Our ancestors believed that the loss of a watch makes a person think that he is wasting his time. He should reconsider his attitude towards life and stop wasting a precious resource, start moving towards his goal.

Often, a loss indicates that you should hurry up in order to complete the work you started on time.

Also, a missing watch may indicate that you are on the threshold of a new life, and you need to gather strength for a new breakthrough.

What does the loss of an icon mean?

Most often, the loss of such value indicates that the evil directed at you has been averted. However, you should think about the fact that you are surrounded by ill-wishers. Turn to the Higher Powers for help, ask them for protection.

Losing a heel: signs

The most obvious sign is the heel being lost in a hurry. She says that you should not rush, or even better, refuse to go where you planned.

A missing heel from a beautiful shoe may indicate that you will soon be the proud owner of a new thing.

Losing scissors: signs

Lonely people who have lost their scissors, according to the sign, can prepare for a new stage in life, which will be happy.

Losing scissors in the house indicates a person who will meddle in your life and pester you with advice and moralizing.

Joyful changes in life await a married couple if one of the family members has lost a pair of scissors.

Losing scissors in a dream often promises relief from bad thoughts.

Losing old scissors can result in a series of troubles and sad news.

Losing a sock

According to legend, socks that disappear from a married couple promise imminent scandals and a showdown.

Also, the loss of one sock can promise difficulties in life that you will need to overcome alone, without counting on the help of loved ones.

A missing pair of socks promises changes, not always positive. However, if you find the thing, the problems will soon be resolved in your favor.

If you have lost your glasses

One of the interpretations of the sign says that a person will have to face difficulties on the path of life.

According to another version, losing glasses warns a person against spreading gossip. Avoid verbosity and details about your life and the affairs of your loved ones around strangers.

Losing a scarf: what the signs say

Losing a handkerchief is a good sign. She says that the loss will take away minor troubles from life.

The scarf you use as a headdress may get lost in an unpleasant situation. You can get into it under the supervision of a large number of people.

If you lose a scarf made of thick wool or other material, it means you are missing out on a good deal.

The loss of a light scarf made of fine wool or other weightless material indicates that you should pay attention to the little things. They contain the answer to your main question.

Losing the belt

Our ancestors believed that losing a belt promised imminent illness.

If your leather belt is missing, you will be seriously injured.

A thin fabric belt indicates the approach of colds.

Another interpretation of the sign for unmarried people: you will have a child, but outside of marriage.

Losing a belt may promise a quick meeting with personal enemies or people who have harmed you previously.

Lost phone

A more modern sign also has several interpretations. According to one of them, such a loss forces a person to stop the frantic rhythm of life and take a break for rest.

Losing your phone can open your eyes to friends who might be manipulative.

Losing your cell phone often results in gossip directed at you.

Lost cap

Our ancestors associated the loss of a hat with the “loss of the head.” This meant that the person was in deep love.

A loss may indicate to a person the need to make an important decision without delay.

If your headdress is missing at home, then try to establish contact with your brownie. Keep an eye on the house and put things in their places. Otherwise, you may face domestic troubles.

