Skin care products made at home are popular among women, despite the abundance in cosmetic stores. They contain exclusively healthy ingredients and at the same time allow you to save money.

The components that make up homemade masks are selected individually and have a beneficial effect on the skin and are beneficial. One of them is an oatmeal mask.

The flakes contain a large number of various vitamins and microelements. That's why Oatmeal is not only a healthy and tasty food, but also an excellent cosmetic product.

The above properties of oatmeal indicate its versatility for use for cosmetic purposes; an oatmeal mask is suitable for different skin types.

What problems can oatmeal combat?

  • Pimples and acne;
  • Pigmentation;
  • Dryness;
  • Gray or dull color;
  • Allergic rashes and;
  • Enlarged pores and increased oil content;
  • Wrinkles and irregularities;
  • Swelling.

How to cook with oatmeal, watch this video:

Recipes for masks to prepare at home

For dry skin (nourishes and balances moisture levels)

Pour 15 grams of small flakes into a shallow container and pour in the heated milk so that the oatmeal is completely covered. After mixing the ingredients, cover the bowl with plastic for 7 minutes.

The mask is ready, you can apply it to your face in a thick layer. After 25 minutes, wash with water. Enhancing the effectiveness of the described product can be achieved by adding one of these products:

  1. yolk (raw);
  2. 20 grams of fat sour cream;
  3. 20 grams of cottage cheese (at least 9%), softened with warm milk;
  4. 15 ml of any oil;
  5. 15 grams of honey;
  6. puree from a quarter of a banana (can be replaced with persimmon, apricot).
  1. liquid vitamins in ampoules;
  2. glycerol;
  3. cosmetic clay.

Just add the selected ingredient to the main composition of the mask (the procedure itself and its duration will remain the same).

Stir 15 grams of oatmeal with the yolk, pour in a spoonful of any oil (for example, sea buckthorn). Apply the resulting mass to the skin, rubbing a little, and after 25 minutes, wash with a warm herbal decoction.

For normal skin type (gives freshness and tones)

For problematic skin (helps get rid of pimples and blackheads)

  1. Pour boiling water over oatmeal. The resulting consistency should be convenient for application. You can use the mask when it has cooled down. Keep the oatmeal on your face until it dries. Remove with a sponge and warm water.
  2. Prepare a base of flakes and boiling water, add 15 grams of any pharmaceutical clay and a little lemon juice to it. Mix the ingredients and apply to areas where there are blackheads and pimples. After complete drying, the mask must be washed off with a medicinal herbal infusion.

One application is not enough to achieve the effect; the mask must be used at least 2 times a week for 30 days.

For mature skin (tones well; gives smoothness and elasticity)

For oily skin (deeply cleanses and dries; adds matte finish)

  1. Pour a tablespoon of oatmeal into a bowl and pour in kefir until you get a thin paste (if you don’t have it on hand, yogurt or sour milk will do just fine). Apply this mixture onto your face using massaging movements and do not wash off until everything is dry.
  2. Separate the white from a raw egg and then lightly beat it with a fork. Add a tablespoon of rolled oats to it. A couple of drops of lemon juice wouldn't hurt either. Try not to make facial movements, keep the mixture on your face for 13 minutes without washing it off, and then rinse with lukewarm water.

For oily skin (scrubbing effect)

Ingredients include: 30 grams of rolled oats, 50 ml of kefir, 15 grams of honey. You also need a little salt for the scrubbing effect.

Mix the ingredients and then apply to the skin with light rubbing movements. Rest for 12 minutes, then rinse off with cool water.

For aging skin (rejuvenates)

Prepare a paste of cereal and boiling water. The main thing is that the consistency of the mixture is convenient for application. The mask also contains raw yolk, a tablespoon of unfiltered beer and apricot or melon pulp.

The volume of fruit is approximately equal to the volume of oatmeal. Mix all products. Apply the mask to your warm face, and after 12 minutes, rinse it off first with a warm herbal decoction, and then with cool water.

Masks for beautiful color and even tone

  1. Mix 30 grams of rolled oats with 15 ml of cream and mashed banana pulp. Apply the mixture to the skin. Keep it for at least ten minutes. Rinse off with warm water and then apply your favorite cream.
  2. Pour boiling water over the cereal and cover. When the pulp has cooled slightly, stir in 20 grams of soda. Mix and apply the product. The mask must be washed off after drying. You will see the effect after the first

This video will tell you how to wash your face with oatmeal:

How to choose oats for a mask

When choosing the main component for a mask, do not forget to make sure it is fresh.

Also note that the product should not contain any additives or flavoring agents.

In stores you can find both large and small flakes. You should choose the ones you need based on the purpose of the mask. If you are interested in a product with a scrub effect, then buy large flakes; in other cases, it is better to take small flakes or oatmeal.

How often can you use oatmeal masks?

The frequency with which you need to make oat masks depends on the type of skin. Those with dry skin are not recommended to perform the procedure more than once every 10 days.

With normal dermis, weekly sessions will be quite sufficient. Oily skin requires repeating masks every three days.


Oatmeal itself is considered a hypoallergenic product and therefore is not contraindicated for use for cosmetic purposes.

But if the mask includes additional components, before using it you should definitely make sure there are no allergies.

To do this, try applying a little product to the outside of your palm. If after a while you do not feel any burning or itching, then you can safely use the mask.

