Problems with intimacy have probably affected every woman at least once in her life. And if some prefer to remain silent about this, attributing all mistakes to fatigue, then other representatives of the fair sex immediately begin to sound the alarm and solve the problem. After all, the peak point of pleasure in sex is so important for the health and psycho-emotional state of a woman.

It is for this purpose that some ladies resort to using various aphrodisiacs during intimacy with their man. In addition, the positive effect of aphrodisiacs on female libido and male potency has been fully proven and confirmed by science.

The influence of aphrodisiacs in history is not new. Even in ancient times, women more than once resorted to the use of all sorts of natural stimulants that increased sexual desire and desire. And scientists of that time even published entire treatises on the topic of nutrition with the addition of natural aphrodisiacs. After all, the topic of sex has been incredibly important for people in their lives since ancient times.

According to medieval treatises, both food and various incense and essential oils acted as aphrodisiacs. For example, absinthe was considered the most effective aphrodisiac for men. It had an incredible effect on male strength, increasing potency. And all thanks to the fact that absinthe is a tincture of herbs that, in a strange and mythical way, worked such miracles.

Ambergris was also considered a well-known natural stimulant and stimulant. Nowadays, this substance is included in many perfumes. And a little later the world learned about another aphrodisiac - chocolate.

Also in ancient times, powders left over from precious stones, which were used to make all sorts of love potions, were taken as aphrodisiacs.

An important role is played by a person’s mood when preparing dishes with aphrodisiacs. It must be positive for the dish to be successful, tasty and effective. After all, the fact has long been verified that the same food, from the same products, can have different taste characteristics if the person who prepared it had a different mood.

The principle of the influence of aphrodisiacs is a certain effect on areas of the human brain and parts of his body. For example, some act on the genitals through the flow of blood to them. This process stimulates the release of hormones responsible for increasing libido.

According to their type of origin, aphrodisiacs can be divided into plant, animal, chemical, physical, mineral, and also those found in food products. Unfortunately, a universal aphrodisiac ideal for both men and women does not yet exist in nature. But knowing all the differences, each person can easily choose the right option for themselves.

Plant aphrodisiacs include substances found in herbs and flowers. Some representatives can be consumed without prior preparation, while others require careful processing.

Arginine can be classified as a natural female aphrodisiac. This substance is an acid found in dairy products and coconuts. Arginine has a positive effect on libido and arousal, improving blood flow to the genitals. Arginine is popularly considered the elixir of youth, as it significantly rejuvenates the body from the inside. Arginine affects men by increasing sperm activity. It is also often used in the complex treatment of rectal dysfunction. In case of an overdose of arginines, a person may develop a herpes rash or increased aggression.

Damiana is considered another aphrodisiac. This plant is native to Mexico. It contains alkaloids that have a beneficial effect on a person’s psycho-emotional tone and potency. If women are advised to take this aphrodisiac immediately before intimacy, then men are advised to smoke it using a pipe.

Fenugreek is also considered an aphrodisiac of plant origin. Its properties were discovered back in the days of Ancient Rome. Due to the content of various oils in its composition, fenugreek has a positive effect on the synthesis of hormones involved in sexual functions. It is also known that the Sultan’s concubines even enlarged their breasts with the help of this plant, and healers of Ancient China treated the genitourinary, reproductive system and kidneys with it.

Ginseng, according to scientists, affects the stimulation of physical strength and mental activity of a person, and also restores the hormonal levels of women, improves blood flow, and accelerates metabolic processes in the body

Lychee berries increase sexual desire and normalize the reproductive system. They are often added to tea.

Chinese healers discovered an aphrodisiac extracted from deer antler powder to the world. Amazingly, this powder helps cope with many human diseases. This aphrodisiac also acts as an excellent antiseptic, increasing resistance to disease.

Cedar nuts increase the level of hormones in the blood.