For a long time, people have tried to find connections between seemingly completely unrelated objects. Maybe this is right? Everything in the world is interconnected... This is how signs were born. They looked for a causal connection in everything: in natural phenomena, in the animal and plant world, in household items,... Signs associated with clothing are interesting.
Many ancient signs regarding our clothing have been known since childhood, for example, if you put something on inside out, you can expect trouble: you will be deceived, beaten, (life “inside out”, in a word!). But if you don’t notice this and wear this thing until the evening, it will bring good luck, a pleasant acquaintance.
If you get lost in the forest and walk in circles, this same sign will help you out: you need to change all your clothes inside out, and miraculously you will find your way! It is believed that in this way a person misleads the devil, who makes fun of him and leads him through the forest.
Signs associated with renovations: if you wear a new thing for the first time to church or on a holiday, then it will last a long time and bring joy (that’s right, where else could you dress up!); old people were afraid to buy or sew new things, since this, according to signs, foreshadowed imminent death.
There are also several signs associated with new shoes. Here is one of the most popular, girls even now often use it for fortune telling: if you throw a shoe through the gate, then its toe will show the direction from where you should wait for your betrothed. But walking around in one shoe is not good, you will end up an orphan. Walking barefoot in new shoes is also not recommended - the cold will overcome you! There is also a useful tip for using old worn-out shoes - if you throw an old sole into the oven, the bread will turn out great! Maybe try sticking it in the oven? This advice will help improve your health: handle the insoles of your shoes more carefully, do not throw them around or shake them out in vain (!), otherwise you will catch a runny nose!
Putting stockings on inside out is not good, they might beat you up. And, if you want the one you are really waiting for to come, there is nothing simpler - go to bed in one stocking - and everything will work out!

A hat is an important element of clothing; it “fits” the head, and many folk signs are associated with it. Never put your hat on the table, otherwise you will inevitably have family quarrels. And then, look, there will also be mice in the house! You can't wear a hat in the house - your mother-in-law will be deaf (maybe it's good for someone!).
If a bird poops on your hat, then you don’t know what to expect; according to some sources, it’s not good, but according to others, it’s bad for money (it’s not for nothing that they say that money is evil).
You cannot twist the hat on your hand or on your finger, otherwise your head will hurt.
To protect against a bullet, you need to stick a needle into the hat so that three of its parts are visible from the face, and three from the inside. This will take the eyes off any shooter.

A man who wears a woman's headdress will become a coward, but if he covers himself with a woman's scarf while performing his marital duty, then a girl will be born!
Women are not recommended to wear men's hats, as livestock will be afraid of them.
But, there is one exception! Attention!!! If a woman puts on a hat during marital intercourse, a boy will be born! You can try it - it's not difficult.
If you suddenly need an invisibility hat, getting it is not so difficult. You need to climb onto the floor with a passionate candle and, seeing the brownie there, take off his hat. Will anyone dare?
There are many signs about a woman’s skirt or dress. Here are the most interesting ones.

If you find a basting thread in a new dress, you will have a long life. If you find a thread stuck on your clothes, go to the groom: a light thread is a blond, a dark thread is a brunette. Wind the thread around your finger, listing the letters; which letter the thread ends on, the groom's name will be on that letter.
If your skirt suddenly falls down (oh horror!), expect gossip and slander directed at you.
But here’s a strange sign: a girl whose hem is always wet or dirty (!) will marry a drunkard.
But this is a very good omen: you should always go to bed with your collar open, since the Angel inspects sleeping people at night; those whose gates are open, their soul is open to the Angel, and, therefore, for good, for love... And the Angel rejoices! Open your soul to Angel!

TaroTaro wishes you success and prosperity.

You will never meet a superstitious Turk chewing chewing gum at night, because it is believed that after midnight it turns into the flesh of dead people.

What awaits you in the near future:

Find out what awaits you in the near future.

Signs about scarves and hats

The things we wear year after year begin to acquire their own energy, affecting the health, attitude and fate of the owner. All signs about a scarf or hat come from this area.

  • A headdress is usually responsible for the “reasonable” side of life, and various mufflers and scarves are responsible for the “heartfelt” side of life.

But even to this rule there are exceptions.

Why you can’t put your hat on the table - and other signs


A folk sign declares a hat to be a continuation of the human body. To us, residents of the 21st century, this seems like a slight overkill, but remember: some two hundred years ago it was completely impossible to appear “plain-haired” in public! This applied to both women and men. The ancestors looked at someone else's uncovered head with obvious disapproval, excusing such behavior only in exceptional cases.

  • This is probably why they began to say: losing a hat is a sign of mild madness caused by strong feelings. Such an incident predicts a quick, intense love - to the point of complete self-forgetfulness!


