Final leisure time in the 2nd junior group
"Visiting Grandma and Grandpa"
Goal: to summarize, consolidate and systematize the children’s knowledge acquired during the year.
consolidate general concepts (fruits, insects, wild animals, etc.)
consolidate children’s ability to recognize objects using various analyzers;
3. clarify children’s ideas about young domestic animals;
4. continue to teach how to use the names of the cubs in units. number; i.p.
5. continue to teach how to solve riddles;
6. develop fine motor skills of the hands;
consolidate the ability to create a pattern from geometric shapes;
8. continue to develop phonemic awareness;
strengthen children's ability to form nouns using diminutives
affectionate suffixes;
10. promote emotional rapprochement between children;
11. bring children joy and pleasure from joint activities.
Leisure activities:
The theme song “Visiting a Fairy Tale” plays.
Children enter the hall to the music and stand in a semicircle.
We'll go down the path
Let's go straight into a fairy tale.
One, two, three, four, five!
We'll play a fairy tale.
My dear children, you love to listen to fairy tales. I also really love fairy tales. And you to me
help me tell them.
Then listen to what tale we will tell.

It was baked from flour,
It was mixed with sour cream,
He was chilling at the window,
Rolled along the path
He was cheerful, he was brave
And on the way he sang a song?
Who is this? (gingerbread man)
Well, listen to the fairy tale. Once upon a time there lived Grandfather and Baba. Once my grandmother baked a kolobok. (IN
a bun appears in the window of the house). The result was a ruddy, beautiful bun. It's boring
him alone. Grandfather and Baba decided to invite guests.
Grandmother: If only you, little bun, would roll into the city,
to kindergarten. I would invite the kids to visit us
Educator: And the bun rolled along the path. It took a long time. Finally found myself in our
kindergarten. I saw the kids and was happy.
Kolobok: So many kids! Now I won’t be bored, and so will my grandparents.
glad. Would you like to come with me to visit your grandparents?
Educator: With pleasure, bun.
Thanks for the invitation. Let's hit the road, guys.
We'll walk along the path
We'll walk along the narrow path,
And they came to the spring forest.
There are so many miracles around here!
The foliage is waking up
And the spider woke up.
Wake up head
Wake up tongue.
The ants have woken up
And centipedes.

Wake up heels
Wake up legs.
Grasshoppers are jumping
The flies flew by
Wake up shoulders,
Wake up hands.
(as insects are named, pictures with their images are displayed)
Who woke up in the spring? What do we call them, in one word?
We went out into the clearing. Where is the birch tree?
And behind the birch tree someone is looking at us. Who is this, guess?
A ball of fluff,
Long ear
Jumps deftly
Loves carrots?
How did you guess that it was a bunny?
(The child puts on a bunny hat)
Bunny: Kolobok, Kolobok, I’ll eat you.
Children: don’t eat the bunny bun. We are all going to visit our grandparents.
Teacher (tells on behalf of the bunny):
I was visiting my grandparents in the village. Something will fall out of a tree on me. I've collected everything
in a bag, but I don’t know what it is?
(we look at the fruits from the wonderful bag)
How can you call it, in one word.
Didactic game: “Guess by touch?”
Didactic game “Guess the taste?”
We completed all the tasks, we invite the bunny with us.

Here is a child walking,
Long road.
Let's run a little.
Grandma today
Everyone is waiting for us to visit.
Wants to tell us
Who lives with her?
Again we are in the clearing. Where is the bush?
Someone is looking from behind a bush. Who is this, guess?
Who is cold in winter,
Walking around angry and hungry?
How did you guess that it was a wolf? (The child puts on a wolf cap)
Wolf: Kolobok, Kolobok, I'll eat you!
Children: Don't eat the wolf kolobok. We are going to visit our grandparents.
Educator: (Tells on behalf of the wolf).
And at my grandparents’ place, animals ran away through the forest. Animals have babies.
Animals lost in the forest.
Mothers came out onto the path, looking for their babies.
But the wolf cannot help them, he does not know their voices. Let's help the wolf and animals find themselves?
Igogo the child neighed,
So this is... (foal)
(shown on slide)
Someone's little son
Suddenly he barked
I... woof... (puppy)
(shown on slide)

oink oink
Suddenly the child grunted,
So this is... (pig)
(shown on slide)
Meow - meow a child meows
This is a little... (kitten)
(shown on slide)
Beat - beat - beat
the child suddenly bleated
this is a small...(lamb)
(shown on slide)
Mu MuMu the child moos,
This is a little...(calf)
(children find it on the slide).
Educator: Well done! We helped all the mothers find their cubs. And the wolf was taught voices
distinguish between animals.
We invite the wolf with us.
We're taking little steps,
We have trodden the path.
We walked, we walked
We entered a dense forest.
And in the dense forest someone is waiting for us. Find out who it is?
On the back of the needle.
Long, prickly
And he will curl up into a ball
There is no head or legs.

