Recently, in the cosmetics market, manufacturers have increasingly begun to indicate the pH level on the packaging of foams or washing gels. We invite you to figure out right now what this abbreviation means, why this indicator is needed and how to choose cosmetics with an optimal pH level for yourself. At the end of the article, you will find a selection of specific cleansing products, created specifically by the team’s professionalswebsite

What is the pH level of the skin?

Human skin contains water molecules, and therefore has its own acid-base balance (pH), which can change depending on the condition of the skin. In other words, skin pH shows the ratio of acid and alkali on its surface.

The pH value can vary from 0 to 14. Each number characterizes a specific environment. This can be clearly seen in the image below:

Scientific studies of wide groups of people have shown that the pH parameters of the surface of the dermis can vary in the range from 4 to 7. At the same time, a direct dependence of the pH level on the type of our skin has been established. Dry skin is characterized by a balance of 5.7 to 7, which indicates a dominant acidic environment. Numbers from 4 to 5.2 are typical for oily skin, where an alkaline environment prevails.

The optimal pH balance of the skin on the face is 5.5. And it is precisely with this indicator that the skin’s high resistance to bacteria, infections and other external irritants is ensured. As soon as a shift occurs in one direction or another, skin problems begin.

How to Determine pH Level

In beauty salons, to determine pH, portable electronic testers with an indicator or glass electrode are used to determine the acidity level in numerical terms - pH meters. But you can do this yourself, paying attention to the type of imperfections that bother you.

If the pH is low, this will be indicated by factors such as flaking of the skin, severe dryness and tightness, itching, redness, and there will also be an unpleasant or even painful reaction when applying decorative cosmetics. An elevated pH level results in oily shine, rashes and enlarged pores.

Which cosmetic products to choose?

By using too harsh cleansing products in our care, for example, regular soap, we disrupt the acid-base balance, causing inflammation, acne, dryness or flaking. That is why when choosing a foam for washing you need to pay attention to this indicator.

In this article, we have made for you a selection of products that will work effectively, but at the same time be gentle and gentle.

Ideal for morning cleansing of the skin. Excellently removes excess sebum and dead cells, giving a feeling of cleanliness, hydration and comfort throughout the day. Does not overdry, does not cause peeling, irritation or a feeling of tightness.

Designed to cleanse the skin of makeup. The product penetrates deep into the pores and copes well with any impurities. The special formula of the product allows it to be used for all skin types.

Gently and carefully removes any dirt. The special composition of the product ensures that the skin maintains an optimal pH balance and improves its condition. The product perfectly nourishes, moisturizes, soothes the skin, promotes regeneration, makes the skin smooth and silky.

It has a low acid-base balance and therefore does not disturb the natural pH of the skin. The foam does not overdry and does not provoke a feeling of tightness, while the product perfectly cleanses the skin of impurities, moisturizes and softens, has an anti-inflammatory effect, tones and improves complexion.

Designed specifically for sensitive and dry skin. Its main advantage is low acidity, which neutralizes the harmful effects of hard running water and restores the acid-base balance of the skin. The foam cleanses well, does not dry out and prevents inflammation.

In conclusion, we would like to note that any facial cleansing, even just with running water, without using cosmetic foam, disrupts the natural pH balance of the skin and destroys its protective barrier. For this reason, after washing, be sure to use a refreshing toner and moisturizer. Do not neglect this rule and choose soft cleansers.

The process of formation of keratin, melanin and skin PH.
This complex process begins in the germinal layer and ends in the stratum corneum, where cells undergo numerous changes. Their cytoplasm and nucleus atrophy. Keratohyamine, produced in the granular layer, is responsible for the formation of sebum. In the transparent layer, where living epithelial cells are approaching the final period of “living” existence, keratohyamine is intensively replaced by keratin. At this level, the cells are almost completely dehydrated. Dehydration is accompanied by the process of keratinization. The stratum corneum contains about 10% water, compared to 70-72% water in the germinal and papillary layers. The formation of keratin is controlled by the activity of many endocrine glands that secrete hormones. For example, increasing the level of female hormones reduces the formation of keratin. Some other hormones, on the contrary, accelerate the formation of keratin.

