the oil in your hair is better absorbed and washed off more easily, you should add raw yolk to it before application.
  • A small amount of mustard added to the oil will provide a warming effect and make it easier to wash off the mask.

Beautiful and healthy hair is the pride of its owner, the subject of admiration for men and the envy of women. Beauty salons offer a varied range of services for those who want to get the hair of their dreams, but there are more affordable and no less effective means for achieving the desired effect at home - hair oils.

The video shows a trichologist's opinion on hair oils.

Types and benefits

The main advantage of oils is that they consist of natural ingredients. The most useful are those obtained by cold pressing. They contain proteins and fats, tannins, various vitamins, macroelements and fatty acids, which help normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands, have a beneficial effect on the condition of the hair, making it healthier, shiny and silky.

High-quality, properly selected oil can be a real lifesaver for damaged hair. Thanks to their valuable composition, various oils strengthen and restore hair from roots to ends, help solve the problem of dandruff, itching and seborrhea, can nourish hair, moisturize it, make it easier to comb, give a healthy look and natural shine, and replace several jars of oil at once. various means on the shelves of many beauties.

They also create a thin protective film on the surface of the hair, which retains moisture deep in the shaft and protects curls during styling using hot air and high temperatures, such as a hair dryer or curling iron.

How many oils - so many effects

Despite the fact that any oil has several properties at once, for proper use it is necessary to understand what types of oils exist and what problems they can solve.

It is traditional to distinguish between basic, essential and cosmetic.

Basic or herbal- these are those oils that are used as the only component or as a basis for masks from several types of oils, various components and esters. Popular representatives of the species: unrefined coconut oil, external castor oil, burdock oil, olive oil, flax seed oil, corn oil, peach oil, almond oil. An important feature of base oils is their ability to penetrate the hair cuticle.


The better the penetrating properties, the more effective the use will be. Coconut, olive and avocado give maximum results. The rest do not have the ability to penetrate deep into the hair cuticle, but can have a healing effect, especially due to penetration into the scalp. Among them are peach, almond, flaxseed, argan and burdock oils.

The fat content of the oil is the key to its cosmetic and healing effect. Based on this quality, they distinguish between dry, semi-fat and fatty oils.

Dry obtained from cocoa beans, grapes, jojoba. Products of this type are maximally absorbed by the skin, do not weigh down the hair, and are suitable for thinning and brittle curls.

Bold– olive, almond, avocado are the most complementary remedies. Suitable for treating and nourishing various types of hair, they are an excellent base for therapeutic masks and can be washed off without any extra effort after use.

Fatty ones include, for example, argan and castor oils. Such products are good because they activate the hair follicles and have a strengthening effect on the curls, but they weigh them down and require additional effort to completely rinse off.

Aroma oils and essential oils – applied externally. They must be of natural origin, and can only be used in diluted form and can be used in small quantities in the form of a spray. Esters are produced by cold pressing of plant materials. Due to the peculiarities of the process, they retain all the natural properties of the plant and are a highly effective medicinal product. Improvement with the help of such oils is guaranteed. You should look for them on the shelves of pharmacies and stores specializing in the sale of eco-products.

Cosmetic oils of industrial origin are the fruits of the work of cosmetic companies. In the composition of such a product it is easy to detect several natural oils, both basic and aromatic or essential, and many other components, including silicones, glycerin, dyes, preservatives, stabilizers, and perfume elements. In addition to the main elements, the composition may include additional vitamins, pearlescent pigment, and protective UF filters. The primary purpose of such products is express care, nutrition and cosmetic effect, therefore they are distinguished by ease of use, functionality and compact packaging.

Leave-in oils in serum, spray, fluid and conditioner formats are very convenient and popular. These include products for restoring split ends, straightening curly hair and taming unruly curls, enhancing volume, adding smoothness, softness and shine, and thermal protection products. All of them have a delicate texture, are easily distributed throughout the hair, without leaving a greasy film on the hands or weighing down the strands, and give noticeable results from the very beginning of use.

