Project participants have a magic shelf "Weekend with your favorite book" filled not only with rescued books that the children read, played with and sketched in their diaries, but also with books they made with their own hands. Participants share their ideas for creating books with their children of different ages. 6 master classes for every taste, from a folding book to a printed book in several copies, were prepared by passionate mothers. I'm sure you'll like a few ideas and want to repeat them with your kids.

Folding book “Memo”

Our folding book is called “Memo”.

Manufacturing process:

A long strip of paper was folded like an accordion. The cover was glued on. The title of the book “Memo” was placed on the cover of ready-made letter stickers. The child glued the animals. The book has 2 spreads on one side and one spread on the other side. The size of the finished book was 105x150 mm. Materials used: paper, cardboard, stickers.

There were a lot of ideas for creating a book, but the child doesn’t really like making up fairy tales yet, so we decided to make a reminder. It described the child’s actions during the day, by time of day. The book has three spreads: morning, afternoon, evening.

The morning begins with making the bed, washing, brushing teeth, breakfast, and kissing family members.

During the day we walk, wash our hands after going outside, have lunch, and study. In the evening, I wash my hands, have dinner, put away the toys, read books (although we read books at any time when the desire arises), brush our teeth, bathe and sleep soundly.

The illustrations were selected in accordance with the text, as simple as possible, since my mother drew herself. Although the book turned out to be simple, my son really liked it. We are very inspired and are collecting material for the alphabet!

Starchevsky Svetlana and Andrey 3 years old, Krasnoyarsk

Book with opening windows for little ones

Manufacturing process:

  1. Take sheet A4;
  2. Bend it in half on both sides;
  3. Cut in the middle. The folded half is the page;
  4. We do it this way required quantity pages;
  5. We put all the pages together with the fold outward, and put the last one in reverse - this will be the cover;
  6. We fasten with a stapler.

For us, these were opening windows, where Dasha would stick a suitable animal (ready-made stickers) and read how it spoke. She herself decorated the cover (clippings from magazines). Later we will add pictures to the book, choose a rhyme for each animal and color everything.

Evgenia Vasilenko and daughter Dasha, 4 years old, Kiev

Fairy tale "About a miracle"

The process of creating the book took several days. First, Sonya and I came up with and wrote down a fairy tale about a girl Asya.

Once upon a time there was a girl. Her name was Asya, and she was four years old. On New Year Santa Claus brought Asa many gifts: new doll, plush dog, beautiful dress with tights and magic wand.

Asya decided to try a magic wand. At first she wanted a bag of sweets, waved her magic wand, but nothing happened. Then Asya cast a spell: “Cracks, fex, pex! I want a lot beautiful bows and pins!”, but again nothing came of it. “And it’s not magic at all,” Asya was upset and put the wand in a box with old toys.

Meanwhile, the weather outside had worsened. In the middle of winter, everything began to melt, puddles and slush appeared. Returning home from work, Asya's mother got her feet wet and fell ill. She had a fever and a sore throat. Mom was lying in bed, and she felt so bad that she couldn’t even play with Asya.

Then Asya decided to bake a raspberry pie to cure her mother. She took a cookbook and found a recipe, but there was a problem: Asya couldn’t read and didn’t know how much flour, butter, sugar and eggs to put in! Asya was already ready to cry, when she suddenly remembered the magic wand. She ran to her room and found the wand among the old toys.

Then she took the wand and said: “Wand, please help me bake a pie for mom. I really want my mom to get better!” And then the whole stick lit up, sparkled, and everything around - the cookbook, bowl, spoon, whisk, rolling pin - came to life! Together they helped Asya knead and roll out the dough, lay out the filling and put the pie in the oven.

When the pie was baked, Asya took the most delicious piece to her mother with a cup of hot tea. Mom ate the pie and immediately felt better because it was baked with love!

