Flu- an acute, highly contagious disease transmitted by airborne droplets and caused by viruses of types A, B and C. Influenza is characterized by fever, symptoms of intoxication and inflammation of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract.

For influenza viruses characterized by genetic lability - constant and progressive variability of their structure (that is, the structure of the genes contained in influenza viruses changes), which explains the emergence of new varieties to which the population has no immunity. Influenza A virus is the most variable. Type B virus is characterized by less variability. No antigenic variability was detected in type C virus.

In the last months of pregnancy and before childbirth, pregnant women are less resistant to infections, and therefore more prone to flu. The sensitivity and susceptibility of pregnant women to infectious diseases is increased, severe and complicated forms are more often recorded flu during pregnancy. Under the influence of influenza infection, a pregnant woman's body's resistance sharply decreases, the functions of the endocrine and immune systems are disrupted, which contributes to the activation of chronic diseases (exacerbation of tonsillitis, pyelonephritis, etc.) during pregnancy and after childbirth.

Flu symptoms

A characteristic feature of the acute period flu during pregnancy is the severity of intoxication with mild symptoms. The incubation period of the disease is short - from several hours to 1-2 days. The vast majority of patients experience an acute onset of influenza, accompanied by a rapid increase in temperature to high. The highest temperature (up to 39-40°C) is observed in the first two days of illness, then it rapidly decreases.

The duration of the febrile period usually does not exceed 2-4 days. In some patients, 1-2 days after the temperature drops, it again increases for 1-2 days (second wave of influenza). By the end of the first day, there is already a developed picture of the disease, the distinctive feature of which is the predominance of general symptoms of intoxication (headaches, muscle pain, a characteristic feeling of aching muscles), the most constant early symptom flu during pregnancy is redness and dryness of the mucous membrane of the pharynx, nasal congestion (mucous discharge appears on the 2-3rd day of illness). The granularity of the pharynx is also characteristic - the presence of small lymphatic follicles protruding above the surface of the mucous membrane, which persist even after the temperature drops, until the 7-8th day of illness. The back wall of the pharynx is also red, dry, often with coarse granularity. Simultaneously with the increase in temperature, headache, dizziness, pain when moving the eyes, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting (usually one-time), sleep disorders appear - almost constant symptoms of the first day of influenza. A patient with influenza has a characteristic appearance: puffiness, paleness, sometimes brightly colored cheeks; cyanosis (bluish tint) of the nasolabial triangle and lips.

The pathogenic effect of the virus is associated primarily with its biological properties: primary damage to the mucous membrane lining the respiratory tract and toxicity. The virus penetrates the respiratory tract, settles on the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, especially the trachea, and begins to secrete toxins (a kind of poison), which are carried through the bloodstream throughout the body. Penetrating through the placenta, damaging it, the virus enters the fetal circulatory system through the bloodstream.

Flu during pregnancy

IN I trimester of pregnancy(up to 12 weeks), when the development of the child’s internal organs is intensive, the influence of the virus can have a detrimental effect on the formation of the systems and organs of the fetus. There is a risk of developmental defects and even intrauterine fetal death. There is information that the virus flu during pregnancy has a greater effect on the nervous tissue of the embryo, causing malformations of the central nervous system.

At a later date pregnancy flu still capable of causing infection of the fetus, leading to an unfavorable course of pregnancy and threatening miscarriage, but less than in the first trimester.

Damage to the placenta can lead to the development of circulatory failure in the placenta. More often than not, this disorder is treatable. In these cases, the pregnancy may end in timely delivery of a viable child. However, oligohydramnios and intrauterine growth restriction are possible. As a result, the child is born with a small weight.

A study of the adaptation of newborns and young children infected in utero with the influenza virus showed that 60% of them had developmental disorders. Many children experienced delayed teething, endocrine disorders, skin-allergic diseases, acute respiratory infections during the newborn period, and pneumonia due to a viral infection.

Diagnosis of influenza

Bowl flu diagnosis diagnosed on the basis of characteristic clinical signs, but if it is difficult to make a diagnosis, the nature of the disease can be clarified using additional research methods.