Application methods

Cosmetic products are undoubtedly a lifesaver for many types of hair damage, but they must be used with caution so as not to get the effect of unwashed hair instead of luxurious curls. The main condition is to apply the product without getting on the roots. The best way is to carefully distribute the oil over clean, dried curls, focusing on the ends, then the hair will look vibrant and shiny, without heaviness and grease at the roots.

Features of choice

All oils have individual properties. Some have a complex effect, others have a local effect, some are more suitable for thin skin, others for thick skin, and others for normal skin. There are oils that need to be distributed along the length of the hair, and those that are intended for application to the scalp, there are products for natural hair, and there are products for colored or bleached hair, to protect against problematic dryness and to get rid of oily shine. The choice of the appropriate option always depends on the initial data and the desired effect.

There are as many types of oil treatments as there are types of hair.

Hair can be dense and thin, thick and sparse, prone to oiliness, dry, normal or mixed type. Each of them requires special treatment and care. Thin skin and those prone to fat are the most difficult to care for. Representatives of these types often avoid treatment with oils, fearing to use thick and dense textures for hair that is already quite oily. However, they also need hydration and nutrition; you just need to choose the right solution.

The best oil for combating oiliness is jojoba; it provides the necessary nutrition, hydration and softness. And juniper oil dries and eliminates unsightly shine at the roots. Can be used as an additive to shampoo or conditioner, or in tandem with others, such as sage oil.

Hair prone to dryness and fine hair are a little less demanding. The ideal oil for this type of curls is obtained from wheat germ. It contains essential vitamins, antioxidants, acids and microelements that will give your hair a luxurious look and saturate it with moisture. It is also suitable for those with unruly curly hair that has a porous structure.

Hair of normal type that does not require special care should choose products that provide thickness, accelerated growth and maintain its natural beauty. For example, burdock, as well as broccoli, camellia and flax oils.

Natural oils will be useful for those who like to dye and lighten their hair. They will make the new color more pigmented and expressive, and reduce the risk of drying out. And, if your hair is already damaged, you can revive it with castor oil. This product can work wonders and bring even dull, weak and lifeless curls back to life.

For problems with seborrhea, itching, dandruff, and excessive dryness, tangerine oil will help. Patchouli will save you from bacterial skin lesions, and rosewood contains the best active ingredients that act to regenerate the scalp and hair.

For those who want to grow Rapunzel's braid, the best helpers will be: traditional olive, burdock, castor, mustard, coconut, flaxseed, peach and almond, representatives of citrus fruits, mint, cornflower and tea tree.

To keep your hair strong, you should use eucalyptus, jasmine, ylang-ylang, all citrus oils, sandalwood, basil, bergamot, rosemary, and beya oil.

Burdock, almond seed oil, Iranian oil, castor oil, flaxseed oil, unrefined coconut oil, corn oil, argan oil, and wheat germ oil will help prevent split ends.

For moisturizing and against fragility, vegetable oils of peach, almond, hemp, apricot, anise are perfect, and palm, argan and sesame oils are also good.


There are about a dozen ways to use oils, which should also be chosen taking into account the condition and characteristics of the hair. Very damaged hair will benefit from ghee in overnight masks. To prepare them, the mixture of oils is preheated in a water bath and applied to the hair while warm. The procedure is carried out at night, the hair is wrapped in cotton cloth or a cap is put on. In the morning, you need to rinse your hair well with shampoo. To restore damage, the oil is applied to the roots or scalp with massaging movements, then kept under a warm towel for as long as prescribed in the recipe for a particular mask.

Positive changes will be noticeable within a few weeks if you drop a little of your favorite oil into a bottle of shampoo and hair conditioner. You can also warm a couple of drops in your palms and apply to clean, damp hair, carefully distributing it throughout the hair no closer than 5-10 centimeters to the roots. Such procedures enhance the effectiveness of cosmetics, make combing easier, protect hair from high temperatures, UF rays, disinfectants in the pool, and also allow you to treat hair with maximum comfort.

For quick results and reliable styling, you can apply a cosmetic product to your hair in the form of a spray, conditioner or serum.

