Hi all!

Unfortunately, the time comes when each of us begins to think about how to extend the youth of our skin, how to restore its former tone and freshness?

A couple of years ago I became addicted to rubbing ice cubes on my face. At first I didn’t do it very willingly, I kept forgetting, but then I got involved. The ice recipes I prepared became more perfect, suitable for my skin type.

My skin: age 35+, combination, without enlarged pores. In summer it becomes oily in the T zone; in winter, the cheeks may peel slightly.

I first read about the fact that you can wipe your face with ice in some old women's magazine. I decided to try it, but I gave it up very quickly, and now, many years later, I remembered this experience, read articles on the Internet and began to use it thoroughly.

Ice is an excellent way to invigorate the skin and tone it in a relatively short time. And it will cost you practically nothing.

I started my experiments with frozen mineral water. Simple, but effective. The skin receives + minerals for a tonic effect.

I now make a variety of cubes to suit my skin's needs at different times of the year.

I brought it out for myself several nuances of using ice cubes

- do not use in the morning during the cold season if you are going outside. If this point is not observed, my cheeks begin to peel. In winter, I wipe my skin with ice at night, if in the morning, then on a day off, when I don’t have to rush to work.

- do not use if there are fresh inflammations on the skin (acne)

- Before use, remove the cube from the refrigerator about five minutes before the procedure. I usually take ice out of the freezer, put it in a bowl and go wash. During the time it takes me to wash my face, the ice manages to melt slightly.

- It is better to prepare ice in small quantities so that it lasts for about a week.

- ice absorbs odors very well, so it is better to store it in a closed container. I prepare the ice in a mold and transfer it for storage to a regular plastic bag, so the ice is protected from foreign odors, does not ventilate, and the food in the refrigerator will not suffer from the smell of ice flakes if essential oils are added to them. Everyone is happy.

- Don’t overuse rubbing your skin with ice, don’t do it too often. It is advisable to take a break between procedures, for example, we wipe for a week, then a break for a couple of days. This is necessary so that the skin does not lose its moisture, otherwise it becomes dry.

D for each I have my favorite recipes throughout the year, and I’ll share them with you now.

I like it in spring and summer ice with herbs: mint, chamomile, great feeling of freshness. I have been harvesting mint since the summer; it grows in my garden. I buy chamomile at the pharmacy. Green tea is great.

The preparation is very simple: pour boiling water over a tablespoon of dry herbs, leave for half an hour, strain, pour into molds. You can pour boiling water over the herb and simmer for a couple of minutes, then the infusion will be more intense.

My form is like this, plastic,

but it seems to me that it is more convenient to use silicone molds; there will be no problems with removing the pieces of ice. I'm still going to order a silicone mold on Ali, there are a huge variety of them.

Many people freeze the broth along with flowers or berries; this, of course, is beautiful, but not very convenient. When wiping, fragments of herbs remain on the face, I don’t like it, I filter the decoctions.

In general, in summer there is a huge selection of ingredients; to make ice you can use any fruits and berries, especially juice from them (cucumber, watermelon, raspberries..)

For winter my absolute favorite is - ice made from milk with honey and essential oils. Very cool effect, the skin does not dry out at all. Most likely, the recipe with milk will also suit those with dry skin.

We dilute the milk in half with water, add half a spoon of honey to it per 100 ml of milk with water. It’s even better to add not honey, but pollen with honey

Mix everything well, the milk becomes yellowish (in the photo I have honey with pollen), then add some essential oil (6-7 drops per 100 ml) whichever you like best. I prefer cedar or ylang-ylang oil in combination with milk and honey. Mix well and pour into molds. The dark sediment in the cubes is settled pollen.

Another one of my winter favorites - ice made from black tea and honey. Yes, it’s made from black; just like green, it tones the skin. Brew tea, strain, cool, add half a teaspoon of honey per 100 ml of tea leaves, stir, add some essential oil. Let's pour it out.

Ice with the addition of honey is not as hard as simple herbal decoctions; it is a little loose. After rubbing the face with ice cubes, the skin becomes soft and moisturized. And not sticky at all! When I first made ice with honey, I was worried that the honey would remain sticky, but no, that won’t happen.

Summer, autumn. There's a lot in the garden parsley, a very valuable plant for aging skin. Prepare ice in the same way as with dried herbs.

Pour boiling water, or boil a little, leave, cool, strain and pour into molds. It turns out this slightly greenish ice.

And another one of my summer favorites - coffee ice. Excellent tonic effect! We brew strong coffee, cool, filter, and pour into molds. The tone is excellent, and what a smell... I highly recommend that coffee lovers try it.

General rules for wiping your face with an ice cube

* before wiping with an ice cube, the skin of the face must be moisturized. If you start the procedure on dry skin, it can easily be injured.

* move the cube over the skin quickly, without holding it on one area of ​​the skin for more than 2 seconds. It’s better to return to one place again than to overexpose and freeze the skin.