Currently for confirmation flu diagnosis in medical institutions, the method of fluorescent (glowing) antibodies is used to detect viral antibodies in infected material (to conduct the study, the doctor takes a swab from the nose or throat).

If you had the flu in the first half of pregnancy, it is recommended to do the so-called “triple test” at 16-20 weeks of pregnancy - for alpha-fetoprotein (AFP), human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) and estriol (three hormones must be tested, since It is often impossible to assess the risk of pathologies based on two or one). These tests suggest the presence of fetal malformations. However, we must remember that the results of this test are indicative and if abnormalities are identified, a number of further studies are carried out, as well as a consultation with a geneticist. Along with the triple test, an ultrasound examination is performed after recovery. Depending on the results of the “triple” test and ultrasound, you can either calm down or be examined further.

Further examination includes the procedure amniocentesis. During amniocentesis, a sample of amniotic fluid is taken and examined for any pathologies in the baby. Although the procedure is performed very quickly, almost painlessly, under ultrasound guidance, in approximately 1-2% of cases there is a risk of miscarriage or premature birth.

If the flu was suffered in the second half of pregnancy, then to clarify the condition of the fetus, an ultrasound examination, Dopplerography - a study of blood flow in the vessels of the fetus, placenta, umbilical cord, and cardiotocography - a study of the fetal cardiac activity are also required.

Glossary of terms

Bronchitis- inflammation of the bronchi.

Intoxication- poisoning of the body by toxic substances formed within itself or received from outside.

Contagiousness- contagiousness.

Pandemic- an epidemic characterized by the spread of an infectious disease throughout the entire country, the territory of neighboring states, and sometimes many countries of the world (for example, cholera, influenza).

Pyelonephritis- bacterial inflammation of the urinary part of one or both kidneys. Tonsillitis is inflammation of the tonsils.

Tracheitis- inflammation of the tracheal mucosa.

Epidemic- the spread of any human infectious disease, significantly exceeding the level of normal (sporadic) morbidity in a given territory.

Treatment of influenza during pregnancy

Treatment of influenza during pregnancy carried out at home. The patient is provided with bed rest. The room is ventilated (preferably every hour), it is regularly wet cleaned, and personal utensils of a person with the flu must be rinsed with boiling water.

With the flu in a pregnant woman A balanced diet should be provided, the diet should be complete and rich in vitamins. It is desirable to predominate milk-carbohydrate foods with limited salt content (fermented milk products are recommended). In the absence of edema, it is recommended to drink plenty of fluids (fruit juice, compote, fruit juices, etc.). It is necessary to remove toxins from the body.

At high temperatures (above 38°C) and severe pain (headache, muscle pain), PARACETAMOL is recommended. However, you should not abuse antipyretic drugs - you should not use them more than once every 4-6 hours, limiting the number of doses per day to 4 times. It should be remembered that fever contributes to the speedy death of the influenza virus.

To gargle, it is recommended to use a solution of FURACILIN. You can purchase a ready-made solution at the pharmacy and dilute it at the rate of 1:1 (half a glass of solution to half a glass of warm water) or make the solution yourself, at the rate of 4 tablets of FURACILIN per 800 ml of water. Pour boiling water over the tablets and wait until they are completely dissolved.

You can also rinse with baking soda - 1 teaspoon per glass of water.

For a runny nose, you can use vasoconstrictor drops. For coughing, an expectorant mixture containing thermopsis or marshmallow root is prescribed, a tablespoon is prescribed 4 times a day.

There is a misconception that antibiotics help against all diseases, and the “stronger” the drug, the better. You cannot use antibacterial agents on your own! Application antibiotics for flu It is generally irrational, since antibacterial drugs do not act on viruses that are located in the nucleus of cells - antibiotics cannot “get” the virus. At the same time, the use of antibacterial agents leads to the formation of antibiotic-resistant microorganisms and is accompanied by a large number of undesirable side effects. Antibiotics are prescribed only by a doctor, and they are necessary only for bacterial complications of influenza such as bronchitis, pneumonia, sinusitis, encephalitis, and otitis media.

During flu treatment during pregnancy the use of immunomodulatory drugs should be discussed with the attending physician in each specific case, since the issue of their use still remains controversial.

