In a supermarket, choosing even such a seemingly simple product as milk can be difficult. Pasteurized, ultra-pasteurized, farmed - it seems that in order to understand all its varieties, special training is required. For a joint project with the National Union of Milk Producers, The Village asked technologist Sergei Perminov to tell everything about the modern production of this product. The result is a small guide that helps you understand what is hidden under this or that name.

Production process
PRODUCTION STARTS WITH THE SELECTION OF MILK BROUGHT FROM FARMS WITH WHICH PROCESSERS COOPERATE. In the laboratory, when milk is received at the plant, the percentage of protein and fat content is determined, as well as its acidity and the presence of other elements: for example, residues of detergents or antibiotics. This is how the manufacturer determines how well the product meets safety requirements and meets production standards.

IN THE PROCESS OF DOWNLOADING MILK FROM THE TANK, IT PASSES THROUGH A VACUUM DEAERATOR - a device that removes dissolved gases from the raw material. The fact is that when expressing, air from the environment enters the liquid, namely, from the barn, where the odors are not the most pleasant. To ensure that the production process is not disrupted and the milk does not smell unpleasant, gases are removed from it.

THEN IT FALLS INTO THE SEPARATOR-CLEANER, which separates the mechanical elements of contamination. In modern production, bactofuge is used. In addition to mechanical contaminants, this unit also removes spore microorganisms and some bacteria. Thus, milk undergoes double purification at the receiving stage.

AFTER THIS, THE PRODUCT ENTERS A SEPARATOR, WHICH DIVIDES IT INTO CREAM AND SKIM MILK (SKIM MILK). This is done so that in the future, when mixing milk and cream in different proportions, you can obtain the so-called normalized milk. Similar markings are often found on labels. The trick is that skim milk is mixed evenly with cream until a certain fat content is reached.

NORMALIZED MILK IS SUBJECT TO HEAT TREATMENT IN A HEAT EXCHANGER. In this case, there is a mode of pasteurization and sterilization (ultra-pasteurization). Pasteurized milk is obtained by keeping it in a heat exchanger at a temperature of 70°C to 100°C from several minutes to half an hour - this removes all microflora.
In ultra-pasteurization mode, milk is heated to a temperature of 137-139°C for just 4 seconds and instantly cooled to room temperature. This is the most gentle processing method, allowing you to preserve the characteristics, composition and nutritional properties. Milk in a closed bag can be stored for up to six months or more, even at room temperature. As soon as the bag is opened, air enters it (and along with it bacteria) - now it can only be stored in the refrigerator for several days.

FOLLOWED IS THE PROCESS OF HOMOGENIZATION, that is, grinding the fat globules of the milk in order to make them as uniform as possible. This does not affect the nutritional value in any way, but no sediment or fat clots form during storage.

THEN THE MILK IS POUNDED INTO BOTTLES OR CARDBOARDS. In the latter, it is stored longer due to the multi-layer structure of the packaging, including aluminum foil, which prevents the penetration of air and sunlight. In this case, pasteurized milk must be stored in the refrigerator at a low temperature, while UHT milk can be stored at room temperature.

As for low-fat, we should not forget that, despite its attractive properties from the point of view of healthy nutrition, it does not contain fat-soluble vitamins of group D, which promote the absorption of calcium.

Farm milk is usually a marketing ploy by producers. The fact is that there are no criteria or standards for its production, so any manufacturer can call the product a farm product. Moreover, in the overwhelming majority of cases, all the milk that we see on store shelves labeled “farm” goes through the same stages of preparation and purification as mass milk, which in turn is practically impossible in farm conditions. If we are talking about milk that comes to the consumer directly from the farm, it is important to understand that its shelf life will be short. In addition, it may contain unwanted bacteria that are hazardous to your health. By law, milk that has not undergone heat treatment is prohibited for sale. Moreover, from the point of view of the component composition and benefits for the body, it will not differ in any way from mass-produced products.

The difference between baked milk and classic normalized milk is that before it is poured into bags or bottles, it is kept for 3-5 hours at a temperature of 95°C. The product is slightly beige in color with a characteristic taste. In such milk the composition of amino acids changes slightly. At the same time, the simmering process makes it more easily digestible. However, it cannot be said that such milk is digested much easier than usual.

Milk, which can be found on baby food shelves, undergoes a more stringent selection at the initial stage of production. High demands are placed on it, primarily in terms of safety. In Russia, milk recommended for baby food can only be ultra-pasteurized and packaged in aseptic cardboard packaging. This product is considered 100% safe, and it contains all the nutrients necessary for a child’s daily diet. Requirements for the content of vitamins and minerals, in particular calcium, are regulated by law.

