Love is a feeling that is difficult to analyze, because the actions of boys and girls in love are sometimes illogical and completely incomprehensible to others. So why do people have to love someone?

It’s so great to give a person all your tenderness and not expect anything, but still receive in return. How to prove love to a girl, words and/or actions?

Say it

Girls value words of love much more than guys for whom actions are more important. So tell your girl these magic words: “I love you”. Put your whole soul into them, and they will not go unnoticed.

Give a gift

Let it be small and inexpensive gift , but very pleasant, because the main thing is attention. Just if it is luxurious, a decent girl will not be able to accept it, and besides, she may think that you just want to buy her.

Give compliments

Once you confess your love to a girl, do it on any convenient occasion. But let these not be the words “I love you,” but compliments – her appearance, her talents, her taste and so on. It is better not to give inappropriate and insincere compliments. But if you truly love a woman, you cannot be insincere.

Do something together

At the institute, show a desire to do some kind of scientific project with the girl you love. Are you going to the billiard room with friends? Invite a girl too, maybe she will give you a head start in this game, who knows. And she will be very pleased that you don’t forget about her, even when you’re going somewhere with friends.

Let her know she's special

Carry the girl in your arms, arrange romantic date on the rooftop, involve all your best friends in congratulating her on her birthday to pleasantly stun her. Then the girl is sure will realize that she is truly special. After all, only she is worthy of what you give her, she and no one else.

Be interested in her life

When a girl sees that you are keenly interested in how her day went, how she gets along with her parents, how she spends her leisure time at home, she understands that she herself is interesting to you. After all, otherwise you wouldn’t be so curious about everything that concerns her hobbies, relationships with her parents, in general, her personality.

Love is that great feeling when there is a person close to you who is dear to you, and you become everything to each other. Loyalty, tenderness, passion, devotion, care, excitement, mutual assistance, common interests, joy, sorrows and events - all this is love.

Feelings are multifaceted, as is their manifestation. You need to love sincerely and selflessly, then everything will be clear at just one glance. A girl is a trembling and vulnerable creature; she must be treated like an expensive treasure, valued, protected, and cared for. And she definitely needs to be reminded of her feelings both in words and actions.

How to prove your love to a girl with words

Everyone knows the saying that a girl loves with her ears, and this is the true truth. Every representative of the fair sex wants to be the center of attention of her chosen one and find confirmation of his love in words. How to please your beloved:

  • Indulge her with compliments more often. Appearance is something a lady is always proud of. They will also please simple words about beautiful facial features, and praise for a new outfit or hairstyle. The man is the main connoisseur female beauty, so your significant other is trying to look good first and foremost for you.
  • Remind me of your love. Not often, so that the words do not lose their special meaning, but not rarely either. Tell her what you value about her, why you love her, how special and desirable she is to you.
  • Try not to compare her to other women. Such words can hurt your pride and give rise to the suspicion that you pay too much attention to others.
  • Say "we". Your loved one will be happy to hear that you consider you as a whole and make all decisions together. This shows your trust and seriousness of intentions.

Actions that will help prove love

Words can deceive, but deeds never can. Since ancient times, knights performed feats for the sake of their ladies and beautiful deeds. Times have changed, and courtship too, but determination and the desire to show your attitude in practice are valued no less. Important steps in expressing feelings:

  • Spend a lot of time together. Take your loved one to the cinema, theater, for a walk in the park, have a picnic, go to a disco. There are a lot of options, the main thing is to choose among them what she likes.
  • Give the girl flowers. Trite? Perhaps, but that doesn’t make it any less relevant. Flowers lift your spirits for a long time. Give different gifts, with or without reason, and you will not be left without gratitude.
  • Don't forget about romance. Evening on the river bank, coffee in bed in the morning, collages photos together, handmade valentines, launching air lanterns - all these bright moments that will remain in her memory for a long time.
  • Support her. IN difficult moment you must be there to support, reassure, and instill hope. Knowing that you will never let her down or abandon her, she will feel confident, as if behind a stone wall, and will not dare to doubt your feelings.
  • Do something together. General activities and interests always bring you closer together, this means that you feel good together and enjoy each other’s company.

