Rumors about the disappearance of dairy kitchens have been circulating for several years now. At the same time, the Moscow authorities and federal officials did not say anything specific, but many social and medical workers, as well as young mothers, decided that the project would cease to exist or change radically. It is impossible to answer the question whether there will be a dairy kitchen in 2018 for sure, because the relevant laws have not yet been adopted, but if in the new year the authorities decide to save on this type of support, the kitchens may well be removed

The dairy kitchen is a special support measure that involves providing dairy products to children and pregnant women. There are fewer such institutions throughout Russia, because most young families do not use the services. Regional authorities can change the list of documents through which you can gain access to a dairy kitchen. That is why it is impossible to say exactly what certificates will be required to receive food benefits.

While the kitchen is open, pregnant and lactating women, as well as parents whose baby is not more than three years old, can get food there.

Will Dairy Kitchens be closed in 2018?

Among young mothers, you can hear news about the destruction of dairy kitchens since the beginning of 2018, but the authorities have not officially made any loud statements. Among the reasons why the institutions will be liquidated are: non-compliance of kitchens with the standards of the Customs Union, as well as lack of state registration. Among the side reasons are a decrease in interest in dairy cuisine as a fact and frequent complaints about the inconvenience of using the service.

Parents are not showing high interest in the opportunity to receive free food for their young children, and the authorities are proposing to replace the kitchen with regular payments of funds. Many parents note that the amount for which they receive food per month is about 3-4 thousand rubles, but mothers and fathers are confident that the compensation will be much more modest.

The past and future of the kitchen

Dairy kitchens were opened in the post-war era, when caring for mother and child was the No. 1 topic. In various cities of the USSR, special food distribution points for children were opened, where mothers with children under two years old could come. Gradually, the idea became less popular, half of these points had to be closed, but in 2007 the Russian government ordered the system to be revived. In Moscow they did this with particular enthusiasm, emphasizing that such kitchens should be located in all districts.

It is impossible to say for sure whether the Dairy Kitchen will be canceled in 2018, but everything is moving towards this. Today, in Moscow alone there are more than 120 food distribution points for young parents. According to surveys, about 40% of parents (especially divorced women left without support) believe that traveling to food distribution points is becoming more expensive than buying it in a regular store. Also, parents sometimes simply have no one to hand over their baby to during the trip. The government, assessing such comments, is trying to offer an option that will suit everyone, namely, replacing food with money.

Already now everyone understands that such amounts will be significantly less than the cost of products. In the regions where such a replacement took place, compensation was 200 rubles (Yaroslavl region) and 700 rubles (Leningrad region). The poorer the region, the lower the amount of compensation, so parents from all over Russia urgently ask the government to once again study all the nuances before completely canceling the dairy kitchen.

What to expect in January

The dairy kitchen will not be canceled from January 1, 2018; now this idea has not been formalized on paper and has no legal basis. No one guarantees that the authorities will not abandon their idea of ​​​​transferring all assistance to young families into material assistance, but this will happen only after the approval of amendments to the law.

The rumor that the Dairy Kitchen may be canceled from the beginning of 2018 is supported by news about the Russian economy. Entering the new year with inflation, the government is ready to do everything to curb its growth, free the budget from unnecessary burden and wisely distribute available funds. Maintaining the normal functioning of dairy kitchens requires a lot of money, which means they will need to be modernized. In some Russian cities, young parents simply have not heard about the opportunity to receive food for free or are faced with inflated prices in the dairy kitchen (where goods are sold).

An enterprise that provides food to pregnant and postpartum women and their small children must operate in accordance with sanitary standards. Unfortunately, most kitchen shops will now undergo sanitary inspections for a very long time, and some will not pass at all.

From January 1, 2018, the dairy kitchen in Moscow and the Moscow region will still continue to operate according to the old scheme, however, if the changes being discussed occur, parents will be able to take money instead of milk and cottage cheese to buy the products the baby needs. There are still significantly more opponents of this idea than supporters.