* the neck is also quite a problematic place. which reveals age, if the cube is large and there is enough of it, we wipe it too. It won't hurt to cheer up your neck either.

* do not forget to use ice in the eye area, only the contact of ice with the skin in this place should be shorter in duration, because the skin near the eyes is more delicate and thin.

* it is advisable to wipe your face with ice along massage lines, from the center of the face.

* after the procedure, you need to let the beneficial moisture absorb, but if that doesn’t work, then lightly blot your face, do not wipe it dry.

* after wiping with ice, apply cream or oil to your face

You shouldn’t expect a quick effect from rubbing your face with ice, but if it becomes a habit, then after two to three weeks your facial skin will be noticeably fresher.

I became addicted to washing with ice; I was addicted to this procedure. It invigorates me perfectly in the morning, especially when I haven’t had enough sleep, I wake up instantly.

The skin on my face felt fresher and slightly firmer. The wrinkles, of course, have not disappeared anywhere, but the general appearance of the face has. in my opinion it has improved and I really hope. that the ice delayed the appearance of other wrinkles.

Overall, a rather pleasant, tonic procedure.

If you haven’t tried wiping your face with ice, I strongly advise you to decide to do it and take a step towards a beautiful complexion, especially since this procedure is available to anyone, regardless of material income and is absolutely natural. If you already use cosmetic ice, I will be very glad if I told you something new and useful.

Thanks to everyone who read my review. Be beautiful!

Cosmetologists, through numerous studies, have found that exposure to low temperatures benefits the human body, rejuvenating it and preventing premature aging. Women successfully undergo cryomassage procedures to improve their appearance. But these procedures cost a lot of money, they are quite painful and take up a lot of free time. Recipes for facial ice against wrinkles can come to the rescue. Ice will help smooth out deep wrinkles on the face, tighten the skin, make it more elastic and toned.

Does ice help against wrinkles?

When exposed to cold, blood vessels dilate - only those located in the deep layers of the dermis. And those located on the surface, on the contrary, narrow. Rubbing ice against wrinkles will help speed up cell renewal by improving blood circulation. As a result, the pores will narrow, the skin will tighten, and the face will be adorned with a healthy glow.

The result of rubbing with ice cubes will be especially noticeable when young girls are bothered by the feeling of dryness and tightness, when the first wrinkles begin to appear.

Beneficial properties of ice against wrinkles and swelling

For women who are trying their best to hide age wrinkles, soothe irritated skin and get rid of circles under the eyes, cosmetologists recommend taking a course of cryomassage. Such procedures will return youth and smooth dermis to the face, but they cost a fortune. Most people who have used facial ice recipes for wrinkles have responded positively to this method of rejuvenation. A piece of ice can be an excellent replacement for expensive, high-quality tonics sold by popular brands. It tightens pores, which will benefit those with oily skin, making it velvety and elastic. With this simple remedy you can avoid the formation of a network of wrinkles in the corners of the eyes and the loss of a beautiful facial contour.

Ice helps get rid of bruises under the lower eyelids, because their appearance is often associated with poor blood flow. They can appear due to lack of sleep, frequent stress, and improper facial care. Fortunately, regularly rubbing ice over the eye area will help relieve wrinkles and puffiness, bruising and bags that often appear in this sensitive area due to fluid retention in the tissues.

Ice stops the development of inflammatory processes and fights the negative effects of free radicals and toxic substances, which are to blame for the premature appearance of wrinkles.

Insufficient production of skin secretion leads to dryness and an unpleasant feeling of tightness. This leads to the appearance of wrinkles, but this can be avoided by regular exposure to low temperatures. By rubbing the dermis with ice cubes, you can saturate it with moisture and stimulate cell renewal - this is important for normalizing the functions of the dermis.

How to make facial ice for wrinkles

Freezing ice for the face against wrinkles is not difficult for any woman. However, before you start making ice cubes, you need to familiarize yourself with simple recommendations:

  1. You can use distilled or mineral water without gas. Boiled milk cannot be used due to impurities and high content of heavy metals. This water will not bring any benefit, but will only worsen the condition of the skin on the face, which will lead to the appearance of new wrinkles.
  2. It is advisable to freeze ice only in closed forms. An ice cube can quickly absorb unpleasant odors, so it is better to avoid open molds.
  3. Ice cubes made from herbs can be stored for no more than 5 days.
  4. Ice made from berries can be stored for no more than 3 days.
  5. It won't hurt to buy a small strainer to strain the herbs.
  6. To enhance the effect, you can add a few drops of essential oil to the mixture.

Important! It is not worth preparing large reserves of miraculous ice cubes, because over time they lose their beneficial properties.

The shelf life depends on the main component. Ice made from fruits and vegetables can be stored for 3 days, ice made from herbs - 7 days. Ice with vitamin supplements should be used as directed immediately, otherwise it will not be able to smooth out wrinkles.

Ice recipes for wiping the face against wrinkles

The variety of products that promise eternal youth and beauty is simply amazing. One of the most inexpensive is cosmetic anti-wrinkle ice. You can make it yourself at home or buy ready-made ice in pharmacies.