Hospitalization pregnant with flu hospitalization is carried out in severe forms of the disease:

  • in the presence of complications (pneumonia, damage to the nervous system, etc.);
  • in the presence of aggravated concomitant diseases (chronic pneumonia, chronic tonsillitis, pyelonephritis, cardiovascular diseases, etc.);
  • if it is not possible to provide good care and the necessary sanitary regime at home.
  • chamomile infusion (pour 1 tablespoon of boiling water over a glass, boil for 10 minutes, then strain the resulting solution and gargle);
  • calendula infusion (the method of preparing the infusion is the same as for chamomile);
  • infusion of medicinal sage (brew 1 tablespoon of crushed leaves with 1 glass of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes, strain the solution and gargle);
  • infusion of Siberian elderberry (pour 3-4 tablespoons of flowers with a glass of boiling water, simmer over low heat for 10-15 minutes, then strain and gargle).

Preventing influenza during pregnancy

It is known that many diseases are easier to prevent than to cure. During an epidemic of acute respiratory infections, or any other disease, try to take all possible measures to reduce the risk of getting sick. This is especially true for the first three months of pregnancy. For example, limit travel on public transport during the cold season (since the greatest likelihood of infection occurs in crowded places). Before going out to crowded places, especially during periods of epidemic, lubricate your nose with OXOLIN OINTMENT.

To increase the body's resistance, and therefore reduce susceptibility to viral infections, it is recommended to take multivitamin complexes for pregnant women.

In the event that someone from your household got the flu, try to limit contact with it, wear a gauze mask, change it every 2 hours, carefully observe personal hygiene measures.

Medicines during pregnancy

  • Use medications only as directed or after consulting with your doctor.
  • If your doctor has prescribed you a drug, be sure to ask about possible undesirable effects on the fetus before taking it. Don't hesitate to ask questions like this!
  • You cannot use unknown or unfamiliar medications on your own. It is absolutely not necessary that a drug recommended by the media as the best and fastest way to get rid of all signs of a disease will achieve a cure. It is best to consult a doctor who can provide you with qualified assistance.
  • Be careful when reading the instructions for the drug (this is the information sheet included in the packaging of the drug) - it may contain information about whether it is allowed to take this drug during pregnancy.

Flu shots

Vaccination is the main way to prevent influenza. It is carried out in medical institutions at will during epidemics. Modern vaccines contain inactivated (killed) influenza virus, so it is considered safe for both mother and child. However, if you are less than 14 weeks pregnant, you should not get a flu shot! Moreover, none flu shot does not guarantee that you will definitely not get this disease, since the influenza vaccine is highly effective against viruses that are antigenically similar to those used to produce this vaccine, but does not work against other types of viruses.

The composition of the vaccines changes every year in order to provide maximum protection against the virus, depending on WHO forecasts (what type of virus will circulate in the next season). The high variability of influenza viruses does not allow for complete protection, although the appearance in the new season of varieties that are significantly different from their predecessors is not a frequent occurrence. Thus, there still remains a small but unpleasant possibility of suffering from the flu, often in an erased form, so increasing immunity will not be superfluous. And this includes hardening, a healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition, and physical activity.

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All expectant mothers try to take various precautions to avoid the flu during pregnancy. However, despite this, rarely did any of the women complain of a sore throat, runny nose or fever over the entire 9 months. Do not immediately panic if you feel a sore throat and a runny nose. It is likely that this is a common cold that will not affect the baby’s health in any way. Things are worse if you have the flu during pregnancy.

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Causes of this disease

In the early stages, the flu is provoked by a certain virus, which has the medical term Myxovirus influenzae. If you just get your feet wet, this disease is unlikely to occur. But if someone inadvertently coughed on you, then there is a high probability of infection, since the flu during pregnancy can enter a woman’s body from a previously infected person.

This process is called airborne infection. In just a short period of time you may feel overwhelmed, and then downright sick. This happens because the flu during pregnancy can multiply very quickly in the body of the expectant mother and, accordingly, spread along with the blood to all parts of the body, causing intoxication of the body.