Formation of melanin. Melanin is a highly energetic pigment. It is formed from many special cells located in the basal germinal layer, known as melanocytes. The formation and distribution of melanolin is influenced by external and internal factors. Melanin grains concentrated in the basal layer are then transferred to the outer layers of the epidermis. Under the influence of appropriate stimuli - such as solar training, they affect skin color. Thus, sunbathing leads to the activation of pigment cells, in which melanin is actively released under the influence of sunlight. As a result, the skin acquires a darker, darker color. An active pH reaction of liquids or creams indicates their acidity or alkalinity. The pH scale ranges from 0 to 14, with neutral pH being 7. Acidity is any value below 7. A decrease in pH indicates an increase in acidity. Acidity is characterized by a sour taste, like lemon. Alkalinity is an alkaline reaction that corresponds to pH values ​​from 7 to 14. Increasing the pH increases the degree of alkalinity. Alkalis are a group of compounds that, when exposed to acid, can increase salts, color red litmus blue, and have the property of washing away fats. Neutrality. Neutral solution is a soft, chemically inactive solution, i.e. neither alkaline nor acidic. Although a neutral reaction corresponds to a value of 7 on the scale. The concept of “neutrality” is broader and implies pH from 6.5 to 7.5 pH of the skin and its cover (mantle). The secretions of the sebaceous and sweat glands and the formation of keratin in the epidermis form an “acid mantle” that protects the skin from bacteria and dehydration, and also helps maintain its normal condition.

Physiologically, the pH of skin tissue can change significantly. The pH of the skin, being subject to external factors such as solar radiation, the influence of cosmetics, and also in severe physical condition, affects the pH value. This indicator varies in different parts of the body. The pH of the inner layers of the skin corresponds to the pH of blood and plasma, i.e. approximately 7.35, while in the outer layers of the epidermis the pH ranges from 4.8 to 5. The pH of the stratum corneum of healthy skin is 5-5.6.

When caring for our skin, we should take care of the “acid mantle.” Particular attention should be paid to different skin types - oily skin has a pH in the range of 7.5-8, dry skin has a pH of about 6.5. For oily skin, products containing an alkaline reaction are desirable, while for dry skin, products with a slightly acidic environment are needed.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the line of devices.

This very pH is also widely known under another name - acid-base balance. The word “balance” conveys harmony, calm and order, which is what we strive for in everything, including skin care.

The surface of the skin is covered with a hydrolipid mantle, which is a mixture of sweat and sebum with the addition of organic acids. Moreover, in European languages, the hydrolipid mantle is called acidic. Indeed, its acid-base balance is slightly shifted to the “sour” side. It averages 5.5. In the process of evolution, it became clear that exactly this pH is necessary for effective protection against microorganisms and external chemical influences.

    Neutral pH is 7.

    Anything less than 7 is acidic, and the lower the pH, the higher the acidity.

    Anything over 7 is alkaline.

The pH scale looks like a rainbow! Normally, our skin indicator is in the warm green zone. © Getty Images

What causes skin pH imbalance?

    tap water;

    chlorinated pool water;

    aggressive cleansers (alkaline);


    polluted air;

    incorrectly selected cosmetics (not according to skin type);

    unbalanced diet (trans fats and excess sugar in the diet are manifested by skin rashes).

Even such a healthy activity as swimming disrupts the pH of the skin. Therefore, pool lovers require careful additional skin care. © Getty Images

A cosmetic product with a high pH (alkaline) also increases the pH of the skin and “alkalizes” it. A product with a low pH (acidic), in contact with the skin, lowers its pH.

What happens if the pH is unbalanced

As for human skin, with a dry type and dryness in principle, its pH can drop to 3.5, and with oily skin it can reach a neutral value of 7. The more “acidic” the hydrolipid mantle of the skin, the drier it is. It is no coincidence that almost every product for oily, problem skin contains salicylic acid.

Conversely, dry, “acidic” skin lacks lipids. Its pH is low and it needs additional nutrition and hydration.