Vanilla perfectly relieves stress and fatigue, allowing a person to relax and unwind. However, scientists do not perceive vanilla as a quality aphrodisiac.

Pepper, especially hot pepper, improves sensuality during intimacy by increasing endorphins in the blood.

A fruit such as figs can heighten the sensations during sex, as it significantly increases blood flow to the genitals.

For men, celery and nutmeg are suitable as aphrodisiacs.

There are also various aphrodisiac dishes.

If you add a little honey, a pinch of ginger, cinnamon, nutmeg and orange juice to dry white wine, in addition to a tasty drink, you will get an excellent aphrodisiac that has a positive effect on sexual desire.

A woman can also prepare some dishes with aphrodisiacs for her man. For example, she can take a little chopped celery, anise, angelica, dill and coriander, pour it all with vodka, and let the mixture brew for three months.

As a dessert, you can prepare a gelatin-based cake with the addition of raspberries, honey and quail eggs. After stirring the mass, you need to let it brew and harden, after distributing it among the bowls.

Meat marinated with herbs is prepared from pork. It must be cut into small circles and placed in a container, sprinkled with parsley, garlic, dill and basil on top. After rubbing the meat with salt and pepper, you need to put it in the refrigerator for a while. After an hour and a half, coriander is added to the meat and fried until crusty. Then it is stewed. And then they serve it to the table.

You can also prepare a salad with spinach, tomatoes, champignons, avocado and feta cheese. All ingredients must be chopped, mixed in a container, and poured with olive oil and vinegar, adding a pinch of sugar.

Shrimp with olives are perfect for an appetizer. To do this, peel and boil the shrimp. And then string them onto skewers, along with the olives.

Celery puree soup is also a good aphrodisiac dish. To prepare it, you need to boil a couple of celery roots in water with the addition of oil, carrots, potatoes and parsley. Half of the finished broth must be mixed with egg yolks. And grind the rest into puree using a blender. Afterwards, both preparations are mixed and served, garnished with sour cream and a sprig of parsley.

A good aphrodisiac dessert would be dates stuffed with cottage cheese. To do this, you need to peel the dates and stuff them with cottage cheese, to which a little honey and almonds have been added.

A mixture of honey and nuts is also beneficial for health. It must be taken several hours before bedtime, as this aphrodisiac acts slowly.

Unfortunately, a man is not always able to experience sexual desire or pleasure. The reasons that cause a decrease in libido are stress, constant physical activity or problems with potency. An aphrodisiac is a substance that increases sexual activity and potency. In this article we will tell you how to make a male enhancement at home.

How does an aphrodisiac work?

The action of the pathogen is the presence of large amounts of protein, minerals, vitamins and amino acids, which are contained in aphrodisiac products. This composition has a powerful effect on the body, increases blood flow, improves metabolism, as a result of which the body receives rapid recovery.

For information! Natural aphrodisiac components increase the production of endorphins, liberate and relax a man.

This DIY aphrodisiac has a psychostimulating effect, calms the nervous system and increases sexual activity. When natural substances enter the body, a process is launched that affects the pituitary gland, as a result of which sexual receptors increase hypersensitivity. It is worth noting that the following substances are used to prepare the pathogen at home:

  • Lysine and ascorbic acid - the combination of these agents increases the tone of the muscle tissue of the genital organs;
  • Allicin is a powerful stimulant;
  • Zinc - increases testosterone secretion, stimulates sexual desire;
  • Vitamin E - stimulates sexual activity;
  • Phytosterol substance - increases sexual activity.

To get the desired effect, it is important to understand how to make an aphrodisiac at home.

Types of aphrodisiacs for men

Experts classify the natural pathogen into several types:

  • animal origin;
  • mineral origin;
  • of plant origin.

Not all natural ingredients can have the same effect on a man’s body, for example, wormwood vodka is a strong stimulant, however, you should not abuse alcohol, as this can provoke impotence.

For information! British scientists have proven that the aroma of pumpkin is considered a strong aphrodisiac for men.