Who is this? How did you guess? Look, our hedgehog is sad. Show me how he
sad. He got into trouble.
His hedgehogs lost their spines.
Let's help, collect needles for the hedgehogs. (Children use clothespins to make needles)
The hedgehog was happy. What wonderful hedgehogs we have, let's smile,
we'll show you. How we know how to rejoice.
Educator: And the bun told me that strange trees grow in this dense forest,
similar to a hedgehog. What kind of trees are these? (ate)
Why do they look like a hedgehog? Let's put together yellow Christmas trees for the bun
triangles. Why green?
(At the tables, children make Christmas trees out of triangles)
We walk along the path.
We don't break the silence.
A pebble fell from behind,
It scared us a little.
Show how scared you are.
And woke someone up.
He sleeps in a den in winter.
Under a huge pine tree.
And when spring comes.
Wakes up from sleep.
How did you guess that it was a bear? (I put on a bear hat)
Bear: Kolobok, Kolobok, I will eat you.
Children: Don't eat the teddy bear. We'll play with you.
Didactic game: “Guess who called?”
Bear, you are in the forest now,
We are calling you. Aw!
Nuka eyes,

Close it quickly
Who called you
Find out quickly.
Our legs walked
Together, exactly along the path.
To Grandma Varvarushka,
Grandfather Yegorushka.
We'll walk on our toes
And then on your heels
Look at us all
How are the boys going?
Someone is waiting for us at the edge of the forest. Who is this?
Red-haired cheat. Lives in the forest
He steals chickens from the village.
How did you guess that it was a fox? (I put on a fox hat).
Fox: Kolobok, Kolobok. I'll eat you
Children: Don't eat the fox bun. We'll sing you a song.
What song did the bun sing?
Finger game "Kolobok"
Me, Kolobok, Kolobok
(rolls an imaginary bun in their hands)
Scratching the bottom of the barrel
(right palm scraped on left palm)
Around the barn
(imitate sweeping the floor)
Mixed with sour cream

(make circular movements with the right hand)
Sat in the stove
(show both arms extended forward)
It's cold at the window
(draw a window with your hands)
I left my grandmother
I left my grandfather.
(touch with index and middle finger)
Lisa: I'll eat it anyway.
Educator: guys, let's call the fox affectionately, she won't even eat the bun.
Didactic game “Name it affectionately.”
And here is a small house.
Smoke rings above the chimney.
Apparently lunch is being cooked.
Is there anyone here or not?
(A grandmother comes out of the house with a samovar. The children sit down at the table to drink tea with
bagels and sweets)

Summary of physical education “Visiting the squirrel” in the younger group

Ermilova Irina Aleksandrovna, teacher of the younger group, MDOU kindergarten No. 5 “Zvezdochka”, Atkarsk
Description: This development will be of interest to teachers of the younger group
Program content:
Educational objectives:
1. Motivate children for physical activity;
2. Strengthen various types of walking, running, jumping on two legs with forward movement;
3. Develop the ability to act in an organized manner, in accordance with the teacher’s command.
4.Formulate the simplest figurative and expressive skills in children (be able to imitate the characteristic movements of fairy-tale animals);
5. Contribute to the formation of correct posture;
6. Consolidate acquired knowledge about wild animals.
Educational tasks:
1.Cultivate a desire to help others;
2. To foster in children an emotionally positive attitude towards physical exercise;
Developmental tasks:
1.Develop physical qualities: strength, agility, spatial orientation, coordination of movements, speed, balance;
2.Develop thinking, memory, attention and speech of children;