Infection with the acute respiratory viral infection

Influenza in the 1st trimester can affect the mucous membrane that lines the respiratory tract. This deprives the body of those mechanisms that provide basic protective functions, which is fraught with various negative consequences:

  • pneumonia;
  • acute and chronic bronchitis;
  • otitis;
  • sinusitis;
  • bad effect on the cardiovascular system;
  • premature birth;
  • threat of miscarriage;
  • bacterial infection (staphylococcus, pneumococcus, hemophilia);
  • kidney diseases.

Signs and symptoms

The main primary symptoms of influenza in the first trimester are:

  • a sharp increase in body temperature;
  • severe chills;
  • aching joints;
  • photophobia;
  • feeling of nausea, sometimes vomiting;
  • pain when moving the eyeballs;
  • sleep disorders.

All this indicates severe intoxication of the body.

If symptoms appear, consult a doctor immediately

The next day, the above ailments are joined by:

  • dry cough;
  • runny nose;
  • severe sore throat, which causes a lot of inconvenience;
  • body temperature rises even higher, almost up to 40 degrees;
  • heavy sweating.

Such manifestations of intestinal flu can last up to 1 week. Moreover, herpetic rashes may occur on the lips.

For some women, influenza during pregnancy in the second trimester may be accompanied by:

  • sharp pain in the abdominal area;
  • loose stools;
  • increased fatigue;
  • constant fatigue;
  • general weakness, weakness;
  • severe emotional disturbances: irritability, severe tinnitus, dizziness, intolerance to bright light, loud speech.

In women in the third trimester of pregnancy, influenza is accompanied by a characteristic appearance:

  • severe pallor of the skin;
  • puffiness;
  • sometimes bright redness of the cheeks;
  • cyanosis of the lips and nasolabial triangle (bluish tint).

Basic diagnostic methods

Before treating influenza during pregnancy, it is necessary to diagnose the disease. As a rule, general symptoms characteristic of the disease are sufficient. However, there are times when difficulties arise in making a diagnosis. Then additional research methods are used to identify and subsequently treat influenza.

  1. Fluorescent antibody method - allows you to detect viral antibodies in infected material. To conduct this study, doctors take a swab from the nose or throat.
  2. “Triple test” - this method is recommended only when the flu during pregnancy occurred in the 2nd trimester.

This involves passing the following tests:

  • human chorionic gonadotropin;
  • alpha-fetoprotein;
  • estriol.

It is imperative to get tested for all three hormones, since one or two will not allow you to assess the risk of this pathology. The results will indicate the presence of developmental defects in the embryo. It is also worth noting that all indications are indicative, therefore, if some deviations are identified, a number of additional studies are prescribed, as well as a consultation with a geneticist.

  1. Ultrasound examination of the uterus is an addition to the “triple test”. Based on the results of both studies, we can conclude: everything is fine or additional examination is necessary.
  2. Amniocentesis - this procedure involves taking a sample of amniotic fluid, which is examined to determine the presence of pathologies in the fetus. Amniocentesis is performed under ultrasound control and is very quick and painless. However, in approximately 1-2% of cases, there may be a threat of premature birth or termination of pregnancy.
  3. If the disease strikes the expectant mother in the second half of pregnancy, then in order to make a diagnosis, an ultrasound examination is performed together with Dopplerography (study of blood flow in the placenta). Afterwards, cardiotocography is also prescribed - checking the cardiac activity of the fetus.

Visit to a specialist

The use of folk recipes

Most drugs are prohibited for the treatment of influenza during early pregnancy, as they can have a negative impact on the development and health of the child. That is why most mothers use traditional methods before treating flu during pregnancy with medications.

Let's look at some of the most effective traditional medicine recipes.

Berry juice:

  • take 2 liters of water;
  • 100 g black currant berries;
  • 100 g lingonberries;
  • 100 g cranberries;
  • 50 ml rosehip syrup;
  • boil water;
  • pour boiling water over the berry mix;
  • leave for 1 hour with the lid closed.


  1. Drink 1 glass of fruit drink 3 times a day.
  2. Duration of therapy – 1 week.

Solution of iodine and soda:

  • take a glass of water;
  • 1 tsp. soda;
  • 3-5 drops of iodine;
  • heat the water to a temperature of 40 C;
  • add soda and iodine to warm water;
  • stir.