It is worth noting that a quick stimulant for men at home is honey, banana, chocolate, raisins, and nuts. External aphrodisiacs, perfumes, essential oils can also increase sexual desire, however, you should not get carried away with them, because... may cause an allergic reaction. There are a large number of ingredients that allow you to prepare aphrodisiacs at home for men. More information about the types of pathogens can be found in the video

Aphrodisiacs at home

To make a fast-acting aphrodisiac with your own hands, it is important to follow the rules for preparing food and avoid strong heat treatment. Essential oils and some products can increase sexual desire, let's take a closer look: male stimulant at home recipes.

Essential oil

To prepare the right aphrodisiac, you need to study the characteristics of oils and the principles of their combination. Use of essential oil:

  • It is recommended to add 3-4 drops of oil to the bath, you can also add honey and sea salt;
  • apply essential oil to the skin;
  • use ether as fabric softener;
  • A blend of ylang-ylang oil, patchouli and rosemary increases attraction and desire.

For information! Perfume made from essential oils of ginger, bergamot, cinnamon and patchouli have a powerful effect on sexual receptors.

The effect of essential oils can cause different desires in men, for example:

  • ginger - gives confidence and strength;
  • juniper - increases potency and duration of sexual intercourse;
  • sandalwood - enhances potency, awakens desire and imagination;
  • patchouli - awakens sexuality, restores hormonal levels, increases erogenous perception, rejuvenates the endocrine system.

You can learn more about essential aphrodisiacs from the video

Aphrodisiac dishes

  • Olives and shrimp - to prepare the appetizer, you need to cut the cucumber into slices, peel the shrimp, skewer the cucumber, olive and shrimp;

For information! Figs contain amino acids that help increase libido.

  • Chicken and nut salad - to prepare, you need to finely chop 2 fillets, 3 boiled eggs, mix mayonnaise, lemon juice, 50 grams of nuts. Mix everything, let it brew for 40 minutes, sprinkle with crackers before serving;
  • Baked mushrooms with cheese - 500 grams of champignons, peeled, boiled and separated from the stems. Chop the legs, fry and season with pepper, salt and grated cheese. Stuff the mushroom caps and place in the oven for 10 minutes. You can serve the appetizer with wine.


How to prepare a pathogen with your own hands for men using alcoholic drinks? Take 0.5 liters of dry white wine, add orange juice, 2.5 tablespoons of honey, nutmeg, ginger and cinnamon to taste. Mix all ingredients and let it brew for 14 days in a cold place. It is recommended to take wine daily in a dosage of 50 grams. You should not increase the dosage, because... you can get drunk. With the right combination of foods and drinks, you can achieve the desired result and increase sexual attraction to your partner. You can learn more about products that increase libido from the video

Aphrodisiacs at home can increase the sensitivity of sexual receptors, lift your mood, awaken imagination and desire. Thanks to the use of natural ingredients, you can improve your health, increase your potency and protective function of the body.

According to a study by scientists, a significant part of the female population does not achieve orgasm when having sex with a man. Since dissatisfaction leads to physical and psychological illnesses, these women use aphrodisiacs to stimulate sensual desire. In addition, aphrodisiacs have a good effect on the potency of the male part of the population and on the libido of the female part.

Natural aphrodisiacs are those products that stimulate sexual desire and are found everywhere in nature. Since ancient times, they have been subjected to careful study; in the Middle Ages, several treatises on proper nutrition were published, in which the properties of natural aphrodisiacs were glorified. In those distant times, people did anything to increase their libido.

In medieval treatises, not only food and drink, but also incense and oils were considered aphrodisiacs. Absinthe was then considered the most powerful aphrodisiac due to the combination of herbs that stimulate male power. Another no less powerful aphrodisiac was called ambergris, which is now included in many lines of perfumes, as well as chocolates that awaken love languor.

Powders made from precious stones, from which love potions were prepared, were also considered aphrodisiacs.