Only natural ingredients that can benefit your face can be frozen. Some of the most common are fruits and berries, fermented milk products, and medicinal herbs. Such regular care can rejuvenate the face and remove fine wrinkles. This method does not require significant cash expenditure; preparing ice cubes is simple, and all the necessary components can be found in the refrigerator.

Important! It is necessary to use cosmetic ice correctly, otherwise it can cause harm to the skin. You should not wipe your face with it before leaving the house in winter and autumn.

You can use slightly melted ice. To do this, you need to remove the ice cubes from the freezer and wait five minutes 5, and then start wiping. Do not expose the dermis to low temperatures for more than a minute. Otherwise, you can freeze the skin and not smooth out wrinkles. Cosmetologists recommend wiping your face with ice no more than 2 times a day.

Ice cubes will help get rid of minor aesthetic defects, but you should not get your hopes up and consider them a panacea. Wrinkles will not disappear with the wave of a magic wand. Do not forget about the regular use of high-quality cosmetics, the need to quit smoking, refrain from drinking alcoholic beverages, and exercise regularly.

If you need to not only tighten your skin, but also lighten spots and scars, you should choose ice cube recipes that contain lemon, parsley and potatoes.

Ice from herbal decoctions perfectly soothes irritated skin, relieves peeling, and eliminates inflammatory processes.

Ice made from berries, fruits and vegetables saturates the skin with healthy vitamins, nourishes and moisturizes the face.

For normal and combination skin

With cucumber juice. You need to brew a glass of green tea, mix with 3 tsp. cucumber juice. It is advisable to grate the cucumber and separate the pulp. Pour the mixture into molds and freeze. This recipe perfectly nourishes and moisturizes the skin, smoothes out wrinkles.

With parsley juice. A few branches of parsley need to be finely chopped. Pour a glass of boiling water over it. Heat the mixture over low heat for 20 minutes. Wait until it cools down and strain. Pour the mixture into molds and freeze. An ice cube will even out the tone of the face, prevent the appearance of wrinkles, and tighten the skin.

With tomato juice. The peeled tomato must be mashed, strain the juice and combine it with 2 tablespoons of parsley juice. The resulting mixture should be placed in molds and placed in the freezer. Ice will help tighten pores and get rid of acne, and remove wrinkles.

With salt. You need to brew regular espresso (50 ml). Add a teaspoon of crushed sea salt and a little heavy cream to the finished coffee. Wait until the mixture cools, pour into molds and place in the freezer. With this recipe you can restore the tone of aging skin and emphasize the contour of your face.

For dry skin

With herbs. You will need natural herbs: string, chamomile, calendula, 1 tsp each. Pour them with 2 tbsp. boiling water When the mixture has cooled, strain and pour into molds. Using this ice with herbs, you can remove premature expression wrinkles on the face.

With honey. One glass of black tea should be mixed with a teaspoon of flower honey. Pour into molds and freeze. This cosmetic ice will help remove wrinkles around the eyes. The main thing to remember is that honey can stimulate hair growth, so girls who are concerned about facial hair should not rub their face with these ice cubes.

From milk. Pour fresh full fat milk into molds and place in the freezer. Perfectly nourishes and moisturizes the skin on the face, helps get rid of the feeling of tightness and dryness, and premature wrinkles. You can add a few drops of olive or coconut oil to the milk.

From rice. You need to boil some rice, do not add salt. Decant, and the liquid that remains after cooking must be poured into molds and placed in the freezer. To achieve maximum effect, it is recommended to add a few drops of grape seed oil.

From flax seeds. 1 tsp. pour a glass of boiling water over the seeds. Let cool, strain, add a few capsules of vitamin A and E. Freeze the mixture in molds. It is recommended to use this recipe during spring vitamin deficiency; this ice perfectly saturates the skin with all the necessary beneficial microelements and smoothes out facial wrinkles.

For oily skin

From mint. One of the most popular recipes, which is appreciated by those with oily skin. This herb will help tighten the face, restore elasticity to the skin, make it soft and velvety. In addition, mint will help get rid of acne and tighten pores, and if you add a few drops of lemon juice, it will remove acne marks. You need to take 3 tbsp. l. dried mint and pour a glass of water over them. Let it sit for 20 minutes, strain and pour the mixture into molds. Herbs with ice for the face will smooth out even small expression wrinkles.

With lemon juice. Brew green tea, add one spoon of lemon juice. Pour the mixture into molds. This recipe will help even out your complexion, remove age spots, freckles, and acne marks. With its help, you can reduce the amount of acne, as lemon reduces the activity of the sebaceous glands.

From essential oils. Add 3 drops of tea tree oil to a glass of green tea. Mix the composition thoroughly. Pour the mixture into molds and freeze. This recipe will help remove oily shine.