How to find a dairy kitchen

Pregnant women can obtain the right to visit the dairy kitchen directly at a medical institution - in consultation (during pregnancy) or with a pediatrician who is monitoring the baby. Also, the doctor observing the child helps to register the dairy kitchen if he is treating a child with diseases that give him the right to receive benefits. Having close contact with the dairy kitchen, the doctors know well and will tell you how to fill everything correctly and how to get the required products for the first time.

There is a lot of gossip around the dairy kitchen. They said that it could be closed in 2017, but this did not happen. All that remains is to figure out what rules apply and what the list of products should be for babies, nursing mothers and pregnant women.

Who is eligible for dairy food kits in Moscow?

Before consulting a pediatrician, you should make sure that you belong to the category of people who should be provided with a dairy kitchen. At this time, citizens who can take advantage of this support are:

  • children aged 0-3 years;
  • disabled children;
  • children under 15 years of age if they have chronic illnesses;
  • pregnant women who are registered and whose pregnancy is 12 weeks or older;
  • children from large families whose age does not exceed 7 years;
  • nursing women - until six months have passed after the birth of the child.

To get products, you should visit your pediatrician. He will give a special conclusion.

What is required in a dairy kitchen in Moscow and the Moscow region in 2018?

Nursing mothers take juice, milk from the kitchen, pregnant women take a similar list of products in a different volume. Children who have not reached the age of 2 months receive formula from milk. If the child is 3-4 months old, he is given additional fruit puree or juice. Children over 5 months old are offered vegetable puree and porridge along with the presented products. Upon reaching 7 months of age, the child also receives canned food of vegetable or meat origin, and cottage cheese.

When the child is 9 months old, in addition to the specified list of products, he can also count on kefir. One-year-old children receive special baby milk, as do children with disabilities under 15 years of age.

Dairy kitchen in Moscow for children by month

To find out in more detail what children are entitled to in the dairy kitchen by month, the table will tell you. We invite you to familiarize yourself with it.

Child's age

ProductsNorm for 30 daysGram in containerFrequency of issue
0-3 monthsPowdered milk mixture700 g500 Once every 7 days
Liquid mixture4800 g200 Once every 7 days
4 monthsThe above products, fruit puree, juice1 l eachOnce every 7 days
5 monthsThe same thing, as well as vegetable puree, dry porridgeVegetable puree – 1.92 kg, porridge – 400 gPackaging may varyOnce every 30 days
6 monthsPorridge, juice, fruit puree, dry, liquid milk mixture, vegetable pureePorridge – 0.4 kg, dry milk mixture – 350 g, fruit juice – 1.2 kg, liquid mixture – 2.4 kg, fruit puree – 1 kg, vegetable puree – 1.92 kgPackaging may vary.Once every 30 days, with the exception of liquid mixture
7-8 monthsThe above products, meat puree, cottage cheese, vegetable pureeCottage cheese – 600 g, meat puree – 560 g, vegetable puree – 300 gOnce every 30 days
9-12 monthsThe same products, kefir2 kgContainers may be differentOnce every 30 days
1-2 yearsFruit juice, milk, fruit puree, kefir, cottage cheeseFruit juice – 2 kg, milk – 2.4 kg, puree – 0.8 kg, kefir – 2.4 kg, cottage cheese – 0.6 kgJuice – 200 g each, milk – 200 g each, puree – 100 g each, kefir – 200 g each, cottage cheese – 50 g eachJuice, puree, milk - once every 30 days, cottage cheese and kefir - once every 7 days
2-3 yearsMilk is reduced by 0.4 kg, juice is increased by 0.4 kgMilk – 2 kg, juice – 2400 gPackaging may vary.

Once a month

Children under 7 years of age receive milk: 1800 g. Children under 15 years of age receive milk: 1 kg.