Give flowers. It may sound like a cliché, but nothing says “I love you” like a beautiful bouquet of flowers. However, here you will have to try a little - do not buy the cheapest bouquet on the market near your home. Ask friends or family about her favorite type of flowers and have them delivered to her home.

  • To add even more romance, attach a romantic note to the flowers. It could be something short and sweet like “lovely flowers for beautiful girl”, or something longer, such as a romantic quote from a poem or song.
  • If you're broke right now, don't worry. You don't need to buy the most expensive and rare flowers. In fact, a single red rose or a freshly picked bouquet of wildflowers can be infinitely more romantic than the usual bouquet picked by a florist at a bouquet shop.


"To be romantic means try your best do something unexpected for your partner.”

Psychologist (love and relationships)

Sarah Shevitz, PsyD is a psychologist with over 10 years of experience helping couples and individual clients improve and change their behavior in love and relationships. She is the founder of Couples Learn, an online psychological counseling service.

Psychologist (love and relationships)

  • Prepare romantic dinner for his girlfriend. You can show your girl your love by spending a little time and putting in a little effort to make her happy, like cooking her favorite dish. If you've been dating her for a long time, you probably have a good idea of ​​what she likes. Don't try to cook something very complicated if you've never done it before. Add even more romance - set the table beautifully, light candles and turn on background music to set the mood.

    • You can let her know your plans and suggest she dress up for dinner, or you can surprise her - just make sure she'll be home on time and that she'll come alone!
    • Don't worry if you're not a chef, effort is key. However, if you're worried about whether your food is even edible, you can practice it on family or friends first.
  • Write her a love letter. A letter is a truly romantic way to show her that you love her and something that she will remember for a very long time. This is especially good for those who find it difficult to express their feelings in words - you just need to take a pen and let your heart speak for you. You can give the letter to her in person or send it by mail for an even bigger surprise.

    • Get inspired by the words of great authors like Shakespeare, Byron or Emily Dickinson if you're having trouble starting a letter, or find famous romantic quotes you can use in your letter.
    • You can write her a sweet email or text, but there's nothing better than good old romance.
    • Alternatively, if you want to find more creativity, you can express your feelings in a song or poem. You can sing the song in person or record it and send it to her if you're a little shy.
  • Plan the perfect date. Take the initiative and plan romantic evening just for the two of you. You can use the classic dinner and movie scenario, recreate your first date, or take her to where you first met. The time and effort put into planning this special date will pay off in her reaction and she will see how much you care about her.

    • Try to think more about what she'll like rather than you - for example, don't take her bowling if you know she likes ice skating more.
    • Try to find a creative approach based on her interests and hobbies. If she likes to be active, go hiking or play paintball. If she likes to have fun, take her to an amusement park. If she prefers music and theater, buy tickets to a concert or play.
  • Compliment her. It's very easy. If you really love a girl, it won't be a problem for you to find 101 reasons to love her and compliment her. May compliment her appearance: something she is proud of, such as her long hair shiny hair or beautiful green eyes or something she cares about, like her curves or her gap-toothed smile. However, you don't need to focus on her appearance, you need to compliment her best traits or her actions.

    • For example, you can tell her that you love her kind heart and how she's always willing to help others, or tell her how well she did in her last competition or meeting at work.
    • Compliments should always be sincere. If you tell her a lie, she may understand that you are lying, and then the effect will be exactly the opposite. Be sincere and real.
  • Give it a surprise. Surprises are a great way to show a girl that you've been thinking about her and are willing to do anything to make her smile. You don't have to plan a huge party or buy her a puppy or anything (although that might be a good idea in some circumstances!). A surprise could be a visit from you with a bucket of ice cream and her favorite movie if she's having a bad day, or a note left in her purse or under her pillow so she can find it when she least expects it.

    • Some girls don't really like surprises, so to make sure everything goes well, try to find out how she's feeling or give her a few little hints before you do something crazy.
    • This step will only work if the surprise is good - it is better not to show up on her doorstep with a tattoo of her face or with news about moving to another city. Such surprises are not very pleasant.
  • Tell the girl that you love her. If you really love this girl, the easiest, most frank way to do it is to just tell her. You don't have to write a song or dance about it or rent a big banner with the words "I love you" on it, you just have to wait until you have an intimate moment in private and tell her three short words, seriously and sincerely.

