Some women now decorate their bodies not only for beauty, but also for sexual pleasure. It is for this purpose that today cosmetology gynecology offers such a procedure as intimate piercing. Today there are many types of it.

“Christina” - piercing with a long healing period

Women rarely decide to get this particular type of piercing. Firstly, it takes a long time to heal - within 4 months. And secondly, the anatomical features of many representatives of the fair half of humanity do not allow this. Finally, such a piercing can cause a lot of discomfort while walking, constantly twisting.

“Christina” is an aesthetic decoration of oneself. During sexual intercourse, no additional pleasure can be obtained with its help. This piercing is a puncture of the clitoral hood under the Mount of Venus. The decoration to be used in this case should be L-shaped.

The most popular vertical piercing

One of the most popular types of intimate piercings among women is a vertical piercing of the clitoral hood. This type of puncture heals within 4-8 weeks. A variety of jewelry options are suitable for this piercing.

This procedure is not difficult for a professional. The patient does not experience pain. After all, the fabric that needs to be pierced is very thin. The result of such piercing is not only beauty, but also stimulation of the clitoris during sexual contact with a partner.

Horizontal piercing is a wonderful pleasure

For aesthetic purposes, women also make a horizontal puncture of the clitoral hood. It heals within 6-8 weeks, which is also quite fast. With its help, you can also get additional sensations during sex. In this case, you need to choose the right decoration with one or two balls. The product must be installed so that these balls fall on the clitoris.

You cannot do this type of piercing yourself or with unverified artists. A preliminary consultation with a professional is needed to determine the sufficient blood supply to this area. Only after this an experienced specialist will do everything according to the rules.

Piercing of the labia minora – for yourself and for your partner

Most often, the labia minora are pierced in order to receive pleasure from clitoral stimulation. This is only possible if the decoration is installed quite high. During sex, the partner can get significant pleasure from such a piercing.

Most often, small rings are used as decoration for such a puncture. Many women even try to make several punctures in this place. However, it is worth remembering that this can lead to tissue stretching.

This type of piercing requires special care. It may bleed for the first 4-5 weeks. Therefore, it is recommended to use special pads immediately after the procedure. And in the future you will have to resort to hygiene procedures very often. After all, after every trip to the toilet you will have to rinse the piercing with warm water.

Piercing of the labia majora – just for beauty

When getting labia majora pierced, many women dream of instantly receiving a lot of pleasure from intimacy. However, this option serves only as decoration. The most pleasure can be felt from piercings of the clitoral hood. However, the popularity of such piercings does not decrease. Moreover, properly selected jewelry can stimulate the partner’s male penis.

This piercing heals within 2-3 months. A wide variety of decorations are used for it.

There are many more different types of intimate piercings for women. However, most of them, due to the anatomical features of some representatives of the fair sex, are simply impossible to implement. Therefore, just the desire to decorate yourself in this way is not enough. You should definitely consult a specialist.

Woman A: along the length of the clitoral “hood”, not horizontal.

Woman B: nipples.

Woman B: vertical clitoral piercing, a barbell passes through a small area of ​​skin covering the clitoris. This is one of the most common types of genital piercings: the jewelry touches the clitoris and improves sensation.

Man: Prince Albert (colloquial name for a man's piercing that runs vertically down the urethra).

2. How long ago did you make it?

Woman A: 11 years ago.

Woman B: first nipple at 18 years old, second at 19, about 10 years have passed.

Woman B: three years.

Man: it was there for a year and a half, then I got rid of the piercing. The reason was discomfort when wearing underwear and pain during sports.

3. Why did you decide to get a genital piercing?

Woman A: I saw a girl with a clitoral piercing and realized that I liked this idea. The master said that I have a better chance of not losing sensitivity if I pierce the “hood” rather than the clitoris itself.

Woman B: it was quite popular with my friends in my youth, I wanted to make it, but without my parents seeing it!