Let me make a reservation right away: you should distinguish between low-lactose and lactose-free. The differences are not only in the production process, but also in the specifics of legislation.
Lactose-free is produced primarily for people with lactase deficiency - a condition caused by a decrease in the level of lactase, an enzyme necessary for the proper digestion of lactose.
For those who simply experience discomfort from milk, it is enough to replace it with low-lactose milk. From a production point of view, such milk is treated with certain enzymes that break down lactose into two simple elements: glucose and galactose. The product becomes a little sweeter and is better absorbed by the body - the body does not need to break down lactose.
Lactose-free milk is a little more difficult to produce: thanks to deeper technological processing, not only lactose is removed from milk, but also its breakdown products - glucose and galactose.
Removing lactose is a fairly expensive process, so the cost of such a product is significantly higher than usual.

It is made from so-called soy isolate, that is, protein isolated from soy, which is purified from all possible impurities. Such raw materials are still used in the production of soy meat. In addition, soy milk can be produced directly from soybeans using a special device. This kind of milk is much worse absorbed by the body compared to classic milk. In addition, soy protein contains virtually no minerals such as potassium, phosphorus and calcium, and the digestibility index of soy protein is lower than that of regular milk.

To buy high-quality milk, pay attention to the “Highest Milk Standard” label. A round icon with the image of a cow on cardboard packages is a quality mark that leading manufacturers use to mark their products.
This symbol hides a whole high-tech production process. Experts carefully analyze the composition of the product and select only high-quality raw materials. Thanks to heat treatment, all harmful bacteria are killed and beneficial properties are preserved. The milk is packaged in special cardboard bags that protect it from direct sunlight and air, and also comply with all environmental standards. This product can be bought in any store; these are most well-known brands of UHT milk.

Soy milk is plant milk, made from soybeans. East Asia is considered the birthplace of soy milk. Just like other types of plant milk (rice, oat, almond), it is used in cooking identically to cow's milk. Tofu, soy yogurt, and other drinks (for example, milkshakes) are made from soy milk.

To produce soy milk, soybeans that have been pre-soaked for several hours are pureed. The resulting mass is boiled, filtered and cooled.

It can be produced at home, including using special kitchen electrical appliances for the production of plant milk.

In the industrial production of soy milk, soaked soybeans are pureed in the water in which they were soaked, then the mass is squeezed out, and the liquid is heated for a short time to a temperature of 135-150°C.

Soy milk is wonderful full fat milk made from soybeans. With a unique nutty flavor and rich in nutrients, soy milk can be used in a variety of food products.

Soy milk is fortified with mineral elements and is an excellent source of high-quality proteins, vitamins B and D, iron, calcium and magnesium.

Soy milk does not contain lactose. Soy milk is an excellent substitute for cow's milk for those people who suffer from allergies, as a result of which it is recommended as an alternative product in the diet of children and adults.

Powdered soy milk is saturated with biologically important elements and does not contain toxic or anti-nutrient substances. This product contains all essential amino acids and has good organoleptic properties. Powdered soy milk is easily absorbed by the body and has high dietary properties. It is recommended to be included in the diet for gastritis and stomach ulcers, peritoneal irritation, gastric hypersecretion, acute and chronic infectious diseases, diabetes, etc.

How to make soy milk at home?

Where can I get soy milk? It's easier to buy. But you can also make it at home. To do this, you need to take dry soybeans, which are better for food, they have more protein and less fat. Soak for 12 hours, grind, the finer the better. The product obtained in this way is called soybean paste, and has independent uses. Pour water into the soybean paste and cook for at least 30 minutes. Separate the liquid from the insoluble sediment using gauze (or a press, if available). The liquid component is soy milk, the insoluble residue is called okara, and is also used as food. Waste-free production! As we can see, the process of obtaining soy milk is quite labor-intensive (at the expense of milk) and since ancient times in Asian countries there have been small shops specializing in its production.

If you want to get soy milk with properties close to cow's (2.2-2.7% protein and 1.5-2.0% fat), then you need to take 1 kg of soy and 8 liters of water, part of which will be used for soaking (the weight of the beans will increase 2-2.5 times), the rest is for cooking. As a result, you will get approximately 7 liters of milk. It is stored and used by analogy with cow milk. The color of this milk is slightly creamy, the taste has a slight nutty aftertaste (in English-speaking countries this flavor is called oatmeal). Does not contain cholesterol or lactose.

Bean curd is made from soybeans. To prepare bean curd, soybeans are soaked, then ground and the resulting pulp is squeezed through a cloth. The squeezed soy milk is boiled and, adding vinegar to it, is allowed to curdle. The resulting curd mass is squeezed out, pressed and cut into pieces.

SOY MILK ON DRAW - a rich, pleasant-tasting, sweetish drink, similar to regular milk or cream, white-cream color with a slight pleasant smell. The drink is made from soaked, crushed and steamed soybeans. It can be made by adding water to whole, non-defatted soybean flour.. In terms of nutritional value, it practically corresponds to cow's milk with 1.5-2% fat content, however, it is characteristic that it does not contain lactose, so it can be used in feeding children who have lactose indigestibility. An ideal substitute for cow's milk, especially in the nutrition of young children, as well as in cases of diathesis and food allergies to dairy products of animal origin. Soy milk is well absorbed by the body and has high dietary properties. Recommended for gastric ulcers and gastric hypersecretion. Unfortified soy milk is high in protein, B vitamins and minerals, but has less calcium and B vitamins than cow's milk. Soy milk is a good source of isoflavones.