Children enter the gym. Bunny stands in the center of the hall and preens himself.
Educator: Hello, Bunny! How smart you are. Otherwise, are you going to visit?
Bunny:- Yes, I’m going to visit Squirrel. She invites you too. So get ready, it's time to go.
Educator:“We’ll be happy to go to Squirrel, see how she lives in the forest, and play with her.” Just accompany us, please, Bunny. We don't know the way at all.
Bunny:- Of course, follow me. (Children line up behind Bunny)
Educator:- Are you ready?
Children: - Yes!
Educator:- Well, then let's go!
"We follow each other
Forest and spring meadow.
Breathe deeply through your nose,
Keep your backs straight! (walking)
We are walking along the path,
We put our hands behind our backs
And we walk on our heels. (walking on heels)
We're head to head,
Raise yourself on your toes (walking on your toes).
We ran lightly (easy run).
How the horses galloped (straight gallop).
Hush, hush, don't rush
Go for a walk
Our legs again
Walking along the path" (walking).
(Children stop in a circle. The bunny pays attention to the meadow with flowers.)
Bunny: Now we are on this path
We'll find a clearing with flowers in the forest.
(They approach a clearing where there is a basket of flowers.)
Educator:- Guys, look, here is a clearing. Only someone has already collected the flowers in a basket. What beautiful flowers! What color are they? (individual and group response).
Bunny: These flowers can be given to Squirrel.
Educator: Okay, we’ll give x to Squirrel. But first, let's play with flowers and show Bunny how we can do exercises (Children stand in a circle, 2 flowers are handed out)
Children: We are funny guys
Like athletic bunnies,
We will jump and gallop
Let's develop our legs
Exercises with flowers
“Here are the flowers in front of us,
Let's play with flowers"
1) I.p. – legs slightly apart. Hands to chest.
Lift the flowers up and look at them.
Return to I.p. (4 times).
"We are growing, growing,
We are blooming, blooming"
2) I.p. - feet shoulder-width apart, arms down.
Turns: one way, then - i.p.
To another, i.p. (4 times in each direction).
“Wave a flower there,
Wave the flower here.
Do it once
And do two!
3) I.p. - hands near the chest. Bend forward, arms down, return to IP. (4 times).
"Bend over,
Get up quickly!
Bend over
4) I.p. - hands near the chest. Squats (4 times).
“Carefully squat down,
And we don’t drop flowers!”
5) "Now let's go, let's go,
And we never get tired.” (walking in place)
6) Breathing exercises
Educator:“Now we’ll blow on the flowers and warm the petals.”
Take a deep breath and blow on them (5 times)
Educator: How are you guys?
Children: Health is fine -
Thanks for charging!
Bunny: You turned out to be strong and dexterous,
I saw how hard you tried.
(The teacher and the bunny collect flowers in a basket.)
Educator: Now we have become stronger and will definitely reach Squirrel. Really Bunny?
Bunny: Yes.
Educator: We get up one after another and hit the road. Various animals and birds live in the forest. Guess the riddle:
Cunning cheat
red head,
A fluffy tail is a beauty,
And her name is .....(fox) (Fox comes out)
Educator: Hello Lisa.
Fox: Hello guys.
I'm a red fox
The whole forest is beautiful.
There is no red fur coat in the forest,
There is no more cunning animal in the forest.
Where are you going?
Educator: We are going to visit Squirrel. We bring her a basket of flowers. Show us the way to Squirrel.
Fox: Play with me like little foxes first.
Educator: Let's play like little foxes? "(Yes)
Educator: Stand in a circle and walk one after another on your toes, like little foxes.
“Here come our guys -
Real fox cubs.
The tail is wagging,
Traces are covered.
They walk deftly on their toes,
Like cheating foxes.”
Educator: Well done, guys - good foxes. Now Fox, how can we get to Squirrel?
Fox: To go to the squirrel,
We need to cross the bridge.
Educator: And here is the bridge.
1) We walk along the bridge carefully. (walking on the bridge)
2) Kids can’t get through here,
You'll have to crawl here. (crawling under an arc)
3) Boldly through the tubercle
Jump over, my friend. (jumping over soft modules)
4) Now let’s quickly pass like a snake,
Maybe we'll find a berry. (walking like a snake)
(They approach the stump where the Hedgehog sits.)
Educator: Meet this hedgehog
He is an expert on forest paths.
All covered in needles - be careful,
It can hurt to get pricked.
Hello Hedgehog.
Hedgehog: Hello guys.
I'm prickly, like a Christmas tree,
Covered in needles from head to toe.
I'll find a fungus in the forest
I'll bring it to the house on the back.
Bunny: Hedgehog, why are you so sad?
Hedgehog: I'm tired, I've lost all my lumps.
Educator: Hedgehog, the guys and I will help you collect them.
Game "Collect cones"
Educator: Well done guys. We collected all the cones. Hedgehog, come with us to visit the squirrel.
Let's walk happily together
We gain strength and agility. (They approach the Bear.)
Educator: Guess the riddle, guys.
He is the strict owner of the forest,
Likes to sleep in a den in winter.
He can roar loudly
Who is he? (Bear)
Right. Only he is sleeping. Let's wake him up. Stand around the bear.
Outdoor game "Bear"
Once we were walking in the forest
And we met a bear.
He lies under the tree, (round dance step)
He is stretched out and snoring.
We walked around him
They woke up Clubfoot
“Come on, little darling, get up (they stop and shake their finger).
And play with us!” (The bear gets up, stretches, plays with the children)
A clubfooted bear is walking through the forest,
He collects the cones and puts them in his pocket.
A cone fell right on the bear's forehead.
The bear got angry and stomped his foot!
Educator: Bear, you and I played so well. And the guys know a poem about you.
Bear, bear, couch potato,
You slept long and deeply.
I slept through the whole winter
And I didn’t get on the tree.
And I didn’t go sledding,
And he didn’t throw snowballs.
The target would all snore,
Eh, you little bear!
Educator: Bear, come with us to Squirrel. (They go to Squirrel’s house. She has nuts in a plate on her table.) Guys, who do you think lives here and gnaws nuts? (squirrel). (Belka comes out.)
Squirrel: I walk around in a fluffy fur coat,
I live in a dense forest.
In a hollow on an old oak tree
I'm gnawing nuts.
Educator: Hello, Belka.
Squirrel: Hello guys.
Educator: We came to visit you. Guys, what did we bring for Squirrel? (flowers) (They give flowers). We walked for so long, we were tired. Let's relax and listen to the birds sing in the forest. (A recording of birds singing in the forest sounds)
The dream found the way,
I came to visit you,
Don't drive him away
Better sit down and rest.
Breathe quietly through your nose,
Eyelashes droop
The eyes close.
We are resting peacefully.
We fall asleep in a magical sleep.
Breathe easily, evenly, deeply.
Our hands are resting
The legs also rest
The neck is not tense
And relaxed
Breathe easily...evenly...deeply...
We woke up, stretched,
They stretched and smiled.
Now let's get up quietly.
Educator: Guys, did you like our trip through the forest? (yes) What animals did we meet in the forest? (Hare, hedgehog, bear, fox, squirrel) How can they be called in one word? (wild animals) Who did you like best? And now it’s time for us to return to kindergarten.
Squirrel: Guys, I want to treat you to some nuts. (Gives nuts)
Educator: Thank you Squirrel. Goodbye.
On a flat path
Our feet are walking.
The children leave the hall.