Woman B: I had several punctures in different places, I liked it. In addition, genital piercing increases the pleasure of stimulation. I am not particularly sensitive to clitoral caresses and at the same time I am quite shy, so only those close to the body see the piercing. I’ve wanted to do it for a long time, but I was afraid of the pain and put it off.

Man: I was interested. And then I started dating a girl who also wanted intimate piercings. And when she was about to do it, she called me. But after the manipulations, we had to abstain from sex for a while so as not to catch an infection.

4. How did you choose the master and how did it all go?

Woman A: I talked to different artists until I found one with whom I felt comfortable and who worked in a studio with a good reputation. On the day of the operation, she distracted me with conversations and helped me get through the mini-surgery faster. One minus: the guy was not allowed into the operating room.

Woman B: I spent a long time collecting information about piercing, but when I decided, I went to the nearest salon. I paid with pocket money, they put the ring in the autoclave, and while it was sterilized, I walked around the city. When I returned, they checked my age and, having learned that I was 17, they refused and returned the money. I had to wait until 18. I came to them for the second one.

Woman B: Almost all the punctures were done by one master, I had good experience. It would be weird to undress and lie down in front of a stranger who will pierce your clitoris! Before the procedure, I took a shower and shaved everything in the desired area. First, you discuss your wishes with the master, then he explains what is happening and how it happens and how to recover faster. He disinfects the puncture area, selects jewelry, and marks the points. The needle then passes through the skin and the jewelry is inserted.

Man: the master was my friend, I trusted him. Didn't do any research.

5. Does it hurt?

Woman A: Very! But only 3 seconds. I screamed and then it was over. Other punctures were almost painless. It's good that everything went quickly.

Woman B: not really, especially since adrenaline then enters the bloodstream and the pain subsides.

Woman B: Yes! But all my punctures are painful. Moreover, it’s also scary... The process itself is very fast, so it hurts for a couple of seconds. At first, decorating was uncomfortable, but I knew what to prepare for.

Man: The piercing itself is simple. The master said that the skin is thin and it won’t hurt. Rather, the preparation itself is unpleasant.

6. How long did it take to heal? What about sex?

Woman A: very quickly. I wore loose underwear and pants; I couldn’t wear skirts for a couple of days because I would start bleeding if I touched something. You can have sex in a month, but not in a missionary or other position where you can touch the clitoris, you need to wait another 1-2 months.

Woman B: I washed the piercings very carefully, so it didn’t hurt for long. I wasn’t forbidden to have sex, but I couldn’t touch my breasts for a couple of weeks.

Woman B: about three weeks, but the blood caused more trouble. When everything healed, I started having sex.

Man: It hurt quite badly for about a week, and mildly for another 4 months. There was blood every time I went to the toilet, but that's logical. Then everything went away.

7. Has sex become more enjoyable?

Woman A: much. I started getting clitoral orgasms. Men have become more creative, they like to look at my piercings. And since orgasm has become easier, a thirst for experimentation has appeared.

Woman B: nipples became more sensitive.

Woman B: the sensations intensified, orgasm became easier to achieve.

Man: caresses around the bridle have become more pleasant.

8. What discoveries in sex have you made?

Woman A: missionary position and oral sex became much better.

Woman B: all caresses of the breast, especially if you touch with your tongue.

Woman B: I really like manual stimulation and cowgirl position now.

Man: Almost all postures have become more pleasant.

9. Does your partner's piercing turn you on?

Woman A: depending on what it is, but in general yes.

Woman B: yes, but if there are not very many punctures.

Woman B: aesthetically yes. My current partner doesn't have a piercing.

Man: Very.

10. What should you be afraid of if your partner has intimate piercings?

Woman A: Nothing! And there is no need to laugh.

Woman B: make sure everything is clean and healed.

Woman B: depends on the type of piercing. You need to be more careful.

Man: take precautions, it’s easy for someone with a piercing to get an infection.