Oatmeal can rightfully be called a real storehouse of nutrients, vitamins and minerals. It’s useful not only to cook oatmeal and eat it regularly. You can also make it from it, which can give you a great looking leather. It is noteworthy that oatmeal is a product whose masks are suitable for girls and women with any skin type, regardless of age. You can see what main substances are in the famous oatmeal porridge, and how they will affect the condition of the facial skin. What is the most popular oatmeal face mask?

What is included in the porridge?

  1. Oatmeal contains a huge amount B vitamins. They can easily improve the skin's natural barrier. In addition, they will increase its protective function, minimizing the likelihood of dehydration, irritation and increased pigmentation. Sensitive skin will simply disappear without an oatmeal mask.
  2. The composition of such a mask will include a huge amount vitamin E, which minimizes the effects of ultraviolet rays on the facial skin and moisturizes it well. This vitamin can be called a natural balm that destroys free radicals in the skin. It has been scientifically proven that vitamin E will help minimize the effects of cigarette smoke, ultraviolet rays, redness and swelling when using an oatmeal face mask.
  3. There's a lot in oatmeal iron, zinc, calcium, iodine and phosphorus. It contains proteins, fats and carbohydrates, Omega 6 polyunsaturated acids.

What is the best way to mix oatmeal with to create masks?

Since the skin product is truly excellent, you can add to it those substances that are lacking in the porridge itself. An excellent addition would be vegetable oil, honey, medicinal herbs, liquid vitamins or. Here each girl will decide what suits her best.

An oatmeal face mask (there are different recipes) can not only nourish the skin and saturate it with useful substances, it will also act as a kind of scrub. Many note that oatmeal masks made at home will be an excellent alternative to well-known salon procedures. The result will be noticeable, and you will save a lot.

What you need to know about making an oatmeal mask?

Undoubtedly, there is a certain list of nuances, adhering to which you can get an excellent effect. All of them can be found below.

  1. Before preparing the oatmeal face mask, it is important to eat porridge. grind thoroughly in a coffee grinder.
  2. The standard recipe for the famous oatmeal mask includes: a few tablespoons of finely ground porridge and water. The mixture will be stirred until smooth and infused for up to 5 minutes. It is applied to the skin for 15-17 minutes. The mask is washed off with water. An alternative instead of water can be kefir. This mask will additionally provide toning and cleansing.
  3. If you are making a mask with oatmeal for the face, then you can mix almost any components, but you need to choose them, based on the condition of your facial skin.
  4. Before applying the oatmeal mask, you must previously. It’s good if you can steam it over hot water so that the skin “takes” the maximum amount of nutrients from the oatmeal.
  5. Consider the areas where the mask is applied. If you apply the mass only to your face, and you have oily skin, then it is only important to use the main components. If the substance is to be used for the neck and décolleté, it is advisable to additionally moisturize or nourish it. Accordingly, the corresponding elements will be added to the mask, and the area of ​​its application will expand. If you are making an oatmeal face mask, you should read reviews about it in advance.
  6. No way Do not use an oatmeal mask for the skin around the eyes. If you created it based on milk, then it is best to soak cotton pads in it and apply it to your eyes. It is much safer and more effective than other options. The vitamins and substances contained in milk will remove minor imperfections under the eyes and minimize the likelihood of dark circles.
  7. Oatmeal mask Apply to the face, neck and décolleté area. Paradoxically, it is these parts of the body that will begin to reveal your real age earlier than others. The skin on the neck and décolleté is very delicate and thin, so most often it quickly dries out, becomes depleted, and wrinkles appear on it.

Popular face masks based on oatmeal

1. Cleansing basic mask.

This is the simplest recipe that many girls use. Two tablespoons of finely ground flakes will be poured with boiling water. Next, you need to wait a little for the mass to infuse. After 5-6 minutes and at a time when it reaches the required temperature, you can apply the product to your face. The skin must first be cleansed, and the mask will remain on the face for up to 20 minutes. It must be washed off when it is completely dry. Cool water is usually used for this.
The biggest advantage of this mask is that it can remove acne, pimples and inflammation without any problems. An oatmeal face mask for acne is used even if the problem is pronounced, and no cosmetology procedures or visits to a dermatologist give the desired result. An excellent effect can be obtained if you make such a mask once every 2 days. In less than two weeks, you will be able to see clear skin and minimal breakouts.

2. Prophylactic oatmeal mask.

We recommend reading: Eyelash lamination: how is it done?

It is a very popular option among girls and women who want to keep their facial skin in excellent condition for as long as possible. Additionally, the product removes small wrinkles and makes the skin velvety and silky.
To obtain this effect, every evening before going to bed, you need to wipe your face with a decoction, which is prepared as follows: two tablespoons of oatmeal are boiled for 10 minutes, after which the broth is filtered and cooled.
If you want to get a very quick and noticeable effect, then you need to use one low-fat kefir - 1 spoon, a little salt, a teaspoon of honey, a spoonful of cereal. All of the above components are mixed and applied to the face for 20 minutes. This oatmeal face mask has excellent reviews. In addition, on the Internet you can see photos with results before and after using such a miraculous remedy.
Maximum results and velvety skin can be obtained when washing first with warm and then cool water. This needs to be repeated several times. Thanks to this approach, the facial muscles will noticeably strengthen, and an excellent, even skin color will be guaranteed.

