Drugs for dissolving kidney stones can be purchased for pennies, however, official medicine still classifies urolithiasis of the kidneys to diseases requiring surgical treatment(operations).

An alternative to surgical removal of kidney stones is lithotripsy (crushing kidney stones with ultrasound). But it should be remembered that when fragments of crushed kidney stones and sand leave the kidneys through the ureters, serious complications are possible, such as: structure(blockage) urinary tract, renal colic And pyelonephritis.

Sometimes crushing stones with ultrasound (lithotripsy) leads to the need for urgent surgical intervention to remove fragments of kidney stones stuck in the ureters.

How to dissolve kidney stones?

The problem is that modern medicine does not yet know how to work with each patient individually, and since chemical composition of kidney stones Everyone is different, and accordingly, different ones are required. medicines to dissolve kidney stones. Finding the right medicine is not so difficult, but for dissolving kidney stones it takes some time, varying depending on the size and chemical composition of the stones over a fairly wide range.

To successfully dissolve kidney stones, it is first necessary to determine the chemical composition of the kidney stones.

What types of kidney stones are there?

The three most common types of kidney stones are:

  • Oxalates - kidney stones containing calcium oxalate, are formed from the bases of oxalic acid and calcium. Oxalate stones- the most common type of stones (about 75% of cases). Calcium oxalate Kidney stones are the hardest of the kidney stones and are very difficult to dissolve. These stones are dense, black-gray in color, with a spiky surface. They easily injure the mucous membrane, causing the blood pigment to color them dark brown or black.
  • Urats - uric acid stones, consisting of crystals of uric acid salts - ammonium urate and sodium urate. Urate stones occur in 5% - 15% of cases, most often in people suffering from gout. Urats are formed when there is a high concentration of uric acid salts in the urine (for example, with a small volume and high density) and an acidic (pH below 5.5) urine reaction. Urats, usually brick-yellow in color, with a smooth surface and hard consistency.
  • Phosphates - kidney stones containing calcium salts of phosphoric acid - calcium phosphate. Phosphate stones in the kidneys occur in 8%-10% of cases. Phosphates are formed in alkaline urine (pH above 7), grow quickly, easily crushed. Surface phosphates smooth or slightly rough, varied in shape, soft in consistency, white or light gray in color.

In addition, rarer types of kidney stones with the following chemical composition are sometimes found:struvite stones, cystine stones, protein stones, carbonate stones, cholesterol stones etc.

Often kidney stones have a mixed composition, which makes treatment difficult.

Drugs for dissolving kidney stones:

How to dissolve oxalates in the kidneys?

Most versatile remedy for dissolving kidney stones is a drug Asparkam and its slightly more expensive analogue - Panangin.

  • Asparkam tablets of 350 mg, 10 or 50 pcs. in packaging. 1 tablet Asparkam contains 175 mg of potassium aspartate and 175 mg of magnesium aspartate.
  • Panangin dragees (coated tablets) 50 pcs. in packaging. 1 dragee Panangin contains potassium aspartate 158 mg, magnesium aspartate 140 mg (K+ ~ 36 mg; Mg++ ~ 12 mg).

In principle, this drug was developed for completely different purposes and is usually used for heart diseases as a source of potassium and magnesium. However, M.Ya. Zholondz found out thatAsparkamgives very good results as for stones mixed composition in the kidneys, for example,urate-oxalate, and when dissolved the most insoluble kidney stones -oxalates , which are often unjustifiably considered insoluble.

How to dissolve urate in the kidneys?

To dissolve urate-oxalate And urate stones the drug is usually used in the kidneys Blemaren. This is a combination drug used for urolithiasis, as a nephrolitholytic, urine alkalizer , means. By composition and action Blémarin close to discontinued drug Uralite U.

Blémarin increases the solubility of uric acid stones - urates, improves the solubility of calcium oxalate in urine, prevents the formation calcium oxalate kidney stones. It is used for the treatment and prevention of urolithiasis (uric acid, calcium oxalate and mixed uric acid-oxalate stones), symptomatic treatment of porphyria, as well as for alkalinization of urine patients receiving cytostatics or drugs that increase the excretion of uric acid.