Physical education

in the junior group "Kolobok"

Conducted by: physical fitness instructor

Karyakina Svetlana Nikolaevna,

teacher Zinchenko Evgenia Sergeevna,

music director

Ozhereleva Elvira Vadimovna

Moscow, 2014

Physical education

in the junior group "Kolobok"

Target : acquaintance with Russian folklore (the fairy tale “Kolobok”), through physical education.

Tasks : practice walking in a column one at a time while completing tasks; when jumping from hoop to hoop, learn to land on bent legs; develop coordination of movements when crawling on all fours;

develop emotional responsiveness, a sense of rhythm, develop skills in the field of musical and rhythmic movement, cultivate a love of music.

Preliminary work : teaching children basic types of movement; learning outdoor games and dances; reading to children n. With. "Kolobok"; theatrical performance of a fairy tale.

Equipment: ribbed path, modules, “traces”, tunnel, flat hoops,

bench, fairy tale characters - bibabo dolls, piano, tape recorder, music recording.


A sports march sounds. Children enter the hall to the music - formation.

Physical fitness instructor - Hello, guys! (children's answer ) Today we will go to visit a fairy tale. Turn behind each other, the journey begins!

Walking and running one after another in alternation.

D. – 2 laps. Music Tilicheeva “We walk and run.”

Instructor - Stop! Then we will go through the forest, there are many miracles there.

There is a path, there is a slide,

There is a swamp, there is a mink.

Obstacle course: walking along a ribbed path with your hands on your belt, your back straight; walking on an inclined plane (modules), hands free; walking with stepping over the tracks; climbing into a tunnel.