3. Cleanse your face with a mask.

To do this, you need to mix a teaspoon of heavy cream, 3 medium strawberries, two tablespoons of oatmeal. The product can be used not only as a mask, but also as a fairly delicate scrub. It is applied to the face in circular motions, perhaps even lightly and rubbing. The minimum time the mask remains on the face is 10 minutes. Afterwards, the consistency will need to be rinsed off with warm water, and then a moisturizer will be applied to the skin.
As a result of using such a mask, you can get skin rich in vitamins, which will be well cleansed. The advantage is that such a mask can easily correct the relief of the skin of the face and even out the skin color.

4. Vitamin mask with oatmeal.

To create it, you need to mix oatmeal, which was ground in a coffee grinder, natural liquid honey, yogurt and olive oil in equal proportions. The resulting consistency is applied to the face for 20 minutes, after which it will be washed off. By the way, this face mask made of oatmeal and honey is perfect for the neck and décolleté area. Therefore, calculate in advance the amount of funds used and their proportions.

Many women note that a combination such as oatmeal and honey can have a really wonderful effect on the skin. The skin will be enriched with vitamins A and E, due to which wrinkles will disappear and an even and beautiful skin color will appear.

5. Universal oatmeal mask.

To create it, you need to mix freshly squeezed orange juice, liquid honey and oatmeal, which were previously ground in a blender/coffee grinder. All products are used in the same proportion, but usually one spoon of each component is enough for the face. The resulting paste will be applied to the face and neck for 20 minutes. It is best to wash off the mask with a pre-prepared chamomile decoction. This will help further tone and rejuvenate the skin.

Mash the banana thoroughly with a fork, add 3 tablespoons of oatmeal to it. Two tablespoons of sour cream are added to the consistency, and the mask will be applied to the face and neck, which have previously been cleansed. The Hercules face mask is left on the skin for 20 minutes, then washed off with regular warm water. The final touch will be the application of nourishing cream.

7. Summer mask.

To create, you need to mix 3 tablespoons of oatmeal with wild strawberries or strawberries. You can also use raspberries. Here you also need to add a tablespoon of parsley, which was previously finely chopped. After mixing, all components are applied to the neck and face area. It is necessary to leave it on for 30 minutes, and then rinse with cool water. It is important to apply a light, non-greasy cream to your face after the procedure.

A separate advantage is the fact that absolutely all the ingredients for a mask with oatmeal can be found at home, even without first purchasing them for cosmetological purposes. At the same time, by changing the components in the mask, you can find a product that is suitable for both teenage and mature skin. This will provide excellent care and help saturate the skin with nutrients.

Hello, dear ladies! Today I continue the topic of fighting wrinkles. And I chose the healthiest product. A product that, according to nutritionists, cosmetologists and other experts, has long acquired a reputation as the most cleansing product. Did you guess it? That's right, it's oatmeal.

Masks made from it are useful for everyone. An oatmeal face mask helps against wrinkles, treats acne, soothes sensitive skin, nourishes, refreshes, cleanses pores, relieves inflammation - it’s simply impossible to list all its advantages. Making it at home couldn’t be easier: pour boiling water over oatmeal or oatmeal and add a spoonful of honey – beauty! But why does such a simple mask work so well?

Composition and properties

What are oats good for skin? Well, let's start with its consistency. It is good for masks because it contains starch. Have you steamed oatmeal or flour? This means that you know that in this case a kind of paste is formed - a thick, enveloping mass. It dries on the skin, tightening it with a mask, and while it dries, it nourishes our skin with vitamins and a bunch of other useful substances.

Here are the vitamins oatmeal contains:

  • Carotene is a substance that helps absorb vitamin A (by the way, A itself, despite all the statements found in various sources, is not found in oats, so oatmeal should be eaten with butter, and it is useful to add a pharmaceutical vitamin to a face mask).
  • A number of B vitamins.
  • Vitamin E (tocopherol).

Here are the microelements:

  • potassium;
  • calcium;
  • magnesium;
  • sodium;
  • sulfur;
  • phosphorus.

By the way! I recently learned that foul-smelling, dangerous and poisonous sulfur is a “mineral of beauty.” Its influence on the skin, hair and nails allowed this element to be named so. And in the body, sulfur is part of the most important amino acids and is involved in the synthesis of collagen.

Now we get to amino acids. These substances in oats are very important for us. After all, thanks to them, all metabolic processes occur in our body, cells breathe, skin is renewed, rejuvenated, collagen and elastane are produced. And there are plenty of amino acids in oats, and their ratio is simply ideal, both for internal and external use.

Proper Use

Here are some tips to help you get the most out of your mask.

  1. You can make masks from cereal, but personally I prefer flour. How to cook it? It’s as simple as that: I throw the flakes into the coffee grinder and in a minute it’s ready. Flour makes masks thicker and their consistency more delicate.
  2. Before preparing the mask, the flour (or flakes) must be specially prepared - brewed or at least steamed with boiling water to form a thick mass. Then you need to let it brew for about five minutes. After this, you can add the remaining components into it.
  3. Apply the mask only to cleansed skin, avoiding the area around the eyes.
  4. How long should we keep the mask on our delicate faces? No more than 15-20 minutes: oatmeal dries out quite quickly, so exposure time is limited.
  5. Try to use this wonderful cure for aging not only externally, but also internally: eat oatmeal. Then the impact will be complex, and therefore more complete.

And now, dear ladies, when we have figured out the composition, action and proper use of oatmeal, we move directly to the goal - recipes.