Blémarin Available in the form of effervescent tablets. One effervescent tablet Blemarena contains:

  • citric acid 1197 mg;
  • potassium bicarbonate 967.5 mg;
  • trisodium citrate anhydrous 835.5 mg.

Blémarin alkalinizes urine, establishing a neutral pH reaction in the range of 6.6-6.8, at which the solubility of salts significantly increases uric acid and potassium excretion increases. If this pH value can be maintained for a long time, dissolution of existing uric acid stones and their formation is prevented. Besides, Blémarin reduces calcium excretion, improves solubility calcium oxalate in urine, inhibits the formation of crystals and prevents the formation calcium oxalate stones.

However, Blemaren is a fairly expensive drug for dissolving kidney stones, and, moreover, when used, it requires checking the urine pH several times a day using control strips and recording the data in a notebook.

Cheap analogue Blemarena- This citric acid and ordinary lemons which are also great alkalinize urine to the required levels for dissolution urate And urate-oxalate kidney stones.

How to dissolve phosphates in the kidneys?

To dissolve phosphate stones used in the kidneys Madder root extract and drug Cyston. However, you can independently prepare a decoction of ground madder root, which is sold in pharmacies.

Madder extract promotes loosening of urinary stones containing calcium and magnesium phosphates, has an antispasmodic and diuretic (diuretic) effect. Extract from rhizomes and roots of the plant madder contains anthraquinones and their derivatives (at least 3% anthracene derivatives), organic acids, proteins, sugars and pectins. Madder root used for urolithiasis of the kidneys to reduce spasms and facilitate the passage of small stones.

Cyston - a combined preparation of plant origin with nephrolitholytic (stone-dissolving) and antimicrobial effects. Cyston promotes excretion oxalate And phosphate salts, uric acid and small stones from the urinary tract. Used as part of complex therapy for urolithiasis (nephrourolithiasis, including for the prevention of postoperative nephrourolithiasis), crystalluria, urinary tract infections (cystitis, pyelonephritis), gout.

For treatment urolithiasis of the kidneys except those listed above remedies for dissolving kidney stones the following are used herbal preparations:

Phytolysin - a combined herbal preparation that has a diuretic, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic effect. Phytolysin promotes the washing out of sand and small stones from the renal pelvis and ureters, prevents the crystallization of mineral components of urine, thanks to the formation of protective colloids in the urine by silicates horsetail And knotweed (knotweed).

Phytolysin- a paste of soft consistency, green-brown color, with a specific aromatic odor. 1 teaspoon of paste is diluted in 1/2 glass of warm water and taken 3-4 times a day after meals.

Indications: nephrolithiasis, especially if surgical treatment is impossible; urolithiasis and prevention of its relapse; infectious and inflammatory diseases of the urinary tract, Contraindications: Hypersensitivity, heartburn, nausea, diarrhea.

Canephron N - a combined preparation of plant origin for the complex treatment of chronic kidney and urinary tract diseases. It has a diuretic, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect. Reduces the severity of proteinuria, helps eliminate spasm of the urinary tract, prevents the formation and growth of stones in the urinary tract. Potentiates the effect of antibiotic therapy.

Under the influence Canephrona N increased release of salts uric acid And urine pH increases , which prevents the formation and growth of stones in the urinary tract. Due to action rosmarinic acid the release of inflammatory mediators is inhibited, which causes a persistent anti-inflammatory effect.

Spilled And Spilled Super Capsules - combined herbal preparations with a similar composition and similar action. The main active ingredient that dissolves kidney stones is curly silkworm, aka kedjibeling.

Curly silkworm has a diuretic, anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic effect. It has long been used as an effective means for dissolving, preventing the occurrence and removing stones from the kidneys and urinary tract. Prevents the occurrence and stops attacks renal colic.

Any patient with urolithiasis strives to avoid litholytic surgery, performed in the classical way - in the operating room, under general anesthesia, with not very pleasant rehabilitation. There are, of course, alternative options for eliminating or turning kidney stones into sand. Lithotripsy or endoscopic surgery can be done, but they are not always indicated. Therefore, for patients, the question of how to dissolve kidney stones so that they spontaneously leave their body remains a pressing one. The search for an answer is not limited to the nephrologist’s office; in pursuit of health, people sometimes commit fantastically unwise acts, using exotic folk remedies “for stones.”

