What does a man who spends a lot of time at the office, but doesn’t forget about sports, need? Today's guys need gentle stretching of stiff muscles to help large muscle groups move freely and smoothly. Distribute force in a balanced and holistic manner in each pose.

It's not that the poses are very different. You just need to apply the principles of yoga to what the male body needs most.

1. Wind Banishing Pose with One Leg (Eka Pada Pavana Muktasana)

This pose releases tension in the buttocks, broadens the lower back and relieves tension in the lower back.

Lie on your back and stretch both legs, toes pointing up. Bend your left leg, bringing your knee toward your chest, and hold your shin with your hands. Visualize the flexed leg relaxing and softening while paying equal attention to engaging and strengthening the flexed leg. Stay in the pose for 3-5 breaths. Return to the starting position, switch legs and repeat the pose two more times on each side.

2. Grabbing the big toe in a lying position (Supta Padangusthasana)

If you lie on your back, the difficult stretching pose will become more accessible. The strap allows you to fully straighten your leg without strain and relax your hamstrings.

Lying on your back, bend your left leg towards your chest. Place a strap around your left foot and extend your leg up until it is perpendicular to the floor. Hold the belt with both hands and bend your elbows to the side until the backs of your hands rest on the floor at shoulder level. Open your chest, keep both legs extended and knees drawn up. Hold the pose for 3-5 breaths.

Hold the belt with your left hand. With your right leg stable, exhale and move your left arm and leg to the left until your leg is on the floor. Hold the pose for 2-3 inhalations and exhalations. Inhale, bring your left leg perpendicular to the floor, then release the strap and lower your leg. Repeat the sequence on your right leg.

3. Extended Triangle Pose (Utthita Trikonasana)

Emphasizing alignment in standing poses helps lengthen the legs and builds a strong, balanced foundation. If you do poses in quick succession, coordinating your movements with your breathing (entering a pose as you exhale and exiting as you inhale), this promotes smooth, rhythmic movements.

Stand at the beginning of the mat. As you exhale, jump your feet apart to the distance of your arms apart. Turn both feet to the right. Place your right palm on the floor or shin. Place your left palm on your waist. Strengthen your balance: Lift your toes and spread them out to the sides. Draw your knees and hips in and push down into the floor through your heels. As you inhale, lengthen your torso, and as you exhale, expand your chest upward. Raise your left hand up. Expand your collarbones and hold the pose for 2-3 breaths. As you inhale, rise up. Repeat on the left side.

4. Extended Side Angle Pose (Utthita Parshvakonasana)

As you stand in the pose, pay particular attention to inhalation and exhalation, extending your arm toward the floor while standing on stable, balanced legs.

With your feet wide, exhale and bend your right knee until your thigh is parallel to the floor and forms a 90° angle with your shin. Place the fingertips of your right hand on the floor next to your right foot. Raise your insteps and press your heels into the floor. As you exhale, extend your left arm over your left ear. Hold the pose for 2-3 inhalations and exhalations. As you inhale, lift yourself up with your left arm and straighten your right leg.

5. Bridge Pose (Setu Bandha Sarvangasana)

In this pose, the back muscles are strengthened, the spine is healed and filled with energy. This counters the tendency to slouch and sag that occurs in those who work at a computer and sit in front of a monitor a lot.

Lie on your back and bend your knees, bringing your heels toward your buttocks. Grab the edges of the mat and tuck the outer portions of your shoulders under you to lift your sternum and chest. As you exhale, lift your pelvis. Lift your heels off the floor, lift your pelvis a little more and tuck your shoulders under you even more. Keep your pelvis high and lower your heels to the floor. Pull your shins toward your chest, pushing the floor down through your heels. Repeat 3-5 times.

6. Marichiasana III

Twists relieve tension in the lower back and spine, tone the abdominal muscles and internal organs, calm the mind and prepare the body for relaxation in Shavasana.

Sit on two blankets with your legs extended forward. Bend your right knee and place your foot on the floor. With your right hand on the floor, extend your left arm to lift your spine. As you exhale, twist to the right, holding your knee with your left hand. Move your right palm behind your buttocks. With each inhalation, lengthen your spine. With each exhalation, twist a little further, starting in your belly and moving toward your ribs, chest, shoulders, and head. Take 5-8 breaths to complete the twist. As you inhale, release. Repeat on the other side.

Photo: Instagram.com/amygpics, Illustrations: Angelika Lebedeva

“Miss, miss! And he calls me names!” And the investigation of “who did what to whom” begins. As I watched this common scene, it occurred to me that a child does not immediately ask an adult to “right a wrong.” I think he wants to be comforted and understand that his feelings were hurt.