  1. Gargle 3-4 times/day.
  2. Course duration – 5 days.

Herbal inhalations:

  • take 1 glass of water;
  • chamomile herb – 2 teaspoons;
  • boil water;
  • pour boiling water over the grass;
  • leave covered for 2 hours;
  • strain.


  1. Pour 2 teaspoons of infusion into the inhaler.
  2. Perform inhalations for 5-10 minutes.
  3. Repeat the procedure 3 times/day.

Uses of chamomile

Possible risks to the fetus

The consequences of influenza largely depend on the duration of pregnancy. For example, in the early stages, when the formation of the child’s internal organs occurs, this disease can have a detrimental effect on the formation of the baby’s body systems:

  • there is a risk of embryo developmental defects;
  • possible intrauterine death of the child;
  • there is an effect on nerve tissue, which causes malformations of the central nervous system;
  • There are frequent cases of miscarriages;
  • there is a risk of disability for the child, which is why in some cases in the early stages doctors recommend an abortion.

At later stages, influenza can also cause infection of the fetus, adverse consequences, and also create a threat of miscarriage. However, all this happens with less probability than in the early stages.

If damage to the placenta is observed, placental circulatory insufficiency may develop. As a rule, this violation is quite easy to fix. At a later date, it is possible to have a timely birth with a healthy baby, but there is a possibility of oligohydramnios and intrauterine growth retardation. Then the child may be born with a low body weight.

Prevention methods

Pregnant women often suffer from weakened immune systems, so it is much easier for them to become infected with the flu compared to non-pregnant girls. To avoid this disease, experts recommend:

  1. Before an upcoming epidemic, get a flu vaccine during pregnancy. Modern vaccines contain a killed influenza virus, so everyone believes that it does not have a harmful effect on the fetus.

    It is worth noting that if you are less than 14 weeks pregnant, the flu shot during pregnancy is not recommended. Moreover, no vaccination will guarantee that you can avoid this disease. In any case, there is at least a small but unpleasant chance of contracting the flu, even in an erased form.

  2. So that you don’t have to take flu pills during pregnancy, it’s a good idea to boost your immunity.

For this purpose it is necessary:

  • hardening;
  • healthy lifestyle;
  • proper nutrition;
  • minimal physical activity;
  • before going outside, lubricate the nasal mucosa with oxolinic ointment;
  • Before going to bed, rinse your mouth with calendula tincture to wash away all the germs accumulated during the day.

: Borovikova Olga

gynecologist, ultrasound doctor, geneticist

According to statistics, each of us suffers from colds for at least 6 years in our lives. From your own experience, each of you is well acquainted with the influenza virus. According to statisticians, ARVI and influenza are the most common diseases throughout the world. During the epidemic season, more than 40% of children and adults spend time in bed.

We are so accustomed to these diseases that we stop taking them seriously, only alarming news reports make us think about the seriousness of these diseases. Such carelessness can have a sad effect on health, especially if it concerns the expectant mother and her baby.

The main thing to remember is that the flu does not happen on its own; you cannot get it by simply getting your feet wet. Flu is a virus and is spread by airborne droplets. Therefore, the source of infection is a sick person.

A person who has had the flu once can get it again and again, since he does not develop lasting immunity. Unlike other infectious diseases, the influenza virus constantly undergoes genetic changes. As a result, more and more new pathogens appear. Therefore, the most dangerous influenza A virus is the one that causes seasonal epidemics and global pandemics. The influenza B virus is characterized by much less variability, while influenza C has no variability at all.

In the third trimester of pregnancy, the high probability of infection for the expectant mother increases sharply; it is during this period that her body is most susceptible to any infections. Moreover, in many cases the disease is very difficult and is accompanied by serious complications. The functioning of the immune and endocrine systems is disrupted, and relapses of chronic diseases occur. The incubation period ranges from several hours to several days.

Classic flu, as a rule, begins with a rise in temperature, headache and muscle pain, chills, lethargy, and drowsiness. High temperature, and it can reach up to 40 C, for three to four days, then it gradually decreases, the period of fever usually lasts for 4-5 days.