    • The very words "I love you" are a little scary, so try saying something with the same meaning, like "I think I'm falling in love with you" or something cliche like "You stole my heart." She will understand.
    • If this is your first time saying these words, don't be upset if she doesn't respond in kind right away. She may need more time to absorb the information. Remember that “I love you” is not a question that needs to be answered.
    • On the other hand, she may be overjoyed if you work up the courage to tell her how you feel and jump at the chance to say the same words back to you. You'll never know if you don't try!
  • Some men are content to be stingy with emotions, although in their hearts they love their soulmate, and very much. But women are sentimental creatures, and most of them simply need proof of love, at least occasionally. And there are situations when your beloved is offended and believes that you do not love her at all. Then take the situation into your own hands and prove her wrong.

    How to prove to a girl that you love her - remember everything that happened before

    Surely your relationship with your beloved developed romantically - walks under the moon, flowers, hot confessions and much more. But over time, passion subsides, even if love becomes hotter. Many men believe that if they have already proven their love, then there is no need to waste energy once again, but in fact, the fire does not burn without additional logs, and love fades away without periodic confessions.

    How to prove to a girl that you love her - don’t forget about compliments and confessions

    • Many women love with their ears, and even the least eloquent man can melt woman's heart, the main thing is to be sincere in your confessions. Tell us how you feel about your significant other, describe how good, kind she is, and what she means to you.
    • Just don’t lie, if your significant other doesn’t understand this, then sooner or later it will have a negative impact on the relationship. The truth, the truth and only the truth!
    • And if it’s difficult for you to speak directly, then write her an ordinary paper letter, in this way you will not only express your thoughts, but also truly surprise your beloved. In the age of modern technology, ordinary writing is an indicator of a special relationship.

    How to prove to a girl that you love her - we prove love with actions

    Words - words, you can’t get by with them alone, but a true attitude can be proven with actions. And these are not even gifts and flowers, but good attitude to your beloved, respect, care, help in necessary situations. Don’t be too lazy to offer your hand when getting out of the car, and in the girl’s eyes you will become a true gentleman, and in our time this is very much appreciated.

    How to prove to a girl that you love her - plan a future together

    If the love is mutual and sincere, then thoughts about a joint future visit both partners sooner or later. Your other half will be very pleased to know that you are planning your common future, want children together and common house. Even if a girl says that she doesn’t want a family, then deep down she knows that sooner or later this will happen and your opinion will melt her heart.

    Just don't overdo it, especially if the girl is very young or your relationship has just begun. If, after a week of dating, you start telling an 18-year-old girl about your desire to have children together, she may be scared.

    How to prove to a girl that you love her - meet her parents

    The intention to meet your beloved's parents is a rather serious step that can say a lot. And prepare seriously for the meeting, ask your girlfriend what flowers her mother prefers, what her father likes to talk about, and use this in practice. But just don’t overdo it, flattery is visible from afar, and it can only do harm. When dating, do not forget about your beloved, otherwise she may be offended.

    How to prove to a girl that you love her - a marriage proposal

    If your relationship is already quite formed and established, and you are 100% sure of your love and the love of your chosen one for you, then feel free to propose marriage.

    This is the surest way to show all your love and desire to be with this girl all your life, and she will certainly appreciate it.

    Of course, we cannot stop there. A wedding is not the end of working on your relationship; you need to nourish your love for each other every day with attention, care, and respect. And most importantly, relationships built on trust are always the strongest, most tender and sensual, so always be honest with your chosen one, and your life together will give only joy.

    To the simplest question “How to prove your love to a girl?” Every man will have his own opinion. Someone will contact material assets, some to the spiritual, and some will even say that their love does not require proof. Of course, you really love your girlfriend more than anyone else in the world. So let her feel it!

    Theorem or axiom?

    First, you need to understand that by its nature, love is not some kind of theorem that needs to be proven. Its existence is beyond doubt, and it must be accepted exactly as it is, without any kind of evidence.

    Probably no phrase evokes as many conflicting emotions and feelings as the phrase “I love you.” Hearing it, you feel joy, you are surprised and amazed, you are embarrassed, you want to hug and kiss the whole world. But at the same time, concern arises: is your significant other lying to you? And therefore, many do not dare to reciprocate recognition, although they feel love for this person. They need proof.