Top 10 rating and reviews

Like any other product, hair oil can be of more or less quality, earning positive and negative reviews. You can buy pure oil at a pharmacy or store and experiment with the composition and proportions, or you can take a closer look at ready-made cosmetic products that have already proven themselves on the market. Including budget options that you can safely trust with your hair.

Opens the top ten Elixir Ultime from Kerastase. It’s difficult to call this product budget, but for one use you need so little that economical use on wet and dry hair justifies the price. The elixir contains four important components: oil of corn kernels, camellia and argan, and a secret ingredient - Pracaxi oil, which is developed by the brand itself. This product will nourish and heal the scalp.

Second place goes to Black Seed Dry Oil from Kardashian Beauty. Even if you are tired of Kim Kardashian, you should not ignore the product produced under her name. One bottle of dry black cumin oil contains enough vitamins and nutrients to give your hair the same smoothness and shine as the star herself. Suitable for daily use.

The following product can be called optimal in terms of price and quality. Mythic Oil from L'Oréal Professionnel It is distinguished by its fat content and the ability to tame even the most obstinate curls, and also saturates them with the necessary elements of argan oil and rice bran. Those with fine hair should use with caution.

MO Treatment byMoroccanoil in fourth position. The well-known “liquid gold” from a well-known brand is perfect for nourishing, combing (can be used as a mask for several hours before washing) and adding to hair cosmetics. The main thing is not to overdo it, otherwise the curls will become heavy and stale in appearance. It is inexpensive and can be purchased at a discount in any online store.

Fifth place goes to the restorative elixir Luxe Oil from System Professional. A real savior for those who have a bad situation. The drug restores even dry and brittle hair without weighing down the curls. But caution never hurts - don’t press the dispenser more than once or twice.

The sixth place in the top goes to a luxurious product for luxurious hair - Nourishing Moisture by Macadamia Professional. A beautiful jar with oriental motifs on the packaging contains a miracle remedy - Australian macadamia nut oil. The product strengthens hair thanks to the proteins in its composition, makes it elastic, and weighs it down in a good way. Lovers of thick textures and sweet oriental aromas will like it.

Argan Oil from CHI, as well as MO Treatment from Moroccanoil The spray is suitable for nourishing masks before washing your hair, but is more suitable for budget products. In addition, having a pleasant texture and good composition, Argan Oil has a magical, truly perfumery aroma.

Polynesian Monoi Radiance Oil from The Body Shop will be appreciated by all lovers of exotic and multifunctional products in their cosmetic bag. This unique blend of coconut oil and Tahitian gardenia from the Polynesian Islands cares for skin and hair at the same time. The oil lies pleasantly on the curls, saturates the skin with moisture and improves tone, leaving a luxurious trail of exotic floral and fruity aroma. It’s simply impossible to try it!

In penultimate place is Argan-6 from Redken. The product is ideal for regenerating the structure and restoring shine to thin and damaged hair. In addition to restoring, nourishing and moisturizing, it performs the function of thermal protection and smells amazingly pleasant. In order to save money, it is better to purchase from a company online store.

Last on the list and first in terms of budget, but not inferior to the others in effectiveness, is "6 Miracles" by Gliss Kur. Combining pequia, marula, argan and monoi oils, this beauty elixir alone solves six problems: adds softness, protects against high temperatures, reduces split ends, helps maintain style, tame frizz and gives hair a luxurious look.

There is an alternative to most of these products among natural oils, which can be purchased at a pharmacy or eco-store. It is not necessary to purchase well-known brands in the fight for luxurious hair; the main thing to remember is that any product should be used in moderation and only after testing for an allergic reaction.

Vegetable oils (castor, coconut, flaxseed, burdock) act as base oils, and various ointments are created on their basis. Their benefit lies in their high content of fatty acids that are beneficial to the body. Essential oils contain active substances that are antiseptic and antimicrobial.. They are able to regenerate the skin, preserve and maintain the beauty of the body and hair, and support the human body.

First you need to determine your scalp and hair type.:

IMPORTANT! When choosing an oil, you need to pay attention to its fat content and correlate it with your hair type.