Kiselnye shores

Why jelly? I have this from my childhood. My grandmother often cooked oatmeal jelly. Yes, so cool that we cut it with a knife. It was incredibly tasty! But now my grandmother passed away, and her jelly recipe was forgotten; no one cooks it.

But today we will prepare oatmeal jelly for completely different purposes. We have beauty on schedule today, right? So, to prepare the oatmeal mixture for the mask, pour two tablespoons of water into a bowl (you can use milk or a decoction of herbs), add a spoonful of oatmeal to it. Let's put this stuff in a water bath and, stirring constantly, bring it to a boil. As soon as the mixture begins to thicken, remove from heat and cool.

All! This is an oat base. And to it you can already add all the nutritional benefits listed below. Which? Attention!

Mask with honey

I told you about it just recently. But there was no talk of combining it with oatmeal, but in vain - this is an excellent mask, especially for dry skin. So, take our jelly mixture (if you’re in a hurry, you can just pour a spoonful of oatmeal with a spoonful of hot milk) and add:

  • a spoonful of honey and
  • a teaspoon of sour cream
  • if the skin is dry, mix oil into the resulting mass - olive, butter, avocado or wheat germ oil.

Another version of this mask - with the addition of an egg or just egg yolk - is ideal for aging skin.

With avocado

Mash half an avocado into a soft puree. Add a couple of tablespoons of oatmeal (or cereal). Bring to the desired consistency by adding olive oil.

With tea

The simplest but very effective mask. We steam (or brew!) the flakes with hot tea (for two tablespoons of flakes or flour - a spoonful of tea). Black tea is for dark skin, green tea is for fair skin. The high antioxidant content of green tea guarantees that you will regain your youthful appearance. And if the tea contains mint, it guarantees a calming and cooling effect.

There is also a variation with herbs - initially mix oatmeal with crushed flour (, sage or, see which one suits you best) and steam this mixture with milk or just water. Finally, it’s good to add a spoonful of honey.

With cottage cheese and fruits

To the oatmeal base, add an equal amount of cottage cheese and any fruit puree: apples, kiwis, bananas, persimmons and strawberries will also come in handy. You can dilute the mask with fruit juice - this will give an additional tightening effect - or with dairy products (milk, cream, sour cream) to give the skin smoothness.

With starch

A very interesting mask with a double lifting effect. What is needed for it:

  • spoon of oatmeal,
  • starch - a tablespoon,
  • the same amount of milk (or cream),
  • two spoons of mineral water,
  • teaspoon wheat germ oil
  • tablet

We combine two bases - oatmeal and starch (read how to brew starch for a mask in), add wheat germ oil. First soak the mummy in 0.5 tablespoons of water (so that the tablet melts), and then add it to the general composition. Apply to face and leave until dry (15 minutes), rinse with warm water.

Flakes? Flour? Milk!

The most valuable thing in any product can be extracted by infusion, thickening, and extraction. And one of such ways of extracting useful substances from oatmeal (flakes) is to obtain oat milk. In fact, this, of course, is not milk at all, but even an infusion - and it initially gained popularity in official medicine - as a medicine for treating the liver - and only then - in cosmetology.

Oatmeal infusion recipe

It’s very simple to prepare: for 150 g of oats (grains or flakes - whatever you like) take 1.5 liters of water. Water temperature and cooking time vary depending on the raw materials.

If we cook from grains, we steam it in a thermos with boiling water overnight, if from cereals, we fill it with water a little warmer than room temperature for only 20 minutes. Then we scroll in a blender and get a thick jelly - not jelly. We filter - here it is, the famous oat milk.

It can be used both internally and externally - in any case, its benefits will be invaluable.

  • Inside. They drink it 2-3 times a day, always before meals - about 30 minutes. It cleanses the body, treats the gastrointestinal tract, liver, all kinds of gastritis-cholecystitis-pancreatitis - and, accordingly, improves the skin.
  • Externally. Use it as a facial tonic. Apply to cleansed skin for 20 minutes, rinse, shine - by the way, in the literal sense of the word, this is not washing your face. After this oatmeal tonic, the skin is filled with a delicate matte glow - it’s a miracle!
  • Another option for using milk is to pour it into molds and freeze. I’ve already talked about the benefits, but here’s another recipe for your treasure chest.

A slightly modified variation on the theme of oatmeal tonic in the video:

Are there any harms?

Now, as usual, we need to write about contraindications - but there’s nothing to write about. There don’t seem to be any contraindications for oatmeal – unless you have a rare case of allergy to cereals. So be careful about the ingredients that you add to the mask - and if they do not cause negative reactions in you, then feel free to use the mask.

Write in the comments which oatmeal masks you like. Your feedback is very important to me. And I say goodbye to you, dear ladies. Until new masks!

Oats are a widely used seed crop in agriculture. This annual cereal is used not only for culinary purposes, but also in medicine and cosmetology. Oatmeal contains a large amount of starch and protein, vitamins A, B, K and E, zinc, selenium, iron, silicon, copper and other components that are essential for healthy skin.

Thanks to its rich composition, a homemade oat face mask can bring considerable benefits to both oily, combination or dehydrated, parched skin. The product effectively nourishes and smoothes wrinkles, normalizes the secretion of the sebaceous glands, delicately exfoliates dead cells, treats inflammation and acne. In addition, oats are hypoallergenic, rarely cause unwanted reactions and are suitable for girls with sensitive skin.

In order for a home remedy to have the desired effect, you should know the nuances of its manufacture and use. If you are planning to make an oatmeal face mask at home, please read the following guidelines carefully.