In general, if you have lost your headdress, get ready to soon lose your head itself. But it’s not so scary, it’s much worse to pick up someone’s cap, earflaps, or beret. Such a “gift of fate” should under no circumstances be used for its intended purpose. Either a migraine will definitely happen, or other people’s thoughts will begin to creep into your head. And if a woman finds a man’s hat and tries it on, the sign predicts imminent disappointment in her loved one. And a “wreath of celibacy” in the future!

Drop, step over, etc.

A huge number of signs have accumulated over the centuries.

  • Dropping your headdress on the floor means “bowing at someone’s feet.”
  • To step over it is to “intercede” your destiny.
  • Constantly forgetting somewhere leads to random, meaningless connections.
  • The Higher Powers will also not like the hat on the table - the sign says that with such behavior there will never be harmony and peace in the family.

Folk sign - a scarf that “connects” hearts


A headdress is considered a rather intimate part of the wardrobe, so it can only be presented to the closest people. But giving a scarf as a gift is a positive omen (especially if it is knitted directly for the recipient with your own hands): just as threads are twisted together, so destinies are intertwined - they cannot be torn apart.

  • Giving a scarf to a man means confessing your tender feelings to him. If your loved one accepts such a gift, you can hope for reciprocity.
Eating from cracked, broken dishes - unfortunately, to a cracked life.

Don’t take someone else’s handkerchief - other people’s tears will be transferred to you with it. If they give you a new handkerchief, give a symbolic ransom, at least a penny.

If you carry a rich man’s wallet with you a little, then your wallet will learn to store money from him.
If you want to give a wallet as a gift, put a coin or bill in it so that it is never empty.
In order to make money, you need to look at the newly born month, while holding on to money or gold.

Two people cannot look in the mirror at the same time: they will love and suffer for the same person.
Drying yourself together with one towel means you will soon quarrel.

After sunset, they don’t lend money or things: there will be no return.
Don’t keep an empty bottle on the table - there will be no money.

If you accidentally put your underwear on inside out, ask your family to knock on your back, otherwise you will be beaten.

If you want to protect yourself from the evil eye, wear a pin on your clothes. If you want to protect your home, stick a needle and thread above or into the door.

The baby should not see himself in the mirror: he may get scared. If he has already started talking, he will become a stutterer. If you haven’t started yet, then you may not learn from fear.

If you borrowed a pan (frying pan, plate, glass, bag, etc.) - do not return it empty, otherwise your dishes will also be empty.

Having sold the first item designated for sale, touch the rest with money - then they too will be bought quickly and profitably.

Giving something sharp (knife, pin, scissors, etc.) means a quarrel. We need to take the ransom - then it will all work out. If you give someone a knife, scissors, a needle (anything that cuts and stabs) - smile so that there is no quarrel or hostility.

You can't sit on the table - it means the death of a loved one.

If the clock itself did not stop at the minute of a person’s death, then it must be stopped.

If any thing is missing, you need to tie a scarf to the leg of the chair and tell the brownie: “Play, play and give it back!” Soon the lost item will be found.

Finding a horseshoe is lucky. We need to hang it above the front door.

If you often lose your house keys, it means you will soon be robbed.
Putting keys anywhere means a quarrel.

Wearing other people's things means changing your destiny.

Losing a belt from a dress or coat means an illegitimate child.
Losing a glove is bad luck.
Finding a button means trouble.

Whoever twists his hat in his hand will feel dizzy; whoever plays with his hat will get a headache.

Accidentally breaking the chain you wear around your neck means freeing yourself from heavy responsibilities and fetters; The bonds are breaking.

Open scissors (hanging or lying) - to a quarrel in the house.

You can’t sew anything on yourself or someone else, sew it on - you’ll sew up your memory, your mind; if it is impossible to do without it, take a thread in your mouth and hold it until they sew, the omen will not come true.

The mirror broke - to trouble; You must definitely take the pieces out of the house and immediately buy a new one.
Breaking a mirror means separation.
If he breaks a mirror, he won't marry for seven years.