11. What should those who want such a piercing know?

Woman A: Follow the rules of hygiene. And if the piercing touches your clothing, stop immediately and resolve the issue!

Woman B: Read all the information carefully before getting a piercing. Make sure the salon sterilizes instruments and jewelry.

Well, hello, my curious ones!

I admit honestly, this review had been languishing in my drafts for a long time, but either I didn’t have the necessary limit of courage for such a frank post, or I was frightened by the reaction of the inhabitants and guests of the site, and especially those who are members of the club “You are a future mother!!!” in general, I don’t know what I was missing there, but, obviously, I have completely strengthened if you are reading this review now.

I won’t go into motivational aspects and talk about why I needed this, I think everyone who dares to take such a step, I’m not afraid of this word - a daredevil, will have his own psychological, and possibly physiological, background

And yes, photographs “in expanded form” will not be presented, Sorry if I disappointed anyone - those curious about this topic have already googled everything a hundred times)

Now there will be a lyrical digression with information that may seem unnecessary to someone, so you can safely skip my outpourings and scroll to the last paragraphs


It was back in May 2011, when a crazy idea suddenly appeared. I remember that at that moment I was faced with a problem - where to do it? No one posted this information openly anywhere, my attempts to call medical and cosmetology centers were awkward and comical) In 90% of cases, consultants during a telephone conversation heard the phrase "intimate piercing" hung up

But, in the end, to my delight, in one of the medical institutions with a good reputation I found, or rather found, a “piercer” who did this

I remember well that at that time it was almost impossible to find any adequate information on the Internet - it was almost impossible to dig up reviews from living people on the topic “how it is”, I only remember endless Internet photographs of the causal places of girls from escort services and others like that, and nothing more.

This makes me even more hopeful that with my review I can not only just satisfy someone’s idle curiosity, but also actually be useful to someone who has decided to get an intimate piercing and I would like to hear a report from the scene of events, albeit 5 years ago, but from the first, so to speak, lips

So, May the 11th, I am obsessed with a crazy idea, the place has been found, the master has been found, the hour is approaching. Previously, I spoke with the master on the phone - I was ordered to bring with me the piercing intended for eyebrows made of surgical steel - so arm yourself too, they look something like this (I’m an artist, as you can see, from the word “bad”, but not a single earring remains from those times):

On shaking legs, I brought myself to the master’s office, fortunately she turned out to be a simple and open girl - this helped me emotionally. But a nuance immediately emerged: I assumed that the puncture would be in one place, but the censor in the form of a master said: “No, it shouldn’t be there, because problems with sensitivity and the like await you in a dark future.”

In general, I had 2 puncture options- the first involved a puncture of the mucous membrane, and the other a puncture beyond it. I was afraid (and in vain - to die, so with music) and decided that I would pierce a small fold in the mucous membrane - and the puncture would be shorter, the skin would be thinner, and it would heal faster.


The puncture itself happens very quickly - all you have time to do is wince. Yes, it hurts. But believe me, quite tolerable. The moment of waiting itself is much more terrible and painful. There is a puncture, exhale. Then there is another unpleasant moment - the moment of inserting the earring, it seemed to me more unpleasant than the puncture itself, but also - I didn’t lose consciousness from the pain, I can endure it. All.

QUESTION PRICE: 1500 rubles.


She simply wasn't there; I wasn’t particularly experienced at the time - it was my first pier, so I didn’t bother to ask about this topic.

In general, they were most likely standard -

Don't get it wet for 24 hours,

Treatment 3 times a day with chlorhexidine solution,

Do not go to the bathhouse/sauna,

Do not offer sex for a month


In general, there were no painful sensations subsequently, on the first day you just know that you got a piercing and all the feelings - they are more in your head than in the puncture.) As for the puncture itself - In terms of pain, I’ll give it 3.5 points out of 5.


I personally the healing process took about 7-10 days, these days I could already calmly move and move the earring (this, by the way, also needs to be done, but it’s the same as with ears in general

With earrings, the choice is really small - it’s either a nose ring or eyebrow earrings.