From banana. Grind the fruit in a blender, add 1 tsp. heavy cream. Stir, pour the mixture into molds and freeze. Thanks to the high content of vitamin C, this ice will prevent early skin aging, improve its regeneration, and smooth out existing wrinkles.

From potatoes. One fruit needs to be grated on a fine grater. Add a few drops of burdock oil. Strain, pour the juice into molds and freeze. Washing with this ice will help smooth out facial wrinkles, as well as get rid of puffiness and even out skin tone.

For sensitive skin

With celandine. 1 tbsp. l. celandine and marigolds must be poured with a glass of boiling water. Let it brew, pour the mixture into molds and freeze. Suitable for aging skin, soothes irritated skin, removes redness, smoothes wrinkles.

From chamomile. 4 tsp. The herbs need to be poured with a glass of boiling water and put on low heat. Wait half an hour. Let cool, strain and freeze. Herbs will help stop inflammatory processes, perfectly soothe the skin, remove peeling and wrinkles.

With green tea. Mix four tablespoons of parsley with a spoonful of dry mint and brewed black tea. Pour a glass of boiling water, cover with a lid and let it brew for half an hour. Cool, strain and freeze the mixture. This ice will help remove even the deepest wrinkles on the forehead.

From mineral water. One of the simplest recipes. You can do without additional ingredients or add a few drops of essential oil. Pour mineral water into molds and freeze. This ice perfectly relieves irritation and moisturizes dry skin.

From an apple. You can use store-bought applesauce, as long as it does not contain preservatives or colorings. It is advisable to take a fresh apple. You need to peel and pit it and grind it in a blender. Add some green tea and a few ampoules of vitamin B2 and B6. Thanks to B vitamins, the skin will stop flaking and will look healthy and radiant, without deep wrinkles.

How to wipe your face with ice for wrinkles

Using ice cubes is simple - to rejuvenate your face, you need to gently massage the dermis along the skin lines. You need to start wiping your face from the forehead, along a horizontal line, grabbing your temples. Do not use force to avoid stretching the skin. After a minute, you can move to the area under the lower eyelids, moving in the direction from the bridge of the nose to the tips of the ears. Next, you need to massage your chin in circles, then you can grab the nasolabial triangle. All that remains is to go over the cheeks and cheekbones.

Important! You can massage your face against wrinkles with ice cubes for no more than a few minutes! Prolonged exposure to low temperatures is bad for blood vessels. If you feel pain, burning or redness while rubbing with ice cubes, you should immediately stop wiping your face.

Ice masks for wrinkles

Most women, trying to get rid of wrinkles, think that there is no product that would work better than a mask. Not many people are aware that natural ingredients, if frozen, will be much more effective than in their natural form. Ice perfectly tones and hardens the skin, and the melted components will bring more benefits than in conventional masks.


  1. When wiping your face with ice from wrinkles around the eyes, you need to move the piece quickly, but without sudden movements, without pressing. Don't linger in one area.
  2. It is advisable to move along the massage lines.
  3. Do not expose your face to prolonged exposure to low temperatures. You need to start with one minute, gradually increasing the time.
  4. After rubbing with ice cubes, it is advisable to let the skin absorb the liquid and wait for it to dry on its own. In extreme cases, you can blot the skin with a soft towel. Rubbing the skin is strictly prohibited!
  5. After the procedure, you need to rub in a moisturizer.
  6. To achieve faster smoothing of wrinkles, it is recommended to use ice cubes made from different components.

The shelf life of ice cubes depends on what ingredients they contain. They instantly absorb any odors. It is important to keep them away from all food items.

Cosmetologists are sure that constantly massaging the face with ice cubes is one of the most common mistakes. If you move a cube over the skin every day, you can achieve the opposite effect - premature aging, which will cause narrowing of the capillaries and lack of fluid. Do not expose your face to regular exposure to low temperatures. You can take a three-day course, take a short break and start the procedures again.

Advice! Ice cubes should be wrapped with a paper napkin or cotton pad, otherwise you may get frostbite on your hands.


Not every woman is suitable for rubbing her face with ice cubes. There is a small list of contraindications:

  • dry skin, with large flaky areas;
  • inflammation of the organs of vision;
  • rosacea;
  • extensive foci of inflammation;
  • acute skin diseases;
  • purulent sinusitis;
  • osteoporosis;
  • atherosclerosis.

Important! Using ice cubes immediately before going outside in winter is strictly prohibited!


Ice recipes for the face against wrinkles, thanks to the content of natural ingredients, intensively nourish and moisturize the skin. Exposure to low temperatures helps increase blood flow to problem areas, which facilitates cellular respiration. As a result, the process of withering of the dermis is stopped, and the melting ice saturates it with moisture, which makes it possible to smooth out existing wrinkles. It is advisable to freeze herbs, fruit juice and berries; ice cubes from these components saturate the skin with all useful microelements. You should not expect instant results; the visual effect can only be noticed after a few months. It is important to regularly use high-quality cosmetics, give up bad habits, eat healthy and varied - you should not hope that ice will instantly get rid of wrinkles.