What do they give in the dairy kitchen to nursing mothers and pregnant women?

Breastfeeding women and pregnant women are also given food from the kitchen. Pregnant women should receive 2.64 kg of juice and 6 kg of milk every 30 days. Nursing mothers take: juice: 3300 g, milk – 8000 g.

To take food, you should bring 2 copies of your passport and a completed form to the pediatrician. After this, an application is drawn up, then a prescription for milk is given for a month. It must be renewed every month.

Milk is given at 2.5%, juice is usually Fruto NINYA - apple or apple with pear. Nursing mothers receive Agusha milk, specially designed for nursing women - 2.5%. Milk “MolokoVo!” may be given out. It is also 2.5%. Juice – Agusha or Fruto NANNY.

Addresses and opening hours of the dairy kitchen in Moscow

There is no general schedule for the operation of all kitchens. However It is possible to tell us about common opening hours:

  • from 6.30 to 11.00;
  • until 12.00;
  • until 10.00;
  • until 11.30.

It turns out that it is best to come from 7.00 until about 10.00. The points are located mainly near clinics. Your pediatrician will tell you the address. Many kitchens are open every day, but there are some that are closed on Saturday and Sunday.

Dairy food producers in 2018

By decision of the Department of Health, it was decided to enter into a contract for the supply of kitchen goods with Wimm-Bill-Dann. The contract was signed for 3 years. The presented solution was made because the company is cost-effective and has been in demand for a long time.

In addition, it is planned to continue cooperation with the Fruto Nyanya brand, under which purees and juices are produced. These products are of high quality and sold at a low price. That is why the Moscow authorities decided to sign a long-term contract with the supplier.

What documents are needed to receive dairy kitchen kits in Moscow?

To obtain the right to products, you must submit an application to the doctor of the medical institution where the baby is being observed. Pregnant women write a statement to the doctor at the consultation where they are located. In addition, you will have to show some documents.

Let's look at the stages of preparing a recipe:

  1. First, you should find out if the service is available in your locality.
  2. Then you should contact your pediatrician, the prescription is issued before the 25th, monthly;
  3. After issuing a prescription, you should contact the dispensing point according to your place of residence. Products are issued within 10 days from the date of registration of social support.

The following documents must be presented:

  • photocopy of passport;
  • the baby’s birth certificate, a certificate of registration in the consultation, if a pregnant woman is trying to get support;
  • certificate of the place where the baby is registered;
  • policy.

Certificates confirming that the family has many children, a certificate of the mother’s and father’s salaries for 3 months, and documents indicating that the child has a disability may be required. After the doctor gives the prescription, it is taken to the kitchen station before the 20-25th of each month.

About the possibility of receiving food at the dairy kitchen without registration

To receive food, the child must register with a registration at a medical institution. To dispense milk, you must either be registered in Moscow or the Moscow Region, or be attached to a Moscow clinic. You cannot be assigned to a medical institution in two places. Without observing the presented nuances, you should not count on providing assistance.

Features and differences of dairy cuisine in Moscow and the Moscow region

Not all families raising children can use the kitchen services. It depends on what decisions were made by the authorities at the local level. Previously, milk kits were provided only in the capital. Now they are available for the Moscow region.

Most pick-up points are open from 6.30 a.m. to 12.00 p.m.. There are also kitchens that operate from 11.00 to 8 pm. Points related to clinics are open as long as the medical institution is open.

In 2018, the kits include dry and liquid mixtures, milk, kefir, curds, juices, and purees. They are issued according to the recommendations of pediatricians and approved standards. The parents or representatives of the child must receive the prescription.

So, social support for families with children and women expecting a child continues to be provided in the capital and region. There are currently several product distribution points operating. The state is doing everything to ensure that children aged 0 to 3 years receive food in the required quantity if their parents need it. The safety and quality of goods are controlled by special services. Implementation deadlines are met according to standards.

State support measures for families with newborns and preschoolers today take various forms.