There were no problems with going to the toilet, if anyone cares) This is more of a psychological fear that will go away after the first trip to the restroom


After 3 months, life seemed boring to me, just like my piercing, for which you couldn’t even buy earrings, and in general it was hidden somewhere and somehow unsightly, in general, a feeling of dissatisfaction came over me, and I went back to the medical center.

This time I decided that the puncture would be on a visible part, how can I explain this in a censored manner, although many people here write about hemorrhoids) In general, above the letter K, may the aesthetes outside the mucous membrane forgive me.


It was fire, friends. Considering that the length of the puncture has increased many times, the sensations have also intensified many times, if not tens of times.

If I gave the puncture of the mucous membrane 3.5 points for pain, then here I give 4.5 points.

By the way, this time I already needed another earring - it was a standard banana for the navel, also made of medical steel, something like these:


Also the procedure was without pain relief.



It It was no longer so serene and took about 2 months. I created problems for myself by deciding to change my earring after just a week - never, I repeat, never do this. Be patient and wait for complete healing. I will miss the moment when I inserted the 2nd earring, I hope that no one will do this.

Well, in the next couple of months there were constant treatments with chlorhexidine, ointment, and I also took some liberty - seeing signs of putrefaction, I began to pour hydrogen peroxide on everything generously - and, by the way, this helped me a lot.

What else would I like to add - wear underwear made from natural fabrics during the healing period, this is also important. Do not suggest sex on the topic (this time also the limit was either a month or until complete healing) - It’s better, of course, to wait until the puncture heals, you still have time to light it up

Well, my answer to the question that many will probably have is: Do I regret it and do I still wear it?. No, I don't regret it not once, the pain is forgotten, I really wanted it and did it - result(I'm talking about the 2nd piercing now) I really liked it. I still wear it, I’ll take it off only if necessary - during pregnancy, for example, and, perhaps, on my 80th birthday

None does not bring discomfort, is not felt at all, don’t expect any more intimate sensations - these are all ideas from erotic films and erotic fantasies. And yes, frigidity also did not develop, as many predicted for me.

And now, a mini-cap for those who decided to skip my story:

So, I did the piercing twice– puncture of the mucous membrane and puncture of the skin outside the mucosa. In both cases care is the same:

Treatment with chlorhexidine solution 3 times a day;

month(or until complete healing) - sexual abstinence;

In the first couple of days don't take a bath;

Do not visit the sauna, bathhouse, or swimming pool for at least 2 weeks;

For the 2nd puncture, I used Levomeol ointment and peroxide for decay;

I did both punctures without anesthesia;

The first puncture healed completely in 7-10 days, the second one took 2 months to heal due to the fact that I changed the earring early (don't do this);

The pain is quite strong, but you won’t lose your mind (a puncture of the mucous membrane is less painful).

By the way, I successfully healed the first piercing - it’s not a Christmas tree

Well, that’s probably all I wanted to tell you about my experience of the procedure under the shameful name intimate piercing

If you are planning something like this and at the same time you are not a pervert, and also do not want to call me to morality and make an “attack”, then the questions essentially I will always be happy to answer and help with advice.

Thanks to everyone who mastered my writing, I guess it wasn’t easy. I hope I could be useful to someone!

It is possible to pierce through the soft tissues of the body and place any objects in the resulting holes for a variety of reasons: the ancient Romans, for example, quite practically used rings threaded through nipples to secure their cloaks. And the famous “avant-garde” Prince Albert, whose name bears one of the most popular types of male genital piercing today, once pierced his own head of the penis in order to “tie” the latter to... his thigh: this was required by the style of his favorite tight trousers, " conflicting" with the anatomical features of the royal person.
Why is intimate piercing needed?