D. –2 laps. Music Morozov "Kolobok"

Instructor - Here we are! Look, guys, who's meeting us!

Grandfather comes out (instructor ) and grandmother (teacher b):

Hello guys! (children's answer )

Grandfather “Bake us a bun, grandma, and we’ll treat our guests.”

Grandma “There are a lot of kids, and you’ll need a lot of dough.”

Instructor - Guys, let's help grandma!

Grandma - Yes, can you handle it?

Instructor – And now we’ll show how big these guys are!

outdoor switchgear performed to rhythmic music.

1. “That’s how big we are”: i.p. – standing with your feet hip-width apart, arms along your body. Raise your arms to the sides, up, stretch, return to the starting position. D. - 4–5 times.

Grandma - I see now, you can handle it.

2. “We’ll mark the barn, we’ll scrape the bottom of the barrel”: And. p. – standing with your feet shoulder-width apart, hands behind your back. Lean forward - down and wave your arms left and right. Straighten up, return to the starting position. D. - 4 times.

Instructor - Let's sweep the barn, scrape the bottom of the tree. So we collected flour for the kolobok!

3. “Knead the dough”: i. p. – standing with your feet hip-width apart, hands on your belt. Sit down, knock your fists on the floor. Return to starting position. D. - 3–4 times.

Instructor - Knead with sour cream, knead with butter. We put the dough in the oven - what a ruddy bun we baked! (children take balls from a basket ) They put the bun on the window to cool, and he took it and jumped off it.

4. “Jump with a kolobok”: i. p. – legs slightly apart, ball in bent arms near the chest. Jumping on two legs with a turn around oneself, alternating with walking in place. D. - 2 times. Music Rauchverger 1frg. "Bunnies."

Instructor - And the bun rolled along the path.

5. “Kolobok is rolling along the path”: i. p. – sitting on your heels, the ball on the floor. Rolling the ball in a circle in both directions alternately, fingering it with his hands. D. - 3 times.

Instructor - The bun rolls in one direction, then in the other.

Musical director - The bun rolls, the bun rolls, and a bunny meets it.

Bunny ( teacher ) - Kolobok! How rosy and delicious. Kolobok, Kolobok, I will eat you!

Music hands . - Hare, don’t eat our Kolobok. Better play with us.

Bunny – What can the guys do?

Instructor – The guys know how to jump from bump to bump.

Bunny - I love jumping!

Jumping from bump to bump . Flat hoops are laid out parallel in two rows (6 pieces each, at a distance of 40 cm from each other) - these are “bumps”.

Children put the balls in a basket and line up in two columns, then jump on two legs from bump to bump (without stopping or with a short pause before the bump), landing on bent legs.

D. – 2 times. RNP “Will I go out?”

Music hands . - While the bunny was jumping, the bun rolled away. The bun rolls and rolls, and a wolf meets it.

Wolf (educator) ) - U-U-U-U! Kolobok! Kolobok, Kolobok, I will eat you.

Music hands - Wolf, don’t eat Kolobok. Better play with us.

Wolf - What can the guys do?

Instructor - The guys know how to dance, dance with us.

RNP “Oh you canopy”: heel, stomping, springs .

Instructor - Guys, the wolf is afraid of dogs, let's scare him so that he runs away! (children “bark” - the wolf runs away )

Music hands - And the bun rolled on. The bun rolls and rolls, and a bear meets it.

Teddy Bear,

Walking through the forest.

Collects cones

Sings a song.

Bear ( teacher ) - Kolobok, Kolobok, I will eat you.

Music hands . - Misha, don’t eat Kolobok. Better play with us.

Bear - What can the guys do?

Instructor - The guys know how to climb logs.

Bear - For raspberries? Then I'm with you.

"Bear cubs." Children - “cubs” line up on the starting line, stand on the bench (log ) on all fours with support on the palms and knees and crawl to the end of the bench. The exercise is repeated 2 times to rhythmic music.

Music hands - While the bear was climbing, the bun rolled away. The bun rolls, the bun rolls, and a fox meets it.

Fox (teacher) ) - Kolobok - ruddy side, I will eat you!

Music hands - Fox, don’t eat Kolobok. It’s better to play with us, the kids will be bunnies, and you will catch them.

Fox - Okay, I love bunnies.

Game "Fox and Hares": Children - hares dance, jump to the music of Filippenko “Dance of the Bunnies”,words by E. Makshantseva and T. Volgina.