Probably everyone still remembers from childhood that you can’t twist your hat on your finger, as it will give you a headache, and, oddly enough, it hurts. Some believe that this is self-hypnosis, while others, on the contrary, adhere to this rule all their lives, passing on the experience gained to their children and grandchildren. Whatever your opinion, our ancestors had great respect for what covers the top of their heads - the weakest energy center - damage can be transmitted through it. That’s why there were signs about hats, which everyone listened to and vomited.

Buying a headdress

When purchasing a headdress, a modern person often pays attention to cost and appearance. Of course, this is important, but still we should not forget that the hat protects the head not only from cold or sun rays, but also from energy attacks.

In this regard, it is advisable to purchase it from a person of the same gender as you, or approximately the same age.

The day of purchase is also important. It's great if it's the day of the week or the number on which you were born. If for some reason this is not possible, then it is better for women to buy on women’s days - Wednesday, Friday and Saturday, and for men - on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday; Sunday suits everyone.

Since before this the headdress was most likely tried on by other people, it is important to wash it upon arrival home in three waters - with the addition of powder, then with fresh water or running water and rinse it in water with the addition of holy water. In this way, someone else's energy will be washed away.

When you “clean” your headdress, it is not advisable to give it to someone else to try on. But in a women's team this is often impossible. Then after each try on you need to shake it three times discreetly.

Children's hats

Things can be bought for children not only by mothers, but also by those who simply come to visit - mother’s friends, father’s colleagues, neighbors, etc. This can be done, but only such a “gift” can become a big nuisance for both the baby and his parents - whims and illnesses. Therefore, it is not advisable to measure it right away - sprinkle it crosswise with holy water, and then “delight” the donor by wearing his gift.

The first hat, which is put on in the maternity hospital as soon as the baby is born, should be bought by the young mother and only on the day of her birth - she will thus transfer all her strength and health to the baby. It needs to be washed in water with the addition of Epiphany water.

If you notice that the child does not want to wear a certain headdress, then you need to “clean it” - go to Sunday service, taking the cap with you. At this time, you need to light a candle for the baby’s health. Soon everything will change for the better, of course, if the problem is a negative influence, but for another reason - the child is mischievous, injects something, etc.

When you get a hat from another child, you just need to wash it, nothing more, since children cannot yet pass on negative influences to each other. If, after all, mom thinks that it needs to be cleaned somehow, then you can use this method - rinse in running water or with fresh water.

Deceased headdress

When a headdress is received from a person who has died, it must be washed in water with the addition of Jordan water (January 18) and taken to church on the next church holiday. The only time to say goodbye to the deceased’s belongings is when he was suffering from an incurable disease that can be transmitted.

If the deceased was the oldest member of the family, then it is advisable that his hat be worn by the one who is next in age.

Girls should not wear the headdresses of deceased males, as this can have a bad effect on women’s health.

Very often, witches try to steal the headdress placed in the coffin in order to later use it for their own negative purposes, so you need to make sure that this does not happen.

Bride's headdress

You only need to buy a new headdress so that nothing and no one can interfere with the holiday of love.

It is unacceptable for someone to measure it until the bride is married, otherwise that person will take away the happiness.

It is very important that only the mother or grandmother puts on the bride’s headdress, and that the mother-in-law or mother takes it off.

After the wedding, the headdress can be given to a younger unmarried relative - she will soon find her soul mate. But the older one is not allowed - it can cause a quarrel in existing love relationships.

It is forbidden...

Twisting a hat means a headache.

Constantly putting it on the table will lead to a migraine.

A scarf that you wear on your head, draped over your shoulders for osteochondrosis, and bandaged on your back for radiculitis will cause problems with pressure.

Putting your spouse’s headdress on yourself means a quarrel.

Taking a hat from a person who is sick means transferring the disease to oneself.

Wearing the same headdress to different family members is an insult.