The great Russian Empress Catherine II used ice cubes on her face every day. She rubbed them on her skin in order to look attractive. What is the power of ice?

The need for a cosmetic procedure

Human skin ages very quickly. This fact is especially unpleasant for women who want to always remain attractive, delightful and irresistible. Any representative of the fairer sex wants to look more graceful and younger than her age. This is why ladies who discover the first wrinkles on their faces begin to panic. Various creams and masks, serums and other products are used, the use of which is designed to smooth out the skin. And some women turn to plastic surgeons for help to quickly remove the signs of aging that have appeared.

There is a very effective way to give your face freshness. It involves using ice. This method is recommended not only by traditional healers, but also by cosmetologists of the highest class.

Ice cubes for the face are used in the morning to wipe the skin. This procedure is designed to replace regular washing. However, you can do it in the evenings, as well as at any other time in order to instantly refresh yourself.

Benefits of the procedure

Ice cubes for the face are used at home. This method can be considered a kind of cryotherapy, but with a milder effect. The benefits of ice cubes for the face are as follows:

Soften and nourish the skin;
- improve complexion and tighten its oval;
- thanks to the low temperature, they tone the skin;
- smooth out small wrinkles;
- remove dark circles that appear under the eyes;
- improve metabolic processes in skin cells;
- cubes prepared from herbal decoction eliminate inflammation and redness.

Ice cubes are also useful for the face if you have acne. They will eliminate this cosmetic defect. Anyone who uses ice cubes on their face gets rid of closed comedones and supports the immunity of the skin.

After this procedure, the production of hyaluronic acid, elastin and collagen is enhanced, that is, those substances that allow the skin to look great.

Contrast massage

A particularly strong effect can be obtained if you use ice cubes on your face after hot baths, compresses, showers, or baths.

The skin can be steamed in a fairly simple way. To do this, you need to take a towel, moisten it in hot water and apply it to your face for twenty seconds. After this, wipe the skin with a piece of ice, blot with a soft cloth and apply any day cream. This contrast massage should be done once or twice a week.


Frozen ice cubes cannot always be used for the face. The main contraindication is some dermatological diseases. Their list includes eczema, rosacea and severe inflammatory processes in the affected area. Cosmetic ice is not used during winter skin care.

Sometimes it happens that after procedures during which ice cubes are used for the face, negative reviews about this technique are received. In some people, even in the absence of skin diseases, the condition of the skin worsens. If there are complaints, the procedure must be stopped.


Ice cubes for wiping your face should be made only from mineral or purified water. It is better not to take liquid from the tap. Such water is considered “dead”, since it is devoid of many beneficial properties.

To make ice cubes you need a special mold. It is filled with liquid and placed in the freezer.

You can also make cosmetic ice. Its main difference from regular frozen cubes is the presence of additional healthy ingredients. For such ice, various infusions and herbal decoctions are taken. Berry and fruit juices can also be used. Due to the content of beneficial plant components, herbal ice cubes for the face have a particularly beneficial effect on the skin. Additives with various properties can be used to obtain the desired result. A positive effect is observed during procedures that use ice cubes made from ordinary mineral water.


How to wipe your face with ice cubes? The procedure requires a certain sequence. It is important to adhere to some rules. First of all, you should remember that you cannot hold ice cubes on one area of ​​your face for several seconds. They need to be constantly moved. This will avoid tissue hypothermia. In addition, it is recommended to hold the ice cubes using a thick napkin, as your fingertips may become frostbitten. And the most important condition: movements must be carried out along massage lines. They should start from the chin area and gradually move up to the forehead.

On the face, massage lines are located in the following places:

From the center of the chin to the tips of the earlobes;
- from the corners of the mouth to the middle of the auricle;
- from the edges of the wings of the nose to the temporal cavities;
- to the temples from the middle of the forehead and from the same point in all directions to the scalp.

The procedure can be carried out in two or three approaches. Separately, wipe the skin in the neck and eye areas. After the manipulations, you do not need to wash your face or pat it dry with a towel. Dry skin is lubricated with cream.

Prepared facial ice cubes should be used within a month. If this period has expired, it is better to fill the molds again.

Universal cosmetic ice

The most suitable and easily accessible remedy is a frozen decoction of herbs such as chamomile, mint, sage, string and St. John's wort. Ice cubes for wiping your face can be made from green or black tea. This product is suitable for any skin type.

How to make herbal ice cubes for the face? A wide variety of recipes can be used for this. But in general, the principle of their manufacture is the same. First of all, the herbal infusion is brewed, which is then poured into molds placed in the freezer.

In order to have a whitening, nourishing and tonic effect on the skin, as well as tighten pores, you should use the juice of various berries and fruits. It is recommended to pay special attention to the quality of water used in the preparation of cosmetic ice. It can be non-carbonated mineral, purified drinking or melted.

For normal skin

How to make ice cubes for your face? Recipes that are recommended for normal skin involve the use of valerian and mint, sage and dill, yarrow and plantain. Herbs, as well as their mixtures, can be purchased at the pharmacy.