You should choose the frequency of procedures based on the condition of your face. Girls with excessive sebum production can undergo treatment every 3 days; for normal skin type, one session per week is enough, and for dry skin, the optimal interval between application of the product is 10 days. To get a noticeable result, you usually need to complete a course consisting of 10-15 procedures.

A classic face mask made from oatmeal or oatmeal is very simple to prepare - you just need to pour boiling water over the product and wait about ten minutes. If you want to enhance the effect of the home remedy, you can add other components to it. Usually honey, natural oils and fermented milk products are used for these purposes.

Cleansing recipes

Cleansing your face with oatmeal is an excellent way to gently remove dead skin cells, eliminate oily shine and get rid of blackheads and inflammation. Based on the condition of your skin, choose one of the following recipes.

Mask for oily skin types

If your face is often shiny from excess oil, has enlarged pores and is prone to inflammation, try using a mask recipe made from egg whites and oatmeal.

You will need:

  • 40 grams of oatmeal;
  • 1 chicken egg white;
  • 30 ml boiling water;
  • 1 green tea bag;
  • a piece of lemon.


  1. Pour boiling water over green tea and leave to steep for 5 minutes.
  2. Pour the resulting infusion over the oatmeal, wait another 5 minutes.
  3. In a separate bowl, beat the egg white, then add it to the cereal and stir.
  4. Squeeze the juice from the lemon wedge (you should get about 5 ml), pour it into the other ingredients, stir everything again.

The mixture is applied to the face with light touches along the massage lines and removed after 15 minutes. The procedure can be performed every 4 days.

Oatmeal for dry type

A cleansing face mask made from oatmeal is also suitable for women with sensitive, moisture-starved skin. They should definitely add softening ingredients to it, for example, kefir or plain yogurt.

You will need:

  • 40 grams of oat flour;
  • 5 grams of baking soda;
  • 30 ml kefir with a fat content of 3.2%;


  1. Place the flour in a small bowl, add baking soda and mix the ingredients.
  2. Heat kefir in a microwave oven or in a water bath until warm.
  3. Pour the fermented milk product into the remaining ingredients and beat the mixture until smooth.
  4. Apply the mask and wait until it dries, then wash with warm water.

After the procedure, be sure to lubricate your skin with moisturizer. As a result of such cleansing, the face may turn slightly red, so it is advisable to carry out the treatment in the evening.

Anti-inflammatory mask

Women suffering from acne, rashes and inflammation on the skin will benefit from a home remedy with an infusion of medicinal herbs, which are sold in pharmacies.

You will need:

  • 40 grams of oatmeal;
  • 3 grams of celandine;
  • 2 Aspirin tablets;
  • 3 grams of chamomile;
  • 30 ml boiling water;
  • 3 grams of string.


  1. Mix dried herbs, pour boiling water over them and let steep for 15 minutes.
  2. Strain the liquid, pour it into the container with the cereal, stir and leave for 10 minutes.
  3. Crush aspirin into powder.
  4. Add the crushed medicine to the swollen flakes and stir.

The mask does not have to be applied to the entire face; you can limit it to problem areas only. When washing off the product, act extremely delicately, do not rub the skin.

Anti-wrinkle remedy with oatmeal

Women with noticeable signs of aging and a dull, expressionless complexion will benefit from a face mask with oatmeal and honey, which perfectly refreshes, tightens the skin and smoothes out wrinkles. Another ingredient required for this mask is flaxseed oil, for which you will need to go to a pharmacy or supermarket where there is a department with cosmetic products.

Flax oil is a natural product that is obtained by cold pressing from flaxseed. It is rich in unsaturated fatty acids (linoleic, oleic and linolenic), vitamin E and folic acid, effectively fights wrinkles and visibly smoothes the skin. When purchasing this product, pay attention to the packaging - the product should be sold in a dark glass or plastic bottle. High-quality linseed oil has a golden-transparent hue and has a specific aroma reminiscent of fish oil. After opening, the product must be stored in the refrigerator.

You will need:

  • 40 grams of oatmeal;
  • 5 ml linseed oil;
  • 30 ml boiling water;
  • 5 grams of liquid honey.


  1. Pour boiling water into the oatmeal, stir and wait 10 minutes.
  2. Heat the honey in the microwave or in a water bath.
  3. Add it to the flakes along with flax oil and mix thoroughly.

This rejuvenating oatmeal face mask has a complex effect on the skin, nourishing, moisturizing and stimulating the regeneration of epidermal cells. To achieve optimal results, carry out the procedure once a week for 2 months.

Women's opinions

Reviews of women who have already tried this product on themselves often help make a decision in favor of a particular cosmetic product. Here's what they write about homemade oatmeal masks.

  • Anastasia (26 years old, Nizhny Novgorod): “I’ve been using oatmeal for facial care since I was young. It makes my oily skin matte and velvety, and my pores noticeably narrow.”
  • Irina (31 years old, Ekaterinburg): “I love oat masks for their naturalness, ease of preparation and excellent effect. The face just glows after them.”
  • Alexandra (39 years old, Obninsk): “I have sensitive skin, once a week I always make a mask with oatmeal. It moisturizes well and quickly relieves irritation.”

As you can see, recipes for oatmeal face masks are considered effective by women of all ages. The main thing is to follow the rules for preparing the product and wisely select the accompanying ingredients.