We decided to organize the information and tell you how to dissolve kidney stones. Is it possible to cope with the problem using folk remedies, or will the situation be corrected by special medications? It is difficult to find a definite answer to these questions, because... Not only are people on Earth different, but so are kidney stones. And in structure, and in size, and in localization.

Your event is the dissolution of kidney stones. You can spend a long time on it. You must be determined to fight stones and thoroughly prepare for it.

You need to know what stones live in your kidneys. To do this, you need to donate urine and take an x-ray of your kidneys. Go to a doctor who will help you arm yourself with information against kidney “guests”, and at the same time give you advice on how to deal with them at home.

Attention! If the examination results indicate the presence of coral stones, dissolving agents are not used. Need surgery.

Urate stones

In order for urate stones to form in the kidneys, you need an imbalance of uric acid in the blood, which is sensitive to your dietary habits. Urate formations adore meat eaters - lovers of protein products. Therefore, a protein-restricted diet is the first step in the strategy of converting urate stones into sand.


We list the tablets that may be recommended to you to dissolve urate stones:

  1. Blemaren.
  2. Solimok.
  3. Urolesan.
  4. Margulit et al.

If your uric acid level is high, you can take allopurinol. If this is your case, remember that this is not a drug that will forgive you for forgetfulness. If you miss a dose, the pills will not work.

Folk recipes

Any urate stones are responsive to the effects of medicinal herbs. You can temporarily imagine yourself as a healer and perform magic over a boiling saucepan with folk remedies for the sake of your own health. It is better to prepare herbal remedies in a water bath, which helps to maximize the medicinal properties. Purchase raw materials for the decoction from green pharmacies; fortunately, they exist everywhere.

If you really don’t have time to infuse or strain, buy herbs in ready-made tea bags. They are very convenient to use at home. Herbal preparations are prepared in the same way as regular tea. A range of herbs that can dissolve urate stones is in front of you:

  • lingonberry and strawberry leaves;
  • flax seed;
  • corn silk;
  • horsetail and regular parsley.

All these plants and preparations made from them are capable of eliminating urate stone, turning it into sand.

Water influence

Any urate stone is afraid of water. Large amounts of fluid reduce the acidity and concentration of urine. In such conditions, a stone cannot exist and grow.

Rule: drink at least 2 - 2.5 liters of liquid. Preferably plain water. Alcoholic drinks, coffee, strong tea are prohibited.

It is advisable that a liter of liquid should be taken in the morning half an hour, and a liter in the evening. In combination with medicines and folk remedies, water will help you forget about urates. By turning them into sand, she will hatch them naturally.

Dairy drinks and alkaline mineral water can be used as a drink to treat renal urate.

Phosphate stones

They are radically different from urates. Phosphate stone does not tolerate acidic environments and can only form under alkaline conditions. Dairy product lovers should know that curd and sour cream excesses are the best friends of kidney phosphates. The diet for phosphate stones should help acidify the urine.

Another deciding factor is infection. Cystitis and urethritis contribute to the formation of kidney stones.

Medicines and herbs for dissolution

If a phosphate stone is found in the kidneys, tablets are not prescribed. Phytolysin medicinal gel and other ready-made plant-based preparations provide a good litholytic effect. Among herbs, madder gives the best results. It is this plant that mercilessly destroys phosphates.


Oxalate stones are more common than others. And they are difficult to dissolve. Modern medicine chooses asparkam or panangin tablets to dissolve oxalates. The drugs are available, but in order for the oxalate stones to turn into sand, you need to take them for a long time. Moreover, with caution. These medications cause excess potassium in the blood. Both asparkam and panangin will cope with oxalates, but they may be unsafe for the heart rate.

Important: oxalates occupy the first position among other stones in terms of prevalence.

Suitable herbs against oxalate stones are celandine, horsetail, hernia.