To care for normal facial skin using ice cubes, freshly squeezed juices of strawberries, watermelon, grapes, apricots and peach are recommended.

Cosmetic ice for normal skin types can be made from decoctions of certain cereals. For example, from rice. It is prepared as follows. Take two glasses of water and boil a handful of cereal in this amount of liquid. The finished broth is filtered and frozen.

For dry skin

This type of skin needs hydration. It is also advisable to tone and moisturize it using ice cubes for the face. Reviews from people who use this technique indicate that frozen infusions of mint, lemon balm, chamomile, yarrow, parsley, dill, linden and hops are an excellent remedy for dry skin. A remarkable effect can be obtained from dandelion root, rose petals and eleutherococcus senticosus.

When caring for sensitive and dry skin, it is recommended to use frozen infusions of red berries. This can be hawthorn and cranberry, lingonberry and rowan, as well as red currant. You just have to keep in mind that the shelf life of berry ice is limited to five days.

For oily skin

There can be a huge variety of options here. For oily skin types, wormwood and calendula, medicinal chamomile and birch buds, St. John's wort and coltsfoot leaves, peony and chicory, yarrow and white lily petals, horsetail and Japanese sophora, erect cinquefoil and thick-leaved bergenia rhizomes, laurel are excellent. aloe leaf and juice, nettle and mountain arnica. To prepare infusions, individual herbs and a wide variety of herbs can be used.

Ice made from semi-dry white wine, sage and St. John's wort has a beneficial effect on oily skin. How to get it? To do this you will need to take 2 tbsp. l. St. John's wort, 3 tbsp. l. sage and brew them in a third of a glass of boiling water. After this, the mixture is allowed to sit for half an hour in a dark place, filtered and diluted with wine in a 1:1 ratio. The cooled liquid freezes. Rub your face with these wine cubes twice a day.

If you have combination skin

What are the best ice cubes for the face to use for this type of skin? All of the above infusions of medicinal herbs can be used to carry out the procedure. However, in this case, the frozen pieces should not contain cucumber and lemon juice.

For problem skin

This type of cover requires softening and moisturizing. Infusions of string and chamomile, calendula and oak bark will help you cope with this task. Ice cubes made from strawberries or potato juice are good for problem skin.

For existing acne, it is recommended to use frozen aloe juice. Ice cubes made from sage and chamomile will have a great effect. With their use, it is recommended to carry out procedures for skin prone to irritation and sensitive.

You can get rid of acne by using salt ice. To prepare it you will need to dissolve 1 tsp. salt in 200 g of water. Rub the skin with such cubes until they completely melt. This will allow the salt to be absorbed into the skin. After completing the procedure, your face should be rinsed with cool water.

For skin whitening

Cosmetic ice cubes may contain the juice of any citrus fruit - orange or lemon, tangerine or grapefruit. In this case, the procedure will produce a whitening effect. How to prepare such ice cubes? To do this, the juice is mixed in a 1:2 ratio with mineral water. It should be non-carbonated. If there is no allergic reaction, the juice can be used undiluted. These frozen cubes should be stored for no more than 3 days.

Viburnum, cucumber and strawberry juice, as well as a decoction made from parsley seeds, have a whitening effect.

Ice cubes will help eliminate age spots on your face. To achieve this effect, freeze the rice water.

Cosmetic ice with a rejuvenating effect

Frozen green tea cubes will help smooth out age-related changes (you can add a few drops of lemon juice and half a teaspoon of avocado oil to them). The effect of the resulting mixture will be enhanced by a few drops of essential extract obtained from geranium, lavender or orange.

A mixture of half a lemon and 200 g of water reduces expression lines. The juice from the buds and leaves of young dandelions, which are mixed with olive oil, as well as mint infusion, have a rejuvenating effect.

Milk is indicated for skin with the first signs of aging. For freezing, it is diluted with mineral water in equal proportions.

You can include 1 tsp in the ice cubes. any oil (olive, avocado, almond or derived from wheat germ), which is diluted in one hundred milliliters of mineral water. This massage will soften the skin and supply it with essential nutrients. Carrying out these procedures daily will restore radiance and freshness to tired skin.

There is another recipe for making rejuvenating ice cubes. When freezing, put a piece of any fruit or vegetable, berry or medicinal herb into each mold, and then fill it with water. These cubes are prepared in the evening.

Removing puffiness under the eyes

To solve this problem, cosmetic ice should contain 1 tbsp. l. parsley juice and 0.5 tsp. peach oil These ingredients are diluted in one hundred and fifty milliliters of green tea.

A mixture of a teaspoon of low-fat cream and ten to fifteen drops of coconut oil, which should be diluted in one hundred milliliters of chamomile or St. John's wort decoction, will also relieve puffiness under the eyes. The ingredients are mixed, poured into molds and frozen.