Depending on the fat content, oils are divided into three groups:

  1. Fat– viscous, making the strands heavy (castor, palm, wheat germ, shea).
  2. Bold– they are lighter and better absorbed (olive, almond oil).
  3. Dry oils do not create a greasy film, do not weigh down thin and weak hair, are well absorbed (grape seed oil, rosemary)

Review of the best products

  • Coconut oil.

    You can find refined and unrefined. The latter retains all the substances the body needs, which is why it is considered more beneficial for hair. Coconut oil contains polyunsaturated fatty acids: oleic acid moisturizes hair, and caprylic acid controls sebum production.

    It is best to use the oil on dry, brittle hair. It will give elasticity and silkiness. When used regularly on the scalp, coconut oil will relieve you of dandruff, itching and redness.

    You can purchase coconut oil online or in stores that specialize in eco-products. The price varies from 200 to 2000 rubles. depending on package size. For example, a small jar of 100 ml. will cost about 300 rubles.

  • Tea tree oil.

    This product has many useful properties, which is why it is used as an antiseptic in medicine, aromatherapy, and cosmetology.

    Oil made in Australia is considered to be of the highest quality. Its healing properties help fight scalp diseases: lice, dandruff, which is caused by a fungal infection, activate hair growth, eliminate oiliness and restore shine.

    ATTENTION! Tea tree oil can dry out the skin, so it is better to use the substance on oily hair and only in combination with other oils.

    This product is easy to purchase. It is sold in almost every pharmacy or store that stocks essential oils. The price is 50-150 rubles. depending on the manufacturer.

  • Linseed oil.

    It is considered a unique and indispensable product. It contains the largest amount of useful substances, consisting of essential polyunsaturated fatty acids, which we get only from food: Omega-3, 6, 9. Most often it is taken orally, aromatic gold is considered especially useful for women.

    It supports reproductive function and has a positive effect on the functioning of female hormones, and also improves the appearance of skin, nails and hair.

    However, in cosmetology this product is also used quite often. It does a good job of restoring weakened and damaged hair and gives it shine.

    Due to its low fat content, the oil is suitable for all types. You can buy flaxseed oil in grocery stores and pharmacy chains. It is better to choose cold-pressed oil, because... it contains more beneficial properties. The price is very affordable from 100 rubles.

  • Lavender oil.

    Moisturizes hair, removes inflammation on the scalp, heals wounds and improves blood flow.

    You can use it for aromatherapy: apply a little to a comb and run through your hair.

  • Chamomile oil.

    Used in hair masks, eliminates dandruff and strengthens hair follicles.

    It is hypoallergenic and can restore the normal condition of the skin.

  • Myrrh oil.

    Strengthens hair and prevents hair loss.

    Myrrh oil also eliminates itching and flaking of the scalp.

  • Rosemary oil.

    Useful rosemary oil for hair and scalp helps eliminate dandruff and oiliness, and also strengthens dry hair and soothes the scalp.

    These oils can be found in pharmacies. The cost of packaging will not exceed 300 rubles.

Rules of application

  1. You need to apply the oil to your hair while it is warm before washing your hair. You can add essential oils to the basic ones to enhance the healing effect. You need to rub the product along the partings, massaging, and then distribute it evenly throughout the curls with a comb. After this, the head is wrapped in plastic wrap or a special cap is put on and wrapped in a towel. After 1-2 hours, wash off with shampoo.
  2. It is important not to overheat the oil mixture. Its temperature should not exceed 40°C so as not to lose its beneficial properties.
  3. If you want to protect your hair, then add a little essential substance to shampoos, masks or balms.
  4. Do not use oils more than once a week if your hair is dry. For oily hair types, limit oil treatments to once every 2 weeks.

IMPORTANT! Remember about contraindications: individual intolerance, pregnancy, allergies.

Perform sensitivity test before use: Drop a little on the crook of your elbow or wrist and observe how your skin reacts. If you do not have itching or redness, then you can safely apply this product.

Mask recipes


Mix, apply to hair, wrap in a towel and leave for 1 hour.

A popular personal care product is for hair.

Good oils have a cosmetological and healing effect. The useful product is inexpensive, and most importantly, there is no need to go to the salon at all, since all procedures can be performed at home.