    For some girls the only proof true love are expensive gifts and going to expensive restaurants. In other words, they value materially what is spiritual. And this cannot be done purely physically. The real indicator of feelings is care and tenderness. Unfortunately, not all girls notice this and use their friend’s man as an example, who gave her something expensive, but you, being such a bad person, don’t do this. And such words offend, hit his pride.

    As for these very methods of “proof”, everything here depends only on the man’s imagination.

    From simple to original

    The easiest thing would be to talk about your feelings for this person. The main thing is to choose for this right time and place. It’s better not to do this in a company. In general, everything depends on your sincerity. There is no need for any preparation or banal phrases. Say what you feel. The word has enormous power. Therefore, never (!) talk to your beloved about your previous relationship. The more you talk about a girl, the more feelings you have for her. Try not to start this topic at all. If the girl starts pestering you with questions, then gently move the conversation in a different direction. She should only know that for you she is the best in the world. Words are one thing, but it is important not to forget about actions. Small signs of attention in the form of a hand that you offer when exiting a vehicle, or a door that you open in front of a girl, will cause her a lot of pleasant emotions.

    A gift is a symbol of attention. And its significance is not in its cost, but in the very fact of the gift. Flowers, you can’t live without them. Almost all girls love flowers. Since flowers are a kind of symbol of freshness and youth, by giving them you make the girl feel young and carefree. Well, no girl can resist flowers and a small souvenir.

    Well, there’s nowhere without romance. This is a great way to prove your love to a girl. A simple romantic evening, dishes prepared with your own hands will not leave any girl indifferent. The fact that you preferred preparing a surprise for your beloved over friends, the computer or football will be the best proof of your love. Balloons, incense sticks, flowers, music - all this will help you create the necessary atmosphere. It wouldn't hurt to ask a girl to dance after dinner.

    You should not forget about your significant dates: the day you met, the day of your first kiss, the birthday of her close relatives. Women are very sensitive to this, but men constantly forget. If you remember the day you kissed for the first time, then she is truly loved.

    Nothing shows your attitude towards a woman more than planning a future together. Don't be afraid to make plans. And even if the girl doesn’t think about what will happen, the seriousness of your intentions will show your love. And if we start talking about children, then all her doubts will be completely dispelled.

    Try. She will take this wish very seriously. At the first opportunity, ask to arrange a meeting with her close relatives. You definitely need to prepare. Ask her what topics are best to start a conversation with dad about, what his hobbies are; what flowers does mom like to give her when she meets? But try not to be very polite and in no case overdo it: flattery and excessive politeness can alienate your loved one’s relatives. Meeting a girl’s parents is remembered forever and is a kind of impetus in the development of your relationship and an indicator of the seriousness of your intentions. During the meeting, communicate not only with your parents, but also with your lover, otherwise it may offend her.

    Well, the best proof of your love for a girl will be. But only if you are absolutely sure of your choice. There is no need to rush when making a decision. It’s worth weighing the pros and cons dozens of times.

    What you shouldn't forget

    1. Treat the woman with respect. Never allow yourself to insult her, humiliate her, or ridicule her, especially in front of strangers. And under no circumstances use physical force;
    2. Take care, protect your girl, help her. It costs you nothing to meet her in the dark, to take heavy bags from her hands;
    3. Your girlfriend shouldn't need for anything. Try not to refuse her anything (within reasonable limits, of course);
    4. Accept her for who she is, with all her strengths and weaknesses. . Tolerate changes in her mood, close your eyes to her “whims,” and don’t be offended by her. Although, there is a limit to everything;
    5. Help her around the house. Do not divide household responsibilities into “male” and “female” ones. If you wash the dishes, it will only be a plus for you;
    6. If you have to choose how to spend the evening, with friends or a girl, make a choice in favor of your beloved. Enjoy every second you spend with her.

    Bottom line

    If your beloved constantly needs to prove that you love her, it may turn out that she is indifferent to you and only spends time with you only while waiting for a more suitable partner for her, or simply plays with you, has fun, collecting a collection of her fans. Maybe it’s worth taking a closer look at her behavior, analyzing her words and actions.