Nutritionists say that those who start their mornings with oatmeal are not only cheerful all day, they also remain more energetic into old age and live longer than those who do not like oatmeal.
How can one not use these magical properties of oatmeal in cosmetology? After all, oatmeal is useful not only when taken orally, it accelerates cell regeneration, and oatmeal masks will make the skin of the face and body more youthful and give it a radiant appearance. Regular use of oatmeal masks helps get rid of pimples and blackheads. How to properly make a mask from oatmeal?

Oatmeal face mask

First, you need to note exactly what beneficial substances are contained in oatmeal. Oatmeal includes:

  • verntramid,
  • beta glucan,
  • active biological substances,
  • fatty acids,
  • minerals,
  • vitamins.

This is the “modest” list of ingredients that regular oatmeal has. Now we’ll tell you exactly how all these components can help. Take, for example, the first substances: ventramide and beta-glucan.

They are absolutely unique in their properties and have an antioxidant effect. An excellent proof of this fact is the information that the best cosmetic companies always add these substances to their products.

And do not forget that all drugs that help soften, moisturize and even rejuvenate the skin must include beta-glucan and ventramide.

Now let's move on to the beneficial vitamins that are also found in oatmeal. Vitamin E and silicon, which are part of oatmeal, have very important properties. Silicon in particular has a unique smoothing effect.

It can easily rid the skin of fine wrinkles and will help heal colloidal scars on the skin without any problems.

Oatmeal face masks recipes

Let's look at the most effective recipes.

Recipe 1 - Homemade oatmeal face mask for wrinkles - oatmeal - honey - olive oil - kefir (milk - cream)
Mix 1 tablespoon of oatmeal and 1 teaspoon each of honey, olive oil and kefir (milk or cream). Mix and apply to face for 10-15 minutes. Wash off the mask with a brewed chamomile tea bag. Then wash your face with the tea itself and let it dry on your face naturally.

Recipe 2 - Oatmeal mask for dry skin – oatmeal – yolk – cream
Grind 3 tablespoons of oatmeal in a coffee grinder, add 1 egg yolk and 2 teaspoons of cream. Apply to face for 10 minutes. Rinse off with warm water.

Recipe 3 - Mask for aging facial skin with oatmeal at home - oatmeal + honey + cream + carrot juice.
Pour 2 tablespoons of oatmeal with 4 tablespoons of warm, heavy cream and let the flakes swell. Add 1 tablespoon carrot juice and 1 teaspoon honey. Apply to face and décolleté for 15 minutes. Wash with warm water and lubricate the skin with nourishing cream.

Recipe 4 – Oatmeal face mask - for tired skin – oatmeal – honey – kefir – lemon juice
Pour 1 tablespoon of oatmeal with 3 tablespoons of kefir, let stand, add a quarter teaspoon of lemon juice and 1 teaspoon of honey. Mix everything and apply to face. Rinse off after 20 minutes with warm water. Wash with weak cold brewed green tea and do not get wet. This mask is also suitable for dry skin.

Recipe 5 – Folk oatmeal face mask with a tightening effect – oatmeal - salt (soda)
Pour 1 tablespoon of flakes with 4 tablespoons of boiling water, let stand, add a quarter teaspoon of salt. Stir well. Apply to skin for 10 minutes. Rinse with water at room temperature.
If you use this mask to get rid of acne, you need to add soda instead of salt.

Recipe 6 – Homemade oatmeal mask for normal to oily skin – oatmeal – cream – apple juice – orange juice – parsley
Pour 4 tablespoons of thick warm cream into 2 tablespoons of oatmeal, let it brew, add 1 tablespoon of fresh apple juice and 6 drops of orange juice, mix, apply the mask to the face for 20 minutes. Wash off with warm parsley decoction.

Recipe 7 - Oatmeal face mask for sensitive skin – oatmeal – olive oil – honey – essential oil
Pour 2 tablespoons of oatmeal with 2 tablespoons of boiling water, add 1 teaspoon of olive oil, half a teaspoon of honey, 1 drop of tea tree essential oil. Mix everything, apply the mask on your face for 10 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Recipe 8 – Face mask with oatmeal - “For those over 30” - oatmeal + honey + grapefruit juice
Pour 2 tablespoons of oatmeal with 4 tablespoons of grapefruit juice, let it swell and add 1 teaspoon of honey. Wash off with chamomile tea after 15 minutes. For dry skin, grapefruit juice can be replaced with a decoction of linden blossom - 1 tablespoon per quarter cup of boiling water. Wash off this mask with a decoction of linden blossom.

Recipe 9 – Oatmeal mask to brighten facial skin
Pour 2 tablespoons of oatmeal with 4 tablespoons of hot water, crush after 10 minutes and apply to the face for 15 minutes. Rinse with water at room temperature.

Recipe 10 - Oatmeal mask for facial skin with a rejuvenating effect - oatmeal + aloe vera + olive oil
Grind 2 tablespoons of oatmeal in a coffee grinder, pour 2 tablespoons of boiling water over them, let them swell, add 2 tablespoons of aloe juice and 1 teaspoon of olive oil. Apply to face and neck for 10 minutes, rinse with warm water, and then wash with cool water.