It can be argued that any skin problem has something to do with pH imbalance. The following signs indicate violations:

An unbalanced skin pH means that our protective mantle cannot cope with the onslaught of external negative factors, cannot resist infections and other adverse factors.

Review of cosmetics with pH optimal for skin

There are products for sensitive skin with a pH that is far from neutral.

Facial cream-gel with rose water for dry and sensitive skin, Garnier

Soothing 2-in-1 makeup remover “Gentle care” for sensitive skin, Garnier

Cleanses the skin with oils without drying it out. Even stubborn makeup is removed immediately. Soothes thanks to vitamin B5 and lily extract in the composition.

Cleansing gel “Absolute tenderness” for dry and sensitive skin, L’Oréal Paris

Cleansing emulsion Nutri:nectar, Shu Uemura

The emulsion oil is suitable for washing dry skin, cleanses and saturates it with antioxidants and omega fatty acids from acai and magnolia berries.

Biosource Self-Foaming Cleansing Water, Biotherm

The foam not only cleanses, but also cares for sensitive skin, as it contains thermal plankton extract.

Cleansing toner “Clean Skin” against blackheads and oily shine, Garnier

Tonic “Luxury Nutrition”, L’Oréal Paris

The toner is suitable for any skin type. It contains nourishing rose and camellia (tea) oils, as well as vitamin E. More about the product

Every practicing dermatocosmetologist knows about the importance of a balanced skin pH. The normal level of acid-base status is largely responsible for the health of human skin. Beneficial bacteria that live on the surface of the skin produce acids that protect it from the penetration of harmful bacteria, allergens and other aggressive environmental factors.

But under certain conditions, the pH balance of the skin can be disrupted, resulting in favorable conditions for the development of pathological processes.

How skin pH balance depends on the pH of cosmetic products

Skin pH balance is an indicator of the relationship between acidic and alkaline environments. Normally, the pH of the skin is acidic - in the range of 4.7 - 5.7, which is necessary to maintain the protective properties of the skin.

One of the most important factors influencing pH imbalance is cosmetic products that come into daily contact with the skin.

For the treatment of dermatological diseases, it is very important, first of all, to normalize the pH balance, and therefore a dermatocosmetologist should always understand what pH certain cosmetic products have, and what recommendations should be given to a patient with an impaired pH balance.

pH balance of care products that the skin comes into contact with every day

Human skin is exposed to a variety of cosmetics every day, which, of course, every patient considers useful. Soaps, shampoos, tonics, peelings and other cosmetics do benefit the skin, but under certain conditions they can disrupt its pH balance. It is important to understand what pH indicators cosmetic products have, since those whose pH balance is in the range of 3-9 are harmless to our skin.

1. Soap

Few people know, but an ordinary bar of solid soap has a pH of 9 to 11. This hygiene product is too alkaline for the skin, its use changes its environment and creates favorable conditions for the development of infection and inflammation, therefore it is strictly forbidden to wash with soap. It is important to recommend to the patient shower gels and liquid soaps whose pH does not exceed 6.5.

2. Peels

The pH balance of chemical peels is very dependent on the concentration of acids, but, as a rule, ranges from 1.5 to 3. With a normal skin pH of 3, chemical peels can be quite dangerous cosmetics. It is very important to apply them to the skin only for a short, limited period of time, and use a special neutralizer containing alkali.

3. Skin creams

The pH value of various skin creams varies between 5-7. On jars of creams you can often see the inscription “pH balanced”, this means that the pH of the cream is 5.5 and it really is optimal for normal healthy skin. At the same time, using the cream you can even out the pH of the skin. For dry skin types, it is worth recommending to the patient creams with a pH balance of 5-6; for oily skin, a cream with a more acidic pH of 3-5 is needed.

4. Tonics

It is this product that must be used daily in order to restore the normal pH balance of the skin after contact with water. The pH of any toner is between 3-5, and it is very important to use it for patients with any skin type.