You should also remember that when preparing a dish with a natural aphrodisiac, you should be in a good mood. After all, dishes with the same ingredients prepared by different people will always have different tastes. Do not forget that the effect depends on the dosage of the aphrodisiac.

How does an aphrodisiac work?

Scientists believe that aphrodisiacs affect either the brain or certain areas of our body. There are a number of aphrodisiacs that cause blood flow to the genitals, which in turn stimulates the production of necessary hormones and chemicals to increase libido.

Types of aphrodisiacs

Despite the variety of aphrodisiacs, a universal remedy has not yet been found that would have the same effect on men and women. Despite this, there are several types of aphrodisiacs: animal and plant, physical and chemical, as well as mineral origin. And, of course, food.

Plant-based aphrodisiacs include substances contained in herbs. Like ginseng or basil. Some of them should be cooked before use, some can be eaten immediately.

Natural female aphrodisiacs

  • Arginine- an acid found in milk, cheese, coconuts and other foods. It promotes blood flow to the genitals and is considered an anti-aging agent as it rejuvenates the body. It also enhances the motility of male sperm and is used in the treatment of male erectile dysfunction. An overdose of arginine leads to outbreaks of aggression and the appearance of herpes.
  • Damiana- an aphrodisiac plant growing in Mexico. Contains alkaloids, increases potency, and is used to increase psycho-emotional tone. For women, it is recommended to use its infusion several hours before sex. Men smoke it.
  • Fenugreek- another medicinal plant, actively used by the Egyptians and Romans. It contains oils necessary for the synthesis of necessary sex hormones. Concubines in harems ate it to enlarge their breasts. It also improves the quality of breast milk. In Chinese medicine, it has been used to treat problems of the male reproductive system and kidneys.
  • Ginseng– considered one of the strongest aphrodisiacs, it is a stimulant of physical and mental activity, adds strength and increases a person’s endurance. It also helps hormonal levels restore, metabolism speed up, and blood flow where it needs to go.
  • Lychee berries– they are dried and drunk as tea. Increase reproductive and sexual functions.
  • Deer antlers- In China, deer antler powder was used for more than five hundred types of diseases. They have an adaptogenic effect, reduce fatigue, and increase resistance to disease.
  • Pine nuts increase the content of hormones in the blood.
  • Vanilla In essence, it is not an aphrodisiac, but it relieves fatigue and stress and allows you to relax.
  • Hot pepper increases the production of endorphins, which add excitement to sensations.
  • Figs increases blood flow and sensations during sex.
  • Celery- an aphrodisiac for men.
  • Basil accelerates blood circulation in the abdominal area.
  • Parsley, although it is a diuretic, which means it mainly affects the kidneys, it also promotes the production of endorphins. Has the same effect asparagus.
  • Strawberry and raspberry stimulate testosterone production.
  • Nutmeg increases potency in men.
  • Rose, jasmine, violet and lilac They are classified as aromatic aphrodisiacs and will be a great addition to a romantic dinner with your loved one. The main thing at such an important moment is not to overeat, so that the body spends energy on sex, and not on digesting rich food.

Recipes for aphrodisiac dishes


Add orange juice, two or three tbsp. to half a liter of dry white wine. spoons of honey, a little cinnamon, ginger and nutmeg. Leave in the refrigerator for two weeks. Do not take more than fifty grams.

Aphrodisiac for men

Five grams of chopped celery, fifteen grams of angelica, ten grams of anise, the same amount of coriander and five grams of dill, pour vodka. Leave for three months in a dark place. Can be diluted when used.


Soak one tablespoon of gelatin in a glass of water for an hour, then put it on the fire and boil until the gelatin dissolves. Let the gelatin cool, during this time beat the quail eggs with honey, add pureed raspberries to this mixture. Add gelatin to the resulting mixture, place it in bowls and put it in the refrigerator to harden.