Then I typed the text on the computer, and my husband printed it out at work. The fairy tale is printed on A4 sheets in landscape orientation, so the finished book is A5 in size. The circulation is small - only two pieces. One copy was illustrated by grandfather, and the second by Sophia personally. The covers are made of scrapbooking paper. Books are sewn together using paper clips.

Olga Silina with her daughter Sofia Nefedova 4.5 years old, Moscow

A book about the adventures of Ant and Grasshopper

We made a book to add to our magical bookshelf.

Mikhail is 6 years old and he composed his own adventures. After the experience with Khrustik, I decided not to interfere at all in the process of creating the author’s book and only wrote down his thoughts, sometimes I only helped with the active use of the dictionary, that is, in the selection of synonyms and adjectives. It turned out unusual and I patiently wrote it down.

The Adventures of the Ant and the Grasshopper

Winter in the forest. The grasshopper and the ant are sleeping in their houses.

With the onset of spring, they wake up and go towards each other, as they miss each other very much after the winter. When they meet, they are very happy and go to play fun games in the forest, in a clearing.

Tired of the mess in your nursery? Tired of endlessly collecting toys for your child?

And when summer came, Ant’s old friend, the Scientist Beetle, came to see him for his birthday and told them that he knew the bird Lila, which flies high, above the clouds, and she knows that far beyond the forest there is a high mountain on which the magic Dragon lives.

Two friends decided to go on a hike to meet the Dragon. As it became known, he breathes magical fire and that fire grants as many as 18 wishes! Friends prepared gifts for him: gold ring with a wolf's claw, a basket of wild berries and fairy flower in the form of a bell, the pollen of which lifts the mood and tells fairy tales.

The Grasshopper and the Ant walked for a long time through the forest, spent the night in a cave, reached a waterfall, went down on a boat made of sticks, swam in the lake, came out into a clearing and noticed an unusual flower with purple leaves. They had never seen anything like this anywhere. Lifting the petals, the friends noticed a magic wand and a boulder stone with a hole. They “stuck” it there, the stick began to fall asleep and it turned into a lever.

The grasshopper suggested pressing the wand, and immediately after this action a mountain appeared in front of them, on the top of which the Dragon's castle appeared.

The Ant and the Grasshopper began to climb up to the castle, entered it and found a very sad Dragon sitting in a chair.

The dragon was surprised by the arrival of unusual and unexpected guests. He had never encountered such creatures before. They got to talking and the Dragon said that he was very lonely, no one was friends with him. Everyone thinks he is evil and bad. But in fact, he loves to do good deeds and help.

Talking about good deeds, Ant and Grasshopper remembered the gifts and handed them to the dragon. He really liked them. The dragon invited his new acquaintances to drink tea with a cake made from milk clouds, and decorated it with donated berries. They had a lot of fun and interesting time together, but it was time to say goodbye and go back. The friends agreed that they would meet again and would now play together and visit each other.

Then we gave older sister(13 years old) our manuscript for illustration. Thus, she received the task, and dad was taken to correct stylistic errors. (But I asked him not to judge too much and not to change Misha’s “style” in order to preserve his language). After all the events, I received everything prepared for layout. I printed it, added illustrations (my daughter sketched them from the Internet) and printed them out.

Next, Mikhail and I assembled the book, glued it together, chose the cover and fastening details. We ended up with a half A4 book (I printed it in two columns). At first they wanted a hard cover, and then Misha saw the felt and wanted a soft cover as well. The result is a double cover, felt on the outside, thick cardboard on the inside. The pages themselves are glued together, the cover and book are connected decorative cord.

We really enjoyed the process, which we slowly stretched out over three days and worked on in the evenings. Now our book takes its rightful place on the magic shelf and Misha treats it very carefully and with pride.

Svetlana Radionova and son Mikhail, 7 years old, St. Petersburg.

Stitched book with poems

This is not the first time we have made a book. We usually use different techniques. This time we decided to sew a book. But first things first.