5. Shampoos and hair conditioners

The scalp and hair have a pH of about 5, and the optimal care products for them are shampoos, conditioners and other cosmetics with a pH of 4 to 6. Shampoos with sulfates and a very alkaline pH significantly dry and irritate the scalp. Alkaline products also tend to open up the hair cuticles, causing them to lose moisture, become dry and easily damaged. Acidic products close the cuticles and retain moisture in the hair, and this is the main task for the conditioner, so its pH should be shifted towards an acidic environment - 4-6.

Using the right skincare cosmetics helps maintain the pH balance of the skin within normal limits, and if the protective properties of the skin are in order, it is not at risk of developing pathological processes.

Therefore, one of the main tasks of dermatocosmetologists is to select the right cosmetics that are individually suitable for the patient’s skin, and it is the pH balance that plays an important role in maintaining its health and beauty.

Hi all!

I invite you to Friday “talk” :)

What is skin pH? Do you pay attention to products aimed at balancing the acid-base balance? And how to choose the right care, guided by knowledge about the pH of your skin?

We all dream of finding effective facial skin care products that will immediately solve all our problems. We read various forums and reviews, try to understand the tricky ingredients, translate tons of samples in search of the one that is right for us.

Have you ever encountered a situation where a seemingly one-size-fits-all product, which has received a lot of rave reviews, does not work so perfectly on your skin? Or even worse - it provokes redness, rashes or peeling?

Lately, I have increasingly come across recommendations for selecting skin care based on pH.
In annotations and posts about skin care cosmetics, we often come across the following formulations: “neutral pH”, “pH balanced”, “restores skin pH”, “identical to skin pH”, “maintains skin pH balance”, “regulates pH, etc.
But when I try to figure it out and read the literature, I get more and more confused.

The abbreviation pH is used to indicate the ratio of acid to base and is measured on a scale from 0 to 14.

On the surface of the facial skin there is a thin hydrolipid film, a component of the protective layer of the epidermis, with the help of which the body resists external influences: dirt, infections, dry air, etc. Scientists have proven that the pH of the protective layer of the skin is usually acidic and fluctuates in the pH range of 4-7 - it is in such an environment that the normal microflora of the skin is able to exist normally, releasing certain substances that prevent the colonization of the skin by pathogenic bacteria that prefer a higher level pH.

There are many factors that affect the pH level of the skin: from our diet to regular washing with water. A normal pH is considered to be 5.5 - this is a borderline state between an alkaline and acidic environment. If the PH level is higher or lower than this figure, then this indicates skin problems. The prevalence of an acidic environment is expressed in a decrease in the indicator: pH balance from 3 to 5.5 is typical for oily skin. If the indicators are above the neutral value, then the alkaline environment takes over and the skin becomes dry.

That is, we can conclude that even with daily washing (the pH of water fluctuates around 7), we already injure the skin, and if normal skin needs several hours to restore its original pH level, then it is more difficult for dry or oily skin to do this. Therefore, it is important to choose the right care (not only washing, but also subsequent stages) based on the needs of our skin in order to help it in its daily fight against negative factors.

And here a logical question arises: what to do to even out the pH balance of the skin and make it ideal? How to choose care in such a way that it does not harm, and even helps?

Some articles strongly advise using pH balancers labeled 5.5. Others suggest maintaining the existing pH level in comfortable conditions and using, for example, products with a more acidic composition for oily skin and, conversely, more alkaline ones for dry skin. Still others argue that you should strive to restore the level by choosing a product that is opposite the pH of the skin.

Many bloggers generally advise combining skin care products with different acid-base indicators for the skin, for example, according to the following scheme: choose products for washing and tonics that are as close as possible to the pH of the skin, that is, more acidic (with acids in the composition) or neutral (balanced pH = 5.5), and for balance choose moisturizing serums and creams.

What do you think about this? Do you think we should be guided by the pH level of the skin when choosing facial care products? Do you pay attention to the “neutral pH” label? And how to choose the right products based on skin pH?

Perhaps my question is very basic and may seem quite simple to some, but I would really like to know not only the opinion of experts and knowledgeable people, but also those who choose their own daily care.

P.S. I kindly ask you not to swear in the comments. Please, let's discuss the issue as correctly as possible.