To understand the psychology of installing a piercing on your body, you should remember that piercing is, first of all, decoration. Sex occupies a significant place in our lives, and therefore it is not surprising that we want to use earrings for additional stimulation of our partner and ourselves. In this case, piercing is done on parts of the body that are actively involved in love games. This is primarily the tongue and the genitals themselves. For example, clitoral puncture enhances sensations during stimulation. To do this, the clitoris or the fold above it is usually pierced. This kind of piercing is most often done for those who are over 35 years old and who already want new sensations and impressions for themselves and their partners. Moreover, a person does not necessarily have a complex of insufficient sexual attractiveness. Just additional attention among potential partners expands the possibilities for meeting people, and for some it helps to find a reason to start a conversation. Piercing of the labia is also sometimes done, but it has more of a decorative function. This type of puncture does not take long to heal - about a month. It is contraindicated to have sex until complete healing.

Male intimate piercings are much more diverse; the foreskin, glans penis, frenulum and testicles are pierced. Healing proceeds in the same way as with female intimate piercings. The goal is to evoke special sexual sensations in the partner. When performed on women, piercings in intimate places are completely safe. In men, it can cause disruption of physiological functions, including due to the formation of scar tissue. As a rule, intimate piercing is a desire to receive a more abundant range of sensations during sex.
Contraindications for intimate piercing

First of all, intimate piercing is contraindicated for people with blood diseases, systemic diseases of internal organs (kidneys, lungs, heart) and skin diseases (psoriasis, furunculosis, eczema). A common chronic disease such as diabetes is also a contraindication. Decreased immunity and slow healing are also contraindications for piercing. People with mental pathologies, as well as drug addicts and alcoholics should not perform punctures. It is obligatory to ask about the presence of an allergy to metals: if there is an allergic reaction, then piercing is contraindicated.
Healing time for intimate piercings

Each body copes with the healing period of a piercing differently. The healing time for intimate piercings ranges from 1 week to several months. Taking into account the characteristics of each client’s body, the master issues a memo that indicates medications that promote speedy and safe healing, as well as how to use them correctly.
Types of intimate piercings for men
Prince Albert

This piercing option was known back in the Victorian era. The eccentric Prince Albert, after whom this method is named, had a ring inserted into the head of the penis to support the flaccid organ, not wanting to offend his wife, Queen Victoria. The puncture was made into the base of the head through the urethra. The procedure is performed quickly and does not lead to complications. The skin that is pierced is very thin and heals quickly. Despite the fact that both partners like this piercing, after the procedure it is better to abstain from sexual relations for two weeks. Suggested jewelry: ring with a ball.

It is not yet very well known in the West and not many have experienced it for themselves. Popular on the Indonesian islands, where it is performed as a initiation of a boy into a man. The puncture is made horizontally through the head. The bar can pass either through the urethra or nearby. Suggested decorations: barbell.

This is a vertical piercing. Crosses the head in such a way that the lower ball is under its base. This method of piercing is even mentioned in the Kama Sutra (an ancient Indian treatise on love), because it gives pleasure to both men and women. This is one of the most difficult genital piercings to get. In order for the canal to heal ideally, it is necessary to abstain from intimate relationships for several months. Suggested decorations: barbell.

This piercing option is of recent origin. Usually a paired puncture is made on both sides of the head. Small surgical steel rods are inserted. Many owners of this piercing say that they were able to regain sensations lost by both themselves and their partners during intimate relationships. Suggested decorations: barbell.