For some, cash payments are provided, for others - special cards to which payments are received.

One of the forms that is popular and has been in effect for decades is.

Products suitable for age are issued at specialized points. Their quantity and content in the set are specified in special lists compiled by specialists, including pediatricians. The lists are approved by local authorities, and directions (prescriptions) are written out by local children's doctors during the appointment.

Dairy kitchens in Moscow and the Moscow region: features and differences

There are dairy kitchens in different cities, since this support measure is popular and in demand among the population. It is known that in modern economic realities, not everyone who wants to raise children can use the services of this organization. This is due, first of all, to the legislation in force in the country, as well as to those local decrees that are developed in each locality.

A little less than 2 years ago there were some changes in the functioning system of milk distribution points (kitchens). They affected not only Moscow and Moscow Region, but all organizations in general. The main changes affected the standards for the issuance of products, as well as the composition. The faces that remain the same. It is known that in the country as a whole, the amount allocated by the state for this segment of assistance to families with children has decreased slightly. As for the list of products, the changes that have occurred in it are positive - in addition to dairy products, you can now get juices and various purees.

Previously, such kits were issued only in Moscow. However, dairy products, which are the main product for many, are given out a little less, and you have to buy more on your own.

In terms of the range of products, the differences between Moscow and regional points are now minimal.

As for opening hours, as before, most of the dairy kitchens prefer to serve food in the morning:

  • From 6.30 to 10.00;
  • From 6.30 -7.00 to 12.00.

There are also kitchens that operate from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. or from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Please check with your local grocery store for exact times. Dairy kitchens, which are open directly at children's clinics, are open from 6.30 until the time established by the institution, which should be clarified on site.

List and description of products offered in the set

The list of products offered for purchase is impressive and varied. It includes the nutrition recommended by specialists, including pediatricians, according to the child’s age or developmental characteristics. The specified amount guarantees that the baby will develop fully and harmoniously.

This year, the kits received from dairy kitchens include: included(depending on the age of the child):

Children's products must be issued in accordance with approved standards, categories and recommendations; parents or legal representatives of the child can obtain a prescription.

Issue norms

Standards for the distribution of food at dairy kitchens are developed by local authorities.

In order to find out whether the family is included in the circle of people who are entitled to such assistance, you should visit the MFC at the place of residence or registration.

It is important to remember that the lists of persons differ in each region, but The following categories remain unchanged:

  • Children under one year of age (infants);
  • Babies from 12 to 36 months (all without exception);
  • Children (each of the children) from (support is provided until the age of 7 or until enrollment in school);
  • Children with disabilities (up to 15 years old, a special commission’s opinion is required).

In addition, pregnant women who are assigned to antenatal clinics can receive food at dairy kitchens in Moscow and the region. After the birth of a child, they are also given a set of products until the baby reaches six months of age. The basis for issuance is the conclusion issued by the doctor.

The kits that can be received vary and depend on the age of the child. The following norms and sets are in force in Moscow:

Child's ageProductNorm for 30 daysQuantity in one packageFor how long is it issued?
Newborn (up to 2 months)Infant formula (liquid)4800 200 1 week
Dry formula for feeding700 500 30 days
3-4 monthsSame set +
Fruit juice1 l200 1 month (30 days)
Fruit puree1000g200 1 month
5 monthsPrevious set +
Dry porridge400g400g30 days
Vegetable puree (various flavors)1920200g1 month
Six monthsPowdered milk mixture350g350g1 month
Milk formula (liquid form) + dry porridge2400
1 week
Fruit puree1 kg200 30 days
Fruit juice (clarified and with pulp)1.2 l200 1 month

After six months relies:

  • 7-8 months - the same set as in six months, cottage cheese (600g), meat and vegetable puree (300g), meat puree (560g) - all products except dairy can be obtained immediately for 30 days;
  • 9-15 months – kefir is added to the previous set (2 liters in 200 ml packs);
  • from 12 to 24 months - kefir (2 liters), cow's milk 3.2% (2.4 l, issued for 30 days), cottage cheese (total amount 600g, issued in packs of 50 g once a week), fruit juice (2 l ), fruit puree (800g) – for 30 days;
  • 2-3 years – a similar set, but milk becomes 400 ml less, juice increases to 2.4 liters;
  • up to 7 years old, as well as disabled people, only milk is given. Total quantity 1.8 liters for 30 days;
  • Pregnant women receive social assistance measures as support - milk (6 l), fruit juice (2.64 l) for 30 days;
  • Nursing mothers receive milk (8 liters) and fruit juice (3.3 liters) for 30 days at the dairy kitchen.

Submission rules

Dairy products and baby food in packages according to age or pregnancy can be purchased at a dairy kitchen in Moscow and the region. receive only by registration. You won't have to pay extra for them.

To receive a set of products, you will need to provide a passport and write an application to the appropriate social protection department operating in the district or city (for the Moscow Region), for example, to a children's clinic or MFC.

Also may be required:

  1. Certificate (original or notarized copy) of the birth of the baby;
  2. Polis med. insurance (compulsory medical insurance);
  3. Certificate of registration (registration) of the child at the address of residence in Moscow or the Region;
  4. Confirmation of low-income status (certificate from place of work);
  5. Certificate confirming the large number of children in the family;
  6. Certificate of health of the baby (if special nutrition is required);
  7. The commission's conclusion on .

Mothers who feed their babies naturally (breastfeeding) can write a statement to the head of the children's clinic to which the child is assigned. Pregnant women are entitled to help from the dairy kitchen. In order to receive it, you will also need to write an application, but this must be done in the antenatal clinic where the woman is being observed.

If the family does not have a residence permit in Moscow or the Region, then in order to receive the food assistance required by law, it is necessary to do temporary registration at the place of residence and apply with this document to the points for issuing meal kits.

Thus, the way of social support for babies and families awaiting their arrival works. Today in Moscow and the region there are points for the distribution of dairy products and baby food contained in the recommended lists. The standards are strictly calculated, so every baby will be provided with the necessary set of products. The state guarantees that every child aged 0 to 3 years will be assigned to a dairy kitchen; after this age, restrictions come into force, but those who are especially in dire need of support will continue to receive food in the established quantity. The quality and safety of products is controlled by special services, so there is no doubt that all sales deadlines meet established standards.

The compositions of dairy kitchen kits in Moscow are discussed in the following video:

The dairy kitchen is canceled from January 1, 2019 - this is the decision of the government, which decided to replace the provision of mothers and newborns with milk with monetary compensation. Let's think about what this will lead to.

It is quite possible that in large cities such a decision is justified, since dairy kitchens are still empty, they are not popular, and money is wasted on them. However, such a reform can have a very negative impact on dysfunctional families. Imagine a mother who is an alcoholic or drug addict, spending money on a potion rather than on her child. Previously, dairy products could benefit the children of negligent parents, but now compensation will be spent on vodka, cigarettes and drugs. Anyone who often visits the deep provinces and knows what the situation is with unreliable mothers is unlikely to welcome the abolition of dairy cuisine from January 1, 2019.

Again, there are a lot of single mothers who really have nothing to feed their children. The benefit is small, if there are no relatives, the husband has abandoned him, how to get out? But here are still vitamins and useful elements. In the provinces, people are forced to survive; a poor single mother in a poor region can barely climb the wall. For a long time, the preferential right to receive free dairy products was given to those mothers whose children are on artificial or combination feeding. And this is precisely the risk category, that is, women who are left without support and are in a stressful situation.