Features and benefits of ice for the face

Ice is number 1 in the fight against skin aging! Every woman dreams of maintaining elastic facial skin without a single wrinkle, and many men also prefer to take care of their appearance and dream of prolonging their youth.

In the modern age of incredible technologies, maintaining good appearance and elasticity of the skin is not difficult. But we should not forget and underestimate the recipes of our grandmothers, folk recipes.

For many decades, women around the world have been using one irreplaceable recipe - ice for face. And sometimes it’s enough just to freeze ice cubes for face and freshen your skin every morning.

This alone is enough to tone the skin, harden it, and besides, such a product will help the body wake up very quickly. This procedure is even more effective than regular washing after sleep.

When rubbing the skin with ice cubes, the blood vessels first narrow and then expand, blood flows and thus occurs:

  • a kind of skin massage,
  • metabolism in cells is improving,
  • wrinkles are smoothed out,
  • the skin is rejuvenated.

Homemade ice recipes

Using ice to wipe your face will give results very quickly. Make ice for your face It won't be too difficult at home. There are a lot of recipes.

The easiest of them is to pour filtered water or mineral water, always without gas, into special containers that are found in any modern refrigerators.

If possible, it is even better to use spring water. For those who have a little time, you can prepare a herbal decoction for your procedures, or freeze fruit nectar.

What's good for ice with herbs? Can be prepared ice with chamomile for the face, any tea, parsley, mint leaves refresh the skin, St. John's wort, dill, oak bark, valerian and so on are also suitable.

Herbs for the face in the composition of ice can be very diverse. For ice using fruit, you can finely chop strawberries, an apple, a peach, a little lemon, berries, add mineral water and freeze.

They do the same with vegetables. You can even use the peel of an orange or tangerine in such recipes. Please note that it is not advisable to store medicinal pieces of ice in the freezer for too long; it is better to prepare a fresh portion every 4-5 days.

There is another type of medicinal ice cubes - with the addition of essential ones. Tempting, isn't it? Ice with essential oils will be useful for those who have a tendency to dry skin and have already developed small wrinkles.

Don't worry, it's fixable and wrinkles can be smoothed out. To make ice with essential oils, you need to take a glass of clean water, add literally three drops of essential oil, shake well and pour into molds.

Freeze until completely frozen. It depends on what effect you want to achieve and you should choose oils. For example,

  • Lavender or sandalwood oil is suitable for soothing the skin,
  • rose is suitable for eliminating wrinkles, moisturizing and strengthening,
  • Bergamot oil is an excellent antiseptic,
  • lavender is used to care for any skin type,
  • Juniper oil is suitable for problem skin, oily skin types,
  • An ice cube will renew dry skin and promote regeneration.

Ice for the face: harm and contraindications

Ice treatments are beneficial and recommended for almost everyone. However, there are some points in which it is better to consult a doctor. For example, if you have:

- there is an allergic reaction to cold;

— there are scratches and open wounds on the face;

- eczema;

- various rashes;

- skin that is quite sensitive to temperature changes;

- weak blood vessels.

In addition, if you feel discomfort or severe tingling, it is better to stop the procedure. Do not cool your skin before going outside in winter. If your skin is too dry, then it is also better to abandon the ice idea.

To begin with, it is advisable to prepare the skin by rubbing with fatty creams, and then resume the “ice” procedures. Many people recommend wiping your face before going to bed, but no one forbids it. wipe your face with ice in the morning, Moreover, it perfectly invigorates the entire body. In principle, you can repeat the procedure a couple of times a day.You may ask, how should you properly wipe your skin? We'll talk about this in the next chapter.

How to properly wipe your face with ice?

Rubbing your face with ice It’s a very pleasant procedure, but it also has its own nuances. Firstly, not only the facial skin is rubbed with ice; the neck and décolleté area should also be involved.

Secondly, it is important to wipe your face along massage lines, otherwise you risk stretching the skin and making it even worse. You may ask: how exactly should you apply ice along the massage lines?

It's simple! From the center point of the chin, move the ice to the earlobes, from the corners of the lips to the middle of the ear, from the center point of the upper lip, move the healing cube to the temples, and so on.

Don't be overzealous: wipe your face lightly, don't press on the cube, we don't want any injuries! In addition, such a peculiar one should not last more than two or three minutes.

By the way, a very important point: after ice, the face should not be wiped with anything, it should dry itself, the skin should absorb healing moisture. After about 20-30 minutes, a nourishing agent can be applied to the skin. Of course, you need to wipe your face with ice after removing makeup.

This procedure should be carried out regularly. After all, it is then that you can achieve the desired effect and keep your skin in excellent condition. It is recommended to constantly change the ice cube recipe: herbal, fruit, ice made entirely from water, ice made from one ingredient, and others.

If you don’t have time to cook at home ice for face against wrinkles, then the beauty industry has already taken care of this. Can be purchased in store or online cosmetic ice for face.

Industrially produced ice is basically a lotion that simply needs to be frozen before use. After 12-14 hours, remove from the freezer, release the ice cube from the polyethylene and begin the procedure.