The bunnies went out for a walk,

Stretch your paws.

Jump-jump, jump-jump,

Stretch your paws.

Oh-oh-oh, what a frost,

You can freeze your nose!

Jump-jump, jump-jump,

You can freeze your nose!

The bunnies started dancing

Warm your paws.

Jump-jump, jump-jump,

Warm your paws.

(Children perform figurative movements according to the text)

Music hands - Here comes the fox, red-haired sister.

The bunnies run away and the bunnies are saved.They run away and sit on chairs.

Instructor. – We outwitted the fox and couldn’t eat the bun. And you, Kolobok, don’t get caught! Go to your grandparents. It's time for us to go back to kindergarten.

Outdoor game “On a level path.” The teacher brings the children into a circle and invites them to play. Reads a poem:

On a flat path

Our feet are walking.

Our feet are walking

On a flat path

By pebbles, by pebbles...

Into the pit - bang!

Children perform walking, and to the words “over the pebbles, over the pebbles” they jump on two legs, moving forward slightly, to the words “into the hole - bang!” squat down. “We got out of the hole,” says the teacher, and the children rise. The game repeats itself. In order to prolong one or another type of movement of children, you can repeat each line of the poem several times.

Instructor. - Today you were in a fairy tale and helped the bun, well done guys!

For your courage and dexterity, we present you with the medal “Traveler to the Land of Fairy Tales” (with the image of a kolobok).

Children leave the hall to cheerful music.

Oksana Gruitskaya
Leisure summary in the second junior group “Guessing Game”

Target: Improve children’s ability to solve riddles, develop memory, and creative thinking.

Preliminary work: Conversation about water conditions, observation on walks (state water: rain, snow, ice, etc.).

Materials: riddles, pictures, bi-ba-bo doll (parsley, fox, educational game "Magic bag".

Progress of entertainment

Game "Magic bag". From the bag "screams" Parsley: “Oh-oh. It's ticklish. Hee hee hee…. Oh... Where am I? Who are you?”.

IN: (children say hello). Hello. You're in kindergarten. Here the guys play, draw, walk (children continue: it’s fun in the garden, etc., they offer to stay).

U: Hello, I'm - Guessing game. Guys, do you know how to solve riddles? (Yes). I'll check now. Guess:

The muzzle is mustachioed,

Striped fur coat,

Soft paws,

In the paws of a scratchy scratcher,

The tail is a fluffy cord,

Tells tales - purr-r-r,

Eats mice and catches rats,

We call her: kitty-kitty.


Well done guys. I invite you on a journey on a fun little train. He will take us to a fairyland where mysteries live.

Are you ready? Take your seats, sit more comfortably. Let's go.

Our locomotive hummed,

He brought the trailers.

Chu-chu-chu! Chu-chu-chu!

I'll send everyone far away!

Here is the first stop. "Fairy Forest".

I'll tell you riddles

Give me the answer.

Listen carefully

Think hard.

(The teacher asks riddles. And animals appear (toys)– new passengers)

Small, gray,

Long ear

A ball of fluff,

Jumps deftly

Loves carrots.


Tailed, horned,

She walks through the meadows

Tailed, horned,

He brings us milk.

Tailed, horned,

She lives in a stable.

When she's hungry she screams: "Mu".

Who is this? I don't understand.


He is the strict owner of the forest,

Likes to sleep in a den in winter.

And all winter long

He sees fragrant honey.

He can roar terribly.

Who do you think he is?


She is more cunning than all the animals,

She is wearing a red fur coat.

The fluffy tail is her beauty,

What's her name?


Fox: Well done, guys! We solved all the riddles. I want to play with you. It's called a game "Hares and fox - cunning sister".

Game "The Fox and the Hares" (music accompaniment)

(Children perform movements according to the text).

Along the forest lawn

The bunnies ran away.

These are the bunnies

Running bunnies.

(Children-bunny run around easily group)

The bunnies sat in a circle,

They dig the root with their paw.

These are the bunnies

Running bunnies.

(The bunnies sit down and perform imitation movements according to the text)

Here is a fox running -

Red-haired sister.

Looking for where the bunnies are,

Running bunnies.

(The fox runs between the children, and when the song ends, she catches up with the kids)

From the cheating fox

Our locomotive hummed,

He brought the trailers.

Chu-chu-chu! Chu-chu-chu!

I'll send everyone far away!