The first thing Jaromir did was write a story. This is what happened:

One Fox attempted to kill the Hedgehog.
He is lying in his grass,
Curled up like a ball.
And Lisa saw a fungus,
She walked towards him and stepped on the Hedgehog.
She howled loudly.
I pinched my paw.
Hedgehog quickly - to the river,
and to the other shore that is in the distance...
But Lisa couldn’t catch up.
She sat down and cried...
And darkness fell into the woods...

At the same time, they repeated what a rhyme is and how to compose it.

Then my son, with some help from me, typed the text on the computer and printed it out.

Then we selected the pictures. We looked through Jaromir’s works and chose the ones that suited them: a fox, a hedgehog, fungi, a copse with a windbreak, we even found a picture of a hedgehog swimming. We scanned them and reduced them to the right size and printed on a color printer.

Once the content was selected, production of the book itself began. The notebook was made from ordinary A4 sheets, folded in half - the result was A5 format.

We added a cardboard cover - we cut it a little larger to fit the sheets themselves. Then the whole thing was stitched with thread. Thus, the book was almost ready. All that remains is to design the cover. We chose green fleece for the cover. We cut out a piece of fabric for the cover with an allowance of 1.5 cm. We cut off the corners, folded them and glued them to the cardboard cover with double-sided tape. Then they sewed a paper nameplate with the title of the book and the name of the author onto the front cover. And they glued to the back of the cover the free sheets of the book block specially left for this purpose. The cover is durable and at the same time soft and pleasant to the touch.

The book is ready. All that remains is to fill it. Jaromir cut out pictures and lines from the poem from the printouts. I arranged them on the pages of the book and glued them with a glue stick.

The process turned out to be quite labor-intensive, given that the child either did everything himself or actively helped. But the result pleased the child. Jaromir was proud of his creation. I looked at her for a long time myself. And then I happily ran to show the book to my dad.

Anastasia Kalinkova and Jaromir 4 years old, St. Petersburg.

Book about a hedgehog

We decided to make a book about a hedgehog who picked apples. Since our kids are small, I used cardboard and glued it with paper. I made holes with scissors and wove a braid of thread to fasten the pages of the book.

Then they pasted pictures that the kids painted, and mom wrote the text. The most difficult thing was writing with a pencil on cardboard; I had to press hard on the pencil. The book is not finished yet, in the evening the boys will help finish drawing and pasting the pictures.

Making the book took about 4 hours, but I first thought about what materials we would use and where to get the pictures. We used some of the pictures that the child made in kindergarten. I found suitable pictures for coloring from the available ones. I usually print 9 pages per sheet, which results in a convenient format. The text was already invented for the pictures.

I liked the process of making the book, and children like to read such a book. And why haven't we made books like this before? We will definitely repeat.

Oksana Demidova, Fedya 4 years old and Anya 1.3 years old, St. Petersburg.

And now options for the little ones! Even kids can create a book with the fairy tale “Teremok”. This is how the participants of “Fairytale Kaleidoscope” did it in one of the creative tasks.

Fairy tale book "Teremok"

We decided to make a book based on the fairy tale “Teremok”, because... she's one of my favorites. The tower itself is a house made of bricks (price tags), a roof (a triangle made of colored paper) and a fence (made of matches).

The pages were designed in different ways - pencil drawings (the forest where Masha got lost), appliqué (the bear's house), clippings from magazines, the Internet (Masha and the Bear, tree stump) and even from an oatmeal box (to show what kind of porridge Masha prepared for Bear). Words were written on some pages because... My daughter is already very interested in letters, we are looking for the letter A in words.

Most of all, my daughter likes the portraits of her grandfather and woman at the beginning of the book; she laughs and closes and opens the page many times.

Anna Popova and daughter Euphrosinia, 1 year, 7 months, St. Petersburg.

Do you make your own books with your children? Tell us in the comments!



Vepr, 2014

Gelakhova Alexandra, Gerber Nikolay, Sergeev Daniil

Selection of pictures and computer graphics –

Kravchenko Andrey, Golikova Daria, Sergeeva Anna

Under the leadership of Sidorovskaya E.S.