Piercing of European origin. Used as a stimulant, guaranteeing long-lasting pleasure. A puncture is made into the skin at the base of the glans, the ring passes through the skin and goes around the penis. During sexual intercourse, the ring compresses the organ and delays ejaculation. The ring size is selected individually. The procedure is easy and quick. One of the easiest types of genital piercings. Suggested jewelry: ring with a ball.
Types of intimate piercings for women
Inner Labia

Performed on the labia minora. It is the simplest female genital piercing because the thin skin of the labia minora is easily pierced and heals faster than any other body piercing. Brings variety to intimate relationships. A prerequisite is to maintain cleanliness until complete healing. Suggested jewelry: ring with a ball.
Outer Labia

The labia majora form the outer side of the vulva. The punctures can be performed along the entire length, but if they are too close to the perineum, they can cause pain when sitting. The labia majora are thicker than the labia minora and take longer to heal completely. Modern women who choose this type of piercing like that the rings additionally stimulate sexual sensations. In Ancient Rome, as well as Persia, India and Africa, such punctures were widespread, although for other purposes: the puncture was made in two lips in the form of a lock to prevent sexual relations and preserve innocence. In Europe, on the contrary, a genital ring becomes a gift to a partner. Suggested jewelry: ring with a ball.

Piercing is very fashionable among modern girls. A thin fold of skin above the clitoris is pierced. Can be performed both horizontally and vertically. Causes stimulation of the clitoris during walking and sexual intercourse. Suggested jewelry: microbar, ring with ball.

This piercing causes intense sensations, but the procedure is very risky and difficult to perform. It can be performed either horizontally or vertically at the center or base of the clitoris. Suggested jewelry: ring with a ball.
Caring for intimate piercings

The intimate piercing area is very rich in blood vessels, so drilling it can lead to serious complications - severe bleeding and subsequent infection. In addition, pain may occur when urinating. Sometimes these kinds of problems force surgeons to resort to emergency services.

Fresh piercing requires consistent care to prevent inflammation: For two weeks, wash the wound at least twice a day with a special disinfectant, until complete healing, use only low-fat, disinfectant creams and avoid saunas, swimming pools and solariums, swimming in natural bodies of water, and especially in the sea - salty sea water interferes with healing.

In case of complications - such as severe redness, pain, etc., you should immediately consult a dermatologist, who may remove the jewelry. If everything went without inflammation, the first jewelry should be worn until the wound is completely healed; otherwise, dirt may get into the wound, and then inflammation cannot be avoided. Do not use preparations other than those recommended for wiping.
Materials used for intimate piercing

Surgical steel
Gold plated titanium
Black Titan
Rules for intimate piercing

1. Under no circumstances should you trust the piercing to your friends, even if they have a medical education diploma, or do the piercing yourself.

2. Do not treat the puncture site with alcohol-containing substances, unless such care is recommended by a specialist.

3. Before visiting the piercing salon, it is recommended to eat to avoid dizziness and weakness, but under no circumstances drink even low-alcohol drinks.

4. When you come to the master, it doesn’t hurt to ask how he sterilizes his instruments.

5. You should make sure that the jewelry that will soon take place in the skin or other soft tissues is made of biologically inert metals - gold, platinum, titanium or surgical steel (you should not “save here”).

6. The piercer must provide all necessary recommendations for “management”, both “pre-operative” and “post-operative” periods. Including explanations on the “pros” and “cons” of piercing a particular area of ​​the body, and the features of hygienic care for them.

And, of course, we should not forget that if suddenly something goes, not entirely smoothly, or even not smoothly at all, you should see a doctor. It is better to do this as early as possible - in this situation even a single hour may be important.

Well, the most interesting thing is an intimate puncture. Such decorations are unlikely to be seen by anyone outside, but they are not made to surprise onlookers. Genital piercing- this is the main one intimate attribute of the 21st century. It can be female and male. Most often girls pierce their labia and clitoral hood, and the strong half of humanity adorns head of penis and scrotum.

Many clients say that the pain from intimate piercing was about the same as during an earlobe piercing. The exceptions are ampalang, apadravia, dido and serious (albeit rare) clitoral piercings - these are painful types of piercings, but they have their benefits that are definitely worth gritting your teeth and waiting a few seconds.

Female intimate piercing: hypersensitivity

The structure of the female external genitalia is distinguished by a huge - although sometimes barely distinguishable - variety of shapes. Not all women are suitable for all types of intimate piercings: for example, women with a small clitoral hood and small labia minora can only get the labia majora pierced.