Stop "Natural Phenomena"

(The teacher makes a riddle, shows pictures - riddles)

He makes noise in the field and in the garden,

But it won't get into the house.

And I'm not going anywhere

As long as he goes.


Will come running -

And the sun will hide

And then more

She'll cry.


Multi-colored rocker

It hung above the ground.


You warm the whole world

And you don’t know fatigue

Smiling at the window

And everyone calls you...


Game "Sun and Rain" (musical accompaniment)

U: Well, let's go...

Our locomotive hummed,

He brought the trailers.

Chu-chu-chu! Chu-chu-chu!

I'll send everyone far away!

And here is the last station. Guess what it's called

Who, take a guess,

Gray-haired housewife?

Shakes the feather dusters -

Above the world of fluff! (Winter)

Powdered the paths

I decorated the windows.

Gave joy to children

And I went for a sledding ride.


The star spun

There's a little in the air

Sat down and melted

On my palm. (Snowflake)

Game “Where are the snowflakes?”

Children dance in a circle around cards laid out in a circle. The cards depict different states water: river, puddle, ice, snowfall, cloud, rain, snowflake, drop...

While moving in a circle, the following are said: words:

So summer has come.

The sun shone brighter.

It's getting hotter,

Where should we look for a snowflake?

With the last word everyone stops. Those in front of whom the required pictures are located must raise them and explain their choice. The movement continues from words:

Winter has finally come:

Cold, blizzard, cold.

Go out for a walk.

Where should we look for a snowflake?

The required pictures are again selected and the choice is explained.

U: Guys, it’s cold in the forest in winter. Hurry up on the train, we're going back to kindergarten. Let's go.

Our locomotive hummed,

He brought the trailers.

Chu-chu-chu! Chu-chu-chu!

I’ll bring everyone to kindergarten!

Did you enjoy the trip? (children's answers). And now I have to go, they are waiting for me at home. See you soon.

Publications on the topic:

Scenario of recreational leisure in the second junior group “In the land of magical gnomes” State budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 123 of a combined type in the Nevsky district of St. Petersburg.

Leisure summary for children of the second junior group based on the works of A. L. Barto. Topic: “Secrets of the chest” Goal: To foster interest in the work of A. L. Barto Objectives: - To acquaint children with the content of poems; - learn.

Leisure scenario for May 9 in the second junior group Leisure summary dedicated to May 9 in the second junior group Program objectives: - consolidate children's knowledge about the great holiday; - develop.

Summary of leisure time using outdoor games in the second junior group “Brave, dexterous, skillful” Authors: group teachers Nadezhda Nikolaevna Gabova, Nadezhda Nikolaevna Puyu Topic: “Brave, dexterous, skillful” Purpose: to create a good mood.

Leisure summary in the junior group on valeology “The Question of Cleanliness” Summary of an open lesson in the junior group on valeology: “The issue of purity” Goal: Introducing children to a healthy lifestyle through formation.

Leisure summary in the second junior group of the kindergarten “Celebration of the first braid” Leisure summary in the second junior group of the kindergarten “Holiday of the first pigtail” Author: Elena Sergeevna Efimova, teacher, Secondary School No. 24.

In order for physical education leisure to become truly exciting, interesting, developing, and educational, we conduct it in the form of a theatrical performance.

We have developed physical education lesson plans for children of the second junior group.

September “Visiting the bear” Braids - 4-5 pcs., gymnastic bench, massage track (made of natural material), flowers (according to the number of children), teddy bear toy.
October “Naughty monkeys” Sandbags, gymnastic ladder, hoops, balance beam, rattles (according to the number of children), tree with bananas.
november “Running Bunnies” Balls, 2 long cords, 2 stands with a rope, ribbons (according to the number of children), carrots in a basket.
December “Fox acrobats” 3 arches, 2 gymnastic benches, cubes (according to the number of children), “a wonderful chest.”
January “Winter fun” Sloping board, skis, felt boots, colored handkerchiefs (according to the number of children), an envelope with a message
February “The Adventures of the Animals” Ribbed board, skittles, stuffed snowballs (according to the number of children), a box of souvenirs.

We bring to your attention one of the physical education leisure notes.

Summary of physical education “Visiting the bear” in the 2nd junior group

Children enter the hall.

  1. The teacher holds in his hands a toy bear covered with a cloth.


“Guys, guess the riddle.”