The clinical picture of influenza develops quite quickly: first, redness and dryness of the mucous membrane of the pharynx and nasal congestion appear. When the temperature rises, a headache begins, and it can be quite severe. Muscle aches, abdominal pain, nausea, sometimes even vomiting, sleep disturbance. The appearance of the sick person is also quite characteristic: pallor, but redness of the skin in the cheek area, a bluish tint to the nasolabial triangle and lips. After 2-3 days, intoxication decreases slightly, and profuse mucous discharge from the nose and cough appear.
The flu, penetrating the body through the respiratory tract, settles on the surface of the nasopharynx, and there the process of its reproduction and release of toxins begins. The toxins are then distributed through the bloodstream throughout the body. With maternal blood, influenza penetrates the placenta, and then into the fetal circulatory system. The duration of pregnancy determines how negatively the influenza virus can affect the course of pregnancy and the health of the unborn baby. In the first trimester, the consequences can be especially severe. After all, during the first 12 weeks the baby’s internal organs are formed. Influenza can not only cause serious developmental defects, but even the death of the fetus.
In the second and third trimesters, the influenza virus is no longer so dangerous for the mother and the unborn baby. But it can still lead to various disorders in the baby: hypoxia of the fetus, a decrease in its immunity, pathologies of the respiratory tract, and also create a threat of termination of pregnancy. The virus also disrupts placental blood circulation. If this was not promptly identified and eliminated, then there may subsequently be a risk of oligohydramnios, as well as fetal growth restriction syndrome.

Fight strategy

Remember, diagnosing the flu is not difficult at all, the main thing is to start treatment at the first symptoms! First of all, this is bed rest, especially the first two days. Ventilation of the room, and of course wet cleaning. Special attention should be paid to nutrition during the onset of illness. Food should be easy to digest and at the same time rich in nutrients. Fermented milk products meet all these requirements. If there is no swelling, then try to increase the intake of natural juices, tea with lemon, fruit drinks, compotes.
But whether you should take medications should be decided by your doctor, whom you should contact immediately. After all, any drug has contraindications and side effects. Therefore, only a doctor can decide which medications are right for you and will not harm your baby.


The main thing during pregnancy is, of course, not to forget about prevention. After all, it is easier to prevent a disease than to fight it later. Prevention is not so difficult: if your pregnancy coincides with the cold season, then try to avoid traveling on public transport if possible, and lubricate your nose with oxolinic ointment whenever you leave the house. If one of the family members falls ill, he must be isolated in a separate room and provided with his own set of dishes. And all family members should wear gauze bandages. But remember, the gauze bandage must be changed every two hours.

Despite all the precautions that expectant mothers take to avoid getting sick during pregnancy, it is rare that a woman will not get sick even once in nine months. Do not rush to panic if you feel that your throat is sore and your nose is running. There is a high probability that this is a simple problem that does not pose any particular danger to the unborn baby. It's worse if you have something called the flu.

Influenza (from grippe) is an acute infectious disease of the respiratory tract caused by the influenza virus. Included in the group of acute respiratory infections (ARVI). Periodically spreads in the form of epidemics and pandemics.

Causes of the disease

Influenza is caused by a specific virus called Myxovirus influenzae. You won't get the flu by simply getting your feet wet, but if someone coughs on you, it is quite likely, because from an infected person the infection enters the body of a healthy person through airborne droplets. After quite a short time, the person who was coughed on may already feel sick - the virus quickly multiplies in his body and is carried by the blood stream to all its parts. The virus destroys the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, which previously performed protective functions. This can cause a variety of consequences, including complications such as pneumonia and sinusitis. The virus has a negative effect on the cardiovascular system: an inflammatory disease of the heart muscles, which sometimes develops, can cause heart failure. For pregnant women, the flu is dangerous precisely because of the complications it causes, the worst of which is the threat or, moreover, miscarriage. In addition, a pregnant woman’s body, weakened by influenza, is threatened by bacterial infections - staphylococcal, hemophilic, pneumococcal. During illness, chronic diseases often worsen: bronchial asthma and chronic bronchitis, metabolic disorders (gastrointestinal type), kidney disease, cardiovascular diseases.