Other stones

It is easier to choose the correct dissolving technique if among the kidney stones there are representatives of the same type. What if their structure is mixed? There are such people. We would not recommend touching them yourself. Litholytic agents are a delicate matter. For example, an overdose of Blemaren leads to the destruction of urate stones, but promotes the formation of phosphate stones. It's the same with herbs. Only a herbalist can correctly select a truly effective collection for mixed stones with elements of oxalates and their other representatives.

Therefore, no matter what means you choose for litholytic therapy, start with choosing a doctor. And dieting. These are prerequisites for success.

Drugs for dissolving kidney stones can be purchased for pennies, however, official medicine still classifies urolithiasis of the kidneys to diseases requiring surgical treatment(operations).

An alternative to surgical removal of kidney stones is lithotripsy (crushing kidney stones with ultrasound). But it should be remembered that when fragments of crushed kidney stones and sand leave the kidneys through the ureters, serious complications are possible, such as: structure(blockage) urinary tract, renal colic And pyelonephritis.

Sometimes crushing stones with ultrasound (lithotripsy) leads to the need for urgent surgical intervention to remove fragments of kidney stones stuck in the ureters.

How to dissolve kidney stones?

The problem is that modern medicine does not yet know how to work with each patient individually, and since chemical composition of kidney stones Everyone is different, and accordingly, different ones are required. medicines to dissolve kidney stones. Finding the right medicine is not so difficult, but for dissolving kidney stones it takes some time, varying depending on the size and chemical composition of the stones over a fairly wide range.

To successfully dissolve kidney stones, it is first necessary to determine the chemical composition of the kidney stones.

What types of kidney stones are there?

The three most common types of kidney stones are:

  • Oxalates - kidney stones containing calcium oxalate, are formed from the bases of oxalic acid and calcium. Oxalate stones- the most common type of stones (about 75% of cases). Calcium oxalate Kidney stones are the hardest of the kidney stones and are very difficult to dissolve. These stones are dense, black-gray in color, with a spiky surface. They easily injure the mucous membrane, causing the blood pigment to color them dark brown or black.
  • Urats - uric acid stones, consisting of crystals of uric acid salts - ammonium urate and sodium urate. Urate stones occur in 5% - 15% of cases, most often in people suffering from gout. Urats are formed when there is a high concentration of uric acid salts in the urine (for example, with a small volume and high density) and an acidic (pH below 5.5) urine reaction. Urats, usually brick-yellow in color, with a smooth surface and hard consistency.
  • Phosphates - kidney stones containing calcium salts of phosphoric acid - calcium phosphate. Phosphate stones in the kidneys occur in 8%-10% of cases. Phosphates are formed in alkaline urine (pH above 7), grow quickly, easily crushed. Surface phosphates smooth or slightly rough, varied in shape, soft in consistency, white or light gray in color.

In addition, rarer types of kidney stones with the following chemical composition are sometimes found:struvite stones, cystine stones, protein stones, carbonate stones, cholesterol stones etc.

Often kidney stones have a mixed composition, which makes treatment difficult.

Drugs for dissolving kidney stones:

How to dissolve oxalates in the kidneys?

Most versatile remedy for dissolving kidney stones is a drug Asparkam and its slightly more expensive analogue - Panangin.

  • Asparkam tablets of 350 mg, 10 or 50 pcs. in packaging. 1 tablet Asparkam contains 175 mg of potassium aspartate and 175 mg of magnesium aspartate.
  • Panangin dragees (coated tablets) 50 pcs. in packaging. 1 dragee Panangin contains potassium aspartate 158 mg, magnesium aspartate 140 mg (K+ ~ 36 mg; Mg++ ~ 12 mg).

In principle, this drug was developed for completely different purposes and is usually used for heart diseases as a source of potassium and magnesium. However, M.Ya. Zholondz found out thatAsparkamgives very good results as for stones mixed composition in the kidneys, for example,urate-oxalate, and when dissolved the most insoluble kidney stones -oxalates , which are often unjustifiably considered insoluble.

How to dissolve urate in the kidneys?

To dissolve urate-oxalate And urate stones the drug is usually used in the kidneys Blemaren. This is a combination drug used for urolithiasis, as a nephrolitholytic, urine alkalizer , means. By composition and action Blémarin close to discontinued drug Uralite U.