The second negative aspect of giving up dairy is the lack of normal products in stores. In the dairy kitchens, they still tried to give mothers natural products, their quality was checked, and sanitary standards were observed. Now, during a period of recession, sanctions and massive bankruptcy of agriculture, it is still unknown what you will be able to buy in the store. It is quite possible that instead of good milk and cottage cheese, they will sell soy slurry. After all, milk sold in retail chains is already recognized by Rospotrebnadzor as one of the riskiest products. Preservatives and vegetable fats, including palm oil, are added to dairy products, with an extremely controversial reputation.

Of course, the dairy kitchen may also remain from January 1, 2019, but most likely not for long. She may be transferred to a pharmacy or left for some categories of children. But the tendency to eliminate this institution has been created. Social security is of little interest to the current leadership of the country; spending on it will be cut every year. Expenses for the Ministry of Defense are considered more important. The whole policy comes down to the fact that provincial mothers who manage to survive in such poverty and raise their children can donate them to the state for war in some foreign country.

With the entry into force of the order of the Moscow Department of Health No. 546 dated June 11, 2014 “On the free supply of food to certain categories of children and women who are residents of the city of Moscow,” the range of free food provided at milk distribution points was significantly expanded. So, now, in addition to the usual dairy and fermented milk products, you can get juices, meat, instant cereals, fruit and vegetable purees in the dairy kitchen.

With the entry into force of Order No. 906 of the Moscow Department of Health dated October 29, 2015, the volume of food provided to certain age groups, as well as pregnant and lactating women, was increased. Since January 2016, ready-made food sets have been issued in dairy kitchens, including several names of juices, vegetable, fruit and meat purees and cereals. This is done so that the child’s diet becomes more varied, because previously many parents complained that they received only one type of puree for a month.

The current document regulating the work of milk distribution points is Order of the Ministry of Health No. 292 dated April 6, 2016. Let's try to figure out who can count on what.

Who is eligible for free meals?

And immediately a pleasant innovation - now they give out baby food children from 0 to 3 years old(previously, children under 2 years old were provided with dairy products). As for children under one year old, the condition for obtaining a prescription for a dairy kitchen is artificial or mixed feeding.

Nursing mothers also have the right to receive free products, however, with some reservations:

  • The child must be completely breastfed.
  • Food is provided to the mother only during the first 6 months of the child’s life.
  • Products are not prescribed to a child who is exclusively breastfed until 6 months of age. In a word, either the nursing mother or the baby receives nutrition.

In addition, the preferential category includes pregnant women, children under 7 years of age from large families, disabled children, children under 15 years of age suffering from chronic diseases (chronic glomerulonephritis, malignant neoplasms, hemoblastosis). All of the above must be residents of Moscow.

How to get free food?

Free food, as before, is provided through the clinic. You can prescribe free products for a child or a nursing mother at a children's clinic, but pregnant women should contact an antenatal clinic. If you are prescribing food for the first time, you must write an application addressed to the head physician and attach it to it. copies of the following documents:

  • Child's birth certificate
  • Certificate (of the child) of registration at the place of residence
  • Compulsory medical insurance policy for a child
  • Passport of a parent or pregnant woman - pages with photo and registration
  • Certificate of a large family in Moscow, a certificate of disability or the presence of a particular disease (children under 7 years old from large families, disabled children, children with chronic diseases).

Then you need to remember regularly write a prescription. For infants and pregnant women, a prescription for free food is issued for 1 month, for children from 1 to 3 years old and nursing mothers - for 3 months, for other categories - for 6 months. Since products are prescribed based on a doctor’s opinion, the doctor does not have the right to prescribe free meals without the presence of a child.

Operation of milk distribution points

The procedure for issuing free food in dairy kitchens affected three pleasant innovations at once.

Firstly, dairy kitchens are now open longer - daily from 6.30 to 12.00. This is especially convenient for those mothers who go shopping for baby food with their babies. Now you don’t have to wake up your baby early in the morning and take him during rush hour.