Flu symptoms

The flu is characterized by chills, aching joints and photophobia, sometimes nausea and vomiting. All this is evidence of intoxication of the body. On the second or third day, a sore throat is added to the number of ailments. With the flu, the body temperature is usually quite high, up to 40 degrees, and when it periodically drops, the patient sweats a lot. This condition can last up to seven days. In addition, it can occur on the lips. A viral disease in some pregnant women is even accompanied by diarrhea. Like an ordinary person, pregnant women after the flu are left with asthenia syndrome - increased fatigue, tiredness, general weakness and weakness, and malaise. In addition, pregnant women are also prone to other difficulties, such as emotional disturbances. A woman can have both mild and severe behavioral disorders. The expectant mother becomes more irritable, she is bothered by tinnitus when getting out of bed and cannot tolerate bright light, loud conversations, or a running TV.

How is the flu treated?

Since the treatment of influenza in pregnant women has its own characteristics, it should only be prescribed by a doctor, who should be contacted immediately when you feel unwell. Many of the usual anti-influenza medications are contraindicated for pregnant women. For example, certain cough medications, vasoconstrictors, some antivirals. When treating influenza in pregnant women, doctors focus on. Drinking plenty of fluids is also recommended. The liquid will help flush out the dangerous virus from the body. It is better to drink something sour that contains vitamin C - hot tea with or lemon, fruit drinks, rosehip decoction. Antipyretic recommended for pregnant women - . If your cough is bothering you, your doctor may prescribe herbs or cough suppressants that are approved during pregnancy. It will be useful to steam with infusions of calendula, chamomile, mint, eucalyptus, St. John's wort, pine buds, wild rosemary, etc. Antibiotics are not prescribed for influenza illness.

What are the consequences of the disease during pregnancy?

No matter how much you would like to answer differently, the consequences of suffering from the flu can be very different, and not a single doctor can tell you with 100% certainty whether the disease has affected the development of the child or not. One has only to note that the flu is most dangerous in the early stages of pregnancy, up to 12 weeks. This is the period of laying the organs and tissues of the future baby, which is why it is so important that pregnancy at this time proceeds favorably. In subsequent periods, the child is just growing and the flu will no longer affect the structure of organs and tissues. If the flu does have a negative impact on the development of the child in the womb, then, most often, no matter how sad it may be, the pregnancy is terminated. If, after the flu, pregnancy proceeds smoothly and without complications, which is proven by normal test results and (it shows whether everything is okay with the baby and placenta), then there is nothing to worry about, and everything is fine with the baby.

Flu screening

There is a small possibility of a child becoming infected if the flu is particularly severe (with complications). The so-called “triple test” will help you check if everything is okay with the baby - for, estriol and. Testing for three hormones is mandatory, since the risk of pathologies is often impossible to assess using two or one. However, even so, the results of this test are often unreliable because they depend on many factors. The results of the “triple” test, which is sometimes retaken several times for greater reliability, will show whether you should calm down or continue examinations.

Subsequent examination will not be complete without an amniocentesis procedure. At the same time, a sample of amniotic fluid is taken, examining which, the presence of pathologies in the child is checked. But even in this case, unfortunately, no one can give 100% guarantees that there are no or no deviations. At the same time, the procedure is also dangerous, although it is carried out almost painlessly and very quickly, under ultrasound control. The threat of miscarriage or exists in approximately 1-2% of cases after it is performed. Therefore, you should think carefully and weigh everything before agreeing to such a study.


Pregnant women are more likely to become infected compared to other people, since the immunity of such women is often weakened. It is known that influenza epidemics can be predicted because they occur in a certain period of time (autumn, spring). Therefore, doctors advise treating the flu before an epidemic occurs. It is considered safe for children because modern vaccinations contain inactivated (killed) influenza virus. An exception is made for women whose pregnancy does not exceed 14 weeks - they should not receive a flu vaccine. In addition, no flu vaccine can guarantee that a person will definitely not get this disease. The possibility of contracting the virus, even in a mild form, exists. This is a good reason to increase your immunity through hardening, a healthy lifestyle, and physical activity.

To prevent the disease, many doctors advise lubricating the nasal mucosa before going out into public places. In the evening, before going to bed, rinse your mouth with tincture of eucalyptus or calendula, which will wash away harmful microbes accumulated during the day.

Especially for- Elena Kichak