Blémarin increases the solubility of uric acid stones - urates, improves the solubility of calcium oxalate in urine, prevents the formation calcium oxalate kidney stones. It is used for the treatment and prevention of urolithiasis (uric acid, calcium oxalate and mixed uric acid-oxalate stones), symptomatic treatment of porphyria, as well as for alkalinization of urine patients receiving cytostatics or drugs that increase the excretion of uric acid.

Blémarin Available in the form of effervescent tablets. One effervescent tablet Blemarena contains:

  • citric acid 1197 mg;
  • potassium bicarbonate 967.5 mg;
  • trisodium citrate anhydrous 835.5 mg.

Blémarin alkalinizes urine, establishing a neutral pH reaction in the range of 6.6-6.8, at which the solubility of salts significantly increases uric acid and potassium excretion increases. If this pH value can be maintained for a long time, dissolution of existing uric acid stones and their formation is prevented. Besides, Blémarin reduces calcium excretion, improves solubility calcium oxalate in urine, inhibits the formation of crystals and prevents the formation calcium oxalate stones.

However, Blemaren is a fairly expensive drug for dissolving kidney stones, and, moreover, when used, it requires checking the urine pH several times a day using control strips and recording the data in a notebook.

Cheap analogue Blemarena- This citric acid and ordinary lemons which are also great alkalinize urine to the required levels for dissolution urate And urate-oxalate kidney stones.

How to dissolve phosphates in the kidneys?

To dissolve phosphate stones used in the kidneys Madder root extract and drug Cyston. However, you can independently prepare a decoction of ground madder root, which is sold in pharmacies.

Madder extract promotes loosening of urinary stones containing calcium and magnesium phosphates, has an antispasmodic and diuretic (diuretic) effect. Extract from rhizomes and roots of the plant madder contains anthraquinones and their derivatives (at least 3% anthracene derivatives), organic acids, proteins, sugars and pectins. Madder root used for urolithiasis of the kidneys to reduce spasms and facilitate the passage of small stones.

Cyston - a combined preparation of plant origin with nephrolitholytic (stone-dissolving) and antimicrobial effects. Cyston promotes excretion oxalate And phosphate salts, uric acid and small stones from the urinary tract. Used as part of complex therapy for urolithiasis (nephrourolithiasis, including for the prevention of postoperative nephrourolithiasis), crystalluria, urinary tract infections (cystitis , pyelonephritis), gout.

For treatment urolithiasis of the kidneys except those listed above remedies for dissolving kidney stones the following are used herbal preparations:

Phytolysin - a combined herbal preparation that has a diuretic, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic effect. Phytolysin promotes the washing out of sand and small stones from the renal pelvis and ureters, prevents the crystallization of mineral components of urine, thanks to the formation of protective colloids in the urine by silicates horsetail And knotweed (knotweed).

Phytolysin- a paste of soft consistency, green-brown color, with a specific aromatic odor. 1 teaspoon of paste is diluted in 1/2 glass of warm water and taken 3-4 times a day after meals.

Indications: nephrolithiasis, especially if surgical treatment is impossible; urolithiasis and prevention of its relapse; infectious and inflammatory diseases of the urinary tract, Contraindications: Hypersensitivity, heartburn, nausea, diarrhea.

Canephron N - a combined preparation of plant origin for the complex treatment of chronic kidney and urinary tract diseases. It has a diuretic, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect. Reduces the severity of proteinuria, helps eliminate spasm of the urinary tract, prevents the formation and growth of stones in the urinary tract. Potentiates the effect of antibiotic therapy.

Under the influence Canephrona N increased release of salts uric acid And urine pH increases , which prevents the formation and growth of stones in the urinary tract. Due to action rosmarinic acid the release of inflammatory mediators is inhibited, which causes a persistent anti-inflammatory effect.

Spilled And Spilled Super Capsules - combined herbal preparations with a similar composition and similar action. The main active ingredient that dissolves kidney stones is curly silkworm, aka kedjibeling.

Curly silkworm has a diuretic, anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic effect. It has long been used as an effective means for dissolving, preventing the occurrence and removing stones from the kidneys and urinary tract. Prevents the occurrence and stops attacks renal colic.