But the compositions differ from each other, so for beautiful, healthy hair you need to choose the best of them. There are two types of products - basic and essential.

What oils can you apply to your hair? Is it really beneficial to use natural products to care for your curls?

Basic products and their benefits

Base oils (another name is bases) are the most common.

Their main difference is that they can be used undiluted, pure, and therefore can be an independent cosmetic product.

The most effective means are considered to be unrefined, which are prepared by cold pressing.

The rich chemical composition, high saturation with vitamins, fats and other beneficial substances explains the popularity of base oils.

The best base oils for hair:

  • - combines a lot of useful substances. The composition will be an indispensable tool in the treatment of seborrhea, for strengthening and nourishing curls, and improving their growth. Used to moisturize strands that have become thin and dry after numerous dyes, to solve the problem of split ends. Burdock oil provides curls with natural shine.
  • — absorbs well and does not leave a greasy film. Used to moisturize curls and give them a healthy look. Strengthens strands and stimulates their growth. For greater effect, you can use it together with burdock.
  • — simultaneously nourishes the curls and provides them with protection. Minimizes protein loss when washing with ready-made shampoos, so it is better to use coconut oil every time before washing your hair. Penetrating into the structure of the strands, it prevents damage when drying or combing.
  • - number one in biological value. It is most often used to treat dry hair and split ends. Curls become stronger and thicker, and the condition of the scalp is normalized. Equally effective in its natural form and as part of masks.
  • - has a unique chemical composition. When applied, it forms a protective layer. Cleanses strands of industrial residues and makes natural shades brighter. This is a natural conditioner that makes hair more shiny, manageable, normalizing its structure.

List of popular broadcasts

Essential oils are aromatic mixtures extracted from plants.

Unlike basic ones, they cannot be used in their pure form due to their high concentration.

Even a few drops give the desired effect, so you need to handle them carefully so as not to cause allergies or chemical burns.

Esters are usually used in the form of masks, in combination with other oils, spices, citrus fruits, etc.

High-quality esters should be produced in a bottle made of dark glass only.

Best essential oils:

Do not use hair oils that contain added chemicals or silicone.

These are no longer pure, but synthetic products, which accumulate in the strands, have a delayed negative effect.

Curls will become brittle, and if you do not stop using the compounds, rejection processes will begin. Some esters that are phototoxic should not be used in summer.

They become toxic when exposed to sunlight. Such esters cause damage to the scalp and hair.- increased sensitivity, fragility, unhealthy appearance.

Allergies may develop. There are many phototoxic compounds, for example, ginger oil, lime oil, and carrot seeds.

Possible harm

Sometimes there are complaints that oil formulations dry out curls.

This is especially true for girls with dyed rather than natural hair.

But it’s not the oil that’s to blame for curls becoming stiffer and drier. It does not dry, but simply washes off the remnants of paints and industrial cosmetics.

Many products contain silicone, which fills the voids in the structure of the strands, giving the effect of shiny, smooth hair. However, silicone has no healing properties, it simply helps improve the appearance of hair.

Therefore, after discontinuing silicone-containing formulations and switching to a natural product, it may seem that the shine of the curls has disappeared, they have dried out and lost their attractiveness.

Natural care must be continued(in this case, you need to get rid of damaged strands, for example, mercilessly trim the split ends), since bases and esters have a cumulative positive effect.

The reason that hair oil dries out curls may be that girls overexpose the masks on their heads, and instead of the recommended thirty to forty minutes, they keep them on for several hours.

To do this, you need to soap and rinse your hair several times.

This is not very good for curls, especially if aggressive shampoos are used.

Then improper care and non-compliance with recommendations are to blame for dry hair.

The harm may include an allergic reaction. To avoid this, before applying any natural product to your curls, you need to lubricate a small area of ​​the skin.

If everything is fine after a few hours, then you can safely treat your curls.

You can learn from a specialist from the following video about which oils are good for hair and whether natural esters can be used to care for hair:

Oil is a healthy, completely natural and affordable product.

With its help you can transform any hair. The main thing is to use it correctly, carefully selecting the composition for yourself.