“He is the strict owner of the forest,
Likes to sleep in a den in winter.
He can roar terribly.
Who is he?” (bear)

Educator:“That's right, this is a bear (shows). He invites us to visit, into the forest. But a difficult road awaits us.”

We turned for the teacher.

2. a) Walking one after another.


“We follow each other
forest and spring meadow.
Breathe deeply through your nose,
keep your backs straight!”

They stopped (in a column one at a time) one after another.

b) Educator:“Here are the fast babbling streams that you need to jump over.”

Jumping through pigtails(6 pieces)

“We jump like balls, girls and boys”

V) Educator:

“The path is uneven, ditches, ditches.
We need to overcome them!”

Educator:“We will cross this ditch on the bridge on all fours so as not to fall. Aren’t you afraid?”

Crawling on all fours (6 meters) on a gymnastic bench.

Educator:“Well done! Agile, skillful, fast and brave!”

G) Educator:

“And now we will go along this path,
We'll find a clearing with flowers in the forest.
And even though she's not far away,
It won't be easy for us to go.
Sand and stones on the path
They’ll tickle your feet a little.”

Walking on a limited surface (20 cm wide), sand, stones, cones.

3. Educator:

“Here are the flowers in front of us,
Let's play with flowers"

Educator:“Let's show the bear how you do exercises. Come to the flowers"

Exercise with flowers

1) I.p. – legs slightly apart. Hands to chest.

Lift the flowers up and look at them.

Return to I.p. (4 times).


“We are growing, growing,
We are blooming, blooming"

2) I.p. - feet shoulder-width apart, arms down.

Turns: one way, then - i.p.

To another, i.p. (4 times in each direction).


“Wave a flower there,
Wave the flower here.
Do it once
And do two!”

3) I.p. - hands near the chest. Bend forward, arms down, return to IP. (4 times).


“Bend over,
Get up quickly!
Bend over

4) I.p. - hands near the chest. Squats (4 times).


“Carefully squat down,
And we don’t drop flowers!”

5) I.p. - lying on your stomach, arms extended forward, legs straight. Bend over, raise your arms (4 times).


“Flowers waved upward,
We rested. They waved upward and lay down!”

6) Jumping alternates with walking in place.


“We are funny guys,
Like athletic bunnies,
We will jump and gallop
Let’s develop our legs!”


“Like soldiers on parade
We walk row by row.
Left - one, left - two!
Look at us, everyone!”

7) Educator:“And now we will blow on the flowers and warm the petals”

Take a deep breath and blow on them (5 times)


“Quietly, quietly we will go
And we’ll remove the flowers”

Educator:“Well done guys! The bear liked the way you did your exercises.

Now you have become even stronger and will definitely reach the “Mishkino” forest.

Really, Mishenka?” "Yes!"

They stood in a column one by one.

8) Walking.

Educator:“Look, children, what a thicket we have entered! Various animals live here. And foxes and fox cubs also live here. Let's play like little foxes?

Stand in a circle and walk one after another on your toes, like little foxes.


“Here come our guys -
Real fox cubs.
The tail is wagging,
Traces are covered.
They walk deftly on their toes,
Like cheating foxes.”

Educator: “And there are also cheerful, mischievous wolf cubs living in the forest. Let's fool around like them? Stand in pairs facing each other and hold hands, lie down on your tummies and roll.”


“Here the wolf cubs rolled,
They clasped their paws tightly together.
They play cleverly and have fun
And they help each other”

9) Take a bear.

Educator:“Mishka is very glad that you came to visit him. He wants to play a game with you, which is called “Bear”.

Outdoor game “Bear”

“Once we were walking in the forest
And we met a bear.
He lies under the tree, (round dance step)
He is stretched out and snoring.
We walked around him
They woke up Clubfoot
“Come on, little darling, get up (they stop and shake their finger).
And quickly catch up with us!

They run away all over the hall in different directions. The music stops, the children stand in a circle.

10) Educator:“Well, now, my dear, we will return home, but along a level path.”

Sedentary game “On a Level Path”(children in a circle).

“On a level path
Our feet are walking. (Round dance step)
Over rocks and sand (walking with high knees)
Step over, buddy.

Along the path, along the forest (Running holding hands)
They ran after me.

Now let's go again (Round dance step)
And we reached the house.”

We sat down and folded our hands like a house.


“We walked through the forest
Played and breathed
And they returned without a doubt,
Everyone is in a good mood”