Their compositions are very diverse: fruit and vegetable smoothies, with extracts of honey and aloe, violet and green tea, with extracts of cucumber, strawberries and cream. For every taste and...

Such products give the skin a healthy glow and saturate it with useful microelements. Such ice can be stored in the freezer for up to 14 days, but no more, otherwise all the beneficial properties will be lost. Of course, you cannot use such ice to cool drinks.

When discussing a recipe like ice for face reviews there are a wide variety of them. Women write that they do not have enough time for such a procedure for a long time, many note only an improvement in skin color, someone writes that there is a possibility of catching a cold, someone develops an allergy that they did not know about before.

Often in reviews you can find a categorically negative attitude towards this procedure. Women write that wiping the face with ice affects the whole body, and that the consequences can be very bad. And yet, many share their recipes, nuances for proper facial massage, many note the incredible effect of the procedure.

The choice is yours. It is only worth noting the main thing when using ice cubes for the face: ice significantly tones the skin, moisturizes, gives elasticity, a healthy glow, has healing properties and gives several minutes of pleasant sensations. Still, cryomassage is very, very useful, but remember, everything should be in moderation and without fanaticism!

Rubbing your face with ice is a very useful procedure that helps maintain elasticity and relieve puffiness. Daily home cryoprocedures will become your reliable companion in maintaining beauty and youth. There are many recipes for preparing such a care product, which use decoctions of herbs, juices of vegetables, plants and fruits. Today we will talk about milk ice, its uses and benefits.

Benefits of cryomassage for skin

Cryomassage is gaining momentum in popularity today, and you can order such a procedure in many beauty salons, the cost of which is about 500-1000 rubles per session. It’s great if you have the opportunity to regularly resort to the services of cosmetologists, otherwise you can learn how to do facial cryomassage at home.

The benefits of the cold wiping procedure are enormous, and here are its most important advantages:

  • elimination of dull complexion;
  • relieving inflammation;
  • normalization of the functioning of the sebaceous glands;
  • increasing skin elasticity and firmness.

By making ice based on certain ingredients, you can significantly increase the benefits for the skin. For this purpose, decoctions of various herbs, plant juices, hydrolates, milk and other means are used. Read more about which cosmetic ice is suitable for your skin type.

Cosmetic ice for different skin types

Let's briefly talk about what you can use to make ice for wiping your face in accordance with a certain skin type or problem.

Fat and problematic

For this type of skin, an important property of skincare products is the ability to regulate the activity of the sebaceous glands and relieve inflammation. Therefore, the following products are suitable for freezing:

  • aloe juice;
  • infusion of chamomile or calendula;
  • decoction of birch leaves;
  • rice water;
  • cucumber juice.


Moisturizing is very important for dry facial skin, so cosmetic ice for it can be made from:

  • chamomile or sage decoction;
  • linden blossom infusion;
  • potato juice;
  • thyme decoction;
  • milk;
  • serum.


For skin that is not prone to oily or dry, infusions of lemon balm, chamomile, St. John's wort, and yarrow are useful. You can also freeze tea from hawthorn or string berries.


For this skin type, use ice from products that have a brightening effect:

  • milk;
  • a mixture of lemon juice and water;
  • chamomile;
  • parsley infusion.


For mature skin that shows age-related changes, use cosmetic ice made from milk, decoctions of linden, clover, and golden root. A frozen solution of honey and aloe juice in water is very useful for youthful skin.

Milk cryotherapy at home

Milk ice is intended primarily for the care of dry and aging skin. It should be used daily for a long time, alternating with frozen decoctions or herbal infusions.

Milk softens the skin, smoothes it, and has a slight whitening effect. To make ice from this healthy product, mix milk and clean water in a 1:1 ratio, pour into molds and place in the freezer. Use in the morning, rubbing your face for 2-3 minutes. You can also use milk alone for the recipe without adding water.

After a cryoprocedure with milk, a sticky film remains on the face. Leave it on for 15 minutes and then wash your face. By the way, milk ice is incredibly useful for caring for the skin of the chest, décolleté and neck.

Milk for preparing cosmetic frozen cubes can be mixed with different products:

  • with green tea for skin tone;
  • with mineral water;
  • with parsley or lemon juice for whitening;
  • with hydrolates for intense hydration, for example, rose or cornflower water;
  • with cucumber juice.

How to use the product correctly?

You need to wipe your cleansed face with ice, moving the frozen piece without pressure along the massage lines - from the nose to the cheekbones and neck, from the middle of the forehead to the temples and to the hairline. It is important to constantly move the piece over the skin, without stopping on any area of ​​the face for more than 3-4 seconds.

After the procedure, do not dry your face with a towel, allowing the moisture to dry on its own. If you are using frozen milk, fruit juice or salt water, rinse your skin with cool, clean water after 15 minutes.

When massaging your face, do not forget about the neck and décolleté area, since cryoprocedures increase the elasticity of these areas of the body.