For students and teachers primary school

educational institutions

With an application on electronic media


Municipal educational institution "Veprevskaya secondary school named after. F.V. Morina"

Club “Let’s find out for ourselves”

Vepr, 2014

This number is one.

Thin nose, like a knitting needle,

I hung it down. Sad,

After all, she is only one.

Like a little soldier.

She can't sit down:

She is standing at her post.

The nose always looks to the left.

Where will we meet units?
Each bird has one beak,
A dolphin has one tail
And the peacock has one tail,
An elephant has only one trunk
The steering wheel is the same for all cars,
The Earth has only one Moon,
We can see her at night.

Counting books

One, two - head.

Three, four - they sewed a fur coat.

Five, six - eat porridge.

Seven, eight - we carry spoons.

Nine, ten - knead the dough.


Ten clothes are tightly dressed,

He often comes to us for lunch.

But only you call him to the table,

You won’t even notice how you shed tears.


Proverbs, winged words

    A zero without a stick is a worthless person.

    Zero attention is complete indifference to anything.

    There is nothing new under the sun!


We had fun at the Christmas tree

And they danced and frolicked.

After good Santa Claus

He gave us gifts.

Gave huge packages

They also contain tasty items.

I started to open the package,

Two candies in blue pieces of paper,

Five nuts next to them,

Pear with apple, one

Golden tangerine.

Everything is in this package!

Count all the items!


How many bagels in a bag

Did you put it down, Cockerel?

- Two, but we’ll give it to grandpa,

And it will remain...

= ?

Counting books

The cuckoo walked past the net,

And behind her are small children.

Everyone shouted: - Ku-ku-mak!

Remove one fist!

Tongue twisters

In one wedge, Klim, stab.


Antoshka stands on one leg

They are looking for him, but he does not respond.


One color in winter and summer.

(Christmas tree)

Proverbs, winged words

    One spring in your homeland is better than a hundred springs in a foreign land.

    One bee will make a little honey.

Dad drank tea early in the morning,
I ate the bagels appetizingly.
The son took the steering wheel from the bowl,
I thought about it a little,
I drove away the moth with my hand
and said: “She’s like ZERO!”
If you put a zero on the table,
You won't be able to eat it.
Zero is nothing, empty space,
Neither a picture nor a dough,
Nothing: no honey, no chalk..."
...What did daddy eat with his tea?

A number like the letter O -

This is zero or nothing.

The round zero is so pretty

But it doesn’t mean anything!

If on the left next to him

We will accommodate the unit,

He will weigh more

Because it's ten.

Counting books

Nine, eight, seven, six,

Five, four, three, two, one!

We want to play hide and seek.

We just need to find out

Which one of us will go looking?


Guess what, guys?

What kind of digital acrobat is this?

If it gets on your head,

Will it be exactly three less?


Proverbs, winged words

    The ninth wave is the highest rise, takeoff.

    To distant lands, to the distant kingdom - that is, very far away. It was there that Ivan Tsarevich went for the firebird. Far away is 27, that is, three times 9.

Number two is still strange:
Looks like a swan.
Proud, majestic,
Walks everywhere like a peahen.
He is very friendly with the one,
With my own sister.
Divides exactly into two parts
And he behaves so modestly.
It's a pity when for knowledge
A bad grade is given as punishment.

Where are the twos? You know? No?
Remember the bicycle!
These are not miracles -
It has two wheels.
The marten has two eyes
Every bird has two wings.
Do you remember that a person
There are two eyes and two eyelids.
Two arms and two legs...
What else? Help me!


An old elephant is walking in the jungle,

He is both lonely and sad.

But his son came up to him,

And the elephant is no longer alone.

There's a puppy sitting on the porch

Warms his fluffy side.

Another one came running

And sat down next to him.

+ = ?


Mom put it in the oven

Bake pies with cabbage.

For Natasha, Kolya, Vova

The pies are already ready

Yes, one more pie

The cat was dragged under the bench.