Soy milk contains valuable soy protein (about 35%), which contains all eight essential amino acids, as well as minerals. Many varieties are additionally fortified with calcium and vitamin B12, which are also found in cow's milk.

We are accustomed to associate milk and dairy products with animals, mainly cows. However, most of the inhabitants of our planet daily consume dairy products made from various plant seeds. In India, Korea, China and in various hot countries, milk is obtained from plants - oil seeds, palm and coconut juices, but still mainly from soybeans.

Milk is presented as an emulsion of proteins and fats, which contains salt and sugar. It can easily be prepared from any seeds that contain fat and protein with the appropriate addition of the required amount of salt and sugar. Naturally, the most suitable raw materials for producing such milk will be those seeds that are rich in proteins and fats. Almond milk is widely known and used in medicine for a long time. Legume seeds contain the highest amount of protein; among these seeds, soybean seeds are noted. In China, where most of the land is devoted to soybeans, almost all dairy products are made from these seeds. And among other things, a huge variety of dishes can be prepared from soybeans.

In the vastness of our country, the soybean crop is widespread primarily as an oilseed or fodder plant, as well as for the production of various dairy products (butter, cream, sour cream, yogurt, cottage cheese).

Soy milk can also be prepared at home. To do this, soybean seeds are passed through a meat grinder, after mixing with warm water (water is added ten times the weight of the seeds). The resulting mixture is heated over low heat for half an hour. After this, the milk is squeezed through a sieve (made of gauze or similar cloth), then seasoned with salt (one gram per liter) and sugar (ten grams per liter). In this case, the slight taste of legumes is removed by boiling the milk. The milk obtained in this way is not much different from cow's milk.

From such milk you can get similar products as from cow's milk. You can settle it and get cream and sour cream. Soy milk can sour, so you can get varenets and yogurt, as well as cottage cheese. A wide variety of cheeses, mainly common in China, are prepared from the resulting cottage cheese.

Of course, such milk cannot fully replace cow’s milk, however, if we take into account the yield of soybeans (up to 40 centners per hectare), as well as the low cost and ease of preparation of soy milk, it becomes clear what kind of competitor soybeans can be for dairy farming.

Of course, plant-based dairy products can be made from more than just soy. Various seeds that contain oil can be raw materials for plant milk, and differ in protein content. Thus, plant milk is obtained from various nuts, sunflowers, poppy seeds, peanuts, and sesame.

Regarding soy, it is worth noting that it enters our daily diet in various ways: it is used to produce dietary flour containing a large amount of protein; from confectionery products, since oil is extracted from soybeans. In some cases, toasted soybeans are mixed into coffee. It is enough that such a mixture contains only five percent real coffee and it becomes difficult to distinguish it from natural coffee. Curd from soy milk is widely used for the preparation of plastics and casein.

If you're lactose intolerant or just don't like dairy, look to soy products. After all, without dairy products the body will not be able to function normally, just as it is impossible to imagine a normal kitchen without a kitchen table. This is the most necessary piece of furniture for a dining room or kitchen, but its choice must be approached responsibly. For example, look at, where you can get acquainted with a wide range of kitchen tables and choose the most suitable one for yourself.


This herbaceous plant is native to Asia. Today it is widely cultivated for its edible beans, from which, in particular, a number of lactose-free dairy products (milk, cream, yogurt, cheese), as well as bran, are made. Soy milk products are similar in texture and appearance to cow's milk products, but have a distinctive taste. Soybeans contain many antioxidants, help lower cholesterol, and due to the absence of lactose, they contain less fat than natural dairy products, and all soy fats are unsaturated.


1. Soy milk is prepared in this way: dried soybeans are soaked, then ground with water added and the resulting liquid is filtered. Soy milk comes in regular and sweetened varieties.

2. Soy cream (thin or thick) is a mixture of vegetable oil, water and soybeans.

3. Soy yogurt (plain or flavored) is made by fermenting soy milk with “good” bacteria.

4. Soy bran is obtained from the dried skin of soybeans, which is removed when the beans are initially processed and then ground into a powder.

5. Soy spreads are made from a mixture of soybean and other vegetable oils.

6. Soy soft cheeses (regular and flavored) are made from soy milk.

7. Hard and semi-hard soy cheeses are also made from soy milk.

8. Tofu, or bean curd, is produced using a technology similar to the production of regular cheese. Tofu can be hard or soft.


Soy milk, cream, and yogurt are added to doughs for pie and other baked goods in place of similar dairy products, and soy spread with a fat content of 59% or higher is used instead of butter in doughs for cookies, muffins, and cakes. Slices or pieces of firm tofu are great for filling a vegetarian pie, while soft tofu, like soft soy cheeses, is great for making baked cheesecakes or pastas such as lasagna. Hard or semi-hard soy cheese is sprinkled on pizza or added to quiche filling.