Secondly, the recommended frequency of food distribution specified in the order - once a week for perishable products (liquid mixture, kefir and cottage cheese) and once a month for all others. This means that you no longer have to go to the dairy kitchen every other day!

Thirdly, it became possible to write a statement and receive food in the amount of monthly norm. Of course, it will not be possible to receive perishable products in full this way, since their expiration date is taken into account.

List of free food products for children, pregnant and lactating women

The old and new food sets are compared in the article "".

From April 1, 2017 to December 31, 2019, Wimm-Bill-Dann OJSC will provide dairy kitchens with baby food. In accordance with the concluded contracts, products of the following brands will be distributed at milk distribution points:

  • Children's adapted milk and fermented milk mixtures, kefir, curds, milk for baby food "Agusha".
  • Children's juices "Agusha": pear and apple clarified, apple-pear unclarified or with pulp, apple-peach unclarified or with pulp, apple with pulp.
  • Fruit puree “Agusha”: from apples, from apples and apricots, fruit and berry puree with blueberries or currants, from 3 types of fruit.
  • Vegetable puree “Bebivita”: cauliflower, broccoli, zucchini, carrot, pumpkin.
  • Meat and meat-vegetable puree “Agusha” and “Bebivita”: from beef or veal, turkey meat, chicken meat.
  • Bellakt mixture for children up to six months and for children over 6 months.
  • Juices enriched with vitamins and minerals for the nutrition of pregnant and lactating women, “Agusha”.
  • UHT drinking milk 2.5% “Agusha”.
List of products Number of packages per month
Dry adapted milk formula (from birth to 6 months) 700 500 1 1 time per month
Liquid adapted milk formula (from birth to 6 months) 4800 200 24 1 time per week
Fruit juice 1000 200 5 (3 types) 1 time per month
Vegetable puree 1920 80 24 (5 types) 1 time per month
Porridge (dry instant) (from 5 months) 400 200 2 (2 types) 1 time per month
Fruit puree 1000 100 10 (2 types) 1 time per month
List of products Monthly volume of products (grams) Number of grams per package Number of packages per month Recommended issuance frequency
350 350 1 1 time per month
2400 200 12 1 time per week
Fruit juice 1200 200 6 (4 types) 1 time per month
Porridge (dry instant) 400 200 2 (2 types) 1 time per month
Vegetable puree 1920 80 24 (5 types) 1 time per month
Fruit puree 1000 100 10 (3 types) 1 time per month
List of products Monthly volume of products (grams) Number of grams per package Number of packages per month Recommended issuance frequency
Dry adapted milk formula (from 6 months) 350 350 1 1 time per month
Liquid adapted milk formula (from 6 months) 2400 200 12 1 time per week
Children's cottage cheese 600 50 12 1 time per week
Fruit juice 1400 200 7 (5 types) 1 time per month
Porridge (dry instant) 400 200 2 (2 types) 1 time per month
Vegetable puree 1920 80 24 (5 types) 1 time per month
Fruit puree 1000 100 10 (5 types) 1 time per month
Meat and vegetable puree (from 8 months) 1300 100 13 (2 types) 1 time per month
Meat puree (from 8 months) 560 80 7 (3 types) 1 time per month
List of products Monthly volume of products (grams) Number of grams per package Number of packages per month Recommended issuance frequency
Dry adapted milk formula (from 6 months) 350 500 1 1 time per month
Liquid adapted milk formula (from 6 months) 2400 200 12 1 time per week
Children's cottage cheese 600 50 12 1 time per week
Kefir for children 2400 200 12 1 time per week
Fruit juice 1400 200 7 (5 types) 1 time per month
Porridge (dry instant) 400 200 2 (2 types) 1 time per month
Vegetable puree 1920 80 24 (5 types) 1 time per month
Fruit puree 1000 100 10 (5 types) 1 time per month
Meat and vegetable puree 1300 100 13 (2 types) 1 time per month
Meat puree 560 80 7 (3 types) 1 time per month

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