Yes, even from the stove five

Mom needs to take it out.

If you can, help -

Count the pies!

Is the number nine a bun?
Or maybe a ball?
This cat Barsik is sleeping,
And the tail lies like a hook.

Where can we find nines, friends?
Why are they playing hide and seek?
I looked everywhere for them, like,
But nines do not exist in nature.
Sorry for the mistake,
I see a nine-story building!

Counting books

Like in our hayloft

Two frogs spent the night.

In the morning we got up, ate cabbage soup,

And they told you to drive.

Tongue twisters

Two woodcutters, two woodcutters, two wood splitters.


Two brothers look into the water -

The centuries will not converge.


Proverbs, winged words

    Sorrow for two is half grief, joy for two is two joys.

    He who helped quickly helped twice.

And behind the deuce - look -
The number three appears.
Three is the third of the icons.
Consists of two hooks.

Everyone only needs three,
She is very playful.
Three frisky horses -
Symbol of my Motherland!
At school, a three is not a flirt -
A very modest mark.
But full of courage
On the tricolor Russian flag!

Counting books

The counting begins:

A jackdaw sat on a birch tree,

Two crows, a sparrow,

Three magpies, a nightingale.

Tongue twisters

Eight couplers couple the tanks.


Eight legs are like eight arms

Embroider a circle with silk.

The master knows a lot about silk.

Buy, flies, silk!


Proverbs, winged words

Spring and autumn – there are eight weather conditions per day.


At one big table

We sat down next to the gnome gnome.

Snow White is with them

The table was set with honor.

She has everything in order!

Just how many spoons do you need?


A hedgehog walked through the forest,

I found mushrooms for lunch:

Two are under the birch, one is near the aspen.

How many will there be in a wicker basket?

+ = ?

Marinka entered the class,

And behind her is Arinka.

And then Ignat came.

How many guys are there?

Counting books

We're going to play.

Well, who should start?

One, two, three -

You start.

Tongue twisters

In Polycarp's pond there are three crucian carp and three crucians.


Triangular board,

And there are three hairs on it.


Proverbs, winged words

It takes three years to learn hard work, and only three days to learn laziness.

You probably guessed it with me too -
To the snow woman

IN Eight is similar.
Let spring come

Both summer and autumn,
She does not melt in the sun - Number eight.

Let's ask nature together,
Who has eight of what?
The spider has eight legs
The stalk is thinner than a hair.
An octopus has eight legs
There are many suckers on the legs.

Counting books

One, two - the ducklings walked,

Three, four - we went home.

The fifth trudged after them,

The sixth man ran ahead

And the seventh fell behind everyone else.

He got scared and squealed: “Where are you?” Where are you?

Not food! We are nearby, look...

Tongue twisters

Khariton has four crayfish and three newts in his aquarium.


Four fours,

Two spreaders.

The seventh vertun.


Proverbs, winged words

    Seven with a spoon, one with a bipod.

Someone at night an old chair
Turned it upside down.
And now in our apartment
He became number 4!

What kind of squiggle is this?
Like a chair was turned over?
This is number four
Everyone knows in this world.
All animals have so many legs
And at my furniture.
As soon as I get a four,
I'll do what I want!
Mom and dad will be happy
They will give me a reward for my work:
Scooter, soccer ball
And a puppy to boot!


I draw a cat's house:

Three windows, a door with a porch.

There's another window upstairs

So that it is not dark.

Count the windows

In the cat's house.


Our Masha got up early,

I counted all the dolls:

Two Matryoshka dolls on the window,

Two Arinkas on a feather bed,

Two Tanyas on the pillow,

And Parsley in a cap

On an oak chest.

How many are there?

I can’t with this number
Work in the meadow.
She looks like a braid
But he can't cut the grass
Not sharpened at all
And the number 7 does not mow down.

You know, this is not a question:
How many stripes are there in a rainbow?
In order are you ready
List seven colors?
Seven days in any week
We wouldn't want it anymore.
Day after day, a series of names
Say it out loud in a row.