For a number of reasons, vertical clitoral hood piercings are the most popular type of female intimate piercing. As the name suggests, the piercing is placed in the natural crease of the female genitalia so that the jewelry rests comfortably between the legs. In this position, nothing puts pressure on it, and the puncture is not irritated. The structure of the genital organs of almost 90% of women is such that the clitoris has a “foreskin” (i.e., a protective fold of skin covering the clitoris), into which the jewelry is inserted.

Even if you are overweight, you can still get a vertical clitoral hood piercing if your hood is well developed and easy to access. Sometimes during the procedure the help of an assistant is required to conveniently open this area for puncture; Most likely, it will be either a second piercer or yourself - in which case you will be given and asked to put on clean gloves. Even if the jewelry is completely hidden between the full labia majora, a vertical piercing of the clitoral hood will heal without problems.

A vertical clitoral hood piercing heals VERY quickly. Some women swear that everything healed for them in a week, if not less. To be on the safe side, it's best to take care of your piercing for the full four weeks of the minimum healing period, even if it stops bothering you the next day.

After the procedure, physical activity is not prohibited, but it is still better to refrain from cycling or horseback riding for one to two weeks. Apart from these types of activities, the new piercing will not interfere with you in any way, you just may not notice it.

Intimate piercing: underwear and hygiene

Tight-fitting underwear helps keep the jewelry in place, thereby reducing discomfort and the risk of injury. Be sure to wear underwear - an additional layer of fabric helps maintain cleanliness, as it does not allow lint and dust from clothing to get into the puncture; It's also obvious that wearing a panty liner without panties to attach it to is difficult.

Intimate piercing: urination

Body fluids often get into certain types of genital piercings—not a problem if those are your fluids. Urine is one of the first antiseptics known to man, and if you are healthy, your own secretions will not harm your piercing.

Among the various ways to pierce male organs, there is a truly legendary one - Prince Albert. It represents a ring passing through the urethra at the base of the head. Today, Prince Albert (whose photo there is a lot on the Internet) is the most popular type of piercing for male “dignity”. At the same time, the cost of such piercing is relatively high.

Penis piercing

To avoid unexpected surprises after piercing the head or body of the penis, I use a bandage with the amazing name “rubber cock”. This dressing consists of sterile gauze wrapped around the puncture and an absorbent cloth over which I wear a medical glove (the dangling fingers of the glove resemble a chicken comb). I secure the whole thing with an elastic band that is tight enough to hold the bandage in place, but not too tight that it interferes with blood circulation. Prince Albert, ampallang and apadravia usually bleed so much that the glove has to be changed several times. Do not remove the cock until it is full or you want to urinate. Wear this waterproof bandage as long as the piercing bleeds (usually the first two to three days).

Male intimate piercing: erection

An erection of the penis during marking or disinfection of the puncture site is a natural phenomenon that will not surprise an experienced piercer. In fact, a sudden erection in this case is rather a plus for some types of piercing, as it will allow you to accurately select the size of the jewelry, but if you “stand” until the moment of piercing, this can significantly complicate the procedure or even make it impossible - and There will definitely be a lot of blood. Try to distract yourself for a few minutes with thoughts about cleaning the bathroom or having dinner at grandma's to ease your condition. Another erection may occur at the moment when you first see your new piercing with the jewelry installed. Again, bleeding is common.

Getting your genitals pierced is a big deal because it can affect how you feel during sex. Incorrectly done piercing can reduce sensitivity or even lead to its temporary or complete loss. Due to differences in genital anatomy and personal preference for stimulation during sex, it is important to consult with an experienced piercer before deciding to undergo an intimate piercing. Find an experienced professional who has been specifically trained in intimate piercing and who can communicate with you in a free and relaxed manner about this very sensitive topic. A good piercer should be able to behave in a way that makes you feel comfortable and calm.

Characteristics of intimate piercing