How much easier it would be if we realized what our children need most from us? support and understanding. Whether we're dealing with a hurtful comment on the playground or a more serious incident like bullying, children look to us to see what we think of them.

How can we respond if a child talks about a hurtful situation? First, we must acknowledge the situation by using phrases like, “I'm sorry Johnny called you a name. This probably offended you... But I don’t agree with him.” By allowing a child to talk about his own grief and grievances, we show him that we care about him.

This is difficult for adults who work in schools because we feel obligated to do something. Trying to get to the bottom of what really happened and finding a solution, often in the form of punishment, which then still needs to be conveyed and followed up on, takes a lot of time. There is a lot to do and not enough time. It is natural to strive to take action when a child comes with a complaint.

A teacher I know listens to all the children who come to complain about their classmates. Interestingly, when she asks the students after hearing a problem if they want her to do something, most often they say no. Sometimes she still has to talk to another student, but she feels less pressure knowing that children just want to be listened to.

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When children feel our “presence,” it has a calming effect on the nervous system. To be present, we as adults need to be confident that what we do in this moment is just as important as what we do next.

Our children need to know that they are important enough to us that we will want to listen to their concerns. They want to know what we think about them. And when they are convinced of this, it will be their support in the turbulent world of their peers. Of course, we must respond to situations that require intervention because students expect us to protect them. However, this may not be needed as often as we think.

I encourage those who work with children to try. Try this for a day or two as an experiment. Be on the same page with your child by acknowledging his feelings and hurt feelings. Tell your child a few words about how you see him (focus on his efforts and achievements). Acknowledge the injustice of what happened. Even if you are asked to do something that can be done later, continue to ask how the child is doing. I'm sure you'll be pleased with the results.

To whom. Razg. Express About someone who is overly proactive, active, unstoppable in any business or event. “Take care of yourself, don’t poke your nose where you shouldn’t, don’t get in front of bullets and bombs. You're some kind of a catechumen, you always need more than anyone else. And the careful one... ... Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Literary Language

To whom. Razg. About being overly proactive, unstoppable in some way. matter of man. F 1, 311 ... Large dictionary of Russian sayings

Adverb, number of synonyms: 1 counterargument (9) ASIS Dictionary of Synonyms. V.N. Trishin. 2013… Dictionary of synonyms

NECESSARY, meaning. tale., with indefinite, whom (what) or what. The same as needed (see needed in numbers 3 and 4). N. work. His concern n. understand. N. money. Most of all N. who n. (about someone who is too active, interferes in everything; colloquial ind.). So to him... ... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

NEED 1, in value. tale., with undefined, someone, what or what. The same as needed (see needed in numbers 3 and 4). N. work. His concern n. understand. N. money. Most of all N. who n. (about someone who is too active, interferes in everything; colloquial disapproved). So he... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

NEED 1, in value. tale., with undefined, someone, what or what. The same as needed (see needed in numbers 3 and 4). N. work. His concern n. understand. N. money. Most of all N. who n. (about someone who is too active, interferes in everything; colloquial disapproved). So he... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

NEED 1, in value. tale., with undefined, someone, what or what. The same as needed (see needed in numbers 3 and 4). N. work. His concern n. understand. N. money. Most of all N. who n. (about someone who is too active, interferes in everything; colloquial disapproved). So he... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

NEED 1, in value. tale., with undefined, someone, what or what. The same as needed (see needed in numbers 3 and 4). N. work. His concern n. understand. N. money. Most of all N. who n. (about someone who is too active, interferes in everything; colloquial disapproved). So he... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

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For many years I have been concerned with the question: how does the relationship between a child and parents influence how the child’s adult life will develop in the future? And in this article I will show you, which one exactly parenting skill most strongly affects our ability to communicate with a child in a way that does not traumatize him and so that his future is truly bright.

At first glance, the answer to this question is clear to many of us. There is a lot of literature about how to behave correctly with a child, what you can do and what you can’t do. But there is one point that, unfortunately, is rarely emphasized and, accordingly, few parents develop this truly magical skill.

In the Parenting Art Workshop, until recently, my parents and I touched on this skill only from time to time (more often in the process of individual counseling).

So, what skill or ability are we talking about?


Mindfulness is an essential skill for life, which means that as we live our lives, we are present in this process to the maximum.

"Sounds weird"- you say. Indeed, it seems, where else can we be, if not in our lives?