Counting books

One, two, three, four,

Let's count the holes in the cheese.

If the cheese has a lot of holes,

This means the cheese will be delicious.

If there is one hole in it,

So it was delicious yesterday.

Tongue twisters

Four turtles have four hatchlings.


There are four legs under the roof,

And on the roof there is soup and spoons.


Proverbs, winged words

    Without four corners, a hut cannot be cut.

    The horse has four legs, and even then it stumbles.

If FIVE turn over
And take a close look,
And then return again -
We get the number FIVE!
No matter how you spin the top five
Won't lead you astray!
You will study well
And it's GREAT to receive,
And always your mark
There will be a number FIVE in school!

Shows off in the notebook again
Number five, like in a parade.
The number five in a person
You can immediately see:
Five fingers on each hand,
Five toes.
On a five-pointed star
The five corners shine forever.
We love the number five
We receive in notebooks.
This means you are an excellent student
And you behave yourself.
This figure is simply awesome!
It makes us all very happy.

Counting books

I'll drink six springs,

I eat six stacks of grass,


Turnip in the ground

She sat down tightly.

One can't handle it alone

And behind the old grandfather

The tail is long

Everyone came to one.

How many are there now?


Three chickens are standing

They look at the shell.

Two eggs in a nest

They are lying with the hen.

Quickly count:

How many chickens will there be?

At my hen's?

Counting books

One, two - Moscow.

Three, four - we are in Siberia.

One, two, three, four, five -

Get out in Moscow again.

Tongue twisters

Again, five guys found five honey mushrooms near a tree stump.


Five boys, five closets.

The boys went into dark closets.

(fingers and gloves)

Proverbs, winged words

    Like the back of your hand - know it very well.

    From fifth to tenth - this is what they say when, instead of listing in detail, someone jumps from one to another.

But for what? But for what?
Is the number SIX similar to ours?
Imagine! Imagine!
And give me ideas!
There's something about the letter "B"
Baba, Pants, Blouse
Just a rounder number!
How do you like the load?

Six athletes, six guys,
Puck, sticks, ice, hockey.
The score is 6:6, and again: “Goal!”
Our coach is very angry!

I made this Rainbow book with my own hands as a gift for my son for 9 months. Now he is already 7 years old, but the book is intact and is still loved by children! True, some spare parts, such as tree branches and snowflakes, have been successfully torn off long ago, but this is not so important. And the important thing is that every mother can make a children’s book with her own hands! Why buy educational books if we ourselves can make them even better, because they are copyrighted and exclusive! Do you want me to tell you how?

We need:

- colored cardboard;
- pencil, ruler, scissors;
- glue;
sharp object for making holes (drill, screwdriver or just an awl) and a spring from a notebook (string) for stitching the book together;
- available materials, pleasant and interesting to the touch, and at the same time safe, which are great for illustrating a book: cotton wool, yarn, foil, various materials.

How to make a children's educational book:

Have you come up with a theme? Great! I decided to make a book about the colors of the rainbow!
It is better to make pages from cardboard - this is a durable material that will withstand repeated reading of your favorite book! You can glue sheets of cardboard in pairs with the inner sides facing each other, and draw or stick illustrations on the front ones. An applique book is even more interesting than a hand-drawn one! It’s so fun to explore with your fingers (and for the development fine motor skills healthy). I pasted pictures from different materials:
- cat - made of yarn;
— the foliage on the tree is made of sparkling green rain;
- clouds - made of cotton wool;
- snowflakes - made of paper;
- stars are made of foil...
And you can also use leatherette, velvet, and corduroy - imagine what a wealth of sensations for tiny fingers! You just need to glue it very firmly and with non-toxic glue.

Pictures are a priority in children's books, especially for toddlers. But you can supplement them small texts, for example, poems, and my own composition!

We sew the finished pages together by making holes along the edge and fastening the book together.

We give a homemade book to a child and read together! I am sure that a handmade book will definitely become a favorite!