Meat in greens with marinade

Cut half a kilo of pork into slices and place in an enamel bowl. Add chopped dill, basil, parsley and tarragon with garlic cloves. Rub the meat with salt and pepper and put it in the refrigerator for an hour and a half. Then add coriander to the meat, first fry on both sides until golden brown, then simmer until cooked.

Spinach with tomatoes

In a salad bowl we put one hundred and twenty grams of champignons, chopped spinach, two hundred and twenty grams of chopped avocado pulp, one hundred and twenty-five grams of cherry tomatoes, two hundred grams of chopped feta cheese. Fill with two tablespoons of dressing. spoons of olive oil, tbsp. spoons of vinegar, a teaspoon of sugar, a little salt.

Prawns with olives as an appetizer

Cut one cucumber into slices, peel twenty shrimp. Place a shrimp, a cucumber slice and an olive on each toothpick.

Celery as a puree soup

Boil two medium celery roots in two liters of water and one tablespoon of butter with the addition of a tbsp. spoons of butter, one small carrot, parsley root and potatoes. Mix part of this broth with egg yolks. Make a puree from the other part and vegetables, boil, pour in the part with the yolks. Season with herbs and sour cream.

Wings in honey

Pour six hundred grams of chicken wings with one hundred grams of chicken broth, four hundred grams of tomato paste, add three or four cloves of garlic, two tbsp. spoons of honey and soy sauce. Simmer until done. Two hundred grams of rice with the addition of canned peas or corn is suitable as a side dish.

Dates stuffed with cottage cheese

Peel twenty dates. Grind one hundred and fifty grams of cottage cheese with a drop of almond essence and two tbsp. spoons of honey. We stuff the dates with this mixture. Top can be decorated with toasted almonds.

Mixture of honey and nuts

Mix one hundred grams of walnuts with one tablespoon of honey, take one spoon three or hours before bedtime, since this is not a fast-acting mixture.

Video lessons

An aphrodisiac is a set of biologically active substances that increase sexual desire in people of both sexes. Their effect on libido has been known for a long time, which is confirmed by the name itself, which comes from the name of the Greek goddess of beauty and love, Aphrodite. Also, over many centuries of studying aphrodisiacs, it was noticed that they have a positive effect on the body of a man or woman as a whole, giving him new strength, vigor, and helping to strengthen physical health.

In this article you will learn about the types and variety of products with a high level of stimulating substances, tips on how to prepare an aphrodisiac at home and how to make perfumes from essential oils with your own hands for men and women that will attract a sexual partner and give a vivid sensation during sex.

Operating principle

These substances have different effects on the human body, which are closely related to neurohumoral regulation. Some create a powerful blood flow to the genitals, thereby activating the intense production of male or female hormones. Some, in turn, send a signal to the pituitary gland, which triggers the work of other endocrine glands, which leads to increased body performance and sexual desire. Others directly affect the functioning of the brain or improve the trophism of the tissues of the central nervous system, which relieves a person of fatigue and helps restore strength.

Types of origin

An aphrodisiac can be of either plant or animal origin.

Aphrodisiacs of plant origin:

  • Ginseng is one of the powerful tonics. Helps with decreased mental and physical performance, increases resistance in stressful situations, fights well against sexual disorders and quickly restores impaired metabolism.
  • Nutmeg. Tones and has a positive effect on male potency.
  • Figs Improves blood supply to tissues, and also enhances tactile sensations during sex.
  • Asparagus, parsley, pepper, honey and chocolate. Increases the concentration of endorphins in the blood.
  • Celery, strawberries, raspberries, dates and mangos. Stimulates the production of male hormone.
  • Violet, lilac, jasmine and rose. They are used to make an essential oil concentrate that increases sexual desire.
  • Fenugreek, damiana and lychee berries. They improve the functioning of the reproductive system, increase the production of sex hormones and stimulate the functioning of the nervous system.