The Best Oatmeal Face Masks

A mask with oatmeal and honey is a simple and inexpensive way to refresh and nourish your face at home. This mask will relieve inflammation, nourish the skin and make it smooth, and also promote facial skin regeneration. And all this thanks to the healing properties of the components of this simple mask:

  • Honey contains fatty acids and minerals, moisturizes and smoothes the skin. Honey also helps clean pores and is a good bactericide.
  • Oatmeal rich in proteins, fats and carbohydrates and contains a lot of useful elements - iron, calcium, iodine, phosphorus, zinc, silicon, vitamins E, B and fatty acids. Oatmeal also contains B vitamins biotin, which is good for the skin and prevents dermatitis and antioxidants, giving youth.

Before choosing a mask recipe suitable for your skin, we remind you that honey is a strong allergen and if you are allergic to this product, it is better not to risk it and look for other recipes for face masks at home.

Honey and oatmeal face mask recipe

Take a teaspoon of slightly warmed (to a liquid state) honey and a teaspoon of oatmeal. Mix the ingredients into a thick sticky mass and apply the honey and oatmeal mask to a thoroughly cleansed face for 10-15 minutes. Wash off the honey and oatmeal mask with warm water.

We also suggest you try other popular nourishing masks with oatmeal and honey that you can prepare at home:

Face mask made of oatmeal, honey and yolk

Pour boiling water over 2 tablespoons of oatmeal, grind the oatmeal into a soft paste and add 1 egg yolk and a teaspoon of honey. Mix thoroughly and apply for 10-15 minutes. This mask with egg yolk, honey and oatmeal is good for dry skin.

Homemade face mask with oatmeal, honey and milk

This mask whitens and nourishes the skin. To prepare the mask you will need 1 protein, a teaspoon each of milk, honey and lemon juice, as well as oatmeal. Beat the egg white, add milk, honey and lemon juice. Add oatmeal until a thick mixture is obtained. Apply the prepared mask of oatmeal, honey and milk to cleansed facial skin for 15-20 minutes, rinse with warm water.

Oatmeal, honey and olive oil face mask

This mask will refresh and well moisturize your face. To prepare the mask, mix 1 tablespoon of oatmeal with 1 teaspoon of plain yogurt and grind to a medium consistency. Then add 1 teaspoon of liquid honey and a teaspoon of extra virgin olive oil and mix thoroughly again. Apply the resulting mixture to your face for 15-20 minutes, rinse off the oatmeal-honey mask with water at room temperature.

Traditional face mask made from oatmeal

Now we will learn how to prepare the simplest basic oatmeal mask. Follow all the steps, and in just a couple of minutes your beauty mask will be ready.

Cooking method:

  1. Take 2 tablespoons of oatmeal.
  2. Boil water in a kettle.
  3. Pour boiling water over the required amount of flakes.
  4. We wait 3 minutes for the flakes to brew.

Our mask is ready!

So we were able to prepare a basic face mask from oatmeal without any problems in a couple of minutes. Now you can use it and see the amazing effect.

Using an oatmeal mask for acne

When the mask is ready, it can be applied to the skin of the face. Remember that you should only apply the mask to previously cleansed skin. Keep the mask on your face until it dries completely. After this, you can wash off the oatmeal mask.

Advice: For best results, rinse off the oatmeal mask with cool water.

How can a basic oatmeal mask help your skin? It will give you the opportunity to get rid of severe acne and annoying pimples.

The results are known that when no cosmetic product helped get rid of such an unpleasant problem, it was the oatmeal mask that helped. It is best to do this mask every other day, and you will very soon see amazing results on your face.

Quick effect of an oatmeal mask

If you don’t have time to make a mask regularly and you need a clean face without pimples and blackheads literally today, then oatmeal can also help you with this. There is a secret that will help make an oatmeal mask for acne fast-acting. To do this, you just need to add a teaspoon of soda to our basic mask and mix the resulting mixture.

In this option, you will see a clear result after the first wash off of the oatmeal and baking soda mask. What will happen to the face? After combining oatmeal and baking soda, the pores on your face will immediately shrink, redness will disappear, and your skin color will become as even and “alive” as possible.

After the first time, you will be able to see how the skin will become matte and the appearance of oily sheen will disappear. Pimples, of course, will not disappear the first time, but they will become almost invisible after the first use. Therefore, in emergency situations, you can use oatmeal to get rid of troubles on your face in this cunning way.

Nourish and cleanse facial skin

In order to completely cleanse the skin on your face, as well as enrich it with vitamins, you need to use a special cleansing mask made from oatmeal. To prepare it, you just need to mix the same 2 tablespoons of oatmeal, 1 teaspoon of heavy cream and 3 small strawberries.

Advice: The scrub mask is best applied with massage movements in a circle, rubbing it into the skin.

This mask should be kept on your face for about 10 minutes and then washed off with warm water. It is best to use a facial moisturizer after this procedure.

We enrich the skin with vitamins: add honey and kefir

If you want to arrange a holiday for your face and “feed” it with the healthiest vitamins, then let’s start preparing the most nutritious and healthy mask. To do this, you need to mix oatmeal, olive oil, liquid honey and kefir in equal proportions.

This face mask with oatmeal and honey will not take a lot of time and money, but it will bring a fantastic effect on the face. You need to use this mask of kefir and oatmeal once or twice a week.

It is best to keep this mask on for longer, about 20 minutes. Then the skin of the face will be provided with the most beneficial vitamins A and E, and will acquire an even color and a pleasant velvety feel. And you can completely forget about wrinkles!

The perfect oatmeal face mask

This cereal contains antioxidants that are important for skin health. These are aventramide and beta-glucans. The latter substances are involved in moisturizing the dermis, and therefore oatmeal for facial skin is widely used in cosmetology to create facial and hair care products. These include moisturizing, toning, rejuvenating and softening serums, creams, lotions, and mask compositions.