Kidney stones can range in size from a grain of sand to a pearl. They are formed as a result of excess solid minerals that are found in the urine. Most often they form in the urethra, ureters and bladder. Kidney stones are very painful to pass. Although kidney stones require referral to a specialist, many doctors send patients home because small stones pass on their own if fluid intake is increased. If the kidney stone is too large, you may need treatment. Doctors use medical technology to break the stone into smaller pieces so it can be passed out in the urine. Read this article if you encounter such a problem.


Treatment of stones using medical procedures

    Medicines. Your doctor may recommend treatment to help clear the stones. This type of treatment, known as an alpha blocker, relaxes the muscles in the ureter, helping to pass kidney stones faster. Typically this should be sufficient for small stones.

    Extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy. This procedure involves using sound waves to crush stones. Because the procedure can be quite painful, patients are usually under anesthesia for 30-45 minutes while the stones are crushed. This is a fairly effective treatment method, but during the recovery period the patient may feel pain in the urinary tract from the passage of small fragments of crushed stones.

    Urethroscope. This is a device that is inserted into the ureter to detect stones. Typically, this method is used when the size of the stone does not allow for extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy, or in cases where the stone is not large enough to be removed surgically. Once the location of the stones is determined, the stones can be crushed into small pieces. Since the procedure can be quite painful, local or general anesthesia is usually used.

    Percutaneous nephrolithotomy. This is a surgery to remove large kidney stones through a small incision in the back. This treatment method is usually used if extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy is not possible. The recovery period is one to two days, the patient must remain in the hospital.

    Treatment of the thyroid gland. Some stones occur as a result of hyperparathyroidism. Hyperparathyroidism is a disease in which the parathyroid glands in the neck produce too much parathyroid hormone. This disease most often develops as a result of the formation of a tumor of the parathyroid gland; parathyroid hormone enters the blood in large quantities, which leads to an increase in calcium levels, and as a result, kidney stones can form. Once your doctor has determined that the cause of your kidney stones is hyperparathyroidism, he will prescribe the appropriate course of treatment for you.

    Use diuretic tea to dissolve kidney stones. Diuretic tea is a mixture of herbs and hot water that helps you urinate frequently and get rid of stones. Although the effectiveness of herbal remedies has not been scientifically proven, examples of many people who have overcome the disease provide convincing evidence. Try the following herbs to treat this condition:

Choosing the best course of treatment

  1. Determine whether you have kidney stones. Although not all kidney stones cause symptoms, sometimes even very small stones can cause severe pain. If you have already encountered this problem in your life, you can be confident that the diagnosis is correct. However, the symptoms of kidney stones are similar to those of many other diseases, so it is best to consult a doctor so that he can diagnose the disease and prescribe treatment. The most common symptoms of kidney stones are:

    • Severe pain in the lower back, which often radiates to the lower abdomen and groin area.
    • Pain during urination.
    • Change in urine color. Cloudy urine and unpleasant odor.
    • Nausea and vomiting
  2. Visit your doctor for the necessary examinations. Get an X-ray, CT scan, or ultrasound (whichever your doctor recommends) when you notice symptoms. Thanks to modern examination methods, you can know the size, shape and number of kidney stones.

    • If the stone is smaller than 5mm, your doctor will probably recommend that you use home remedies to get rid of it.
    • If you have large stones or multiple stones, your doctor may recommend a course of treatment that will be effective for you.
  3. Find out what kind of stones you have. Different types of kidney stones have similar symptoms. However, the process of stone formation can be influenced by various factors. Knowing the cause can help you reduce the size of the stones and prevent them from appearing in the future. Your doctor may ask you to take a blood or urine test to find out what type of stone you have. Additionally, once the stone is passed, your doctor may send it to a laboratory for analysis to determine its composition. Here are the different types of kidney stones:

    • Calcium stones: These are the most common type of stones and are usually composed of calcium, calcium oxalate and/or a combination of calcium and phosphate.
    • Uric acid stones in the kidneys are associated with malnutrition. Uric acid stones form only in acidic urine.
    • Struvite stones: They can form as a result of a urinary tract infection.
    • Cystine stones are relatively rare compared to other types of kidney stones. The reason for their formation is a rare hereditary disease associated with metabolic pathology.