Animal products:

  • Musk. The most powerful aphrodisiac and pheromone for men.
  • Ambergris. A substance that comes out of the sperm whale’s gastrointestinal tract and remains in the waters of the seas or oceans for a long time. Its aroma will be appreciated by men and women, but it has a more powerful effect on the male sex.
  • Deer antlers. Horn powder is used in the treatment of many diseases, increases the body's resistance to stress and improves metabolism.

How to prepare an aphrodisiac

Today, preparations, perfumes, tinctures or essential oils with a high content of tonic substances are not uncommon on the world market, but their price is correspondingly high, which many will not afford. Do not be disappointed, because everyone can prepare a female or male aphrodisiac on their own at home, and they will not be inferior in quality and effectiveness to many well-known brands.

Making perfumes at home with your own hands that are suitable for women is not that difficult, so you can easily create any compositions yourself at home.

Below are recipes for preparing the most popular aromas at home (the dosage of ingredients is calculated in drops).

Geisha fragrance for women. For the base of the recipe you will need: musk tincture - 3, ethyl alcohol - 20 ml, amber tincture - 1. The aromatic composition itself includes essential oils of jasmine, ylang-ylang, rosemary, fennel, anise - 4 each.

Recipe for Victoria perfume, which is perfect for women. The base is similar to "Geisha". Additionally, you will need essential oils of cinnamon - 4, cloves - 4, as well as verbena and sandalwood - 6 each.

Recipe for the men's fragrance "Atlant". The base includes: amber tincture – 1, musk tincture – 3, ethyl alcohol – 20 ml. The composition consists of extracts of cinnamon and eucalyptus - 3 each, sandalwood and cedar - 6 each.

Recipe for the aroma “Pharaoh”. The basis is the same as in Atlanta. Additionally, you will need essential oils: rosemary and ylang-ylang - 4 each, neroli, cinnamon - 3 each, bergamot - 6.

Romance by candlelight

If you are planning to have your romantic dinner at home, then you need to use some recipes and prepare the dishes below. For example, cottage cheese with dates would be an ideal dessert. To 150 g of cottage cheese you need to add two tablespoons of honey and mix thoroughly. Then, having pitted 20 dates, you should stuff each dried fruit with the resulting mass. You can also offer walnuts with honey as a sweet dessert. One tablespoon of honey should be mixed with 100 g of walnuts and mixed thoroughly.

For a snack, you can prepare a canapé of shrimp, olives and cucumber at home, which will appeal to all women without exception. The recipe is quite simple: you just need to cut a cucumber into thin circles, peel a few shrimp, then place it on a toothpick and place an olive on top.

As a main course and an aphrodisiac, offer your partner honey braised chicken wings. According to the recipe, you need to put a couple of wings, 400 g of tomato paste, 2 tablespoons of honey, a couple of cloves of garlic, soy sauce and seasoning to taste in the broth. It should be simmered until fully cooked. Cream of celery soup is also ideal. Add potatoes, parsley, two celery roots, a spoonful of butter and grated carrots to 2 liters of water. The liquid part of the soup should be mixed with egg yolks, and puree the vegetables in a blender. Mix them, bring to a boil, add herbs and seasonings to taste. Can be eaten with sour cream.

For daily stimulation, maintaining the body in tone and an active sex life, men and women are recommended to use at home not only a healthy, but also a tasty tincture - a strong aphrodisiac. You need to add orange juice, a couple of spoons of honey, nutmeg, ginger and a pinch of cinnamon to 500 ml of white or red wine. Leave for 14-16 days and take this tincture no more than 50 g per day.

You can also figure out how to make your own aphrodisiac at home.

To enhance sexuality, many resort to various methods. Let's consider one of them - the consumption of special aromas and foods to achieve an excited state, let's figure out how to make an aphrodisiac at home, and what ingredients are needed for this.


Pathogens can be edible or aromatic (the latter in the form of perfume). It is better that the prepared final product is light and slightly satiating, otherwise the partner will want to rest as the body absorbs the food. And if the aphrodisiac is weak, then the chosen one in the box will be insatiable.