Oatmeal also contains biological additives that are vital to the dermis and have a high level of activity. They form a successful “symbiosis” with vitamins B and E, various fatty acids, potassium, phosphorus, and silicon. Thanks to the latter, oatmeal for the face is very useful because it helps colloidal scars heal faster.

How to properly apply an oatmeal face mask

  1. Before putting a face mask with oatmeal on the problem area, clean it with scrubs. Use a cotton swab to do this.
  2. For better absorption of the product by the skin, first apply a warm compress to it for 5 minutes. For this, use a terry cloth soaked in chamomile infusion or heated water.
  3. If the dermis is dry, it is recommended to lubricate it before the procedure with any cream with nutritional properties.
  4. Apply a face mask with oatmeal to the surface in a thin layer, rubbing further along the entire perimeter (excluding eyelids and lips). Do this gently, slowly, moving along the massage lines.
  5. To prevent the mixture from getting into your eyes, cover them with a tissue.
  1. Important! If you choose between large and small flakes, it is better to give preference to the second option. These are the ones that are considered the most useful.


The oatmeal selected for the mask is medium-sized, clean, without black spots. It is measured with a tablespoon

This face mask with oatmeal and honey is prepared as follows: mix flakes (20 g), honey heated on the stove (1 teaspoon), kefir - 1 tbsp. l. Let the mixture cool, then lubricate problem areas with it. Wash off the mixture after 10 minutes. This product not only tightens well, but also gives the skin a natural glow.

To relieve irritation

Soak flakes (20 g) in warm kefir (50 ml), add 1 tbsp. l. cream. Wait until the raw material swells; it should become soft, without lumps. Mix it with 2-3 drops of carrot juice. Use oatmeal as a face mask to apply to problem areas, after 15 minutes, wash with water. It not only perfectly relieves irritation on the face, but also helps with redness, minor inflammation, and acne. Suitable for all skin types.


Option 1

Pour natural yoghurt without fruit over the oatmeal. The mixture should be quite thick. Add 1 tsp to it. linden honey of liquid consistency, the same amount of olive oil. Mix everything well and rub the mixture over the desired area. After 20 minutes, remove it with a damp cloth. This oatmeal face mask leaves your skin feeling fresh, moisturized and fresh.

Option 2

The composition of coarse wheat flour with Hercules flakes also cleanses the dermis quite well. Mix two ingredients (1 to 1), pour them with lemon juice, diluted in half. The liquid must completely cover the raw material. Take a little mass with your fingers, rub it into your face, follow the massage lines. Face masks with oatmeal made from this composition are left on the surface for several minutes, then removed using wet wipes. After washing, lubricate the treated areas with moisturizing cream. Over time, you will be able to whiten your face a little at home and make it cleaner.


Add 15 g of oatmeal to liquid sour cream (2 tbsp.), mix them. Pour 5 drops of lemon juice over the ingredients (fresh is needed). Apply the mass to the face using the pads of your fingers. Having done this, oatmeal face masks at home are left for a quarter of an hour. Afterwards, rinse with water. Prepared according to this recipe, it cleanses, tones and refreshes well.


Mix kefir with oatmeal in a container with a spoon. The consistency is medium thick, the mass does not spill on the face and dries well. Stir the mixture until there are no lumps

This remedy will help with acne on the face. Pour boiling water (3 tbsp) over oatmeal (1 tbsp). The mass should not be very thick and not too liquid. Let the mixture sit until it cools. Then apply it to the desired area. It is important to do this so that the oatmeal face mask for acne lies in one layer, evenly. Then sit like this for up to 10 minutes. Remove it when it hardens a little. To achieve the desired effect, it is recommended to use it once every other day.


Pour boiled black tea over oatmeal (1 to 2). Stir the resulting mixture, cover with a lid, and let it brew. After 10 minutes, add 5 drops of lemon or orange juice to the container and stir the mixture again. Place it on your face and let it sit for 10 minutes. Complete the procedure by washing with water (warm!). This oatmeal mask is suitable for dry and problematic skin that needs cleansing and toning. It helps it become smoother and more elastic.

Moisturizing + acne

Option 1

Mix all ingredients together. Apply an oatmeal face mask against acne using massage movements in a circle. After 20 minutes, rinse off the composition and use a moisturizing cream instead. This option is suitable for those with problematic, dry skin with acne.

Option 2

With a normal type of dermis, it is better to prepare such a remedy. Mix crushed walnuts (volume 50 ml) with olive oil (1 tsp), honey (1 tsp), pumpkin pulp (1 tablespoon) and flakes in an amount of 2 tsp. This composition is used three times a week as a peeling, a cleansing face mask of oatmeal and honey, and a moisturizer. It also helps get rid of unhealthy skin tone.


To care for oily skin, it is recommended to mix cucumber puree without peel and flakes in equal volume. If it is dry, then you can add a little wheat flour to these components. Then you need to beat the mass, take it with your fingertips and rub it into the desired areas for 2-3 minutes. After 15 minutes, wash it off.

Oatmeal used as a mask for the face allows, according to reviews of those who resort to it, to solve a lot of skin problems. With their help, you can whiten it, clean it, nourish it with valuable substances, restore it, improve elasticity, and much more. etc. At the same time, preparing such a product does not put a strain on the wallet and does not require much time.

Video: Oatmeal face mask