But take your time...Gradually, this topic will reveal itself to you in all its fullness and beauty.

First, let's remember, do you ever have such moments when you go home from work, your thoughts still solving work problems, uttering dialogues with your colleagues and boss to yourself? Arriving home, you try to play with your child, although all you want now is peace and quiet. Or – love and tenderness. Or - eat and sleep. It turns out that our body wants one thing, our thoughts are stewing in something else, and in our emotions it’s generally unclear what’s going on!

And you must admit, such moments occur in our lives quite often.

And as a result: no strength, no energy, no feeling of LIFE, of your life….

And then it is very difficult to be parents. Even if we know perfectly well how to do it correctly. It's hard not to be annoyed, it's hard to want to be with the child, it's hard be fully present with him. And this is the most important thing that our children need from us.

What does the skill of mindfulness include?

This is the ability to be present in the present moment with your whole being: that is, to feel your body, be clearly aware of your thoughts and understand (catch, hear) your emotions and their reasons.

Recently I asked myself a question: When can parenting truly become an art? How do you think? Only when there is awareness. Because any art is always purely individual, it cannot be created as a carbon copy. This is what comes from me, from my unique world, my unique perception of life and experience that I am aware of and accept. And my unique knowledge and feeling of my child...

By the way, such childhood syndromes as hyperactivity and attention deficit are directly related to the how aware are we like parents.

And now I want to ask you: What difficulties do you mostly encounter in communicating with children?

The most common answers are:

The child does not obey;

The child throws tantrums;

The child somehow behaves differently (there are a lot of options: shy, on the contrary - arrogant, passive, does not want anything, on the contrary - hyperactive, cannot concentrate, is not attentive, not sociable;


As you can see, the problems can be very different.

But let's now look at where we really have the power to change something, that is, at ourselves.

So, what exactly is not working for us?

It’s impossible to restrain yourself and not break into a scream at certain moments;

It’s not possible to interest the child in studies or anything else;

It is impossible to come to an agreement with the child, to convince him;

I can’t be a friend to a child so that he takes into account my opinions and feelings;


And in these situations, we sincerely do not understand why we are not succeeding. Often it seems to us that we are behaving correctly, as they say in books. And talking about each of these and other problems and analyzing them in detail, you can write entire books and conduct long trainings. But if we want to get by on our own in the future, without running around in a panic in every difficult situation for advice, then there is only one way - develop your awareness. Without it, we play cat and mouse with our children and with ourselves.

Dear parents, let's develop this skill together, starting today. I'll help! This topic is incredibly broad and concerns all areas of our lives. Today you and I took the first step - we met her. In the following articles we will talk about how to develop mindfulness every day, gradually integrating this skill into our lives.

Stop, take a breath and pause. What do you think you need most right now? What does your soul and body require? Where are your thoughts? What are your dreams? The stars can give you a little hint, and then it’s up to you to decide.

Illustration: Pascal Campion

1. Aries

Right now you urgently need it. You are constantly flying somewhere and never stop. After everything you've done and achieved lately, you deserve a little break and relaxation.

2. Taurus

You urgently need to “close” some completed stage. Someone (or something) from your past hangs heavily in your memory, and it drives you crazy and prevents you from sleeping properly. You need to get rid of past memories in order to move on.

3. Gemini

Right now you are missing the intense feeling of happiness. You need to smile more sincerely and stop pretending that everything is fine with you, although cats are scratching your soul. It's time to start the process of change.

4. Cancer

7. Libra

You should treat yourself immediately. You always deprive yourself of pleasure by saving your money, but now you are allowed to relax and unwind a little. You deserve basic human pleasure.

8. Scorpio

Urgently perk up and remember how much you love yourself. You deserve to absolutely love your own reflection in the mirror. You should feel more in your body because your value in this world is enormous.

9. Sagittarius

You need to feel safe at this moment. Feel like a loved and needed person. Spend time with loved ones or with that one chosen one (or chosen one) who is worth your time and effort.

10. Capricorn

You have an acute lack of warmth and support. You've been stressed lately and need a reminder that you are loved. That there are people around you who wish you only the best. People who consider themselves lucky to have met you once.

11. Aquarius

Right now you desperately need to realize some dream of yours, even the smallest one. You have worked hard and now you are waiting for a fair reward. Ultimately, you will build the life of your dreams, but it will take continuous effort.

12. Pisces

You need to have a glass to calm your nerves. You also need the opportunity to relax and unwind with your closest friends. You are overwhelmed by constant and everyday stress that you want to escape from.