In Eastern countries, certain spices are added to it, and such dishes are even served during a wedding feast. For preparation, dill and caraway greens, cinnamon, pepper and leaves of celery, basil, and marjoram are used. Garlic, horseradish root, cardamom, onion, anise, fennel, cardamom and rape are used.

Since the times of ancient Greece, olive oil has been considered an aphrodisiac, and therefore, 1 teaspoon of this product was taken on an empty stomach. Other pathogens include honey, alcohol (in moderate doses) and mussels. Please note that asparagus, pine nuts, vanilla and chocolate have a stimulating effect.

For example, spouses who have grown cold towards each other are recommended to take certain stimulant products. For sexual health, the diet includes foods containing vitamins A, B and E. These include parsley, almond kernels and bird (quail, sparrow, chicken, peacock) eggs.

These include legumes, citrus fruits, some cereals, dates, black currants, carrots (seeds). Also basil and vanilla, game and shellfish, turnips (seeds) and apples, seaweed and wheat (sprouts), aloe and coffee.

For them, chocolate, which contains an amino acid called phenylalline, is an aphrodisiac. When consuming the product, a lot of endorphins are produced - special substances that promote excitement and euphoria.

Plants and pathogenic compounds:

  1. Simple celery greatly excites women due to the presence of androsterone. Their desire appears when a hormone is released during sex and combines with droplets of a man’s sweat.
  2. Bergamot (its smell) relaxes and excites beautiful ladies, destroys depression, increases their imagination and attraction.
  3. A strong aphrodisiac that enhances desire and sensuality is rosemary oil.
  4. Geranium, or rather its aroma, can bring playfulness in behavior, some frivolity and inspiration. It will give you a feeling of lightness and youth.

In the East and Japan, women are specialists in the field of seduction; just remember the geisha, who know many methods for making pathogens. Let's look at how to prepare an aphrodisiac under normal conditions.

Ingredients to excite a man.

There are many methods, but let’s look at a few “edible” ones:

  1. Sesame oil is mixed with honey. This composition is used 2 times a day, 1 tsp. until a stable result is obtained.
  2. Oysters (fresh) are mixed with lemon juice and poured with a glass of champagne.
  3. They take walnuts, pine nuts, and almonds and crush them. For 2 parts you need to take 1 part honey and mix everything. Take for a month, 2 times a day after meals.
  4. Take dill, parsley, cilantro in equal proportions and chop finely. Take 1 tablespoon before meals.

A recipe for a sweet dish with a stimulating effect.

It requires the following ingredients:

  • quail eggs (yolks) – 8 pcs.;
  • gelatin – 1 tablespoon;
  • raspberries - a little.


  • beat the yolks and add berries to the foam;
  • Gelatin is soaked for an hour;
  • after swelling, it is slightly heated to a liquid state and added to the yolk mass;
  • mix and place in molds;
  • put in the cold until completely hardened.

A simple salad recipe.

Spinach, avocado and champignons are chopped. Add cheese (preferably feta cheese). For the dressing, mix salt, sugar, olive oil and vinegar and pour them over the salad.

Fragrant pathogens

Let's look at how to make a fragrant aphrodisiac with your own hands and what is needed for this.

For example, “Aphrodite” consists of essential oils such as: ylang-ylang, rosemary (3 drops each) and patchouli (2 drops). The ingredients are mixed and kept in a cool and dark place, so that they are not exposed to the rays of the sun.

Another perfume recipe:

  • Grape or olive oil (10 drops) is dripped into a jar;
  • add bergamot, patchouli and ginger (3 drops each);
  • sandalwood (2 drops).

A separate pipette is used for each ingredient. Apply perfume to your wrists or behind your ears. Making a pathogen is quite simple. Don't be afraid to experiment and everything will work out. A romantic evening will be unforgettable for both partners.